Minutes 1967-07-11 42~ CITY COUNCIL J(JI,Y 11 , 196~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF. The Ci~y Council-met in regular session with Mayor Wood :pres~d'ing. Upon roll ca11 Councilwomaa? Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel and ~ur~ reported present. i PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Wood led the PTedge of Allegi~nce to our flag; and immediately thereafter Reverend Leonard T. Boyd, Pastor of the Presbyterian Community Ch~,trch of Pismo Beach, delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of June 27, 1967 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, that General Warrants No.1142 to and including No.1202 in the total ~7niot~t ,~f $~8 x~51 49 and ,G~n~~al Giarr.a'n~~'~o.i to=-a~nd, i~i~lr~~i~tg ~a.~# i:~ .th~ ;ta~al .~,a~oun~ of ~1 R ~Q5 rt00 ~ ar~d ~Fa.y,rol~,-•Warxa~~~.~o~;~E~S~.; ~te ~and, ..t.~i~~ttd- i.ng N4;~_17,~54:fn he ~o~al ~matint .of ~~~3,b5X..Q~. b~:~ppi~eved a~td ordered~_p.~id, . . , ~ulo~a.on catcri~~~,. • . . _ n w ~ ~ LETTER OF APPRECIATION F~tOM RADIO PAGE CENTRAL GOAST City Adminis~trator Butch read a letter from Radio Page Central Caas~ in which they expressed their app*-eciation and thanks for the support ~nd, approval extended ~y the City Council by the adoption of a resolution endorsing their proposal to operate a one way paging service. LETTER FROM OCEANO IMPROVEM~TT ASSOCIATION REGARDING A~.tEA CONSOLIDATION City Administrator Butch advised a letter had been reeeived from the Oceano Improvement Association suggesting a joint meeting be held between ~~e itlembers of tk~e City Councils of Arroyo Grande ~l• Q~a~e~ f~'~~y, members of the Oce.atto ;Zm~Zr.oveme~t Asstr.ciation, and .rep~,~:ese~Latives of ti~e Halcyon a.r~.a to di~s~uas the feasibility of consalidating t,he above named areas into one £~ty. The Council agreed they would be willing to attend such a meeting and dire~ct~~d: City Administrator Butch to so advise the Oceano Improvement Association. APPOINTMENT 0~ COUNCIL DELEGATE 'TO COUNTY ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION City Administrator Butch advised that the office of Ec'nnom~.c Oppor- tunity had requested that the City name a delegate to the Economic Op- portunity Commission for 1967-68 fiscal year. A£ter Council discussion a motion was made by Counciltnan Burt, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, that John Hurst, 11~+1 Linda Drive, Arroyo Grande, be appointed as the voting representative of the City of Arroyo Grande on the Economi~ Opportunity Commission for the 1967-68 fiscal year commencing July 1, 1967. Motion earried. TRE AS~1REYt:! S:.RF.I~O R~: :FO R.: JI~NE 1~~ 6 7 . City Administrator Butch advised that the expenditure portion of the Treasurers repor~ for June, 1967 was not completed at this -time as the City has been uaing the encumbering system throughout this last fiscal year and to fully utilize this process to keep the exgenditures within the year of occurance as expenditures for the prior year do not necessarily end on June 30th, and upon the advice of the City Auditors the books will remain open until July 15, 1967, And that the expenditure report and Tre~lsurer's Balance ending report will be finalized and forwarded to the Council priqr to the next regular meeting of the Council. DEPARTMENTAL MJNTHLY REPORT FOR JUNE, 1967 The Departmental Monthly Report for the month of June, 1967 was reeeived by the Council and ordered fi~.ed, The Council commer~ded Fire Chief Marsalek and Bux,J,ding Inspector Nicklas for their successful completion of trainir~~ ~c~urses applicable to each department. _ 1..., 42~ CITY COUNCIL JULY 11; 19b7 ARROYO GRANDE,_CALIFORNIA ' ~'AG~ 2 DISCUSSION-~- NEED FOR F~RMING MJSQUITO ABATEMENT pISxRIGT James Gates, G~unty of San Luis Obispo Sa-~itarian, outlined for the Gouncil the reasons the