Minutes 1967-08-08 ~3~ CI~'Y COLdNCIL AUGiJS°T 8°~°Ho 196~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF°.ORNIA The Ci°ty Council met in regular sess~~n w~.°~h Mayor UV~od presiding. Upon roll call Councilwoman Z'hompsono Coun~ilmen Levinea Schlegel'and Burt reported presente PLEDGE OF ALLEGIPiNCE Al~? I~iVOCATION Mayor Wood lsd the Pledge of Alleg~~xnce to our f~.s~go and ~.mmediately thereafter Reverend John Warrefl, Pastor of ~he Assembly of God Church in Arroyo Grande, delivered the a.nvocatimn. APPROVAL 0~° MINU~'ES The minutes of ~he regular meeta.ng of July 25th, 1967, were,= aPPrmved as prepared. _ APPROVAL OF V1IARRAN'~"S A mo~ion was made by Councilwoman 'Thompson~ seconded by Council- man Levine, and unanimously carriede tha°~ General Warrarats No. 38 to and including No. 79 in the total amount of $20,168.24o and Payroll Warrants No. 78 to and in~Iuding No. 174 a.~. ~he total amount of $13,.135.15 be cxpproved and ordered paid. TNVITATION TO PA~°T'ICIPATE' IN ° GAY 90 P S HARVES°T FEST'IVAL PARADE An invi.~a°kio~ tn?cxs ~ece~.ved from the Ae G. alley Gay Na.ne~~~s ~Xarvest fes~iv~,l ~°equesting ~the City Counci.l participate in °the °OGay ' 90°s Parade on S~a~tu~~day, S.eptember 30th, 1967 and was ~aken under discuss~on. '~he ~ouncil agreed ito participate in the parade and requested D~,rectoX of Public T~loxks Anderson to obtciin samples of various size vehicle identif ~ca~ion banne~s for the Council to select from so new banners could be ma~de. DEPAR~°ME~TAL MQ~'T~iLY REPOR~ F°OR JULY~ 1967 The Depa~rtmental Mon°~lhly Reporlk for the month a£ July, 1967 was, ' rece~ved by °~he Coaxr~c~.1 arzd orde~ed filed. °I'he City Council requested ~hs~t the Building and Pplice Departments submifi more iz~format ive reports other thp.n just statistics. LEAGUE Of.CALIF. CITIES - LEGISLA°TIVE BULLETIN - UNRUH GAS TAX MEA$URE City Cler~ Mi~ler revietnred for ~he Co~ncil the League of Cc~lifornia C3ties Legislative Bulletins received sin.ce the last Council mee~ting, and after d~.scussic~n Af the Bulletins, a motion was made by Councilman Schelgel, seconded by Cotxncilman Bur~t~ and unanimously carried, that a let~er be sernt ~to Governor ~ugan encourag.inghim to sign the Unruh Gas Tax Measurea A.B. 2454, which would elemiz~ate the matching require- ments and removes st~a#e ~upervision from the Cz.ty's expenditure of the one cent gas tax al.located ~o the C~t'ies by the State. R~PORT ON CLEVENGER HALL S°I'RUCfiURAL F°AILURE Director of Public ~1lorks Anderson advised that on A~gust 2nd, 1967, Clevenger Hall~ ~hich ha.s been rented by the City for a meeting place for the Senior Citizens and other recreational uses, was ordertd closed by the~ Build3ng Of£icial, Mr. Gallop. Mr. Anderson reviewed reports sulami#t~ed ~y ~he Building, Fire, and Planning Departmen°ks and City En.gineer Garing~ that stated that a structural failure had been noted in the building, recommending that occupancy of t~ie structure be denied until i°t cou.ld be dec].ared sdfe for publ.ic use. Mre Anderson also advised that ~khe building was not condemned, just closed ~or public safety, and that the ov~mer of the building, Mr. Rooker, was on vacation and-could na~t be contacted to determine his zntex~tions regarding repa.i~, e~c. Park a~.d R~creation Cammission Chairman Sam Cummins was presen°t and requested tkxa°r if the Coun~cil desired °tl~e Parks and Recreati~n Commission to x~elocate th~ recreatian facilities that such a~~khori2ation be so s~a~ed. , 43~ CI°TY COUN~IL AUGiJS'7' 8th~, 19C7 ARROYO GRANDE, ~ALIF°ORNIA PAGE 2 Af~er discussa~~n, a mo~~on was m~de by Gotxnc~lman Levineo seconded by Councilvvoman "Thompsons and unan~mously carriecl that the Parks and Recreata.on Commission be authorized ~o ~eYocate ~he recrea°t~ona~. facilit~es now housed in Cl.evengex Hall, ~.n a new l~ca°tion ~h~~.