Minutes 1968-11-26 CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 26th, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNIA The Ci°ty Council met in xegular sess~.on ~rit}~ Mayor Wood presiding. Upon roll call, Counc~.l~nroman °~hompson, Councilmen Lev~.ne, Sclzlegel and Smith repor°ted present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCA°TION Mayor Wood led °the Pledge of Alleg~ance °to our ~lag; and ~.mmediately thereafters °the Reverend A~dreva Daugh~exs, o~ S°t. Barnabas Epa.scopal C~urch o~ A.rroyo Grande, del~ve~ed ~he a~nv~cat~ono APPROVAL OF MINU'TES T'he m~nutes of t~e ~egula~ mee°ting o~' Noveml~e~ 12°th, ~968, and the adjoia.rned regula~ meet~ng o~" Novembe~ 13~h9 1968, ~rere approved as pre- parede APPROVAL OF WARRAN°TS On mo°t~on o~ Counc~lwoman T'hompson~ s~cond~d by Gouneilmar~ Lev3t~e, and unan~mously ca~°~a.ed, General Wa~°~an°ts No, 402 °t~ anc~ ir~~ludir~g NA. 436, in the total etmour~~ of $17,725.30, F'ayxoll War~ant~ Nc~. 624 ~ta and ~.nc7.txc~~r~g ~fa, 68I, in the to~tal amount o~ $9,951, 1~ and °Truet and Agency Warrant~ No. 6S5 °to an~ ~,nclud~xag No. 687, ~n the total amount pf $40~.69, were approved and orde~ed gaid~ REQUEST FROM GROVER CITY BiJS, BOOS~'ERS REo ANNUALo PARADE 12/7/68 Adminis°t~rato~° Bu°tch advised tha~ a le~t~~ was received from fihe Grover City Busin~gs Boos~ers requesting °the Ci°ty Counai.l to par°tici- pate in their Annual Christmas Parade which will be held on Satuzday, . December 7th, 1958. Af°ter Counc~l d~scussa.on~ Admin3strat~r Butch was requested to advise the Grover C~~ty Bus~ness Boosters that as many of the Counc~.l °that could, would par°t~c~p~,°~~ ~n the ~a~ade. REQUEST FROM SWI~"T AIRE LINES REm SUPPOR"T AaI° P,UoC. HEARINGS 12/17-18/68 Administra°tor Bu°tch advised °th~°t Mrm Wiswell of t~e Sw~f°t Aire Lines has reques°ted °the Counc~l' s suppo~~t a°t °the Pub~~.c U°t~l~.°ty Commis- sion hearings °to be held ~.n San Lu~s Obispo on December 17~h and 18th, 1968, and b~a.efly rev~ewed tha~t ~he Counc~l }~ad urged °the P,U.C, °to gran°t °~his applica°t~on ~ a°t °the mee°t~ng of Sep°tembe~ 10°th, 1968 0 REQUEST FROM A.Gm VILLAGE MERGHRN°TS REm XMAS OVERHEAD DECORATIONS Administra°tor Butch repo~-ked °kha°t °~he Arroyo Grande Village Mer- chants requested that °khe C~ty begin to iz~stall the Chrzstmas decora- tions and °tha°t they be li°t on F°riday, Novembe•r 29°th and that the decor- ations were being installed at ~his ~~me and s}~ould be ready for light- int on °the specified date. NOTIGE RE: COOPERA'TIVE PURGHASING OF GASOLINE BY PUBLIC ENTITIES. Admin~.stra°tor Butch advised °that not~ce had been received from the County Purchasing Agent °t~a~ °the Coun~y Boaxcl of Superv~sors had author- ized Coopera°tive Purchas~ng of gasoline by Publ~c En~tit~es, and ~f this City is desirous o~ part~cipa°ting in the cooperat~.ve purchasing program, notifica°tion mus°t be made to the Coun°ty by December 2, 1968, ~or the calendar year 1969 con°trac°t, ~f agreemen°t ~s made °to commence °the pro- - gram at °the exp~ra°tion o~' °the City ° s cu~~ent con°trac°t which term~nates. on February 28, 1968. Af°ter Counci~ d~scuss~on, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a Resolu°~ion regard~ng °~~e cooperat~ve purchasing of gasoline be°tween °the G~ty o~ Ar~oyo Grande and the County of San Luis Obispo, thereafter a mo~t~.on was made by Coux~c~.lman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Smi°th, and ~n~,n~titously carrzed, to d~spense with readzng ~the bctlance of'°t}~~,s resolution. RESOLU'TION N0a 809 A RESOLUZ'ION OF °THE CI°I'Y COUNCIL OF THE CI°TY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACGEPTING T'ERMS AND GONDITIONS O~ SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RESOLU°TION NO. 68~582 REGARDING EN°TERING I~V°TO CO-OPERAT'IVE PURCHASING AGREEMEN'T WT'TH T'HE COUN`TY OF SAN LUIS O~ISPO. On mo°tion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Coi,xncilwoman 'I'hompson, and on ~the follow~ng roll call vote, °to va3°to 89 CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 26TH, 196$ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Smith and Mayor Wood. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted °th.is 26°th day of November 1968, REQUEST RE: AGREEMENT WITH STA'TE DEP°TD OF FINANCE FOR CENSUS ESTIMATE Administrator Butch requested tha°t authori~a°tion be gran°ted for the City to enter into an agreement wi°th °the Departmen°t of Finance for the purpose of holding a population es°tima°te a°t an approx~mate cost of $200 which often increases the revenue by several °thousand dollars, and also advised that if a census were taken in 1969, °the State would require a door-to-door census. After Council d~scuss~on, on motion of Councilman Smith, seconded by C ouncilman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, it was approved to en°ter into an agreemen°t w~th the State Department of Finance for an estimate of population in Arroyo Grande and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign said agreement on behalf of the Citye RECEIPT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REGIONAL AIRPORT SYS'TEM STUDY Administrator Butch advised tha°t a repor°t was rece~ved on the Re- gional Airport System Study prepared by the Southern California Associ- ation of Governments and would be on file in °t}-ie Ci°ty Hall, Mayor Wood reported °that at the meeting of the Mayors of the s~x incorporated cities of San Luis Obispo County, Mayor Whelchel, of S~.n Luis Obispo, was appoint- ed as Elected Official and San Luis Obispo Ci°ty Administrator was appointed as Administrntive Official, and Mayor Wood r,vas appoin°ted as alternate, as repre~entatives to the Aviation and Airport Committees of the Southern Cal- iforniCt Association of Government, MAYOR~S REPORT ON MAYORS MEETING OF NOVEMBER 13TH, 1968 Mayor Wood reported that at °the meeting of the Mayors of the six incorporated cities of San Luis Obispo County, held on November 13th, 1968,it was agreed that at the January meeting a discussion on Countywide Volunteer Purchasing be held with all City Administrators and the County Administrator will be invited to attendo Mayor Wood also reported that a special meeting would be set in December to discuss Cooperative Use of Datct Processing, with a representative f°rom Cal Poly present to discuss possibilities of using their system and City Administrators and Finance people, plus one councilman from each city and the Board of Supervisors will be invited to attend. RECEIPT OF DIGEST OF 1968 LEGTSLATION AFFECTING CALIFORNIA CITIES Administrator Butch advised as information only, that the Digest of 1968 Le+gislation Affecting California Cities had been received and would be on file at the City Hallo RECEIPT OF MINUTES FROM LEAGUE UF CALIFa CITIES BD, OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS Administrator Butch advised as information only, that minutes from the League of California Cities Board of Directors Meetings of October 13, 14 and 15, 1968, had been received and would be on file at the City Hall. RECEIPT OF MINUTES OF THE BUSe SESSIUN OF THE LEAGUE OF CALIF, CITIES Administrator Butch advised as information only, that the minutes from the Business Session of the League of California Cities of October 16,1968, had been received and would be on file at the City Hall, Council- man Schlegel, who had attended this meet~.ng as the voting representative of this City briefly reported on items tha°t were discussed at Sub-Commit- tee meetings. REQUEST FROM LEAGUE CHANNEL DIV, CHAIRMAN RE; COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Administrator Butc~ advised that Mayor Prueter of Yort Hueneme, the Chcznnel Division B~r~ctor, has requested that °the Council submit several names to be placed on the Channel°s various committees estab- lished in this Division of the League no later than December lOth, 1968, After Council discussion, there were no recommendations made at this time. k'~ _ CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 26TH, 196$ ARROYO GRANDEa CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 RECEIPT OF 1ST ANNUAL REPOR°T OF SLO CO. CI°TIES AREA PLAN.COORD. COUNCIL Adm~.n~.s°tra°tor Butch advised as ~nforma°t~.on only, °tha°t a copy of the Annual Repor°t of the Coun°ty of San Luis Ob~spo and °the G~.°ties of San Luis Obispo Area Planning Coord~na°t~ng Gounc~.l had been rece~.ved and would be on file at °the City Hall. PUBLIC HEARING - CREA'TING BRANCH ST'. UNDERGROUND U°TILIT'Y DIS°TRICT N0. 1 Adminis°tra°tor Bu°tch briefly reviewed tha°t the ~orma°tion of an Under- ground U°tility District on Branch Stree°t had been requested by °the Down- town Merchan°ts, that °the proposed ord~nance, ~.n effec°t, establishes a district which will require °tha°t all poles and overhead w~res and over- head structures be underground on or before October l, 1973s giv~ng the Merchants fa.ve yea~s °to prepare, and also permit°t~ng °the accumulation of five years o~° revenue received from Pacif~c Gas ancl Elec°tric Go. Upon being assured by the Ci°ty Clexk tha°t all requ~.remen°ts as provided by law had been done, Mayor Wood declared °the hearing now open and all persons for or against the proposed Underg~ound U°ti1a~°ty Distr~ct would now be heard. Mr. Perry McBeth, local manager of Pacif~c Gas and Electric Company, in answer °to Pearl Colee s inquiry, adva.sed °that the estimated figure of $101,000 for the distric°t as est~.ma°ted by P. G. ~ E. ~s a projected cost for 1973, Mr, McBe°th also s°tated tha°t. he felt °the forma°t~on of a district was prema°ture at °this time as ~the ~unds con-tribu~ted by P. Ga & E. would continue to accumulate without °the formal establ~shmen°t of a district. Mr. David Loomis, representing -the Down°town Merchants Association, sta~ted that it was the Committee ° s understand~ng °tha°t a d~.s°trict must be formed prior to P. G. and E. accumulating funds for this projec°t and requested that Mr. McBeths statment be off~cially entered into °the records of the City. Mrs McBeth stated that he ~e1t everyone ~n °the district should realiae what their obligation would be and °tha~t °the cost to individual properties would have to be detexmined by electrical contractors as assessments would cover the cos°t °to the property lines only, Mrs. Elaine Garey was advised the method of collec°tion for ~he assessments could not be determined at this time as actual cost f°~gures have not been established. Mr. Ru°therford advised that he felt the assessmen°t district should be formed at this time, with par°tial paymen°ts being made to offset the cost when tne plan is implemented, Pearl Cole was advised that a determina- tion had not been received from the Sta°te Division of Highways, whether they would reconstruct Branch S°treet in conjunction with the underground- ing utilities. No further discussion fo~ or against °the formation of an Underground U°tility District on Branch S°treet, Mayor Wood declared the hearing closed. After Council discussion, on mo°tion of Coizncilwoman Thompson, sec- onded by Councilman Smith and unanimously ca~ried,'.tha°t t~e proposed ordinance creating Branch Street Underground U°til~ty District No. 1 be referred back °to the Downtown Me~°chants, for mo•re complete information, regarding coordinat,ion of all u°t~.lity companies affected, the State Divi- sion of Highways and for more p~ec~.se cost determination, and re-present the proposal to the Council. RECEIPT OF INFORMAL BIDS - FIRE DEPARTMEN'T VAN - BUDGE'TED ITEM Administra°tor Butch adv~.sed tha°t ~n~ormal bids had been received for a Fire Department Van and after Council discussion, i°t was agreed that as the informal b~.ds exceeded the budge°ted amount, this matter be held over to the next meeting until further study and recommendation on the informal bids could be made, as recommended by the Fire Chief. NUTICE REc SAVINGS IN ADMINISTRA°Z'ION OF SALES TAX Administrator Butch reported as informa°tion only, that the State Board of Equalization has notified our City tha~t they have saved approxi- mately $110,000 in the adminis°tra°tion of local sales tax for 1967-68 and have advanced our portion o~ this savings wh~.ch was $23,31. REQUEST FRUM PLANN. COMM. THAT CITY CODE 4-6,01 BE ENFORCED Administxator Butch repor°ted °tha°t af~er the recen°t creek tour, the Planning Commission has again requested °that tkze Gity Council have City Code 4-6.01 "Waste Materials1° enforced, wa.~th t~e primary interest being the Arroyo Grande Creek, and Mr. Butch noted that the enforcement would affect the w}~ole City and would also clean up backyards, After Council 91 CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 26TH, 196$ ARR~YO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAG~ 4 . : . . discussion, it was agreed that a le~°ter be drafted °to °the property owners along the stream bed requesting their cooperation ~n clean~.ng up the stream bed and to publicize the neglec°t o~ the area and the necessity of keeping the area free of debrise PLANN.COIvIluie REC. RE: GAREY° S REQUES°T REo °TIRE RECAPPING IN H~S ZONE Adminis~rator Bta,tch adv~sed that w~~h ~e~erence to Mr, and MrseGa.rey's request on t~.re recapping, the ~'l~nn~.ng ~ommiss~on has recommended °that tire recapp~ng be permi°tted, vaait}~ a ~zse permit ~ra H~g}°iway Services, and also suggested that it be ~nclud~ed ~.n °the P7~annecl Industrial Zonea Mrs. Elaine Garey was present and re~~exa°ked her re~.sons for no°~ allow~ng tire recapping a.n H-S Zoning, and Mayor V~l~od ~ead cx ~etter f•rom Mrs. Ga•rey stating t}~e same reasons. Counc~.lman 5m~~h b~a~efly reviewed °that the Planned Industr~al Zone was an alterna.°~e c]-io~ce and should be es°tablished along wi°th the H-S prov~sion for °~~~e ~ecap~irags After Gounc~.l discussion, on motion of Gouncilman Smi°th, seconded by ~ounc~lman Schlegel, that the Zoning Ordinance as proposed pe~ta~n~.~ac~ ~o t~.re recapp~ng ~n an H-S Zone remain and that °t~e Planning Comm~ss~~n recommenda°~~~r~ that t~.re re- capping be permitted in a P-M Zone by Us~ Perm~°k p~o~edure, be accepted and included ~n °hhe proposed Z~n~ng O~dinance. Ox~°the follow~ng roll call v~te, AYES m Councilwoman °Thom~ason~ Corxn~~lmar~ Levine, Schlegel, Smith and Mayor Wood; NOESo None; ABSEN°~a None; ~he foregoing motion was adop°ted . LE°T°TER PROTES°TING PROPOSED REZONING ON °TRAF'F'I~ WAYmH-S °TO FmS Adminis°trator Butch read a le°tter from Mr, Rober°t James Knotts, whp . owns an au°to repa~r bus~ness on °Traff°~.c V~lay, p~°otes°ting ~the proposed re- zoning from Highway 5e~v~ce to F'reevJay Se~v~ce~ as °the business could not be expanded because i°t would not be permittecl ~n th~s type ~oneq' Mr. ICnotts was present and reite~°a°ted ~~.s r~quest. After Counc~l discussion, on motion of Cotlncilwoman T'hompson, sec~nded by Counc~.lman Levine, and unanimously carr~.ed, the reques°k of M~m Kno°tts °tha°t ~~.s property on Traffic Way remain as Highway Serv~ce Zon~.ng was referred to °the Planning Commis- sion for their rejud~cat~one LETTER OF °THANKS FROM MRS , AN°TOINE'T°TE STUR°TEVEN°T RE v RE20NING Adm~nistrator Butch read a le~ter rece~ved from M~s. Antoinette Sturtevent thanking °the Council fo~ ~he~r °time spen°t on the rezon~ng of the Fair Oaks area, FIRST READING OF PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANGE AND MAP It was agreed °the F°~rs°t Reading s~f °t~e p~oposed Zoning Ordinance and Map be held over until the Plannin~ Comm~ss~.on recommendation was received ~n °the H-S to F-S Zoning on °the Knot°ts proper°ty on °Traffic Way. NO'T`ICE FROM DIV. OF' H/W REo &aLOPE~ LAKEB° SiGNS ~OR GR1~ND AVE, Adminis-trator Butch advised as ~n~o~ma~ion onlys that notice had been received from °the State D~vis~on of H~.ghways °that L,opez Lake signs have been ordered ~'or the Grand Avenue o~fmramps, and °they will b~ placed in suf~'icient °time for the oper~~ng o~ Lopez Lake to the Public. REPOR°T ON INITIAfiING PROCEDURES T'O DESIGNA°TE H/VIT 101 A5 SCENIC HIGHWAY ' Adminis°trator Bu°tch reviewed thafi °kwo Ci°ty employees had attended a mee°ting in San°ta Barba.ra regard3ng ~n~~k~ating laroc,eedings to designate vari.ous highways as o°Scenic H~ghways`m and ~t appears that this must be a coun°ty caord~na~ed effor°~a After Coun~il c~i~cussi¢~n, Adm~nistrator Bu°tch vaas auth~xized ~o r,~~a~°te °t4 ~}~e San L~is Obisp~ Coura~y B~ard of Supervisors requesting Highv~ray 1.01~ ~~pe~ Drive arad Rou~e 227 be desig- natecl as S~enic Fiigla~aays anc~ a letter also be ~rrit~h~n ~o the County Planning Comm~ssion urgir~g °them to ~nitics°~e p~o~~e~~ng~ ~o designate these roacls as Scern~.c H~.ghwayso RECE I PT OF B a DS m S7'REET SWEEPER - BUDGEI°ED B°fENI Administrator Butch ~dvised that bids h~d beer~ r°eceived for a new street sweeper, and after Council discussion, it ~vas agr°eed that this matter be held over to the r~ext meet i ng u~afs l f i raarac ial arr~,ngemer~ts coul d be cnade, as recom- mended by the Derector of Public Workso ' CITY GOUNCIL NOVEMBER'26TH, i968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 REQUEST LETTER TO S011 LONSERU.DIST,REe S°fREAMBED FROM BRIDGE ST, WESTERLY Administrator Butch reported that the Parks and Recrea~Cion Commission has requested that this Council request the Soil Conservation District for assistance in the study of the stream bed, After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Smith, seconded by Couracilman Schlegel, arad unanimously carried, Administrator Butch was requested to wr°ite a letter to the Soil Conservation District asking "for their asssstarace ~rad help era the planning and engineering study of the stream bed frosm B~°adge Street ~vesterly to the City limits, RECE:IPT Of CONSTRUCT10N DOCUMENTS ON LOPEZ WA°fER SUPPLY PROJECT, ETC. AdmFnistrator Butch advised, as irafo~°cnatson oraly, that copies of the constructiora documents of the Lopez Water Supply P~°oject, the Terminal Dam and Reservo~i'r, with the arfists re.radition, and the Recr°eatson Facilities has been received and would be on fil-e in the City Halle PROPQSED RESOLUTION FROM CEN.COAST REGIONAL W.~TER QUALITY CON°fROL BOARD Administrator Butch revtewed a sugge~ted resolutio~a wk~ich the Central Coastal Regional Water Quality Control Board is recommending for adoption which basically recommends that city arad co~nty governments be requested to prohibit the use of septic tanks and leaching systems for sewage disposal and also the prohibition of the developmer~t of ~ny subdivisior~, trailer park, or simiiar developme~nt, which would use its own cot~munity system for disposal of sewageo Administrator Butch advised that Darector of Public Works Anderson had reviewed the resolution and i`t w~s his opinion that this matter should be a local decision, After Council discussion, M~yor Wood directed Administrator Butch to write to the Central Coastal Regioraal W~ter Quality Control Board and advise them this Council feels methods of sewage disposal shotald be a local determination4 PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SLO COUNTY SANITAT'ION DISTRICI" Administrator Butch advised there were no new developments to be re- port8d at this time regarding the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District. DISCUSSION ON CITYWIDE SEWER DISTRICT' City Administrator Butch, Fire Chief Marsalek, Councilman Levine, and Mr. Kadie of Stone and Youngberg had attended the scheduled meeting of November 25th, 196$ in San Francisco with representatives of the Federal Housing and Urban Development Department, and Councilman Levine reported that the following direction and information was received; 1) that funds far Federal Grants would not be available until the first quarter of fcscal year lg6g-70, but that the City should plan to file a format application requesting a Federal Grant for assistance in sewering all unsewered porteons of the City during the early part of Apri1, 196g; 2) that approval of the application is feasible, but final approval caranot be granted unti.l the formal application has been filed and re- viewed; and 3) that preliminary eragiraeering should be approved at this time so that upon notification of final approval the project could proceed into the construction phase so that the Grant would be utilized during the same fiscal year as approved. After Counci:l discussion, it was'agreed that authorization for pretim- - inary engineering not be approved until additsoraa'1 information regarding the City's financial obligation to this project could be determined should the Federal Grant be denied, City Attorney Shipsey advised that he had prepared a resolution requesting the County Board of Supervisors issue bonds under the Improvement Bond Act of . 1915 for improvement within the City of Arroyo Grande and was awaiting the ap- provat of procedure from 0'Melveny and Myers Bonding Attorneys prior to Council adoption of said resolution, DISCUSSION-A.G, BASEBALL ASSOCIATES DEVELOPMENT Of BAS~BALL COMPLEX Mr, Fred SWeeney, President of the Arroyo Grande Baseball Associates and Mr, Da G, Porter, representing the Babe Ruth League, which is a member of the Associates, reported that the gradirag req~aired to develop the ball field on the authorized use of 3,7 acres of the City own~d larad on E1m Street would be very costly and that the money could be used for ball field development more advantageousty, as the exact grade for drainage purposes has not yet been determined by the Citye The Associates requested author-ization to install the baseball facilities at the present ground level, with a minimum of level- ing being done at this time, and as Ball Feeld No. 1 does not have access to . ~3 CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 26TH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 a roadway, authorizateon was also reque~ted to develop Ball Field No, 2 and an area adjacent to lt for parksrag purposes, a~ Associ~,tes funds will allowo Mra Sweeney also advised a11 basebaTl f~cAletses would be r°emoved, upon re- quest by the City when excavation of the areas vuoutd be dorae to provide pond- ing basins, and the full experase of iraitial ira~tall~~ioca, the removal and re- installatiora of the ball field f~cilsties to conform to the pondirag basins, would be borne by the Associatesa Due to the loudness of the fi r°e ~Tarcn si r°e~n~ Mayor° W~od declared a re- cess at 10a25 P.M, Mayor Wood recalled ~he meeting to order at 1Oe30 P,M. with all members present as shown on roll calla Adminsstrator Butch reviewed the prior action of the Council and a re- port recommend~tion of the Di~°ector of Public Works d~ted No~rember 26, 1968, which stated in part, that his report of October 7, i968 was iratended to pro- vide a gradirag recommendation that wo~ld conforcn to futttre drainage ptans, thus proViding a more permanent ball feeld inst~llatiora a~ thas time, but if the Associate5 is cnade aware of the conditions th~t all ball field facilities may have to be removed, at their experase, and would enter irato an ~,greement to this effect, then there would b~ rao objecteon to the b~ll field being in- stalled ~t the present ground level. After Council discussion, on motiora of Councflm~!ra S~i~h, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously c~rried, the Arroyo Gr~nde Basebatl Associates were granted permission to irae~c~lly develop ~he proposed b~seball areas designated as No, l9 appr°oxima~ely 3~7 ~cres ~nd Noo 2, approximately t acre, and parksng area on the east ~nd r~orth sades of Ball Field Noo 2 based on the report of Derector of Publsc Works Ar~derson d~ted Nove~nber 26, 1968, and that C i ty Attorraey Sh a psey be author i zed ~~nd a rastrracted to prepare an agreement to be entered irato betweera the Cety of Arroyo Gra~rade and the Arroycf Grande $aseball Associates, as or'alty agr°eed upon betweera the Csty Council and the representatives of the Ar°royo Gr°arade Baseball Associates that are present and speakirag for the Associateso ADJOURNMEN°f TO ~XECUI"IVE SESSION On motior~ of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Smith, and unanimously carried, the meeting w~s adjourned at 10e44 P.M. to an executive session for the purpose of reviewirag Engineering proposals to design the proposed Route 4 Fair Oaks Extensiono RECONUENMENT OF COUNCIL The Couracil reconvened at 11:25 PoMe from executive session arad all mem- ber-s were present as shown on roll call, ADJOURNMENT On motiora of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman 1°hompson, and unanimo~asly carried, the meeting was adjout-ned at ll03~ P<Mo , ATTES ~ ` , - Y CLERK M~ OR ~