Minutes 1967-10-24 46~ CITY C~UNC~IL 6~~~'~~ER 2~~Y~, 1967 ARROYO GRA.NDE , CA,LT FORNIA. The Ci~y Gouncil met in ~°egtxlar se~sic~r~ ~ai~th May~r W~od pre~ sidingo Upon ro1L cal1, CounciLw~man T4~omp~~n, CaunciLmen I.oevine, SchLeg~L and Bur~ reported pr~sen~, PLEDGE OF ALZEGIANCE A,ND INVQCATION Mayor Wood Led ~he Pledge of ALlegi~nce ito c~ur f1a~~ and ~mm mediately thereafter, Coun~il.woma.n Thompsor~ deYivered ~he i~~c~cam tion, A,PPROVAL OF MINUTES ~ The minutes of the reg~.lar m.eet~ng of ~ctober 10~th9 1967 ~~re approved ~,s px~epar°ed , APPROVA.L OF WA.RRA.NTS ~ A. motic~n raas made by CounciLwoman T'~hamps~n, s~cc~nded by C~~ncilm ma.n Levine, and unanimo~.sly carried, ~hat Gener~.1 Warran~s Noo 267 to and inc~uciing No A 309, irl the ~~~al amo~sr~-~ of $39, OZS ~ 72 ; Payro LL Warran~s Nc~~ 43S to and inc~~.ding No~ 508, in the total amc~unt of $LL,272,~2; and T`x~~.st ~.nd Agency Warrants No~ 332 ta ~nd incL~a.ding No~ 351 in the total amo~n~ of $i~3~32, b~ ~pt~rc~ved and card~x°ed ~paic~A RE UES'I` TO PA,RTIC~PATE YN PI SM~ BEACH CLAM FES`~~VA.L PAR~,.DE~Il f`4~67 Corr~spondence was re~eived from the P~~mc~ Be~.c~ Ch~.ml~er of C~mmerce inviting the Coune~l ~o pa~°ticipate in the Annual Clam F`es- tival Parade tah~ch wi11 tae held on Ncsverriber ~+th, ~.967, at L0~00 A~M, After discr~ssiQn, Adminis~ra~or Bu.~~ck~ ~a~s ins~r~.cfi~d to nc~tify the Pismc~ Beach Chan~ber of Con~merce that the C~~.nci1 wc~uld attend the parade, with as many members being presen~ ~.s pc~ssibl~~ REQUEST ~"RC~M D~WNTOWN MERCHANTS FdR GUIDANCE FC3R ''~'YPE ~F 3:MP, DISTe A.dministrator `Butch read a Letter f~°~m ~h~ A.rroyc~ ~ra~de Down- town. Merchants Asscacia~i~n requesting ~h~ City Cc~uncil ta investi~ gate ~he type of Distric~t that wc~t~ld best s~.i~ the needs ~f both the City and businesses involved to finance f~.rther improvements of the Downtown ViLlage of A,rroyo Grande, Mro Butch reviewed discussions which the Merchants had held regarding ~inancing of the downtown district and advised that a representative af S~tone and Youngberg, financial cansultari~s, wo~.Ld ]be ~.~aiLabl~ tca meet with ~he Council and Merchan-~s to discuss v~r~ous methods o~ financing, Af~er dis~ cussion, it was agreed that a join~ meeting caf the City Co~ncil and Daw~.town Merchants be held at 8~00 P,Mo oz~ Manday, November 13th, 1967 in the Co~.nci1 Chamb~rs and ~hat a~°epresentative af Stone and ~ Youngb~r~ b~ requested ~c~ a~tend, REQUEST MRo ATKINSON RE~ STGN TN PUBL~CC R~W A.T 1185 GRA;ND_AVEo ~ Ad- min strator Butch ad slv ed tha~ wi~h the improvemen~ af Grand A.ve~ the City had acquired proper~y from Mrn A.tkinsan which left an existing sign wi~hin the pubZic right~of-~~ray and that tai~h the adopt- ion of the Sign Ordinance, this sign is n~~a i~.legal and must be moved. Mre Butch a1s~ advised ~hat Mr, A.~kinean is willing for the sign ta be pLaced on his private property but that he felt the City shc~uld pay the cast of approximateLy $10,00 ~o move the sign as the street impr~vement had necessita~ed the change, A.fter discussion, on motion of Councilman ~chlegel, seconded by Councilman B~a.rt and unan~.m~usly carried, i~ was apprc~ved that the free standing sign at L185 Grand Ave, fc~r A,~kinson Mrtor Parts, be relocated at City expense from the public right~of~way, based on ap- ~r~vaL of the szgn by use pe~mit~ DISCUSSTON ON REQTITR~NG A.PPLTCAN'I°S FOR STA,TE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING PERMITS TQ CQMPLY WITH LOCA,L ZQNING ORD~NANCEo ~ Corresponde~ce~was received from the S-tate Hi~hway Department indic~ting ~hat ~he neca Sta~e Ou~door Advertising Ac~ has a section in_ z~ which se~s for~h that when a governing body of a. city requests ' by ~~~c::~ation ~hat any applicant se~king a permit for State outdoor advert~~~i~i~ mo.a.sG ha~e complied ~aifih local zoning ~eqtiirements, then. ~he ap~t~eant fc~r State autdc~ar advertisa~~g permi~-s m~.~.st present a ce~t~:ficat~ of 1oca1 ~oning campliance ~v the State Director of Pu~~ic Works, CITY COUNC~L ~CT~BER ~~~h, 1967 , ARROYO GRAI~TDE, ~AI~IFORN~A PAG~ ~ The Council agreed that ~t~ie ~i~~ A,tte~~°ney re~ie~a t~~ ne~a State Outdoor Ad~rerti~ing Ac~ and ~~.bmi~ more ~nfc~rm~ti~n for ~their conm sideration befcre any actic~n i~ t~.ken reg~.rc~in~ ad~p~ior~ ~f ~~esom Lution to ~nforce cc~mpli~.nce w~~t~ Loc~1 zonir~g ~equiremen~s in rem gard to outdoor adver~ising~ NOTICE OF PUBI~IC HEARINGS ON COI~7GRESSIONAL REA,PPOR`TI~NMEN°I" For in~ormationaL p~.rpose~ dnly, A.dmin~~~~~tor Bu~ch advised th~t the Cit~ has r~c~i~red no~tice of p~blic he~.rin~s on ~h~ subject of congress~:ona1 reapportionmer~t whs.ch wiLl be heLd t~rough~ut the month of Oetober ~nd that ~'~o~.~h the~°e been no notice of ~ny revised reapp~rtionment of our par~icul~.~ dis~ric~, i~ may be pos~ sible that oux° District m~.y be ~nCL~.aea :~n ~he Santa B~.rbara ~~ea, rather than the MontereymSaLin~.s axeao REQUEST OF C(~UNTY HEAL'I"H OFFICER REGA.RDTNG ABOL~TTON 0~" MEASLES e Admin.istx~ator Baxtch read a let~ter receiar~d from Dr, George `Lo Harper, ~ounty HeaL~h Office~° reqex~sting ~ 44Re~oL~.tion 0~°dering the AboLitic~n of Me~.sLe~44 ~e adop~ed as p~:blic2~y effort and support of the program of ~c~~,n~~mwide cLi~.ics to ~alri~c~xLa~e ~us~eptible chiLd~cen agair~st measLes that ~~is c~~Ldh~~d dise~.se m~.y, in fact, be atao Lished permanent~y ~.n ~h~.s a~°e~ ~ri~T~ c~ne ~~.