Minutes 1969-05-29 CTTY COUNCIL MAY 27TH~ 1969 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALI~'ORN2A ' PAGE 4 SUMMER RECREATION 1969 PROGRAM ~aCHEDULE OF ACT~VTT2ES Administrator Butc distr~,k~u~ed .cQp.a.es of t e Summex' Rec~'ea~ tion 1969 Schedule of Act~vi:-~ie~ p~~gr~:rn-and advi~ed that the program was`included in ~he Spr~;~g 39~9 Newsletter and addit~onal copies of the program were be~nc~ d~sitr~buted by the schools in the Lucia Mar Unif~ed S~h~ol D~.~~ric~~~ RECEIPT OF QUARTERLY NEWSLET`I'E~ O~° 'TI=~E CTTY OF ARROYO GRANDE Admin~strato~' ButC distri uted copies o t e uar er ~ Newsletter, Spring 1969 Edi~~:on~; ~~z ~he City of A~~oyo Grande. " PROPERTY EXCHANGE REQUESTrCITY fi~'~ARL T~ANGENBECK (TRAFFIC WAY^GRAND) Admin~strator Butch advised-t,ha~iwith t e rea 1.gnment o Branch Streetf ~'raffi~ Way and.Gr~nd.~~re~.%ntersect~on~ small par~ cels of property were crea~ed no°t n.~cessa~y for Street purposes. ` One small parcel on the sou~her~y sa.,~.ery of Grand Ave. and Traffic Way adjacent to property.owned.by ea~~i~Langenbeck is owned by the City and that a-similzar.sized°parcei. ~n the northerly side,of Branch S~. and Grand Ave, is owned.~y-Mr, Langenbeck and it has been requested that the~e tw~ par~~ls ~e exchanged which'wi11 allow Mr~ Langenbeck aecess to h~s property on the southe~'ly side of Traffic 'Way an~l ~rand Ave. After` Council discussion, on motion of Councilma~ ~evineP ~econded by Councilman Wood, and' unanimously carried, City Attorney Sh~psey was instructed ~o pre- pare an Agreemen-t ta Exchange property be~ween the City and M~'. Carl Langenbeck, ACCEFTANCE OF SEWER MAIN INSTALLATI~JJN.~D3.ACENT T0 TRACT 282 (P2KE) Admin~strator Butc repor~ed tha~'~he sewer ma n ex ens on° adjacent to Tract No~ 282 on Th~ Pi,ke has now been installed and completed to specifica~ions and that in order for the ins°talling contractors ~o rece~ve paymen~, -the~Baker~field Savings and Loan Company is requesting Coune.il ~.ccep~~.nce of the line i~to the City Sewer system, After Ce~uncil d~.~cns~ion~ on motion"of Couneilw man Schiegel, seconded by Councilmari ~evine, and unanimously car«~ ried, the installa~ion of the sewer main on The Pike adjacent to Tract No. 282 was approved and accepted a.nto the City sewer system. ADJOURNMENT. , 0~ motion of Councilman Smith,.seec~nded by CounCilman Schlegel, and unanimously carr~ed, the meeting adjourned at 8:47 P.M. unti~ 7:00 P.1~~~ May 29, T969. . ATTEST ~ ' C E RR ~ M Y 0'!~t _ CITY COUNCTL MAY 29TH, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNTA ' The Council met in regular ad~aurned sessian with Mayor Thompson presiding~ Upon roll call Councilmen Schlegel, Levine, Wood and Smith reported presents BUDGET STUDY SESSION Administrator Butch and the Council continued dis~ussion and review of the preliminary 1969~70 Municipal Budget through the General Fund expenditures. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Levine; second~d by Councilman : Schlegel and unanimously carri.ed, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. until 7_:_30 P.M., June 9, 1969v , ~ , a % 1 r ~ ~ , ~ j; ~ ~ ~ ~ ATTES'9.':-.,_~ L-.~~`vv`r`~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR