Minutes 1968-08-27 C I TY ~OUNC ~ L A~~US~' ~~`~'H, 1968 ARROY~ GRANDE, CALIFOitNBA i The ~ity Councel ~net in reg~l~,r ses~ioc~ wath M~yor W~~d presiding, Uryon roll call, Couracilwom~n Thompson9 Gour~cllmen ~earine, Schlegel a~d Smith reportec~ presenta PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND 6NVOCA°~B~N Mayor Wood led the Pledge of Allegi~,e~ce to our flag; and immediately thereafter, ~'~1r. Allen of the Seventh Day Adventist ~hurch, delivered t6~e ic~vocation, AF'~PROVAL DF~MINUTES ~ ~ ~'he min~ates of the regular meefing of Aaagust 13th ~nd the adjourned regular meeting of August 14th, 1968, were approved as preparede APPRAVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimoe~sly carried, ~hat ~eneral Warrac~ts No. fi4~ ~o ~~nd iracl~ading No. 182, in the total of amo~nt of $17,g69.42y ~ayroll Warr-ants No. 17~' to a~ad 1n~luding No. 234, in the total amourat of $119~70.479 ar~d 1'rust and Agency ~l~rr~~~ts No. 59o to and including No. 603, in the t~tal amou~at of $159.00 be approved ~nd ordered paid. CfR~1 F 1 C~4TES FOR SUP~RV @ SORY PRACl' I~ES Ad~ninistrator B~tch ad~ised th~t fi~e employees ~f the City of Arroyo Grande had staccessfully co~pleted a Coc~rse ira Effective Supervisory ~'racfices, involving a great deal of personal time ~n the gaart of the e~nployees studying durirag their off h~c~rs. hlayar W~~d pre;ented ~~rtifac:ates for ~he satisfactory completion of the Co~rse to James 6, Young, Gregory 6s~~ra, S~yeiclii Nakamura and Thurston Sylvester, ,9r. 1°he Couracs 1 expressed thei r app~-eci~ati~~ to ~the employees and commended the~n for expendin~ extra ~ffort ora their part to improve themselves and the stand~rd of CAty employmerat positionsa Mrs. ~oretta Q. Martin was not ~resent and her ~ertificate w~s given to Adrnsn;sts-~tor B~stch fdr prese~tation. CERT 9 F 6 CA~'E OF A~P~dEC 9A~' 8 ON hlay~ r Wo~d p reserated ~ Ce rt ~ f i vate of App rec i a: i on ~n lael~~ 1 f of the C i ty Counc i 1 to George A. Bu~t, wP~~ had ~~r~~ed t~e ~i~y of Arr~yo ~r~arade, both as Mayar and Councilm~n, from 1952 to 1968. INVITATION TO PARTYC`BPATE ON ~HE 31ST ANNUAL HARVEST FESTIVAL PARADE Admiraistrator Butch advised that the City Councii has been invited byrthe Harvest Festival Comrnittee to participate in the 31st Annual Parade which will b~ held on Saturday9 October 5th, 1968. After Council discussion, it was agree.d to participate in the parade and the Harves:t F'estival Committee be so notified, TREASURER°S REPORT_FOR ~'HE MONTH OF JULY, 1968 ~'he Treasvrer's Report for the month of Ju1y9 1968, was received by the Council, discussed, and ordered filed. REPORT RE; REFUSE COLLECT&ON REFERENDUM OR~INANCE Administrator B~atch reviewed that at their study session of August 14, 1968, the Council had requested the City Attorney to investigate the possibility of placirag the qcaestion of ch~ngfng the Ref-ease Collection Referendum Ordinance on the Navember ballot. City Attorr~ey Shipsey reported that the County Clerk had advised that to make the changes., as discaassed, which are mandatory garbage service, the granting of a franchise and the collection of service charges by the City staff, would require a majority vote of the people to approve the changes, and that if the City produced a Resolutiora requesting same prior to September 5th, 1968, this item would appear on the November ballot. After Council dis:cussion, City Attorney ~ Shipsey read the title of a Resolution regarding cManging the Refuse Collection Referendum Ordinance, thereupon a mofion was made by Councilman Schlege.l, seconded by Countilman SmAth, and uraanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this Resolution. RESOLUTION N~1. 803 RESOLUTBON CALL9NG A"SPECEAL M~NICIRAL ELECTiON TO CONSIDER . AMEND9NG T'HE ARROYO GRANDE MUN&CBPAL CODE CONGERNBNG A MANDAI'ORY GARBAGE ~ERUBCE, 1'HE GRANTING OF' A GARBAGE SERVI~E FRANCH@SE ANQ THE GOLLECTION QF SERUOCE CHAR~ES BY THE CITY S,TAFF, AND ORDER6N~ THE CONSOL~DATtON OF SA9D ELECTION WITH THE S~A~EW~DE GENERAL ELEC°f60N IN NOV£MBER CITY COUNCFL AUGUS°6 27TH, 1968' ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA Pag° 2 On motion of Councilonan Levine, seconded by CQUncilworn~,n Thompson; end on the following roll call vote, to wi~k; AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schiegel, Smifih and Mayor Wood NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 27th day of Augus~, 1968. APPOINTMENT OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO COUNTY OPEN SPACE ADUiSORY COMMITTfE The Council received copies of a tetter from the County Administrative Officer which advised that at their meeting of August 12, 1968, the County Board o# Supervisors had appointed Gity A~monistr~t~r B€at~h tt~ the O~en Space Adviso ry' Committee who held their first meetir~g an Auc~sast ~~nd, 1968. Administrator Butch advised this was a ccmmittee made up of approx~mate~y 17 ~itizens of the Co~nty to make a determir~ation and recommendetion to the CE~unty Board of Supervisc~rs--a~~rvto~~ whether or nat to proGeed with the ~and ~lcquisiti~~ Act of.J9Fi4~65, in tha~t so much of the prime agricultural land has been t~ker~ oa~~ of ~gric~ltural use for urban use, such as h~rnes ~nd factories. ESTABLISHING 1968-69 MUNOG9PAL ~'AX RA~'E Administrator Butch reviewed tr~~t khe Citv Counc:il each year must,by Resolution, eStablish t:he tax rate necessary to derivs general funds for the City,:and that the Resolution is then forwar~ect to the County Auditor +n order for the: County to proceed with the current tax c~llection for the City. Mr. Butch advised that due to the reduction in the assessed valuation by the County P;ssessor's Office, the City's total assessed v~l~aation has been raduced by $347,000 which represents a loss of $4,600 of ant~cipat~d property t~x reven~ae. Administrator B~,at~h read ;he tit1e of a Reso1utio~ fixing the rates of taxes for the 1968-69 fiscal year at $1e33 per $100,00 of ~ssessed valuation, and there- after a motion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this Resolufiion.- RESOLU7ION N0. 804 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNC1L OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, F1X1NG THE AMOUNT OF MONEY NECESSARY T0 BE RAISED BY TAXATION FOR THE CURRENT fISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1968, AND FIXING THE RATES OF TAXES FOR SUCH FISCAL YEAR. On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, se~onded by Councilman Levine, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES; Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Smith and Mayor Wood NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 27th day of August, 1g68. RECEIPT OF A SUMMARY OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS PREPARED BY THE DISTRICT ATTURNEY'S OFFICE A copy of a Summary of Special Districts in San Luis Obispo County, prepared by the District Attorney's Office, was received by the Council, discussed and ordered filed. LETTER FROM SENATOR GRUNSKY RE: CUYAMA HIGHWAY (ROUTE 166) Administrator Burch advised a letter had been received from Senator ponald L. Grunsky, acknowledging receipt of a copy of a Resolution of the City Council endorsing further improvement of the Cuyama Highway (Route No. 166) during the year 1968-69, Senator Grunsky indicated that there are many competing projects in the two county area for the funds available, and that he will give all the help he can. CITY COUNCIL AUGUS~ ~7TH, 196$ ARROYO GftANDE, CALeFORN@A Page 3 MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMEN"T - LOPEZ WA1°ER CONTRAC7 ~HARGES - FSRST READING