Minutes 1967-12-19 48~ CTTY C~~~~~~ D~CEMB~R 19~h, 1967 ARROYO,GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 5~00 Po`Mo . . T'he G:~ty C~+uncil met in ~egular adjo~~ned session w~.th Mciyor Wo~d pre- s~d~:~~@ Upon ro1.1 ea~l, Counc~.3woman ~'ha~~ps~no Counc~.lmen Levine arad Schlegel rep~r°k~ed gresen°te Councilman ~vas c~bsen~o P,PPRO~AI~ O~ GVARRI~N'TS A znt~tion was made by Caunci~woman °~~a~mpsoxa, seconded by Councilman I~ev~ne, and unanimously ca~r~.ed, tl~at Gene~al V11a~rants Nme 442 to and in- clud~ng Nc~, 468, in. °ths to°~a.1 aznoun°t of $4~80~:03~o be approved and ordered paide MUNICTPAL CODE AMENDMENTmLOPE2 T~TATER CpNTRAC°T CHARGE-ORDINANCE ADOP:T'ION City Administratox Bu,tch reviewed the groposed ordin4nce'and stated the ~~.rst r~a.ding of the ordinance had been held on December 12th, 1967. Mr, Re~ Fie~nir~~e~, 142 ~Jixzi~per , Sltxeet, Mx o and Mrs, Hom~r Wadhams, 849 Pear l 33~i~~, R~a.ss Ruth Pauldang, 551 C~o~ S°~r~ee°t and Mrso Ringland, 209 Walnut ~°t~~~~tP ~rrrex~ presen°~ and p~~°~~sted fihe increased wn°ter charges, and request- ed ~he m~t~er b~ held ovex un~i.~ rev~~ew ccnd recommendation:could be made by a C~°k~zer~s Comm~°~tee ~°es~.der~ts w:ho w~r~ interes°~ed in maintaining the l~~er ~a.~ese Mayor Wood expl~.~ned that °k~.zne was of. °the ess;ence- as the Yn~n~es mus~; lae xaised °t~ me~~ -~]ae con~tract obligat~.~ns for the Lopez water and a.ny deTaxy cou.ld possibly nessita~e an, incr~ase over the rates now pro- posec~, Mc~yor Wo~od also ~.d~~.sed °~ha~ ~t other f,eas~.ble means af ineeting the ~bl~.gq.~~ons ~f ~he c~x~.t~a.c°k rae~~ pr~sented °to the Council gn the fut- uxe th~y tao,a.~d be ~~v~en~ cs~ms~de~a.~a~r~ as °khe ord~.nnnce could be amended a°t ar~,y ~~zn~„ A~~~r ~~r~k-~.er Co~~~a~~:~. d:a~sc~zss,a_~np A.dzna.~a.strator Bultch read~ for 3ts secQnd ~e~.d:i!ng6 t~~ ~k~.°~~e cxz~ Ard,~nan~ce relating ta a monthly water charg~ t~ be kncawn ~ns ~}-~p ~:'l~~pe~ Wa.°~~~ G~ntract ~harge=', ~kaaereafter a mo°t.~s~~. ~a~s m~.d~ by ~~~~;ta~~~.~.mc~.~ S~F~'~ege~a seconded by Council~,voman ~'hompson, and ~a~r,x~~:za~ta,s~y C~~.~~a,ed, d:~s~ense ~r~°k~ readix~g the balance of this ~q-d a.n~xTM~c P , ~RDI~A.~l~E NO, 20 C,S, ORDINANCE QF° 'T~iE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADDING SECTION (g) AND TO ARTICLE .01, CHAPTER 7, TI~'LE 6, OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE RELA~'T1VG TO A MON~'HLY WAZ'ER CHARGE TO BE KNOWN AS THE t~LOPEZ WATER CON'I'R~CT CHARGE~~ AND PROVIDING FOR BILLIN~ F°OR SAID CHARGE AND AMENDING SECTIONS AND OF AR'~ICLE 22, CHAPTER 7, TITLE 6 ~ RELA'TI1~1G TO SERVI~E ~ONNEC`TION CHARGES. On mo°~~an c~f Counci~man I~ev~ne, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, a.nd on the follow~.r~,g roll call vote, to tivs.t: AYESo Co~nc~lwoman 'T~ompson, Couracilmen Levine, Schlegel and Mnyor Woode NOESe None, ABSENT: Coizncilman Bur~, the foregoing Ord~.nance tnras adopted this 19th day of December, 19674 DISCUSSION ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT RE: "BUSINESS LICENSE INCREASE~'. 1~fter Council d~scussion, it was agreed that discussion on a proposed amendmen°t to the Business License Ordinance regarding Business License In- crease be held over to a late~ meetzng, LIISCUSSION REGARDINfG P1~OPOSAIa ~0 CLOSE PTNS OF BEACH TO AUTO TRAFFTC Counc~lman Schl.egel ~ep~rted on the luncheon meeting held by th~ Sportsman CTub on December 14th, 1.967, for the purpose of discussing the Sta°te Deppr~kmen~ a~ Bea.ches and Paxks proposal ~o close off a por~ion of Pismo-Oceano Beach ~tc~ l~.u°ko '~~cxffic, and indicated that a Committee had been f.orzned to s°tudy all ~'acets regardzng the proposed closure of the Pismo~Oceano Beach a~~c~, to ~.uta ~kx-~.~f~c °ko formulate a conclusive proposal °ko presen~ ~:o the S~ta~t~ Leg:~sla~zve and qther bodies concerned, with the inte~t °tJ~~.t ~this ~nrould serve a.s a basis for sta~s legislation that would prouide ~ar °~he perpe~u~t~on o~'free access °~o ~he beach by vehicular traf~ice CITY C4UNCIL DEGEMBER 19th, 1967 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 After Council discussion, Administrator Butch read in its entirety, n resolution opposing closure of PismomOceano Beach to auto traffico RESOLUT20N NOa 777 A RESOLUTION OF TH8 CITY COLJNGII~ 0~ THE CITY 0F ARROYO GRANDE OPPOSING CLQSU~E OF PISMO-OCEANO BEACH TO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC, On motion ot Cauncilraoman Thompson, seconded by Gouncilman Levine, and on the followirig roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Gouncilwoman Thompsar~, Counci~men Levine, Schlegel and - Mdyor 'HTood e N~ESa Nonee AB~ENT ; ~ounci liaan Bur°k , the forsgoing Resolut~on was adopted this 19th day of December, 1967. PR.QGRESS ~~PQRT-SALBS TAX REVENUE FOR THIRD QUAR'~ER OF 1967 Adm~nistrater B~a.tch submitted a Progress Report on Sales Tax Revenue ~ox ~h~ p~~~~d of Augu:st 5, 1967 to November, 1967, and xeviewed that when the Secon.d Q~aa~~t~x xepox~ was ~received the revenue was lower by a eon- siderable amoun~ for the sa.m~ peri.od in 1966, and even though the Third Quari~er repa~~~ a.ndica°~ed the revenue wcxs sta.ll down an increase had been re~lec~tedo ~'h~ k'x~~gxess Repox°t a.lso no~red °khe City had received its first Cigaret°~~ ~'ax Re~r~nue ~,n the amr~unt of $2,858,91, and that the Sales Tax and ~~.garelt~e '~ax R~venus urould now be received by the Ci~ty on c,~ monthly basis, GANCELLA.°TION QF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 26th, 1967 Un mc~°~it~n of Councilman S~~1e~e~., second~d by Gouncilman Leva.ne, and unanimously ca~r~.ed, the regular meeting of December 26th, 1967 was cancelled due ta the Holiday Season and vacation period a quorum might not be availableo ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, ccnd unanimousTy ccfrried, the meeting was adjourned ctt 6:24 P,M. ATTEST : ~ ' ~c~~~ CITY ERK MAYOR