Minutes 1968-04-23 CITY COUNC2L APRIL 23rd, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA ~ The City Counc~l met in regular sessi~aa with Mayor Hlood presid~.ng, Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, 8chlegel and Smith reported present, ` PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Wood led the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag; and immeda.ately " thereafter, Reverend Leonard Boyd, of the Community Presbyterian Church of Pismp Beach delivered the invpcat~on, APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meetings of Apr~l 8th and April 16th, 1968 were approved as prepared, APPROUAL OF WARRANTS A mo^tion was made by Councilwoman "Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, that General Warrants No. 818 to and in- cluding No. 869, in the total amount of $18,046,14; Pnyroll Warrants No~ 1258 to and including Noa 1324, in the total amount of $11,07179; and Trust and Agency Warrants No< 524 to and including Noe 556, in the total amoun~t of $320,00 be approved and ordered paid, APPOINTMENT TO VARIOUS COMMITTEES AN~ COMMISSIONS Mayor Wood advised that a vacancy had occured on the Local Agency Forma~ion Commis5ion as Mayor Surfluh of Morro Bay, was the Cities alter- nate member on this Commission and his appoin°tment to LAFCo terminated on April 16th, 1968 when his Council membership had ended, After Council discussion, it was agreed that Mayor Wood subm~t his own name at the next • Mayor's meeting for their selection and appointment of one representative nnd one alternate representative of the six Cities a.n San Luis Obispo County ~to serve as the Cities representat~ve on the Local Agency Formation Commissiona The Council agreed that represen~tation of the Council to the Plan- ning, Parks and Recreation and Farking Commissions of ~fie~City would be by ro~tation of attendance of each Council member. , Mayor Wood appointed Council representatives to standing Commit~tees and Commissions as fol].ows: Zone 3 Advisory Committee - Councilman Levine; Water Resources Advisory Committee - Councilman Schlegel; Area Planning Council - Councilman Smith; South San Luis Obispo Sanitation District - Mayor Wood; and City Funct~ons, Personnel review, Finance and Fire Departments - Councilwoman Thompson. Administrator Butch was directed to continue the roster of the Council, designating meeting dates of the above boards, the Council member to attend each meeting and notification to each Council member prior to each desig- nated meetinge TIME AND TERM OF OFFICE - P06ITION OF MAYOR Cauncilman Schlegel inquired as to the period of time the Mayor is appointed and City Attorney Shipsey advised reorganization takes place after each Municigal Election or every two years< Mayor Wood inquired css to the Mayar position being elected by the electors rather than chosen from among the five elected Council members. After Council discussion, Adma.r~istra~tor Butch was 3nstructed to investigate nlterndte m~thods of the selection o~` Mayor and report to the Council on his findings. PETITION FROM RESIDENTS OF BRISCO HILL - REe FIRE RATING Administra,tor Butch reported a petition had been received signed by ~ residents of the Brisco Hill.area o£ the City regarding the recent Fire Rating Classification af the City, in which they stated that they felt the 2one 2 classification was not justified for their area, Adminis- trator Butch advised that prior to cixculating and filing of said peti~tion, none