Minutes 1967-02-14 CITY COUNCTL FEBRUARY lt~, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALTFORNIA , The Czty Council met in r°egul~.r sassion v~ith Mayor Wood presiding. Upon rq~l call, Counqlmen Levine, Schlegel and Bur°t reported p~esent. Councilwoman Thompson was abs~nto •PLEDGE,OF ALLEqIANCE ANII„TNVOCATION Mayor Wood led us in the pledge of Allegiance to, our flag and immediately thereafter Reverend Father Joe Watt of St, Patrickfs Church of Arroyo Grande gave the invocatione ~ APPR,OVAL OF MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF _JANUARY _2_l~~__1~~__AND SPECTAL SESSION MEETSNG QF JANUARY 30, 19 7 : The minutes of the r~egular meeting of Januar°y 21~, 1967 were approved as prepar°ed, as were the minutes of the speca.a~ meeting of January 30,, 1967 • APPROVAL OF W.A.RRANTS ~ A motion was made by Councilman Levine9 s~conded by Couneilman Schlegel, that GENERAL WARRANTS NOo 666 to and ineluding Non 729, in the total amount of $32, $7,5 .$9 ~ AND PAYR,OLL WARRANTS NO o 101~1 to and including No..1112, in the total amount of $~.0,556m69, BE AUTHORIZED AND ORDERED PAIDo MOTTON UNANIMOUSLY CAR.RTEDa INTRODUCTION AND W~LCOME - NE~GHBORHOOD YOUTH COR.PSe MEMBERS - BARBARA KENDRICK AND CAROL GULLEY ~ BY MAYOR WOOD MayQr Wood introduced and welcomed Bar°bara Kendrick and Caro1 ~ , Gulley, whose work station assignments through the N. Y. C. , at the City of Arroyo Grande, are th~ Gity Administratorrs Office and the Public Worksf Office at the Corporate Yard, respectively, RE UEST FROM THE LA F~EST ARADE COMM TTEE - SAN U'S OB S 0 RE. COUNCIL PARTTCIPATTON T~iEREIN SATURDAY, MAY 20', ~9 7 Upon presentation of the letter request by such named committee~ . the Council acknowledged th~,t they would partic~.pate in such f~estivi-- ~ ties~ and directed the City Administrator to so inform the named Commi~tee, WOM NtS ~U~ OF ARROYO GRANDE RE, MAT ER OF OWIVERSHIP OF PROPERTY LOGAT~D A VALLEY VIEW TRACT 3 The letter from the Woman~s C1ub of Arroyo Grande, dated January 2$, 1967, under the signature of Mrs. No Rm G~.rrison, Correspond3ng Secretary, was received by the Coun~il, after which Mrs. Ed Taylor~ speaking on behalf of the Womanfs Club, reiterated the main conten~s of the letter, which in effect was that the Womants Club of Arroyo Grande is of the opinion that the property in question is aotually owned by such Club, and i~ is their further opinion that.the City of Arroyo Grande has no ownership therein. ' After inter-discussion by and between the Council, Ni~s. Ed Taylor and City Attorney Shipsey, the Council directed the City Attorney to study all the ramif ications concerning this subject~ property ownership~ and ~o present his findings, conclusions and recommendations as to whom absolute title and ownership of the property in ques~ion rests, to the Counc3.1 for their review and/or resultant actiona ~.~;EASURERtS REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY,, 1967 The Treasurerfs Report for the Month of January,1967~ was received and reviewed by the Council~ and thereafter directed to f31e. NTA MONTH Y R PORT FOR HE MONTH OF JANUA Y 6 The Departmental onthly Report for the Month of Janua~y' 1967~ which included activities of the Fire, Police, Building, Wa~er, Street, Park and Recreation Departments of the City, was r~eceived ar}d reviewed by the Council, and thereafter directed to file. ' _ , CITY COUNCIL FE~UARY' 1.4, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNTA PAG~ 2 PROGRESS-~STATUS REPORT RE: CITYiS SALES T.AX REVENUE UNIFORM SALES TAX TRANSA TIONS FOR ALL GITIES IN SoL.O. CQUNTY The City Administrator advised