~ choice, limi~~d to the same budge°ted amoun°t that has been app~oved for Clevengex Hallo The Ci°ty Clexk uras instructed ~o var~te to Mr. R~oker~ owne~ of Clevenger Hal~l, no°ti£~r~.ng h~m that °the City ,~s re~ocating °the ~ecreation facilities now in °the building, un°ti~. such ~~me as he reaches a d:ee~sion as to wk~ethear °~~he build~ng will be repai~ed and made struc°turally sound for occupancy, PROFOBED' NEW F'A.R~I~TG ~ACILT°TY f°OR CIVI~ CEN°TER P1,IRKING LO°I° Direc~or A~de~son revievasd a proposed plan ~or adcli°tional parking a~t the ~ivic Gen~er, bahich had been recommended by ~he Park~.ng Commissione Mr. Sam Cumm~ns adv~.sed °~hat °the I~iwnnsis C1.ub t~aas ~.nteres°ted in purchas- ing a fou~,tain, es~ima°ked cost of $400.OOa °to heYp beautify °the Civic Cen~er Parlcing L~it and also said comm~tments had been received from other organi~a°tions ~or simzla~ cr~n°~ribu°tions for improvements for beautifi- C11'k 1 Oi~ , Dav~.d T~oomis, repxesent~:ng ~he: De~nnn°~own M~~claar~~s Ass~c~.a~ion, ~~ta°~ed t~e Dc~wrn~o~a~ Merchants Associa~ion pending approvaY by the As~~cit~t~.tin mennbe~shig _ t~vould contr~bu,te $300,00 to ~SUrc}iase bricks to impletrn~x~t i~he ~ark~.ng plan o~ for planned improvemen°~se He also ac3v~sed ~that ths Merc~ants had allocated $300.00 for-landscaping the Car Corral, tKhiah taould to~al $600.00 for the City to use for beau#i- ~'ica~tz.ot~ of t~~se ~~vo a~eas. Mr. ~oomis said the Down°town Merchan°ts Associa~ion is atn?~,~e tha~t th~°. impxovement may have to be removed when ~ the Civic Ce~~er Build~fngs are improvecl or new bu~ldings constructed, , A m,ot~on was xnade by Councilman Scnl.egel, seconded by Councilman Burt, and unans:motxsly carried,, that the proposed paxking plan for the Civic Cen°ter Park3.ng Lot ]~e approved as presented. PUBLIC HEARING-RE20NING ON SOe TRAFF°I'C WAY (PAUL SCHMI'~T)-FIRST READING Direc°tor Aa~derson reviewed and presented a map of the land adjacent to So. ~'raffic Vday tha~ was being requested to be rezoned from RA.-B3 property to R-1 and HS property by Mro Paul Schmitt, Mr, Anderson also advi~ed ~Chat the Plannzng Commission h~d held a public hearing on the re~on~.ng applicat~on Case Noo 67-31i and had appraved and recommended its adop°t~on by ~he ~~ty Council. by Planning Commiss3.on Resolution No. 67-75 Z. ~ Ci°ky C1e~k Miller assured Mayor WAOd °that the property affected by the rezoning requesfi hcsd b~en posted and legal publication had been complied w~th as ~ equired by 1aw. Mayor Wood declared the hearing open stating all, pers~ns ~or or against the pxoposed re~oning, Case Noo 67-310 would no~a be 'heard. Mre Pau1 Schmitt was present and spoke in favor of the re2onizzg bea.ng granted as it would provide for a better use of the land. 'T'here vaere no protests to fihe request. There being no further discussion, for or against the request, Mayor Wood cleclared the hearing closede After Co~ncil discuss3on, a motion was made by Councilt~ man T"hompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, that the request of Mr, Paul Schmi~t ~to re~.one all that lnnd as shown on Parcel Map recorded the '26°th day of Jun~, 1967, in Book 2 of Parcel Maps at Page 14, records of San Luis Obispo County, Parcel l, Parcel 2 and Parcel 3, as shown on said map be rezoned from RA-B3 property to R-1 proper°ty and Parcel 4 as shown on said map be rezoned from RA-B3 property to HS pxag~rty be approvede City Atto~ney Shipsey read the t.~tle of an ordinance amending a protion of °the ~oning Map of the City o~' Ar~oyo Grande referred to in Section 303 o,f Title 9,.Chap°ter 4 of the Municipal Code so as to Re~Zone certa~n pxoperty in the Ci-~y of Axroyo ~rande, and thereafter a mo°~ion was made by Councilmar~ Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Bur~t, and unan~znousl.y c~.rr~.ed, to d~spense wa.~h read~,ng °t}ae bal;ance of this ordi.nance e • 2 _ _ ~3~ CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 8tha 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF'ORNIA PAGE 3 COUNTY LIBRARY LE°TTER REQUEST , LIMITED AND RO PARKING ON P~'NS 0~° BRIDGE ' ST, Director Anderson ret~iewed °that a le°tter had been received from Mrs. Lois King Crumb, Librarian, of the County L~brary, requesting the street curbing in front of the Library on Bridge Sta be marked for limited ~xirk- ing with a'Pno parking'P area next to the driveuray ~o the library parking lot, Mr. Anderson also presented a sketch of °the area and advised that the Parking Commission had considered °the request, and recommended that the two parking spaces in front of the Library be ~stablished as a 15 minute parking zone and that a sign be erected indicating Library parking to th-e rear of the building, Police Chief R~,chardsoa~ ~and D~:~erct.ar. ~"Andexson had reported to the Parking Commission that a red 2one would eliminate one parking space and was. not necessary a# this time, Af.~ter c3iscussion, the Council agreed to accept the recommendatson of the Parking Commission. City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a Resolution providing for limited pnrk,ing on a certain porti~n of Bridge Street, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded by ~ouncilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried to dispense with reading the balance of this Resolution. : RESOLU'TION NO. 762 A RES~LUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PROVIDING FOR LIMITED PARKING ON A CERTAIN PORTION OF BRIDGE STREET, On motion of Councilman Burt; seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor;`Wood. , NOES: None. , ABSENTc None. ' the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 8th day of August, _ 1967. The Council instructed:City C1erk Miller to write to the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors requesting the installation of an adequate sign directing the public'to the parking lot to the rear of the Library building on Bridge Stre.et. AUTHORIZE CALL FOR BID5-PAVING ON VARIOUS STREETS AND PARKING AREAS PROJECT N0. 90-67-3 Director Anderson requested authorization be granted to call for bic3s for paving various streets and parking areas designated as Project No. 90-67-3, advising that #he pa.ving had been~approved in the 1967-68 budgefi and the areas were now being-prepared for the improvement. After ~ discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Burt, and unanimously carried, that,approvc~l and nuthori2ation be given to call for"bids for paving E1m Street, adjacent to Encinas Bonitas Community Park; Traffic Wny, adjacent to Dower Park; and por~i~ns of the Car Corral and Civic Center Parking Lots; and West Cherry Ave. said bids to be opened August 22, 1967 at 2:OD P,M, in the Council Chambers of the Arroyo Grande City Hall. COUNTY HIGHWAY MEETING JULY ~2, 1967 - REPORT BY DIRECTOR ANDERSON Director Anderson reported that he'had attended the County High- way Group meeting in Atascadero on July 26th, 1967 and stated that this meeting only concerned streets and highwc~tys in the aiorth.county sre~ and that a meeting v~rould be held in this area in the near future with advance notice of the t,ime and place being sent to the City, - 3 - f._,~ CI°TY GOUNCIL AUGUS°T 8tho 1967 ARROYO GRANDEa GALIF°ORNIA PAGE 4 WILLIAMS BROS, SHOPPING CEN"TER m REPORT FROM PLANNING COMMISSION At the regular meeting of July 25~h, 1967, °the ~~°ty Council had received a complaint regard~ng the time of trash p~ckup a°t Will~cros Brosa Shopping Cen°ter, and had re~erred °the ma°tter °~o #he Ple~nning r Commission who determ~ned the °time of garbage collection was not a condit~.on of grant3.ng iJse Permi°t Noo 38, and recommended °tha°t any regulatians regarding garbage pickup would have to be de°termined by the Council and supporting ordinanceso City Attorney Sh~.psey advised that there were no provis~,ons within the Municipal Code by which °the Council could regulate the t3me of garhage pickupo Mr, Cattaneo fro~ the Soo County Sanitary Company staited '°that to pickup later than B:OOAoMo would cause a hardship fox his company, and agreed that he vaould allow no pickup prior to 7o30'A,M, each morning, un~kil'such time as his business expanded and it woazld be economically feasibl_e for hi.m to pickup la~er in the day, Mre Cole and Mr, W~lliam Deane felt 7:30 A,M, was a reasonable compromise a°k this time, Mr, Sam Cummins ~'elt the s°torage bins were inadequate as debr~.s was still left outside of conta~.ners and created an unpleasant odor, and vaas unsightly, °The Counail di.scussed the problem and generally agreed that it was bns~cally a mat-ker of public relations between the garbdge company and residen°ts of the area, and that i~k was their feeling that if Mre Cat~tdneo, as he ag~eed, would continue ~to pickup af°ter 7:30 A,M, for the present and as business dictates would strive for a later pickup, in the futu~e, they felt he was mak~.ng every effort economically feasible to cooperate, D~rector Ande~son was instructed to inspect the Will~ams Brose Sh~pping Cen°~er premis~s each dcxy for the next two tnreeks to asce~~~Qin ifi add~.tional ~rash containers to maintain the area in a nea.t and orderly condit~on are necessary, and report to -the`Council a~t their next regular meetinge j SLO CO, WAT'ER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE-MINUTES OF JUNE 6th, 1967 " Minutes of the San Luis Obispo County Water R:esources Advisory Commit~ee for ~heir meeting of June 6th, 1967 were received and ordered filed. WALNUT S°TREET CURB AND GUTTER DEPOSIT DISCUSSION Mr. Troy Murray requested ~hat °~he City refund to h~.m the money depasited far the ins~alla~ion of curb and gutter for his property on Walnut Street or'tha~t definite time be set for the installation of +~urb and gutters, as it was his understanding that street gra.des had been established in the'Fcxir Oaks Arede Director Anderson reviewed that ` although s°~reet grades have been establ.ished they have not been adopted by the City Counci]. at this time; as the drainage problem of °the area ha,s not been resolved and tRe street grades and drainage must be resolved simul°kaneously. Mr, Murray was advised that the Munic~pal Cade regulates that 1°In the event that the City o~ Arroyo Grdnde does not install curbs and gutters along sa.id property line with,in ten (10) years of the date said deposit is made, the money shall be returned to the owner of record for sa~d property at the end of said ten(10) year period," REQUEST F°OR PEDESTRIAN CROSSING SIGNS ON GRAND AVE, Correspondence tnrq.s received from Mrso J, M, Collett requesting the City install Pedestrian Crossing signs at the crosswa.lks on Grand Avee between Halcyon Road a.nd E1m Streeto Director Anderson advised signs ' could be installed and briefly reviewed where.they would be placed nnd. also felt that "hashmarking~' the pedestrian walks would help, After Council discussion, a motion tn?as made by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilmcxn Lev~ne, and unanimously carried, that Director of Public Works Anderson be authori~ed to install 1°Stop for Pedestrinn'' signs on both sid'es of A1der St,, one in the existing division area on the e<x,st side of Alder" St, and one ~.n the 10t~wo uray turn'° area on the west side of Alder St., the latter sign to be'protected with a concrete curb and ~that the exi,sting cross walks be pa~nted with diagonal lines to be more readi~y vi.sibleo _q., C~TY COUN~~L AU~UST 8th, 1967 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIk~ORNIA PAGE 5 INT'RODUCfiION 0~ NEVIi REPOR'TERS ~'ELEG~~T°RIB~IVE .~1VD giERALD~RECORDER Mr e Tom \Ta1en°tine of the Sa.n°ta Maria Z'gmes ~n~rodizced Carol Roberts a new reporter for °~he °Telegram Tr~bune ancl Te~ni Sull~van a new reporter for ~he Herald~Reco~der to the Council, as ~°equested by Mayor Wood, APPEAL REGARDTNG USE PERMI'~" NOa65r67o BY DONALD Ge CHRIS°I°TANSON City Clerk M~.11ex advised the Co~nc~l tha°t Donald C, Christianson had filed an appecl regarding condi°tions placed upon tJse Permi°t Noe 65-67 by the Planning Commission, A~'°ter Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously carra.ed, thQt a hearing on Mr, Chr~stianson°s appeal be s~~ for 8s00 PeM. on August 22, 1967, ~ ADJOURNMENT' On motion o~ Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman, Burt, and unanimously carried, the meeti.ng vaas adjc~urned at 9:36 P,MD ATTEST: ' .~~~'~~~,ry~~'"~'~l~ - ~ C` Clerk ~Mayor ~