Minutes 1969-01-14 ~ CITY COUNCIL ~ANUARY 14~~, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE B ~P,LI~°ORI~IIA °1'}ae ~~~y Counc~l a~e~ ~n regula~ sess~or~ w~~}~ Mayo~ Vlloocl p~es~d~.ngo Upon roll call~ ~ounc~,~~oman °~orngson, Gou~c~lm~r~ Lev~nea Schlegel ~nd Sm~.~h repor~ed p~ese~a~a PLEDGE OF AI,L,~~I~1NCE ~3IVD ~NVOCA'~IOI~i M~yor 4Vood led ~}~e Pl~clge o~ P~l~eg~ance ~o ~~xr ~lag~ ancl ~mmed~a~ely °ther~a~~era Reve~ea~d Ron~~c~ B~~ndla~a o~ ~he ~~~s°~ B~p~~s°~ C~urc]~ o~ l~~~oyo G~~ndea del~ver~d ~}~e ~n~r~~~.~t~or~o l~PPRQVI~LL 0~ MIIVU°L`~S "The m~r~ute~ o~ ~lae ~cl~ou~n~c~ regu~a.r ~ess~on of De~ember 23~ ~9~8~ ~nre~e c~pp~oved as pr~parecl a APPROVAL OF' WAR13R~1°~S On mo~~on o~ Counc~lvaoin~n `?'~-zoznpsnn~ seconcl~cl by Counc~lmecn Lev~ned ancl una~imous~y ca~~~~da General VITa~~an°Fs Noa 5~,~ ~o and ~n~~ud~.ng Noo 5~9, ~n ~}ae to°~al ~moun~ of $2b~~~2e97 ar~d P~yro~~ DITa~~ants Noo 810 °to and ~n~~ud~ng Noo 888~ ~n ~l~e ~o~~l ~,mo~n~t of $12~289o34a vvere app~oved and o~dered pa~do LE°TTER ~ROM ~EN~°RAL ~A~~~ o~OMMCTN':I~A"~ION CORP o R~ ~ PROGRAM~F° o C a~ ~ GHlA1~1~ES P,rlm~n~.strato~ ~~x~ch adv~sed9 a~ ~n~ormat~on on~y, ~~x~~ a lette~ ~~d been ~ece~vecl ~rom ~h~ ~~ra~r~~ ~al~~o~rn~a ~ommcxn~ca~~ons Corpora°~~.an, ~nform~ng ~~e ~~ty of p~og~amm~ng ~~d ~'o ~ o ~ o ~}aanges o T°REASURER" S REPOR~' F°OR °~iE MO1V'~H O~' DE~EMB~p ~~68 . Admin~s~~a~o~ ~u~c~ ~dv~s~c1 ~~a~ ~ll-ie ~°~~~su~e~"s Report ~or ~he mon°~~ o~ De~embera 1968 has n~°~ been camp~.~~ted ~~~s ~~mea and vaould be p~esen~ed a~ t~e nex°~ inee~~r~go DEP1~R~`~IEI~I°TA~ R~POR"L ~OR °~H~ MON°LT3 O~ DECEMBER9 ~~~8 ~}ae Depar°~men°~ct1 Repo~~ ~o~~~~~ xnor~~h of December~ ~968, tivas ~em ce~ved by Counc~l arnd o~de~ecl ~~]Ledo ~ourxc~l,m~r~ Sm~.~h re~uested °~h~,~ ~as °~}}-~e ~~nro se~~~oz~s o~ IVewpo•r°~ Av~ o~rere no~a uncler m~no~ ~epa~r ~ °~ha~ ~he poss~b~~~°~y o~ c~os~ng ~}ae eas~erly ac~ess ~o ~he lower sect~on for safety pu~po~es b~ coxas~de~edo P~~~er Counc~l discuss~on, Adm~n~s~ram °~o~ ~u~~h tnr~.s reques~ed ~o make a. s~udy of ~he eas°~erly a,ccess connectm ~ng ~h~ ~~ao sec~~,oras o~ Nevapo~t P~ve o and ~her e r~rere no obj ec~~ons by the va~~ous ~~~y d~~~~men~s~ ~~a°~ ~}~~s a~cess b~ ~~osedo RE~EIP'~ OF° QiJA~t~ERL~ NEV1iSLE°T'°TER OF CI°~°X OF ARROYO ~RAIVDE Aclm~n~s°~~a°~o~ Bu°~~la d~s°~~i~u°~ed ~op~es o~ ~he Quart~rl,y 1Vews~e~te~, 1iV~n°te~ 1969 Ed~~~on, c~~ ~lJ-ze C.~°~y Ar~oyo ~rnr~deo RESOI~U"A IOI~ ~iO~ZpRING RE"~TRT~VG SUP~RVISOR ~RED C o KIMBALL ~i~y A~~o~ney S`h~psey ~e~sd ~ r~~o1u°~~on ~,~i commenclat~on o€ County . Superv~so~ ~recl Co TC~mbccll ~nrho ~s ~e~~r~ng ~h~s yeare RBSOT~U~ION NO o 811 1~ ~2ESOLIJ~IO~V OF` "~"F~E GI'T'S~ COUNCT~ O~" `~HE CIT'Y OF` ARROYO GRANDE IN COMMEIVDA°TIO~I 0~ COtJN°TY SiJPERVIS01~ F'RED C a KIM~LL, Ox~ mo°~~.on o~ Courxc~lman Lev~neo se~onclecl by Couz~~~ltaoman ~ompson, ~xnd on ~~e follot~v~ng ro~l call vo~eq ~o ~nr~to A~ES m ~ounc.