Minutes 1967-01-10 34~ CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 10, 1967 ARROYO GRANDES CALIFORNIA The Council met in regular ~ession with Mayor Wood presiding. Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel and Burt repor~ed present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Wood 1ed us in the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag and immediately thereafter Reverend Leonard Boyd of the Community Presbyterian Church of Pismo Beach gave the invocation, ancl also expressed special respects to Cornelis Visser, who passed away this afternoon. WORDS OF TRIBUTE TO COR VISSER AND EXPRESSION OF SYMPATHY TO HIS FAMILY - BY MAYOR ADDISON B. WOOD Mayor Wood stated that Cornelis (Cor) Visser, a member of the Arroyo Grande Planning Comrnission, and a staunch civic-mincled citizen, passed away this afternoon as a result of injuries sustained in an automobile accident on January 4, 1967 in this City. On behalf of the City Council, City Staff ancl the Citizens of Arroyo Grande, Mayor Wood extendecl expressions of deepest sympathy to Mrs. Annie Visser and Family for the loss of their lw ed one. Mayor Wood directed that a11 flags at City Ha11 be flown at half-mast for the remainder of the week in respectful tribute to Cor Visser. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 27~9C~.6~ The minutes of the regular meeting of December 27, 1966 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, that GENERAL W.ARRANTS N0. 567, to and including N0. 630, in the total amount of $25,773.82, AND PAYROLL W.ARRANTS NO. 908, to and including NO. 986, in the total amount of $11,011.39, BE AUTHORIZED AND ORDERED PAID. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ARROYO GRANDE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - LETTER TO COUNCIL RE. PLANS. PROGR.AMS ,F,ND FINANCES FOR THE YEAR 1967 The Council received and reviewed (1) the Chamber's letter of January 6~ 1967 in which they are requ~s~.ing that the City enter into a program of financial support ~py matching t'he amount of funds received for memberships up to a maximum of $3,000~ (2) the tentative budge~ of the Chamber for the year 1967, and (3) the Annual Report of the Chamber for 1966. Carrol Pruett, representing the Chamber was in attendance and reiterated, basically, the contents of the presented letter to the Council, i. e.,plans and goals for 1967~ support monies needed for such accomplls'hments, etc. After discussion, in which the Council expreased that the City wag desirous of as~isting and supporting t'he Chamber of this City financially, the Council concluded and directed that this subject matter be held in abeyance pending furt'her study and final deter- mination by the Council as to exactly how much money support shoulcl be forthcoming from the City to t'he Chamber, which would be equit- able to a11 concerned. Further, it was suggested and concluded that representatives of these two bodies, i. e., the Council and Chamber, assemble to- ' gether for purposea of discuesing t~'hese Chamber mattere in detail. _1_ CITY COUNCIL JANU.ARY 10, 1967 ARROYQ GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 S. L. O. COUNTY DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION - LETTER OF REQUEST FOR FORWARDING PREBUDGETED FUNDS FOR SAID ASSOCIATION'S SUPPORT After review by the City Administrator in which it was pointed out that the Council had previously approved support to this ~ssociation and had prebudgeted funds therefor, and after Council discussion, a motion was macle by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, that the City of Arroyo Grande forward the prebuclgeted sum of $1.500.00 to the S. L. O. County Development Association as this City's contribution to the support of said Association, ancl that said sum is hereby approved and authorized for payment. Motion unanimously carried. TREASURER'S REPORT - MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1966 The Treasurer's Report for the month of December, 1966 was received and reviewed by the City Council, a~d thereafter directed