Minutes 1968-03-12 ~ CITY GOUNCIL MARCH 12, ~968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The C~ty Counc~l met in regular sess~~n w~~h Mayor Wood pres~d~ng, Upon roll call, Gounc~lwoman ~hompson, Coun~i~men Levine, Schlegel and Burt report~d present~, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Wood led the Pledge of Alleg~ance ~~ag; and immediately thereafter, Reverend Richard Scharn of ~he Church o~ ~he Nazarene of Grove~ C~ty, delivered the invocation, ~ APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of ~ebru~ry 27~ho 1968, were ap~ ' proved as prepared, APPROVAL OF WARRAN~S . A motion was made by Councilw~man Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carr~ed, ~ha~ General Wa~r~n~s 674 to and in- cluding Nob 716 in the tatal amount of $27,050~98 and Pay~oll Warran~s No4 ` 1084 ~o and includ~ng ~o, 1158 in ~~e to~al am~un~ $11,377.32, be ap- proved and ordered paid, TREASURER'S REPORT ~OR THE MON~~ OF ~~BRUARY The ~reasurer's R~por~ ~o~ ~he month ~f Feb~uary~ ~968, was received by the Council, discussed, ~nd ord~~ed f'~1ed, AUTHORIZATION ~0 DEPOSTT LOPEZ WA~ER CONTRACT OBLIGA~ION FUNDS } City Admznis~ra~or Bu~ch ~equested au~thorization to-degos~t daily rev- enues coll~cted for ~ope2 in a savzngs account ~o derive the greatest pos- s~ble amount of interest, After CounGil discuss~on, on motion of Council- man Schlegel, seconded by Councxlman Burt, and unanimo~sly carried,'~{author- ~ izat~on was granted ~or the d~posi~ ~f dazly revenues collec~ed for the Lopez W~~er Go~~rac~ Ob~igati~n in sav~ngs accoun~s, with the first $100,000 be~ng deposited zn Mid-S~a~e Bank and al~ernating the~eafter in $100,000 increments with Bank of Americ~.~` DEPARTMENTAL REPORT FOR THE MON'I'H OF FEBRUARY ' The Departmental Report for the month of February, 1968, was received by the Council~ discussed, and ordered filed< RECOMMENDA~IONS OF PARKING GOMMISSION; REa PARKING AND TRAFFIG PROBLEMS Administrator Butch rev~ewed that at the regular meeting of February 27th, 1968, 13 items regarding on-stree~ parking had been recommended to the Council for approval by ~he Pa~king Commission ~nd fhat seven of the items were to be 'held ove~ ~or f~r~her s~udy and t~at six of the items would be cons~dered aftex personal inspection by the Council: Of the 13 items lis~ed in the minutes of ~he Park~ng Commission of February 8th,1968, I~ems No; 3, 5, 5, 11, 12 and 13, were personally reviewed by the Council, and it was £elt'all recommendations were necessary for safety with Item 13 being amended by providing t~at a 20 foot red zone be established at this time leaving one parking space on the wes~erly side ~f Traffic Way between the driveway entrance to the Ford Garage and Valley Road intersection, and this item would be rev~ewed when a~d ~f ~raffic islands are ~nstalled on Traff~c Way, After Council d~scussion, Ci~y At~orney Shipsey read ~he title of a Resolution regard~ng six it~ms ~f On-Street Parking, thereupon a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, " and unanimously ca~ried, to dispense with ~~ading ~he balance of this Reso- lu~t ion , RESOLUTION N0. 