~lr,aoman '~~ompson~ Coun~i~mer~ Lev°ir~e~ Schlegel~ Sm~.°~Ia ~a~d Mayox VVood a ~VOES o 1Vone o .~BSE~I~' o IVone o the ~o~~going Resolu~~oa~ tiaas pass~d and a.dop°~ed ~~~s ~,4t~a day o~ ~7anuarya :~96~ o FtEPOR~' ON Ti~~`'~~1LI.~,°TIO1V O~° S`T~tEE~' I~IGH~"S I~V ~RAG"~ ~31 WTLLOW PARK) Adm~~a :~~~°a°~~~ Bu~ch ~ev~.~~ed °~hc~~ ~e rac~.d ~ece~ved °two separate re~ e~~~e~°~s ~E,~_<- s~r. e~°~ l.a~~l~°~.~ng ~n '~~ac°~ 131 ancl a~°~e~ a s°~udy, Pac~~'~c Gas and E1~,u~;~~~ Coznp~ny ]had ~°e~oznm~nded 10 ~~.gh°~~, wh~cl~ waas lcxtex cut dov~rn ~~x, and °~}ae ~r~s°~a~l.a°~~on o~ ~hese sa~x l~gh°~s ~xad been commenced _.~.~,de~ ~h~ ~o~ma1 s°~~ee°~ ~~~h°~ ~ns~al~a~~on p~°ocedu~eo Adm~.n~s°tra°~or ~utch advised ~he s~~~~~ 1ig3°~~ ,~ns°~a~.lat~.or~ had beer~ ~~opped, af°~er 1~3 CITY COUNCIL ~ANUARY 14~H, 19b9 ARROYO GRANDEa CALI~ORNIA PAGE 2 lights had been installed on exis~ing pmles at both dead ends of Wood~ land Drive and two lights ~nstalled a~ Parq~~o Ve~de Park~ af~er res~~ dents protested the ~nstallat~on, Seve~al res~dent~ o~ the tract were present and protested the stree~ l~ghts and objected t~ the pla~n wood poles and overhead wiringe A£ter ~ounc~l d~~cuss~on, ~t was ag~~ed ~~a~ two ornarnen~a~ poYes and underground w~r~ng for th~ ~wo s~r~e~ l~g~~s at Pa~q~~o Verde Park be considered for the 1969-~0 Budge~ and ~h~~ a~t~r costs are obta~ned fo~ ornamental poles, w~~h and ~~~hou~ underground w~r~ngs ~rom P~ci~~c Gas and Electric Company, that ~~e res~d~n~s be so adv~sed of ~he costs ~or ~heir determinat~on ~n co~~ par~~c~pat~on ~or su~~ ornamental pole ~ns~allat~on and w~r~ng no~ normal~y ~nstalled, ~or the ~wo l~ghts ~o be ~nstalled in the m~ddle of ~he blocks on V~rg~n~a Dr~ve and W~llow Lcxne wh~ch are necessary ~o~ publ~c sa~e~ya RESOLUTION REm EXISTING INEQUITI~S IN ASSESSING & TAXING OF REAL PROPe Adm~n~strator Bu~ch adv~sed t~a~ a~esolu~~o~ ~ad been ~ece~ved from the Gity o~ Ma~ysvillee encou~ag~ng o~~ S~ate Leg~slature ~o ~e~ v~se or amend ~nequ~t~es in the laws o~ ~~e S~ate pe~ta~n~ng ~o a~sess~ ing and taxing of real proper~y~ and t~e Cit~ of Marysv~l~e was rem questing ~h~s City's support for the new ~egislat~ona A~~er Gounc~l d~scuss~on, on mot~on of Couri~~~~om~n ~~ompson~ seconded by Counc~~man Lev~ne9 and unan~mously car~~ed, ~~t~ A~~o~ney Sh~psey wa~ d~rec~ed to prepare a Resolut~on to our ~eg~sla~u~es ~egard~ng revis~ng or amendm ~ng ~nequ~t~es ~n State l~ws pe~~~a~n~ng to a~sess~ng and tax~ng of ~eal propertye INFORMAL PUBLIG HEARING RE: PROPOSED FS ZO~ING (S0, ~RAFFIC WAY Administrator Butch briefly rev~ewed that Mro Robert Knotts had requested that h~s property on Soa ~~af~~c Way rema~n H~g~way Serv~ce Zon~,ng, and tha~ at ~he Counc~l's request he had sen~ not~ces to the 29 p~operty owners o£ 41 parcels ~n ~he H~ghway Serv~ce Zone ~hat ~s proposed F`reeway Serv~ce 2on~ng ~n the area southerly of Valley Road on Trnff~c Way request~ng tha~ these people attend th~s meet~ng in order for the Counc~l to obta~n an ~nd~cat~on o£ their pre~erence ~n re gard to this ~on~ng, Administra~or Butch also noted that a compar~~ son of the H-S and F-S Zoning hnd been sent to the property owners to make them fully aware of the ex~s~~~g and p~oposed 2oningo A peti~ion s~gned by seven ~am~l~es and one le~ter was received objectin~ to the proposed ~~S Zon~ng, P~esent ~ere Mro Wallace Barr~ Mro Claude Devereaux speak~ng fo~ h~msel~ and M~, Don Madsen~ who wns not presen~s Mra Emet B~ddle~ Mro Lo So Mart~n, 115 Al1en Sta, M~o Albert Cattor~~ Mrm Ve~di M~lls, Mro ~o Wo °~ompson and Mrso ~ohn Barrios, 106 A~len S~reet who spoke ~n ~avor of the ~~ghway Serv~ce ~oning ~emaini~gm Mr, Ra~ Lo~ds ~24 ~ra~~~c Way was p~ese~t ~nd spoke ~n ~avor of the proposed Freeway Serv~ce ~on~ngo After Counc~l d~scuss~on~ on motion o~ Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Lev~ne, and unan~mously carr~ed~ ~hat the proposed Zoning Map be amended to designa~e H~ghway Se~v~ce Zon~ng for t~at property on Soo Traf~~c Way sou~h of Valley Road and Al1en S~ree~ that was pro- posed as F`reeway Serv~ce, MAYOR WOOD DEGI~ARED A RECESS AT 8e34 P,M, SESSION WAS RESUMED AT 8m36 PeM, WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT AS S~OVAN ON ROLL CALL, RE~ORT RE: ENFORCEMENT 0~ CI"I'Y CODE SEC~ION 9~4,2505 SIGNS IN CoBaA, Adm~nistrator Butc~ rev~~wed a repo~t f~om Planning D~rector ~,llop dated January 14th, ~969 wh~ch nated that when Ord~nance Noo ~ CoS~~ regarding the Cen~ral Bus~ness Distr~ct, was adopted, ~here we~e no object~o~s made at any o£ t~e Publ~c Hearings; ~hat 22 s~gns were c~eated non-con£orming w~~h th~ adopt~on o£ the ord~nance and as o~ January 3~d, ~969, signs st~ll rema~ned non~conform~ng and no~~ce was given by cer~~f~ed m~~l ~o co~~ect the signs by ~anuary 13, 1969 as th~ matte~ would be xe£erred to ~he C~~y Counc~l on January ~4th, 19~~ M~a Harlan Ram~g~, Ar~oyo L~quox Store; Mr. A~t Me~qu~t, Mesquit°s Furn~ture; Mre Pernenberg, represent~~g ImOoOaFo Ha11s Mro Johnson, V~llage Cafe; M~a Duane Ash~on, ~a~p~ and Duane's; were present and C~°~ COUNCIL ~JA1VLTl~RY 14~'~i, 19C9 P~RROYO GRANDE a CALI~OI~IVIP~ P11GE 3 objec~ed to be~.ng ~equ~.