Minutes 1967-05-09 44~ CITY COUNCIL May 9th, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regu3ar session vvith Mayor Wood presiding. Upon roll call Councilwoznan Thoar~pson, Coaancilmen Levine, Schlegel and Burt reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Wood led the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag and immed~- ately thereafter delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the reg~lar meeting of April 25th, 1967 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Council- man Levine, that General Warrants No. 950 to and including No. 995 in the ~otal amount of $34,290.96; and Payroll Warrants No. ],351 to and including No. 1398 in the total amount of $8,848.80, be approved and ordered paid. Motion carried. MAYOR'S FROCLAMATION - MAY 22 - 26, 1967 °ARRQYO GRANDE .C~.~EANU'P WEEK" Mayor Wood proclaimed May 22nd through May 26th, 1967 as "Arroyo Grande Cleanup Wee1~" in the City of Arroyo Grande as requested by the Arroyo Grande Beautification Committee. INTRODUCTION OF STUDENT PARTICIPANTS - YOUTH IN GOVERNMENT DAY Gity Administrator Bu~ch introduced Mike Cardoza, acting Mayor; Don A11en, acting Councilman; Jim McConaghy, acting Planning Director; and Suzan Howard, acting Planning Secretary; who were present frqm the group of 16 High School Students who.had participated in the Elks' sponsered Youth in Government Day held annually on the first Monday of l~ay. Mil~e Cardoza, speaking for the group, thanked the Council for al~owing tYB.e students to participate in the City government acti~- ities for a day and he felt the program was very worthwhile and inform- ative. Mayor'Wood~ speaking on behalf of the Council, thanked the students for attending this meeting and for taking an interest in the operations of the City. INVITATION Ff~M PASO ROBLES SCHOOL FOR BOYS -_(~F~T.;I30iJSE MAY 20, 1967 City Administrator Butch read a letter from the PaSO Robles School for Boys inviting the Council to their annual open house between the hours of 9:00 AaMm and 2:00 PaM.~ Saturday, May 20, 1967. CitX Administrator Butch was instructed to advise the Boys School that this Council had already accepted an invitation to participate in the :"La Fieata" parade to be held in San Luis Obispo on May 2Q, 1967, and to express the Council`s appreciation for their invit~,tion. RECEIPT OF PREMIUM DIVIDEND FROM STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND Mr. Kenneth L. Gideon~ representative of the State Compensation Insurance Fund, presented the Council with a premium dividend check for.the policy period July.]„ 1965 through June 30, 1966 in the amount of $1,798.23$ orally stating that this premium dividend was mostly ~reditable to the very successful Safety Program which the employees o~ the City of Arroyo Grande are utilizing. Mayor Wood expressed the Council's appreciation and thanks to Mr. Gideon for his personal presentation~of the premium dividend check. Mayor Wood further cornmended 'che City Employees for their individual efforts in making the City's Safety Program successful. TREASURER'S REPORT - MONTH OF APRIL, 1967 The Treasurer.'s Report for the rnanth of April, 1967 was received by the Cot~ncil and ordered filed. DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT FOR THE MONTH QF APRIL, 1967 The Departmental Monthly Report for the month of April, 1967 was received by the Council and ordered filed. STREET TREE ORDINANCE - ADOPTION - HELD OVER UNTIL NEXT REGULAR MEE TING Upon the request of City Attorney Shipsey the second reading and adop~ion of the Street Tree Ordinance was held over until the next regular meeting of the Council. -1- 401 cITY coUNeIL MAY 9tYa, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE ~ CAI,gFORi~TIA PA~E 2- PI,ZUPQS~D S~G~T URI~!T~TANCE - ~',~„D..t)~'ER '[~~iT'1,"I~ ~~X'g° R~'C'~TJ"T.~~ ~ "~°.`~'~~1T~'i. Up~az~ ~k~i~ r~q~~s~t ~f ~~,~~r ~,~~~ra~~~ ~hi~~ey t~k~~ r~~d~~.g ra~' a ~ign ~~di,r~anc~ wa~ h~ld ~a~r~r ~ratil ca~ ~h~ ' Cc~uz~eil. Aft~~r ~oua~cil disca~~~~Qr~ i~ w~.~ agr~ec~ he~l~ ~.n ~ddi,~ion~.l ~~uc~~ ~~~~~.on an pro~,c~s~d S~gn O~d~.r~~z~~~ ~t C~Q PQ.1~„ ~pnc~~y, May l~~k~, 196 7 R PROPOSED UNDERGROUND UTILITY ORD~ - HELD OVER L~NTIL NEXT REGULAR MEETING Upon the request of City Attorney Shipse~ the first reading of an Under~round U~ility Ordinance was held over until the next regular meeting of the Council. PROGRESS REPORZ°: UNTFORM SAIoES TAX FOR ALL CI'I°IES Ii~T SLO CO~ Councilman Lev~ne reported on tY~.e pu.blic hearing held by ~the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors on May 8th, 1967 at'1:30 PoM. regarding the request for a uniform sales -tax within Citzes through- out 8an Luis Obispo County. Councilman Lewine stated that the action` of the Board of Supervisors was very disappointing in that the Board made no definite decision. bu.t ~took a"wait and see" attitude and _ by so doing returned any fur~Ya.er action to the Cities. After Council dasctassion a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Levine, that City A~torney Shipsey be directed and in.stru~ted to prepare an Ordinance in which the City of Arroyo Grande wil~. impose a ftzll or~e (1/) per cent sales tax with- in the incorporate li~ii~s of ~the Ci~yo That.Mayor Wood be authorized, as this cit~'s representative, ~ko mee~ wi~th the Mayors of the other five Cities in San Lu~s Obispa County to determ3iz~ which cour~e of action these Cities will fo~.low. Motion carried. After f~r~ther discussaon a motion was made by Councilman Bur~t, seeonded by ~ounci~.woinan 'I`h~~nnpson, ~hat the fo~egning authorized meeting of:the Mayors of the six incorporated Citaes,i,n San Luis Obispo:County be held on Wednesday, May,24th, 1967. Motion Carried. l . , . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES' LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN DIGEST REPORT > City Administrator Butch reviewed the Legislative Bulletin received from the League of California Cities' which outlined those bills now before the .~lsses~bly and Senate for immediate a~tion ~ and: nci~ted prior bills wh~ch Ya,ave been acted upon. APPOINTMENT OF CITIES REFRESENTATIVE' TO LAFCo. City Ac7niinistrator Bu~ch reporced notification had been;recei~ed from the Local Agency Fo~°n1a-tion Commission advising that the neva membe~s on t1~e Conux?ission to represen~ incorporated cities within San Luis Obi.spo County are Arthur Spring, San Luis Obispo City Council- man,;as ci~ies representative and Jack Surfluh, Mox~ro Bay Mayor, as alternate ~it,ies representative. - Mayor Wood s~tated that at the last meeting of the Local Ageney Formation Comm.~ssion he had noted that the>Cities representative on the Commission does have a vote at all.times because if the.Commission is discussing boundarp changes within tYae axea of ~he appointed ci~.~:es represent:cx#ive then ~he appointed alternate. ci~ties representative has a vote. . RESOLUTION ADOPTaNG LONGEVITY VACATION PLAN FOR EMPLOYEES OF CITY _ Aft~r review and discussion by the City Counci~;;:the subject rssolution was read throu.gh the title by City Att~rney Shipsey; after which a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, to dispense w~.th reading the balance of said; resolution. Motion unanimously carried. -2- 40~ CTT'Y' COUNCIL MAY 9th, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 RESOLIT'%°~ON NOm °34~ , A RE S OI~U'~ ION OF THE C~°I'Y COUNC ~ I~ OF 'I°'HE C I'I'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOP'I'ING A I~ONGEVITY VACATION P~AN FOR THE EMPLOYEES OF TFiE C~Tti' C)E' ARROXO GRANDE BX AMENDING :RULE S~CTIC)I~ QF RESOLUTI~01~3: ;NO. 606 On motion by Co~ancil~aan B~nr-t, seconded by Counci~rnan Levine, and on the following roll call vote, to witd AYES: Coumcilwoman Thompson, Gouncilmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Woodo NOES: None ABSENT: None ~he foregoing reso]Lution was passed arad adopted this 9th da~ of . May, 1967. DEED ACCEPTANC~ - CRAND AVE. RIGHT OF WAX - WM. Mo ATKINSON, ET:AL After presentation of pertinent factual inforr~iation to the ` Council by City Administrator ~u~ch, and after Couneil discussion, a motiora was nlade b,~ Cour~c~lra~an Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Burt, that tkae Grant Deed from W~lliaan Ma Atkin~on and Florence M. Atkinson for street purposes on~ Gr~.nd Ave~.u~, near Elm S~kreet, be accepted by the City witlh. the p~.y~ent ~of $2, 575.44 to the naaned Atkinsons for such property ~c~tzisat~on, a~.d ~hat the Mayor and City Clerk be auth- orized to sign the ~ertificate of Acceptance, and that said deed be recorded. Mo~ion carried. . CiJMMISSION REQUES:T TC) ~LTER PR~OR ~~PPRO~IED DEVELOPMEIVT PZAbTS-E~,M STe PARK Co~i~sioner S~t ~u~~ins, liaison to tYa~e City Council from the Parks and Recr~at~on Comm~nnis~ion, pre~ented the proposed revisions` of t~e Elm. StrEet ~a~rk Pro~eet, which park development project was here- tofa~re approved by the City Council at their December 27th, 1966 mesting, as per exhibit n~ap and drawing of said park dated Deeember 7tY~, 1966. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman ~evine, that the revised plan for the Elm Street Park project pres~nted in map form and identified as "II 5/9/67" be accepted and app~ovedo Motion car~ied, PRpGRESS REAORT - LOFEZ DAM C;~ty Ac~ministrator Bu~ch advised that t~e official Ground Break- ing Dedication Cereixaony for the L~p~z Dam Project will be held Sunday, May 2lst, 7.967, ~t 1:C~~ PaMo at the dam site, with an "all-out" Steak Barbeque to €ollow at Routzhan County Park at 2:00 P.Me It was xe- por~edJ.p anticipated that Lto Governor Finch would be the Honored Guest and Speal~eac, with various Mayors and Officials of Cities v~ithin the County_also to be honored guestsa REFUND TO EARL WILKINSON FOR ~ER~7I~E ~'nNNECTION JUNE, 19.b5 TO HUASNA RUAD WATER LINE EXTENSION INS'z'ALLED 2N 1957 City Administrator Bu~ch presex~ted the pertinent details to the Council regardinq tha,s subject ma~~er, whickn are as follows: Mr, Earl v~l~,lkinson, , D~v~lope~ af' Tract NoD .~08,: or.iginally paicl tor the fu~.~. cQ~t of " the H~xasr~~. ~oad Water Lane ex~ension from its termination at the Skidmore property tp Tract Nom 108, with the agreement with the Cxty that at su~h ~time as properties on either side of Huasna Road connected to the wa~ter line irnsta].led by him a refund would be made to him at the rate of orne ($1.00) dollar per front foot. However, in June of 1965, a~ervice hooleup ~ras anade to ~he sub ject line, with the inadvertentcy that the City did no~ collect the appropriate monies from the property owner a~t that time, but that ara appropriate sum for such connection vaas due Mr. Wilkinson; and in. view of the time elemen~t, ~olicitatiorn of this payment by the City was not recommended by the City Attorney, -3- CITY COUNCIL MAY 9th, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PACE 4 After discuss~on by ~~ae Cou~.~~la ~ ax~ofcio~ was ra~ade Day Council~- waman Thorrapson, seconded b~,a Co~anci~~aa~ Lev~~e, that ~Yie s~sra of $62.50 payable to Mro Earl Le W~Yki~n~o~,, i~ co~~e~~,~on va~th an original water line ~nstallation ora Huasna Road, ~e approved arad that suclz funds be expended from the Water F~and ~eaoni~~ of the Cityo Motiora unanimously carriedo The Council da.rec~ed C~ty~ Adma.r~.~~tra~or ~~atcYb ~o forward pa~r'- ment with an accornpanying letter of explanation arnd apology to ly1.r. Wilkinson for the inadverten'~ delay regarding this mattero PROGRE S S RE POR T- C 3'I'3Z WATE R WE LL NO o 5 fihe Council received, reviewed ar~.d tYaereafter dire~ted to file, a Summary of Cos~s r~p~rt r~a~ed Apr~l 25tho 1967, which set forth the total cost for i-rast~lla~~o~ of Weli Noo 5 at $6,848000, vaith an overall total cost of $1~,090.0~ whac7~ included well installation, subsequent necessary wa~er l~nes, variou.s materials, labor, etce ~he original es-timate of such costs ]ay tYae Director of Public Works was $ 21, 000 e 00 , VALLEY ROAD WATER L~NE EXTENS~ON ~NS'I'AIdI.sATION After discussio~a by t3~ae Cc~ua~cil rela~tive to an extens~on of the water line installat.~on on Vall~y Roada a mot~on was made by Council- man Schlegel, sec~~~.~d ~y Cou~c~~wor~~z~ "I~ao~a?pso~., tha~ authorization ~Ze c~ranted to i~.~r~ase tkae Lontraci~ ~uan~~ty, of th~ now existang contrac~ b~tween Da ~'e Hall~re~ a~.d a~i~ City c~f Arroyo Grande for water line installatiora on Vall~y Road, b~r twenty-five (25/) per cent on the single unit fig~re al~~acly esta~lished. ia~ tYne aforementioned contract with allowance for requisi.~e fir°e hyclrar~t~ and valves. Motion ur~a~irn~usly ca~°riede C,~?ty A~:torney Ships~y `va~ ia~stxucted °to prepare an applicable, ordinance establi~h~.n:g j~zs~ and proper proce~.~,re f~r aa~~r and al1 future hookups to any Caty iras~talled watex lines for .the Coitncil `s ' review and actiora. S:Ua SLO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT The Co~zncil received, reviewed~ and thereafter directed to file, a copy o~ th~ Tr~atmen.-t Plan~ Operator's report for April, 1967 and a copy of a report on the nua~aer os s~wer hookups and ~evenue there- from fo~ the per~.od March, ]:~~56 .througli April, 1.9C 7. GOLD COAST CENTURY TOUR B3t B~CYCLIS'PS °°GOLD COAST WHEELMAN" Mre Roger Davis presented ~Ya,~ Council with the bicyclists' agenda of to~nr activities for the weekend of May 20th and 21st, 1967, and extended a w~lcom~ ia~vita~tion to the Council for their partic= ipation in any or al~ of tYae scheduled activities of the First Annual Tour of the Cerat~cal Coast, from Santa Maria to M~rxo Bay, via bicycles. Z~TTER 0F .~~KbTOWLEDGMEI~T FROM.SL~ COv PILOTS ASSOCe RE.OCEANO AIRPORT IMP. City Adminis~trator ~utch read in bts entirety a letter frorn~~.tthe San Luis Ob~spo Coun~cy Pilots' Association acknowledging the City's sup- port for improvements a~. ~he Oceano Airport; ~fter which the Council directed same to filee WELCOME TO BRYAN DWALL PLANNIN~ COMMISSIONER Mayor Wood. exten~ed ~aorcls of welcome to Bryan Duvall, liaison ~o the City Counczl from ~he Planning Co~annission for th~ anonth of May:, 1967. ADJOURNM~NT On motion by Councalman Levine, s~~onded by Couracilwoman Thom~son, and unanimously carri,ed, the meeting adjourraed at 9:33 P.Mm ~ ATTEST: ~ L~ City 2rk ' Niayo~ ~ -4-