785 RESOLU~'ION OF THE CI°TY COUNCIL OF" THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PROHIBITING PARKING ON CER°TAIN ~ AREAS OF' C I"TY S°~REETS « On motion of Council,man Levine, seconded by Gouncilwoman Thompson, and on the following roll~call vo~te, to wit~ ; AYES; Councilw,6man °Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Sehlegel, Burt and May~r Wood., NOES: None ABSENT: None ~ CITY COUNCIL MARCH 12, 1968 ARROYO GRANDEv C~1LI~ORNIA PAGE 2 the forego~ng Res~lution wras passed arad ~dop°~ed °this 12th day of March,1968, ` REQUES°T OF° PARKING GOMMISSION REm °TT~TLE SEAI~GH FOR HBHAR~' LoANE°o, Adm~n~.s~rcc°tor Bu~ch scdv~sed ~}-ia°~ °the 1'~~}c~ng Gomm~.ss~~n }-icxd req~ested tha°t a°ti~le search be made on PBHCl,`~~ La;ne~~ as it would be necessary f~r the continuat~on of a s~udy be~ng made f~~ ~~e p~oposed enla~c~ement to ~the Bank of Amer~.ca par}c~.ng lota Af°ter Gounc~l d~.scuss~.ona on m~~ion of Go~znc~lman Levine, seconded by Co~ncilwoman Thompsano and tznanimo~zsly ca~ried, ecu°thorm izat~on was gran~ed for a°t~°tle search ~o be made on @PHart I~a.neR~a MINU°TES OF° BOARD OF DIREC°TORSB MEE~'ING OF° LEAGtJE OF CAI~IF°, CI°TIES Adm~nistrator Butch br~,efly revievved ~}~ae rninutes of the January 25th meeting of tne Leagixe of Cal~fornia ~~.ties Board o~ D~rectors, which is mexde up of Mnyors and Councilmen th~oaxghout the S°ta°te of Cnliforniae LEGISLATIVE BULLE°TIN ~ROM LEAGUE OF° CALI~ORIVIA CI`T`IES Administrator Bu~ch adv~sed °khat cop~es of the Diges°t of 1968 Assembly Bflls affect~ng ci°ties had been received, and brie~ly reviewed the various bills tha°t vuould affec°t oux° c~.ty the mosto DISCUSSION ON TRANSFERRING LOGGP,.L, A1V°TI~POVERTY PROGRAMS ~ Admin~.strator Bu°tch advised ~tha°t ~he C~°ty has been informed that the Office of Ec~nomic Opportun~°ky has announced ~hat cities maxst declare their ~.n°tentions on ~a}c~ng over °tJae var~ous prog~ams of the O,E,Oo by March 15th, 1968, and br~e~'ly reviewed ~hat the C~axn°ty of S~n Luis Obispo had handled these mat~ters iaa the beg~nn~ng very stxccessfully prior °to the O,E°O, Office becoming a p~~vate non-prof~.t corporat~on outs~de the ju.r~.sdiction af cities or counties, A~te~ C~~anc~l d~scuss~on, an mot~on of Cotxncilman Schlegel, seconded by Coua~c~lman Bur°t, and unanimously carrieds it is recommended that this Cotxncil ~s a.n favor of the var~.or~s pr~grams o~ ~he Off3.ce of Economic Opportun~.ty being under the con~rol o~ the Count~.es~ a larger entity more capable of ~his adm~n~stra°ta~on~ ax~d tha°t ~Fze G~~y Adm~n~strcttor so advise the Office of Econ,omic Oppor°~urn~ty in San F~°anciscoa as requestedq ANNUAL REPORT AND REQUES°T OF WOODBS ANIMAL SHEL°TER Administra°tor Butch reported that copies of the Annual Report of the Wood°s Animal Shel~er had