~ce~~fax~ community wide effort, on Novemlaer Y~5th, Lg67~ A.f~er disc~.ssic~n, ~he Ccauncil con~ur~red ~t~a-~ s~,ch a~°~s~L~~ic~n ~hacxLd be ad~pted ~nd City A,ttor- ney Shipsey read ~he proposed Res~l~~ion throcx~h its ~i~1e, there- upon a m.a~ion was m~.de by Councilra~m~.n 'I~~~mp~on, seconded by Council- m~n Lev~.ne, and unan~mousLy car~~ed, to dispense ~ai~h reading th.e balanc;e ~f ~his Res~1~.~ion, RES~I.,U°~'.T~N NO a 770 A, RES~r,U`I'~ON OF "I"E~E CT.T'~' ~~~CJNCIL (~F 'I~iE `G~T'Y 0~' ARROYO GRANDE ORDERING 'I~TE A,BOLITIdN 0~' MEASLES WT.THIN THE C~TY 4F ARROYO GRANDEo On motion of ~o~ncilman Burt, seconded by Councilman SchLegei, and on the f~ Lloeaing ro LL c~.11 vo~te , to wit m AYESm C~unciT.woman Th.ompson, Councilmen L~vine, S~hLe~el, Burt ~.nd Mayox° Wood, NOESe None A,BSENT e N~ne the foregoing ResoL~.tion was pass~d and ad~pted this 24th day of October, 1967, F~RE CHIEF°S REV~EW OF 1967 ~'IRE PREVENTION WEEK PROGRAM-1~8-14 67 Admin~str~tor B~.tch revi~wed a repor~t from Fire Chief Max°saLek on the activities of the Fire Department during Fi.re Prevention Week, October 8 thrc~ugh. 14, 1967, which indicated that the demonstrations by the department and the Open Hause at the Fire Station wa~ very successful and we11 ~t-~ended, Mr~ Bu~ch w~s requested to advise the Fire Chief that the Council was very pleased with the w~.y the Fire - Department t~as been hand~.ing public reL~.ti~ns ~ RESTGNATION ~F PLAaNNIN~ CQMMISSI~NER BRYAN DU~7A,LL Administrator ButcYi re~zd a~etter of reslgnation from Planning Commission.er Bryan Du~ra11 which s~a~ed th~.t Mro Duvall had received a promotion in his employment whi,c~ required ~is moving to another ~owr~ an.d he woul.d no Longer be able to serve on the Commission. On motio:~ of ~aunciLman Burt, seconded by Coun.ciLm~n L~vine, and unami.- mouslv carried, ~he r~signat~on of Mrs Bryan Duv~.ll fx~~m the PLanning Comcni~~~on ~aas acc~pted, to be effective as of tk~is da~e, and t'he Ad~~~°k~ ~~rato~ sa~.s instruc~ed ~o ~ari~e Mx~~ Drx~a11 Letter of thanks and a~~r~ciatio,n for ~he tim~ he se~°~red on ~h~ Planning Commissiono 4~~ CITY G~~N~I~ ~ ~~~~~ER ~~~h, ~96~7 ARR~YO G1~A.NDE9 C~ALI~ORI~T~A Pt~GE 3 DISCUSSI~1~ ~~I ~~OPERA.'I"~~ t~.~REEME~i7~ ~;~R R k~ ~~T BR~~~~I~ S'~ oR~A~~~N o - - Admix~i~~t~~~car ~~.~~~i ac~v~~ed t~~~.~ T7~~~~~c~~ c~f Hz,~~~ay~ ~a~ reque~ted ~~a~ ~he ~i~y C'~~.r~~i~ ~~nte~ ~.n~~~ a ~~~p~r~.~i~~ ~.~~e~t~e~t ~aith the Stat~ c~rd~.r ~~a~ tE~~ ~°e~Ligr~m~~t ~f Br~~ncF~ St a t~~~~~~ be compLe~ed, rai~:~i the ~n-te~t t&~~.~ te~h~.~~~~ p~eab~em~ i~~ ~~L~~~ hy Janas~.~°y, 1968e Mr~ B~.t~~ ~.~~c~ ~.~~ed ~~i~.~ i~ ~xpe~~ed -~o ~.cquire a section of Y.and L~~~.