Minutes 1968-06-11 CITY COUNCIL JLJNE llth, 1968 ARROYO GRA.NDE, CALIF"ORNIA The City Council met in regulr~r session with Mayor Wood presid~.ng. Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thompson9 Councilrnen ~ev~.ne, Schlegel and Smith reported present~ PLEDGE OF° ALLBGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Wood led the Pledge of~ Alleg~ccnce to ~ur flag; ancl immediately thereafter, Reverend John Warren, of the Assembly of G~d Church o~' Arroyo Grande, delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF° MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting May 28th, 1968 and the adjourned regular meeting of May 29th, 1968, were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilvaoman 'Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously cnr~ied, that General {~la~~ra.nts No4 97$ to and in- cluding Noo 1032, in ~he ~to~al amnunt of $24-a656P,02 nnd Payroll Warrants Noo 1204-A to and includ~ng No~ 127?--A, in the tatal amoun°t of $11,389.99, be approved nnd ordered paida LETTER FROM D01NN°TOWN MBRCHANTS RE: PARKING LO°T ( BANK OF AMERICA) Di.scusszon of the proposed Parking Lo~t at the rear of the Bank of America building that was originally received at the meeting of May 14th, 1968, was withdrawn at the request s~f °the Downtown Merchants. LETTER FROM F°TVE CITIES ,JAYCEES R£~ FEE-EXEMPT FIREWORKS LIGENSE Administra°~or Butch read a le~-ter received from the Five Cities Jay- cees request~ng a f ee~exempt licerxse to sell safe and sane fireworks, ~ After Council discuss~on, on motion of Councilman Smith, s~conded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimaus~y carr~ed, approvnl was granted to the F~.ve C~ties Jaycees fo~ a fee exempt license ~'or fireworks sales at the Will~ams Brothers Shopping Center Pa.rking LfltA subject to ~he Fire Depa~tments requ.i~ements that ~ne water fire extinguisher be in- stalled in the sales booth and the weeds around the proposed fireworks building be cleared, ~ TREASURER' S REPOI~T ~°OR THE MONTH OF MA,Y, 1968 °The Treasurex°s Repor~t for the month of May, 1968, was received by the Council, discussed, and ordered filed~ DEPARTMENTAL REPORT FOR THE MONT'H OF MAY, 1968 The Departmental Report for the month of May, 1968, was received by the Council, discussed, and ordered filed~ LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN FROM THE LEAGUE OF CALIF°ORNIA CITIES City Attorney Sh~.psey briefly reviewed a copy of the latest Legis- lative Bulletin received from the League of California Cities, and after discussion, City Administrator Butch was requested to telephone Senator Grunsky and advise him of the City's desire for him to vote favorably on the Cigare~te Tax Measure that is now before the Senateo ACA 9 which would a11ow Cities, Counties and Districts to invest monies in Savings and Loan fa.rms was also discussed, with no action being taken, AGREEMENT US DEPT. OF CONIluIERCE RE: 1970 CENSUS CONTRACT BLOCK PROGRAM City Administrator Butch advised that in conjunctian with the 1970 Census the Federal Government will provide the City with additional reports regarding the count of people, the number of housing units, the tenure value of ren°t, plumb~,ng and other facil~.ties, number of units occupied by various minority groups and the number of persons per room and other select population and housing characteristics, at cx°total cost to the City of $875,00, with $200 to be pnid before July l, 1968, and the balance of $675000 to be paid in 1970. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompsr~n; and unani- mously carried, the Mayor and C~ty Clerk were authorized to sign a con- tract on behalf of the City, with the Federal Census Bureau ~o provide additional repqr°~s ~ha~- will be available in conjunc°tion with the 1970 Federal Censuse CITY COUNCIL JUNE llth, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALoIF°ORNIA PAGE 2 LA BELLE TNCORPORA°TED - OF°F°ER OF° 155 AGRE5 TN gRACT 349 Administrator Butch advised he had writ~en to ICen ~raig, regarding the offer of La Belle Incorporated ~o donate app~oximectely 155 acres ~n Tract 349, to the City arid had requested add~tional information but had not received a reply as of th~s d~.te. RECEIVB BIDS ON ANNUAL PUBLIC WARKS° UNIF°ORM REN'TAL Administrator Butch c~.dvised b~ds hnd been reee~.ved and opened at 2:00 P.M., June Ilth, 1968, to supply the City employees with a Uniform Rental Service and after Council discuss.