Minutes 1969-06-24 155_ C~°GY CoU~ICV~. ~~~E ~4~°B~9 ~969 _ ARROYO GRANDE9 CALB~ORNBA °~6~e C ~~y C~u~~a~ o~~e~ o~u ~°a~a~ ~~.~s u~~o c~ u~.~v ~1~~~~ 1~~~~~s~~ p ~-es o~ e~ug o &~p~~u c~ ~ 1 ~ 1 9 ~~~o~u~ d l~ecu S~~a ~ es~e ~ 9 9~~~ u we9 Wc~~d ~o~~ ~m~ o~B~ ~e~~o°t~e~8 p~~sec~~ o &'LEDGE 0~ Afl~~E~9A~8~E AND BN~O~~`~`~01~ ~1ay~a~ °~Eaoc~psoca led ~8~e ~~~~e~~ d~~~~wo~~~~e ~~oo° ~~,~9 a~au~~~u~~e~y ~hereaf~er9 Fa~B~er ~~~e~a~ S~ro P~~~~o~9~°s ~~~E~~~ B~ ~~a~u~°~8~ of A~~°~y~ ~a~ac~de de~ 6~r~~°ed ~8~e a~u~~~a~o~~. APPRO~A~ OE ~1BNUTIE~ T~ae o~ o ~c~~es ~~e ~ac8 j ~~~~u~~A c°~~~~ ~ ~ r ¢~~e~ ~ c~~ ~~E ~le~c~e ~9 ~ 969 ~~ve o°e~a~m 1 ~ r° r~ee~ a a~g ~~E ~~u~e ~ ~ ~ ~ 969 ~ve~°e ~~g~ ~~~~~~~1 ~ p ~~p~ ~ed o APPR~~AL 0~ ~'~~6~~~V`L~ Oru r~~~a~~o ~~e~~u~o ~c~~~ L~~~6~~~, s~~~~~~e~ ~~~iWCe 3~m~~~ S~~al~~e~ ~~c~d a~raacuocn~~;s~y c~a°~°oed, ~eo~e~°~~ ~/~~°s~~~~ C~~, ~~6~ ~G~~°~~u~,~ 8~~. 1 d509 uc~ ~6~e ~o~~~ amo~u~u~ ~~E $~.~n,0~~~~ n5~~ ~~~~°a~ ~'~~~°~u~~~~ ~ ~~I~~~°~~~9~ N~o~ ~~b~0a o~ ~~ae ~~~al ~ ~t~oa~~~ ~~~f7~3o549 ~°~°~st A~~~~~~ ~~,~r~~~o~s ~c~a ~9~ ~8~~°~~a~~ I~~~o ~~~~~a o~ ~ ~ t~a~ to~~l ~moe~~t~ of $~03,0~3a6~? w~~°e ~~pr~~~~~ a~~~E o~°de~ed p~ad, ORAB~ ~EPOR°~ BY ~&~Fa~IL~S ~~W~ES ~B`~~ I~~~'a ~~~~Y~E~C~ 0~~"~~`~"o C9~B~8SS~C~9 ~ C~~~°~es ~~w~es~ ~s~~ a°eg~~~°~~~o~~.~~uv~ ~~ue ~~~c~~~a~r ~~p~~°~a~~~a~~~~O- ~~~~.os~a~ruy ~ gaere ac~ o~°~ 1~°epa~~~~ ~°c~g~~°d~ a~~ ~9~~ r~~er~~~ o~~~ E~~~ a~. ~~o~u~ o ss s~~~ed th~~ ~he ~e~~ ~he C~c~~o~so~~ ~r~s ~~@~"sc~~~ ~o°~~~°~s~~ ~cu~E~~~~r~~~ ~s~~~~~~~~~~ ~ery- ~ w~~°~~aw~a 3e ~~u~se, . RESOL~°~ 9 0~V A~~°@~O~b U Z O N~ R~l~~W~,6~ ~F ~`Gf~E~`~ ~~'E~P~R QB~ U~° S°~~.°~~ B~NNS~ A~~u~u6st~a~mr ~~~~8~ ~~~u~~~ ~8~~~ ~E~~ ~~~s~e~~ ~~r, $~$a~~Qa~~ ~~°~~n Mu~~ Sta~.e B~,~o~s f~~ ~~ae ry~~'~8~~~~ ~~~a°~e~ ~~ee~~~a 9~~~ ~e ~~c~~~re~ e~~6~ fas~~~ ye~~° fo~° t;B~e b~1~~~~ ~wac°vca ~0a ~~~cs~~;u~ dds~~o~so~c~a Ci~~S Attorm ~caey S~apsey re~d~~&~e ~a~~~~ ~°e~~~~a~ta~~a ~~~B~~ruzu~~~~_~~~°r~~~a~,~ ~~~~~~c~egea ~ ~ ~ ~hereaf~~~° ~ ~n~~s~~ w~s ~n~~e ~d~oo~~6 ~~~~u ~~~u~en ~e~~~~~a~ed b~ ~~~iu~~cA l~a~~ ' Sc6~~ec~e~~ arad a~r~~~°sc~~~s~y~ ~~~°~rae~, ~da~g~~c~se ~ro~~~a~~~~~°e~d~a~~ ~B~e:~b~~~~~~e o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t~ s s ~es~ e~~ ~ oco a ~,~~~L~~° 0 ~~o A RES~V~IJ°~°~~~9 OF ~'BiE .