Administrator Butch c~otified the Councdl that the Qrdinance to permit all users served by the Ci.ty water system that ~re in Zone 3 to pay equ~l charges for the Lopez Water Contract obligation which had its first reading Au~gust 13th, 1968, was incomplete as no dates were established as to when the Ordinance would go'into effect. Mr. Butch also indicated that this would create an additional expense to the City for the billing charges to be split as portions of the billing period would be on both the old and new rates ~nd it was recommended that the Ordinance again be given a first reading with the effective date being October 21st, 1968. After Council discussion, Gity Atitorney Shipsey read, for its first reading, tfie title of an Ordinance amending Chapter 7, ~itle 6, Section .O1 (g) of the Municipal Code, thereafter a motion was made by Ca~an~ilman ~~;~leget, sec.o~nded by Councilman Smith, and unanimously carried, t.4 dispense with ~-~adirrg the bal~nce of this Ordinance. LETTER__FROM SL;A C0. BI~ARp OF SUP~~,V G SORS R~; AMBI~LANCE SERV p S;E I N S0, COUNTY Correspondence w~s received from B. D. C~nrad, .~r., County Administrative Offlcer, with cop.'res of letters enclosed from Richard W. Nichols of Los Padres Ambulance Service, and from Robert ,1. Bailey, M.D., Ghairman of the Board of Directors of Arroyo Grande Com~nunity Hospital, pertaining to ambulance service in the south county. M,r. Conrad's letter indicated th~t several discussions relative to t.he possibility of sub~idies for amb~al~nce services have taken place i n recent meet i r~gs of kk~e B~aa rd of Supe rv i sors and that th i s i s appa rent l y a problem of co~r~~ern both to ir~c~rpar~ated and unincar~ar~ted areas. The letter further stated that this prob~em is different in various areas of the County, with some areas dealing with it on a district basis and others apparently experiencing no really serious problem, and ir~ view of these facts At would not appear equitable to consider a solution through Gounty General Fund support afi the present time, and the Board of Supervis,ors would ~~spreciate receiving an indication from our City as to whether we would be interes~ed in considering the possibitity of some sort of joint powers agreement with the other cities in th~e Scauth County and a possible County Service Area formed for this purpose, Rdministrator Butch advised that the Los Padres Ambulance Service has notified the Planning Commission of their intenfiions to remain in service indefinitely, and also that the Jones Ambulance Service has applied for~a Conditional Use Permit to offer ambulance service in Arroyo Grande and surrounding communities. After discussion, Administrator Butch was directed to inform the Board of Supervisors that t~e formation of a District would not be considered at this time. SET PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSEO ZONING MAP AND ZONING ORDINANCE Administrator Butch advised thafi the City has received a revised zoning map as discussed at the Councit study session in July. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, the Public Hearing on the Proposed Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance, was set for 8;00 P.M., on September 24th, 1968, in the Council Chambers of the City He11. The Council requested that the City Administrator place copies of the map and descriptions of the praposed Ordinance changes at Bank of America, Mid-State Bank, Wi:lliams' Broth~rs Market, Library and City Hall for public information, as well as giving reproducible copies to the newspaper. AGREEMENT W1TH UNITED METHODIST CHURGH FOR RECREATION PURPOSES Administrator Butch reported that the Par s an Recreation Commission had recommended that the Council enter i~ato an agreement with the United Methodist Church to use church facilities for C~ty recreation purposes. There was some discussion with regards to the wording in Item 9 of the Agreement, and the Co~r~cil asked for a clarification of the intent of this item. After Council discu~sion, on mcitiora of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimoaasly 4arried, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign an agreemert with the United Methodist Ghurch of A rroyo Grande to permit the City to ~se Church facilities for City recreation purposes. ~ , ± ,~R .r " ~ ~r;,~'~~ r` + Y ~ ' ~n4 r~W'~" k~ l.e ti';,. 