of the protest~,nts had contacted any o£ ~he City offices regarding ~this matter, and when he had inquired of ~ur local snsurance agents, it was lea,rned that a11 residences within 1,000 feet of our City water ser- vice +will receive a Zone 1 Clqssi:E~cation, Class 5 F°a.re Rating, After Council discussion, Administrator Butch was ins°truc~ted to wri~te the citi- zens o£ the Brisco Hill area advising them of h~s finding regarding Fire Insurance ratings. CITY COUNCIL APRIL 23~d~ 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 LE°TTER OF° REQUES'T F"ROM LDS CHLTRCH RE; FEEmEXEMP"~ F°IREWORKS LICENSE Administrator Bu°tch advised ~ha°t le~ter had been receivecl from the Chuxch of I.oa°tter Day Sa~nts req~est~.ng tw~ ~ee exemp~ l~censes to selY safe and sane fire~vo~ks, and °that the Fire C~s~ef has rev~ewed and apgs~oved the request suh~ec~ °to °two cond~.~ionso Afte~ d~sc~a,ssion, on mo°tian of Councilman Sm~~th, seconded by Counc~lman Sc~Z~ege~, ~.r~d ~.n~n~mc~~x~1y ce~rried, approval was granted °tha~ °~he ~h~nrch of T~~~e~ D~.y S~~nts be gran~ed °tw~ feemexempt licenses for firewo~l~s sales a~ 4V~ll~ams Brothers S}-i~pping Center and Gian°k Food Ma.rke~ pa.rking lot s~a.bjec°~ °to °khe :~ns°tall~~~on at each locat~on o~ one wa°ter f~re extingsx~.sher and °the removal of ground growth around the ~ireworks booth a~°ecco LETTER OF REQtJES°T FROM RAINBOVV GIRL,S REa F°EE~EXEMPZ° k"IREWORKS LICEIVSE Admznistrator Bu°tch adv~.sed tha°t a let~er had been received from the Assembly of Ra~nb~va fmr G~~ls ~equest~ng a fee exemp~ l~~ense to sell safe and sane firewo~ks,,and tha.~ ~he ~°~.re Ch~~~ has xeuiewed and approved the request subj~c~ ~wo ccar~ditions, A~°te~° d~scv~iss~on, ~n motion of Councilman S~~legel~ se~onded by Councz~man Sm3~kao and unan~mo~xsly carried, approval ~ras gran~ed °~hr~t °~~e Assembly ~f. Rax~.a~b~ra G~~~.s be grscn°ted a fee exemp°~ license for fa.reworks sa.les sr~bj ect °~o ~t}-ie ~n~~all~tion of one water ~~re ex°t~ngu~sher a.nd ~h~ ~~zn~val o~ gr~und g~~w~th around °~he fire- works booth area.. LET'TER ~°ROM Vi10MAN ° S GLUB RE o EX°TENSION O~° CONS'~e °~IMEmVALLEY VIEW °TRA~T Adrna.nistra~or Bu~ch adv~sed a l~°t~e~ had be~n received fr~m Mrs, Diedxichsena Pres~den°t of ~he Arroyo Grande Woman's C.lizbq ask~.ng °that the City Gounc~l wa~ver ~the ~e~mince°~i~n date on °~he extens~.on of °the agreemen°t wi~h t}ae 4Vomane s Club and °khe C~.~y, or enter in°~o a new ex°ten- sion agreement for a longer pe~iod o~ time, as the agreement term~nates on April'28tha 1968 w~~ch leaves only I80 dnys to br~~ld a club house or the proper~y wo~ld have °to be surrendered back to the Gity, Af~ter Council discuss~.on, ~.t was felt a due d~.te could not be elem~na°ted on the agree- ment, and on mo-tion of Counc~lman Sm~°th, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, the C~ty At°torney wns instructed to prepare an extension lease agreement for property in -the Valley View Trt~ct, be~ween the City of Arroyo Grande and the Arroyo Grande Woman°s Glub extending the time for a ten year period~ from Apr~l 28th, 1968 to April 28th, 1978, in which const'ruction ~f a club h~use mus°k be undertakeno FORMATION OF' COMMI°T°TEE FOR PROMO°TION OF° COMMUNITY BUILDING The need for a Gommun~°ty Bu~.ld~ng vaas reviewed by the Goazncil, and after d~scuss~on, May~r Wood appointed Counca.lman Schlegel to be Chairman of a Commi°t°kee with the City Adm~n~stra°~or and a member of' the Planning and Par}cs a,nd Rec~reat~on