Minutes 1968-05-27 . , . ~ CITY COUNCIL ' MAY 27TH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF(~ZNIA ~~1 The City Council met in regular adjourned session with Mayor Wood presiding. Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel and Smith reported present. DISCUSSION ON GRAND AVE. DRAINAGE FROM ELM STo" TO WEST'ERLY CITY LIMITS 'h Director of Public Works Anderson orally reviewed a report pre- ; sented to the Council outlining various methods of aTleviating the drainage problem on Grand Ave. at 20th Street and Juniper Street, also outlining the possibilities of the southerly extension of 20th Street from Grand Ave. to Ash Street. After Council discussion, on motion of Mayor Wood, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, approval was granted for Director of Public Works Anderson to negotiate ~ with Mr, Kingo Kawoaka for the acquisition of all or a portion thereof of his property between Grand Ave. and Rsh street. EASTERLY EXTENSION OF FAIR OAKS AVE. BETWEEN HALCYON RDo AND VALLEY RD. COUNCILMAN SCHLEGEL STATED AS HE HAS A POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTER- EST AS AN OWNER OF PROPERTY IN THIS AREA HE ABSTAINS FROM ANY ACTION REGARDING THIS MATTER. Director of Public Works Anderson reviewed a report presented to the Council outlining the cost of an easterly extension of Fair Oaks Ave. between Halcyon Road and Valley Road. Aft~er Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and carried, that the Planning Commission be requested to study the possi- bility of this proposed roadway from the present status of a collector street in the Master P1an to a major road, and that a revised plan line of this proposed extension be prepared by the Planning Commission and submitted to the Council for considerationd Director of Public Works Anderson was instructed ta c~ntact ap~ praisers for their fee to prepare an appraisal of the land necessary to be acquired for this proposed roadwayt ART GAREY PRESENTATION RE: WATER, SEWER AND LOPEZ RATES The Council discussed Mr. Gareys request made at th e last meeting of the Council regarding the operation of the City Departments and utility rates as billed by the City, and it was agreed 1) that the rates now established by the Municipal Code regarding utility billings and as applied to the use of the property at 124 W. Branch St., shall remain in effect; 2) as to his inquiry 1°who is slave and tn?ho is master" courtesy is received as extended; and 3) the Council will not form e blue ribbon committee to investigate the City operations as requested. TENTATIVE STUDX SESSION RE: LOPEZ WATER SUPPLY July 10, 1968 at 7:30 P9M, is tentatively set for a study session regarding Lopez water contract rateso ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine and unanimousl carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. ATTEST : Y~ ~ ~,,,,~~",~..~-~,z;~.~~~ ~ DEPUTY CITY CLERK MA.YOR 4 ~ . . . ~ . . . . . _ . . F".TM}... ,KnY'3 ~ - ~~sw--' _ ~ . . . .n.. ~A'?rx~ ~ . : . ~