the Council that this City received copies of letters directed to Morro Bay, Grover City and Pismo Beach, ~°rom the County of S.L,O., which in effect ~.sked such cities to con- ~ tribute the same portions of sales tax now bei~ig received from San Luis Obispo, Paso Robles arr3. Ar°royo Grande and paid to the said County-e thus putting a11 incorporated cities within:the ~aid Gounty on an equal con- tributing sales tax basiso No answering copies of co'~°re5pondence had ' been received by this Ci,ty relative to the subject inqu~ry; however, the City Administrator advised that reporte~ly l~orro Bay'had rejected ~he County1s request for said t~x parti~ipationo FURTHER AISCUSSION,-~PRQPO~ED ANIENDME~T TO A~ZMAL ~COI~~ROF~ 9~D_IlVA1VCE,RE. AUTHORITY OF HUMAN OFF RS '~0 E FORCE SUCH ORDI'AN E, AND RE: ROPOSELI DTSCU~SION N P S E I~G. SE COSTS QN I OUNDTNG FEES A.ND THEIR D~ILY , OARU ~,C',,~OSTS • The m~.tter of enforcement by Humane Ufficer~ o~ the Animal Control Orclin~nce was h~ld in ab~y~nce pe~.din~ the outc~me o'f tY~e proposed dis- cussion ~re m iricr~aSec1 .costs, ~nrhich dzscussion was s~heduled for Februar~r, '~4;~~ i9~,' 12' N~an9 at 'the. Wa.sh~.ng Well Rest~.urant, Arr^oyo °Grande, at ~r~hich Nlx. I~eroy T~itrnez^9 representing, the Wood~ Animal She'~.ter~ and Coui~~~i'l~~ ' m~n Burt,~ Mayo.x Wo,od and Ci.ty Adm%nistra.tor Buteh9 representing tY~e ~Ca.ty ~of Arroyo Grande, would be in attendanceA Thus, should_a change of~the ~:ubjeet c.osts -b~e ~'~.n~ali:zed, both matters could be incorporat'ed ~f~'~~ the ~.nimal Con:tr.o1;0.Pdinance by the same amendment thereof. RECETPT.OF RESOL ION FR0' N IS.OBI"P0 CQ BQA D.OF UPERVI OR' N UPPORT'OF THE F L0 G AC 1 P I 01~ 0 L SS 0 T N0 OVER THE7R HARB(JRS,O RPORT FA I ES The subject resolution was presented to the Council ~ri3narily for their informati on; ho~wever, the Council concluded, after their dis- cussion, that the City Administrator forward a copy~,of said resolut,ion to the Port San Luis Harbor Commission, together with a let~er inquiry as to their s~and or act,ion on this subject matter; AND FURT~IER, that such matter again appear on the Coun~ilfs Agenda for the February 2$th meeting for status report purposes. FURTHER DI C SSTON RE. R,E UEST F~OM S UTH COUNTY S NT;ARY'SE V CE INC. D TR - ITY DISPOSAL SERV CE FOR N INCREASE IN GARBAGE COLLEC ION RATES F R CITY OF A1~.ROYO GRANDE Mayor Wood:again reiterated the Council~s prior decision (Go~ncil meeting of January 21~, 1967 ) on the reque~ted r~ate increases' which briefly was that such proposed increased cost of service must be ,justified. Mra Charles Cattaneo, represent~ng the named r~efuse companies ~ and present at this meeting, advised,~ha~. incr^eased servi~ce cos~s to the people of A~royo Grande were necessitated because of ~the purchase of a new.upd~ted refuse truck for this area, landfill dumping.requirements instead of dispos~l by burning, medical insurance coverage for employees and:increased wages ~or employeesa As a result of Council discussion, Mayar Wood direc~ed that a gen- eral discussion mee~Cing on the proposed increased ratea be held by and~ between Mr. Charles~Cattaneo, Councilmen Levine and Schlegel~a~nd Ci~y Administrator H~tch, at a time and place to be arranged by the City Adr~inistra~or; and that such findings, results and/or recommendations be presented to the Cit,y Council. Tn the ~nterim of discussion by the Council, two private Citizens~ i,e.