to be ~nlaced on file. It was noted from such report that tY~e City is currently receiving $18.48 per day for interest on its inactive deposits--the highest ever received by the City. DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT - MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1966 T'he Departmental Report for the month of December, 1966, was received and reviewed by the City Council, and thereafter directed to be placed on fi1e. PROGRESS - STATUS REPORT REe CITY'S SALES TAX REVENUE (Uniform Sales Tax Tran sactions for Al1 Cities of S. L. O. County) The City A~lministrator reported that the City of Paso Robles hacl adoptecl a resolution supporting this Cit~r's position concerning uniform sales tax; and regarding the status at the County level, Mr. Dixon Conrad, County Administrator, advised this City today that the three entities who do not now pay the full 10%, i. e., Grover City, Pismo Beach and Morro Bay, wi11 be asked by the County to do so, and upon receipt of such citi~s' replies, the matter would then be subject to action by the S. L. 0. County Board of Super- visors. RESOLUTION BY CITY REQUESTING THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO ELIMINATE THE MATCHING REQUIREMENTS UNDER THE COLLIER-UNRUH TRANSPORTATION ACT In accordance with the Council's direction at the last regular Council meeting, the City Attorney presentecl a proposed resolution in support of elimination of the matching fund requirement, and regarding other matters pertinent thereto. Upon approval by the Council, said resolution was read in its entirety by the City Attorney. ~ RE SOLUTI ON NO . 7 28 RE SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUESTING THE ST'ATE OF CALIFORNIA TO ELIMINATE THE MATCHING REQUIREMENTS UNDER THE COLLIER-UNRUH TRANSPORTATION ACT On motion by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and on the following roll ca11 vote, to wite AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levin~, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood, NOES: None, ABSENT: None~ the foregoing resolution was adopted this lOth day of January, 1967. -2- ~ ~ CITY COUNCIL .TAN[JAR~.' l00 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO CURB AND GUTTER DEPOSI'I° REQUIREMENTS - FIRST READING In accordance with the Co~xncil's ac~ion a~.d direction at the last regular meeting, the City Attorn.ey p~es~ntr~ed a prepared ordinance which, among other details, establishes a m~xirr~u~ 10 year holding period, for money deposited wi~.h tYae City for fut~.re curb and gutter installation purposes. After Council review and resul~ant approval, the ordinance was read in its sntiretX by ttae Ci~ty Attorne~, thus constituting its first reading: RESOLUTION REo DESIGNATION OF GOUNT~ HEAId'I°I3 D~PARTMENT TO ENFORCE S TATE HOUS ING LAW Th~ City Ad.~inistrator advised t~at ~l~.e Health Department of San Luis Obispo Coun~y has acted in the past as ~his City's official Healtn Department, however, d~ae ~o con~.i.n~xi.ng ckaanges in tne Housing Laws, the San Luis Obispo Coun~ky Departmen~ of Public Health, in their letter to the City dated December 30, 19~6, requested that they be given expli.cit delegation of au~Yaority by ~tk~.e City Council for the enforcement of ~he St~.~e Housinq Law and any otrier rules or regula- tions, etc. pertinent there~o. Upon Council approval, a subject resolution was read in its en,fi.irety by the City A~torney. RESOI,UTI~N NO. 729 A RESOLI~1'TION OF 'I'HE CITX CQLD'NCIL OF THE CTTY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPpINTIN~ COLTNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT TO ENFORCE PART 1.5 OF LIIVISION XI32 ~F THE HEALTH AND SAF'ETY CODE. On motion by Councilwoman '~'dZOmpson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and on th~ following xoll call vote, to wit: AYES: Goun.cilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood, NOES: None, ABSENT: Non~, the foregoing Resolution was adopted this lOth d~y of January, 1967. ANNUAL GAS~L,INE PURGHASE - CALL FOR BIDS (THIRIa ,F,NNT.JAL CITY CO- OPERTI.VE PUF2CHASE ) The City Ad.ministrator revie`,ved bri.efly the voluntary cooper- ative purchasing proc~ram, f~r the purchase of gasoline for the three cities of Arroya Gran~de; Grov~er City and Pismo Beach. After Cauncil discussion,~ a ri1A'~lAl'1 was made by Cou.ncilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Levine, that the call for k~ids to supply gas- oline for the Ca.ty from March 1, 1967 tnro~.xgh 'PFebr~zary 29, 1968 be authorized, and tnat such bids be opened Febr~ary 1,4, 1.967, at 2 P.M. in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, Calif- ornia. Motion unanimo~,sly carried. REQUEST OF S.L,.O. ~OUNTY SOCIETY FOR TFiE PREVENTxON OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS RE. AUTHORITY QF HUMANE OFFICERS TO ENFORCE CITY ORDINANCE Tne Ci.ty Adnninistrator advised ttaat tnis Ac~ency, who is entrust- ed by this City with t,~e enact.~aent of it~s anizr~al control ordinances, haa requested ~hat their Htizm,ar~e Officers lae given the au~khority to issu,e their owr~ citations relative tr~ l.aw ~nforcement concerning animal controI.. After inter-discussion lay and between tne Council, City Admin- istrator and the ~ity Attorney~ ~he Council directed that tne City Attorney review ~his matter, priznarily from a legal standpoint, and report back to tt~e Council his con~plete findings on th.is proposed delegation of police authori~ty to the Human~e Offi~ers. _3_ 35Q CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 10, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 RESOLUTION P,DOPTING THE CIRCULATION EIpEMEL~TT (S'I'REETS AND HIGHWAYS) OF THE GENERAL PLAN FOR THE CITY OF ARROXO--GRANDE The Gity Administrator reviewed for ~kae Cc~ur~cil, the progress- s~tatus of this element: Three Puk~lic Hearin~s havL been held, t~o by the Planning Commission and one b~ the Ci~y Council; and at the Planning Commission meetin.g of 1/3/67, sucYn Commissior~ had recom- mended its adop~.ion to the City Council. Further, the Council received and revievasd a letter from Mrs. Ed Phillips, wYao resides at 7~2 Myrtle, Arroyo Grandeo relative to changing the proposed future st~atus of Gherry Avenue as it is now out~ined in the circulation element. Following a careful and scrta.itin.izin~ deliberation by the Council of the overall elem~ent, with partic~lar discussion on that phase of the element applying to Cherry Avenue, and following tne Council's resultant approval af the element as recommemded by the Planning Coz~nmission~ A resolution to adopt said element was read through the title by tne City Attorney. I~mediately thereafter, a motion was made by Councilwonnan Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, to dis- pense with reading the balance of said resolution. Motion unan- imoulsy carried. RESOLUTION NO. 730 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI~ CITY OF.A,RROYO GRANDE ADOPTII~TG THE CIRCULATION (STREET PrGt'~~? A2GHWAY) , ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PT~AN. On motion by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson., and on the following roll call, to wit: AYES: Go~ancilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levin.e, Schlec~el and Burt, NOES: Mayor Wood, ABSENT : Noxae , the foregoinc~ resolution was adopted this lOth day of January, 1967.` RECEIPT OF REPORT OF GOMMITTEE APPOINTED BY S. L. O. COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ON THEIR STUDY RE. 'I°HE ESTABLoISHMENT OF A SOUTH COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE. The Co~ncil officially received this subject committee's analysis of ~indings, which in brief states t.ha~ the costs involved, both initially and opsratively, preclucles ~he es~ablishment of a South County District. At~orney"s Office at tk~is i~ime. WATER SERVICE LINE - AT ARROYO GRANDE CREEK -(WEST OF VALLEY GARDENS' TRACT) - DAMAGED BY FLOODING DU~TN~ SEVERE STORM OF DECEMBER 5, 1966 T'h~e Council received t~ae repor~ r~co~unendation af Director of Public Works dated January 5A 1967, relative to this water service line. Af~er inter-c~iscussion. between ~~ne ~o~zx~.cil, City