~911'Q~ ~~1~N~6~. ~°~BE C:~~'~ OF P~RRO~fO ~f~N~~ ~~~WO~ 9~ 9~9~ BORROW ~ E~~ QF C1ONE°~ PUf~SUAN°G ~QA9E~d~9P1~~`~ ~ODE S~~°~BON 53850, E~ S~Q,~ Or~ ~u~~u~c~ ~~u~o~~~~~~ca Le~o~u~a ~~~;~~d~d P~~ ~a~~~~o~~~~ S~~~e~el ~~~9 ~o~ ~E~e f~~lows~~ ~°~1~ c~~l ~~~e, ~o wo~: AYES; ~~~ca~ o~~~c~ 5~9~ ~':ege~ 9~~~a ~ D 9~~a~sA y S~~ u~&~ ~~d ~t~~~~° `~'&~~¢~~~~a~ a ~10E~ o' ~~~ue'` ` R,~SE~1`~< IN~~e . the ~o~-e?~~'6 ¢°e~c~~ a~~; s~o~ p~,~~~d ~,~d ~~~p~ed ~~u o ~ ~4~~ ~aa~~9 ~969,' RESOLU~' 8 ON ~D~P~' ~ N~ EB~E~LO~E~ C~SS 0~" 9~6~`~ 9 ~N~, ~~~~6~1~ R~~~E~ g S~°E~ F'V~AN : . /~~I~~o-~e~~~~t~~ ~~c~~9~ ~~~roew~e~l ~C~e ~a~e~~~~~d 5~~~~°y S~~Oed~ul~ a~a~ ~°~o~.ge steg~ plao~ s~:a~~ao~ ~9~~~ ~9~~ p~o~r~se~ ~~aeo~~ge u~u~~°e~s~ e~ ~~1~ssa~~o~~~a~ra.s-~f e~im p l oyr~eo~~ a c°e ~ecess~ 9~eep a~a~ ~ d~B~ ~ u~y ° s p~~'a u~.y~ ~o. ~~c~~ s~c~e :~o esra, l tica~te arod a~~~r~de ea~9~ posi~~~~ ~a~B~B~°~ ~8~~ ~u~~°s es~p~~ys~~~t s`~a°~o~~;aua°~~;~rud uro; ~a,acu'm ~~°stu~c~g a~v ~~er~~~ ~~~~eoce w~~~O ~~~n~~~~°'~d~ues ~~d ~ppla~ab~e ~~d~a~e aa~e~u:t;ses. , A~~e~° ~d~sru~ ~ ~ . d e sc~ass ~~:o~ ~ C o ~y 'f~ ~~e~s°c~e.~ ~~v a ~a~~~ rea~l, ~@~e ~ s ~ ~ e ~f ~ reso~ 1a~~~ora es~abl es9~b~a~ oms~a~e~o~ ~a~a~a~~a~a ~r.a¢~,r~~a°~s~~o~~a ~u~:.~~c°a~a,~s '~le~~a°~Prre~a~~ ; o~E sa e d C o~y 9 the~°e~~~:er 9~~~~ a~~ w~~ ~n~~e I~~ ~~~uc~~c e~ c~~~a S~Ga ~~ge:~,s se~~~~Eed bY C~~r~c a l~~r~ Lee~ a a~e ~~~E ~¢c~~a~ a~nc~~s 1 y~ a~~@, ~o d fl:~~e~se ~v u~B~ ~e~d u~~ ~E~e ~ bal~c~ce ~f ~Eaa~ ~°es~la~~Aa~~. : f~I~SOfl.U°~OON , ~~SO~U~' 8 6F~". ~E C B ~~~~9~ U 9~ "~P~~ ~ ~~Y ~F AR~~~°~ GR~,N~~: E~`~°~,~~ ~ SB~ B~9~' 6~ ~ N ~~94~~1 - ~ND M~~C ~~1195~ ~O~~~CV~~`~U ~~P ~~~E~°~ ~ f~~ ~ SA~~R~ SC.~ED~99~~: A~'~ ~0~~°~-0~!~ ~'~.~S~~E'~~~`~.?~~?~, , . A~S ~~I~ D NG C 9~~ ~~I~~.~~EE~'°~~ ~I~G~S~=~ @ C~`~ 6~~~ AN~ SAL~RV S`~EP~ W8~°IH?N ~E~B~~C°~B~VE . R~NGES 0~, ~°HE ~~~AR~ ~CB~E`~~~.I~ s ~~~~~3 ~ E 81N~" ~1E~'HO~~ 0~ '~DVAN~EB~EN~° ~;~Q~ ~;~.