Minutes 1969-02-25 ~l8 CI°TY COUNCIL F~EBRUAR~ 25'TH~ 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA °The City Gourzc~l zn~~ ~n ~~gul~~ se~~~o~r~ ~r~~~a M~yor °~~ompson presid~ng, Upon roll call~ Counc~laner~ S~~~eg~~a T..~~r~,~~~ VV~od ~,~d S~n~~~ ~epor~ed presente PLE]~GE OF ALLEGIP,NCE P,1V17 ILVVQ~A~'~O~T Mayor °~l~oznpson lecl ~~ae 1'ledge cof A~;L~~~~~~e °~o ~u~ flag; and ~mmeda~m ately the~-eaf~e~, Reve~~nd V~l;~ll~a~ ~~,acl~ o~ ~~ze U~~°~ed Met~od~.s°t Church of Arroyo Grande~ del~ver~d ~~xe ~nvo~~~~one APPROVAL OF' MINU°TES T~e m~nu°~es o~ ~r}~~ ~egu.la;~ an~~~~~g o~ ~e~a~ua~y llth, 1969a were approved as preparedo APPROVAL OF' WARRAIV°~S " On motion of Cour~c~,l~rr~n ~~v~ra~9 ~ec~rxded by ~ou~cilman Schlegel, ancl unan~.mously car~a~ed~ G~ne~~.l UV~~°~~n°~~ N~, ~~5 ~o and ~nc~ud~.ng No. 708, ~n the total am~un°~ $~~~3~0,~3q P~.y~~o~~ W~~~~n~s N~m 1026 °to and inclrzd~.ng No. 1088, ~n °~he ~o~al ~xnou~~ o~ ~;~~~,~~50~2 ~,r~d ~'~us~ and Agency Warrants No, 723 to and ~n~lud~~g Noo ~4~-~ ~~a ~o°~s~~ ainoun~ ~f $326.90, were ap- proved and ordered p~a~dA LETTER OF APPEAL RE~o HARRASSMEN"T O~"_OVJNERS a~20 ~E POIN°T ST', (HICKENBO°TTOM) Admin~.s°~r~ctor Butch adv~sed a T.e~t~~r ~ac1 been ~eceived from Mr. Richard Hickenbo°ktom r~ques~t~.ng ~e~~e~ ~~o~t ha~~~~~~~r~~ ~ga~.~s°~ h~s Mo~her, who °ha.c1 been not~f~.ed ~hat °~~e ~ e°~aa~~~.ng t~r~.l]Ls ~ema~n~d a~'~er the build~ngs had been demol~shecl ~i°t 320 Le Po~z~°t 5~~~~~ ra~~e ~~wa ca hazard and must be re- moved. I°t was al~o r~o°~ed ~kh~~ ~~a~ prope°~~ry h~~ been posted with Keep Ou°t, No Trespass~ng~ ~nd caz~e c~~lxe~~ ~~c~r~s ~n ~~z~ p~~p~~~tyo ~i°~y A°~°torney Sh~psey read from the Ca,l~.~o~n~a ~ocl~ ~aa~x~.~ coz~s~~~ t~x°~e~ a nu~~ance and the procedure °kha~t would have ~o be ~'oll~~v~~ ~.nd C~~y Erag~n~e~ G~r~ng adv~sed °khe condit- ~on could be abated u~der ~the ~ec~u~~~m~r~ts a~ ~~e Un~form Bu~ld~.ng Gode. After Counc~l di~~uss~ona on m~~~an o~ ~~u.n~~lm~,n Sc~legele seconded by Coun~ilman Sm~°th and unar~~~ou~s~y ~~,~~~~de ~.rx~~o~~zat~.on was gran°ted to gro- ceed w~,°th the raecessa~y a~°~~oz~ °~o c~b~~~ ~"~e a~~msan~e at 320 Le Point 5treet. REQUES°T OF AMER~~AN T~EGION F'OST ~35 R~~ RNNU1~T.a DONKEY BASKE°TBALL GAME Adminis°txa~or ~u°~ch adv~Jed C}-~~e~ Pol~ce had received a ~ letter from ~he Aaner~can I~eg~on ~a~~~ ~°e.£e~e~c~ to °~he Four°th Annual Donkey Bas}ce°~ball g~.me to be he~d iz~ °~he ~rroya G~and~ Ura~.on High School Gymnasium, 4Vednesday, Apr~l 9~h~ 19698 a~ 80~0 Fa1vI, ~cnd ~~~~h also adv~sed how the pro- ceeds from t~-i~s even~ ~?ould be sp~n°k ~,s b~n~~i°~ ~the you°th o~ °the Gommunity. Af°~er Gounczl d~s~ussior~e °~}a~ ~~°~y A.