Consulting Engineer Gari.ng ~nd Ci~y Admi~istra~or Butch, a motion was made by Co~ancilnnar~ Schlegsl., seconded bX Councilmaz~ Burt, that the Director of Pu'~lic GVorl~s be ~.uthorized ~t,o direct t~he replacement of the exist- ir~g water line which now crosses th~e Arroyo Grande Creek to the west of the Valley Gar~,ens" tract. by the ins~tal.la~kion of an overhead water line a~ such location, AND FURTI~Rp tha~ the call for bids for such water line installation is her~eby authoriz~d, with such bid opening date schedule for F~bruary 10, 1967 at 2 P.M., in the office of the Direct-.or of Pu}alic Works, AND FURTHER, tha~k the estimated amount of $7500 be expended for this subjec~ water line installation, and that the prebudget:ed :Eunds in ~he fiscal year 19C6~67~ as hereinbelow specifically lis~:ed with their certain conditions, be transferred to, and allocat.ed for, n~j,rment of this subject overkaea~ water line; -4- 351 C I TY C OU NC I L . JANUARY 10 , 19 6 7 ARROYO GRAN DE , CA.LI F ORNIA PA GE 5 ~l) The $6500 b~ndgeted f~or 10~t w~.ter line fr~m L~ Paint t~ Hua.sna Rdm, and (2) Such add~ti.~n~1 s~.m a~ may b~ nece~s~ry t~ ~om- plet~ payment ~a£ the subj~ct ~v~rhe~.d 4a~ter Line from ~he $15,000 budge~ed f~r the extension of the VaL1ey R~ad Lin~, with the af~~e~~id V~lley R~ad Line being adjusted constructi~nwise a~c~ordir~g t~ the re- maining bal~.nce of fund~ therefor ~.fter payment of the subject over~ead wat~r Line, Motion unanim~usly carried. DAMA.GES RESULTING FROM FLOOD CONDIT30NS OF DECEMBER 5 L966 RAINSTORM e ~ty A ministrat~r ~adv~.sed t at a special.meeting ad een caLled ~n Janu~ry 11, 1967 by B~b B~rn af ~h,e S, L. 0. County F1r~~d G~ntrol District re~~t~ve t~ S. L. 0, C~unty being declared a disaster area as a resuTt ~f damage~ arising fr~m the subject st~rm, He further ~utLin~d t~ the Cr~uncil th~t resultant st~rm d~mages t~ facilities in the Gity ~f Arr~y~ Grande was es~timat~d ~t~ '~e $8800 ~nd inv~olved the water Line ar~ss~n~ th~ Arr~y~ G~ande Gre~k ne~r Va11ey Gardens Tract and the st~rm dmain li~es handl~~n~ w~~~r d~~in~ge fr~om HaLcy~n R~ad and the Sycam~ore Terrac~ '~x~a~ct a~ ~their Arr~yr~ Gr~a~.de Creek L~cati~ns m 7Che City Administrat~r fu~°th~r ad~i~ed ~hat the Cr~uncil w~u~ld be . kept inf~ormed ~f ~ny and a11 de~~l~pment~ in this mattero SOUTH SAN LUTS QBISPO COUN'TY SANITA'~ION D~STRICT - PROGRESS 1~~~ORT . e City Administrat~r advised t~ ~-'f-ie D~.s~a:~a.c was Zri t~~ process ~f studying and neg~~tia~ing ~he ad~opta.~n of an ~ordinance which w~ould pr~oh~bi~ the emptyiz~g ~of r$~a sewage frr~m septic tank cleanings int~ the Di~tri~t°~ ~~w~r ~ystem,, ORDINANCE AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE ARROYO GRANDE CITY CODE TO EF EC E FIXTNG AND ES ABLISHMENT OF CER'~ IN SEWER C RGES - ECOND R DING ' After C~uncil review and discussion, the subject ordinance was read through the title by the City Attorney, after which a motion was made by CounciLman Burt, seconded by Councilman Schle~el, to dis- pense with reading the balence of said ~ordinance. Motion unanimously carried. ORDINANGE NOm 4 C, S. ORDINANCE OF THE CTTY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING SUBSECTION (a) ~f SECTION 202, CHAPTER 6, TITLE 6, OF THE ARROYO GRANDE GITY MIJNICIPAL CODE FIXING AND ESTABLISHING SEWER SERVTCE GHA.RGES. On motion by Councilman Burt, sec~nded by C~ounciLman Schlegel, and on the f~oLLowing r41L ca11 vvte, t~ wi~. AYES: C~uncilw~man Thc~mpson, C~uncilmen Levine, SchLegel, Burt, and Mayor W~od, NOES: None, ABSENT: None, the foregoing ordinance was adopted this lOth day of Jan uary, 1967. PROPOSED NEW WATER WELL - PROGRESS 1~EPORT & CALL FOR BIDS The Counci was adv~.se t at t e subject plans and specifications had been con~pleted earLier than anticipsted, and that the Director of PubLic Works had requested the Council's permission to advertise the call for bids. After Council discussi~on, a motic~n was made by CounciLman SchLegel, seconded by Councilman Burt, that the ca1.l for bids pertaining to the _5_ 35~ CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 10, 196~ ARROYO GRANDE, CAIa~FORNIA PAGE 6 new water well for this Ci~.y b~ au~Ynor~zed, and tYaat such bids be opened in the Office of the Director of P~blic Works on ~ebruary 9, 1967 at 2 P.M. Motion unanimously carried. PROGRESS REPORT - I~OPEZ D.