Minutes 1969-05-23 ~ CITY CoUNC~L MAX 23e 1969 ARROY'O GRANDE o C~,I~IFORNaA 3 m QO P o Mm Tkae Cit~ Co~xncil a~et in speci~l session witka Mayor T~ao,~ps~n presiding, Upon roll call Counc~,l~~n Sc~~,egelo Levine az~d Wood reported presento Councilman Smith a,s a}~sent~ CITYWIDE SEWER I)~STRICT - RESOI~o~Oo~DoOF S~PVRSo INITo ASSN~ITo U~STRm Adr~in~strat~r ~~tc~a aclvised tk~at tY~e resol~axtion nec~ss~x~y ~o~ the proposed citywide sewer district Y~as now been receiv~ds Aft~r discussion Ac~a~nin~s-t.r~t~r B~atc~ re~d tk~se ~itle of a resol~ti~n req~est-~ ing the San L~is Obispo Co~nty ~oard o~ Superv~.sors ~n~t~,~~e proc~ed- ings ~or a C~t~rrwide Sewer Assessr~ent Distr~ct ~y use of ~k~ie 19~.3 and 1915 Actso thereafter a rnotion was rsa~de ~y Co~.ncilrsban I~evinea seconded lay Councilman Sc11~..1~ge~,Ro and ~anan~z~o~sl~ carriedo to dispe~se wi~~ reading the balan~e of tkais resol~t~on~ RESOLUTION NOo ~24 RESOI~UTION OF THE C~T~' COT3NGIL OF' THE CTTY 0~ ARRO~,'O GRANDEo ~OC7NTY OF S1~N IdLJIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALI~'ORNIAo REQUESTIN~ THE INITIATTON OF PROCEEDIN~S BY TI~ ~OARD OF' SUPERVISORS OF T~ COiJNT~' OF' SAN LtJIS OB~SPO F~R THE ACQUISI'~'ION AND CONSTRIJCTION OP' CERTA~N SEWERS AND FsPPLTEt- TENANT WORI~S Trt7ITHIN 'I°HE ~~T~' O~ ARROY'O CRP,NDE AND IN UNINCORPORATED TERRTTOR~' ADJACEN'~ 'I'E~~E- TO UNDER AND PLTRSUAN'I' TO 'I°HE M.ITN~CIPAL I~PROVEMENT ~,~T OF 19~,3, D~VISION 12 OF TI~ STREETS AND H~CEi- WA~,'S CODE OF THE SZ'A'~'E OF CAI~~FORNIAo On rnot~on of Coa~nca~l~an Schl~gel, seconded by Co~ncila~an Lev~nea and on the following r~ll call v~teo to w~t: A~'ES: Couracil~en Scl~le~el,o Levine, Wood and Mayor '~Y~oa~apson NOES: None ABSENT: Councilaaaan S~ith tY~e foregoing resol~ntion was passed and adopted this 23rd da~r of MayB 1969m ADJOURNMENT 'I'Ybere be~ng no further b~zsi~.ess schedul.eda on motbora o£ Cotzncil- man Levinea seconded by Co~,nc~lr~nan Woodo and ~nnaa~~mously car~°i~d, tk~e rneet~ng adjo~nrned at 3:05 PoMo A7.'TEST: ~ . C° Clerk ~ Mayo