Minutes 1968-06-09 ~ ~ C ITY GOUNC IL JULY 9T'~i a 196$ ARROYO GRANDE o CALIFOI~NI1~ ~ 'The Gi~y Council me~ ~n xegu~a~ se~sion wit~ Mayo~ Vd~aod presicl~ng, Upon roll ca11, Councilvaoman T'}zomp~~~no Co~nci~men Lev~ne, Schl~geY ar~d Smith reported presen°~e PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1~ND IIVW~7CAZ'ION Mayor Wood led the P~edge d~" ~1~.~eg.~~.nc~ °ta o~.r ~1~.g; and a.m~~d~ca~ely thereaf~erc Reverend Richard Scharnp th~ C~urch o~ °t~e N~zarer~~a o~' Grover Ci~y~ delive~ed ~he invoca°~~ono APPROVAL OF° MINUTES 'I'he m~.nutes of the ~egulax mee~ting of June 25~h~ ~968, were cxpproved as preparedo APPROVAL OF WARRAN°TS A mo~ion was made by Councilwom~.n °T~ompson, seconded by Co~xncilman Levine, and unanimously carried, ~ha~ General Warrants Noe 1~o and in- cluding l~o. ~0, in the ~otal amoL:nt v~' $30~~73e~4 e~.nd Pay~oll Warran#s ~ No 0 1522 and ~nc luding No . i61.3 ~~n °~?~e ~o~al amoun°t of $13 , 0710 34, be approved and o~de~ed ~aid, APPROVAL OF' 'TRANSF"ER OF JOL~RNA~, VOLTCHERS ° A mo°~a.on was made by Gouncilwoman '~h~ornpson, sec~~aded by Counc~lman Levzne~ and aznan~mou.sly carried~ °~~a~t .Jm~z~nccl Vd~c~aers 1Vo. ~~ro and in- ~ clud~ng 1Vo. 5p be ap~axoved and ~~cdered ~tr~~nsfe~~red. RECOMMENDATT.ON F°ROM COMMTT'~'EE AN 9aCONGRE~S FOR COMNIi.INI°TY PROG~RESSt1 T'he G~ty Counc.il r~v~ewed ~~~e~r~mznend~~ion dc~~ed F'ebruary 3xd, ~.968, from °the ~ommi°~°~ee ~n Gong~ess ~'ar C°~mm~ni~y Progress, ~.nd °the following ~ action was ~fi~ken° Panel 1~ ~ No. 7~ Adm~n~s°t~a•ko~ B~u,~ch racis ins°~ruc~ted ~o pxepare a let°ker f~r °~he May~r's s.ic~xia.~r~re, °tca °~l~e D.~v~sion of H~ghvaays requestzng tha°t ~he s~gn indica~t~.ng s~a°~e be~~hes :~oc~~ed su~.~h A~x°oyo ~~ande, at the Lps Berros Road in~ersec~ti~np be re~ocated to a more appropr~.ate area for be°t°ter direct~.on and mo~e d~rec°t rou°t~r~g °ko the beaches, Admin- istra°tor Butch was also ins~tructed ~o rarite to °khe Diva.siqn of Highraays , requesting proper sign~ng for -~he Lope~ Dam a~ea and ~ha°t the C.~~ty be permi~tted to review the 5igns and ~ns°~~llation locat~ons pr.io~ °~o the s~gns being installedo ~'he Cota,ncil als~ agreed tha~t a direc~tional sign for Encinas Boni°t~.s Park be p~.aced cx~ ~he ~.nte~section o~ Elm S°treet and Grand Ave, and °tha~ a direc°~iona:~ ~,~row be placed on the Corporation Yard s~gn on Elm S~t~eet designa~~.ng °khe loca~~.on of the Corpora°tion Yard on Ash S~tree~to Panel. B~ Noa 1, ~"he Counc~l discussed °tha~k funds and planning have been scheduled in 1968-69 for ~ connec~~.on ~oad be°tween Valley Road and Halcyon Road, Panel B- Noa 5, ~'he Counca.l discussed that the Police and F~re Depar~tmen~s are concluc~ting a Public Rela°kzons p~ogram through ~the - Schools, Civic Organizations, etca, ccnd the Fire Department is in the pro- cess o.f d~veloping ~ac~lilt~.es °~o ut°tra.c°~.mor~ inieer~es~t and volunteers to °khe depar°~ment, Panel B- No. 7, 'd'~e Council discussed -kha~t the Parks and Recreation Gommiss~on and ~he Beauti~ication Commi~tee are in the process o~ a.mplement~ng ~he Par}cs and Rec~ea.~k~on Element of the General Plan which has been officially adop~ked by ~he Ga.°tyo and °that °the Downtown Merchan~s Associa°~~ox~ }~ra.s unclertak~n ~~he acqu~sitio:a of s#~eambed f~ontage which will ~then be ded~.cated °to °th~ ~ity f~x° open space improvement, Panel B~ No. 10, ''The Counc~.l d~.sc~u.ssed °~ha~ ~tlhe pxoposed zoning ord~- nance provides £or Moba~l.e Hom,e Pcc~}~ deve~,~pmen~~ Panel B~ Noo 11, Ad- mi.nis~ra~:or Bu~ch adv~.sed ~~a.~ °~he S~u°kh Coun~ky Plc~nning Coun~cil esdvisory had been £oxmed and ~h~.~k ~h~s Ci~y°s ~°ep~esen~a~rives are Pla.nning Commis- sioners S~m Dena~s and Scx~ay~rr„ Pcinel C-~ Noo 1, "~he Co~.xnci.l. disc~ssed the need ~'or a Communi°ty Bu~lding and the ~~~y Adm~n~stra~t~x ~+aas .~ns~rizc~ed ~o yvri~e ~o Mre Kraatz, Chairman of Pane~ C~ ~.nd ask i~ tha~ Comzn~~~ee clesires °the C~°ty Council ~o appoink ~epxesen°kat~~res °~o °t~e C~mm,~.~~~e conce~~ning °khe forma~tion of a. cultu~al ac~tiv~~ies dis~~a.c~ fc~r Swu~}~ G~~zn~y e~.reao Pan~el D~- N~, l, Developmen~ of a basebal,l c~mplex on ~}ie Ci°~y owned Elm S~ree°t prope~~y ~ras disc~,assed by the ~ounc~.l anc~ a.s permanent use of this proper~y cou~d not be dete~m~ned ~~.n~il dxa~n~.ge in the area was d~.s- 4~ CITY COUNCIL JULY 9TH, 196~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA P1~GE 2 posed of, no action was taken. It was no°ted tha~ the City had develcsped baseball diamonds on school property ~or use at this t~me. Panel D~ No.3, The Council discussed that the City has provided temporary quarters for , adult and youth recreation, which is p~esen~ly at the Methodist F°e~,lowsh~.p ' Hail, until permanent facilities can be made esvailabl~. Panel E- Noa 3, The ga~bage con°trol problem was discussed a~d a ' study session would be scheduled upon ~ec~~.pt of a report f~om ~~~y A°ttor- ney Shipsey whether a Referendum Ordinance cccn be amended or resc~nded and under what conditions. Panel E~ Nod 4, The qia.es~tion of x~es°t rooms ~ in shopping centers was referred to the Planning Commission for their study, Panel E- No. 6, The matter of Clean-Up Week being held bi-annu- ally would be considered with a review of" the refuse collection nrdinance. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF ,JUNE, Y968 The Treasurer's Report for the mon~h of June, 1958, was received by the Council, discussed, and ordered filed. DEPARTMENTAL REPORT FOR '~HE MONTH OF JUNE, 1968 The Departmental Report for the month of ~une~ ~968, was received by the Council, discussed, and ordered filede LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN FROM °THE LEAGUE OF CAL~IFORNIA CI~'IES City Attorney Shipsey reviewed the la~es°t Legi~lec-~ive Bulletin from ' the League of California Cities. RESOLUTII~N AMENDING PRESENT O.A.S.I. CQNTRAC'I' `City Administraltor Butch read °khe title of a Resolution, prepared by City Attorney Shipsey at the City Council°s request, regarding amending the California State Social Secu~i~ty A.greement to include elective legis- lative positions of Ci~ty Councilmen, thereupon a motion was made by Council- man Levine, seconded by Councilwoman 'Thompson, and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance o~°°th~,s Resolut~ion. RESOLUTION N0. 800 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE AUTHORIZED AGENT OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO EXECUTE AMEND- ~ MENT TO OLD-AGE, SURVIVORS, AND DISABILITY INSURANCE AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Smith, and on the following roll call vote, ~to w~~: AYES: Councilwoman °Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Smith and Mayor Wood, NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 9th day of July,1968, RESOLUTION RE: CALIF, H/W DEPT', BUDGET FUNDS-RT. 166 IMPROVEMENT Correspondence was received from Curtis Tunnell, Santa Barbara Cpunty Fifth District Supervisor, requesting this City join the effort in obtain- ing further improvement to the Cuyama Highway (Route No. 166) by adopting a resolution