Minutes 1967-12-12 47~ CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 12tha 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF'ORNIA The City Council met in regular sess~.on tn~ith Mayor Wood pres~dinge Upora roll ca1Z, Councilwoman 'Tp~,ompson, Coixncilmen Levine, Schleg~l and Burt repor°ted presente PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mnyor Wood led the Pledge of Alleg~c~n~e to eur f1ag; and immed~ately thereafter, Reverend Richard Scharn o£ the C~.~x.rch of the Nazarene ~f Grover City, delive~ed the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting e~f Nov~sa~ber 28th, 1967, raere ap- proved as prepnred. AF'~'~.OVAT~ 4F WARRANTS A a~~~kian was made by Counca~lwoman 'I'h~m~son, seconded by Councilman Z,evine, and unaniznously c~zxra~ed, ~thr~t General Warrants Noo 399 to and in- ~lu~ling No3 441, in the total amount of $44,652,62; Payroll Warrants Noo 685 ~.rid ancluding No. 754, i~n the tofial amount cs~ $11,384.25; and Trust and ~~~~~}r Wczrrants No~ 352 tA and including No. 375 ~n the total amount of $14~~.00 be approved and ordered paid, CERTIFICATES FOR SUPERVISORY PRACTIGES Mayor Wofld presented Certificates for the satisfactory completion of a Course ~n E~'fective Supervisory Practices t~ Hc~rdie Richey, ,James Co Clark, Lars Ash, Earna W. Lancaster e+.nd James R, Nicklas and the ent~.re Council expressed ~heir appreciation tti the employees for pa.rticipating in a program ~o improve themselves az~d the stazxdard of c~.ty employment positions. LE~'TER OF APPRECIATION FROM GROVER CITY BUSINESS BOOSTERS Adminzs~trator Butch read in its entizety a letter received from the Chairman of ~he Grover City Boosters, thanking the Council for their partici- pa.tion in G~~iver City's Christmas Pnrade. LETTER OF THANKS FROM A. G. HIGH SCHOOL HOMECOMING COMMITTEE Administrator Butch read in its entirety a letter received from the Arroyo Grande High School Homecoming Committee thanking the Council for the permission to have a parade on Branch Street for the Annual Homecoming. t S`T. PATRICK'S SGHOOL REQUEST FOR FEE EXEMPT LICENSE Administrator Butch advised that St. Patrick's School hczd, by letter, requested a fee exempt license to sell candy during the Christmas Season as all proceeds from sales would be used for various school programs and projectsd After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Burt, and unanimously carried, it was approved that Sta Patrick's School be granted a fee exempt license to sell candy at 116 E. Branch Street through the Christmas Holidays, LETTER FROM A.G. SPORTSMEN'S CLUB RE: CLOSING OF PTNS OF BEACH TO AUTO'S. Correspondence was received from the Arroyo Grande Sportsmen's Club, Incs alertzng members of the Council to a proposal by the State Department of Parks and Recrec~tion for closing off portions of Pismo-Oceano Beach to auto traffic'and reminding them of the economic value of retaining this beach area open to the public and auto traffic. Mr. Charles Skelton was present and invited the Council and others interested to attend a luncheon on `Thursda.y, December 14th, 1967, at the San Ramon Inn, to discuss the mutter of the beach closing. No action was taken at this time by the Council as it was the intent to wait until after the luncheon meeting,when ~~l ~acts would be available. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER The Treasurer's Report for the month of November, 1967, was received by the Council and ordered filed. PUBLIC HEARING - INTENTION TO CHANGE OR MODIFY GRADES IN FAIR OAKS AREA Administ~ator Butch reviewed that a public hearing was being held to permit the residents of the Fair Oaks Aren to have an opportunity,to voice °t~eir opin~ons on the possible change of grades in the Fair Oa.ks Area that were being established to permit the installation of curb and gutter in the area and alleviate drainage problems. Mayor Wood declared the hearing now opened t~ consider the change or madification o~ grades in the Fair CI'TY COUNCIL, DECEMBER 12th, 1967 ARR01'O GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 Oaks area, which hearing was du~.y pub~.~,shed as required }ay laur, and all persons for or against the reqixest would be heard. Administrator Butch stat~c~ that Mr. Clif#'ord Boswell, who cauld not be pr~sent at this hearing, had ~antacted him and the Directpr of Public Works, regarding his property at 1177 Ash Street, and that Mr. Boswell requested Mre Butch speak for him at ~his h~aring and have on record hi~ c~ncern regard~.ng damage ~to h~s property with the proposed change of g;eade of Ash Street, There being no further discussion for or against the proposed street grades, Mayor Woc~d declared th~ hearing closed. After discussion, City Attorney Sh~pse~ read the title of a Resolution regnrding the change or modificat~.on of street ~rades in th~ Fa~.r Oaks Area, thereupon a mo°tion was mo.de by Councilman Schl~gel, seconded by Counc~lznan ~ Burt, and unanimously carried,to dispense ~ti°th ~~ading the balance of this r~~Aluta~on, RE$OLUTION N0. 775 A RESC?~UTION OF THE CITY COUPtCIY~ QF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ORi?ERING THE CI~NGE OF GRAUE OF CERTAIN CITY STREETS (STREETS-AND HIGHWAYS CODE SECTION 8021, ET SEQ) Om m~~k~on o~ Councilman Levine, seconded by Gouncilwoman Thompson, and on the fol~owing roll call vote, to wit: AYES, Council~roman Thomgson, Ce~xncilmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood. NOES; None. : ABSENT; None. the foregoing Resc~lutian v~tas passed and adopted this 12th day of Decesaber, 1967. DEPARTMEN~'AL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER The Departmental Report for the month of November, 1967, was received by the Council and ordered filed. , DISCUSSION ON JQINT POWERS AGREE. TO ESTA.BLISH A REGIONAL PLANN. AGENCY Administrator Butch advised that the County Planning Officer has in- formed this City'that four cities have notified ~he County that they will enter into this joint powers agreement and the ~atter has been placed on the County Board of Supervisors ag~nda for d~,scussion Monday, and that as soon as the £ounty ratifies the agreement, a meeting will be called by all cities par~ticipating. Mra Butch also recommended a resubmission of the Citys' application to HUD for a government grant on the in5tallation of the sewer system for the remaining portions of the City, After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, Administrator Butch wns authorized to re-apply to the Pederal Department of Housing and Urban Development for a government grant on the installation of the sewer system throughout thpse portions of the City of Arroyo ~rande that are now unsewered. SLO COUNTY DECLARED AS A RABIES AREA Administrator Butch reviewed as information only, that the State Deperrtment of Public Health has notified this Ci,ty that Monterey, San ~~zzito, San Luis ~bispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties have been de- ~lnred as rabies areas which requires a survey by each City and County to determine if adequate prevention measures are being taken. REPORT AND RECOMM£NDATION ON WOMAN'S CLUB BUILDING Administrator Butch reviewed for the Council that the Woman's Club had asked the City to consider the possible joint use of a club building on their property on Vernon Ave., and the request had been referred to the Parks and Recreation Comm~ssion for their study and recommendation, A report was received from the Parks and Recreation Commission's Committee on the possibility of constructing a Woman's Club Building recommending that it would be impossible to enter into a cooperative development plan for such a building on this property with any e~cpectation p~ receiving 47~ CITY COUNCYL DECEMBBR 12th, 1967. ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 federal assistance mona.es. Mr. Butch advised that it was not necessary for the Council to take any acti~n on this mat-ter a~t this time as the Woman's Club has been notified of the report. Mayor Wood ordered the repor.t of the Park and Recreation Commission be received and filedQ L]ETTER FROI~I CALIF. H/W COMM. RE: FUND~ FC)R A PTN 0~ CUYAMA HIGHWAY Administrator Butch read in its ent3.rety a lette~ from the Cali- fornia Highway Commission, ~,nforming the Cs.ty~ that $2,375,000 has been budgeted for construction on the Cuyama Highwcxy, which was felt to be the result of the many resolutions adopted l~y A;.rroyo ~rci.ride and other agencies to have this highway improved. REPORT ON ACTION OF STATE DIV. OF H/W' S R~c IQa~ 1H/W ~'~CUESTA GRADEe" Administrator Butch advised that th~ ~t~.~~ ~ivision of Highways had h~~.~ ax ~,ecz~ing on the realignment of the C~.a.~~~~a Grade on Highway 101, ~~a~ °~~Z~°k ~uch real%gnment was being opposed by ~the Chambers o~ Commerce of Ft~bles and Atascadero on the basi~ that this constructian would use call available financing and would have a disasterous effeet on any future ~a~.~~~any construction in this county. ~'here was no ac~tion taken on this a~a~~er and Mr. Butch was requested to keep the Council informed of any ftztt,tre developments concerning this realignment. CURB & GUT'TER INSTALLATION BY IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1911 - SHORT FORM Admin~s°tra~kor Butch reported that the Director of Public Works had submitted a list of streets which could be improved with curb and gutter by using the Improvement Act of 1911 short form. Mr. B~a.tch also advised thafi resi:dents on port.ions:of Alder Stree~t had petitioned for the improve- ment ~o be made and that portions of Cornwall Ave,, Bell Ste and Pecctn Street had n~ore than 50'~ curb and gutter installation nlready and the pro- ~ posed ins~alla~tion would complete several areas. After Council discussion, City Attorney Sh3psey rend the title of a Resolu~k~on instructing the Superintendent of Streets to proceed with order- ing construc*.ion of concrete curbs, gutters and driveway aprons, thereupon a motion was made by Councilman Schle+gel, seconded by Councilman Burt, and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolut- ion. RESOLUTION NO. 776 RESOLUTION INST~UCTING THE SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS TO k3RDER THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURBS,"GUTTERS AND DRIVEWAY APRONS AND IMPROVE- M£NTS FOR THE PROPER FUNCTIONING OF THE INSTALL- ED CURBS, GUTTERS AND DRIVEWAY APRONS. On motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 12th day of December, 1967. A motion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwomnn Tl~~~pson, and unanimously carried, that a public hearing be scheduled for 'T'~zesday, Jariuary 9tfi, 1968; at 8:00 P,M., in the Council Chambers of the ' City Hall for the purpose of henring protests to ~the construction of curbs, gutters nnd driveway aprons on certain portions of A1der Street, Cornwall Avea, Bell Street and Pecan Street. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT-LOPEZ WATER CONTRACT CHARGE-FIRST READING Administra.tor Butch reviewed that the City Attorney had prepared an ordinance incorporating the rate structure on pr oposed water charges to cover Lopez'Water Contrnct obligations that were discussed at the study session on December 6th, 1967, and that it was ~the intent to continue billing bi-monthly for the regular water consumption charges, with a bill- ing for the Lopez water cha.r.ge on the alternate month. After Council 4~9 CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 12~h,1967 ~ ARR'OYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read, f~r ~.ts firs~ read~.ngo the title of an ordinance relating to a monthly water charge to be known as -the ;'Lop~~ Wa.ter Contract Chargef', thereafter a mo°t~.on wc~s metde by Counc~.lman Schl~gel, seconded by Councilman Lev~ne, and unana,mously cax°ried, °to dis-- pense with reading the balance of this orclinanceo MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT DISGUSSION ON BLISINESS LICENSE FEES The Council discussed the need for an increase in °the fees now being charged f~r business licensese City Attorney Shipsey we~.s instructed to prepare an ordinance amending the Munica.pcsl ~ode °to effect an annual $30000 increase to apply to any ar~d all types of bus~.nesses conducted within the City of Arroyo Grande, REQUEST AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE ENGINEERING F~R2ri RE: RESERVOIR N0, 2 A~~ins5trator Butch reviewed that the D~~~~~9r of Public Works re- p~~°~e~ l~~ had contacted Kei~th Tranbarger, of Koe3~ig and Koebig, and for the total amount of $300.00 they would do the insp~ction as recommended and cxssist in preparation of technical specifications for the clea~ing and ~ainting of Reservc~ir No. 2. Mr. Tranbarger wa~ present and advised that if the Reservoir is repa..ired in confox~mance with their recommendations, major repairs shauld not be necessary for approximately ten yearse After Council discussion, on mot~ian of Co9ancilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Burt, and una~imously carried, °~he fzrm'o~' Koebig and Koeba.g was authorized to do the inspec~a.on and technical specifications necessary for the clean- ing and pain~ka.ng of Reservoir No. 2, wi~th the cost not to exceed $300.00, R~CEIPT OF MINUTES OF COUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING ~ Gopy of minu~es o£ ~he Gounty Water Resources Advisory Committee meet- ing for the month of November, 1967, were received by the Council and ordered filed. PROGRESS REPOR'~ ON S0. SLO COUI~TTY SANITATION DISTRICT, TJ-ze ~c~un.cil received, reviewed, and thereafter directed to file, a ~c~~y of the mreatment P1ant Aperator's repo~t for the month of November,1967. - PROGRESS REPORT-LOPEZ WATER SUPPLY REPORT FOR NOVEMBER ~ 1967 A progress report for the month of November, 1967, was received from the San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and was reviewed and ordered fiTed, .P,IDS ON RADIO PURCHASE - POLICE DEPARTMENT - BUDGETED ITEM Administrator Butch advised that bids had been received for two mobile radios for the new police vehicle as follows: Motorola Commwnications and Electronics, Ine. $1,752030 RCA Radio Corporation of America $1,800Q00 After Council discussion, a motion was made by Gouncilman Burt, second- ed by Councilma.n Schlegel, and unanimously carried, that the low bid of Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc., in the amount of $1,752,30, plus Tax for two mobile radios be accepted. CABLE 'T. V. RECEPTION DISCUSSION Councilman Levine reported that he had been contacted by several resi- dents regarding the poor picture reception by Cable T. V, users and as Cable T, Vm has been provided within the City by Franchise he felt the Council should be aware of this probleme After Council discussion, Adminis- trator Butch was instructed to contact Mr. Arthur Hapgood of Central Cali- fornia Communications Corporation advising him of these complaints and re- questing that he provide a progress report on the standing at this time of the operation and installation of the Cable Television system within the C~.ty. DI~CUSSION ON RETAINING RIGHTS TO GROUND WATER. Mayor Wood .instructed Administrator Butch to contact and request Mr< Born, County Hydraula.c Engineer, to ~.nvestigate the steps necessary for the City to retain the quantity of ground water that the City is now using re- gard~.ess of water usage from Lopez Dam, and attend the Council meeting of Janu~.ry 9th, 1968 and report on his findings. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 P.Mo until 5:00 P.M. December th, 1967. ATTEST: CIT C RK MAYO