~ Mr. William McElroy, and Mrs, George MD Rin~land voiced their ` opinian of ob,jection to the increased rates; AND FURTH~R, such Citizen~ advised the Council that certain people of the City did not adhere to the established hnurs and rules for burn3ng x~efuse, n,or tc the e~tab- lished control that no garbage is to be dumped on the open. ground nor: is ~.t to be burned. Mayor Wood directed the City Administrator to have ..2.. CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 14, 19b7 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 the respective Departments of Fire and Health investigate these reported conditions and follow through on the proper enforcement thereof. CALIFORNIA ROADSIDE CQUNCIL - RE. EFFECT ON LOCAL JURISDICTIONS OF GER- TAIN PROVISION GONTAINE IN THE FEDER~L HI~H~IAY B AUTIFICATION A T OF ~9 5, INVOLVING COMPEN~~,IONS~OR BILLB.~A~i.DS AND SITES THEREdF LOCATED ' ON ALL INTERSTATE AND P IMARY HI~HWAYS INVOLVED_~N FF,~„DERAL HIG~,WAY BEAUTIFICATAION ACT OF 19 5b ,~AFTER 5 YEAR.S.OF AMORTTZATTON,~, AND. ~tEQUEST FOR THIS COUN~TL TO ADOPT RE50LUTI0~ OPFOSITTON.TO SUCH COM~+~= PENSATION PROVISION., After Council discussion, a resolutaon was read in its;entire~y by the City Attorney. ~ESQLUTIQN N0. 73~. A RESOLUTTON OF THE CTTY CQUNCTL QF TH~ CITY OF ARR~YO GRANDE DECLARING ITS OPPOSITION TO THE COMPEN~ATION PROVTSION IN SECTION 131 (g) OF PUBLIC LAW $9-2$5, THE HIGHWAY BEAUTIFICATION ACT OF 1965 On motion by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilman Burt, ~nd on the following roll ca11 vot~,, to wit. AYES: Councilmen Zevine, Schlegel, Burt and May~or Wood, ' NOES: None, ABSENT: Counci~.woman Thompson, the foregoing resQlution was adopted this 14th day of February~ 19b7• ,~UBLTC:UTILITIES COMMTSSION HEARTNG RE. P.G.&E.TS DIAB?,~0 PLANT The Council was informed by the City Administrator that guch hear~- ing was to be held at the San Luis Obispo City Hall commencing February 16~ 1967 at l0 A,M. The Council advised ~hey were planning to attend this all-important hearing; a~nd further, they urged attendance and/or representation by all available persons from the South County area. ~,~OPERTY PURCHASE - DESCRIBED AS }1PENCE. PROPERTY" BY . CITY OF .ARRQYO ~.R~~INDE, LOCATED AT 202 . E. BRANCH . STREET The Council was advised that the term of lease -purchase agr~eement between the City and Dr. Jack Pence,et al, is due to expire March 31, 19b$, and th~t the option to purchase said property is now sub~ect to action by the Council. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel~ se~conded by Councilman Levine, that the City of Arroyo Grande is hereby authorized to proceed with the pa~rchase afthe Pence property located" at 202 E, Branch Street in this Ci~y, under the conditions o~ the lease purchase agreement, and that the final payment of ~6,5?~.77 to effect sa~.d property purchase is hereby authorized and approved; AND FURTHER~ that the Mayor i~~nd the City Clerk be authorized to sign any all docu-~ ments necessary ~to finalize this property purchase. Motion unar~imously carried. FURTHER IN THTS REGARD, the City Administrator w8s directed to inform the Parking Commission of this sub,ject praperty purchase by the City of Arroyo ~rande, for parking study purpose s. • 0 E- R C A3 T e City dministrator reviewed for the ouncil t e f~ct th8t they had adopted a resolutian December 27, 1967 in support of the elimin~tion of the matching requirement under S~ction 1$6 of the Collier-Unruh Transgortatbn Act, and fur~her, in support of an extension of the accum- ~ulationpex~ad fpx' ~he~e fu~d~ ~from two to five ysara, with, the option ta ~~ti~C~.c~za ~ceumla~ion ~"ar ar~ extsnded ~i~as up to a m~~i~mtiun of' ~sr~ ys+~re. j . , . . . . . . , _~r . . . . . , . . ~~jQ: CTTY COUNCTL FEBRUARY 14, 19b7 ARROYO GRANDE, CALTFORNTA