~ecl ~o meev °~}~e o~d~~a~ce ~e~u~~esnea~ts as ~hey fel°t ~}~e~~ ex~s~~x~c~ ~~.gx~s r~rer~ no~ de~k~~a~en°~a1 to °~~e ~erz~ral Bus~ness D~str~~~ o Mr o l~nd~°e~ra D~,v~cl and D~ o~7~~1~ Pence ~nre~~ p~esen~ arxd spoke ~.n favor of the nor~~con~o~in~ng s~,gns beirag cl~s~o~°~~nuec~ ancl ~~~efly •rev~.evaaed tha~ ~l~e Congress ~'o~ G'ommun~ty Prog~es~ c~nd ~~e As~~oyo Grancle Down~tov~vn Merchants P,ssoc~a~~on ~acl bo°~h recoinmex~clecl °~he s~.gn ~e~u~.~em ments as adopted ~n ~he o~c3~~ancem M~ro H~~~an R~gna~e ac~~r~secl ~hat he ~el°t as h~,s sign vaa~ ~ns~a~lerl under ~~~y ~p~c~~~c~°~~on~ ~k~~~t ~t sl~oulcl be allowecl ~o rema~n e~r~c~ ~~que~~ec~ ~he Cour~c~.~ ~ake rao act~orx a°t °th~s °~~me ~o nllo~,r la~m t~me ~o ~ecu~e counsP~ on ~~~s ma~ter o After ~ouncil discuss~or~, on rno~~on o~ ~oun~~lznan T~ev~ne, seconded by ~ounc~lvaomaza "I'hompson, and unan~mou~ly ca~~~ed, ~ha~ a 90 cl~y ex~ °tension be gran~ed ~xom ~~~s da~e ~or ~oanp~~a~~e ~r~~h the Mun~~~pal Code ~or non~con~o~m~ng s~gn~ :~n ~~~e ~~~~~a~ ~u~~ness Dis~~ic~9 and c~f°te~ sa~d 90 d~.y p~~a~od ~a~ °~e~~n~r~a~ecl, ~}a~ Counc~l shall en~o~ce sa~.d compl~ance as p~ov~ded fo~ ~n tlae Mur~~c~pa~ ~oci~, ~,nd ~,lso ~ha~ all ovaners of non~con~orzn~rag .~~.gr~s b~ ~o~.~~~ed o~' ~ct.~on by ~e~te~ o NO"TI~E FROM ST~AT°E ~OMP, INSIJ~~E ~UND RE o G~GE~ IN GO~IP a;B~N~FI"TS .~dm~n~s°tra~or ~u~ch ~c1v~~~d~ as ~r~~~~zna°~~or~ only, ~h~~ correspon~ d~nc~ had been re~~~ved ~~am ~h~ S~~°~e ~omp~~sa~~or~ Ir~s~~an~e ~°unc19 adv~s~ng of ~~an~es ~z~ vao~~Cxn~x~" s ber~e~~°~s a R~so~u~zoN ~u~rxo~rz~~~ ~o~:rr o~ s°r~~E~ sv~~P~~ ~M~Dms~~~~ $~rrx) City A~t°ko~ney S~a~psey e~d~risecl ~l~a+ °~h~ p~ov~s~ons of °~lze Gove~nm ment Code rec~u~res ~ha~ rxpprov~.:~ ~9~ bo~~ova~ng mone}r by a G~ty must be accompl~shed by adop°~~or~ o~ a. R~~o1u~~on, and ~ Resolu~ion ~aacl been prepared au~}~ox~z~ng the bo~ro~nr~~c~ o~ th~ ne~essary ~uncls ~o~ t~e pur~ ~~aase of a s~ree~ s~nreep~~o A,~tes~ ~orx~~~,~ d~scuss~.~z~, ~~~y 1~°ttorney S]-i~psey ~eac1 ~~e t~°~~~ o~ ~ Re~olu~~on a~~}~o~~.~a~r~g bo~rotnr~ng o~ money, ' t}-xerea~ter a mo°tion raas made by ~ounc~~~nrom~~ ~`~a.omps~n, secandecl by Councilman Lev~ne~ etncl unan~mously ca,~~~ecl, to cl~.spense ~r~~tl~ ~eacl~.ng the balance o~ °~h~s ~eso~u~~on~ RESOI~U'I°I01~1 NO a 812 RESOLU~'20N OF° ~°HE ~~'I"S~ COtJN~II.r 0~" °~'HE CI'I'S~ 0~ AFtR0~0 GRANDE AU°~HORIZING BORR041TIN~ OF" MONEY PU1~SU~1~ '~O ~OVERNMENT° ~ODE SECTION 53850, E°~ SEQo ~ On motion o~ Counca~lane~n Sc~al~gel ~~econdecl by Counc~lman Sm~.°th, and on the follornr~ng ro17~ ~al~ vo~~,~ ~o ~nr~~o AYESe ~ounca~l~nroanan '~l~ompso~9 ~ou~c~~..men Lev~r~e, Schlegel, Sm~°~h a,ncl 1ulayo~ Wo~d o NOESm Noneo ABSEPTZ' 0 1Vone e ~he ~orego~ng Re~o1u°t~on vacis passed ~n~l aclop~ed th~s 14°~l1 day of ~7anua~y, 196~0 NfOT°ICE O~° GH1~IVNEL DIVo ((~~LTPr~3"TERLY MEE~~NG~SP~N~"R MAR~Aq JAIViJAR~ 18, 1969 l~dm~n~stra°~or Bu~cl~ acl~r~sed ~ a~ ~,n~o~ma~~on or~1}r, t~a°t r~ot~.ce had been