~~n, it was agreed the awarding of bids be held over until additional information could be obtained, as requested by Administrator Butch. ECONOMIC OPPOR~ COMM. OF SLO RE: APPOINTMENT' O~ CI'I'Y REPRESENTATIVE Mayor Wood advised that no appointment to the Economic Opportun~.ty Commission was ready at this time. PLANN. COMM. RECOMMENDAT'ION RE, ADOPTION OF PRO~OSED ZONING ORD. & MAP Admin~.strator Butch advised tha~ the proposed Zoning Ordinance nnd Map was s°till being considered by the Pl.cxnning Comm~ssion and their recommendation would be forthcoming in the nec~.r f~tu~e. APPOINT'MEN°T OF PLANNING GOMMISSIONERS MCMILLEN~ MOSS AND PORTER Mayor Wood recommended that Harry W. McM~.llen, Gerald N. Moss and Chester D. Porter be re-appointed to ~the PT.anning Commission. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Coizncilman Levine, and unanimously carra,ed, Har~y W. McMillen, Gerald Pi. Moss and C~ester D, Porter~ were re-appointed to serve as commissioners on the Arroyo Grande Planning Commiss~on, w~°th their terms of office to be determined at a later date. PUBLIC HEARING-SPREADING OF ASSESSMEN'T'mCORNWALL, BELL, ALDER, PECAN Administrator Butch advised that the Superintendent of Streets reported that Curb, Gut-ter and Driveway Aprons had been installed on portions of Cornwnll, Bell, Alder, and Pecan Streets under the 1911 Short Assessment District procedure, that the work had been completed, and the cost of the installation had been spread to the various proper- ties and the properties had been posted and property owners notified as required by law. This being the date, time and place for a public hearing on the Spreading of Assessment for ins~talla°tion of Curb, Gutter, and Driveway Aprons on portions of Cornwall, Be11, Alder and Pecan Streets, Mayor Wood declared this hearing was now open and all persons for or against this Assessment would now be heard. Mrs. D,L. °Tooley, Mrs. M. Chaves, Mr. H. L, Cooper were present and did not protest the spreading of the assessment but discussed vaith the Gouncil various objections they had to the installation t~ahich they fel-k did not imp~ove their property and to the condition the property was left aft~er construction. Robert Garing, C~ty Engineer, advised Mrs. Tooley the curb and g,,zltter adjacent to her property was low °to allow for bringing the stree°t to grade in the future and Mayor Wood advised that in the areas where necessary, backfill would be accomplished by C,ity forces as soon as possa.ble and instructed Admin- istrator Butch to direct this work to be done. T'here being no further di.scussion for or against the Assessment Spread, Mayor Wood declared the hearing closed, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a Resolution regarding the report of the Superintendent of Streets spreada.ng the assessment, there- upon a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel~ seconded by Councilinan Levine, and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of the Resolutiona RESOLU°TION NO. 799 A RESOLUTION OF ~ G I'I'Y COUNC IL OF THE C ITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CONFIRMING THE REPORT OF THE SUPERIN°TENDENT OF STREETS AND L$VYING ASSESS~ MEN'T FOR T°HE INS°TALLATION 0~ CONCRE°TE CURB, GUTTER AND DRTVEWAY APRONS. ~ CITY COUNCIL JUNE 11TH, 19b8 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF'ORNIA PAGE 3 On motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Gouncilw~man Thompson, and by the following ro11 ~er.ll vote, °to rnr~.t o AYES: Councilwoman 'I"~xomps~n, Coun~ilmen Lev~ne, Schlegel, Smith and Mayor W~odq NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this llth d~iy of June, 1968. APPOINTMENT OF PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSIONERS LEE AND POPE Mayor W.ood recommended that Mrs Richard D. Lee and Mr. Hugh Pope, Jr. be appointed to the Parks and Recrea°k~on ~omm~ss~.one After Council dis- cussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Smith and unanimously carr~ed, Mr, Richaxd D. Lee v~ras appointed to serve on the Pnrks and Recreation Commission for a,~thxee year period with the term of office to terminate June 30th, 1971 and M~, Hugh Pope, Jre was appoin~ed to serve on the Parks nnd Recre~.~ion Comma.ss~on for a one year period with the term of office to texm.~nat~e 47r.ane 30~ho 19690 Mr, Richard Lee wns present and ~hcxnked the Counca.l for his appoint- ment to the Parks nnd Recreation ~ommissa.on dnd said he would try to carry on the good job they have been do~.ngo REQUEST APPROVAL "TO ES°TABLISH GRADES IN 'TALLY HO RQAD A1~EA Administrator Butch reported ~t~a~ it we~s originally approved to ex- pend $100 to establ.ish gxades for curbs and gutters in conjunction with the issuing of a building permit for a residence on Tall.y Ho Road and during the survey additional problems were encountered and the City Engin- eer proceeded with the work at a cost of $455 without authorization, and there is still approximately $100 worth of office work necessary to com- plete the