directed to the California Highway Commission asking that such a continuing program be authorizedo After Council discussion, Gity Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution regarding the improvement of Route Nod 166, thereafter a m~tion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 801 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ENDORSING F'URTHER IMPROVEMENT OF THE CUYAMA HIGHWAY (ROU°TE NO. 166) DURING THE YEAR 1968-1969A ~ CITY COUNCIL JULY 9TH~ 1968 . ARROYO GRANDE9 GALIF°ORNIA PAGE 3 , On mo°tion o~ Counc~.lman Smitho se~onded by ~o~xr~c~lman Sc7~legel~ ~ and ox~ °the fol~owing roll call vo~~~ to w~.t: . AYESo CottncilTnroman °Thomp~or~, Co~nc~,lsaen Lev.~ne, Schlege~, Smith and Mayor Woodo NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted °th~s 9°th day of ~7~s;ly, 1968,, . LA BELLE INCORPORAT°ED m OFFER OF 155 ACRES Il~i ~'RACT N0. 349 Mayor Hlood advised °khat the o~fer of La Belle Incorporated °~o donate approximately 155 acres in Tract No, 349, to the City had been requested to be withdrawn £rom the agenda< RECEIVE PLANN> COMM, RECOMMENDATIQN REo PROPOSED ZONING ORI7a AND MAP The Council, received copies of ~ Resol,u~t~on and Repor~t on the Plan- ning Commiss~ono s re~oz~mendation ~or adop°~ion ~f t}~e proposed ,Zoning Ordi- nance and Map, and a~ter disc~ass~.on, on mo°tion of ~c~~rac~.lmnn Schlegel, seconded by Counc~.lman Szn~th, and ~znanimously c~.rr~~~.~ a s°tudy session was set for 703~ P,M,,'July 22, 1968 and ~t]-xe P~ann~ng D~,r~~~o~ was requested to attend said mee~xng. 'The Caun~;il e~du~sed a. r~s~elen~ o~ Linda Drive that a st~xdy sess~.on and a Public Hea~~.ng'wou~.c~ be held on °the proposed Zoning Ordinance and Map prior ~o adop~ion, and °kh~ publ~c could be heard at those t~mes, RECEIVE PLANNe COMM, RECOMNIENDA'TIQN RE4 CHERRY 1~VE. PvAN LINE The Counail received cop~es of a. Resolrxtimn an.d Report on the Plan- ning Comm~ssionos r~ecommenda~t~.on for .adop~ion ~f °the G]°ierry Ave> Plaxi Line and City Engineer Gar~ng b~ze£ly xev~e~a~d ~ha°t °~7-ie Plan Line would allow for a 60° w~.dth s°~r~e~, Af~~r Cpu~nGil d~scuss~on, on motson o~ Counc~lman Lev~ne, seconded by Gounc:i~vaoman Thompson, and unan~mously carried, that a publ~c hear~ng be set on the Gztyes a.n~ention ~o establish Cherry Avea Plan Line, a°t 8<00 P,M,, August 13th, 196~, REPORT ON MEET'ING WITH STAT'E DIV, OF H/W REe ROUTING HIGHWAY 227 Administrator Butch and Planning Comm~.ssioner Strother reported they had attended the meeting on June 27th, 1968 with the State Division of Highways on the very preliminary d~scussion of routing Highway 227 and that i°t is estimated °that it would be ten to fi~teen years before this rerouting ~nrould be accomplishedo RECEIPT OF GUIDELINES REo GAS T`AX EXPENDI'I`[1RES ON STREETS AND ROADS City Administra~o~ Butch br~efly revaewed Guidelines relating to , Gas Tax Expendi°tures on Streets and Roads rece~ved from the State Con- troller, PROGRESS REPORT m SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT °The Counc~l receiued, reviewed, and °~hereafter directed ~to file, a copy of °the Treatment Plant Operator's report for the month of June,1968. Administrator Butch repor°ted ~hat 90 to 95 percenfi of the Oceano area can be connected °ko the sewer ~t this time and °the pro~ect should be finished by August l, 19680 PROGRESS REPORT - LOPE~ WATER SUPPLY - ROBER°T Ho BORN Correspondence was received from Robert H, Born, County Hydraulic Engineer, advising that ~they are in the ~'~.nal stages of subcontract negotiations