Minutes 1969-01-28 ~ ~ CITY .COUNCIL JANUARY 2~7C°H, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in rec~ular session with Ndayor 'I`Ya~rrdpson presiding. Upon roll call, Counc~lmen Schlegel, Lev~ne, Wood and Smith reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Thompson led the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag; and immediately thereafter, Reverend .~ohn W. Germaine, of the Bethel Baptist Church of Arroyo Grande, d~l~vered the invocatione APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Councilman Woodo seconded by Councilman Sch.legel, and unanimously carried, ~.he rn~nu-Ges o~ ~he regular meeting of January 14th, 1969, were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Counc~lman Le~inea seconded by Cou.ncilman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. 580 to and including No. 625, in the total arre.oun-~ of $40, 654.47, Payroll War~ rants No. 889 to and including No~ ~46, in the total amount of $10,280.57, and Trust and Agency Warraxats No. 713 to and includ- ing No. 722, in the total a.mount of $205.30, were approved and ordered paid. TREASURER' S REPORT FOR THE NdOI~TTH O~' DECEMBER, 1968 The Treasurer's Report for the month of December, 1968, was received by the Council ancl ordered ~iled. RESOLUTION RE: DIRECT PHONE DIALING BETWEEN SLO AND SOe COUNTY Administrator Butch advised ~.k~at a letter and resolution had been received from Grover City requesting the Council's support on the question of direct telepk~one dialing between San Luis Obispo and the South County area and noted t~iat this matter had been brought up by the Arroyo G.rande Cl~anlber o£ Commerce, and it appears that it would be feasible and gossibly very inexpensive. Mayor Thompson briefly review~d tYa.e telepl~one ra-~e changes for direct dialing to San Luis Obispo, and after Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a Resolution regarding direct dialing service, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried, to dispense with readi.ng the ]aalance of this Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 813 RESOLUTTON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARRO~O GRANDE REQUESTING THE INSTALLATION BY PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY OF EX- TENDED DIRECT DIALTNG SE RVICE BE TWEEN THE SAN LUIS OBISPU EXCE~ANGE AND THE EXCHANGE SERVING THE SOUTHERN PORTION OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY. On motion of Counci.lman Smit.h, seconded by Councilman Wood, and on the following roll call voteo ~o wit: AYES: Councilnlen Schlegele Levine, Wood, Smi~h and Mayor Thompson. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 28th day of January, 1969. REQUEST OF BLDGe INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION RE: COMP~TITIVE BIDDING Administrator Butch reported as information only, that the City has received a letter from the Building Industry Association, requesting the City's support wi~h regard to competitive bidding, which is a normal procedure of the City and is required by law. RESOLUTION RE: EXISTING INEQUITIES IN ASSESS. & TAXING OF REAL PROP. City Attorney Shipse~r read i~. its entiri~y a Resolution he had prepared regardinc~ new legisl~tion pertaining to assessing and taxing of real property. 