design> After Council discussion, Mre Garing was advised thctt in the future no payment vaould be made without prior authori2ation and closer coordination should be maintained between the City Engineer and the City Director of Public Works4 A motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, that approval be granted for the payment of $455,00 to Garing and Taylor and Associates, for ~he work which has already been done in the Tally Ho Road area, and authorization be granted for the expenditure of funds not exceeding the total amoun~t of $555,00 to complete the design. NOTICS FROM COUNTY WA°TER ADVISORY COMMI'I"T°EE RE: MEETING DATES Administrator Butch advised that a nofiice had been received from the County Water Resources Advisory Commi~ttee that all meetings will be postponed until September 3rd, 1968. PROGRESS REPORT ON SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANITA'TION DISTRICT The Council received, reviewed, and thereafter directed to file.a copy of the Treatment Plant Operator°s report for the month of May, 1968. Administrator Butch distribu~ted to °khe Council copies of the 1968-69 Budget for the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District. . APPOINTMENT OF PARKING COMMISSIONER KIRKPATRICK Mayor Wood recommended that Mr. F°rancis Kirkpatrick be re-eppointed to the Parking Commissions After Council discussion, on motion of Council- man Smith, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, Mr. Francis I~irkpatrick was re-appointed to the Parking Commission for a three - year period with the term of office to terminate .7une 30th, 1971. AGREEMENT AUTHORIZING EX°TENSION OF TIME RE: A,Ge WOMAN'S CLUB AGREEMENT Mrs. Eileen Taylor was present and objected to the extension lease agreement between the City and the Woman°s Club being limited to a pos- sible extension and reques~ed ~the wQrd possible be omitted from the agree- ment~ After Counc~l discusss.on, i°~ was agr~ed the lease agreement for property in the Valley Vieva`~~ac~, between ~he C~~y of Arroyo Grande and the Arroyo Grande 1~loman's Club be ~.mended to read subject to further ex- tension~ y~~ CITY COUNCIL Ji~NE 11TH, 1968 ARHOYO GRRNDE; GAL,IFORNIA PAGE 4 <;;ADOPTION OF 1968-69 BUDGE'T FOR CI°TY OF° ARROYO GRANDE Mayor W~od stated the Counc~l had rev~evaed and discussed the 1968-69 Budget at various adjourned regrslar meet~ng sttzdy sessioris, ,and noted °there wauld be the same ca~~b~r o~ service prmvided without an in- crease in property taxes eclthough many costs have ~ncreased. He cxlso noted long range plans had been made ~ko se~ as~de funds annually to pro- vide necessary capi~aT improvement items, su~h as a C~.vic Center and F°ire Truck. After Council discussion, dn motion of ~munc~lwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously cccrried, the 1968-69 Budget for the City of Arroyo Grande, in the approx~mate amount of $710,000 was adopted as prepared and adjusted. : LOPEZ WATER CON°TRACT' CHARGEmPT"N M E, O AND I1V°I'ERES`~ '~.~X DEl7UCTIBLE Adminzstrator Bcxtch, as original~.y reqx~esited by Councilman Smith, reported that he had been advised by the Tnt~~n~~. Revenue Service that those portions of the payments for ~he Lw~e~ Contract Water Charge which were used for main°tenance and operat~on, ~nd ~n~~rest on bonds, would be deductible fgom the ~°ederal Inc~me °Tcax, a~nd annually the County Auditor would be requested °to stabmit a sta~ement ~o th~ C~ty indicating what per- centage of the paymen~s on the L~pe~ Wsi°ter Cox~tract wauld be tax deductible. NOTICE OF ZONE 3 MEETING Counc~.lman Lev~.n~ adv~s~d ~tkae~~ vaould be a Zone 3 Meeting a~t 8: 00 P.M. , June 13th, 1968 in -~he Co~ncil Chambess of th~ Pa.smo Beach City Hall. REPORT ON COi7i~i°~CY DEVEI:~OP1uIIIV°T ASSOC . II~C . INVI°~ATIONAL TOUR Admin~strator Bu~ch reported he h~.d ~~~-~ended tlae County Development Association, Inc,, Invitatiox~a:a. 'To~zr hel~l ~n Ji.xne 5, 6, 7, 1968 and in- dicated he ~'elt t~ae r~sp~nse and acce~°~az~~e a~' the tou~ was greater than the firs~t tou~. REQUEST OF COUNCILMAN SMITH FOR PERMISSION T'O BE OUT OF STATE On mot~on of Counc~lman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, the request of Coundilman Smith for permission to be out of the State of Galifornaa frozn June 15th, 1968 to July lst, 1968, was approved and author~~ed. OCEANO IMPROVEMEPTT ASSN . JOINT MEE°TING ON JiJNE 12 , 1968 Administrato~ Butch rem.~nded the ~ounc~l of the joint meeting with the Oceano Improvemen~ Association at ithe Oceano Elementary School at 7:30 P,M., ~7une 12th, 1968a ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, the meeting ~vas adjourned at 9:07 P.M. ATTEST. ' ~ ~Y ~~y' / . ,~~.lZ-~' 2r 74../~ 1~1'C c.~xC`fi72' C CLER~C ~ MAYOR ' ~