~t~o~ra~y vaas re~ues°ted ~o review the C~ty Munic~pal Code cind de~~~m~ne ~~'~,°~y B~s~ne~s ~~cense is ~required and re- por°t at °the nex°~ Counc~l zne~~~.,ngo INVI°TA°TION °~O PAR°TTCIPA~'E ~~V I.oA ~'~CES'~1~ ~'ARADE IN SI~O ~ 5/l~/69 An ~nv~°ta°~ion vaas ~ece~v~d f~om ~he La F~e~ta Pa~ade Commit°tee re- questing °t~e Ci°ty Gounc~l p~.~°~~.~a~pa~~ ~z~ ~h~ p~,~~de ~to be held on May 17°th, 1969, ~n San I~uis Ob~spo, ~~.l~~o~n~a, ~.r~d Aci~r~n~~t~~tor Butch was requested ~o noti~y the Pc~~ade Commi°~~se °~ha~ ~1~~ Counc~~ raould part~c~pate ~.n the pa~ade as an open ~ar en~~ym REQUEST" OF BRUSH POPPERS ° RII~ING GLUB RE ° 1~TTEW WET~I~ 1#ND LEASE AMENDMENT' Adm.in~.strator ~u~ch ~dv~sed °~he C~°~y h~s r~ceived a request ~rom the B~us~ Poppers asl~~ng ~'o~ a n~va ar~~~Ie ~n °t~ae~~ pr~sent lease which w~uld pe~m~°t °them to place a well on ~"~~y p~ope~vy on °the Mesa and which would give °them the x~gl~x~ o~ re~mbu~s~mezx~° a por~ion o~ the cost of the well dur~ng a 10 year p~~~~d of t~m~o A~~~~ ~'ounc~l d~scuss~on, Adminis- °krator Butch was a.ns~~°u~~ed °~o ~vr~~e ~h~ ~~us~ P~ppers and reques°t °that °~hey subm~.t a proposc~~.. rec~c~rding ~he netiv ovel~ as ~o ~ost and what re~m- bursemen°t they woulc~ expe~~t ~~om ~1~~ G~~y ~~e ~en yea,~ period of time if they had ~to vec~a~e ~t~ae ~~op~~~ye TREASURER B S REP013°Z" F'Ol~ "THE MON~'H Q~° ~TANUI~RY 9~~ 6~ °T~e Treasu~er Repo:~°~ ~cs~ ~h~wxn~a~~~i o~~~u~~y~ 1969a was received by °the Counc.~l ancl ~~de~~c1 ~~~eda MUNTCIPAL GODE AMENDMEN°I" ~~pIV~NG ~~GE O~T II~E S~. ~ FIRS~' READING Ga.°~y At~torney S~aips~y ~~s~d ~'o~ ~°~~d~xzga ~he °t~°tle of an ordinance pertain,~ng °to °~~e x°e~on~ng p~.~°~e~s ~ac~ng on Wh~teley St. and °~he 8°t`h p~°oper°~y ~a~~ng on ~d~ S~. ~ram Rm2 ~o R~3 a~ rec~uested by the appl;~ca~t~,on subm~°t~ed by M~ o~'a~~,a~]~ ~~~~~~~,~~er a motion was made by Councilman Lev~nes s~~ond~d by ~or~~~~~m~n S~n~.~gele and unanimously car- r~ed, °~o dispense vai°kl~ ~°ead~ng ~~e ba'l~z~~e o~ ~~~s ord~nance. 119 CITY COUNCIL F'EBRUARY 25°TH, 1969 ARROYO GRp,NDE~ GALIFORN~A P1~GE 2 DISGUSSION REm VACA'~I1VG A POR~IQ~ OF SC7o ~R~~F°T~ INAY ~Cl~~"TOIR Adm~n~,st~ato~ Bu°tch ~ev~e~ed ~~e~o~°~ ~~~~d ~eb~tza~y 2~st, 1969, sub- m~°tted by the D~~ec°~o~ o~' Prab~~c GVo~k~ ~h~~~a ~,d~r~sed ~~a°~ pr~or to a recom- menda°tion on excess ~~ea and p~ope~~y c~~s~~~p~~on abandon a portion o~' South °Traffic 4Vay' ~nr~Il b~ r~~e~~~~,~~ ~~v~ ~~~~o~ded P~an L~ne or Record of Survey Map incl~~~°~~ng p~opos~~ ~~~eet uses ~ncl a bas~s for des~ cr~pta.ons. Af~e~ Cou.r~c~l cl~~~rx~s~or~~ ora ino~~~a~ o~ Cor~nc~lman 4Vood, seconded by Counc.