tai°thin Coun°ty Serv~ce Areet No. 12 involving the disposition of water under con°trac°t by tha~ agency ~~om the Lopez Project and that this le°tter consti°tutes the ~equired notice o~ a.ntent to amend the con- tracts with Coun°~y Se~v~ce Areas Nose 12 and 13~ as required under Article 22 in the contract wi~kh t~e City, The Council instructed °khe Ca.ty Attor- ney to review the proposed contract change~ and report back to them at a later mee~ing. BROWN PROPOSED LOT SPLI°T ON "~ALLY HO RD, ~ PRQPER~'Y DEDICATION Administra°tor Butch rev~.ewed that in conjunc~t~on w~th approval of a lot split on 'Tally Ho Road ~eques~ed by David La Brown, he was required to ded~cate to the City for ~u~ture road purposes portions o£ his land and sign a covenan~ regarding curb and gu~t°ter installcxtion and road im- provement. Aft-er Counc~l discuss~on, a mo~tion was made by Councilman ~ CITY COUNCIL ~IJLY 9~H, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 Levine, seconded by ~ou~c3lwoman ~hom~~~n, a~d una~imously car~~ed, ~hat the Grant Deeds ~rom D~v~d L, Br~~n and Ma~y Elle~ B~own ~or ~he dedim cation of a strip o~ l~nd on ~he sou~~~~s~ s~de ~~t 16 0~ the H~l~iker and Woodbury Tract and a strip o~ 1~nd ~ein~ ~ p~~~~on of Lot 16 ~f ~he Hilliker and Woodbury ~rac~ adjacen~ ~~lly Ho Road and ~ Q~~tcl~~m " Deed for a th~rty three ~oat s~~~p m~ ~~~d adjacen~ to t~e east line of Lot 16 of said tract be ~ccep~ed by ~h~ C~~yd and ~ha~ ~he Mayo~ and City Clerk be authorized to sign the Cer~~~~~a~e A~c~p~ance for ~he ~~ty ~ and that a Covenant be s~gned by ]k.i.v~d ~~own and Mary Ellen B~~wn that they agree to const~uc~ curb and gu~~er ~nd ag~ee to pa~ti~~p~te in street improvement of a m~n~mum o~ 22° o~ A~ paveme~t ~~on demand ~f the City or the formation of an imp~ovemen~ d~s~~~ct,; RECEIPT OF 1968 BEAUTI~ICA~ION PLaAN Administrator Butch presen~ed ~he Council with copies of the 1968 Beautification Plan for the City o~ A~royo G~ande, LETTER FROM ART GAREY RE: AMERICAN WA°~ER WORI~S ASS1Vo RECOMMENDED RATES Admin~strator Bu°tch read a le~t°~e~ recea.ved ~rom .Ax°t Garey request- ing the City use ~he ~nrater rates fo~ ~nr~~er se~vice ~ha~t a~e xecommended by the American Wa~e~ Warks l~ssoca~a°~~on~. A~'°~~r C~~,~~~1 discussion, the staff was requested to ~°ev~ew and ~ep~x~t oan °~he Ame~~~~~r~ Water Works Association Booklets LETTER OF THANKS "TO MARTTN PCILTN Administrator Bu°~ch was reques°ted ~o w~a~te a. le-tte~ of thanks to Mr, Martin Folin for the pa~operty he g~ve ~or road purposes at °~he southeast corner of G~and Ave. and Halcyon R~exdp INTRODUCTION OF NEW R~SIDEN°~ OF AREA. T LoAI}2D SMI°TH Mayor Wood in-krodszced °ko ~the Counc~,l, Mr. La~~d Smith who is a new resident of' the area and pro~oses -ko ¢~~era~e a business wa~°thin the ~ity. ZONING DISCUSSION - MRS, A e STUR~°EVA.N~ Mrs, A. Stur~kevant, whe~ ta~.s present, wras advised, that the present R-1 zoning of her propex°ty has been proposed and adopited by the Planning Commission °to be changed °to R~G, °that °the C~ty Council will conduct study sessions and a publ,ic hearing on the proposed zoning ordinance and map and it was suggested ~tha-t she at~end ~hese meetings and also attend Plan- ning Commission mee~ings so tha~t slhe m~.g~t be better informed as to the functions of th~.s Gommissionm t~,DJOURNMEN~' On m~tion of Counc~.lman Sm~.th, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unnnimously caa~ried, the mee~~.ng was adjourned at 9:47 P. M, to 7:30 P.M., July lOth, 1968, . A'TTEST : _ ~~~~z,--~~ CI'TY ERK c MA OR