received ~rom ~~a~ ~haz~nel ~our~~~~s D~.v~s~on of° °the League o~ Calm ~forra~,c~ ~it~.es °tha°~ ~he ~uar~e~ly me~~~ng vaoulcl be ~eld ~n Sccn°ta Mar~a on ~Janua~y 18th, 19~Je ~rPOR°~ ON MAYO~S ° ME~'TZNG ~E ~ ~OOPEk~A~":~11E PURCHAS~NG ~ounc~lanan Letri~e~ ~epor°~ec1i ~ha~ t~e4City P,dm~r~~s°~~et~tor ctnd h~m- self had a°t°tended ~he Mayo~s ° anee°t~ng ~eld on 4~1~dnesc~~y, ~Tanua~y 8°~h, 1969, and several iz~tex°est~ng po~n~~ rnre~e da.s cussed •reg~~cl~ng ~oopera- °t~ve Purchas~ng but ~the~e r~ras no~h~ng de~~n~te to repo~t a~t °~h~s °~~.me o 24-TH S~To NAM~ ~HA~tGE~PROPOSED °aDEL SOT~~a S~°o~ ~ PU'B~TC I~EARfi1G 2~11~69 ~ C~°ty Adm~n~s~~~tor Bu~ch repo~°~ed t~a~k ~~Ze Plc~n~~ng ~omm~ss~on hets held a p~,a~l~c hea•r~ng on ~~e p~opos~d re~netin~ng o~' 24°~~ S°~ree°t ~to Del Sol S°t~e~t and ~the ~o~nm~ss~o~ ~eco~nin~ncls °~}ae Ci~y ~ounc~l proceed ~to o£fic~ally c`hange t7ae s~~~e~ rname ~o D~I So~ S~~ee°ko A~ter Counc~l d~scuss~on, a mo°~~an ~cts n~ade by ~ounc~~~tan S~n~°th~ secor~cled by Counc~lm man Schlegel, and u~ar~imous~y ca~°~°~ecl, ~~c~°~ ~ Pub~~c 1~eet~~ng be held cs~ 8~00 Polvio ~ F'eb~uc~~y 11~~' ~969 ~o~ °~}ae purpos~ o~ ~ons~cler~ng t~e re~ CITY COUNGIL JANUARY 14°TH, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 naming of 24th Stree°t, _ SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR REZONING ON IDE S°TREE°I° (PROUD)CASE NOo68-32 The Counc~l received a resolut.ion of °the C~°ty of Pbrroyo Grande` Planning Commission recornmend~.ng to °the C~°ty Council an amendment to the Munic~pcil Code by re~on~ng 7 parcels ~acing on Wh~°~eley S~reet and °the 8th proper°ty facing on Ide Stree~ from 1~m2 to R~3, as re~ ques°ted by the ctppl~cation subm~.°t~ed by Mre F°rank Proudo , Af~er Counc~l d~scuss~on, on mo~~on o~ ~ounc~lman Sm~~}~, seconcleci by Counc~lman 5chlegel; and unan~mously ca~riecl~ ~}~at a publ~c hear~.ng be set a~ 8000 PoM, F°ebruary llth, 1969 on the rezona~ng ~ppl~ca~~on subm~t°ted by M•r o F'rank Proucl. MUNICIPAL GODE AMENDMEI~i'~ ~~OIVTNG ORD, .~I~1D M~P m F'IRS~° READING Gity A~°torney 5h~psey read ~or ~ts ~~.rst read~ng, the t~°~le of an ordinance pe•rtain~ng to °the ~on~ng Ord~.nance cxncl Map, thereafter a mota.on v~ras made by Gounc~lm~n I~~v~nea seconded l~y ~oursc~lrnro3ncin T'hompson, and unan~mously carr~ed, ~o 'd~spense va~~h read~~ng ~he bcclance of ~hss ord~nancee ' PROGRESS 'REPOR°~ ON F°AIR OAKS EXT°ENSION ~ BRID~,E ~ PROa7EC~ NOe 90m68-1 Admin~s~rax°~or Butch brie~~y rev~etnred a S~reet Depctrtmen~ Project Report s da°~ed January 10~h, 1969, subm~.~°~ed by °~he Dire~~or of Publ~.c HTorks and noted t}-ie ~ollovv~ng p~°ogress ha.d been accompl~shecl on the proposed Fa.