~lman Sm~~~~ ~rke~ ~n~~~m~~~I~y ca~~~~e~~ ~u~~o~~~a~~on ~a~s g~anted °to Garing, °~aylor and Assoc~a~e~ ~t~ p~~p~~~ ~~e~a~decl Plan L~ne o~ Record o#' Survey Map on °~he ea~~ s~d~ o~ ~~u°~k~ ~~~r l~~°k~a~en Allen Street and Cherry Ave.a a~ n cos~ n~~ ~o ~~~~~c1 $2SOo0~~ ~t~~}a ~~~,d cos~s being p~o~ rated back ~o the d~~e~m~~~d ~x~~~~ p~c~pe~°~~e~~ vvill be a pa~°tion of any cha~ges vahen ~}~e ~~~p~~~~~~ d~spo~ed o~ b~r ~J~~ City. MUNIGIPAL CODE AMEI~D1vIEN'~ ~~`~~E~~' N1~M~IVG ~r I-~OLTSE 1VUluI~ERING ~ ADOPT°ION ~~ty Attorney S~a~ps~~r ~~~c1 ~ o~ car~ O~cl~n~r~~e ~k~a~ would pro- v~.de proper ~dent~~~~a~~~s~ ~a~c~p~~~;~ ~a~,~~~,n ~h~ ~~~y ra~~t1~ refe~ence ~o s°tree°t names and house ~~mbe°~~n~,, ~'1~~~~~~~~r ~ mo~~on wa~.s rnade by Counca.l- man Schlegel, se~oncl~cl by ~~ra~~ilz~ca~ Ld~~r~r~~~ and ~nan3mously carried, to d~spense with ~~ac1~n~ ~~e ba~..~x~~~ O~d~n~n~ea oJ.LL,l,l`dl"S..1M4r+~ 1`fi,/ o ~ O J 6 AN O~tDII~A1Vi~E (JF" ~T`~"Y QF" ARR0~0 GRANDEs AMENDING CHAF°TER 2(~~ '~I"TI~~ $ i~F' '~H~ ARR0~0 GRANDE MLTNTCTPAL ~O~E BY AME~IDING S£~`~TO1~S 8~2a~1, ~~2002, 8m2o03, 8-2004 AND BY ADD~NG ~~~"~'~(~NS ~~2 R~TD 8~~ o~K ~ On mo°tion of° ~ounc~lmc~n Sc~lege~,, s~~or~cled 3~y ~ounc~lman Smith, and on the follow~ng roll call vo~~A ~o ~r~~o AYESs Counc~l.an~n Sc~~.e~~~, ~~~r~r~~~ 4Vooc1, Szn~th and Mayor °Thompson, NOESo None, ABSEN°T m Noxae e the forego~ng O~°d~.r~ance ~nra~ g~.s~eel ~,nd ~c3op~~d ~}~~s 25°~}a day of February, 1969a LEGISLA.'TIVE BLTLL,ET°IN F~R01v~ °TIiE ~EP~GLTE Q~' ~~~~~'OR~121~ CI°TIES Admin~st~a~or ~u°~ch b~°~.~fLy ~~~r~~~r~c~ ~op~es o~" ~he la°tes°t Leg~slative Bulle°t~ns received ~~~m ~he T~~~gue ~f~ ~al.~~o~n~a Gi~ies. REQUEST° FROM LONG BEACH RE m SLIPPOI~~ OF° iE~TA.~'E B~I~L 1V0. 4~ PREEMPTION Adm~.nzs°tr~c~o~ 'B~°t~~ r~~o~°~~d ~~c~°~ e~~ G~~y had ~ecei~ed a copy of a resolution f~om °~l~e ~,~ty mf ~~sn~ ~~c~~~x ~~~~~~~~,r~g ~~~.s Gity° s suppor~t on Sena°te B~11 ~ ~ ~~eemp°k~orzA ~~~~ll-~ ~nra~l..d; ~.z~ ~~'~ec°~~ ~e~°~ore °to c~°t~es and counta.es the ab~l~~y ~o ~z~ac~t ~~~u~~,~eo~y o~e~~a~~~ces ~°ela°t~.ng °~o local prom blemsa Afte~ Coun~~~, d~s~u~~~on,, ~r~,s no a~~~.on °taken at th~s time, RECEIPT° OF° BOOI~LET„ e°AT~'T`E~dNf~°TIVE ~'I~~~~ MOD]ELS FOR '~AX AND REVENUE SHARING" Admin~strato~ Bu~ck~ aclv.~s~d ~~Z~.~ ~ bo~s3~~~~ ent~°tled ~aAl°terna°tave ~iscal Models fo~ '~ax anel Revenue 5~~~~ngH° ~~c1 ~a~~n ~°~ce~v~cl and would be on file a°t °the C3°ty Hal~. RECEIP°T OF~ AIVNiJAL REPOR'~ ON PUBLI~ EM~~05~EES ° RE~°IRE1uIENT SYS°TEM Adm~n~s~~~°~o~ Bu~ch. adv~s~d~°~~c~°~ Arrnual Repo~~ on Ptzblic Employees' Retiremen°t Sys°~em hacl 1~een ~~ce~~r~d ~x~d rr~o~zld l~e ora ~'~.le at the C~°ty Halle ES°TABLISHING 4VAGE SC.