~Ee~L 9 NG ~REm V~OUS ~~~A~,~' R~SOL~°~&ON~. ~ ~ CBTY COUNCIL JUNE 24TH9 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALBFORNBA PAGE 2 On motion of Councilman Levir~e, seconded by Coaancilrnan Sehlegel9 and on the fol lowirag rol ~ cal 1 vo~e, ~o wete AYES. CowrociJmen S~hlegel9 Levmu~ea Wood, Smith and Mayor °fhompson. NOES: None ABSEN°Ge None the fot°ego i cvg r~esol u~ san wa.s passed art~d adop~ed th i s 24th d~ay of ,~~ne, 1969. ADOPT80N OF 1969-70 BUDGET FOR C61'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE AdminBstrator Butch gave a brief res~ame of the entire budget stating ~hat the grand total of all expenditures for the flscal year 1969-70 would be ap~ proximately $9769106. After Co~ar~c i~ d i scuss i~n, on anot aon of C~unc i lman Sr~o ~.h, seconded by Counedlman Levine and unanimously carried, the 1969-70 B~dget for the City of Arroyo Grande, in the approxlm~te amoun~ of $g76,106 was ~dopted as prepared and adjtasted. PROGRESS REPORT - FORMA~BON OF MOSQdJUTO AB~TEMElVT D9ST OR CON°fRACT SERV9CE Admiroistrator Boa~ch reported tha~ he B1ad met with Jum G~tesa County Sani- tari.~?~n9 regarding the City°s req~cest for assistance with a mosqu0to abatement - program. M~'o Gates ~dvbsed that his offece wilt assist the City on every way possible upon the approval of the Board of Supervisors ac~d ~h~t'thos matter is scheduled for the nex~ meeting of the S~n Luis Obispo County Board of Super- visors. STATE PERSONNEL SERVYCE-CON'~'RAC~' RENEWAL FOR THREE YEARS - JUNE 309 197~ Adm6nistrator Butch advised that the cuo°rent contract between the City and ~he St~te Personnel Board, Caoperative Personnel Serv'sces, will expire. June 30, 1969 and that he would recommend that the contraet be rersewed for an additional three year period. After Council d6scussion, on motion of Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Lev3ne and unanimously carried9 the Mayor was authorized to sign the contract between the City of Arroyo Grande and the State Personnel Board for personne~ examining services to be used by the City in the recruitment of raew emp.loyeesg said contract to be in,effect from`July l, 1969 through June 30, 19720 ANSWER FRQM SENA~'OR GRUNSKY RE. SB 1414 AND AB 372,AND LEGISLATIVE BULLETBN ~ Administrator B~atch advised th~t notice had been received from Senator Grunsky that he