~,r Oaks Ave, Ex~en~~~no' Perm~ss~;on has been rece~ved from all a,~~ected prope,r°ties °to proceed w~°~1h survey and so~.ls inve~°~~gs~~ion; ~eratral C~as°t I,ctborato~y as curren~ly d~~ll~ng ~es~ holes for br~dge founda°~~.on ~nvestigation; the ~~e~k ~t•re~e necessary ;~or contour~ng for bx°idge study has been clecxred arad map of °the br~.dge area completed; ptoper~y survey wo•rk ~s unde•rwrr,ya approx~.ma°tely 10% completed and eight - of °twelve reques°ted title reports heive been rece~.ved, C~ty Eng~neer Gc~.r~rng briefly reviewed a m~.p o~ °t']ze bridge area tI~a~ he' had ~ompleted. Adm~,n~s~rator Butch rev~.~vved a cr~~~.ca.l path d~.~gram schedule subm~°t°ted by the Eng~neering Firm oaf Ullill.~ams, Scho°~~ and Stewar°t, which outl~ned the proposed progress for °the eng~n~er~ng o£ °th~s project and Adm~.n~stxator Butch adyised that the"Public kTorks Department had ~.ndicated a shorter time schedule would be more dessra.ble and °~he Eng~.neering Firm would be contcreted to determine 'i.f this would be possibl.ee ~E°T°TER RE: WORK CONDUC°TED AZ' BRTDGE SITE - PROJE~T NOo 90-68-1 Administrator Butch reviewed a le°tter rece~.ved from Mrs, Bernie Marqu~s, compla~.n3.ng abou°t the cond~~ion of vaork be~.ng carr~ed out at the Bridge Sa.te on Fair Oaks Exten~ion, ctnd advised the` Director ~o~ Publ~c Works h~.d repor-ted °~h~-t the burning tha~ had been done at the s~.te had been neces`sciry' and '°khat ra~n o~ runo~f ~n 'the creek should elim~nate'~he do~er ~racks'~n`~~e dis°tu~bed cree3c bot~om, AU°l'~iORIZE CP,LL FOR BTDS m F'LAT'BED DUMP ~"~2UCK - BID OPENING 2/10/69 Af~er Couri~~.l. discussioa~~ on mo~~on o~' Councilwoman Y~ompson, seconded by Counca.lman L~v~.ne, and unanimouslty carx~edg ~hat °~he call far b~.d~ ~~r th~ purchase Af a"Two °~on Fla~becl Dump °~ruc}e, a budgeted i°tem, be authori~ed, said b~.ds °~o b~ opened cx°t 2 n00 P,M, , February lOth, 1969, as re~uested by Di~ec°tor of Publ~.c VlTor~s Anderson. AUT°HORIZ£ CALL FOR BIDS-`~NO RADIOS FOR P,We D£PT°e-BID OPENING 2/1~/69 Af~er Council discuss~.one on motion o~ Counc~lman Smz°th, seconded by Counc~.lma.n Schlegel, and unanimously car~~ed, °~ha°t the call for bids fo?~ °~he purchase o~ °~wa radios for Publ~,c Wo•rks Depa~tmen°t trucks, b,l.~g~ted ~°tems, be au~t~or~.~ed; sa~d b3ds °~o be opened at 2:00 P.M,, ~'~b~uaxy 17°~h, 1969s 'a,s rec~ues°ked by D,~~ec~or o~ Pub~,~c Works Anderson, REQUES°T AU°THORTZA'TION ~0 k'ROGEED ON PHA,SE' NO. III ON CORP, YARD BLoDGeNOe 2 Adm~n~s°trator Bu~ch adv~.sed tha°~ Pk~ase No. III ~ons~s°ted of °~~e cons°truc°tion of s°~orage spa,ce ~aa~th~.n Bua.l.din~ ~To, 2 a°~ ~he Corpora~ion Ydrd, and af~er Council disc'ussion~ on mo~3.on of Counc3~man Schlegel, seconded'by Councilman Levine, ax~d unan~.mous~y car~zedp au~horization vaas g~ante~a to p~oceed wi°~h Phase No, ITI on Corpoara~t%oa~ Yard Building Noo 29 a budge~ed i~em, st~ reque~°ted by Dir~c°~or o~ Pub13c Works Anderson, ~ CI°TY COUNGTL ~7ANUARY 14°THa 1969 ARROYO GRANDE q CALIF ORNIA PAGE S PROGRESS REPOR°~ - LOPEZ WA°TER SUPPLY A progress ~epor°t for °~he mon~}~ of November, 1968, was rece~.ved from °~he San I.ou~.s Obispo Coun°ty Flood Con°~rol and Wa°ter ~onserva~t~on D~s°trict and was rev~ewed arad ordered filed, Adminis~~a°tor Bu°~ch adv~sed tha°k contrac~ks had been ~ece~ved by °~~e ~oun°~y o~ Sp,n Luis Ob~.spo ~or ~he D~.s°~r~bu°tion L~nes and T'rea,tm~rat P~,aza°t o REPORT° ON ZO1~E ~ F11Dt7ISORY COMMI'~~'EE MEE°~I1VG Dr. ~7ac]c Pence br~~fly reported or~ ~~e Zone 3 Adv~so~y Comm~~°tee Mee°tinc~ he ld on ~7ar~uary 9~tla, 1959 and cadv~s~d °~here had beer~ rao act~nn talcen o NOTICE F'ROM F°LOOD CON°~ROL DIS°~m RE ~ S~HEDULE OF' LOPEZ WAZ'ER DE~IVERY Adm~n~s°tra°~or Bu~ch advised °~~a°t a le°~°ter ~ad been ~e~e~vecl ~rom ~he Flood Gon°~ro~ Da~s°~~ic°t requesting ~1°~e C~ty~ s s~~edul~ o~ clelivery ~f water from the Lopez Projec°~ and a~te~ ~ouncil d~~cuss~on9 ~]~~.s i~em was held over c~t the rec~ues~ of Dzrecto~ o~ Publ~c Wo~l~so LE"T'~ER F"ROM DEP~`o OF PUBLI~ ~I~AL~°H RE ~ NI"TRAZ`E CONGEN"TRA"TION WEU~ NO o 5 _ Adm~n~s°k~ator Bu~c}z adv~sed, as in~o~°mcz~~.~an only, ~ha°t a le~°~ex had been rece~ved ~rom ~he S~ate of Cal~~orn~a" s Depa~°tmen~ of Publ~c Hea~.th w~°t}~ ~e~erence ~to ~he }~igh n~~tra°~e concen~~a°~ion ~n the ~~ty Well NoaS ancl t7~a~ Di~ec°~or o~ Publ~c Wo~]cs Anc~e~son h~d answrered °~he le~tter ~.n- dica°ting ~}~a~ WeI~ Noo 5 wou~d be used c~~ eme~gency sifiuat~on only, T~E°~"TER F°ROM REGe WA"I'ER QUALI'I`3~ ~ON"~ROL BOI~RD RE ~ NI°~'RA~'E IN GROIIND WA~'ERS ~Ldmin~s°k~~.~ox~ Butch advis~d ~ as ~,n~o~m~°~~on only, ~h~t a le~te~ had been rsce~.ved ~~om ~t~ie l~eg~ona~ Wa~e~ Qual~°~ty Con°~rol Boa~cl yvi~k}~ re~erm ence to high n~t~ate cor~cen°~~ation ~n grou~ad wa~e~s cxnd ~t~ey po~n~ °to ~~e problem o~ sep°~ic taz~k d~sc7~arges and ag~icu;l°ku~a:~ p~~a,c~~~es °~ha°~ c~rea°~e th~s p~obleme NOTICE OF' COUN~'X ~ITAT'ER RESOUR~ES ADVISORY GOMMI'T°~EE RE n LOP~Z T°OUR ° l~dmin~s°~ra~o~ Bu°tc~ «aV~s~a ~h~~ a no~~.~e ~ad b~e~ ~~ce~ved °~ha~t ~he County VlTater Re~au~~es A.dviso~y ~omm~~~ee will ~~ve a~ou~ o~ ~the Lope~ ~ Project on ~Tanua~y 21st rcxt~e~ °~]~an 3~avi.ng ~thea~~ ~egula~- mee°t~nge ` PROGRESS REPORT" ~ SOU`TH SL~O COUN°TY SANT°~A°TION DIS'TRIC°T Copies o£ tkae C~aief Pla~~t Opera~or's Report ~or the mon°th o~' December, 1958, were received by the Gounc~.l, discussed aind orde~°ed f'iledo REPORT' AND DIS~USSION ON CI`~Y Ii11TDE SEWER DIST°RIC~' Adm~r?~s~tra~or Bu~kch repox~ed ~ha~ ~.°k appe~.rs ~ha~ ~he Boa~d o~ Supe~°v~sors r~r~ll be ~the a.gency wa}a~c~ ~;a~~l carry ou°t ~he n~cessary act~on ( on °the' ~°o~matiora o~ a Sevae~ Assessmen°t D~s°~ric~' whick~ means ~ha~ ~he Counc~l woulda by resolu°kion, ~eques~ the Bocs~d o.f Supervisors to use °the 1915 Act and ce•r°t~in ot~°~e~ ~e~ua.remen~s ~ a.nd ~t~he Bo~.~d vaould ~hen act as the legislat~ve bocly ~n c~~~y,~ng a~°~ th~ °~otal pr~jec~t, M~e Bu°~ch also adv~secl °tha°t a rep~esen~ta~ive ~rom HoU,Do ~aould be 2n our area °to ~our sewe~° ~aca.li~~es on Jcxnua~y 17°t~, 19Ei9~ DIS~USSION ON WAS°TE MA"TERIAL MRS ~ AN'TOTNE"T'~E S"i""UR°TEVEN'~` M~so Anto~ne°tte S°~ur°kev~n~t r,~ras presen°t ~tnd rec~uested some ae~a~on be °~ak~n regarding °t~~.sh and vaaas~e ma.~er~al layxng on p~oper~ty in °the Poplar and Spruce S°treet a~e~„ Adzna.n~.stra~o~ Bu~c~ adv~sed °th~s ma°~ter ~ vaould be inves~~gated and ~he area clean~d up ~,fi poss~.bleo RESIGNA°TION OF' ~DDISON B~ G~i00D AS MAYOR Mayor V11ood read a prepa•red sta~ement °tha°t s~a°ked that a recen°t nev~s ~~lease has b~oug}~~t ~ox°°~h a~ec~~e~~mble a~nc~den°t w`Faich has reduced °~he :~~~f~dence o~ °k~~s Council in ]aa.s lsadersh~p ~,nd in °~he in°tsres~ o~ ha,~mony wait~ ~he ~ounc~~ and his ~-~sp~ct for ~his Goznxnun~.~y~ ~e turned . ~~e Mayorship ba.ck ~o tl~~ Counc~.~ ~or neva May~r to b~ selec~kedp al~ ~,a~~th h~s ~`u~l supp~r~ ~to ~°hs Courac~l"~ n~~a seleeta.ona 'Che sta~ement a~so la~s°ted accomp~~shm~xats made du~,i~g hi.s s~ven ye~,rs as a Gounc~lman a~d ~h~°~e and oz~e-1-~~'1~ years as ~h~ Ma}rar m Mayo~ Wood °~urned the meeting ` ov~~ °~o the G~°ty G~.~~ko C~.°ty Cle~k Ma".l:i ~r pl~.~ed T~ounc,i l M~mbers o~ c~n equal basa.~ and s~a~ed nom~ncz~t~oz~s ~o~ Mayor we~e z~o~n? op~nedm Gounc~lman Sm~~th moved ~o nozn~na~e J~ne R m '~l~oznpsan fo~ M~yo~ ~~ounc.~lznan Levir~~ mov~d °~hat nom~na~a~or~s be ~~o~ede °~"h~ ~ive ~ouz~c~~.. M~mb~xs ~h~n Ga.s~ t~e~~ vo~kes by secret ba~lo~ and Ja,ne Rm "~hompson w~s ele~~ed Mayo~ by un~n~mous vo~teo ~ ~ CI°I'Y COUNCIL JANiJARY 14T'H, 1969 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIF°ORNIA PAGE 6 Mayor Thompson declared nominations for Mayor Pro-°Tem were now openecl, Councilman Levine moved °to nomina°te Councilznan Schlegel for Mayo`r Pro~°Temm Mayor °Thompson moved that nomine~°t~ons be closed, Z'he f~ve Counc~l Members °then cast their vo°tes by ~ecret ballot and Calv~n ~Ie SchTegel was elected Mayor Pro-°Tem by uraanimous vote. APPRECIA°TION °TO ADDISON B. WOOD F°OR I~IS SERVICE °TO 'T°HE CI°d'Y AS MP~~OR Mayor T'hompson expressecl" app~ec~.a~~d~i ancl thanks to Councilman Waocl ~or his ded~cated serv~ce to the C~ty of Arroyo Grande, ' ADJOURNMENT On mo°t~on o~ Coun~~lman Sm~.th, seconded by Counc~lmcxn Sc}-ilegel, ctnd • ~ unanimously cc~rr~ed~ the mee°t~ng vaas adjou~ned at 10033 P.Me A°TTESZ': ~ . ; - . ~ . _ C, ?°C a,}~p r- , i , .