Minutes 1966-10-25 CITY ~OUNCIL OCTOBER 25, 1966 ARRQYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Pro Tem Tho~pson presiding. Upon roll call, Councilmem Levine, Schlegel ~ and Burt reported present. Mayor Wood was absent. PLEDG~ OF ALLEGIANCE .AND INVOCATION M~yor Pro Tem Thompson led us in the Pleclge of Allegiance to our flag, and immediately thereafter Pastor Glen Peters of'the First Presbyterian Church of Arroyo Grande gave the invocation. MINUT~ .~PPROVP.L - MEETING OF OCTOBER 11, 1966 'The minutes af the regular meeting of October 11, 1966 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARR.ANTS A motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Council - man Levine, that GENER.AL WARRANTS No. 351 to and including No. 384 in the totel amount of $16,937.57, AND PAYROLL WARRANTS No. 525 to and including No. 596, in the total amount of $10,697.18, BE AUTHORIZED AND ORDERED PATD. Motion unanimously carriecl. TREASURER"S REPORT A further portion of the Treasurer's Report for the month of September, 1966~ was received, reviewed and ordered filed by the Council. PROGRESS REPORT LAFCO COMMITTEE ON 5 CITIES' CONSOLIDATION Councilman Burt, the City's representative to the named com- mittee, advised the Council that the individual working committees were active at this time, and further, that the first regular meeting of the entire commit~tee is scheduled for the month of November, 1966~ .ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE CREATING A NEV1 ZONING D2STRICT AND AMENDING THE ZONE DISTRICT MAP CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT '(CBD) After Council discussion, the subject ordinance was read through the title by ~he City Attorney; thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilman Burt, to dispenae with reading the balance of said ordinance. Motion unanimously carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1 C.S. ORDINANCE OF THE ~ITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADDING ARTICLE 25 TO CHAPTER 4 OF TITLE 9 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL COAE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW ZONING DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS THE CENTRAL BUSTNESS DISTRICT OR "CBD DISTRIGT" On motion by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYESs Councilman Levine, Schlegel, Burt ancl Mayor Pro Tem Thompson NOES: None ABSENT z Mayr~r Wood the foregoing Ordinance was adopted t~his 25~'h day of October, 1966. ADOPTION OF SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE After Council discussion, the subje~~ ordinance was read through the title by the City Attorney; thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Burt, secondecl by Councilman Schlegel„to dispense with reading the balance of saicl ordinance. Motion ~ unanimously carried. _1_ ~ CITY GOUNCIL OCTOBER 25, 19~6 ,ARROYO GRANDEp CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 ORDTNAN~~ NOo 2 CmSe ORDINANCE OF THE ~I'~'Y OF AR.RpYO GRANDE AMENDTNG CHAPTER 3 OF TTTLE 9 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SUBDT~TTaION REGULATIONS On motion by Counca.lman Lev~.ne~ ~econc~ecl by Counc3lman Schlegel, ancl on the followa.ng xo11 ca11, voteA to wi~.: AYES: Counci,lm~ra Lev~n~, S~r~legel, Burt and Mayor Pra Tem Thompson NOE S ~ None ABSENT; Mayor Woad the foregoing Ordinance wa~ adapt~d t~.a,~ 25~h day of October, 1966. ADOPTION OF ORDTNANCE RE~ ABATEM~NT OF A.CCUMULA"~ED WASTE MATERIAL After Couneil discus~ian~ the subjec~~. arcl~nan~e was read through ~'he title~ by t'he C~,t~~ A~.torney~ ~:h~area~ter a motion was made by Councllman Levin~, seconded l~y Coun~~.~.n~an Bur~~ to dispense wi~.h reading t'h~ balance of' said ordinance. Motion unani- mously carried~ ORDINANCE N0~ 3 CTS~ ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF .ARROYO GRANDE ADDING CHAPTER 6 TO TITLE 4 OF THE ARRQYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CC?DE ~tELATING TO TH~ AHATEMENT OF ' OF ACCUMULATED WA~TE ~iATERTAL On motion by Counca.lman ~chlegel~ seconaed by Councilman Burt, and on t'!~e followfng ro~.l ca1T vote~ to wa.t; AYES ~ Cc~uncilm.