~ted at M~s o~s~e~~~~ ?~ion ~a~ stam tion. which i~ nece~s~.ry f~r -~h~ re~.Li~~me~~o ~f~e~ di~ea~~~~o~9 ~n moti~n of Co~~c~.lman SchL~gc L, se~c~~.ded by ~o~.r~~iLma.n 8~.~~ 9~rd una~.~mously c~.rried~ the Mayc~r and C~-~~ CLerk ra~r~ au~~h~~i~ed t~ exec~te ~'~e Coopera~ive Agre~men~. be~~ree~ ~F~e C~.~~ ~.nd th.e St~.~e, by which. the Gi.ty wi1~ acquire ~:he ~e~e~~~~~ r~i~htm~f~cs~,y for the realignmen~ of Ro~.-~e ~2~ and Hi~h~~.~ 1OY, Sep~~a.~tiox~~ SUPPLEMEN°~AL FREEWAY AGREEMEN'~" RE~ARD~NG BRANCH ~'~`o REATaIGNMEN'r Mr°, B~z~:~~i ~~v~e~wed ~h~.t~ ~n~ St~~e D~~ai.sican c~f'High~a~.ys ha~ prepar~d a sup~~ezne~.t~l fr~eway ~.gr~~z~~r~~ ~arL~~~ th~~ 'ha~e requested that ~h~ ~i-~y ~nter ~ntd witY~ the ~ t~te a~ ~he prcap~~ed , reaLignmen~ the o~a ~.r~d caff r~mp~ a, m~.te~°i~.~. ~k~~.ng~ ~rLdl ~ffe~ts th~ exist~ ing freew~,y ~,~~e:eme~t be~~re~~ ~i~ty ~nd A.f~~~° discu~~ion, on m~~2c~~ c~f i~c~~nci~~~m~.~ ~`~~mp~c~n, ~e~~~.d~~ `~y ~~~i~~~1m~,n Levine, and ~.~~x~im~c~~.~~.~ ~~~r~~d, ~~e Ma.y~~ ~.na City ~i~~°~ ~~.thorized t~ exc~~~~e S~pp~.~m~~~t~~?. Free,a~y ~,g~r~e:m~n~ ~a~-t~aeen ~t~e City ~,nd the St~*:e ea~i~`~ ~ai~1 ~n~~~de ~hc~ prap~~e~ ~°ealignme-n~ ~f I~~~.~te 2~7 ~nd Highway ~U~. Se~~r«tion in ori~gina'1 ~~~~~a~.y Ag~~c~im~~nt d~~ed ~7une PR~GRES~ REPC~R'T'~L~PEZ W~.2"ER SUPP~LY REP~R~ ~~R SEP'~°EI~i~ER, 1~6~ ~ A prc~gx~e~ss ~°eport:~f~r ~~;h~ mci~~-h c~f Sep~embe~°,~~.'~67, ra~~ rem cei~red fx°om t~~e 5~.~ L~is Q~lai~po ~~~.~.~;y F'~c~cad Cc~~~ro~ ~~d Wa~t~r Co~m serv~.t~on Di~~:~°~c~ and ~aa~ rev~ewed an.d ~rdered f~~e~, 1966 AWA.RD ~F° T~'IERI'I' ~pR WATER DEP"I" ° S a EX~ELLENT SAFE'~Y RECQRD ~ Adminsstra~c~r B~tch. read a l.etter ~dv~~i.axg -t~a~t the C y had received an Ar~ax°d of Merit fx°om the Am~~ic~.r~ LJ~,ter Works A.ssocia~ ~ion for ~he Git~ Water Dep~rtm~nt°s exc~~Len~ Safety Rec~rd for 1966 e M~, B~.tz;l~ was reques~ed ~a ~d~i~e thE Wa~er Depa~°tm~n~ ert~m ployee~ ~he Coz~n~i1 eQmmcz~d~d t~em far ~heir effor~s t~ znain.- ~air~ a ~~fe, a~cid~~~ free d~p~.~tm~z~t~ PR~GRESS REP~R°I' ~N SC~ e SL~ C(~LTNTY~ SANT°I'A'~~~N D~:S"I°RTCT A~mi~i~ s~r~~to~ B~.tc~ a~a11y repc~~°~-ed th~~t t~ie minor diff~culties no~r being ~xp~~°i~~ced at the p11an.~ ~rex°e c~a~sed by ~h~ pYant oper~t- iri~ Le~~ ~~a~ miraimum ~~paci~y and ~th~t t~ie Engineers ~ta~~d ~h~~ the~~ s~ma11 pr~bl~ms ~ao~Lc~ be solved ~.por~ addi~~.c~n~1 sewage ~n- take~ ANNUA.L RC~Y,JND~UP Si3R.PLUS Ci.°I'Y MATERIAI,, 'I~O~LS AND SLTPPLIES Admini~~tx°~,tor Bu~eh r~p~x°t~d~~that the a~in~.~l. s~,1e ~f ~urp~.us Ci~y m~t~x°ia1, ~c~ols and ~uppli~s had b~en held, eaith wri.tten sealed bids ~e~e2~e~ at t:he Carp~r~t~~n Yard c~n S~.