~M PROJECT The Council received an.d reviewed a progress report from the S. L. O. County concerning the Lopez Project, in which it was brought out that certain parcel.s of land kaad been approved for purchase and that negotiations were in progress for needed righ~s of way and accesses. S. L. Oo COUNTY DEVEd.~OPMENT ASSOCIATION - 2nd ANNUAL .REGIONAL P~A.NNT.NG ASSO IATION - "PLANl~TING TOWARD TOMORRO~nI'° The Council received broch.u.res concerning these planning confer- ences to be held on January 23 and on Febr~zary 1, 8 and 16, 1967 at the S. L. Oe ~unior-Senior Hic~h School Cafeteria in San Luis Obispo, and directed the City Administrator to arrange for reservation accord- ing to attendance requests by the Council m;embers. PARKS AND RECREATION - BEAUTIFICAZ"ION OF GRAND AVEe Upon inq~uiry concerning the correct COST of the actual PLANTING only of the TREES on Grand Avenu~ and elsewhere, the Council was advised by ths Gity Administrator that the cos~ of planting only,for each tree in a s~zk~division. area was $.80 and along Grand Avenue was $2.00. Councilnnan Schlegel commnended the BEAUTIFICATaON EFFORTS effected on Grand Aven~ae k~y th~ City ~y stating that "Grand Avenue looks tre- mendous:" FURTI~R, concerning ~rand ,Ave~.~ze, the City Administrator reported that contact had been made wi~h Mr. Herb McCaslin, concerning SIDEWALK INSTALLAT'ION on his property located al~n.g GRAND AVENUE BETWEEN ELM AND BRISCO, and that he has indicated that he will effect the place- ment of sidewalk at the subject location, upon formal request from the City. LAFCo. - RE."FIVE CITIES"" CONSOLIDATION STUDY Mayor Wood advised the Council. that LAFCo had acted on thi5 Cities inquiry to them concerning manpoGaer assistance from the State of California's, Office of Planning, and had indicated their approval therefor by the Consolidation Study Committee.in determining the feasibility of the "Five Citi:es" Consolidatson. '1'Y~us, the City Ad- ministrator was directed to correspond wi,th this subject State De- , partment regarding approval and arrangements for effecting use of their personnel in this consolidation study. FURTE~R, regarding the ma~.ter of ~inancial assistance, it was reported by the Mayor that LAFCo had elect,ed to contact the applicable Chambers of Comnnerce, and other public and promotional groups of the "Five Citi,es" area for ~his money assistance, rather tY~an soliciting the assistance of the respective Ci~iss. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion by Councilwozna~ Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimov.sly carried, tk~e Council adjourned to an E~secutive Session at 9:31 P.M., for the pur_pose of further discussion with Mr. Kenneth Mullen~ Consulting Engineer, regarding smpl,oyment of his professional services in the appraisal of ithe Oceano Water Co. RECONVENEMENT' OF COUNC~L The Council reconvened in the Council Chambers at 10:30 P.M. with membera of the ~ouncil beiz~g presen~ as hereinbefore specifically nameci. APPRAISAL REn OCEANO WATER CO. - EXECUTION OF CONTRACT AGREEMENT BE- TWEEN CONSUI~TING ENGINEER, KENNETH. r~UT,T~FN~ AND CITY A zt~otion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilman Burt, that: +~~,e Mayor and th.e City Clerk be aut~orized to sign, an agreennent~ bet.ween Mr. Kenne~h Mt~llen, Consulti~~g Engineer, and the 353 CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 10, 19Fi7 ARROYO GRAN DE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 City of Arroyo Grande, relative to appraisal of the Oceano Water Co. and the feasibility of this City pur~hasing same. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Councilwoilnan 'I'hompson, seconded by Co~ncilman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, the meeting ad~ourned at 10:35 P.~. ATTEST: /e~ I TY C LE RK MA O FIQ BK , ~