PAGE 1~ Further in this r.egardq the Gity has re~eived a recent report from the League of California Cities to the effect th~t the~proposed legis- lation had been chang~d to exclude the matchi.ng.fund requiremQnts and ~ to stabilize the exi~-~ing highway tax. The matter has now;been submitted to the State Legislative Highway ~omrnittee and is still under proposed legislation. ,A„~NU, AL GASOLINE PURCHASE - RECE.IVE BIDS AND AWA1~.D . CONTI~ACT The Gity Administrator reported that~on February 14, 19b7, at the hour o~ 2:00 P.M., bids were received and opened in the City Hall by the City Clerk of Arroyo G~ande, for the purpose of supplying gasoline for ~he City of Ar.royo Grande,for the year commencing March;l, 1967 to and including February 2q, 196$9 this being the da~Ge and tirne s_et by-the Gouncil for said opening: w Bids~were received as follows: ETHYL EGR ULAR DIESET Mobil Q31 Con~pany .23~ =2145 .1149 Richfield Oil Corp. ,22$$ m2072 •137 Sunland Refining Corp. .2347 .2147 •129$ Union Oil Co of C~lif , ~ 233 5 . 2125 .114 After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Eurt, secanded by Gouncilman Schlegel, that the~low bid as submitted by Rich-~ f~.eld 03.1 Corpora~ion for supplying gasoline to the C~ity ~'rom March 1, 19~7:to ~nd including February 29, l96$, be acceptEd, and that the Mayor be au~horized to sign the con~ract with said Company, on . beM~al.f of the City. Motion unanimously carried. HU~SI~A ROAD„ ,LA„ N L_ INE,; - 9 T, DATE FEB U 2$ a$ P.M. FOR PUBLIC HEARING RE. S The City Administrator~advised that the Planning Commission had recomrraended the adoption of that cert~in plan line fo"r Huasna Road~ as presen~ed to such Commission~ anel tk~at it was now in order for Cquncil to hold a public hearing on this subject P1an Line. Aft,er Council discussion, a mation was made by Cnuncilr~an Schlegel~ seconded by Couneilman Burt, that.the public hearing~on the HuasMa Road Plan Line be,set for February 2$, 1967 at $ P.M. in the Gouncil Chamb~x~. of the City~Hall of the City of Arroyo Grande. Mot,ion unanimously carried. 0 0 G NCE OF HE E E A 0 E C Y 0 0 - D SE S BY N MM STO H. ES he Couneil was advised by,the City Adrninistrator thab the Plan- nir~ Commission had asked the Council to ~oin with them on February 23, ~.967 at g P.M. in t.he Council Chambers of the Arroyo Grande City Hall to study the proposed zoning ord~.nance of the said General P1Qn. The Council acknowledged t~;h~y would a~tend such session, but su~- gested and ~^equest,ed th+~~t the study session comrrrence at 7 P.M~ ~ather than ~ P ~M. The matter of possible tirne c~ange was to be finaf ized for bo~h City bodies by the Oity Administrator. ~ ter ourici scuss on, the ayor directed the City ,~,dxninietrator ~Co co~respond with the Board of S~apervisors and inquire about the sub« ,~eat area~ bein~ ~used for roac~side ~ar~ purposes. ~.n con~junction v~ith the , . , , , , , , „ . , . . . , , , , -4- 365 CTTY COUNCIL FEBRUARY'11~~ 196'7 ARROYO GRANDE, CAL~FORN~A PAGE City ~ s proposed development of a ways~.de park on its right af ~ray; on and ~long Fr~ont.ag~e Road' which two rights of way are ad,jaining. ~~ARKS AND. RECREA„Z'SON, C~MNIISSION - SYSTEM OF. NA~IING PU~LIC, PARKS, AND BEAUTY SPOTS AND RECOMMENDED.SPECIF~C NAMES FOR CER- TA7N PA~t.KS WSTH~N ARROYO GRANDE After review b~r,:the City Administrator and ~he ~ity Attorneys a resolution set~ting forth a s~rst~m far the nam~.ng of public parks and be~uty spots within the Ci~y ~ras read ~.n its entirety by the~ City Atto~^n~y. RESOLUTION N'0e 7~5 RESaLUT~ON T~E GT~'~' GQUNC~L OF T~iE C~TS~ OF ARROYO ~RANDE CONCERN~NG '~HE NAMTNG 0~' PUB~~C PARKS On motion by Counc~.lrnan Burt, seconded by Cauneilr~~n Schlegel, and on the £ollo~ring roll ca11 vote; to wit o AYES: Counc~,lmen L~v~ne, Schlegel.