1f~~ CITY COUNC~L ~~vT~'AR~' 2~TFio 1969 ARROYO GRAND~, CAL~~'GItNIA PP.GE 2 _ RE S OI~Ll'z° ~~L~T NO o~ 14 RE S O~LT'I° I ON OF' TI~ G~~"Y C~L~LQ~ I I~ OF' TE~E C I'I'3~ OF ARRO~'O ~1~ANI~E RE4LT~ES'I°~N~ ~NI~IP,'I"~ON OF' NEW LEG~SI~'I°~O~I 'I°O ~~7~~~ ~R AMEL~TD EXIS'I"ING IN- EQUI'~IES ~N `I°I~.E ~WS O~' 'I°I~ STATE OF CAI~IFORNIA PER'T'AINING 'IeO ASSESS~II~T~ AD7D 'I°AX~N~ OF REAL PROPER'I°Y o On motion of Co~rncilr~an T~1~~do secoa~.ded Co~ar~cilzaaari Srsa~th, and on the following rol~ ca11 v~~eo `a~~: _ AYES: Counc~l~~n Sc~legelo ~evineo Woodo Smith and Mayor TY~ornp s on . NOES: ' None. ABSENT: None. the foregoing Resolutio~ ~a~s passed arad adopted this 28th day of January, 1969. NOTICE OF GREYHOUND PASSEi~TGER AND ~1~CI~AGE FARE INGREASE Administrator B~tch adv~se~lo ~s ~~af~r~a~tion only, that the City has received not~ce ~ro~sa W~stera~ Greyho~nd L~nes that they are requesting approval }ay ~h~ P~k~lic ~7-~~l.i~~.es Coixamission for a 10% increase in their r~ai~ l.a~n~ pass~~ac~er fare and a 16/ increase in their package express c~arges. RECEIPT OF REPORT RE: CAI~~F'm DE~TEIo~Po FL,AN FROGRAMa DECo 1968 Administrator Butc~. advisedo as aa~£or~aation onlya that the City has received a report ~rn t~e Cal~for~~.a State Devel,opment Plan Program for 19C8 and i,t w~~ld ~ae ~n f~le in the City Hall. REPORT RE: JURISDICT~ON OF' S'I"A'~E MOBI7~E HOME P~1RK IoAWS Administrator Butch br~e~ly x°eviewed that t~a.e Planning Co~?- mission had recon~mended to ~~ae C~ty C~~ancil that the City con- sider entering into tkae fiel.cl of inspection of mobile homes with- in the City, by City forces and ~Yaa~ a~ the Council°s.request a survey was made of several ci-~ies ~.n Cal~fornia and a report of this survey was submitted for C~a~ncil consideration. After Council discussiona it was agreed tha~ Administrative Juris- _ diction of the State Mobile I~ome Park Laws remain with the State of California at -this t~.s~e, ar~d ~hat tYae City Bu.ilding Depart- ment wark in cooperation wit~ tl~e Sta~e. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENI~MEN'~ - ZON~~TG ORDm AND MAP - ADOPTION City Attorney S~aipsey read tl~e tit~le of ara Ordinance amend- ing the Municipal Code per~air~inc~ ~o ~l~e Zon~ng Ordinance and l~tap, thereafter, a niaotion was rnade ~y Co~anciln~an Levine, seconded by Councilman Scke.legele and ~anania~ousl~r carriedo to dispense with reading the balance of ~.~ais Ordinax~ce . ORDINA~T~E NOa 24 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF TE~E CT'I'~' OF' ARROYO GRANDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIAo AMENDING 'I°~~°IaE 9o CHAPTER 4, OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MLTNICIPAI.e CODEo ADOPTING A ZONING PLAN, BEING A PRECISE SECTION OF THE IBAND USE PLAN, A UNIT OF THE GENERAL9 PLANQ AND AN OFFICIAL PLAN OF SAID CI'I'Y; SPECIF'YING 'I'HE PLIRPOSES AND THE EFFECTS OF THE ADOPTION OF SA~D P7~P,No WEiEREB~' VARI~US DIS- TRICTS ARE ES'I°ABI~ISHED II~T SATI~ CITY; SPECIFYING THE USES OF I~AND AND O~' BUIIeDINGS PERMITTED IN SAID DISTRIC'I°S, ESTABI~ISE~iING CER'I"AIN HEIGHT LTMITS WITHIN SAID DIS'I"RIC'I°S; REQCJ~R~NG CERTAIN XARDS AND OTHER OPEN SPACES WI'I°HI~T SAID DISTRICTS; PRESCRIB- ING FOR THE ERE~'I'IONo CONSZ°~tLTCTIONB ~IaTERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF' BU~I~D~N~S o STRUCTURES AND OTHER IM- PROVEMENTS IN SAID DIS~°RICTSB ~NCI~UDING THE RE- QUIREMENT THA'I° CERTAIN PERMI'I'S BE SECURED FOR CER- TAIN OF SUCH ~LJ~LD~NGS o STRtd~'I°URES AND IMPROVEMENTS, AND FOR THE USE '~HEREOF 1~ND O~' THE LAND; DEFINING THE TERMS USED HE12E~N; SPECI]EYING THE PROCEDURE FOR ; CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 28THa 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAC~E 3 THE AMENDMEN'I' HEE~OF'; REPE.