is in opposition to Seraat~e Bo11 1414 which would mandate policemen's wages9 hour°s and vacation and to Assembly Bi11 374 which regulates police officers° retirement. Administrator Butch briefly reviewed ~he latest Legislative Bullefiin re- ceived from the League of Californi~ Cities. LETTER FROM`MAYOR OF EMERYV9LLE RE; ENCROACHMENT UPON HOME RULE Administrator Butch reported that a letter from the Mayor of Emeryvilie, had been receaved requesting additiona1 sup~ort by our City with reference to the Assembly Ba11 2057 which would increase.the powers of the,San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission; ~and as the Council had author6zed ~ letters to be sent in opposdtion to this matter at a prior meeting thet he had telephoned Seriator Grunsky,'s office advising them of th3s Councit's opposition to this bill affecting home rule. _ REAPPOdNTMENT OF PARKiNG COMMlSSEONER CARROLL PRUETT On motion of Councilman Schlege}, seconded by Counc~lman Smith and unani- mously carried, Cara-oll Pruett was reappointed to serv~ on the Parking Com- mission fior a three year_term, from July l, 1969 to ,dune 30th, 1972. REPORT AN~ RECOhIMENDA~' E ON Of PARK S NG COMM B SS B ON Adminisfirator Butch brsefly reviewed the Parking Cor~isseoro mon~ates of June 18fih, 1969 and caoted that their ruext meeting would be on July lOtha 1969 at l0°00 A.M. QUARTERLY REPORI' ON SALES AND C'BGARE~'7E ~"AX REVENUE Admdnistrator Butch:subcrnitted a Progress Report on the 1st Qaaarter of 1969 Sa1es Tax and Cigare~Cte ~'~x RevenGe. -M l 5'~ CB°GY COI~NCIL ~~NE ~4°~Bia ~969 ARROYO GRAN9E9 CAL9FORN~~ ~ REAPPO ~ N`~N1EN~° OE ~LANN ~ N~ ~0~1t~~ SS ~ ONE~ 9~A€~~~ ~o ~1~6~8 L~~~E Oca ~o~ a~~v of C~c~~~ 8~~~ra Le~a a~e ~~e~~~~ed b~a ~~~a~c e l~~c~ W~~d 9~~~ ~oca~~ u m m,ous3y car~°aed9 H~r~°y Wo B~~~o~~e~ ~r~s ~°e~ry~~uc~~ed ~o ce~°~e ~B~e 8~~~~a~u~~ Cor~ma~sdo¢~ f~r a ~P ~°e~ ~e~~° ~~~°~y f~e~~ ~a~~~ ~ ~ 196~ ~~c~e 30~~~ ~9~'~.e f3EG, FROB~ PB~A~1N, ~Od~~1, ON S~9~C~S~°E~ ~1~~~ER~&~ ~ 8~ 0~ ~O~S°~/~L 14~1L~E~ ~9~~eNNo ~d~NC 0 B~ Adcns~as~~°~~or ~a~~r~ ~°~p~~°~e~ ~9~~~ ~~e ~~~,c~s~o~~ ~~uxs~ra~~o~s~9 ~8~~e~° ~°egu~m 1 a mee~ a ~g ~f ~~o~ue ~ ~ a ~ ~6~ q ~~~.