~ Burt and Mayt~r Wood~ ' NOES : Nor~e q ABSENT: C~un~il~r~r,lan Thompson, th'e fore~oin~ resolution was ~~.qpted this ;~,4th day of F~bxus,ry~ 1967. FURTHER IN TI~IS REGARD, the Council ~°evi~wed the,resol~~3.on;adop~ed by the Parks~and Rec~eation Commi~sion whi:ch contain~d recommended ~peci- fic t~ames of, ~hose park areas lc~ea~ed within the C3.ty ~,nd now unnamed. The Council w~s in agreement,.with the,chos~n names, howev~r,el~cted to ~ave the City Attorney dr~w up a resol~ation in their l~ehalf' beQause.of the pos~ibili~y of non~compl.etion of the proposed,way~ide~p~ark to be located a,lon~ Frontage Ro~d between Bri~cn and H~lcyon' along the free ° ~r~y~~ which area involves C3.t~r and County ad~nining .r~.~Y~ts of ~way. O HE trD COMM EE ~ EE , OR E C ENFO ~E T The r~eport in c~uestion, through in~dvert~ncy, was a duplication of ~he ~ub~ect report pr~uiously recei~red by, the Counc~.l. , ~ ' ' ' ~ „RS'I' ~ NN~,~''~,$~, ecause o~ ~pic~tur~-purpos~ final.ty, this matter was held in abey~ ~Qnce un~il the next regul~arly scheduled me~ting of t,he Couric~il. E F M ND RE ES 0 E S ISO Y 0 E ter presentation o the p~arpose and int,ended accampl3shmen~ of th3s Fire ScienGe Advisory Comm3tte~~s request, ~s pr~esented in their letter of Febr~ary 2, ~.96'~, AND after resultant Couneil discussion, the Cauncil was in ~~reement in.their conclusion that if~and when City pereonnel are ~~,pable c~" teac~ Fire Science Courses at the Junior College level, then such persc~nnel shall be permitted to do so. ~ , ' he ty m nistrs~tor reparted ~h~t on February qth 1967 ~t the hour of 2s00 P.M., bids vrere received and npened ~t the C~ty Ha~,l for the pur oee af drilli~ng and construct,ion of ~a new water well for the' ' C~.ty~ ~he following bids were recei~red. - Water Well Supply Co~ $$,307.50 Floyd V. Well~ Co. $7,497.50 .,5_ 3~~ A CTTY COUNCIL FEHRUARY 14, 19'b7 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORN~A PAGE 6 It w~s pointed out.that the eng~.neer.fs estimate on.this pro~ect was $$,000.00. After Council diseussion, a motion was made by 0°ouneilman Levine, seco~de~ by Councilman Burt, that the low bid as submitted by F~loyd V. Wells Go..be accepted, and ~hat the Mayqr and the Gity:Clerk be authorized to sign the contract documents for this subject water well drilling and construction with said r~amed company. Motion u~ani~ously ~ carried. FUR'HER DISCUSSTON.:- REd CREEK C~.OSSING.WATER LTNE, AT PROPOSED ~OG TION` WEST UF VAL~~Y GARDEIVS TR.ACTA AND _CONSTRUCT .~ON I~ DS '~H~R.EO1V The Ci~y Administrator requested.that the bid results on this sub- ~ect water line construction be held in abeyance pending further investi- gation of the condition of the now-existent water 1ine, the outcoms of which may prec;lude the qvErhead v~~ter° line installation. This mat~er 3.n question will be placed on the CouncilTs agenc~ for the next regular meeting. ~ R~CETPT OF HTDS RE..~PURCHASE OF T~.ACTOR MOUNTED BACK~OE-LOADER FOR ~~HE WATER DEPARTMENT ~ _ , The Council received a summary of bids ori,th~.s propqsed.purchase and a report-recommendation ~y Director of Pub,lic Wo~ks, dated Feb- ~ruary 14th, , ~.967. ~ ~ The following b~.ds were received and ope:ned on the date set by the Counc.il--~FebruarY 9, 1967 at 2 P.M. Loader ~ ~1ame of Biddin~ C~. Backhoe-Loader A~'ter Trade In A1lis-Chalmers $ 9~9b1.43 $ 6,960.00 d. 8c S. Equipment Co. 11r6$3~10 $,2$3.10 Wallace maCh~.ne ' ~,993•23 7,993•23 Heinrichs Equipment b,650~.00 7,450.00 Pett~.bone Wood Manufacturing ~1$,1~.5.00 (Na Bid) Hansen~ Equ~.pment C o. ~ ~ 9, 462 00 ~ 8~, ~3 ~~r 0. 