R 2181 .- . , 189 . , , . H~LU'rION NO. 2181 A ll~LU'nON OF TilE Cl1'Y OOUNCll. OF TIlE CITY OIl AIU10YO GRANDB mI'ABLlSllING NBW AND AMENDING (''URRBN'r DISI'OSALSERVlCE FRANClllSE AGREBMENTRA'lm, EFFECTIVB JANUABY 1, 1988 W IlHltHAS. SectiO/LS 6-4.10 wId 6-4.11 pI'Ovide for wneJlument of dispooul service rates by lhe Cily Council of the City of An'oyo Grande; Wid WllHllHAS, the City Cowlcil hils reviewed new proposed disposal serviee rates In public meeliJlg. NOW, TllliltBFORE, the City Cbwlcil of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby amends Pw'agraph 16 of lhe Dispooal Sel'Vice Frwlchise Agreement between South County Sanitary Service, lnc, and the City of Arroyo Grande, dated January 23, 1985, on January 1, 1988, to read In its entirety: "16. Rutes to be charged for gw'bage, refuse and rubbish collection covered by tlus Pq;rccmeJlt shall be as contained In Schedule A, as attached, beginning January 1, 1988." On n'Otion of Cbuncil Member Porter, se(.'Onded by Cbuncil Member Moots,and on the following roll cull vote, to wit: AYES: Council MenDers Porter, Moots, Johnson and Mayor Mwlldns NOES: None ABSENT: Council Menwr Millis the foregoing Resolution WlIS passed and adopted tlus 24th day of Novembel', 1987, ~~~;~~-,_~~~4_y_;' I A'('J'EST: a~_~~~-l CITY CLEHK I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of purjury that the foregoing Resolution No, 2181 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 24th day of November, 1987. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 1st day of December, 1987. CITY C~ a. (h~,..-~..J u~ ---- ~ - , , , . . . EXHIBIT "A" MTE salEDULE SOlJI1I COUNTY SANITARY SERVICE RATES RATES RATES 311 /86 5/1/87 1/1/88 I. Residential Service: One time per week service/standard container/32 gallon or 1ess/80 pound weight limit. One can plus one yard trash 5.00 5.70 6.00 per week on curb, One can in yard plus one 8.80 10.05 10.60 yard trash per week on curb. Each additional can in yard. 2.35 2.70 2.85 II. Multiple Dwellings: 1 - Pickup per week 3.20/unit + 3.70/unit + 3.90/unit + 10.25 container 11.75 container 11.75 container rent rent rent 2 - Pickup per week 5.25/unit + 6.05/unit + 6,35/unit + 10.25 container 11.75 container 11.75 container rent rent rent 3 - Pickup per week 7.30/unit + 8.40/unit + 8.85/unit + 10.25 container 11. 75 container 11.75 container rent rent rent III. Rate for Ccmnercial Accounts Using 32 Gallon standard Containers: 1 can picked up one/week 5.65 6.50 7.00 1 can picked up twice/week 10.55 12.05 12.95 1 can picked up 3 times/week 15.50 17,75 19.10 2 can picked up once/week 10.40 11. 95 12.85 2 can picked up twice/week 14.90 17.10 18.40 2 can picked up 3 times/week 21.05 24.10 25.90 3 can picked up once/week 12.85 14.75 15.85 3 can picked up twice/week 21.05 24.10 25.90 3 can picked up 3 times/week 27,50 31. 50 33,85 4 can picked up once/week 16.10 18.45 19.85 4 can picked up twice/week 26,05 29.80 32,05 4 can picked up 3 times/week 33.95 38.85 41. 75 Each additional can oncelweek 3.20 3.70 4.00 Each additional can twicelweek 4.95 5.70 6,15 Each additional can 3 timeslweek 6.45 7.35 7.90 IV. Rate for DumPmaster Containers: CUbic Effective pick Ups Per Week Yards Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 . - 1 3/1/86 $21.05. 30.40 40,95 52.65 61.45 73,15 5/1/87 24.10 34.85 46.90 60,30 70.35 83,75 1/1/88 25.90 37.45 50.40 64,80 75.60 90.05 2 3/1/86 $26.60 $44.45 $64.35 $84,85 $104.40 $124.60 5/1/87 30.50 50.90 73.70 97.15 119.60 142.7U 1/1/88 32.80 54.70 79.20 104.45 128.55 143.40 3 3/1/86 31.60 60.80 84.85 110.85 131. 65 156.20 5/1/87 36.20' 69.70 97.15 126.95 150.75 178.90 1/1/B8 38.90 74.90 104.45 136.45 162.05 192.30 4 3/1/86 40.65 71.10 101. 50 131. 90 162.35 192.75 5/1/B7 46.55 81.40 116,25 151.10 185,95 220.75 1/1/88 50.05 87.50 124.95 162.45 199.90 237.30 Large size containers - $1.90/cubic yard/pickup plus $10.25 bill rental -~--_._--