Comm~ssion being appo~nted by each body to serve on sa~d Comma.t~tee, ~o inves°t~ga~e vv~th ~}-is WomanB s Club -the necessity for and ways and means to pr~v~de a Comm~ni°~y Building. LETTER F°ROM HP,RVES°T FESTIVAL COMMIT`TEE RE e USE OF BRANCH S°T, & PARKING LO°T Correspondence was rece~ved f'rom °the Harves°k Festa.val Committee re- qtizesting the closing of Branch S°treet and several o°~her s°kreets dbzring the Harves°~ Fes°Eaval Pa•rade, ~he ass~stance of the Police Department in directing traff~.c`on'the day of the parade, Oc°~ober 5tha 1968, and the use of the G~v~c CCen°ter Parking Lo-~ for ~'estiv~l a.ctivit~.es on October 3, 4, and 5, 1968. Mro-Herb McCaslin~ president of the Harvest Festival Commit- tee, was presen°t and briefly outlined the pa~ade route and some of'°the activi~ies being planned f~r ~he 1968 Harvest F'estival, After discussion, on motion o~' Councilwoman °Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, permission wtas gre?nted for ~the:Civic Center Parking Lo°t to be used fior Harvest Fes°t~val e~ctivities on October 3,4, and 5, 1968, and the closing of Branch St. and c~ther stree°ts and Na Parking areas be permitted subject to Police Department requ~rements, with permission being obtained from °khe State Divis~on of Highways to close affected streets in the Ci~ty with~n'the State Highway system, RECEIPT OF 1966~67 ANNUAL REPORT OF STA~'E BOARD OF EQUALIZA°TION Admin~strator Butch adv~sed that °the 1966-67 Annual Report of °the State Board of ~ualization, wh~ch gives the breakdown on sales tax revenue and assessmen°ts thr~ughoaz°t °the Stcc°te of C~,lifox°nia" had been re- ceived by °the C~°ky nnd would be placed on file, CITY COUNCIL APR~L 23xd, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 INTRODUCTION BY MAYOR - MR, AND MRS, KEN ALtST°IN Mayor GVo~d in°troduced Mro and M~s, Ken Aus°~ino who are newcomers to Arroyo' Grande and had attended the G~sa.nc~.l M~e~~ng °~o c~bserve the Corxncil in action, RECEIPT OF STATE COMPENSATION INSL7RAN~E DIVID~IVD 19E5-66 POLICY YEAR Administr~.tor Butch advised tha.°~ the ~~.~y had received its Annual Dividend Check from the 5t~.te Compensat~.on Insurance Fund, in the amount of $527,85, and advised that ~t is an°t~c~,p~tecl °that next y~ar there will be no dividends paid to the C~ty as a resu~.t of an acciden°t ~ha°t a former employee had had while employed with °the ~~ty, PROCLAMATION o CLEANUP WEEK o MAY 4Z'H Z'HROidGH MAY 10°~°H, 1968 Administrator Butch advised a cleanrxp week raas being planned with the assistance of the local refuse comp~ny, Ca~ty employees and Beau~ifi- . cation Committee, tp encourage people °~o c~.ea.nup the~.r yards and place the refuse in proper containers a°k ~he ~sa.rb, ~th~°~ ~ publicity program is nlso being planned as well as newspape~ ar~n~F~rccemea~°~s of ~the pick up dates> Mayor Wood proclaimed Ma.y 4°~h thr~~~g}x May ~~1~ha 1968 as "CLEANUP WEEK" as'requested by the Beau~i~'ica~i~n ~~mm~~°~~e, RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLe N0, 792 RE: RE~DOP"~"ION OF BEAUTIFICATION PLAN Adminis°tra.~or Bu°tch adv~sed ~ha~ °~h~ C~~y ~~~u,x~c~l had on April 8tho 1968, by Resolution No, 792 r~adopted ~khe Bea~~~~:~c~°tion Plan and its Addendum, and upon revieva, ~.t was ~~und ~he ~~r~g~na~ ~e~.rx°tifica~3on Plan had not been formally adopted by the C~~nc~~Te Af~ex Cc~~z~cil discus5iona City Attorney Shipsey read the °t~°~le a Re~~~~z~~~n rescind~ng readoption of the Beauti~ication Plan, thereupon a m~°~~~n t,a~s mexcie by Counc3lman Schlegela seconded by Counc~lm~.n Levinea a~d ~.n~~~m~ausYy carried, to dis- pense with reading the balance ~f t'h;~s Resolu~k~~~a, RESOLLdTION NOa 7~4 A RESOLU°I"ION OF °THE CITY COUNCIL OF' THE GITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RESCINDING RESOLUTION NOe 792 ~ ADOPTED APKIL 8TH, 1968, On motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on the following roll call vote, to w~°t: AYESe Councilwoman Thompson, Counc~lmen Levine, Schlegel, Smith and Mayor Wooc10 NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adop~ed this 23rd day of April,1968e RESOLUTION ADOPTING A BEAUTIF'IGATION PLAN FOR 'THE CITY, After Council discuss~on, C~ty At°~orney Sh~.psey read the ti,tle of a Resolut~on adopting a Bea.utifi"cation P~an fo~ ithe C.i~y, there~xpon a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Gounc~lman Levineo and unani- mously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this Resolutior~e RESOLU°TION NO, 795 A RESOLU°TION OF T'HE CITX COUNCIL O~° THE CIT~ OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOP`TING A BEAU°TIFICAZ'ION PLAN FOR TH E C I°TY o On motion of Counc~.lman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on the following roll call vote, to ~aa.-t: AYES: Counc~lwoman Thompson, Co~xnc~lmen Levine, Schlegel, Smith and Mayor Wood, NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolu°tion was passed ancl adop~ed t}zis 23rd day of April, 1968a 25 CITY COUNCIL APRIL 23rd, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 LETTER FROM WOODBS ANIM~IL SHEL~~R REo ~EE ~NCREASE Adm~nis~~ator Butch adv~sed t~~~ a Y,e~~e~ than~s had been rece~ved from the Wood"s Animal S~el~e~ for ~he ~o~nc~~°s app~~val of an ~ncrease in fees ~or their serv~cea LEGISLoA~I\TE BULLETI~ FRQM T~E L~GUE OF C~LI~~RNIA G~~IES City At~orney Shipsey b~~~~ly ~~v~e~ed ~~opy ~he lat~s~ Leg~sla- tive Bulletin rece~ved ~~om the L,eague o~ C~li~~~~~a C~t~es. PROCLA.MA`TION OF a°FIRE SERVICE DAY°H T'he pro~lamation of F'~re Sersric~ Day yaas n~°t made a~ ~th~.s time, as reques°ted by Fire Chie~ Meirsalek, REPORT ON LAFCO HEARING REm OCEANO ANNEXA~°I0~] 4 Adminzstra.-tor B~,ttch ~epor~ed t}-sa~ °t]°ie Lo~al Agency F°ormation Commis- sion had approved Arxoy~ Grande°s r~c~ue~°~ to annex the Oceano area. Clifford Clark, City A~torney for Grove~ C~ty, attendance and expressed Grover City°s interest and requested tha~ th~s ~i~y c3elete the S°tate Pnrk area from this proposed cannexation. A~te~ ~o~xnc~l c13.scix~s~ona ~t was agreed to hold cs.ny dec~.sion un°~~.1 consol~dat~on ~he ~h~ee en°~~°~ges could be studied and reviewed, LETTER O~' RESIGNA~'ION ~ PLANNIIVG COMMISSIOIVER i~TELI~S S1~IIT'H Adma.n~s~ra°to~ Bu~ch read a le~°~e~ ~e~~gnes~~on from Planning Commis~ sioner Wells C. Sma.th ~nrho had been elec~~d the ~~~y C~uncil and would no longer serve on the Planning ~~mm,~ss~~n, O~ mot~on Go~ancilman Levine, seconded by Coun~a~~woman T°h~mpson9 and ~nan~mously car~~.ed~ the resignation of Wells Ca Sm~th from ~I~e Plaran~r~g ~~~an~~s~~n tiras accep°ted. APPOINTMEN"~"S T`O FILL °1~UT0 UAC:~NCIES ON PLANNIIV~ ~OMMTSS~ON Adm:~n~str~~~~ B~ztch s~bm~~~ed a lis°k ~eople v~rho expressed interest in serving on °t}-~e Planna.ng C~mm~~s~,ono ~~om ~he Rese~vo~r of Gitazens pro- gram,and a~ vac~nc~~s ex~.s°t an ~he Pl~cnn~.ng C~mm~.ss~on~ it was suggested these two c~ppo~n°tments be made as soon as possible due to °the proposed Zon- ing Ordinance be~ng cons:~der~d by t~e Planning Commiss~on at this time. Mr. Butch also adv~sed the procedu~e °to f~ll appo~ntmen~ts to the Planning Com- mission is ~o~ the Mayor -to make a recommenda°t~on and request Council czp- proval of h~s s~lec°tion. A°t °~he ~e~~es°~ Mayor Wood, this ma~ter was held over un°til °~he next reg~aTa~ m~e°t~ng °~o cx,l~o~a additioncxl time for interested citizens to file an appla.ca°tion exp~essang their desire °to serve on City Commiss~ons, INVI°TATION °TO ATTEND ENCINAS BONITI~S COMM[7NI°TY PARK DEDICATION Adm~n~s°trato~ Bu~ch d~s°kra.b~°ked cop~e~ o~" °~he dedica°tion program pro- posed for °the Encin~.s Boni°tas Commv~ni°ty Pa~k wh.~ch wa.ll be held on April 27th, at 11000 A.,M. cand adv~sed that the Pc~rks and Recreation Commission had invited the Council t~ attend ~s.nd pn~°t~cipa°te in the ceremony. NOTICE F°ROM S'TI-1T'E DIV . O~° H/W ° S RE : ASSEMBI.oYING S~'REE°T INF'ORMATION As ~nf~rmat~on only~ Administ~a~or Bu°tch sizbm~.tted copies of a letter from the Division of Hightraays ~nd~c~.~ing the D~.vision~s attempt to assemble information on the devel~pmen°t cind progress being made on California°s freeway and expressway sys~ems, w~~h °~he repoxt be~ng turned over to the 1969 State Lega.slature for cons~de~~~a.on. „ AISCUSSION ON NEED FOR STOP SIGN A'T ELM ST'. AND FAIR OAKS AVE. Administra°tor B~a.tch reviewed ~hat a°~ °the last regular mee#ing of the City Council, i°t was reqia.es~ed ~hat ~n ~nv~s°t~gation be made on the need for a stop sigrx at Elm Stm and ~°air Oaks Ave, o and adv~.sed °that the Chief of Police xecommended ~~a.t the stop sa.gn remain as ~t has slowed the traf- fic do~an £rom the Oceano asecx and ~as helped the pedestr~an situation at the nearby Ci°ty park, The Chie~ of Pol.ice had also recommended that a crosswalk b~ established a.t °the E~m S°~~ee~ - Fa~.r 0aks Ave, zntersection for the p~otec°ta~on of pedes°t~~.ans a~s~.ng the C~.ty Park, After Council dis- cussiono i°k was agreed that °the exa~s°tizag s~op s~.gn a°t Elm S°t. and Fair Oaks Ave, rema.in and °the Ci~y A°t-°korney ~a.s ~.ns°t~°uc°ted °to pxepare the neces- sary resolut~~n to estab:~~sh a pedes°~ra.an crossuaalk a°k sa~.d in~ersec°tion. CITY COUNCIL APRIL 23RD, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA ~AGE 5 DEDICATION OF EASEMENT AND PROPERTY ~0 S~A~E DIVo O~ H/W°S - BRANCH ST, Administrator Butch rev~ewed that ~h~ ~~~y had acq~~red the property and ea'sement necessary for the Branch S~~eet real~gnment from Mrs, Lauise Vermillion and to conform to the ~~~gina~ ag~eem~n~ the G~ty ~ad entered into with the Div~sion of Highways ~t was now necess~ry that this property and easement be ded~cated to ~he S~~~e D~~~~~~n ~~ghways, After Council discussion, C~ty Attorney S~~psey read ~i~r~ a Res~~u~ion regarding executing a deed for h~ghway pu~posess ~~e~~u~o~ ~ mo~~on was made by Coun- cilman Schlegel, seconded by Coun~~lman Sm~~h~ and un~nimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance o~ ~~~s Re~~l~~~~no RESOL~~~ON NOo ~9~ RESOLUTION OF THE CI°I~ ~O~NCIL OF THE GITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AU~HO~I~ING EXE~ CUTION OF DEED FOR HIGH~~Y ~~RPOSESo On moti~n of Counc~lman Lev~nea ~e~ond~d by CounG~lwoman Thompson, and on the following roll caY~ vo~e, t~ w~~~ AYESa Councilwoman °~xomps~na Co~n~~~m~n ~e~~nes Schlegel, Smith ctnd Mayor Wood o NOESo None ABSEN°T: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adc~p~ed ~}~is 23rd day of Apr.il, 1968, PROGRESS REPOR`~ ~ LOPEZ WA.