been received and also a letter requesting an ~ increase of $50000 per mon°th by our G~ty f~r their service, After Council discussion, it was agreed that any ~ncrease in fees to the shelter should be treated in normal bud ge°t procedures and preparation and that some type of f~nancial statement from the shelter should be submitted tc the Council fo~ their s°tudy and c~nsideration, Mrs, Ha~old Lee, regresenting Wood's Animal Shel°ter, was presen°t, and etdvised ~hat a fa.nancial report will be prepa•red and submit°ted, - LET°°TER FROM GROVER CIT°Y COUNCIL RE; IMPOSITION OF PUMP TAX IN ZONE 3 Admin~s°trator Bu°tch advssed °tha~ a letter had been received from the Grover Ci°ty City Counc~l requesting °this Council join with them in re- questing the Board of Supervisors to impose a Pump Tax by Zone 3 and a copy of a Resolution adopted by #he Grover City City Council to that effect was also received, A£°ter Gouncil discussion, it was agreed that this Counc~l °~ake no ac~t~on a°t °this time but ~ha°t Adminis°trator Butch refer this matter °to °the Zone 3 Advisory Committee for their recommendation at their mee°t~.ng of Mctrch 21s°tm 1968, NO°TICE OF° PUBLIC HEAR, OF SLO C0, PLANN, COMMo REo S°TREET NAME CHANGES Administratox Butch advised that notice was received from the County Planning Commission °that a Public Hes~ring vaould be held to change certain names ~n the rural area of Arroys~ Grandee Mre Butch also presented a petition signed by 30 residents of Huasna Road pro~esting the change of Huasna Road to any o~her name, Af°~er Council discussxon, Admin3st.rator ~ Butch was author~~ed °t~ attend the mee~ing of the San Lu~.s Obispo County Planning Gommission on Marc~ l3tha 1968 and present °the petition protest= ~ng the change of name of Huasna Road on behalf of the people signing the ~ pe°tition, PRESENTAT'ION OF FTRE DEP°T, SECOND ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1967 Copies of °the F~re Depar°tmentes Second Annual Report for the year of 1967 were presen°ted to °the Councs.l, who commen°ted that the report was ex- cellant, ~ CITY COUNCIL MARCH Y2, 1968 ARROYO GRANDEa CALIF'ORNIA PAG~ 3 PRESEN"TA°TION OF° Am Go ~ASEBAI~I~ ~1SSOCo BP~SE~P.~T~ MP~ST°EI~ PL~N AND COMPLEX Cop~es o~' °khe l~~royo Grancle ~asebal~: Ass~c~a°~es ° B~,seball Mns°ter Plan and C~mplex wer~ p~e~en~ed ~o ~}-s~ C~~nc~l, as ~x~forma,tion onlya Adm~.n~stra.tor Btztch aclvised °~}aat ~he pl~~ ~ac~ b~en pr~sen°ted to the 1'ar}c and Recreation Comm~ss~~n a~ °tk~e~~ l~s~ r~~~l~,r ~ee~k~ng~ ~x~d ~ha°t °they had °taken no ac~~on as of ~~i~ °~~xn~o ~~aan~~,ssi~n~~ ~~,~l.ey9 0~ °~he P~rk and Recre~°~i~n Comm~s~~on vvas ~resent~ ~~el ~clv~~ed ~kha~ ~l~e P~rks and Recrea°~~on C~mmiss~,on have ~eques°~ed ~dcl~~~,~~a~,l ~nf~~m~~~on fr~m °kk~e Baseball Assoc~a~~.on ~r~or °to ~h~.s C~mzn~,s~~~~ z~~}ca~r~g any recommencla°tions to °t}ae C~ty C~u.nc~lm REQiJES°T PERMISSIOIV °TO I~IS°TP~I~L F'ENCE AROiJIVD RESERVOIF{ 1VOa 2 Administra°kor Bu°tc~a sta~ed t~a~ ~n °~~e recen°~ pa~.n°ta.ng of Reservoir ' No. 2, the Water Depar°~ment not~ced a~ea~ d~a~. ~f v~z~clal~smB such as ini°t~als scxatched a.nto °the pa~ra~ v~h~ch crea°tecl rus~ ~pots, and ~.t was fel°t tha°t a chain link fen~~ s~~crou.nding ~t}~e °tan~ ~tself at a. distance of approximately ~.5 ~~e~ vao~.ald e~.