Minutes 1968-12-23 99 CI°TY COUNCI~ DECEM~ER 23RD~ 196$ ARROYO GRANDE~ CAI~IFORNIA 7:30 PoMo ~he C~ty Gounc~l met ~n ad~ourned regular sess~on w~th Mayor Wood pres~dingo Upon roll call, Councilwoman °I'hompson, Counc~lmen Levine, Schlegel ~nd Sm~th reported presen~o PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANGE A1VD INVOCATION M~yor Wood led the Pledge o~ Alleg~ance ~o our ~lag; and ~mmed~~ ately thereaf~er, Reverend S~~nley Durhams o~ ~he ~~rs~ Southern B~pt~st C~urch o~ Grover C~ty9 del~vered the ~nvocat~one APPROVAL OF' MINU°TES The minutes of t}ae regular mee°t~ng of Decembe~ lOths 195~ and the adjourned regulccr r~~e°~ing of December 16~h, 1968g were approved as pre- paredo APPROVAL OF" VITARR.~NT'S On mo~~,on of Counc~lwoman T'hompson, seconded by Counc~lman Levirie, and unan~mously ~~.rr~eds Gene~a.l Warrants 1Vo. 486 °~o and includ~ng Nao 514, in ~he to°tal amoun°t of $~2~393072; P~.yroll V~la~rants Noa 755 °to and ~nclud~ng Noo 8090 ~n the to~al amount of $10,004000 and °Trust and P~gency HT~,rrants No. 68$ to a.nd includ~ng Noe 712, ~n the °to~tal amount af $356030, were approved and ordered pa~d. DISCUSSION ON PROPOSED AREAWIDE RECREA°TION DIST'RICT° Adma.n~stra°tor Butch rev~ewecl that at ~he jo~.nt meet~ng between the You°th Foundat~.on Board of D~x°ec°tors, the City Councils, and the Luc~.a Mar School Distr~ct, held on Novembe~ 20~h, 196F3, ~t had been sugges°ted tha~t °two represen~tat~ves be appo~n°ted to act as a Comm~ttee on behalf of our C~ty, Mc~yor VAood appoin~ed Counc~lman Smith as °the Counc~l rep~esentat.~ve to attend Areaw~de Recreat~on D~.s°tr~ct meet~ngs ccnd •requested Cha~rman °Talley appo~.nt a representat~.ve from °the Parks and Recreata.on Commiss~on. REQUES°T F'ROM GALIF°, COMMISSION ON AGING RE: CIT'Y LIAISON Adm~n~stra°tor Butch read a letter rece,~ved from °the Execu°tive D~rector of the Gali~ornia C ommiss~.on on Aging requesting °that ~the Mayor designa°te a person to ac°t as a l~a~son between the Gommission and °the Ci°~y Council a.nd who would be the rece~ver o~ all material and programs regard~ng °~ha.s C omm~ss~ona After Gounc~l discussion, on mo°~~on of Councilma.n Smith, seconded by Counc~lman Schlegel, and unani- mously carr~.ed, Ci°ty Admina.s°~ra°tor Butch was appo~nted as l~a~son be- °tween °the Cal~,forn~cc Gommission on Ag~ng and °the Gounc~l to receive all ~nf°o~mat~on regard~ng this Comm~.ss~on and f'orward same to °the per- son or departmen~ °to wh.~ch applies, NO°TICE FROM WEST°ERN UNION 'TELEGRAPH GOe REo RA°TE CHI~NGES C~ty Adm~.nistrator Bu°tch adv~sed, as informa°t~on only, °kha°t no°tice had been rece~ved from Western Union eI°elegraph Coo tha°t appl~cata.on had been made to °the Public U°t~li°t~es Comm~.ss~on to ~ncrease their rates. AGGEP°TANCE OF DEED F°ROM SMI°TH RE~MOBILE HOME PARK 1210 FARRELL RDo Adm~nis°trator Butch advised tha°t ~n conjunc°tion w~.th a proposed Mobile Home Park at 1210 Farrell Roacl~ the Plann~.ng Comm~.ss~on had recommended °tha°~ a 15 foot r~.gh°t of way ~or road pu~poses be deeded °to °the Ci°ty and the Counc~l accep°t sa~.d cleedo After Gounc~.l eliscus~- sion, on mot~on of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Sm~°th and unanimously carr~.ed, that °the Grant Deed from John To Sm~°th and D~mple D, Sm~°ths husband and w~.fe, as jo~nt tenants, be accepterl by t~e C~.°ty upon presentat~on, and tha°t °the Mayor and C~ty Clerk be au°th- orized °to sign the Cert~f°~cate of Acceptance for °the City, and that the deed be recorded. ' ACCEP°TANCE OF' DEED F'ROM GAYNOS RE: MINOR SUBDIVISION NOo 68~91 Admin~strato~ Butch adv~sed that ~.n conjunct~on ta~°~h M~nor Sub- d~v~sion Gase Noo 63m91, adjacen°t to B~isco Road on L~nda Dr~ve, the Plann~.ng Comm~ssion had recommended °tha°t a 20 foo°t r~.gh°t of way for road purposes be deeded to °the City and the Counc~.l accept said deed, After Counc~l d~.scuss~on, on mot~on of Counc~.lman Sm~t~, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, ~that the Grant Deed ~°rom Nicolaus Ga,ynos and Loris S. Gaynoss husband and va~fe, be accept- ed by °the C~ty and tha~ the Mayor and C~ty Clerk be authorized °to s~.gn °the Ger°ti~~.ca~e of Acceptance for °khe Gi°ty, and ~hat the deed be re- corded. ~ CI°TY COUNCIL DECEMBER 23RD~ 1968 ARROYO GRANDE O CP,I~IF°OR1V IA PAGE 2 RECOMMENDA'TION ~°ROM PLAN, COMM, REa HIGHWAY 10~. AS SCENIC HIGHWAY Adminis°tra°tor Bu°~ch brie~°ly rev~ewed p~~.or d~scuss~on regard~.ng highways in Arroyo Grande be~ng des~gna°ted as Scen~c Hig~ways and °that the Planning Gommiss~on had recommended th~ Counca.l request the State to conduct a study to off~.cially qual~fy H~.ghway 101 ~n Arroyo Grancle as a Scen~c Highwayo After Counc~.l d~scuss~on, ~~.