~I~~ F"OR ~~6~ PL~B~:I~ YVOR~CS P~0~7EC`~S G~ty Atto~ney Slhips~y ~ead ~c~~ o~ Resolu~~on adop°t~ng the Gen- eral Preva~l~ng Wage S~c~lea °~he~~rxp~z~ ~ zno~~.o~a 'tracxs macle by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by ~ounc~~m~n T~ev~~~~ ~~d unar~~znously ~arried, to dis- pense w~°th ~ead~ng °~he ba1~n~~ ~1~~~ ~~sc~lu~ior~s ~ 1~ESOL~LI°I~IO~ I~Q o 8 ~'1~ ~ A RESOT~LT°~ION 0~' "~HE ~~"T`I ~~~JN~z~ OF" °~HE CT°TY O~ A,1~ROY0 GRP,ND~ ~1D0~'~~T3G "~H~ GEI~ERAL PREVATL- ~IVG WAGE SGAT.aE o On mo°t~on o~ ~ounca.,~mar~ T~~~~z~~~ s~~~~d~d b~r Goun~ilnnan Wood~ and on the ~ollovv~.ng ~ol~ ca~l v~tke,, ~o ~aa~°~~ - ~.2~ CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 25TH, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 AYES: Councilmen Schlegel, Lev~neo Wood, Smith and Mayor Thompson. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. the foregoing Resolu~ion was passed and adoptec3 this 25th day of February, 1969, REQUEST OF COASTAL VALLEY PI~ANNING GOU1~I~IL REm CIZ°Y ASSIS°TANCE Administrator Butch reported tha°t a reques~ had been received from the Chairman of the Coastal Valley Plann~ng ~ouncil regaxding the use of the Council Chambers, the ~eproduc~ion f~c~l~t~es of the ~ity which would be paid for, the serv~.ces of t~e ~i°ty Plann~ng ~~rec-tor to act as the Secretary, and for the City to act as a eBpay agentPO ~o~° the group, After Council dis- cussion, it was agreed tha~ °the Counci,l CF~ambe~s could be made available to this organization but they vaoulel re~ommend °~hat al°ternate locations .~,~,~,~~~:;=~h~u~d be uSed for members conven~ence a~ a~l possible, there is no ob- jection 'to the use of ~the ~reproduc°t~on fa~a.lit~es of °~he Ca.ty, that more. information be obtained regard,ing the ~e~vic~s of the City Planning Dir~ctoz as to es+timated warl~ hours per weelca and tha~ approval for use of the City accaunting ~acili~t~es not be g~.ven as r~commended by the City Clerk. _ RECOM, OF PLANN. COMMo RE; P~PPOIN°a'ME1V~S °TO COASTAL VALLEY PLANNING COUNCIL:: On motion of Counci'lman Sm~°th, secoz~ded by Councilman Levine, and unani- mously carried, Planning Commissione~,l~11 Sawyer ~s appointed for a on~ yet1~` term and Planning Commissioner Ghar~es Sl~el~ton was appointed for a two yea~r term, as the City's represen~a.t~.~re to t~e Coastal Valley Planning Cduncil, as recommended by the Plann~ng Commis~~on, DISCUSSIdN 1~Es MOBILE HOME PARKS INSPEGTION BY CITY FORCES The Council discussed the jo3n~ s°tudy se~s3on with t~~e Planning Com- mission regarding the City inspecting Moba~le Home Parks instead of t~`e State artd a mot3on was made by Councilman Sma~~h that the recommendntion of the Planning Commission that fihe Council npprove that the Iocal enforcement of the Mobile Home Pnrk Laws be done by City forces, be accepted. The fore- going mot3on dfed for lack of n seconde After fur°ther Council discussion, it was ngreed that no action be taken un°til further study had been mcde n~ to why the City of San Luis Obispo and the County of Santa Barbara hnd assumed inspection of Mobile Home Parks and then retu~ned the responsibil- ity bnck ta the 5tate. LE't'TER OF RESIGNATION - RECREA.TION DIREC°TOR GARY J. HIGLEY Administrator Butch reported °tha°t the Parks and Recreation Commission had requested the letter of resigna~tion ~eceived from Recreation Director Gary J. Higley be resubmitted to t~aem for recons~.deration prior to Council action, REPORT ON REPAIR AND MAINT. 