~r~ 'Levine, Sc'hlegel ~ Burt and Mayor Pro ~'~m Thompson NOES; Non~ ABSENTa Mayor Wc~od the for~goin.g Ordinanc~ was a~opt~d t~his 25t'h day of Octo'ber~ ~.966~ S.AN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY L+I~3RAR"Y' AT ARR4~t'O GRANDE NEW LOCATION TZ~e City Adm~nist~rator r~aacl a let~~r f'rom Mrs, Lois Crumb, County L~brarian~ whic'h adv~.~ec~ t'hat as of t'he middle of Nov~mber, 1966, ~,he new loca~tion of t'~e~ ~ubj~ct lik~rary wou~.d be at 127 Bridge Street~ Arroy~a Grancle~ lsuch prem~ses previously occupied by tYie U. S. Scai1 Conser^~ata.on Servlcel r T1~e Coun~il acknowleclged favorably this ~ubject loca~.a.on c'hang~, REPORT OF FIRE PREVENTTON WEE)K ACTIVITI~S OF ARROYO GRANDE FIRE DEPT. FOR 1966 BY FIRE CHIEF The Council received such report and commende~d the entire Fire Department for thefr outstancla.ng pr~s~:n~tation and r~presentation during ~his seeond Annual Fire Prevention Week for Arroyo GrandeA from October 10th through 14th. 1966. REQUEST OF FRANK ALDER RE. R~LTEF ON WATER BILL FOR WATER SERVICE AT ~~DUDS" N SUDS" AR~20Y0 GRANDE, CALIFORNIA After presentation of t'h~ subject let~~.er requesting an ad~ust- ment on the water bi11 se~vi.cing the °Duda" anel Sud~°~ and dated Octob~r 11, 1966~ AND AF'T~R p~esen~at~ion of t'he report of investiga- talon an,d resultant conc].us~.on by ~the Direc~.ar o~ Public Work~, 'clated October 21, 1966F AND AFTER COUNCIL DTSCUSSION~ a mo~ion was made by Counci,lman L~vine, secon,cled by ~ounca~lman Burt~ that~ the requeat of Mr. Frank A'lder for an adjustm~r~~ or~ 'hi~ weter b~111 dated Septemb~r 20, 1966 for wa~er us~ac~~ at~ t~e "Duc18 ° N Suc1~" ~~M ~ ~ CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 25, 1966 AI~ROYO GRANDE , CALI ~'ORNIA PAGE 3 b~ denied, such clenial bea~n.g based upon the report and concluding recommenda~fon of the Di~ector af Publ~c Workg, as contained in his investigation-recommenda~.ion repor~. of ~ctober 21, 1966, which is hereby accepted and approved by the Council. Motion unanimously c~rried. LQPEZ D.AM PROJECT - PROGRESS REPORT Councilman Levine gave a d~~ailed report of the tour held last Saturday on the actual sa.~.~ ar~a of the propo~ed recreational facilitie~. Followir~g such tour the Zor~e 3 Adva.sory Coznmitt~e met and discussed in detail ways and means for the op~ration of the re- creational facilities to be self-suppQr~ing~ i. e., (1) strict and posf~.ive control of acc~ss to the r~creational £acility, (2) fer~ce such facility immed,iately upon acquisition of the prop- erty for recreatiorz, ( 3) boat 1.aun~ehing area to be within the recreational facility on1y, (4) oft-parking ~torage area for boats and house trailers~ (5) proper and capab7,e operation of concessions within the park, ancl (6) that a~ leaat~ a compl~;ted recreational area of the new pro~ect si~e be availabl~ for use equal to that of Rout- zahn Park recreational area at the tirne of final closure of saicl Routzahn Park, SOUTH SAN LUIS OBTSPO COUNTY SANITATTON DISTRTCT - PROGRESS REPORT The City Administrator adva,sed the Counc:tl that~ all operations of the District's £acili~ies were continua.ng in a satisfactory manner, 13th ANNUAL (7.966) ACCOUNTING AWAR,D PLAQUES RECEIVED BY CITY (STATE-WIDE COMPETITION AMONG CALIF~ CITIES,~ UNDER 35,000 POPULATIO Mayor Pro Tem Thompson presen~ed for visual review the two plaques received by the City of Arroyo G~and~ at the,League of Callfornia Cities' Convention in San Diego on Octob~r 17, 1966, which award to this City is r~presentativ~ o~ t~h~ greatest lmprovement in account- ing procedure during~ the 1964-~6~ f~.scal y~ar, OPEN HOUSE CORPORA.TION YARD NOVEMBER 6. 