Minutes 1968-12-10 _ ~ ~ CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER lOth, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council me°t in regular session w~th Mayor Wood presiding, Upon roll call, Councilwoman °Thompson, Counca~lmen Lev~ne, Schlegel and Smith repor°ted present, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Wood led the Pledge of Al1eg~.ance to our flag; and immed~.ately thereafter, Counca.lwoman Thompson del~vered the ~,nvocat~.onm APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting o~ Novembe•r 26°th, 196$, were ap- proved as preparedo APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilwoznan Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, General Warrants Noo 437 °to and including Noe 485, in the total amount of $23,948090 cxnd Payroll Warran°ts Noo 6$2 to and including No, 754, in the total amount of $11,620e72, were approved and ordered pa.ide REQUEST OF ST, PATRICK~S PAROCHIAL SCHOOL F°OR FEE EXEMPT LICENSE Administrator Butch advised that S~o Pa°trickas School has requested a fee exempt business l~cense to sell SeeBS candy a°~ 104 Wes°t Branch Street, from December llth, to December 24th, 1968o After Counc~l discussion, on motion of Councilman Sm~°th, seconded by Councilman Lev~ne, and unanimously carried, °Ehe request of St, Patrick°s School ~or a fee exemp°t business license to sell candy was den~ed, as °tha.s sale of candy would be in com- petition °to business firms °that had purchased a l~.cense °to sell o NOTICE FROM P,Go & E. RE; 1968-69 UNDER:GROUND ALLOCATION Administra°tor Butch repor°ted °~hat a le°t°ter had been received from Mro Sm~.th of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, adv~.sing that P, G, and E, has se°t aside a to~al of $17,500 for fu°ture conversion of under- ground,~ng ut~.lities in Arroyo Grande, . Administrator Butch also reviewed, for information only, that the Director of Public Works, the Planning Director, and himself, had met with Mre Gregory, Division Engineer of the Divis~on o~ Highways, and the State had agreed that they would attempt ~o place the construction of Branch Street in the 1971-72 budge°t, providing, a°t that time, the City would be agreeable to replacing °the curb~ gu°tter and sidewalk in the proposed area of recons~kructiono Mr, Bu°tch also advised that a confirma- tion of th~.s agreement would be reques°ted from °the S°tate and if received would be placed on file in the Ci°ty Hallo LETTER FROM TEMPLE OF T'HE PEOPLE RE: `T'HANKS TO AoG, FIRE DEPARTMENT Administrator Butch read a lette~ from Mro F"orgostein of the Temple of the People in Halcyon, commending °the Arroyo Grande Fire Department rind the Fire Chief for a very ou°ts°tand~ng job ~.n assisting in fighting the fire in Halcyon last Tuesday, November 26°th, 19680 TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1968 The Treasurer's Report for the month of November, 1968, was re- ceived by the Council and ordered filed, DEPARTMENTAL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBERa 1968 THe Departmental Report for the mon°th of November, 1968, was re- ceived by the