~I~ING OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDIi~TAN~ES IN CONFIDIC'I° F3EREWITH; AND PRE- - SCRIBING PENAL`I°IES F'OR 'I'HE ~7~OIaATI~N OF Al~ OF THE PROVISIONS HEREINo On motion of Co~.ncilmarn ~~vi~e o sec~nded by Coun.cilaY?an Smith, and on the following roll cal.l vo~e, -~m w~to AYES: Councilrsaen Sc~legelo Lev~~neo Sanith and Mayor 'I`kaoznps on . NOES: Gounc~l~ara Wood. ABSENT: None, the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adop~ed th~s 28th day of January, 1969. k PLANNo COMMo RECOMo RE: VACAT'ING A P'I'N O~' Z°RAFFIC WAY Administrator Butcl~ adv~sed tYaa~ t'~e Planning Commission, at their regular meeting o£ ~"ana~a~°~ 21sta 1969, granted a use per~ mit to the Texaco Co. ~~r a~ree-s~anding s~gn at 401 Traffic Way contingent on Council ° s ac~tima~ on vaca-~in,g a partion of a rigYat- of-way not needed for City s~reets as -tl~e sign was proposed to be placed on this parcel of landm Goua~cilrnan Wood advised that he was concerned -tha~ ins~alla-~~on c~~b and g~tter would be a re- quirement on a req~es~ f~r a free standia~g sign and that it had been a policy of tkne Co~ncil ~o sel]~ ~k~e excess proper~y on Traffic Way. Administrator Bu~ch advised tk~a~ each use permit was con- sidered on an individual }aasis ~nd cu~°~ and gutters were required for tYae improvement of the proper~~ arnd drainage. After Council discussiona City Attorney S~.ipsey ~vas ~mstr~ncted to prepare a Resolution to initiate proceedings to sell tha~ parcel of land on Traffic Way adjacent to 401 Traffic Way ~nd the City Adminis- trator was instructed to advise the Planning Co~ut?ission of the Council's action in tYais matter and t17.at this method of releas- ing the property would ins~nre ~~ne installation of curb and gutter. COASTAL VALLEY PLANNo COUNCIL GOMMo REPLY TO INFORMATION REQUEST Adminis~trator Butch. briefly reviewed prior action of the Council and advised -tha~ he k~.ad received a reply from the Coastal Valley Plannirig Co~ancil Co.~ittee in answer to the questions he had been instructed to ask t~e~o amd reviewed their letter of ~ January 24tha 1969. C~t~r At~orney S~nipsey advised that by exe- cuting the proposed Joint P~yvers Agreement it would automatically approve the budget and corn?a~i-t t~.e City to pay $250.00 per year and as needed provide pers~nnelo s~pplies, material and equip- ment. After Council disc~ssiono on motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Schlegelo and ~nania~?ously carried, the Joint Powers Agreersient bet`vee~ tl~e Ca.ty of Arroyo Grande and the Coastal Valley Planning Co~ncil vaas accep~.ed and the Mayor and _ City Clerk were authorized ~o sigr~ tkae agreemen-~ document on be- half of the City. REPORT ON RECENT RAIN STORM OF JANUARY 19 and .20, 1969 Administrator Btatch reviewed a report from the Director of Public Worksa dated ~'ananary 24~~no 1969o which reviewed the rain effect during the recen~ s~to~r~ ~n the City and noted the few drainage trouble spo~s in areas t~aa~ gave some concern, and possible solutions to carry storm vva-~ers. City Engineer Garing submitted a report on drainage cond~t~.ons in the Ta11y Ho Road ~~eae . _ REPLY FROM IoRaSa RE: LOP~Z WATER CONTRAGT CHARGE Administra-tor Btn~tc~, x°eported ~~nat a letter had been re- ceived from the Internal Reven~e Serv~.ce regarding Lopez Water Charges being tax deduct~l~].e vahic~n iradicated that the burden of proof is on the taxpayer t~ s~no~a ~e allocations of the assess- ment to the different p~.rposesa and ~na~ ~ne would contact a representative of the of~~ce of t~.e D~s~rict Director of Internal Revenue in Los Angelesa regarding t~nis a~aa~~er, 111 C2~,'Y COtJNCIL J~L~IARI,' 28THo 1969 ARI20Y0 GRAL~DE a CAI.~~E'O~LL~T~A ~AG~ 4 F1~OGRESS REPOR'I° - S~o S~C) ~OT11~3~"I,' SAN~'~~'I°~~L~ DIS'IB122~~" TY~e 4~ax°terly F'a~a~a~n~~al Rep~r~ -~~r S~~~~ Sar~ I~~a~s Ol~~spo Co~nty Sani~a~iora Llistrie-~a~aas re~e~~re~l ~y ~~e Co~~ci1D disc~ssed ar~d ordered filedm REPOR'~' ANI~ DISCUSS~OiV O~T C~'I~' [~TId~E SEWElZ ]~IS~°I2IC'I" Ad~in~stx°at~r 8~~~~ ~~p~~°~~d ~~a~ ~,ac1 ~aeem ~a~for~ed ~y O°Melveny and M~~rso ~~n~ ~~~.d c~~~as~~~~so ~~e n~xt s~eps be taken in ~h.e fora~a~ion a C~~~ `a~de sewe~ d~s~r~ct. A~-~er Council. d~sc~ssiono o~ ~~~~~n ~o~.~c~l~aan S~a~~ho se~ornded ~y Courscilman Levinea and ~r~a~.~a~,~~s~~ ~a~r~,~clo a~~l~i~ri~a-~ion. was grazated ~o tYne Ci~y A~a~r~is~ra~~~° vaari~e ~~a~ Co~nty ~oard of ' Superv~sors req~estaa~g pr~ce~d vv~~~ -~~e Sewe~° D~str~ct b~ ~Yne use of t1~ae 19T5 Bond Ac~ ~nd a~so ~°ec~~a~s~ ~k~at ~~ey use -~he ser- v~ces of O°Melveny a~d NI.~~x°s and S~o~~ and ~'~~r~~berg, REPORT ON INSTAI~LA'I°ION OF' Ti~IA'I"ER SAMP~~N~ S'~1~`~~OI~TS Administra~or B~~cY~. ~ev~e~,a~d a rep~r~ from the Director of Public Workso dated ~7an~,ary 24~~~,a 19~9o w~n~,~Yn noted t~aa~ nine water sarnpling s~a-~~~ns '~~v~ ~a~~n ims~all,ed b~ ~~r,e City Water Departmen~ from w~ic~ -~Y~~ Co~n~y I~eal~~ De~ar~~en-~ takes n~on-~l~ly samples for bac-ter~al ana~ys~s ~o de-~~~~a~r~e ~.~e q~nality of' water be~ng delivered ~ns~ead of Ya~~se ~~.~s w~n~ck~ did not give 'a ~rue picture. AG~EP'I°ANCE OF' PROJE~'I° L~"Oo 60-6~-20 ~12~SC0 Z3~~L PRESSiJRE SYSTEM Ada~inistrato~° Ba~~cY~ re~ra.ewed a~°ep~r~ ~roa~a ~Yne Director of P~.blic Works a da~ecl ~"~r~~a~°~ 2~ o~ 9~~ o va~~ck~ advised tha~t the ~risco Hill Pressu~e S~rs~te~o Y~~d ~eer~ cma~ple~ed arad a~inal ~n- spec~ion made on Jan~a~~ 17t1-no 1969a A~~er C~~ncil discus~~ono on r~otion of Council~an Sc1~legelo s~coa~d~c1 3~~r C~~anc~lnnan Lev~neo and ~nan~mo~sly ca~°~a~edo Projec-~ Nmm ~0~-6~-28 was acceptecl by the Cityo and F'loyd V~ W~~1s be ~aa~d as pe~° ~~n~ ~orntract~ as recom- anended b~r -tYae Direc~or o.~ P~bl~~ GVo~°ks and York Petersora, Prc~ject Erigiriee r . TOUR OF PROPOSED F'AIR OAKS AVEo Adm.~n~strator B~~c~, advis~d ~l~a~ a to~r wotald be ~ade of th:e proposed Fa~r 0aks Avem ce~a~e~ l~ne s~art~r~g at 9.30 A.M.,January 29th from tY~e Valley Road Higk~ Sc~o~l. DISCLTSSION ON FENC~I~TG OF' POL~TD~N~ AREAS OI~I ELM STm PROPER'I"S' Councilman Sm~~~ req~~s~ed ~Y~a~, ~~e Park.s and Recreatio~ Cor~~.ssion be advised -~ha~ t,~e p~ssi~ble fen.c~ng o£ tlZe ponding lots on -tl~e C~-ty o`aned pr~per~~ orn El~a S~~°eet Ybas laeen referred to tl~e s~aff for re~iew and re~~~aend~~~~~a.. ADJOURNMENT On n~o~ion of C~~anc~lr~a~. Sm~~~o s~conded 3~y Co~ncilman Levineo and ~~an~n~~~s.ly carriedo ~~e r~ee~.~~c~ Gv~s adj~~trraed at 9e 19 PoM. to 8:00 PoMa o Januax°y 30~~0 19~9 .f~r ~~a~dy session p~nrposes. ' A'I°'I°E S'I' • C I'I'~.' _ NlA~'O _ ~ ~ ~