°~'ER SLpPPLY REPOR'~ ~OR MARCH, 1968 A progress report for ~he. ~on°~~n Ma~c}~, 1968, was received from the San Lu~s Obispo Coun°ty F°lo~d Gon°trpl e~nd Wa°tex Caanse~vation District was reviewed and ordexed f~lecl, RECEIPT OF" MINUTES O~' COUNTY WA°TER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of the County INater Reso~~°ces Adv~sory Committee's meeting for April, 1968, were rece~ved and d~scu~sed by the Council and ordered filed9 - DISCUSSION ON MR, AUT'RY'S REQiJEST REo tiVA.~`ER SERVICE OUTSIDE CITY As reques~ked by the Council a~ the~r regular meeting of April 8th, 1968, regarding the request o~' Mr, Au°try for va~~er serv~ce outside the City, City Attorney Shipsey reported tha.~k ~~om }ais ~nves°tigat~on it was determined that the City would have -to reques°~ °~he Board of Superv~sors, through Zone 3, for a determina°tion regard~ng expor~a~~on o~ vaci°eex outside of the areas of the contracting en°t~°ty. , PRQGRESS REPORT ON SOo SLO ~OUN°TY SANI`TP~T°IO1V DIS'TRIC°T Adma.nis°tra°tor Butch repor°ted opera°t~ons a°t the sani°tation plant were - satisfactory and that °the Board is now work~ng on the 1968-69 Budget< REPORT ON OCEANO SANITARY DIST°RIG°~ Administrator Butch repor°~ed °tha°~ cons°truction was being done rapidly on the Oceano Sa.nitary Distr~ct linese wi°th 70 homes connected, which repre- sents 10% of the residents. REPORT OF MEETING OF°°THREE CI'TIES PLANNING COMMISSIONS Administrator Butch repo~ted that a°t the meeting of the three Cities Planning Commissions held April 18th, 1968, it was established to form a - Committee to formulate the °type of c~~ganiza°tion with all entities involved represented to serve the en°~~.re South Goun-~y area ~azth a coordinated planning program, including areas outs~de °the ~ncorpora°ted Cities under the jurisdict~on of the Federal Government~ S~a°te o~ California and County of San Luis Obispo. SLO COUNT'Y DEVELOPMENT° ASSOCIATION TNC e NEUISLET°TER Copies of the Developmen~ Netn~sle°t°~e~ of ~}~e Sc~n Luis Obispo County Developmen-t Association, Inco were ~ece~ved by the Council, 2~ CITY COUNCIL APRIL 23RD, 1968 ARROYO GRAI~TDEo CALIFORNI~ PAGE 6 JOINT S°T[JDY SESSION - PARK AND RECREII'TION COMMISSION BtJDGEfi Administrator Butch rema.nded °the ~~~anc~l o~' the j~~nt stia.dy session with the Park and Recreat~on Coanm~.ss,~on on Iul~z~da~re April 29°th, 1968, a°t 7030 P,M> for the purpase of studying ~he 1968~69 Park and Recrea°tion Budget. LEAGUE OF CALIF, CI°TIESo MAYOR°S AND COUNCILMEN°S INS°TT°TUTE It was approved °tha°t Counc~lmen Schlegel and Sm~th a~°tend the League of Californ~a Cities Mayor ° s~.nd Gounc~.lmen° s Ins°ti°t~xte ~n Anaheim, on Mny 19th, 20th, and 21st, 1968, STUDY SESSION ON DRAINAGE Admin~strator Butch advised ~he Dx°c~,~nage Study Session had been rescheduled °ko Mny 27th, 1968, at 7a30 P,Ma DISCUSSION ON LOPEZ WATER CHARGE BEING DESIGNP~'~ED AS A 38°TAX`° The City A°ktorney was ins°kru~ted to ~esearc}~ the 1ega1 possibility of changing the Lopez Water Charge t~ be changed to a f~rm of tax rather than a contract obligc~,ti~na TRI-CITY DINNER SPONSORED BY CIT°Y OF.F~RRO~O GRANDE Mayor Wood thanked the Her~,ld Recorder for par~kicipa.ta.ng and con- tribu°~ing to °the srxccess of the T°r~mC~.ty D~.nner for the Ciity officials of the three cities, ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Levs~nea seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, ~he mee°tin~ ~,vas adjo~~ned at 9040 PoMo ATTES ` ~ > r,•.-~ T : ' ~~'-~-4*yt,-';~,.~' < CITY CLERK MAYOR