04 Because of the g~neral d~viations allowable ur~der the City~s speci- fications,on this bac~hoe, ane~. because,of the deviations presented on the two lowest bids received, it was cor~cluded by the Co~ncil, after con, siderable and~careful deliberation, t~at this matter be referred back to . City Staff, and that such _Sts~ff ineet with representatives of each qf the two lower bidding companies and reso~,ve in;dallars and cents,the de~riations as noted on:their indiwidual bids; and there~fter,that the ap~licabl.e Gity Staff make a final determiz~a~ion of ~ust whici~ of the two named lower bidders is actually the reprESentative of the 1ow b3.d on , the su'~~ect baCkhoe loacler being purchas'et~ for the Water Depar~ment. The Council fu~^ther requested that a further report-recommendation be re~submitted to them for their review and resultant ac~ion,on this sub~ect matter. DS 0 R C ION 0 Of~ E 0 G, x MA 0 THE CU VE~ . COR E- 0 H H0 C USA,DCO TN N 0 - - G fter fac~ual present~tion by,the ~ity Administrator' and aftsr Counc~.l d3.scussiong a motion was made by.Councilman Burt, secanded by ~ouncilman Levine, that the call for bids on tk~e 10tf ~~'Water Line, iden~- if~led a,e Valley Road Line, be seheduled fo,r March 10, 1967 at 2 P.M. in,the of~ice of the Director of Public Works, C3ty Ha11, City of Arroyo Grand~. Motion unanimously carried. _6_ ~ CITY COUNCIL. FEBRUARY' 1~., . 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALTFORNIA PAGE 7 RECEIPT OF'MINUTES OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WATER RESOURCES:~4DVISORY COMMITTEE The City Council received, re~riewec~, and thereafter directed to file, the minutes of the December 14th r~eeting of this Committee. TRACT 2$2 . S'I'C)RM DRAIN' (FILER TRACT~ SET HEAR.ING ON AIST'RIBUT'ION QF COST After detai~ed review and explana~Gion of the in~ended purpose of"~' such hearing, and after Council discussion, a motion ~was made by Council- r~an Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Burt, that a public hearing an di~- tributian-of cost on the Tract 2$2 Storm Drain be held on March 14th, 1967 at $ P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Gity Hall, City of Arroyo Grande. Motion unanimously carried. SOUTH SAN LTJIS OBI5P0 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Prirnarily for infarmation purposes, the Council received a cqpy of the January monthly report,of the Chief Plant Operator of the Water Pollution Con~rol Plant, and after review, directed same to file. LOPEZ DAM PROGRESS REPORT 8c REVIEW OF CONDUIT R~UTE The Council received, reviewed and.thereafter directed to file a. wri~~en~~progr~~s regort on the Lopez Dam Project dated January. 31, 1967. Mr. Dick Drahn of the' S.L,O. County Hydr~aulic Engineerts Office; was gresent at the meeting and gave the Council a larief .up-to-date repcart on the'overall project; and thereafter introduced Mr..~Keith T~^anbarger of the firm of Koebig and Koebig, which engineering firm is working.on the water distribution s~stem of this,projecto Mr. Tranbarger reviewed verbally, and by map presentation, the proposed rnain water conduit route, and its branches, from the actual dam site-to:its final destination at Avila. OBSER~ANG~.OF "ENGINEERSt WEEKfT COMMENCING FEBRUARY 20, 1967 City Consulting Engineer Bob Garing anr~ounced to the Council that the week, a'S;;n~ted, had been set~a side for na~ionwide observance af ~ t~Eng~:neers f Weekft. NEW TRAk'F'IC ~ONmROL 1~IARKTN,~S -~T~TWO WAY LEFT