~~~~e~c6e~ ,~8~~ ~~~~v~ ~ ~ ~~u~~~ ~n~9~~p ~f t8~e C~as~~ 1 Va 1 1~~ P~~r~~a u~g ~o~a~~ u~ o~~ ~~de ~i~~ re~ res~~~~ ~ a we f ~B~e Oce~c~o Bmprovem~ec~t As~o~6~~u~ca ~s bc~ ~~e mc~o~~~~ ~I~^,~~~~g~~e~at ~~ae ~~~s~~e~o~~ ~~~r~cr19 a t was ~°eco~u~ec~dsd ~B~~i~ tB~~°ee ¢~~u~~e~°s ~~~a~ o u~~ed f~°~~ ~9~e C~~u~~y o~ S~r~ La~ u s Ob s spo 9~wo c°ep~~°e~e~~ s rag O~e~~~ a~d os~e ~°ep~eses~~ a cag ~@~e ~~~u~r~~ P l~~cs a a~g C~¢~~ m~sseor~~~- fr~a~ ~I~9s ~~°e~,o Adr~~ca~s~~~~~r Ee~~~~a ~d~~~~d k~a~~ P~~~ ~~~at~~~ed ~6~e ~~~o~o~y ~l~~caac~g D s recto~° reg~ ~°d a~g ~;~e ~~a ~°ee ~~wo l c~~merats a~ad' M~° a Rogoway a~ad i ca~ed the Couraty woul~ p~efe~° ~o ~e ~~p~~e~~ fiB~~~~ ~ep~°e~se~t~~e~e~~ f~~~ ~~ae ~~°e~ e~cl~ded ira the U~°b~,ra f~e~e~~e L°a~ae an~ ~tl~~~ t9~e ~~~c~~~ ~r~~~d ~~~~~°°s~~~e s~~ff assas~a~ce ~nd M~°a ~utc~O ~°e~o~~e~a~ed ~~ad ~B~e Gc~~ou~c~ ~ ~~~°ee~ ~~~t ~k~~s ~~°op~asa~ f~°o~n ~he C~u~t~ be s-evaewed ~~ae G~a~~~~ R9~ls~~~ ~~~~~o~g Co~~a~a~ p~°e~~ ~~~ao~ by ~h i s Co~an~ a~ a SE`L PUBL d C NEP~R 6 N~ ~OIR f3E~~1~ ~ NG ON ~BU~~~u~, ~W_~ C~L~ ~G~SE E~Oe 69m~3 °G~e Coa~ca~ a 1 ~°e~e u ved ~~°eso 1 a~~ G~~ ~f ~@~~ C a~y o~ ~Aa` ~'o~o ~~~~d~ P 1 a cac~ a s~~ Co~n e s s s~~ a°~~~cnmecud i rag to ~he C a~~ G~~cc~~ a 1 aca ~~e~~9mer~~ ~ tl~e ~t~~ e~ a pa 1 C~de by rez~~aar~g ~ p~r~u~~ ~f Lc~~ 16 ~f ~F~e I~~~~P~~a~+a~uocu ~f ~ p~r~ ~f ~8~~ Rar~~ho Corra~ de Paed~~~9 Pas~ao ~nd B~l~~ de ~N~~c~~s~~~ oa~ Hu~s~a~ Road frr°d~ Ra~m61 to Rm3s.as reqa~est~d ~he ~~vp~ic~~a~~ s~~~a~~~e~ by E~eren Aa Wac~~o Af~ker Coa.~~u~ a 1 d e s~~ss s~c~ e e~~ a~~a ~f CQaac~c a~~~n 9~~~ a~e9 secocoded by Counca~mac~ Ss~s~E~9 a~d a~c~~c~au~~~se~ ~~r~aed9 t@~~~ a pua~~ ac hearnra~ ~J~~ ~~t fsar 8000 P.NIo~ ~u~y 8~@~n ~~69a ~~e ~°e:zo~acu~ ~~p~~ a~atAO~a sa~bc~oi~ted by E~vs¢~ Wacalo PL/~NN COMM REC °~0 CB`~Y~.COI~NC~L REo A~1~N~~~6~°~ °60 S@GN ORDll~9~INC~ Ad~nsr~.es~c°~~~r ~~o-~~h ~e~or~ed ~ha~ s~u~ Pl~,r~~sa~g G~m~iss3ora I~ad p~°~posed an amendmec~~ ~o the ~Agca Or°db~a~cace wha~h wo~a~d prohabb~ exterio~° l Aght°sr~g on free-stacadscag ssga~sg ~a~d ~ha~ ~E~e 0~°deo~a~ac~~9 ~s proposeda wo~ald c~ot be retrom - act ~ ve, baa~ woaa 1 d~ffie~~ ~ 1 1 ~s~w f reem~~~~ud °o c~g s a gras