Minutes 1966-10-26 323 CITY ~OUNCTL O~~°OBER 26°th, 1966 ARROYO GRAND~~ CAL~FORNIA °~he C~°~y ~ounc~l m~t a.~ ad~~~z~°~~~ ~~g~L~~ se~sa.~n wr~.th the C,~°ty Pa~°ks and Rec~e~°t~~z~ ~r~z~~a.~s~c~z~, i.T~cs~ ~~11 c~.~,l,~ G~~.ncilz~en Lev~.ne, Schlegel, Bu~~ e~nd Mayo~ Pxo ~"~zn. ~"h~zn~s~a~ r~~o~°ted p~esent, Mayor Wood was ab~~n°~ , Pa~ss~n~t ~rozn. ~rl~~ P~x~~C~ c~~e~ R~c~~a°~ior~ Gommission were Com- missiane~s F"~~.?~°kz,, S~~~o~h~~~ '~~,l~.eyp ~a~~n,x~~.~s a,nd Ghai~ma~a McNeilo GENERAL DISCLTSSIQNNE~vI S~'a ~'R0~']~R~[°Ya ~D~r~e~~ax C~ca~,~,~~ x~va~~a~c1 ~ox °k~~ ~~u:~,~~.~ a~.e3. ~o~c~a.~~~.on a ~eport and mag in~~~..ud~ng es~~.z~~,°~ed ~os~ b~~~akrl~wrx~ p~' ~x p~°o~sosed prel~m3nary Park deu~lc~~~~~a°~ ~a~ ~he Ee~~~t ~00 ~e~~ a~ ~k~~ Elzn. S°~re~~t p~opertye A copy ~the x~p~~~ ~~ad zna,p ~a,d b~~n sw.a..bzn,~~t~d °~a °~kae Council and Com- miss~oa~. ~h~i~ ~~va.~~nr pr3oz~ ~ca ~~ha~s m~~°k,a.z~~, ~'h~ d~s~u~~a.a~ ~~g~~di~ag ~'r~a~a~~..c~~ :a,~.~°~pv~z~~~~s ~an E1m S~, was xesQ~,ved ~Y~,~,~ e~ x~~a~~~ ~aa.°~~ x~r~cam~~a~d~°~.z,~;~~ ~ae ~equ~s~ed fzom °khe City Pub~a.c tn1r~~~CS D~~~z~z~en°~~ STR~ET °~REES A, ~°~apman~~d~~ca,~x~ tnr~..~~Z ~a~~~;l.~,ma~~s,cary rs:~ ~c~~~, tx~ee spe~c~.es and 1o~a°~~.pza~sda~~d C3c~c,b~~ 2~, ,~~66 ~rex~ ~r.~s~~~~d s~~i~dulir~g a~ree pl~,nii~~r~g g~~~rc~~x ~a~.~,h:~~ Ss.a,bd.a~~:~~~a~~s ~z~d a,~.,~o a~~ t~~ Pa~~way on Gxar~d Ave o b~°h~r~~z~ ~~,m S ir w a~d l~~xl.cy~az~ ~c~a,d o Commissa~oz~e~ 8~~°~a~h~x~ •x~vi~w~d ,~c+~ ~~h~ ~~u.n~~.1, and Com~iss~,io~ ~he subd,~va:s~,on s~~~ic~z~ a~` ~th~ r~~car~ cau~:~a.~~.z~~ °kh~ sch~duls a~d ~osts pro- pos~d to ~ala,z~°~ wi~~1~a.~ s~x~~.va.~,z~~z~s wha~~h ~ac~v~ noi~ yet m~°t C3ty requa.rem,~a~~s z€~c~a~da.~.~ ~+~m~m (~°h.e C~,°~~r a.~ ~~1cla.xzg s~v~ra~. cl~eposi°ks from develo~sexs ~'cr~ s+a~.d cx~d ~,l.s~ ~t°h~ p~w~~a,m ~ka a~e~~.~,c~, wiithir~ sub- divisions, ~~~e~s °~~«a,°~ d~d ~.~a°~ e~~re~wr~ Co~mzna.ssi~oz~e~ '~esl~.~y ~ev~ew~d °~~e~ ~l~,rz~kir~g schedule e?nd costs ~or ~the ~arlc~aay r~z~, Gx~~c~ A.v~~ be~~re~a~ E1n~ S~m ~x~~d Haleyan Road. Di.~e~~or G~~,1.0~ ~~~a~a~°~~d ~rka~~°e wr~s ~~z~aa~~~, m.r~ney budg~e~ted ~.n the Stree~~ ~'r~ee ~a~d~e°k ~kca ~c~v~r ~~e ~o~~s a~ ~~a~~~~~ ~,~a~ ~~r~,king w~~}~ an insuff~aa~en~ a~.o~,~~ ~~maa~;~a,n~ ~a~ nn~~~~t~:~~,z~~~n Mlr, C~11op recaznmended tha~ funds b~ ~sed ~'ram ~~h~ ~'ax~C ~~~r~l~pm~a~~ ~a~~ai~~~a.l Aecaunik ~o cam- plete t~e schedu7.ed ~~c~g;~a,~. °~~ae a.za~~.~,~~a~~ed, Pc~,rk~ Devel opmea~~ ex- per~di~~u~es fp~ ~~e ba;L~z~a~ ~~1~~,~ ~'a~~~~„1. y~ax ~rau:ld b~ less ~than the budge ted a,moun 1~ . A~~ex dis~~s~a~~sn ~,~o,~ P~,~ks ~~,d R~~x~~~,#~:~ca~ ~t~mm~~sa.car~ approva~l of °~hi,~ report e~x~d re~amm,~~c~~,~~.o~R c~ z~atic~z~ ~r~s ma,d~ by ~oux~a~,lmar~ Levin~~ secox~d~d by ~~au~ai,~.,~na,n B~.x~ ~~a,~~ ~h~ ~t~~~ ~al,a.n,~~z~~ p~og~am as ou~klined ~.n ~tl~~ ~°~~o~~ d~~e~1 A~~~~a~~ ~Q.