~m~na~e ~c~ess t~ ~he ex~erior of the reserv~~r m He also aclvised ~the appr~x~.ma~e cost ~f a f~nce woia.ld be $900.00. Af°ter Council discus~~.on, ~n m~~ion ~~unci~.r,~oman °Thompson, seconded by Counc~.lman Lev~,neg and ~nan~.mo~sxy car~i~da ~uthorization was granted °t~ ca.ll for ~n#'orm~,l b~ds ~nst~t~.l a cha~n 5.~,n1c fence around Reservo~r N~, 2, ACCEP°TANGE 0~ DEED F°ROM MRS o VERMILLIOIV RE ° ~RAN~~ S°~, RE.~LIGNMENT Admin~strat~r Btzt~h reviewred °th~~ Di~~cto~ P~b~ic Wor]cs Anderson and himsel~ had met va~.°th M~s. T~oia~se Ve~m~ll~on anel ~erms hacl been reach- ed £o~ the G~.ty °to acqu~.re °the pxope~°~}r necessary fo~ ~he r~.gh°t-of-way for °the real~gnmen~ of ~ranch S°~ree~o Af~er Co~rnci~ d~.scia.ss~.on, a motion ~,vas made by Co~nc~lman Sc}sleg~~e seconded by Co~xnc~,lmecn Bur°t, and unani- mously ca,rr~ecl, that the Grant Deed- fr~m T~ou~se Ve~miYlion, a married woman, and Paul aJ~rome Ral~~o a ma~ried m~.ns mo~her ~nd son, be accepted by the C,~~y upon presen~c~~~one °~ha~ the M~,~°or and ~a~t~r Clerk be authorized °to sa~gn ~I~e C~~~~.~"a.ca.°te of Ac~egta~ce for ~he Ca.°ty, ~}aa~t the deed be re- corded, and tha°t the sum o~ ~2,300.00 be paicl as to~al purchase price for proper°ty descra.bed in said deed. AU'THORIZE GI~L,L FAOR BIDS-CURBo GUZ'TERo DRIVE, mAI~DEFt,PECAN,CORNWALL, BELL. ~ City Admin~.strator Butch ~epor°ted °that °the 60 da~r period of time has now expired for the proper°ty o~rners to have ~nstal.led curb, gutter and dr~veway ap•rons ~n por°ta.~ns o~ .~lder S°te s Pecan St. a Bell S°t., and Corn- wa11 Aveo by ,xse af the 1911 A~t Assessm~n~ Dis~r~ct short form and res ques°ted author~2a~~on be g•ranted ~o call for bicls for such 3nstalla°tion. After Council d~sctizssion~ a mo°tion we~~ made by Corxncilman Levine, seconded by Gouncilwroman °I'hompsong ancl ~ar~an~mously ccz~ried~ °that approval and auth~riza°t~on b~ given °to call for b~,d~ ~or °t}ae installa°kion of concrete curb, g~.a~°ter ancl drivevaay aprons on °th~se portions of Alder Street, Pecan S°t~ee~t, Bell S°tree~ a,nd Cornwa.ll Avea w~°thin t}~e 1911 Act Assessment Distric°t short f~rm ~ri~h said b~.ds to be opened March 26th, 1968 at 2:00 P,M. in the Counc~l Chambers of the Arxoyo Grctnde City Hall. REPOR'T ON CIT'Y`e S INQT.~TRY FOR F°EDERAL ASSIS°TP,NCE FOR SEWAGE FACILITIES Administrator Bu°tch repo~°°ted that pursuant °to P.L. 8~-117, the ` Federal Government has auth~rized the making of grants °to public bodies to aid in financ~rag °the cons°t~sxct~~n o~' basic v~rater and sewer projects and he also rev~ewed a mcxp des~gnating t3ae areas o~ the Ci~ty that are now unsewe•red which could possibly q~zalify t~ be sewered vaith Federal fund assis~ance~ Af'~er G~uncil discussion, Ci°ty A°ttorney Shipsey read the title of a Resolu°t~.on regarding F°ederal G~an°t ~'or sewer ~.nstallations and ~ au°thorizing the C~ty Adm~n~s°t~at~r °to be °the Ci°~y Represen°tative in this mat°ter, °thexeup~n cx mo°tion was mcxde by ~ounc,~lman I.oevine, seconded by Counc~lwoman Thomps~n, and unan~mously car~iede °to dispen.se with read- ing the balance of this Resoltxt~~n< RESOI~LT°TIO~ NO. 787 RESOLTJ°I':~OIV QF° T'HE ~I°TY COUNCTL O~° `3'HE CITX OF° ARROYO GRANDE AtJ°I'HORIZING ~'IL~NG OF° AP0 PLICA~'ION ViII°~'H Z°HE DEPA.R"TMEIV°T 0~ HOUSING ~1ND , URBAN DEVE~Ok'MEN'~a UNITED S°TA°TES O~° AMERICA, FOR A GRANT° UNDER P.Lo 89~1~.7. :4 C ITY COIdNC IL MA.RCH 12 , 1968 ARROYO GRANDE a CALIF°ORNIA PP~GE 4 On mot~on of Counc~.l~voman 'Thompson, seconded by Co~nc~.lman Levine, and on °the ~ollovv~ng roll call vote, °to vaito AYESo ~ounc~lvaomnn °Thompson, G~uncil~era Lev~neo Schlegel, Burt ar~d M~yor Hlood o NOESo Noneo ABSEN°Tm None the forego~ng Resolut~.on tnras gassed and adop~ed th~,s 1~°~h day of March, 1968, PROGRESS REPORT ON SOU°TH SLO COUN°TY SANI~AT°ION D~S~'RIG°T, °The Counc~.l rece~ved~ rev~.ewed, and ~hereaf~er directed to fiTe, a copy of the °Treatmen°k Plan°t Operatar ° s report ~or °~he mon°kh of February, 1968 0 l~dm~n~s°~ra°tor Bra;°tch also repor°ted °tha°t °tlae F°ederal Housing Admini- s°tra°tion is loaning the Oceano Sanitary Dis°tric°t $50,000 and a grant of $150,000 and °that these aznounts m~.g}-i°t na°t be sufficien°t to complete the sewer installation, F°ILM 3LIDES F'OR CDNGRESS FOR ~OMMUNI'TY PROGRESS Adm~nistrator Bu~ch adv~.sed tha°t °t}~e ~ilm sl~deso complete with a tape narration, tha°t were dev~loped ~n conjunc~ion w~.th °the Congress for Gommunity Progress p~ogram would be preva.evaed at the F~re Station at 1:15 P.M,, March ~3°the 19680 PROCLAMA~'ION: aaD F°OR DECENCY ~NEEKP° - APRIL 22ND `T°O 28T°H, 196~ May~r Wood procla~med Ap~~l 22nd °to Ap~il 28ths 1968 as "D FOR DECENCY WEEK'a~ as requested by the Board of Supervi~o•rs of the County of Los Angeleso LE'T'TER OF THANKS F'ROM P, G, AND E, Adminis°tra°~or Bu°tch read n lette~ from °~he Pres~.dent of Pacific Gas and Electr~.c Compnny thanking this Council fo~ °~heir support of the Diablo Canyon Atomic Plan°to CITY EMPLOYEES ATT'ENDANCE AT VVATER °TREATMEN'T PLAN°T OPERATOR' S SCHOOL Adminis°trato~ Butch advised that the Director of Public Works had repor°ted °to him °tha°t £ive city employees, ~Je Andersona E, Lancaster, J, Sylves~ers G, S~,~ktivood and Bo 1~Iard, had ~ompleted a 13 week course for Water °Treatment Plan°k Operator°s School~ ~ahich provides them with a background in Hydraul~.cs o Mci°th, V1later 'Treatmen°t and Purification and Bacteriolog~cal analysisa RESOLUTION r RELOCA°TION OF' U°~ILIT°IES FOR BRADICH S°TREET REALIGNMENT Administra°tor Butch rev~.ewed th~°~ in conjunction with the realign- men°t of the Branch Street, °Tra.ff~.c Way and Grand Avee intersection, it would be necessary ~o relocate ex~.s°ting utilities, dnd that the City Public Works Depar°tment in cooperation with the Division of Highways had outlined the work °to be done by each entity for the Council°s considera- tion, After Council discuss~on, City At°torney Shipsey read the title of a Resolu°tion regarding relocat~on of utilities on Branch St>, thereupon a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson~ seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimo~xsly carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this Resolu°tion, RESOLUTION N0, 788 RESOLUT°ION ~F° T'HE CITY COUNCIL OF °THE CIT'Y OF° ARROYO GRANDE AU°THORI~ ING 'I°HE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK °TO EXEGUTE U°TILI°TY AGREEMEN'I`, On mot~.on of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on °~he following ~oll call v~te, °to wi°to AYES: Councilw~man °Th~mpson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood, NOES: None ABSEN°T e None ' the forego,~ng Resolu°tion was ~assed and adop°ted this 12th day of ~iarch, 1968. _ ~J GIT'Y COUNCIL IuIP,RCH 12 a 196~ ARROYO GRANDEo CALIF°ORNIA PAGE 5 SLO GOUN'TY & CIT°IES ~1REA 1'T.~NNII~IG COORDINAT'I1VG COUNCIL Covn~~lman Leva~ne rep~r°ted ~}~at }~e ]~~,c1 attendecl °the meeting of °the San Lu~s Ob~sgo Coun~y ar~d C~~~e~ A~ea P1anr~~ng Coo~cl~.nat~ng Counc~l a.nd ~hat p~ocedu~es hacl been adop°tecl ~or accep~~ng nppl~cation~ and °tha°t two appl~ca°ta.ons h~.d been a.c°~ed upono RECOMMENDA°TIONS °TO PL,~IPTNING COMM, - GHERRY S'To AND 20T~I STREET A~°ter Counc~l d~scuss~.on~ ~t was agreed to recommend tha°t the Plan- n~.ng Commiss~on study and cons~der °the fol~ow~ng °two ~°tems for recommend- a°t~.on back °to °the Counc~l o~lan L,~ne Cherry Ave o from H.~ghway 101 to Garden S°t~eet and rena~ine 20th Stree°~ to a named stree°t to clarify street numbe~~ngo DISCUSSION ON COS°T OF° VVP~°TEE2 MEZ'ER INS°~P~LaLA"TIONS Mayor Wood advised that a proper°ty owner had contacted him regarding °the eharge of $150000 per w~~~r me~e~ ~ns~allc~°~~ono T`he p~operty in ques°t~on houses tlaree sepex~°~e bus~nesses th~,~ have been served fpr many years on a~'lat ra°te bas~s bu~ ~ecently are being served by one me°ter as a mul°t~ple use by reques~ o~° ~}~e ~roper~y ovaaner, It w~s °the property owners ~ntent a°~ °th~s t~m~ °~o ~ns~all ~ndiv~dual mete~s ~ko each business bu~ he ~el°t the ~ost was prohib~,°~~ve and some concess~on should be made ~or a~aaate~ cus~omer ~f many yea~s stand~ngo After d~,scussa.on, the Public Works Depar°~men°~ ~aas ~.ns~k~uc°ted ~o inves~agate and ~repare a repor°t regard- ing °~he n~cess~~y o~ amend~ng ~~e wci~er o~di,n~n~e cover such s~.°tuations, ADJOURNMEN°~ On mo°k~.on of Co~n~~lwom~n T°hompson, sec~ndecl by Counczlman Levine, and unana.mously carr~eda °~~e mee°t~ng ~aas adjoux~ed a°t 9:52 P,Mo to Ma~ch 18th~ 196~ a~t ~°30 PaMe " . , ~Y A°I°°TEST: > , . . C CLERK MAYOR