ere~ctecl e ca ~he C e ty.After Co~se~e A 1 d s sc ~ss ica~ g; e~ w~s ~g re~d ~h~~ ~o ~c~ sora be ~~ke~a at ~h a s~~~ne and AdmBc~is~~~~or° B~~~9~ w~s u°eq~~sted co~~~c~ ~he Le~g~ae. of C~~ ufoer~ua Cet~es for f~ar~~er d~fo~~na~ec~ca ~e~~~°da~~ s~g¢~~ d~ ~~@~~r Cataes. RESPONS~ ~'ROB~ ~tf3 YO~JNG~ REa EX~B-6~N~~ PR~~~fB°~°~' ON GI~ND A1~€, ~ B~NCH S~°o Admo~as~~~~o~° Baa~~B~ ~°ep~r~~d ~~r~~ ~~°e~l~ ~aad b~e~ ~°ecei~red ~ro~ Nl~°, Lawrer~ce You~g ~~I~ a~ u~g ~9~~,~ ~B~a ~ a~y p~°~p?c~~~ ~~o exc~a~cage 1~c~d oc~ Br~~a~h Street for a~nc~r~~~cv of ~au~ p~°~pe~°~y ~u~ ~r~~~ ,A~eo ~r~d ,~-~ac~aper S~ree~ w~,s caot accept~~ ~ e to ta ~ m a~vd a s~~° e g o a~~ ~ a~fer ~ 50 ~aot v~ a de by 645 foo~ deep st~-ap ~f l~,c~d o~ Gs°acad Ae~e. ~~d ~ so~a~~ p~r~el r~f l~~ad o~a ,9~oc~Ape~° S~¢°eet s~ a 1 1 s~arads ac~~l ~e w~~a1 d g a~re tFa~ Cu fia~ ~ac~~ s~ S~~~ee~ber 1 9 ~ 96~ ~o ~ccep~ h a s offer< Aft~r Cr~~~v~e~ dasc~assa~rea /~du~oc~ds~~°~~~~ 8~~~~a w~s a~~~raa~~ed to write ~o Mr o Yo~~ag a~d ~°~q~a~s~ ~ta~~ ~ he sa~P~~ i t 8~ e~~~~p~sa 1~arud tee°~n~ a r~ wr a t s~ag for t6~e ex~ha~ge o€ ~6~e ~wo ~~°mpes°tses s~~ralwed, FURTHER D@ SCUSS 9 ON RE e~~~Ri,f~N~E ~F ~~b0~E~1fX ~E`TWJEEN ME~, B~AN~~NBE~K AND C B°~Y Admi~as~r~~ma° .Ba~~~h ~°eq~ae~~ed ~9~~fi ~~ass a~~m be held over~ ~s the des~ript- oons h~d ~o~ beecv co~ip3e~e~l f~~° ~he ,p~~~~r~~r foe exc9~~nged be~wee~ dNo°o Lar~genbeck a~od ~Fae ~ ~ ~y> NOl° 8 CE FROM S~A~°~ ~@ V, 0~ 9~~'°~S o EtE e FOR~°B~~n~18 NG ~Ld~~S B F 6 C~~` ~ ON ~`~~DY ~F' LOCPs~ S1'S. Ad~ni~i~~~~~~~° ~uk~c~a ~dvased t~~t ~ eu~~o~e ~ad been r°ecesved f~oc~ t~se S~ate DavesBoca of B~agFawa~rs ~rec~- forttacc~c~a~~ ~~~ssafic~tA~c~ s~aady ~f ~~ca~ sta~eets arud thear ~°eqaaes~ p~~~a~a~rafi~r~u~ b~a ~;~Oe ~o~y°a ea~gac~eera~g ~t~ffo RECE B P°~ 0~' f~EQI?ES~° ~OR B~S°G ~A~M~NT O~I ~,~~EZ WA`~ER ~da~ecaa~t~°~~a~r Bs~~~h ~°~~~i ~ ~e~~e~° eeceaved ~rm~ ~ober~ 'M~ ~~~°~9 Go~raty Hydra~a1bc Ec~garree~°9 wlhec~ ~~~~ed ~,E~~ ~~d~~ed es~:ucnate c~f cosfis f~~ ~he L~~ez W~~e~° S~apply C~c~~r~,~~s a~d cao~~d ~8~~~ ~B~e CB~~ Arro~/o ~~'~c~de°~ 1969~70 wa~er ba 1~ a~ $~04~944,70 wa~h ~~e f"a 4a~1f p~~¢ne~~ c~a.oe J~1~ 1 a ~96g9 .y~ OOZg."'h72eJS whsc~ as 1 ar~te~est o Af~:er~ C~a~ca~s 2 d~~c~~~a~~, oo~ ~~~i~o~ a~' C~a~~~a 1~n~,ca ~ev~~vey seco~ded by C~eancal~~cu ScE~1ege1~ ~,cad ~~~~oo~~a~s~y ~~,~°eeed9 ~~&:~O~s°sz<~t8~~ wa,s granted fo~ ~he p~yaner~t ~f $10~a!~7~435 f~r fo~~~ h~~€ Qf ~9~e ~apez W~~~~° Sau~vp~y Coram ta°ac~ far 196~~700. C&TY COUNCO~ - ~1~9NE ~4°~~i9 ~9~9 ARROYO GRPsN~E 9~~A~ 0~'~E3N 8A PAGE 4 REPORT ON ZONE 3 h1EE~' ~ NG B~P ~09JN~ B 9~~N B~EV 0 N~ C~~ao~c i~~~a~ Le~ u c~e gave ~,cv ~ ~°~~~r°~ ~co ~E~e ~°e~e~~ Z~a~e ~ Ad~r a soe°y ~~~nm m s~tee c~ee~ a ca~ ar~d ra~ted ~tl~~t~ q~ce~t ~°ec~~ ~°d °o r~g ~he eo~fo~~e~nea~t ~ E ~aa 1 es ~o~d regul~ta~c~s ~f L~~ez L~ke ~c~d I~~~o°e~~o~c~ Are~ taad P~e~o~ sa~bcna~ted ~9~e B~ar°~I of Saaperv a s~c°s f~~° ~~c~~ a de~°~~ o~~v e PRO~ftESS REP6f3`~ ~N S0~`~@i SL~ COUN`~~f S~~J ~~N ~ ~ 5°~i3 U~~° Adcno~asst~~~~o° B~o~~,9~ ~°ep~~r~~~E ~9~~~ pr~b~emn~ wo~&i '~9~e ctldge~te~° a~ the Tr°e~~~e~~ P~~~t ~~ae deposet of ~e~~a~ ~~cok p~~npec~gs ~O~is ~ee~ ~~¢~~~o°~~°ily d i scoaa~ ~~a~~~ o . ~ ~,GREEMEN`~ RE e SER~f3 8.1~1~ ° S ~~~mS`~~'~ 0~I~ VEB~ ~~LES F~D~~ Adm e~a a s k a°~ B~~~h ~,d~ a~e~ ~~u~~ ~B~e. ~oa o°d ~f S~a~~~°v A sos°s Fa~s ~do~ted Reso 1~~ 6oa~ 69~37 ~~aa~h~~° ~ z~~u~ execa~~ u~o~ of ~o~ ~greeane~~ aa~ s 1~ ze ~F~e C~~y of Ar~oyo ~raa~d~°s f~c~~a~~~~ ~o r~afa~~~ ~~c~~v~y S@~e~°af~°s vehac~eso A°~~er C~a~r~c~ 1 dssc~ss ~00~9 ~~~~c~c~ ~~a~~~a ~m~~~ S~E~~eg~3, sec~~ded b~O Goa~~cc ~c~~c~ Le~oo~e aa~d ~c~ao~c~~~s~~~e ~a~°~°e~d9 ~w~~ htay~~ a~d ;8~~ C~~~°9~ weo~e ~~utE~m~°uzed ~~d s raste°u~ted to s a~~o ~~~°ee~aeca~ we ~~ae ~~e~n~y of Sa~ L~u a s OG~ a spo ~o ~ea°¢n . the aase of ~E~e Cb~~ ~f ~~°a°~y~ ~~°~~~e°~ f~~~ ~ utaes ~o e°efa~e~ G~a~~~y Sheo°~ffos ve6~AC~eso B N~ORMPsL B 8 DS ~OR ~~?S~I~B~LA°~ 0 ON 0~ ~~9°~°~ERS EL C~~1 ~ N~ WAYS UDE PA~;K ,4d~a ra ~ ~~~°a~~~° ~~a~~@~ ~,cl~ °s sed ~tl~~~ a ~u~~a°c~a ~ b e ds 9~~,d beec~ ~°ece a ~eed for ~he ic~stal1~,~s~c~ ~f ~~~c~°~~~ ~~a~°b~ ~~d ~~a~~ec~s a~ E~ ~a~~c~~ W~ysade I~~rt°k9 ~s fo ~ 1 o~r~ e o~ Rober~ Newdol ~ a 8~40 IN~a ~~d ~ G~'~~rea° C~~y9 C~1 efa $1 9066000 0lavea° F~g1e9 ~3~~ P~s~ 13~P~1e~ S~o9 Oc~~s~oa Ca~a~, ~$~9000,00 Af te~° . 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