~h ~ ~.9~6 b~ ~approaed ~r~d ac- cepted, A1so t]~c~~ ~£uzads ~;~~~sscxx~r ~r~ ma,~n~kaa,n. ~~,id prag;~am ba allo- cated from~ 1t~e Pa~~s D~~r~lopm~~a~t ~~p;a, ~~1 A.~c~cQUa~~ wh~z~ and i~ z~e~eded, as reaommer~ded k~y Di~ea~t~~r G~llr~~rm M~a~t:a,~~ ~c~~,ca,~dn WIN°~ER RECREA~'TON k'~aG~tA,M The R~axee~~tz.ran, Di~e~lcc~~" ~~~~c~mz~~~dc~~ti~aa~, w~s ~~par~ved ~'ar fih~e Wintez Con°~ezn~aorary Dc~~~~ gx~g~°a,m, ~ax~s~,s~a.z~~ ~a,~' c1~x~nce ~1a~sse~ be~.x~g held ea,ch Sa,°~u~d~y aft~~~~c~x~ fa~am QG~kolo~x ~.966 ~~,~ough February 4°th, 1967, crm.i°k~fiznc~ s~~e~o~. ~ra~~cc~~za~ 5~,~~.z~l~a~~, fta~ a~ °ke~°~cxl a~' 12 week- ly alassess 'T~.is ~~t~ga~~,m a~'~er,~d ga.~~;l~ ~~cazn fih~e ag~e o~' ~4 ~thrcaug~ 18 ~'~a~ a raoz~a~ane~1 ~a~' S~ w AQ ~'aa~ ~~:h~ 12 ~.~~sa~~ o SE~IOR ~I°~'IZEN~ REQ~TES"T ~R RQ~E BOW1~ ~'~#,RA.D~ ~"RIP °~h,e C~~ty Admiz~istr~.t~az xeg~r~t~d ~he Sena~cr,~ C~,~a~~e~r~s had xeques~tecl tha.~k ~~e Ca.ty Re~r~a~~,~c~n D~p~,r°~zn~z~~t ~anv~~~~~~~~ ~r.h~ ~'e~sib~~.;~ty o~' o~gani~~r~~ ~ ~?~~,~~~x~ ~us ~rr~.~ ~t~ Ra~~ B~~al Pa,r~.i3e, ~Afite~ d3~scus- s~,a~ a,z~d a~r~~~n~n°t °~ha~ ~h~x~ w~a~u~d b~ z~~a ~r~s~;~ °~Q ~he C~.~ky ~~garding tha~s ~ee~ues~, R~ca~~~,~t,i~?n ~~~~~tc~r k~~~;~~y ~,a~s ~.r~s~~~~~~~~d °ho ~Ixack into the ~'~asa,ba.l~~y e~~ ~J~i,s ~~qu~s~t and x~~a~~~t ~,~,~k ~a °th~ P~r~C~ and Recrea- ti~n Ca~z~issa~t~n, CITY COUNCIL OC°~OBER 2~th, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALT~ORNIA PAGE 2 GENERAL DISCUSSION~-1966 HARVEST ~ES°I"IVAL AC°Z°IVI°~IESe The annua~ Harvest F°estival Activi~ies jus°t concluded, were dis- cussed wi°kh particular reference ~to the Rec~eation Departments spon- sered Z'een-Age Dance, • S"TAFE"0 S PARKS PROGRESS REPOR°I' TO DATE F°OR 1966-67 e The report was discussed by the ~ouncil arad Commission, Chairman McNe,i.l referred to the diff~cul~ties experienced by the department due to the lack af personnel. GENERAL DISCUSSION - RECREP,,~'ION PROGRAM AND PA1~I~S General da.scuss~on vaas held regard~,ng the Comm~ssions Recreation Program, the Pa~k and Recxeatian Elemenfi o~ the Gene~al P1a~n and of the ne~d to acquire new Park sites. C}~airmar~ MaN~i~ expxessed interest in the San Lu,is Obisp~ Cau~ty Caxpa~ate Yaxd a,s an excellant park site for t~e City. AD,JOURNMENT Upon motion by Counci~man Levir~e, seco~aded by Councilman Burt and unanim~usly aarried the meeting adaourned a,~ 9~,13 P.M. until 7:30 P.M. Novemb~~ 7th, 1966. AT`TEST ~ ~ Ci Clexk Mayor Pro 'I'em