Council and ordered filed, PROGRESS REPORT RE: REQUEST TO I,RoS, REGARDING LOPEZ WATER CHARGES Administrator Butch briefly revieuved tha°~ no decision had been made by the Internal Revenue Service as to whether portions of the Lope2 Water Charges could be income tax deductible by the water users and that he had placed a phone call to the Chief of th~s particular division in Washington requesting their earlies°t reply on this ma°t°ter, RECEIPT OF A MANUAL FOR ARROYO GRANDE EMPLOYEES Copies of a Manual f or Arroyo Grande City Employees, which was de- signed °to assist employees in understanding the benefits and obligations of employment with the City and a brief resume of City policies nnd rules and regulations, as they a~fec°t Ci°ty employees, was received and reviewed by the Council, g5 CITY COUNCIL _ _ DE~EMBER lQ°TH, 196$ ARROYO GRANDE, ~ALIF'ORNIA P~1GE 2 FUR°THER DISCUSSION RE m IIVFORMAL BIDS FOR F°IRE DEPAR~'MEN°T VAN Administra°to~° But~h rev~ewed °~~~°k ~nformal b~ds had been •rece~ved for °the purchase of a, new F~re Depa~°°tment ~7~n, and °~~e low b~.d ~aas ~741, 90 more °than °the amoun°t budge°~ed ~or th~s purc}~asee Adm~.n~s°tra°tor Bu°tch ad- vised tha°t °the F~.~e Ch~e~ arad ha~mself had rev~ernred °the F°~re Departmen°t Budget and recommended tha~ °the 1962 F°~re ~Tan be declared BOsurplus'° and sold for a min~mum of $400.00 arad ot`~er i~ems ~v~~~~n ~he ~~re Dep~rtment Budge~ would be el~minated to ma}ce up °khe d~~~erer~~e to obta~n the neces- sary money to purc]-iase t}xe 1969 F°~re Va.n, Aftex Gounc~l d~scuss~on, on mot~on o~ Gouxic~linan Sm~°th, secor~ded by Counc~.lman Sc~legel, and unan~- mously carr~.eds tl~e 19F>2 F°ire \7ccr~ ~aaas d~clared g~su~plusaP and ~.s to be sold a°t a m~,n~mum pr~~e of $400000 va~~h sealed b~ds ~o be ~ece~ved no later °than Monday, December 16th, 1968~ a°t 2~00 PeMo AWARD OF BID m S°TREE`~ SV~EEPER ~ BUDGE°~ED IT°EM Adm~n~.stra°to~ Butch adv~sed ~hat °~wo b~ds had been rece~.ved and opened a°t 2:00 P,M, ~ IVovembe~ 25°~}x, 19689 for a nevv street sweeper as f ollowsm Inland Equ~pment Coa $13,418,19 H~ghway 99 and 01.~.ve D~~v~ Bakersf~elcl, Cal~f o Dear°th Mach~ne~y Coe $13,270000 16327 Ee Arrow H~g~way PoO, Box 835 Azusa, Cal~f, 91703 Adm~.n~.strator Bu°tch ~ev~e~ted °tha°t at t~ae 1Vovember 26°th, 1968, regu- lar meet~ng no ac°t,~on waas ta}cen on °~he bids ancl ~,t was agreed °tha°t °they be held over un°t~l f~nanc~.al arrangemen°ts could be made and he reported °that °the ~nteres°t rate fo~ a lease-op~~on purc]~ase from the low bidder was h~gher than could be o~a~ned t~~u the MidmS°~ate Bank ~n Arroyo Grande, w~o would ~~nance the purchase at an ~.n°ter?es~ ra~e of 4,25%, A~ter Counc~l discuss~.on, on mo°t~on of Gouncilmaza Schlegels seconded by Council- man Smi°th, and unan~mously carr~ed, tha°t the low b~d of Dearth Mach~nery Coe ~n the amoun°t o~ $13,270000 ~nclud~ng trade, ~'or a, 3-Wheel, 1-Gutter Broom Stree°t Sraeeper be accepteds and ~he G~~y of Arroyo Grande enter into an agreement w~th °t}~e Arroyo Grande Mid-S°ta~e Ban}c for °the purpose of financ~.ng the purchase o~ said stree°t sweeper, and °the Mayor and City Clerk be au°thorized ~o execu°ke sa~.d agreement on behal~ o~ the Cityo DISCUSSION REm MEET'ING ON PROPOSED AREAmWIDE RECREAT°ION DISTRICT' Admin~s°t~ator Butc]-i reported on °the recent' ~o~nt mee°t~ng be°tween the Youth Founda°t~on Board pf Direc°tors s the Gi°ty ~ounc~ls, and the Lucia Mar School Dis~tr~c°t; held on Novembe~ 20t}~, 1968~ to d~.scuss °the proposed Rec~eat~on D~.s~rict and c~dv~sed °that had been agreed tha°t all Councils involved d~scuss and submi°~ the~~ v~ews regard~ng °this d~s°tr~c°to After Council d~scussion, a.t taas agreed th,~s ~tem be placed on the next regular agenda °to perm~.°t more t~me ~°or rev~ew and cons~dera°t~.on o NOTICE REo APPLICA°TION BY FACoLIGH°ToSERVo ~ SUPPLY COo TO INCREASE RATES Adm~n~streztor Butch advised, as ~.nformat~on only, that application: had been made by Pac~f~.c Ligh°tzng Service and Supply Coo to increase gas ra°tes o S°TA°TE DIVe OF H/GV UT'ILIZ"IES AGREEMEN°T RE: SOiJ°TH °TRAFFIC WAY Administrator Butch advised °~hat cop~es o~ U°t~l~ties Agreement Noa 209,Oo 11 wh~ch per°tains °to °the C~ty wa°ter d~.s°~ribut~on main in the front- age road near °the Br~dge St~ee°~ Ove~cross~.ng, Road 05-SLO-101, PM12,5 had been rece~.ved £rom the Divis~.on o~' H~.ghtiaays and ~ev~evaed that °this utili°ty reloca°~~on would be necessary ~n conju~c°t~on w~.°th the freeway projec°t °to w~den °tlze ex~s~ting fron°tage road. Af°ter Council di5cussion, on mo°~~on of Councilwoman °T~ompson, seconded by Councilman Lev~ne, and unanimously carr~ed, °tha°t Ut~l~~a~es Agreement Noo 209,Oo11~ be accepted and °the Mayor and City Clerk be author~.~ed to execu°te sa~.d agreemen°t for °the City, ~V GI'TY ~OUNCIL - . DE~EMBER 10°TH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE a~AI~I~'ORNIA PAGE 3 PLoANN , COMM o RECOMMENDA'~IOI~ RE o BOB e S ALJ°TO REPAIR REQU~ST RE o ZONING Aclm~.n~st~a~tor Bu°~c}a adva.sed °kha°~ the Pla~n~ng Commission had con~ sidered °~~e ~eques~ of Mro Robert Kno~~s ~t`ha~ h~s p~oper~ty on °Tra~f~c Way rema~n Highway Se~v~ce Zon~ng and °~he ~omm~ssion ~acl ~ecommendecl to °the Gounc~l °t~a~ °the p~oposed ~on~ng be lef~ cts ~'~eer,aay Serv~ce as or~.g- ~nally ~ecommended by ~h~ Plann~ng Comm~ss~on, ar~d the proposed Zoning O~d~.nance arad Map be adop°ted as soon as pos~~blee Mro Knot°ts was p~esen°t c~nd adv~sed °~ha~ ~ae ~nrsxs r~o~ a~nra~e h~,s p~ope~~ty was uncler consa.de~a°t~on ~o b~ r'e~on,ed ~r~d he ~raas unab~e ~o ~°~°~end ~he Plann~ng Gomm,iss~on meet~ngs ~ bu°~ ~~s p~op~~~ky ~vas ~e~or~ed °~o ~~ee~aaexy Se~rv~ce ~°t uaould be o~' a~o vulue °~o h~m ~,s h~ rnrould no~ be able °~o expand h~s au°to repa~.~ busa~r~~ss a ~~°ky A~~o~rr~egr Sh~psey ~,clv~sed °~l~~~e ~s r~o prom vision to pe~m~°~ any ~u~~~e~° publ~c hea~~.r~g bu~ ~n op~r~~on could be obm °tained ~~o~r? res~d~n~s ~r~ a~ea ~egard~xae~ ~~e ~oninc~o P~~°te~ Counc~l da~scuss~on, P~c1m~~is°~~a~o°~ Bu~c~ was ~r~s~~uc~ed ~o ser~d no~~~ces °to the property o~aane~s ~he H~~}a~~y Se~~r~ce ~or~~ ~~~t ~s p~opo~ed F°reeway Serv~ce ~on~r~g ~r~ °~he a~~~~. sou~l7e~~y o~ Val~.e~r Ro~d o~a fi~af~ic ~Nay and ob°ta~n t~e~~ ~p.