0~ S°TREE°~S UNDER STA.TE GAS TAX MAINT.~ MONEY Administrator Bu°tch advised °t`~a°k °t}~e repprt on Repair and Maintenance of several City streets under S~ate Gas °Tax Maintenance money was not available at this ~time as the Dire~°tor of Public Works had to detrote his time to the flood damaged areas of °~he Ci°t~a PROGRESS REPOR°T - ZONE 3 MEET'ING Councilman Lev~ne repor~ed tha°t c~~k ~he recent Zone 3 meeting a Reso- lution prepared by one member to d~v~de ~he lake for specified usuages had not been adop°ted, PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SLO GOUN'T"Y SANT~'A°TION DIS°TRICT Administrator Butch repo~ted ~hat ~ecent flood waters had broken into a major sewer trunk line at Cherry Ave. and Railroad Ave. which was of grave concern as it could cause conside~able damage to the line. PRQGRESS REPORT ON CITY WIDE SEWER DIS'I'RTCZ° Administrator Butch xep~r°t~d °tha°t ~the Board of Supervisors had re- ferred the City's reques°t that ~he County proceed with the forma~tion of a Sewer District under the 1915 Act~~~ the D~stric°t Attorney for their routine investigation. MEETING DATES OF A. G. VTLLAGE MERCHANT'S ASSOCIATION Administrator Butch advised tha°t °t~Ze Arroyo Grccnde Village Merchants Association had changed their mee°~a,ng day fxom °Thursdays to Tuesdcys. l2z ARROYO GRANDE CALIF°ORNIA PA~RUARY 25TH, 1969 ~ , E 4 DISCUSSION OF FIRE DEPAR°TMEN°T °THIRD ANNUAL REPOR°T m 1968 The Council discussed the Fire I3epartmen°~ °Third Annual Report that they had received on Februaxy llth, 1969, and commen°ted that the report was excellent and the Fire Depa.rtm~n~ should be commended for their effortse ADJOURNMENT TO EX~CUTIVE SESSION On motion of Counca.lman Lev~rxeB seconded by Gounc~lman Schlegel, and unanimously carried; the meet~.n~ was ~cdjourned at 8045 P,Ma to an $xecutive Session for the purpose o~ d~scuss~ng proposals ~or Engineering Services for the City Wide Sewer Distric°t, RECONVENMENT OF COUNCIL ~ The Council reconvened at 11:05 P,Me from Executive Session and all members were present as shown on roll call, RECOMMENDATION RE: ENGINEERING FIRM F°OR CITY WIDE SEWER DISTRICT It was agreed by the Council, tha°t York Pe°terson and Associates be recommended to the County Boa~d of Superv~sors as the Engineering Firm for the proposed City Wide Sewer D~stx~ct by use of the 1915 Act, ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Gouncilman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, the mee°ting vaas adjourned at 11:15 PeM, . ; ATTEST: CI CLER YOR