Minutes 1966-11-22 329 CITY COUNC~L NOVEMBER 22, 1966 AR~2dY'O GRP.NDE, CALIFORNIA The Council met in regular se~~ion ~rith Mayor Wood presiding. Upon roll call, Couneilwoman '~hompson~ Counci].men Levine and Burt reported pres~nt. Councilman 5ch~.~ge1 ~ra~ absen~. PL~DGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Wood led u~ in the Pledge af All~g~.an~e to our flag, and immecliately thereafter R~verend John V~. Germaine of the Hethel Baptist Church of Arroyo Grande gave the invocation. MINUTE APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MEETING OF NOV`EMBER 7, 1966 The minutes of the regular adjourned meeting of Nov~mber fid 1~66 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by~ Councilwoman T'h;ompson, secondecl b~y Council-- man Levine, that GENERAL, W.ARRANTS NO. 445 to and inelucling NO. ~472, in the total amount of $15, 949. 65, AND PA~'ROL~ WAR~2ANTS NOm 654 to and ~.ncluding NO. 725, in the total amo~an~ of $10, 518. 22, BE AUTHORIZED AND ORDERED PAIll. MOTION UNA~1'IMOUSLY CARRIED. FROGRESS-STATUS REPORT - RE. CI'~'Y' S SALE,S TAX REVENUE (Resolutlon Requesting County of San Luis obispo to Effect Uniform Sales Tax Transactions for A?11 ~ities of Said Countyt Adopted by this City October 11, 19C6) Th~ Council acknowledged a letter from the Gity of Pismo Beach, stating they were in sympathy w~.th ~h3s C~.ty Qn the matter in queetic~, but it was their feeling they could do nothing about it. The City Administrator advieed he hac~ appeared before Grover , Cit~r's Cauncil, at their meeting of t'he 2]~~t lastt and ~their action at that time was to hold sueh matter of bu~iness in a?a~yar~ce for further advisement and their reaul~tant decisic~n action. The C3ty Aclministrator ~urther advis~cl ~tha~k t`he Cities of Paso Robles and San Luis Obispo have indicatecl'their concurring eupport in ~his sales tex matter, and that it was the intention of each City to write the County of San Lui~ Obiapo accordinglyg AND FURTHER, the City of Morro Bay has inclicated their support, ancl auch subject was to be scheduled aa an item of business at their Council meeting this very evening. TO FURTHER UPDATE THZS MATTER, ~he Count~r of San Luie Obispo ~ has been reque~ted by t'his City to forwarcl a status report, ~which ~ should be forthcoming in the very~ near fu~ure, but to date this City's only knowledge of'action by said County is that a+committee'hae been appointed for review anc~ ~tudy of thi~ sub,ject. The Council directed that thie eubje~t of bu~inesa be kept on their agend~ to keep the Gouncil, se well ~s all other intereated parties, abresst of a11 developmente on t'~is ~ales tax matter. PROGRESS REPORT - LAFGo CONSOLIDATION CO ITTEE ACTIVITY Couneilman Burt advised that the var ous eub-committeee of this group were s~ti11 gathering facts and figu~es, ana it was ~apec9 that all thi~ pertinent information i~ it~ en~tirety would be pre- aented at the next General Committee meeting. ~~r CTTY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 22, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 ARROYO GRANDE DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS' AS~OCI~'I`ION (1) REQUEST TO PLACE CHRISTMAS'CANES WITHIN EACH TREE POT IN DOWNTOWN AREAB AND ' (2) REQUEST FOR PROCLAMATION OF "CHRTS'~MAS DECORATION DAY" IN ARROYO GRANDE ON SUNDAYo NOVEMBER 27, 1966, AND (3) ANNOUNCEMENT OF "CHRISTMAS DECORATION DAY" BARBEQUE ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1966o AT 6 P.M. After Council discussion, a motion wa~ made by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilv~oman Thompson, that the Arroyo Grande Downtown Merchants" ~ssociation be granted permi~~fon to place their Christm~s Cane~ within the Ci.ty°s tree pots in ~he downto~nrn area during the Hsal~day Season of 1966. Motion unan%mou~ly carried. FURTI~R, after Council c~iscussiona a motion was made-by Council- woman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levinea that Sunday, Nove.mber 27, ].966, be proclaimed as °'Christmas DecQr°ation Day" in the City of Arroyo Grande, to thus conform with the request of the Arroyo Grancle Downtown Merchants' Association. Motion unanimously carried. FURTHER, the Counc~l received an invitation from the Arroyo Grande Downtown Merchants to participate in the Beef Barbeque to be held on "CY~ristmas Decoration Day", Sunday. November 27, 1966, at 6 P.M., at Saint Patrick's Hall in Arroyo Grande. RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FEE FOR CODE ~OOK OF CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AND ITS INDIVIDUA~ PAGES ($25.00 for Complete Copy; Ind3vidual Pages $0.07 each with Minimum of $1.00) After Council discussion, a resolution to establish ~ert~in fees applicable to the City'~ Code was read in its entirety by Gity Attorney Shipsey. RESOLUTION NOa 724 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING CHARGES FOR COPIES OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE BOOK AN,D INDIVIDUAL PAGES TO THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE. On motion by Councilman Levin~, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on the following ro11 call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Gouncilmen Levine, Burt and Mayor Wood NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Schlegel, the foregoing resolution was adopted this 22nd day of November, 196F. STATE DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS - RECEIPT OF NOTICE REo CONTROL OF JU Y D AND THE ACQUISITION OF SCENIC AREAS ' The City Administrator advised the Council that such notice was primarily an information matter to notify the City that recently adopted State Legislation prevents the establishment of junkyards unless , and until the requirements of this particular legislation are fulfilled, AND, ~ FURTF~a~, ~that legislation conce~ning the acquisition of scenic ~~°eas along State Highways and Federal-Aided Highways had been passed, but no specific details as to acquir~ng procedure had been included ~ri~h notice. -2- ~31 CITY COUNCTL NOVEMBER 22, 1966 • ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 RECEIPT OF SAFETY AWARD FROM CALTFORNIA CT'I°I~S ` EMPI.rOYEE SAFETY CONTEST PERIOD OF JULY Y.~965 TO J NE 30 1966 HTITHOUT A DISABLING INJURY The Cauncil rec~ived ~he subj~c~ ~~fe~~r award ena expressecl their cammenda~tion to t"he City ~mployee~ for tl~ir efforts in making such an award po~sible. The Council di~~~tecl tha~ a11, City ~mployee~ have knowledge of this sub,~e~~ award. RECEIPT OF PUBLIC BUILI)TNGS° PLAN ELEMEN~' OF TH~ GENERAL PLAN FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Th~ Council cf£icially received ~opies of the subject d.ement for ~heir review and ~tudy. ,ACKNO'~WLEDGMEN'T" ~'ROM SAN ~UI~ OB:I~PO COUN°T~SC PT~ANN~1V'G COMMISSION i AND FROM SAN LUI~ OBI~PO COUN"~Y' F'LOdD GON'~ROL DISTRICT RE~ TH7S CITY COUNCTL'S REITERA"Y"ION T~ SATD`"COMMISSION AND DISTRICT THE REQU7RENI~NTS OF ~ECTTON g-~018.2 OF THE NAMED COUNTY CODE - RE. FUTURE SUBDIVISIONS ZOCATE]~ W~THIN A THRE~ MTLE RADIUS OF A. G. CITY LIMITS (See Council M~.nut~~ of October llb 1966) The Council acknov~rledged correspondence from the San Luis Obispo County P~.anninc~ Commi~~ion and ~he ~aid County Flood Control District, through the County Hydraulic Engineer's Office, in which both the Comtnission and the Distric~ assured ~his City that any ancl aIl action of development pertaining to any major and/or minor subdivisions~ within a t'hr~ee m,ile radius of Arroyo Grande City Limit~ would be presented to t'hi~ City's Planning Commission for their study and consideration prior to any conclu~i~re action by the 8. L. 0. Planning Commission or ~he named District, which procedvre is as has been ~racticed in the pa~t. PAI~C S AND RE CREATI ON COMMT S S I ON - RE CE I P T OF BI DS ON PLANT I NG ~ 221 TREES ON GRAND AVENUE AND OTHER AREAS OF THE CITY Th~ Counail wa~ advi~ed by tY~e City Administrator that informal bids were received on November 22, 1966 at Z2 Noon, for the plantinc~ of 221 street tre~~, which bid~ were ~o include only the planting mix and the labor involved for ~u~h ~ree planting. The following ~nformal bid~ were received, ~s per specifications contained in the Park and Pl~nning Director'~ request for bids dated November 14~ 1966: Pete Moss Redwood Comnost J. W. Rltterbush $ 2,6$3.$1 $ 2,483.81 A1's RedWOOd F'~nC1ng 1,326.00 1,196.0~ Murray Fenee Cc. 2p600.00 2,400.00 Becau~e of the aizeable monetary amount involved, far ~bove the estimateel cost of thie project, the Planning and Park Director had pr~es~nted ~n alternate eolution for finalizing such tre~ planting projeet, 2. E., that the City employ ~wo agriculture workera•and that twc men of our preeent ~taff be ueed for the requisite labor, and that the City purc'haee the nece~e~ary materielst Cost Totalo-$388.00. After Council diacuseion, a motion wa~ made kyy Councilman Levir~p, ~eeonded by Councilwoman Thomp~on, that the bid~ received for plant~,nc,~ 221 tree~ on Gr~nd Avenue ~nc1 in othe,r areas of the City, which bid~ ' ~r~ a~ her~ia~abave specifically ~et fort'1~, , and are hereby made a part of thi~ motion, be rejectedt AND FURTHER, that the City itse~.f p~oceed with the planting of the ~ub,ject trees aa outllnea in the report-~~~~ommendation of the City'~ Park and Pl~nning Director entitled "Street Tree Planting Bid~°', but undated. Motion un~nimo~sly ca~ried. ! 3 ° ,„,~:~a ~3~ CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 22, ].966 ARROYO GR.ANDE a CALTE`ORNIA PAGE 4 RECEIPT OF BTDS - 1967 VEHTCLE ~`OR R'OLICE DEPARTMENT - A BUDGETE~ ITEM The City Administrator aclvisecl °~'~a°t bid~ had. been received for ~ this police vehicle a~ follc~ws: Maury Brennan F°ordo Inc. 1967 Ford Custom 4 Dr. Seclan $ 2,904.06 Chri~tianson Chevrolet 20890.16 • 1967 C`hevrolet 4 Dr. Sedan A~ter Coun~il discu~siono a ~r?~o~.~.~n was made by Councilwoman Thsa~nnp~ora~ seconded by Council.man L~~r~.n~~ ~ha~ t'he low bid of Christia~SOn Chevrolet in the amount of $2g89Q.16 fo~ a~.9~7 Chevrolet 4 Dr. Sed~n be accepted as the bes~t and lowes~t bic1. Mo~~.on unanimously carried. ~'URTHERa the City I~lminis~,rator brought to the at~ention of th~ Counc~.l the ~aet that t'he 1965 Polic~ Car v~rill now be u~ecl by the Fire ~acevention Bureau of thi~ ~i~yo as previou~ly set forth and agree d upon by the Council during the 1966-~67 budget session~. PROGR,~SS REPORT - STUDY OF FE,A.~IBILITY OF ESTABLISHN,~I~TT OF DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE IN SOUT~3 COUNTY AREA ~eeau~e of Councilman Schlegel'~ nece~sitat~d absence thie eveni~g, the Mayor advised that thi~ matter of business would be held in abeyance until a future scheduled mee~i~g. SCENIC HIGHVdAYS°WORKSHOP sESSION - DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS AND COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVES OF TRI-COUNTY AREA The Cf.ty Administr~tor ~dvised that he and Councilman Schlegel attended the v~rork~shop meeting on Wecinesdayo Ncvember 16th. Some of the informa~ive items o~' information were how routes and highwaya could be de.cla~ed a~ official ~cenic highwayst that Highway ].O1 in the now e~tabliehed sy~tem by ^~he State i~ not designated aa a scenic highway~ but how it could be~ AND FURTHER, the Council received the booklet entitlecl "A Guide for the De~ignation of An Official Scenic Highway" a for t'heir ~tud~r and reference purpos~es. PUBLIC__F3EARING - CIRCUL,~TION ELEMENT OF TFiE GENERAL PLAN r FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GR_„_,ANDE At the request of the Council, Mr. Larry Wise of Hahn, Wise and Associateea the Cfty'~ Planning Consul~tant~a verbally pre~ented a report-review of the subject Circula~ion Element of the General Plan, emphasizing the fact that the plan, a~ preeented, is a reguls- tory document only ~to serve as a guide, or b~.ueprint, to the City in its future planning and developmen't. This being the date, time and place for a public hearing on the subject in que~tion, Mayor Wood declar~d th~t a11 conditione ae re- quired by law had been met, and he f}zrther declared this hearing was now open and all pereon~ for or ~gainet this subject matter would now be hearc7. Reverend G1en Peters, who ~esid~a a~ 973 Eaat Cherry Av~nue in this Citya acted ~s ~poke~man ~qr primarily all of the peraons pre~ent; which pe~son~ w~re in at~t~sn~lance at this Public Hearing to object to the proposed Circulation Elemanta primarily because of tl~ proposed u~e c£ Cherry Avenue and its extension being ~'blueprinted°' for use ~e a`highw'sy identified a~ "Collector" in the Circulation Plan. Thos~ per~on~ who spoke againet suc'h proposed °'blueprinting'° of Cherry Avenue and it~ exten~ion were as followes _4_ - 33~ CITY COUNC~L NOVEMBER 22, 1966 ARROYO GRANDEA CALIFORNTA PAGE 5 Tom J. Conner~y 52~ Em Ch~r~y Avenue Ar~oyo Grande William H. ~an~en 516 " " A. Ho R~e~ ~~Utea BoX 6 " Charle~ Ho~rne~ 41~ Ch~rry Avenue GeriE K~~l~~° 510 a~ R. L. Hi~s~c~n 4~.7 ~llen S~r~~~ " Florence Benraingsclorf 522 " Louis F. Murphy 527 E. Ch~rry Avenue " Gabriel De Leon Hua~na Road " Ed Phillips 762 Myr~tle " Gordon F. Dixson New~om Roac1 " Hilo Fuchiv~raki ~h~rry Awenue " ,7o~.ra G . Lundg~~r~ ~,:~t~;~ ~'~,a~~ Rc~~rx Pat Ph~.I~,a~ps N1y~itT~ Don ~ulli.c`kson 58~ I~ewrnan Dr~~r~ " Pea~l Ccale 337 Wes~ B~°an~°h Stre~t " Ray ~inley Ea ~°t Ch~~°ry Avenue Mrs. Beth Peters 973 . °p " Haruo Haya shi Cier~~ga D~. ~tr ic~ Oceano . There were no per~ons p~°esen~ to ~peak in t'h~ affirmative for the adop°tion of °the Circula°ki,on Plan. At approximately 1p~30 P.M.o Mayor Wood declared the public hearing closed. After lengthy Coun~il. discu~siono a mQti.on w~a~ made by Councilman Burt, secondecl by Councilman Levin~~ that ~he Circulation Element of the General Plan for ~khe C~,ty af Arroyo Grande be ref~rred back to th~ Planning Commission of ~his Ci~y for ~heir further review and action, ancl that ~uch Plannirag Commi~~ion e~peci.ally review the Cherry Avenue Rou~e and figure out a possibl.e al~ernate route, AND FURTHER, that the Planning Comm~ssi.on hold a public hearing on said Circulation Element, and upon ~nnouncement ancl/or legal aclvertise- ment of such hearingo that it be specifically ~et forth that the Circulation Element of the General Plan ac~ually involves the streets' and highways' ~ystem of thie City. Motion unanimously carried. R E CE S S At 10:30 P.M., the Mayor announced ~he rr~eting would be in recess for a short time; at 10:40 P,M.P the meeting was callecl to order by the Mayora at which time all member~ of the Council were present as hereinbefore specifically named. PUBLIC HEARING RE, ADOPTION OF THE PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE (WATER~ SEWER AND DRAINAGE) Mr. Keith Tranbarger of the ~ngineering consulting firm of Koebig and Koebig, San Luis Obispo Off3ce, gave a report-review of this ~ubject element. Thereafter, this being t.he da~e, time and place for a public hearing an the subject elementp Mayor~Wood declared that all condi- tions as requirecl 'by law had be~n met, ancl he further declarecl such hearing was now open and all person~ for or again~t this subject matter woulcl now be heard. There b~ing no person preaen~. to ~peak ~ither for or against tha "~n~tter in que~tion, Mayor Wood d~clarecl the hearing closecl. Af~er Counci~ discugsion and r~su~tanfi approval, a resolution adopting ~he Public Services and Fac~.lities Element of the General Plan for th~ Gity of Ar~°c~ro G~~nde wa~ reacl through t'he ~itl.e k;~ City A~~torn~y Ship~ey. Imm~diately thereaf°~er, a motioh v~as m~+~ ~ ~,5_ e)e)`~ CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 22, 1966 ,ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFO~NIA PAGE.6 by Councilwoman Th;omp~on0 seconded by Councilman Levine, to di~pense with reading the balaMCe of said resalu°tion. Motion unanimously ca~rri ed . RESOLUTION NOo 725 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN On motion by Councilman Levineo seconded by Councilwoman Thomp~on, and on the following roll call vote~ ~o wit: AYESo Councilwoman '~hompsono Councilmen Levine0 Burt and Mayor WoocT NOES s None ABSENT: Councilman Schlegels the foregoing resolution wa~ adopted thi~ 22nd day of November, 1966. STANLEY AVENUE - RE. BARRICAAE AT END OF STANLEY AVENUE AT ARROYO GRANDE CREEK Mayor Wood brought to the attention of the Council that the existing barricade at the end of ~tanley Avenue, at the Arroyo Grande Creek, may very possibly need to be extended and/or changed in some manner, to serve a~s a proper warning of danc~er that the Averaue dead ends at that point, anci further that same dead ends right at the Creek Bank. ~ The City Aclministrator wa~ dir~cted by the Council to take ~ny and all necessary steps to effect a proper barrieade ancl warning at the end of Stanley Avenue at the Creek. - MATTER OF DRP,INAGE - GRAND AVENUE - HIRING OF APPRAISER, MR ~ J . T . .ARSENI O After presentation and review of the intencled purposas for hiring the professional services of an appraiser, by the City Acl- ministrator, and after Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, that the City of Arroyo Gr~nde hire the professional services of Mr. J. T. Arsenio, a land apprsiser, far purpoees of t'he Grand Avenue drainage matter, and that a sum of approximately $300 is hereby approved to be ex- pended for such specified aervice~. Motion unanimously cerried. GORRESPONDENCE FROM COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT RE. USE OF HUD (U. S. Housing and Urban Develonment) AS POSSIHLE SOURCE OF FUNDS FOR FINANCING OF SEA WATER DESALINATION FACILITY The City Administrator advised that the sub,ject correspondence was primarily a matter of inform~at~i.on for the Council at this time, to advise the City that funcl~ might 'be evailable fram HUD for purposea of a sea water desalination facility. PROGRESS REPORT - LOPEZ DAM PROJECT The Council received, reviewed, and directed to file, the progrees report from th~+ San Lui~ Obispo County Flood and Water Conservation District, clated October 31, 1966, regarding the Lopez Dam Pro, j ect . -6- 335 CITY ~OUNCTL TT~OVEMBEl~ 220 1966 ARROYO GRA~TDE~ CALIFOR~TIA PAG~ 7 PROGRESS REPORT ~ ~OU'I°H S.AN Lt7Z~ OBT>PO COU1~1~'~ SANTTATION DISTRICT The Gity Adrnin~~~~°~~ar ac1~r~.s~~~~ha°~-rec~~gan~.zation changes in the Oc~ano Sani.tary' Di~°tri~t `~ad ra~~~~~i~a~ect B~a~d member~hip change~ in ~the Sanitation Da.s~.~~,~°~~ I~ ~.o I.,yYe ~a~°penter i~ now Chairman of t'i~~ Boar°d, Gearg~ Bur'~ i~ ag~~.r~ ~h~ ~ice-Chairmang and A1 Baughman i~ ~ur~°ent;ly a di~°e~~ Baa~d M~~nbe~ tl~is Di.~trict fr~m the Oceano Sani~ary Di~°~ri~°t~ ha~ring r~pla~ed Car1. 5mi°th. PROGRESS REPOR'~ SEW~1~ ~URV~Y~ NOV~MBE~1966 - RETURNS FROM °'MAIL-OUTS°1 The City Adm~.ni~t~a~or advi~ed °~he Council ~hat 281 replies from Gitiz~ns in unsewer~d areas o~ A~~oyo G~arsde had been received, Of 45~21.C."~rl ~6~ firy~~°~ °'~E.'~°' 1nY'~~~ °RN~~?~°" dT`l~, tre~~~.°~ eBMI . A~~.~~° ~~.~~u~~~on~ ~'k~~ ~'c~ur~~:~:~ et~i,~~~~.~~1 ~.~a°~ ac~di~~onal time be given fo~ Gs.~~~~n~ to ~e°~~.~n ~pp~i,~~b~~ ~~p~y ~~rci~ be~'or~ finalizing the sewe~° ~urve~ sta~i~°t~.~al i,nformata~cans IMHOF~` S~WER TANK ~ ~E`ORM~R'LY USED B~ CI~Y " S S~WER SYSTEM) Af~er Coun~il t3iscu~~ion of ~uch ma°t°ter, in w'hich i~ was broug~ht ou~ that ~uch tan'k i~ no long~r needed b~~ause of the new moderni~ed ~e~rage facil3ti~~ now a~rai~abYe °t~rough the Sou~.h San Luis Obispo County ~Sani~a~.ion Dis°~ri.~t and curx°ently being used by this City, a mo~ion was made 1ay Coun~ilman Bur°t~ ~~conded k~y Gouncilwoman Thomp~ano ~ha~: t'he Imhoff Sewer Tank lo~a~~d on °~he Ca.ty's Elm St~reet Property,, hereby be clec~a~ed as "C~~y ~urplus Progerty"a and furthero that suc'h ta~ik be'~cheduled ~or demol~~hmen°t at, a time when £unds are available for ~'h3s purpa~e. Motion unanimou~ly carriecl. CURRENT C~NSUS ~OR CITY QF ARROYO GRANDE - APPLICAT20N TO STATE DEPARTNI~NT OF FINANCE TO UPDATE CENSUS FOR 1966 Af~er rev~Lew by the City Aclmini~~trei~or anc3 after Council die- cussion, a motion wes mad~ by Councilman Levineo ~econded by Councilwoman Thomp~ono that the Ga~~y en~er into an agre~ment w`tth the State of Californiaq Depar~men~k of F~,nancen for the purpose of updating t'h~ Cen~u~ for ~he Ci°~y of Arroyo Granclea AND FURTHER, that the Mayor ancl the City Clerk be aut`horized ~to ~ign said agree- ment on beha'lf af this Ci~yq AND FURTH~R, thet the previously budgeted ~um of approximately $390.00 be expended t'herefor. Motion unanimously carried. PARKS AND RECREATION -?TOTN~ S'I'UDY MEETING OF ALL CITY COMMISSTQNS, DOWNTOWN MERCHAN~'S' ASSQCIATION, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND ~EAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE The Couneil wa ~ r~erinindec~ of thi ~ j oin~ study meeting to be held November 300 1966 at 7a30 P.M. 3,n th~ Council Chambers, at which"~irne Mr. Al1an F. Avery of tY~e U. S. Departmen~ of Hou~ing and Urban Devel opmen~t ( HUD) i s to be the gue s~ ~pea'ker 3 genex~al ~ub j ect of discugsion--~"Arroyo Grande in 198517" FIRE DEPARTMENT LET'I°ER OF APPRECIATION FROM JERRY TAYLOR REa HOU~~ FIRE AT HIS R~SIDENGE L~CA.T~D 358 Tall Ho Road Arrovo Grand~, Calif . The sub~ject le~tter wra~ read in 3~~ entirety to the City Council ]~y the City Aclministra°tor; af~er° ~+rhic'h ~he Gounc~,T directecl that the Fir~ Deparfi.~rnent have knowledge o~ saicl letter, and that 3t be there- after directed to file. _7 e,7e~U' C~TY ~OUNCTL NOV~MB~R 22m 1966 ARROY~J GRAI~'DEd GAT~T~ORNIA PAG~ 8 ; ~ AF~tROYp GRANDE T~3'A~°EdR RAT~~ ~~°UE2Y OF ~,AME Ul?ON U~E OF VaATER F°ROM - I,O~~~ I~AM PRO~TTE~'I° ~°1~~ILI'I°Y PRE-PURCE~ASED B5~ ~'H~~ ~I°~Y .~,fter pr~senta~~.on of t'h~ .au~~e~~; ma~t~r Ts~r Mayor V3oodo ancl after inter~dis~u~s~.can by and be°tw~eer~ ~h~ ~~.t~r .~~m~rais°~ra~or and the Councila t'h~ City Aclmin~.etra~or wa~ dfr~~~:~c~ t~ c~~tera~ir~~ al~ avai]Lable fects~ ans~ figu~°e~ concerning ~he ~er~~.ces of an outsid~ con~~l~ing firm ~~pable of concluc~ting 'anc~ f~.na~.izing a v~ate~° rat~ sys°t~m of the proper b~n~~it ra~io gor all ~ra~.er ~onsume~~ of ~h~.s Ci~y ° s Wat~rB and th~reafter pres~nt same ~o °the Co~n~i~. far °~h~ir revi~wo con~ider~- tion and resultan~. action, Q~A,2J0 V~A°~~I~, ~t~ e ~L~~t~T~~"~" ~`A:~:.~"UA.'~':~ GN' C9~' ~,t~ ~3 ~'A'~~1R GOMPANY .T..,~~._..._._ _ _ A~'~.~r pre~~r~~a~.~~r~ o~ ~t~~ ~ra~°~~;~~° b~r M~~or Wooc~, anc7 af~er ira~er-di~~u~~ion k~e~r~~~n ~i~~ Ac~~r~~r~~.~~~°atcsr and the CounciYo °~h~ Cf°~y Ac~m~n~,~~~°a~c~~° ~~a~ ~~~~~~.ed ~Y~ ~o de°~ermin~ all ~aCts and ~igu~°~~ concerrn~.ng '~1h~~ ~~:~vi~es c~~ a~a ou~~~,de appraieesr capab~.~ o~ f~na~l~.~~,r~g a p~~pe~~ ane7 ~~~°x°era'c z~on~~a~°y valua°~ion of the O~eano Water Cn. o and ( 2~ ~o ac~vise ~.h~ ~our~~~~. acco~°dingly of hi~ findling~m AD~70URNNl~NT On mo~ion Iby ~a~un~~:~m;ara Bur~:o ~~~4rad~d T~ Mayor Wooclm and unanimou~Yy ~asriec~o the m~~~inq a~~ o~zrr~ea~ a~ 0 37 P oM. ATTEaTn ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~y~~ DEPUTY CITY ~~~RK ~ MAYOR FTQ ~,g.~