Minutes 1966-12-13 33~ , CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 13, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The Council met in regular session with Mayor Wood presiding. Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thompsono Councilmen Levine, Schlegel and Burt reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Wood led us in the Pledge of A1legiance to our flag, and immediately thereafter Father Joe Watt of St. Patrick`s Church~ ~ Arroyo Grandeo gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 220 1966 The minutes of the regular meeting of November 22, 1966 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF W.ARRANTS ~ A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Council- man Levine, that GENERAL W.ARRANTS NO. 473 to and including NO. 542 in the total amount of $35,500.15, AND PAYROLL W.ARRANTS NO. 726 to ancl including 1~0. 856 in the total amount of $19,801.24, AND TRUST AND AGENCY W.ARR.ANTS NO. 698 to and including N0. 721 in the tbtal amount of $489.25, BE AUTHORIZED AND ORDERED PAID. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. LETTER FROM DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS RE. EXCESSIVE NOISE BY MOTORCYCLES Such letter was presented to tYbe Council by the City Adminis- trator. In the interim of Council discussion, Councilwoman Thompson commented that considerable noise created by motorcyles on Grancl Ave- nue had been noted, and she requested that the Police of this City investigate same. A report relative to this excessive noise, prepared by the Chief of Police, was also presented for t'he Council's review anc3 attention. ? After considerable Council discussion, Mayor wood requested that the Chief of Police follow up on this matter of continued coverage of motorcycle muffler noise. AND FURTI~R, he recommended that the Downtown Arroyo Grande Merchants write to the local court relative to thi~ matter. TREASURER' S REPORT - MONTH OF NOVEMBE~t, 1966 The Treasurer's Report for the month of November, 1966, was received and reviewed by the City Council,`and thereafter directed to be placed on file. DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER. 1966 AND REPORT RE. RECENT STORM TN .ARROYO GRANDE The Departmental Monthly Report for the month of November, 1966, was receivecl and reviewecl by the Council, and thereafter directed ' to be placed on file. An additional report on the recent storm of December 5, 1966, as prepared by the Director of Public Works, was presented to the Council. In general, all drainage structures held up very well-- the high water mark of the Arroyo Grande Cre~k was 15 feet--Some debris lodged under the Traffic Way Bridge, however, such condition wae re~olved by use of a crane which removed the accumulation. The total rainfall from this particular ~torm was registered by the Police Dep~rtment to be 3.29 inches. The Director of Public Works recommended that the Elm Street Storm arain construction should be continued to eliminate water flooding at E1m and Ash; such recommendation was so endorsed by the City Council. _1_ ~3~ CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 13, 1966 ARFtOYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 PROGRESS - STATUS REPORT RE: CITY'S SALES TAX REVENUE (Uniform Sales Tax Transactions for All Cities of S. L. O. County) The City Administrator aclvised the Council that the City of San Luis Obispo has preparecl a resolution supporting this City's position, and ~ame is to be forwarded to the S. L. O. County Board of Supervisors. PROGRESS REPORT LAFCo CONSOLIDATION COMMITTEE Councilman Burt advised the Council that the regular meeting of the Study Committee on Five Cities' Consolidation is held on the Third Tuesday of each montll at the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Treatment Plant--No other progress to be reported at this time. RESOLUT20N - RE. CTVIL DEFENSE EQUIPMENT PROGRAM AND RE~ CIVIL DEFENSE PERSONNEL AND ADMINI3TRATIVE PROGRAM After explanation and review by ~he City Administrator, a subject resolution was read fn its entire~.y to the City Council. RESOLUTION NOo 726 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING CERTATN PERSONNEL OF SAID CITY TO EXECUTE IN ITS BEHALF APPL'ICATIONS AND DOCUMENTS PERTINENT TO THE CIVIL DEFENSE EQUIPMENT PROGRAM AND THE PERSOL!~NEL AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROGR.AM OF THE CIVIL DEFENSE ACT OF 1950 THROUGH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DISASTER OFFICE, On motion by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on the following roll cal.l vote, to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson~ Councilmen Levine, Schlegel,Burt and Mayor Wood NOES: None, ABSENT: None, the foregoing resolution was adopted ~his 13th day of Decemb~r, 1966." REQUEST FOR CUR B AND GUTTER REFUND BY ROBERT PENDO The City Administrator reacl a letter from Mr. Robert Pendo of 1118 Fair 0aks, Arroyo Grande, requesting refund of his curb and gutter deposi~ of $175.00. The Council discussed generally the pros and cons of City policy to require a deposit on curb ancl gu~.ters when no grades have been established in the area of construction. Mr. Lee Simpson of 1112 Fair Oaks~ Arroyo Grande,was present ancl s~oke to the Council concerning this matter. City Engineer Garing also spoke to the Council regarding future plans for gracles and drainage in the Fair Oaks area. The Council requested the City Attorney to determine whether or not there was a need to change the existing ordinance regarding refuncl deposits on curbs and gutter~. The Council furt~her requested to be advised as to the amount of fund.s remaining in ~.he budget for engineering; and also requested that t'he cost of engineering for drainage purposes in the Fair Oaks area be determinecl~ and that ~he Council be advised aecordingly. -2- 33:~ CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 13, 1966 ARROYU GR.ANDE, C.ALIFORNTA PAG~ 3 Couneilman Burt suggested recon~idera~ion of the time element fqr holding curb and gutter deposit monies of individuals; and Mayor Wood spoke in favor o~ retainir~g the requisite curb and gutter deposit~. Mayor Waod requested ~hat a complete detailed report on the matter of curb and gutter deposi~s be presen~ed for the Council's information, study, and/or resultant action at the next re~ular meeting. ACCEPTANCE OF DEED FAOM STATE DIVISICUN OF HIGHWAYS RE. LAND LOCATED AT SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF TRAFFIC WAY AT 101 FREEWAY~ PURCHASED $Y CITY FOR ROADSIDE P.ARK PURPOSES A motion was rnade by Councilman Schlegelo seconded by Council- man Burt, that the Ca.ty of Arroyo Grande accept the Director's Deed for that certain property locat~d on Traffic Way at the south- westerly corner of Highway lOlp purchased by said City primarily' for roadside park purposes; and tha~. ~he Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign t,he Certificate of Acceptancea and that such deed be recorde~d. Motion unana.mously carried. ACCEPTANCE OF DEED FROM FLORENCE L. BENNIGSDORF - STRIP OF LAND ON CHERRY AVE. A motion was ~nade by Cou~ca.~,z~an Bur~:~ ~econded by Councilman Schlegel,, that the City of .Azroyo Grande accept the Grant Deed for that certain ~t,rip o~ ~.az~d on Cherry Avenue, ~.n concurrenee with a lot spl~.t r~qu~.~eznent ~Qr £u~ure road purpos~s, (C~.~y af Arroyo Gran.de Lot S~~.it Nfl. 64-51), that the Mayor and ~he City Clerk be au~,horized fi.o sign ~he Certi~icate of Acceptance; and fur~.her~ tha~ such d~ed b~ recorded. Motion unanzznously' carried. RECEIPT OF MTNT.~TES OF THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADV~SORY COMMITTEE Th~ ma.nut~s o~ ~.he 1a~~. me~~.ing of sue'h Commi.t~ee w~are reviewed by t~a.e Counci~. and direc~.~d to file. PROGRESS REPORT LOPEZ DAM PROJECT The City Adminis~ra~o~ gave an up-to-da~.e bri~£ x~e~aort ~on the progress of the Lopez Proj~c~p advising th~ Couz~c~.~. in. par~icular tha~ designs of sp~.l~.way and ~arthfill have b~~n ~ez~~. ~o ~he S~tate of Cala.fornia Water Resou~-ces Agency for ~hei~ approval, anc~ ~hat t'he design~,ng and engineering on such project wear~ 75% comp~ete, 1966 S. L~ O. COUNTY GR.AND JURY REPORT ON COUNTY WATER PLA~7 The C~ty Adrnin~ strato~ preser~ted a copy af the sulaj ec°~ r~port for the Couneil's revzew, a~ter w~hich i~. was directed to file. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH S.AN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DTSTRICT A brief repar~ was given on ~.Ya.e overal~ progress of the treatment plant operation. ~ REPORT BY COUNCILMAN SCHLEGEL - PROGRESS OF STUDY COMMITTEE ON DEPUTY DISTRICT AT'TORNEY'S OFFTCE IN SOUTH COUNTY .AREA A de~.ailed report prepa,~ed by t~he sub~ec~ S~udy Committee was pres~nted ~o the Counc~,~., '~ne r~port i,nda.cated the cost of establish- ing a deputy dis~rict attorn~y"s a~fice in the Sou~h County of San Lu~s Obispo Gour~fi~y is not ~inanca.ally feasa~ble at this time. Councilman Sehlegel ~urt'her aa~~.~~a tha~, ~uCh report `nrould be preserzted ~Q ~he Board af Sup~~rva.sor~ of San Luis Ob~.spo County. CABLE T, V, FOR ARROYO GRANDE The Ci~y Admira~.strat,or reported ~o ~.`~e Council that Cable T. V, in:stallations to ir~aa.vidual home~ woulc~ begin Friday, December 16. 1966. . 3~Q CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 13a 1966 AR~20Y0 GRANDEa CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 PROGRESS REPORT RE~ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE°S APPLICATION TO HUD REo CITY-WIDE SEWER FACILITIES The Ci~y Administrator reported °that acknowledgment from HUD of th~ City°s formal sub~ec~ application ha¢~ been receinedo along with HUD's request for additional data and information. COMMENTATION BY COUNCILMAN SCHLEGEL REm CLOSURE OF PRICE CANYON ROAD (Route from Pismo Beach to Edna) Councilman Schlegel advised the Council of this possible closure of Price Canyon Road and he ~.ndicated his objection to such route being closed. COMMENTATION BY COUNCILMAN LEVINE - RE~ PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Councilman Levine advised the Council that the matter of Huasna Road Plan Line hacl been held over by the Planning Commission until January 3, 1967, and that it would be a subject of business after the addi~.ional new public hearing on ~.he Street and Highway Element (Circulation Element) of t'he General Plan, also ~cheduled for the Janua~°y 3rd date. ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion by Counc~.lm~an Levi.neA seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carriecl,> the Council adjourr~ed to an Executive Session at 9.05 P.M. for the purpose of interviewing certain consul~in.g eng~.neers for the possible employment of their professional services in the appraisal of the Oceano Water Co. ADJOURNMENT After reconvening i}~ ~1~e Coun.cil C'hambers with members of the Council being presentp a~ hereinbefore specifically named, and upon znotion by Councilma}~ Levinea seconded by Councilwoman Thompsona and unanimousl~r carried~ the meeting adjourned at 10.40 P.M. ATTEST° ~ ~~A ` f G~~~~/` - ~ - DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR ~ TMB FIQ ~ -4-