~n~o~ ~e~a~d~r~~ ~~ae ~on~.~ae~ £o~ Cou~c~~ ~ons~de~at~on a°t the mee~~n~ o~° Ja~auca.~y ~4°~~i, 195~a F'IRS°~ READING 0~' ~FZOPOSED ZO1~~1VG O~DINAN~~ AND MAP I°t inras ca.g~eed F"~rs~ Read~~~ o~ ~he p~oposed Zon~ng O~da~x~a.nce and Map be }~e~Lcl ov~~ u~~t~~ a de~~s~or~ vaas ~ea~~~d or~ ~}~e H~S ~to ~°~S Zon~ng on °t~e ~Cr~o~ts p~ope~~ky o~z '~~a~f~ic V~iayo ~ PLoANN e~OMM o RE~OMME~IDA'~~ON RE o IIVSPE~°~IO~i 0~' MO~ILE HOMES BY CI'Z"Y Adat~~n~s~~a~o~ Bu~~~ ~epo~°~ed ~hcr.~ ~~ae Pl~nr~a.r~g_ Comm~ss~on, a~t t~eir ~egular mee°~~ng o~ Deceml~e~ 3~dA ~968q ~~coznmended ~o the City Counc~l ~ha°~ ~he C~.°ty cox~s~cle~ ~~~e~~r~g ~,n~o ~he ~~eld o~' ~nspec°~~on o~' mob~le homes w~°~h~n ~he ~i~°y, by ~a~~ry ~o~ces o ~~~er ~ou~c~l d;~~cuss~on, ~°t was ctgreed °~~a~ °~`he ~~°~y Adm~~~s~~~t~o~ ~ev~evr °~h~s recommendct~tion and va~ite °to sever~l c~,~~es ~nr~~ch r~o~nr c~o ~~e~~ owr~ ~r~spec~~.on and ~repor~t back °to the ~ourxc~~ ~ p~io~ °~o ctny ac~~on be~ng °~~,~eno REGEIPT" OF PROPOSPbLaS ON ENGITV~ERING 0~' PROPOSED R"~ 0 4 q ~'AIR OAKS EXT° e Adm~n~.s~~a°tox ~utc~ ~ev~e~nrecl a~epar°t da,~ed December 10°th, 1968 from °the D~rec~o~ o~ Publ~c Wo~l~s ~nr~a~cl~ adv~sed ~hc~°~ proposezls had been ~eceived ~~om ~~~ren eng~z~eer~r~g ~~~ms fo~ eng~nee~~r~g se~v~ces for °the des~gn of Fc~„~~ Oa}cs .~.v~o Ex~ens~on~ Rou~te 4m Represen~ta°t~ves from some of ~t~e Eng~raeer~ra,g ~"i~ms wae~°e p~eser~°~ a,r~d adv~sed °~~c~.t °they vaould be ava.~lable ~o~ ~ur~t~e~ d~scuss~on~ ~}~e ~ouz~c~l des.~~edo A~°ter Counc~l d~scuss~on~ ~aas ag~~ed t1~a~ a s~udy sess~o~a be held Monday Evening, at 7:00 PoMo ~ Deceari~e~ ~6°~h~ 19~8, ~o~ °k}ze pu~pose o~° rev~ewing °the seven enga~rzee~°,~xag p~o~~sa~s ~ece~v~d ~°or Rou~e 4, ar~d ~he D~~ec°tor of 1'ubl~c Works ~r~,s ~e~ues~ed ~o ex°~°~~~d ~h~s mee°~~.~go PROGRESS REPOR~' m LOPE~ WA°TER SUPPLY A p~og~ess ~°epo~~ ~or ~~e mon~~ o~ O~°~obe~9 ~968~ r~as ~e~e~.ved ~rom °the San Lu~s Ob~spo ~oun°~y ~'~ood Go~°~~ol arad Wa°ke~ Consexva~~.on D~st~~.ct and was ~~~r~e~aa~d ar~d o~de°~ed ~~l~eda RECEIP`~ OF` MINIT~'ES OF~ ~°I-TE COUI~T~'Y WA`~ER RESOLTRCES ADVIS012Y COMM o MEE°TING M~nu~tes o~ °~he Coun°ty Wa°~e~ Resou~ces A.dv~so~y Comm~°ttee°s mee°ting for IVovember 6°t}~q 1968, t~re~°e ~ece~ved a.r~d d~scussed by fi}ae Council and orde~ed ~~led, PROGRESS REPOR~" - SOU'~I SLO GOiJ1V~"Y SANI~°P~~°~ON DISTRI~~' ~Cop~es of ~~e C~ie~ Plan~ Ope~a.to~ a s Repo~t ~o~ ~]-ie month of Novem- be~, 1968, wre~e ~ece~ved by ~~e Council, d~.scussed and o~clerecl f~led, RESOLU°~ION AND D~SCUSSTON ON ~I°~T'Y~WIDE SEWER D~S°~'RI~°T °Th~s ~tem ~aas held ove~ °to ~t~ae r~ex~ mee~~ng, u~ °t~e ~ec~uest of G~°ty Adm~n~s°t~ato~ Butch, as adv~sed o~h~~ ~tems, such as includ~ng areas ou°ks~de o~ ~h~ ~~°ty ~re~e s~~~l be~rag ~ev~ew~red ~~d cons~cleredm INF'ORMAL PROGRESS ~2EPOR°~ ON SA1V I~UIS HARBOR DIS°~a B~ 1VEWELL ST°RO'~HER As ~°e~ues°~ed by Mea.yo~ lniood, M~a Ne~r~l~, ~nTm S°~~o°the~, ct Gomm~ss~oner of ~he San I~u~s Ha~bo~ D~ s°~~°~.c~ ~ v~l°lo ~nrexs p~~ser~~ ~ b~ief ly summa~~zed °t}~e pas°k p~og~ess made or~ ~~.e ]~~.~bo~ and ~ras~~lla°~~o~s and ou°tlined the proposed ul~~ma°~e deve~opm~n°~ o~ ~he b~ea~,a~~~~, ~I CI°I'Y COUNCIL DECEMBER lOTH, 1968 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALTFORIVIA PAGE 4 RELEASE OF AL,L CLoATMS REm D.~MAGE ~O EQLTIP, ~ASOT~INE IN DIESEL °TANKS Admin~s°trator Bu°tch adv~.sed tha~ c~amage twas causecl to Ci°ty equip- ment by gccsoline being placecl ~n the d~esel ~uel tan]~s by m~.stake, etnd a Release of All Claims ~n °the amoun~ of $3,219e37 had been received ~'rom °the General Adjustment Bu~eau, Ince , va~o ~aould, upon recea~p°t of °the execu°ted claim forr~ra~d °~o °the ~n~u~ance carr~e~ for R,M, Wnbbel and/or A°tlan°tic Richf~eld, ~or payment ~o ~~e ~~ty ~o~° s~~.d daarengee Af°ter Gounc~l d~scuss~on, on mot~on o~ ~our~c~lanart Sc~legel, seconded by Gounc~lman Sm~~~9 and unar~~mously c~irr~~c~, ~he Mc~yor and C~°ty Clerk wvere au°tho~~.~ed ~o execu°~e a Rele~s~ o~ R~ 1~la~ms ~r~ ~he amoun°t of $3,219,37a SLO COUI~IT°Y DEVELOPNfE1V°T ASSO~IAT'ION p INC o~OO~C~,E~` l~dm~n~s°tra°tor ~utc~a d~s~r~bu~ed °~o ~~ae ~ounc~l, ~op~es of a Booklet publa.s}aed for ,°the Snn Lu~s Ob~spo Caur~°~y Dev~lopznent Assoc~a.°~?.ons Ince NO`~IF°ICA`TION O~' CORREC~I`ION OF I30USE NUM~ERING Admin~strato~ ~u°tc}~ adv~sed, as .in~orma°~ion or~~y, tha°t t]-ie Planning D~rector had repor°ted ~ha°~ °the Pl~r~~~ng ar~cl ~uilcl~rzg Departmen°ts vaere correc°t~ng ]~ouse numbers ~n ~he subd~v~sion~ wes~ of Elm Stree°t, north and south ot °I"he Pi}~e cind connect~o~ va~~h °~he reraam~r~g of 24°th nnd 25°th S~ree~s, nnd t~aa~t the co~~ec~ aauinbe~s raould be ~orwarded °to the proper°ty ow~e~s the early pa~~ o~' ~969, w~°kl~ c~~s e~~ec~k~.~re date of 30 to ` 60 days later °to ena,bl~ ~hem °ko prope~ly r~o°t~~y all o~ °~k~e~r cor•respori- dentso LE°T°TER ~°ROM AR°THUR GAREY RE m PROPOSED ZONI~i~ ORDTNANCE Correspondence tnras ~ec~a,ved ~~om Mrm P~~thur ~a Gei~ey, 124 Wo Branch S°t, , da°ted Decembex 10°th, 1968, suggest~.n~ t~a°t a sample pos°tcard poll be mnde °to determ~ne i~' °t}~e proposecl zon~ng orcl~nance has v~r~.de public understand~r?g ctnd accep°~ancee °There ~aas no ac~a.on taken at th~.s °time as the publ~c hea~ing for the p~oposed ~on~ng o~d~nance ~ncl map had al- ready been held ancl closed. MAYORS MEET'ING Z'0 BE HELD J~INUARY 8, 1969 e Mayo~ Wood adv~sed °that °the Mayors mee°ting would be held on Wednes- day, January 8th, 1969, in Sctn Luis Obispo and Coun°ty-w~de Volunteer Purchasing would be discussed. • ADJOURNMEN'T Z'O EXECU°TIVE SESSTON On mo°tion of Gouric~.lman Schlege~~ seconded by Gounc~lman Levine, and unanimously carr~.ed, °the meeting r~vas a.cljourned a°t 9,23 P,M, °to an Execu°tive Sessa.on ~or the purpose of d~scuss~r~g personnel p~roblems, RECONVENMEN°T OF GOUNCTL The Cour~c~l ~econvened at 9m55 PoMo ~ram ~xecu°tive Sess~on andHa7~1 members were presen°t as shovan on roll call. ADJOURNMEN°T On mo°tion of Councilman Sc}~le~el, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unan~mously ca~xied, °the mee°k~ng r~aas ad~ou~ned a°t 10:00 P<M, to 7:00 P,Ms, December 16°th, 1968s ~ . ~ s ~ l~°T°TEST° : ~ ~ ~°,f'. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , - CI CLERK _ MAYOR`'