~y A°ttorney Sh~.psey read °the ti°tle o~" a Resolut~.on regctrd~.ng H~.g~`vay 101 be~ng des~gna°ted as a Scen~c H~ghway, thereaf~er a mo°t~on vaas inade by ~ouncilman Levine, seconded by Counc~lvaoman ~'hompson~ and unan~mously carr~ecl, °to d~.spense va~.th rec~cl~ng the balance of th~s resolut~ono RESOLU'TION NO o 810 A RESOLU°TION O~' °THE GI~ ~OUPT~IL OF °THE CIT°Y OF° ARROYO GRP~NDE REC~IJEST°I1VG ~°HE ~ALIm F°ORNIA S~°1~Z'E DIVISION OF° ~iIGHWP~YS TO CON~ DUC"T A S°TUDY IN ORDER TO O~FIGIALLY QiJALIF°Y HIGHWAY 101 1NI°~HI1V Z'HE CI"1'~ 0~' ARROYO GRANDE AS A SGE1V IG HI GHWAY o On mo°t,~on of Gounc~.lman I.aev~ne, seconded by Councilwoman °Thompson, and on °the follow~.ng roll call vote~ to ~n?itn AYES: Couricilvaomccn °Thampson, Councilmen Levine~ Schlegel, Sm~tla and Mayor Wood o NOESm None ABSEN~' o None the forego~ng Resolu°t~on was passed and czdop°~ecl th~,s 23rd day of Decem- ber, 1968, REPOR°T & RECOM o RE m COAS°I°AL VALLEY PLAN o GOUNC IL AGREEMEN°T ~ BYLAWS Adm~nistra°tor Butch briefly rev~.ewed copies of °the propased Goast- al Valley Plann~.ng Counc~.l's join°t powers agreemen°t a~d bylaws and adv~sed the P1ann,~ng Comm~.ssion has recommended the Gity Gouncil adopt the joint powe•rs agreements A~ter Gounc~l discussion, ~t was agreed to hold °this matter over un°t~l the agreement was rev~ewed by the Ci°ty At°to•rney and °tha,~ °the Ci°ty Admin~strator d~rec°t a le~°te•r °to °the Chair- man of ~he Goas°~al Valley Plann~ng Counc~.l comm~.t°tee, reques°t~ng speci- fic ~.nforma°tion, such as proposed projects, budget f~.gures and the pro- posed d~rec°t~on o~ °the organ~za°t~ono PROGRESS REPOR°T m SOU°TH SLO COUIVT°Y SANIZ'A°~ION DIS°TRICZ' Cop~.es of the South Scan Luis Ob~spo Gounty San~tat~on Distr~ct's Sewer Hookup Report ~or °the per~od of ~uly llth, 1968 ~o and ~nclud- ~.ng December 4th, 19C8, were rece~,ved by ~he Gounc~l~ d~scussed and ordered ~~ledo ~ QU1~R°TERLY REPOR°T ON SALES P~ND GIGARE°TTE °TAX REVENUE Adm~ra~st~°a°tor Bu°tch subm~°t°ted a Progress l~epor°t on Salex Tax Revenue and C~gure°tte °Tax Revenue, arad no°ted °tha°~ there was a 26% in- crease over °~he same per~.od last year o REPOR°T REa COOPERATIVE PURCHASING OF GASO~INE BY PUBLIC ENTI°TIES Adm~.n~;s°trator Bu°tch rev~ewed a~7o~.nt Agreement Contract Petroleum Produc°~s repor°t rece~ved ~rom °t}ae County Purchas~ng Agen°t which listed the results of ~he Inv~tat~on °to B~.d 273m69, as ~t pertains °to °the G~°~y, as follows. Regula~ Gasoline She11 0~1 Company o204 per gallon Prem~um Cc~soline Shell O~1 Company ,229 per gallon D~esel F°ue~ - Hancock Oil Company o1215 per gallon ~ CI°TY COUNGIL DECEMBER 23RD, 195:8 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF'ORNIA PAGE 3 PARKS & REC , COMM, REGOMMENDA°TION RE : ELM & ASH S°T, SE°T°TLING BASIN Adminis°tra°tor Butch reviewed a repor~ from the Pa•r}cs and Recrea- tion Commiss~on, tha°t a~ °~heir regular mee°t~ng o~ December 18th, Chairman Talley ~.ndica°ted tha°t several ne~ghbo~s ~n °~he vicin~.ty of Elm and Ash Streets had expressed concern about °the unprotected con- di°tion of the settling and elebris basin, ancl after cla.scuss~on, °the Comm~ssion unan~mously vo°ted to express tha.s concern to the Counc~l to de°termine if steps could be taken to somewrhat protect °the areao After Counc~l d~.scussion, Adm~nis°trator Bu°tch was reques°ted °to hcxve °the Direc°tor o~' Publ~c Works review the pond~.ng bas~.ns ancl submi°t a repor~t and recommendat~on a°t °the next Counc~l meet~ngo ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Smith, seconded by Counc~lman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, °the mee°t~ng was adjourned at 8:06 P,M, A°TT°ES°I' ~ ~ ~-~2'f~~:'.~e%a~.- .~~.z~- ITY CLERK MAYOR ~ .