Minutes 1968-04-16 CITY COUNCIL APRIL 16th, 1968 ARROYO GRA.NDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 PoM, The City Council met ~n session as required by the Elections Code of the State of California, w.~th Mayor Wood presidingo Upon roll callo Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine and-Schlegel reported presenta Councilman Burt is absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Wood led the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag; and immedi- ately thereafter, Councilwoman Thompson delivered the invocation. RESOLUTION RECITING THE FACT OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION City Clerk Miller read the title of a Resolution reciting the fact Qf the General Municipal Election, thereupon a motion was made by Council- mnn Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this Resolution. ~i RESOLUT~ON NOa 793 A RE S OLU T I ON OF THE C~ TY C OLTNC I L OF Z°HE C I'I'3.' OF ARROXO GRANDE, CALIE'ORNIA, RECI'PTNG THE FACT OF Z'HE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTIQN HEIoD I N SA I D C I TY OF ARRO~.'O GRANDE ON ~'HE 9 TH DAY OF APRIL, 1968, DECLAR3NG THE RESUIaT THEREOF' AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS ARE PROV~DED BX 7~AWo WHEREAS, a regular general municipal elec~ion was held and cor~~ ducted in the City of Arrayo Grande, County o£ San Lu~s Obisp~, Sta~,e " of Cal.ifornia, on Tuesday, ~he 9th da~ of Ap~i]., 1968 as requirecl b~ law; and WF3EREA5, notiee of said elec~ion was duly and reg~.larl~r given in- time, ~orm and manner as provided b~r 1.aw; th.at voting precincts were properly established; that electior~ officers were appointed and that in all respects said election was held and cond~cted and the votes cast thereat, received and canvassed and the re~.urns made and declared in time, form and manner as required by ~Z~.e p~°ovisions of the Elections Code of the State of California for ~he Ynolding of election~s in cities; and WI~REAS, pursuant to Resolution Noo 7~9 adopted the 26th day of March, 1968, the City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Gra~.de canvassed the ret~zrns of said election and has certified th~ res~z,lts to this City Council, said results are received, attached and made a part hereof as "Exhibit Ao ° , NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO G12ANDE, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION lo That tl~a.ere were three (3) voting prec~ncts estab- lished for the purpose of holding said election consisting of con- solida~ioras of the regular election precincts in the City of Arroyo Grande as establ.ished for ~.he holding of state and county elec~.ions. SECTION 2. Tha~. said regular general municipal elec~ion was held for the purpose of electin,g the following officers of said City as required by the laws relating to cities in the State of California, to wit: Three (3) Members of the Ci~y Counci,l of said City for the full terng of four years; A City Clerk of said.City far the full term of four years; A Ci,ty Treasu.rer af said City for the full term of four years. SECTION 3. That the whole number of ballots cast in said City (except absent vote~ ballots) was 818. That the whole numkaer of absen,t voter ballots cast in said City was 13, making a to~al of 831 ballots cast in said City. SECTION 4o Traat tl~a..e names of persons voted for at said elect- ion for Member of the Gity Council of said City are as followsa George Ae Burt Kenneth Ro Levine Jane R. Thompson S, Fe Cummins Wells Co Smith Buzz Langenbeck That the names of the persons voted for at said election for City Clerk o~ said City are as follows: - Polly S. Miller Annie Johnson Dorie Bentley Z'Yaat the narnes of the pers~n~ vo~~d ~or a~ said elec~~o~ for City Treasurer o~ sa~d Ci~y are as f~~l~wsm R~chard ~o Werst Noland Garrison Ben Azure George Grieb '1'17.a~ the number o£ vot~s ga~ven at ~ach p~~c~~.c~ a~d the a~~er of vo~es given in the City to each o~ suc~ persor~s above r~an~ed ~or the respective off~ces for which ~a%d per,sons w~~~ ca~ad~da-~es were as liste~. in ExYaibit "A" attachedo SECTION 5 0 'I'~a,e City Coba.ncil does declare a~.d de~erm~ne thato Kenneth Ro Levine was elected as Mez~nber of ~he C~-~y Counc~l of said City for the full. term of four years; Jane R. Thompson was elected as Member of tYae C~,~X Council of said City for the full term of four years; We13.s Cs Sani~h was elec~ed as Mea~akaer of the C~.~~r Cour~c.~l o£ said City for the full te~°rn of four ~r~ars; Polly Se M~ller was elected City Clerk of said Ci~y for the ~~11 terrn of four years; R~chard Bo Wers~: was el~cted C~ty Treasur~r of said C~t~ for ~kae f~..ll ~erm of four ~r~a~s a SECTION 6 e The C~. Ly Clerk sY,.al1 enter on the records o~ the Ci~y Council of said Ci~y, a statement of the res~,l~ of said ~lec~~on, showirag o (l) T~a:e whol~ n~er of ve~tes cast in tka~ city; (2) 'TY~~ narnes of ~he persons vo-~ed ~or; (3) Tl~e measures voted upon; (4) For what office each person was voted for; (5) Tk~e n~ber of votes g~,ven a-~ each precinct to each person, and for and against each measure; (6) 'I'l~ae nu,mber of votes given in the city to each per- son, and for and agains~ each measureo SECTION 7a Tha~ the City Clerk shall immediately make and, upon. cor~p]~iance by the p~rsons elect~d with the provisions of Section 11565 and Section 11568 of th~ E1.ec-~ions Code of the State of Cal- ifornia, shall deliver to each of sucl~. persons so elected a Certifi- cate of Election signed by her and d~.ly authenticated; that she shall also administer to each p~rson elected, the Oath of Office pre- scri,bed in the S~ate Constitution of the State of Cali~ornia and shall Yaave them subscribe thereto and file t1T~..e same in her officee Wraere~.por~, each and all of said persons so elected shall be inducted into the respective office to wka.ich they have been electeda SECTION 8m 'I'riat tl°a,e City Clerk shall certify ~to the passage and adop~~.on of this resolution; shall en~,er the sarne in ~.he book of orig~,nal Resol~.~ions of said Cit~; and shall z~,ak.e a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Cou.ncil of said City, in ~he minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. On ~otion of Councilwo~an Thompson seco~ded by Co~ncilman Levine and by the f~llowing roll call vote, to wi~o AYES: Councilwoman 'I`hompson, Councilmen Lev~ne, Schlegel and Mayor Wood NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Burt the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 16th day of April, 1968. ~~~~~~:(/G~ MAYOR . ATTEST: CI CLERK T, POLLY So MILLER, City Clerk of the C.ity af Arroyo Grande, Coun~y of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that ~he foregoing Resolution No. 793 is a tr~i~e, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted by t1a.e City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a meeting of said Coun~.il as required by the Elections Code ~f the State of Galifornia held on the 16th day of April, 1968. WITNESS rny hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 17th day of April, 19680 CITY C OF THE ITY OF ARROYO GRANDE (seal) 2:~ EXHIBIT 00A" CI'~~,' CLERK' S CER'Z'~F~CA'I'E OF CANVASS I, Polly S. Mil.ler, C~ty C.~erk of ~e City of Arr~~o Gr~.~d.e, ~~unty of San Lua~s Obispo, Staite of Cala.fornia, duly au~horiz~d by Resolut~.ora No~ 789, adoptec~lay tY~..e City Council of sa~d ~it~ on ~k~e 2~G~~ da~ o£ Marcl~., 1968, do hereby certify ~hat I ha~e cas-~vassed the ret~rn~ o~E ~th~e regular general municipal electio~, helcl in said c~ty on -~ka.e 9~ka day of P,pril, ~.96~, and find that the number of votes given a~ ~~ch preci~.~t ~a~d the nta~~er of votes given in the City to persons voted for, the re~p~c~~,~e ~~f~ceys for which said persons -were candidates svere as follcaws o Dated April 11, 1968 ~ City Cle of ~he City of Arroyo Grande For MEMBER of the TOTAL ABSEN- TOTAL CITY COUNCIL TEE VOTES NQo 1 NOo 2 NOo 3 CAST George A. Burt 169 11.3 158 440 5 445 Kenneth Re Levine 257 159 241 657 11 668 Jarae Re Tk~or~npsorz 173 126 156 455 6 461 S a F a C~aans 141 72 9~ 3.1~ 9 320 Well.s Ca Sr~ith 197 10~ 15~ 463 8 ~71 Buzz Langenb~ck 1 1 l For CIZ'Y CLERI~ Polly Se Miller 260 165 247 672 13 685 An,nie Jo~nson 1 1 1 Dorie Bentl~~ 1 1 1 For CITY Z°REASURER Richard B. Wex°st 262 164 251 677 13 690 Noland Garrison 1 1 1 Ben Azure 1 1 1 George Grieb 1 l 1 TOTI~L VOTES CAST AT PRECINCT 1464 907 1310 3681 65 3746 TO'I°Aid ~ALLO~°S VO'I°ED AT PRECINCT 325 204 2~9 818 13 ~31 2,~ CITY COUNCIL APRIL 16°TH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALI~°ORNIA PAGE 6 ADMINISTR~ITION OF OATH OF OFFICE TO CI'TY CLERK AND CI°TY COUNCIL MEMBERS Mayor Wood administered the oa~h of off~ce to City Clerk Polly S, Miller> City Clerk Miller adminis~ered the oath of office to City Councsl Members Kenneth R, Levine, Jane Ro T'hompson and Wells G, Smith and signed and delivered to each, a Certifica°te o~ Elect~ono Mayor Wood instructed the newly elected C~uncil Members to assLxme ' their places with the Council, ELECTION OF MAYOR AND MAYOR PRO-TEM Mayor Wood turned °the meeting over to the Ci°ty Clerk, City Clerk Miller placed all Council Members on an equal bas~.s and stated nominas tions for Mayor were now opened, Council.woman Thompson nom~nated Addison B, Wood for Mayor and Councilman Schlegel nominated Jane R, Thompson for Mayor, On motzon of Councilman Levine, seconded by Council- woman Thompson, and unanimously carried, ncminat3.ons ~or Mayor were closed. The five Council Members then cast their vo°tes by secret ballot and Addison B, Wood was elected Mayor by a three fi£ths majority vote. Mayor Wood declared nomina-tions for Mayor Pro-Tem were now openeda Mayor Wood nominated Jane R, Thompson for Mayor PromTem and Councilman Smith nominated Calvin H, Schlegel for Mayor P~o~Tem, On motion of Councilman Levine~ seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, nominations for Mayor PromTem were closed, The f~ve Council Members °then cast their vo°tes by secre°~ ballot and Jane R, Thompson was elected Mayor Pro-Tem by a three fifths majority vote. GOMMENTS BY NEWLY ELECTED COUNCIL MEMBERS Councilman Smith remarked that it was a great pleasure to have the opportunity to serve the Citizens of Arroyo Grande, Councilwoman Thompson said it was a great honor to be elected Mayor Pro-Tem again and that she would do her best for the community, Councilman Levine said he was looking forward to the next four years and the privilege of assist- ing with the City growth and development> ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, the mee°ting adjourned at 7:52 PaM, , ~ ~ ~ ~ F ' ~.~~r~-, AT'TES°T: , ~ ~`"'~.a:..~~~~~ . , ~c.~-~~ CITY RK MAYOR