~urday, Oc~tober 21st, 1967 a~d raf tihe th.ix~teen i~ems Lis~ed fc~x° ~al~ ther°e was no bid re~ eei~aed c~~ fo~r of thetn, A.f*~~r di~c~.ssionj ~he Coa~nci~ ~.uthmrized dispos~.l ~f tk~~ forx~° items in whichever w~y wo~.1d be most ben~ficial to t1~e Gity, CON~RES~ ~OR PR~GRESS MEETING REPCrR`I' A,d~n.iz~istr~t~r B~.~ch rEp~rted a Cnngx°~ss f_c~~ Progress z~ee~ing had b~en heLd on Oetober 1~th, 1967, and approval k~ad been gx°ar~ted at tha~ mee~ing ~to distribut~ a questic~nnai~°e to fih~ residents ~f A.rroyo Gra~.cie solici~ing directic~n from ~hem as to the items of improvenlent~ which they fe~1 the, City ~hcF~.ld co~nsi.de~ ~he Co~gress for Cammi.ar~i-~y Pro~r~ss Conferen~~ -Co be h~Ld ~°~~ru~ry ~rd, 1968, a~ 9 o OQ A~M, a~ tk~e VaLLey Road Catnp~.s caf ~he Is~zci~, M~.~ Scho~ L Districta 465 CITY COUNCIL OCTO~~R ~4~h, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CAL'I~'ORNIA PA.GE ~ SLO CO o DEVELOP . ASSOC e TASK ~°~RCE °~'~'~SR ~~UN~'~ ON LO/~0,67 Admin~strator ~utch r°eported ~~.at th~ ta~k for~e ~~u~ ~f ~he County by members af ~he p~°ess, r~d~o ~rcd teLevi~ion med~~.m and investors a.nd dev~lopers f~°om the ~,c~s ~n~~~l.~~ and San Fra~cisco areas had been held on ~ctober° 20~h, ~~6~, ~as the ~eneral feel~ ing of a11 par~icipants t~at the tour ra~~ ~rerg~ in~ere~tin~ and in~ fqrm~.tive and "th~t additional toux°s in t~e xi~~r future ~aouLd aid in stimuLa~tin~ intere~t in San L~.is ~b~~po ~o~.ntya REPORT ON LEAGLTE ~ONVENTION HEI~D ~N ~C~'a 15~18, 1967 Mayor f~iood reported that aL1 memb~rs o~ ~he Council had at- tended the aranta.a~ League of CaLiforn~~. C~it~es Convention held in San Francisco on October 15 through 18, 196~0 °~he ~eneral feeLireg was ~hat some imprc~ve~me~t ~c~~.1d be m~.d~ fc~x~ mc~~e info~°mative meet- ings bei~.g ~~hed~.l~d ~th~.~ ~o~.Ld ~.~pLy ~ca C~..~ies c~f smaller poptam La~ic~n and that s~.~~. ~°ecomm~nd~.~i~~ h~s b~e~n s~.tomit~ed to the Board of Dire~tors c~f t~~e L~a~txe, GOMMENDA~'I~N 7'Q CI'~Y ADM~NISTRA`~`~I~ T'HOMAS Mo BUT'CH May~r Wac~d s~tated ~ha.t it wa~ of~en caverLook~c~ to express appreciatic~n ~ndi~ridual~ for o~ts~anding ~ervice r~endered in their r~sp~c~ive capac~.ties ~.nd that he fe~.~ a~ar City Admin~.~- trator i~ d~~e~ving of ~~.c~ commenda~iona E~cY~ ~nd every member of the ~~axr~~~.l person~.lly reviewed ~h.e area~ in which they felt Mx°, But~~ had con~t~rib~.t~d out~t~.nding effort on behaLf of the ~it~~ens of Arrmyo Grande ~nd th~ whole So~zth Co~.n~y area, and expressec~ °~heir appreciatican fc~r his eve~°y d~y efficient operation ~ of the City, ADJGURNM~N'I° 4n motian of CounciLm~,n Levine, sec~ncled by ~ounciLwoman T'hompson a~n.d unanitnously carried, the meeting ad journed at 8 041 P,M, ATTEST ~ ~ , CI°I° I,ERK MA.YO