1966~ 2 to 4 P.M. The Council was r~~minded of ~h~.s schedu].ed open house at the Corporation Yard~ and was adv~.sec1 ~,hat p~,ans for same are progressing sati~factorily. Commenda~ior~ to the private ~eon~rae~ors and our City foree~ was extended by t'l~e City Administretor for t~heir mutual cooperationin the accompl i s'hment of a'" j ob we11 done" . . INVITATION BY PTSMO BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERGE FOR COUNCIL'S P.ARTICI - PATION IN THE ANNUAL CLAM FESTTVAL PARAT)E , NOV'E~BER 1.2, 1966 The Council accep~ecl suc'h invitation~and acknawledged that at least ~'our member~ o~' t'he Council would be paxticipating. LEGISLATTON RE, CURBSIDE MAIL BOXES - T'he City Administrator advi~ed that notif~cation had been re- ceived through a newsletter of Congrossman Burt L~ Talcott, dated October 17th ].ast, that the certain regulation of t'he U, S. Po~t Office Department pertaining to requisite curb9ide U. S. mail boxe~ had been rescinded. (Reference is h~reby nnad~ to this City Council'e previous action concerning same as confi,ained in their mi.nutes dated May 24, 1966 and June 28, 1966.) PUBLIC HEARING ADOPTION OF THE PP.RK AND RECREATION ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN Mr. Larry Wise of Hahr~, Wise and Associate~' Planning Conaultante und~r the 701 Program for the City of Arroyo Grande, gave a report- _3_ ~21 CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 25, 1966 ARROYQ GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 review of the purpose and progress to date of the Park ancl Recreation Element of the General Plan for this Citya which plan has heretofore received approval by this C%ty's Planning Commission. Thereafter, this being the dateo time and place f or a public hearing on the subject proposed Park and Recreation Element of the General Plan, Mayor Pro Tem Thompson declarecl that all conditions as required by law had been met, and she further declared such hear- ing was now open anc~ all persons desiring to speak either f or or against thi.s subject matter would now be heard. There being no person pregen~. ~.o ~peak for or against the subject public hearing matter, Mayor Pro Tem Thompson cleclared the hearing clos~d. After Council discussion and resultant approval, a resolution to effect the adoption of the Park and Recreation Element of the ~ General Plan was read throug'h the title by the City's Attorney. A motion was then m~ade by Counci7.man Schlegel, ~econded by Council- man Burt, to dispense with reading the balance of said resolution. Motion unanimously carr~ed, RESOLUTIO N NOm 722 A RESOLUTION OF THE CTTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPT'ING THE PARK AND RECREATION ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN On mot:ion by Couneilman Schleg~l, seconded by Couneilman Burt~ and on the followin.g ro11 ca11 voteo to wit~ AYES: Councilmen Levine~ Sc'hlegel, Burt and Mayor Pro Tem Thompson NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Wood the foregoing Resolution was adop~ecl t`his 25t'h day of October, 1966. STOP SIGNS VALLEY ROAD AND TRAFFIC WAY Councilman ~c'hlegel brought to the attention of the Council the fact that the temporarily installed $top aigns at the sub,ject intersection seemingly were not serving the ~ntended purpose. After Council diecuasion, the City Administrator was directed to follow through on t'his matter~ ancl furt'her clirected to take any and/or a11 nece~sary action to effect proper stopping of a11 vehicular and pedestrian trafffc a~ the intersection in questinn. DRAINAGE PIPE - LOCATED AT VALLEY ROAD AND TRAFFIC WAY - QUESTION ON REASON FOR REDUCTION OF PIPE FROM 30" to 24" - BY COUNCILMAN SCHLEGEL After Council cliscussion, City Coneulting Engineer Hob Garing was directed to follow t`hrough on t'hfs matter and give the Council a report on his findings. REQUEST FOR PERMISSION TO BE OUT-OF-STA.TE BY COUNCILMAN SCHLEGEL After verbal request presentatf~on by Councilman Schlegel, a motion was made by Councilman Levine~ seconded by Councilman Burt, that the request of Councilman Sc'hlegel for permi~aion to be out-of-~tate from October 28, 1966 to and including November 15, 1966, be granted and authorizecl. Motion unanimously carried. _4- ~~~i CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 25, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Burt, ancl unanimously carried, th~ Council adjourned to an Executive Session at 8;15 P.M. ADJOURNMENT After reconvening in fi.he Council Chambers with members of the Council being pre~ent as hereinbefore specifically named, and upon motion by Councilman Levine~ ~econded by Councilman Burt, , azd unanimously earried, the mee~.ing adjourned at 8:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M., Octob~r 26, 1966. ~ ATTEST: ~ ITY CLERK MAYOR PRO TEM FIQ -5-