63 C I TY COUNC I L AUG~~°~ ~7~`~9, 1968 ARROYO GRANdE, CALIFORN9A ~~ge 4 REPORT ON NEGO~" BA~ 9 0NS BTH S~°ATE RE a WAYS ~ D~ ~ARK AN~D ~AN6S~~~'E AR~~ (BRANCH ST. ) Administrator Butch re~iewed a re~aort fro~n Robert Ca G~11op9 P~rk ~irector, which advised that negotiatioras are ~nder way with the State DiviSio~ of Heghways for relinquishment of an area betwee~ the new northbound ort-ramp and fihe realignment of West Branch Street for a wayside p~rk arad landsca~ae area~ T'he repor~ also in- cluded a preliminary cost estimate of $~9375~00 which ir~cla~des sidewalks, c~arb, gutters and driveways to develop the park, Administra~or B~otch advised that monies are available under the Park B~adget for most of the items, except for the c~arb,~ gutters, sidewalks and drivew~ys, and a determination sh~uld be made as to whether this expense should be charged agasnst the Park '~epartment developmen~ or City street improvement. Bt was the Council°s opinion that since this is a Park develop- ment and not a city street improvemer~t, the costs should be borne by the Parks Depart- " ment, Councilman Schlegel inquired as to the possibility of acquiring the existing on-ramp as parki~g area for ~~e park, ~'~?e Cq~a~nci l ex~re5sed ara ir~te.rest ir~ the re- linquishment of the prc~perty to the C~ty for landscaper~g ~r;d wayside park development, arad requested further i~ves~Ag~~ion be madeo PRESENT'A~°B~N OF SU~1M~f~ RE~;REA`~S~N GEP~"e ~f~A~'m~s~ r0~, 1968 Copies of the Recreatiar~ Deparfi.rner~t's 1~rap~~~a fdr 1968, the Sumi~er Program, were received by the Gouncilo 1°he Counc~l expressed their recognitior~ of the fine work by the Parks ~rd Recre~~sor~ Co~ns~issA~~es ar:d cc~snrner~ded Recreation Director Gary Higley for the outsta~ding ~a?~ he has dorae ar~ the ~pr~agr~acne PROGR~SS REPORT ON P~~RCHASE ~F O~~E~lNO 1~A~'ER G0, BX ~~JJ~V~~"~l SERV ~ CE ~ B~S°GR G~T ~ Copies of a rep~rt. ~repared by ~;~e. Co~anty of S~n @~uis Dbisp~ on the proposed acquisition of the Oce~no ar~d A~~ila Water Cc~~npanies by a Catanty Serwice District, were s~brnitte~l to the Cc~~~ncel ~s infor~mation orly. FURTHER D9~CUSS60N RE~ ~'f~0~'OSED fi,MENG^MEN`~S L~PE~ ~~N7F~AC~ City ~t~torney Shipsey re~arted t:hat the ~1~ycars and Attorneys of the Contracting Agencies for Lopez Water had r~ot cnet as of tr~is date. He stated a general meeting has been discussed but nothing has been set up at this time. PROGRESS REPORT - LOPfZ ~IATER SUPPLY A progress report for the month of ,1uly, 1968, was received from the San Luis Obispo County Flood Gontrol and Water Conservation District and was reviewed and ordered filed, GENERAL DISCUSSRON OF SEWER ASSESSMEN~f ~6STR9CT FOR UNSEWERED PORTIONS OF A,G. Administrator Butch advised t~aat. a representative from Stone and Youngberg, financial bond con~ulta~nts, had indicated !