County Health Depar~tment has asertained the n~ed for the formation of a mosquito abatement district to serve the°south San Luis Obispo County area,.Mr. Gates d~seribed in de~ail the most con- sentrated mosquito breeding areas and s~tressed the need for adequate control measures being taken as soon as possible. After Council diseugsi~n City Administrator Butch was instructed to work with James Gates in scheduling a meeting with al1 south San Luis Obispo County arearepreaentatives to coordinate the efforts of the San Luis Obispp County Health Department in resolving the;n~~d for mosquito abatement. Mayor GTood appointed Councilman Levine as this Gouncil's representative to this meeting. Mayor Wood thanked James Gates and our local Health Officer Steve Diaz for their attendance at this meeti~Cg. FUBLIC HEARING - ABANDONMENT OF BENN~TT AVE. WITHIN DzSTRICT CEMETERY GROUNDS City Administrafior Butch reviewed and presen~ted a map ind-icating the area of Bennett Avenue, loeated within the Arroyo Grande Diatriet Ce~metery graunziss~ which present location is no Zonger nec'essary for City Street - gurp~ses. City C1erk Miller assured Mayor Wood that the property in question had been posted and legal publication had been done as required by law. Mayor Wood declared the hearing open stating all persoa~ for or against t~te abandonment of a portion of Bennett Ave. would now be heard, There being no discussion for or against the abandonment, Mayor Wood declared the hearing closed. After Council diseussion City'Attorney Shipsey was instructed to prepare a resolution ordering the abandpnme~nt of a portion of $ennett Ave. as above designated subject to the Gemetery District presenting th~ City with a deed for am alternate right of way along the souther).y baundary within the Cemetery grounds for future road purposes; alsa easements fo~ utili~y l:i.nes for future usage within the present or future roads within the Cemetery District grounds. _ PROGRESS REPORT - UNIFqRM SALES TAX FUR ALL CITIES WITHIN SL0 COUNTY MUNICIPAL GODE AMENDMENT - SALES TAX - FIRST READIN Mayor Wo~d reported that the San.Luis Obispo County Boar o Super- visors rejeeted the pha8ing out proposal gresented to them from the six eities w~ithin San Luis Obispo County at the xegular meeting af the Board on Jn1y 10, 1967,, by so doing returning the sales tax mat~ter to the cities for ultimateF~:aCtion. A€ter,Gouncil discussion and deeision to adopt a new ardinanee impoairig;~ a full 1% sales tax on all retail sales within the City of Arroyo Grande. City Attorney Shipsey read the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal (3ode relating to sales and use taxes, thezeafter a motion was made by Counc,ilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine to dispense with reading the bal~nce of this ordinanee. Motion unanimously: carried. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES' LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN DIGEST REPORT City Admin~strator Butch reviewed the legislative bulletin received fron the Leagne of California,Cities' which outlined those bills now before the Assembly and Senate of particular intere~t-'~~o~cf~Eies. ' CITY ATTORNEY' $ REPO~tT - DEL$TION OF HALCYON AREA k'1.tOM PROFOSEA ANNEXATION Cifiy Att~rney Shipsey reported that he had been advised by-the Diatxict Att,orney that the ~ialcyon Area can be deleted from ~he propoaed Halcyon- Oceano area annexation by the adoption of a new resolution ~pplieation in which the Haleyon eiea he excluded and after adoption by the Couneil to resubmit the ~ew praposed area description and map:to the Local Agency Format~an Comm~ssion, as this Commission has not yet filed the ~riginal a~~lica~ian s~t~sl~#~tect ta themr by this city. • , - . _ . ' ~ _2_ CITY COUNCIL .JULY 11,_1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA P.AI;E 3 After-Couneil dise~~sion a moti~rc wa~ anade by Co~arceil~q~,.~,~'tit~„ney ~s~OA~ed by Go~ncilwoman ~hompeoaa t&~.~~ A~tc~rney S~ipsey be in~~z't~~~~~ ~o prEpa~~ ~h~ ~~c~eaa~r-y xs~alu~~.oa~ ~pp7.f,~~~~.Qr~ ea~d ~~.e ~a.~ty .~~~f,f b~ d~.rQ~~e~I~,~Q px~P++~fi.~hs n~ce~aa~~y ~apa .~inc~ d~e~ri~i~~,o~s deA,eiti~.~ ~~1~~a~a ~r~~ ~a~om ~he pi~~pQSe~~ ~zinex~t~;an o~ ~h~ !O~~aa~~-~~a'~~yan ~r~e~: ~o~.~.~z~ ~~ar~r~~d .~c~ll~w~~' ~~il ~ail vo~ke, '~~,,~i~: ~Y~S: ~~u~c~.lwdman '~~mp~a9n, C~a~n~~l~nsr~ Lev~.~ie~; S~hl.egel, ~u~t end'Ma~a~r Wood Ne~ES : l~one ` A~SE~ ~ 'No~'i~ ' , RENEWAL OF ANNUAL LEASE FOR ~.6 ACRES 0~' CITY OWNED PRQPERTY-ELM ST. - Y.HIYAMA Ci~ty Adm~.n~strator But~h reported that Y, Hiyama has requeeted some indie~tion of approval for renewal of ~he annual lease he holds with ~he City of Arroyo Grande for the approxima~e 16 ac~~e~ of property loeated adjaeent to ~lm Street, p~iqr ~o ordering the necessary plan~s to eontinue his farming operations he wishes to be assured the lease will be renewed. After Gouncil di9cussion a mo~ion was ~ade by Gouncilman Sch~egel, seconded by Councilman Burt, that the lease between t~.e Ci~ty of Arroyo Grande as Lessor and Mr. Y. Hiyama as Les9ee for a eertain por~ion of the city-R~med E1m Stree~ proper~y as speciffeally de~~ribed i~ said lease be renewed effective October_ J,,1967 a~ad ~ter~ia~ating Sep~ember 30, 1968; and that the Mayor and City ~lerk be authorized ~o exe~:ute such lease on be- half ~f the Gity. Mation carried. REQUEST OF PARKING COMMISSIQN-'d.'0 ADD ~JnTEXPENDED ~'UND TO 1,967-68 B~DGE~-APPROVED City Adtt~fi~is~*ra~or Bu~eh a~3vised ~h.at ~he Parki~ag Commission, in their endeavor to improve parka.a~g i~ th~ d~wai+owri are~ of Arroyo Grande, have requested tha~t that ua~e~pend~d funds of ~pproxi~ately $1,00~.00, from the 1966-67 Par~cing Budget k~e c~rried over ~o tfi.e 1967-68 budget•.._AAdv~e~,r ~~~~d, speaking f~r the Mer~ha~.ts ~,ssocatioa~, s~r~~~ed the nece~sity to earry over this amount due to ~~ne delays experienced by `~he Commission, the Mer~hants and the City in rr.egotia~ti~ng f~r right~ of way and the planned building of black wa11~, It ie felt tha~t ~the project is extremely important to ~l~.e business communi~ty of our City, and ~ha~ it would-given ~the Merchants the added emphasis need~d a~d funds neeessary to ~omplete this project if the c~-rry over of t2ae $1,D00,00 i.n~o ~he 1967d68 Budge~t is approved. _A~~~r Gc~u~;,c~.~ d.~c'u~.s~,qn':a ~tii~n was ~de b~ .Cotin~ilman Schi.egel.,., s~uoudeal- bgr:Euui~a:lmt~~::-~u~~E;;.':tha~~:the ~eq~a~~~~of~~he Parking Gommission, to carry over the uriexpemded balanee of $1,000.00 fron the 1966-67 Off Street Parking Budget into the 1967-68 Off Street Parking Budget, be approved. Motion carried. LETTER OF RESIGNATION-- POLICE SGT. BILLY J. ALLISON - EFFECTIVE 6-29-67 City Administra~or Buteh read a 1e~~er from Billy J'. Allison, stating he is resigning his positfon as Se~geant on the Arroyo Grande Police De~• partment effec~ive June 29, 1967 to aeeept emplp~~~`: as Chief of Poliee with the City of Grover City. A~..motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, se~o~.ded by Councilman Levine, tha~ the resigna~ion submit~ed by Sgt. Billy J. Allison be accepted and ~hat City Administrator Butch be ia~structed to forward a letter of thanks and appreciation for past services rendered and congra~Gulations on his recen~ appointmen~ as Ghief of Police for the City of Grover City. - Motion earried, LETTER OF'CJQNM.Q~IIIATION FROM COMNIISSION ON PEAGE O~FICER STAi~TD.4~'~AND TRAINING City Adminis~rator Butch. re~ad a le~ter from Gene S. Muehliesen, Executive Officer, Co~unission on Peaee Offieer Standards and Training, in which Chief Richardson and the Arroyo Grande Police Department are highly commended for their efforts to iznplement the procedures reeon~mended by the Commission on Peaee Offieer S~andards a~d Training to obtain the best available men for poliee dty~ty in the City of Arroyo Grande. The City Council expressed their gra~ifieation for this le~ter and directed City Administrator Bu~tch to f~rward a copy of same to Chief Riehardson. ~ -3- 42~ C~'~~CQiT~~TJ: ~ _ ~`~ITLY 11 , 1~67 ARROXI~ GRANDE,.C2~IFORNIA PAGE 4 COUNCIL REQUEST STUDY SESSION-BEAU'I'IFICA'TIOI~' PLAN FOR GITY City Administra~or Bu~ch was inst~uc~ec~ to sehedule a study session between the-Council and the ~ar~CS and Recrea~tion Gommission to review ~~.e proposed beautifica~ion plan for th~ Gity of Arroyo Grande prior to Co~ncil action regarding same. HtJA~i~~ RD, IMC'ROVEMENT - PREL3MINARY ENGINEERING PLAIVS REVIEW Gonsulting City Engineer Garing, ~~y' use~ uf a map p~reeei~t~~~.o~.~ ~ev~:ets~d for the Council a phase of the preliminary engi~.eering for Huasna Road Improvement noting that the plans call for full e~nstr~tct.ion`improvement on the north side of Huasna Rd, therefore n€:cessitating the use of asphalt ber[ns $long the north side of.the road way to co~.tain the wa~er within the right of way also the 16 driveway appro~~es as now planned require asp~alt placement; but as the City, in the gast, has requi.red concrete dr~veway appro~d~a9 he reques~ed the Couneil's direetion in this xegard. After Council discussion a motion was ~nade by Gouncilman Schlegel, seeonded by Gouncilman Burt, that Engineer Garing be inatruetEd and authorized to prepare the preliminary plans for the Improvement of Huasna Road to require conerete driveway ~pproaches at City expense, City owned right of way only. Motion earried. After further discussion regarding ~the installation of asphalt ~e.~tng a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seeonded by Councilman Burt, that City Administrator Bu~tch contact the owners of:the 16 parcels of p~operty adjaeent to the north side of Huasna Road and advise them~a>that the City will have concrete eurb, gutter and driveway aprons in~€alled adjaeent to each property if the property owners wi11 reimburse the Gity of Arroyo Grande the difference in the cost for installing concrete over the eost the City of Arroyo Gran.de will pay for installing asphalt be~mg. This proposal to be on an individual basis, in an e+~fort f~r each propert,y owner to take ~ advantage of this opportunity for a grea~ter ~np~o~?ement to his property, at considerable saving, for eoncrete eurb, gutter and,driveway installation. Motion carried. AWARD BID 3TA~,LEY ROAD & ELM STREET 1Q°* WATER LINE INSTALLATION Gity Administrat~r Butch reported tha~ bids had been seceived and opened on June;13:;;1967 at 2:00 P.M,, as authorized for the installation`:. of approximately 1175' of 1(~' water Iine on .dalley Road and approximately 740' of 10" water line on EIm Street between Fair Oaks Ave. a~d Farrell Road. Bids were reeeived as follows: W. M. Ly~lea C~o-., wPt Q~, Box 8~ Aver~al.,..Gali.f.: : '~a~a~.'_Bid $10,778:50 ilest Coast Constr. C~., Inc. San Luis Obispo, Calif. Tota1 Bid $ 9,794.85 , „ , ; D„ Hallgreny, :446~~ 14~iidas Ave. , Roe~Cl.in.R Galif. Total Bid $10,341.00 as negotY:a'~zonss have notye~been. a:ompleted for right of way on a portion of E1m Street between Fair Oaks Avenue and Farrell Road, Director of Public Works Anderson has recomnnended that the-contract be awarded for the inatallation of only 310' of 10~ water line on Elm Street at this time. After Gouncil discussion a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Gouncilman Burt, that the contraet for the installation of ~pg~soximatEly 740' of`10" water line on Elm 5treet :b~,Changed~to 310' - ~f 'YQK .water 1 ine on E1m 'Stree~ between Fair 08'~s Av~~nue ~~d' ~arrel l Road-• arid that,t~e 1,ow bict as'sutim~.t~ted by Tn~est ~e,ast. C~onstruction Co.,' Inc. €or the ins.tailatio~. of appr~o~cfmai;;;ely 1174• of ZE~*° wa~ter line on 'Va1le~ Ro~ad and apgroxi:mately 3i0' of i0°' ia~°l;er 1i~~~~~1cd. S~~ee~ between :Fair Oaics : Avenu~ arizl Farrell ~taad ~ro "ec't No:~ , J ; b~ 8ccepted ,$hd ~~~a't= the i: ~ Mayor -and City'Gle~rt~; he authoriz~ `~o sign the contraet document on behalf of the-City. Motion carried. - . _ ~ . . . . . . +j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . ' ' ~ . , ~ . . . _ . . . . . . . . ~ . . _ . . _ . . . . „ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ , . , . ~ , . ~ . ~ - . . . . . , . . . . .^i,~; . . ~ . . . ~ r. . . . . . : , - . ; . Y . . ~ ' . . . ~ . . . , . , . • . . . . . . : ~ . . . . . . . . e ~ ~ . . . . . . k.. . . , . . ' . 43~ CITY CAUNCIL JULY 11, 1967 ARRUYO GRANDE, GALIFQRNIA PAGE 5 DISCUSSION - POSSIBLE CONTRACT FOR USE OF OCEANO SANiTARY SEWER LINES City Attorney Shipsey reported that in his opini~n if the City and the Oceano Sanit~ry Distriet so ag~ee a contrac~-can be intered into bet~a ween Gifiies and Distriet ~a so stated in the He~lth & Safety Code of ~th.e State of California. Aftex Council diseuasion City Administrator Butch was instructed to c, contact the developers of Tract No.282 and determixe if they s:till wiah toc ut~~.i~e-, the sewer faci3.it$es:: by extending ~he sewer main- on The Pike to Elm Street. City Attomey Shipsey was instructed to prepare a contract for Council review prior to negotiating with the-Oesano Sanitary District for the use of the Dis~rict~s sewer lines. STAxUS REPORT-SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO ('.OUNTY SANITA'TION DISTRICT The Council received, reviewed, and thereafter directed to ~ile, a capy of the Treatment P1ant Operator's r~port for June, 1967. CITIZEN INQiTtRY: BEGARDING PROPERTY TAXE~ Mrs. S~ur'~~v~atit, a resident of this City, was advised by Mayor Wood that the pr•operty taxes levied for the ogeration of the City of Arroyo Grande represent approximately 14% of her full property taxes assessment. Gity Administrator Butch was instructed to request the Public Works Department to proceed in opening S~ruee Street to Ash Street ~xtension just as soon as possible, as Mrs..~tut~eva~~ and other residents in that area have requested thi9 additional more eonv¢nient routing to their properties. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING GENERAL WARRANT CANCELLATION City Administrator Butch advised th~t in April, 1966 a Ge~eral Warrant had been prepared i.n connection with propoacd condemnation proceedings for needed right of way purposes. The,needed right of way has sinee been acquired without t~ie neeessity of ~oi~g to condemnation tnerefoxe to return the money to t~.e General Fund Gouncil authorization by Resolution adoptio'n ` is necessary, After Gouneil discussion Ci~y Administrator Butch read the t~.tle of a Resolution authorizing the eancellation of General Warz~ant No.904 iasued April 4, 1966; ~~~er a tt~ot~on was made by Councilman Schlegel, seeonded by Gouncilwoman Thompson, to dispense with reading the balanee of this Resolt~tion. l~otion unanimously earried. RESOLUTION N0. 759 A RESOLUTTON OF THE CITY (~UNCIL ~F THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AUTHORIZING AND DIREGTING THE CAN~ELLATION OF GENERAL GTARRANT N0.904 IN THE AMJUNT'OF $1,916.25 DATED APRIL 4,'1966. On motion of Gouncilman Burt, seconded by Councilman Sehlegel, and on the follcawing roll call uote, to wit: ~,?~~c Couneilwoman Thompson, Counciim~µ Leva.ne, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood NOES: None ABSENT: None the forEgoing resolution was passed and adopted this llth day of Juiy, 1967. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Levine, seconded b,y Councilwoman Thompson and_unanimously carried the meeting adjourned at 9:53 P,M. ~ ~ ~~i,~~ ATTEST ,w~~f,~~~e~c.- City erk Mayor _5_