TURN" City Corisulting`Engineer Bob ~aring advised the Council that the recentl;~ marked ~TTWO WAY LEFT TURI~TT markings, 1o,cated intermittentl~ on Grand Ave. between ~ialcy~on and Elm and 'within the marked double-lined ceriter 3.sla~.d, had 'been well rece~vEd ~~,the public, an;d Were being ut.il~.zed more and more since the public has become aware of its purpose. AT qN ~~AME CAN RED CRO S WEEKr~ FEBRU Y, 6~ ' Following~the readin~ of this subject proclamation by ~he Ci~y Administrator, I~ayor`Wood so proclaimed the designated week as ttAmeri- can Red Cross Week~~. RACT 2$2 FT ER TRACT RE UEST OF D:.S V NGS AND,L AN ~ S OCIATION FOR PERMISS Q. T4 I~u A L S~EV~I~R L~ S~AT ON EAR PIKE ~AND.GAYNFA7R, TO FACILTTATE SEWAGE FACILTTTES 0'TRACT 2 2 After presentation by the Gi~y Administrator,:and after Councilts rece3pt and review of the Director of Public Works~ report concerning the subjeet request, AND AFTER COUNCIL DISCUSSIOI~, a mot~.on was made by Counc3ln~an Sahlegel, seconded by Councilman:Levine, that perm3ssion be granted to and,/or through Bakersfield Savings 8c Loan Associa~t~.on for the installation of a sewa~e 13ft st.ation near Pike and Gaynfair in this Ci~y primar3.ly, for sewage servi~'e to Tract 2$2, in acaordance with th~e f ive conditions ~e~'forth in ~he Direc~or of Publi:c Workst repor~, dated ~'~'~~'~s~x~ ~,4, ~.9~7, which are as follows: ~ , l. ~'he lift ~~ation to re~rain th.e property of the City. 2. All cost~ of install,ation be borne byr owners of Tract 2$2, v~,~k~ r~o exp~e~~s~e ta t3~e~ ~ity of Arro~ro Grande. 3. Eng~,neere~c~~ pl.ans oF tha~ i.r~tal~.s~tian to lc~, ,sul~:;tte~d for Ci~y a~proval. ~ ' ' , , ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ GITY COUNCIL FEBRUAR~Y ,14, 1967 ARROY'0 GRAiVDE, CALTFORNIA PAGE $ 4. Lift st,ation to be factory built, 5. No prora~ions of - costs or, refunds:, Motion unanimously carr.ied. ~P~OGRESS.REPORT REa CONSTRUCTION OF.SEWAG P FACILITIES OF UNSEt~ERED-. ` T~, ION OF ARROYO GRANDE ' The City Adrninistrator announced.that.forma;l acknowledgment of this City,~s application for financial assistance in the c~nstruction and finalization of a complete sewage:system for this City had been , received ~'rom HUD, a Department o~',the Federal Government. ANNUAL COUNTY-WIDE HIGHWAY DEVELOPMENT GO1~iMITTEE MEETING - NOTI~'ICAT~ON RF~EIVED FROM S a L~ 0. CHAMBER ~F COMME~.CE This s~zbject meeting wi11 be held on March.l4, 1967, however, prior t,o:sueh date-t;he items of change9 addition_and~or revision i~;u~lving State High~nrays affec~.ing the City, would be discussed and finalized _fQr pr~sen~ation to such aforernentioned Committeea The City Administrator ~was direct,ed to arrange ~ for ,s-~ch a discussion meeting varith representatives of.this City. APPO~NTI~IENT OF `FLA~N~ING CO~ISSIO~ER . TQ FILL T~ACANCY. NOW. EXI$TING DUE, TO THE UNTIMELY DE~TH~ OF COR V~S~ER,~;- GERALD. N.a MQSS - - After du~ considera'tion by the Council o,f those persons qualified and ava~.lab~.e to serve on the Gityts Planning Gommission, a.motion was made by Couricil.rnan Levine, seconded by Cour~cilman Schlegel, that the pe-rs~on o~` G'erald N. ~loss, who ,resides at $15 Wi11ow,Lane, in tMe Gi~y of . Arroyo Gr~ande be, and her~}~y is appoin~ed ' to fill the now-existing ~vacancy,on the Planr~ing CQmmission, with his term of commissi,onship comrnencing on Februa~y 14,.1967 and terminating on June 30,,i96~. , P~ot.iqn unanimously,:carried. , ,ADJOURNMENT On motion by Co:uricilman Levine, seconded by Mayor Wood, and una~imously earried, the meeting adjourned..at,10:23 P.M. ~ ATTEST : ~ s=-~~ CIT GLERK MAYQR F'~Q ' ' BK .