~e would be present at the September lOth, 1968 meeting to discuss the proposed course of action which would be necessary by our City to establish assessment proceedi~ngs to cover the construction of sewers for the balance of ~rroyo Gra~de, ~r~d ~lso reviewed a letter frorn 0'Melveny and Myers, which outlined their fees for provid~ng legal service as bond counsel for special assesscnent proce~diragse Admiraistrator Butch briefly reviewed the three different acts to be considered for the special assessment proceedings. PROGRESS REPORT ON SOUTFi SLO COUNi"Y SAN I~A~' ~ ON D I S~'R I CT Administrator Butch reported that the Oceano Sanitary District recentty adopted an Ordinance requiring property owners to connect to the sewer by August 1, 1969, and that anyone having their septic tank pumped would be required to hook up to the sewer system. I NTRODUCTI ON OF GUES1'S Mayor Wood introduced C1rs> Ruth Goodman, Pathfinder Leader, to the Council, who in turn introduced a group of PathfindPrs to the Council. Mayor Wood intro- duced members of the Council arad staff to the group. MAYOR WOOD DECLARED A FIVE MINUTE RECESS AT 9:05. SESSION WAS RESUMED AT 9:10 P.Me, WITH ALL MENIBERS PRES~NT AS SHOWN ON ROLL CALL. REQUEST FROM SLO COl1NTY DEVELOPMEN~ ASSOCIATION INC. RE: APPOINTMENT OF M. HARTWIG A ministrator Butch ~dvised a letter had been received from the San Luis Obispo County Development Association, Inc, requesteng the Council to consider the reappo i ntcnent of C1a rv i n Ha rtwi g as rep resentat i ve f rom the C i ty of A r royo G rande on their Board of Directors. T'he letter also advises that their second annual dinner will be held on Wedr~esday, September 4th, 1968. 64 CITY COUNCIL AU~UST 27~~, 1q68 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA Page 5 On motion of Councilwom~n Thompson, seconded by ~~uncilman Smit~, and unanimousJy carried, Marvin Hartwig was reappointed ~o the San Luis Obispo County Development Association Board of Directors, MUTUAL POLGCE AID PACT Administrator Butch advised fihat a fully executed copy o:f the Mut~al Aid Pact has been received from the District Attorney, and that all cities had signed with the exception of San Luis Obispo, who have indicated they are going to sign. LEAGUE OF CALIFORN~A CBTIES SEM@NAR, SEPTEMBER STH AND 6~H Administrator Butch advised a Seminar is to be held in San Francisco on September 5th and 6th, and will be specifically on the recent Senate Bi.ll 122$ signed by the Governore After discussipn, on motion of Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, a~d unanimo~sly carried, Adrnbnistrator Butch was au:thorized to attend the Seminar in Sa~ Fra~cisco. 5% BED TAX Councilman Schlegel requested that the matter of raising the bed tax in the City of Arroyo Grande from 4% to 5% be placed on fihe Agenda for the next Council meeting. COMMENTS ~JN LOPEZ ROAD Councilman Schlegel com~nented or~ a newspaper article, stating he concurred with the Board of Supervisors as far as accepting the "skinney" Lopez Road, basically because Zone 3 was paying the bill for this entire road, and everyone in the County would be using it; and that if there were any improvements, the entire County should pay for it. Councilman Schlegel also stated, with regard to Mr. Born°s statement in defense of the project, the Lopez Road cqsts have been increased from $555,000.00 to $1,400,000.00 this month by escalated construction costs, representing a~00% increase, and it w~s his feelirag that if these figures were correct, this project was in trouble and suggested a letter be written to Mr. Born asking what this amount is based on. D9SCUSSION RE: LOPEZ NAME Councilwoman Thompson advised she had attended a meeting of the County Supervisors, wherein the Chamber of Commerce and the Council had requested that Lopez Dam be referred to as "Lopez Lake and Recreational Area". The Sup~rvisors agreed that this term could be used. INTRODUCTION OF GUEST Mayor Wood introduced Dr, Taylor to the Council. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councitman Smith, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:23 P.M. ATTEST: ^-f~ / ~ -~..~'L'-L -,;~YZ.. ~JZ''' DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR ~