Minutes 1969-06-08 1~~ `:CITY COUNCIL .9ULY 8THa 196g ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNDA The City Council m~t ira regular sessimr~ wath Mayor Thompson presidingo Upon roll call Councilmen Schlegel, LevAne9 Wc~od ~c~d Smith reported presento PLEDGE OF ALLEG9ANCE AND @NVOCAT90N Mayor Thompson led the Pledge of AIEegAaruce to our fl~g; arvd im~nedBately fhereafter, Reverend Reycaolds Rotchbe ~f the Ch~arch of G~d of Gr~ver Caty de- Tivered the invocat°soaao APPROVAL OF M9NU°~ES The marautes of the rega~lar meetirag ~f .3~¢rae 24th, 1969 were approved ~s pre- pared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On mot i on of Counc i l m~n Lev i r~e 9 sec~c~ded by Courac d l cnan Sch 1 ege l e arad a~ca~n i- mously carried, General Warrants Noe 1 thro~ugh 30, in the total amoaant of $219742,98 ~r~d Payroll Warr~r~ts Noe 1691 through Noo 1792a an the total amoaarat of $14,289.02 were approved ar~d ordered ~a~d, TREASURER ° S REPORT FOR THE MONI'H OF t~IAY 9~ 969 The 'Treasurer's report for the month ~f M~Y9 1g69 was receiored by the Council, reviewed arad ordered fa~ed, DEPARTMENTAL REPDORT FOR THE ~10N~'H OF .D~JN~ 9~ 969 The Departmerotal Repo~°t for the mo~ath ~f ~Dune, 1969 was receaved by the Counc8l~ reviewed and ordered foled, LETTERS FROP1 FIVE BAY AREA MAYORS ~ S.F<BAY CONS. DEV, COMM.REoA6 2057nS6 347 The Courac i 1 d i scussed cros°~espo~dera~e wh, ~~h had been rec~; i ved f rom John H o Reading9 Mayor of Oakland ar~d co-signed by the Mayors of the Cit~es of Berkeley, San Leandro9 Emeryville and Albaray9 requeste~~ thes City°s further oppositeon to AB No. 2057 and SB Noe 3478 whech enc~oach upon home rule and from the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Developcnent C~mmission outliraing thos Commbssions reasons for the necessity ~f enactmerot ~f SB 2057o The Councel agreed further correspondence, signed by the Mayore be sent ~he League of Calofornea Cities and Senator Randolph Collier, opposing enactment of AB 2057 and SB 347 and all other similar legislation whlch wo~ald jempardeze local home rule controls on zoning and land use developmento LEGISLATIVE BULLETEN FROM THE LEAGUE OF CA~.OFORN9A CITIES Administrator Butch reviewed copies of the latest Legislative Bul]etins received from the League of California C°staes, HIYAMA-KAWAOKA LEASE ASS9GNED TO OBAYASH9 BROS. ~ NEW LEASE FOR ELM ST. PROP.. Adrrrfnistrator But~h reported that Mr'e Kengo Kawaoka9 who has acquired the Assignmer~t of Lease from Mr> Yo H~y~ma9 the Lessee of Cb~y owned property adjacent to Ash Street extensiora9 has iradaca~ed that he does not wish to retain Assignment of Lease arad has a~o objectior~s to ~he assignmerat of lease beirag granted to Obayashi Brothers, Mr, Hiya~n~ weshes to ~ssign said lease to Obayashi Brothers for the remaaroder of the tease periodn whach termir~ates - September 30, 196g. George O~ayashs9 representing the Obayashi Brothers, lias signed the Assignment.of Lease to assaame the lease until September 309 1969, and 4n adslitiora he is requesting ,that the Goty lease the prmperty to the Obayashi Brothers from October 19 196g through June 30, 1970 and each renewal lease period thereafter be from July 1 thro~agh June 30e After Council d°as- cussion, on motion of Councilmaca Smath9 se~~reded by Councelmara SchlegeT and unanimously carried, the Assigc~mer~~ of Lease between Y. Hiyama and the Obayashi Brothers was approved ared the M~yor was authorized to sign the Consent to Assignment on behalf of the City; and the Mayor and C3ty Clerk were authori- zed to sign the lease between the Obayashs Brothers and ~he City, for approxi- mately 15 acres of Co:ty owned land adJacerat to the Elm Stree~ Park and Ash Street extensoon to be a~sed for farming purposes, from Octob~r 19 ]969 through ,1une 30, 1970, MUNICBPAL CODE AMENDMENT-REGULATBON OF PRBVfATE PATROL SERVBCES - F9RS~' READiNG Administrator Butch reviewed ~ report from Cheef of Police Richardson, which recommends the adoption of an Ordanance to provide for the reguTation of private patrol services Weth~n ~he Co~y of Arroyo Grande; thes Ord°anarace has been proposed by the,Coa~~aty Sheraff arad Police Chiefs withi'n S~ru ~uis Obispo Countye After Couracil d(scussson9 Cit.y Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reading, the title c~f an Ordenac~ce amending the M+anecmpal Code to pro- vide for the regulatir~g of po°ivate patrol se¢°vices, thereafter, a motion was made by Counci lman Schlegel 9 secoceded by Goaaruci lman Levlnee ~nd oa~aaa~Jmously carriedy to disperase with readic~g ~he bala~~e of this Ordinance, 16~ CBTY COUNCBL J~~Y ~~~a l~bg ARROYO GRAN~E, CA~~~O~NBA PAGE ~ A G~ VeLLAGE MER~HAN~S ASSO~ 0~ ~~O~E~~Y ~~R PE~ES~ROAN M~L~mHE~~ OVER Mayor Tho~pso~ ~dv~sed ~ha~ a~em w~~ ~eq~e~ted be ~e~d ~~er pe~da~g addetao~~l i~fo~~~ti~~, _ F~RTHER D@SCUSSBON ON MUN6~B~A~ ~~~E ~ME~~~~N~ m S@GN OR~?N~N~E May~r T~om~~o~ ~dvused tha~ thes a~~~ os be~~g ~eco~sedered by ~he ~la~ni~g Commessso~ ~nd req~e~~ed ~h°ss m~~~e~ be ~el~ ~~e~, P, ~ Rb GO~Ms REo PR@ORU~~ C~~RY 0~~~ F~N~ ~0 lg6g~'J0 BU~G~~ Adma~~strator B~~~h ~~~~r~ed tha~9 ~he C~~ncil req~estede the P~~ks ~nd Recre~tso~ Co~~essao~ ~as es~abl~shed ~r~~ro~~ o~ the c~~~y ~~er s~ems from the 1968m69 ~~rk Ca~~~~l Outl~y B~dge~9 a~ follo~se 1, S~~~~~ Bed Develop~ ment; 2, Ub~~~ge ~~y~a~e Parke ~~d 3, New~o~t Medt~~; and ~s the t~ta~ year end fig~res ~re ~o~ ye~ ~v~3l~ble Ad~u~~~~~~~~~ B~t~h ~ecommended ~c~a~n be taken at thes t~~ea RESOLUTBON-EXCHAN~E OF ~ROPER~Y BE~~€EN ~R, ~ANG~NBE~~ ~ C@TY m~RAFF~C W~Y Attorney ShJpsey reviewed the ~rep~~e~ r~s~luta~n a~d agreeme~t for prop~ erty excha~ge between t~e Ga~y a~d ~~~1 ~~~ge~beck f~r pr~pert'se~ WBthB~ ~~d adjace~~ to the ra~htmofmway t~e B~a~~~ ~~~~~t9 ~~~ff~c W~y9 Gr~nd Ave, sntersection, After Cou~cel d°o~c~s~G~~e ~a~y A~t~rney Shapsey re~d t~e tetle ~f a res~~uts~~ ~U~hOC9Z9~A $h~ seg~a~g ~f ~greeme~~ to exch~~ge re~l property, ~~ereafte~ a mo~am~ was ~~de b~ C~~~~al~~~ ~e~i~e9 seco~ded by Councalma~ Schlegel and un~~b~o~sly c~~r~eda dispe~se weth re~da~g the b~~m ance of t~s~ resol~tao~, ~ESOLU~oo~ ~o0 8~g A ~E~O~U~BON OF ~~E ~B~Y C~~N~B~ OF ~9TY OF ARROYO GRAN~E AU~~0~9Z@N~ ~~E M~YO~ AND C9~Y CLERK TO S9GN ~G~EE~E~~ ~X~~~NGE REAL P~OPER~Y, On mots~n of Co~ncalma~ S~~~egela ~e~~~ded by C~~~cilm~n Levu~e, and by the fotlowe~g rotl ~~~1 ~ote~ to w°s~o AYESo Cou~calmen Schlegel9 L~va~e9 W~~d9 Smath and M~yo~ ~hompsm~a NOESe Noneo ABSENT; Noneo the foregoing resolutiora was p~ssed a~d adop~~ed thos 8th day of Julya 1969. PROGRESS REPOR°6 FA9R OAKS AVE. EXTENS90N ~ND BR9DGE AdmB ro s strator B~tch adv s sed tE~at the Ecag i c~eers have ~-eported th~t they plaro to h~~e estarn~tes ora bridge cor~sto°~~tiou~ desag~us f~r° cor~soder~tioca by the regu1ar meetEr~g of the Coaarocil on ~~a1y 19690 PROGRESS REPOR~" m LOPEZ WA~"ER SU~PL~ A Progre~s Re~ao~~ fo~° the mon~h ~f P1~~r~ 196ge was received from the S~n Luis Ob~spo Coranty F~ood Con~~°ol arad W~~er C~cvservatiora DsStrict~ whach was reviewed ~nd o~dered fileda D 9 SGUSS E ON - PROPOSE~ AB~ENDM~NT TQ B~~~E~ V~A`~~R GON°~RACT Admeraistrator B~o~kch ~dvised that c~~ie~ Af the proposed ~¢neradments to the lopez Water Co~atract have beer~ recesved f~°o¢~ the San LuBS Obaspo Coun~y Flood Cor~trol ~,nd Wate~° Cos~se~°vat iora ~ a sta° e ct ~o~d th~t the rev i sed acnendcnecats have been tera~~tively ~pproved by atl ~~o~tr~c~uc~g ~n~eties ~nd are now ~-eady for firaal Coucacil ap~rovalo Afte~° C~a~r~col da~caa~so~c~9 ~~a motAOn of Coura~elman Smethe secoraded by Coaar~cAlrnara Levanes a~ad aa~~r~a~noaas~y carried, Coty Attorney S6~apsey was ~e~thorized and ica~t~°a~~ted ~o ~~°e~~re ~ r~5olutaoro approvi~ag the amend~nerats ~ko the Lo~aez W~~er Co~t~a~t9 f~r ~onsiderati~n ~t the c~ex~ s°egt~l~r meeteng of the Councs~, r; D I SCUSS 9 ON: AREAS W 9~"H 6 N A. G. N0~° NOW ~A°~ ~OPEZ CONTRACT CFIARGES . ' Admeraiatrat~r° Butch reported k9~a~ ~9~e ~rt-ea wafB~aca the Caty bea~a~ ser~red by County Service D°astro~t N~, 1~9 °~o°~c~s CV~a 809 14~ ~~d ~44, are ra~~ n~~r paying any service ch~~°ges tow~rd tl~e L~~ez 9~~~ec° C~~atract t~ ~he Guty ~ao~° to the County Servace Destr6c~ as ~ha~ ~c°ea as o~~~ au~claaded wutheca the Dest~°act b8urad~ r e es wh a ch s s ~a e s e rag ~°evenuae ~o ~neet ~he a r cor~ t ~°a~t ob ~ a ga t i~~a by tax- atiora and raot by water r~te 6r~creases, ~~~~°tes Week~a ~ resader~~ of Ta°act 142, ora l l y stated he fe ~~a~~ ~he ~r~~er ~hey we~e r°ece a v a rag f roan ~he D°a s~ r fi ct was inferior to Caty w~~er ac~d ~s t~a~~ are~, as a p~r°~ of ~he C~ty ~hey sho~ld be receivs~g all Cflty sea°va~es ancl~dia~g wa~e~°, At~e~° Coa~~ac~1 discaa~~aon9 AdPt191~@- ~V ~ C@°fY COUNCBt ~9~9~Y 8~°A-Ba ~9~9 ARROYO GRAN~E9 ~A~OFORN~A P~~E ~ strat~r Baatch w~~ a~sku°aac~e,d sch~~~~e ~~w~~tS~g v~°s~~u o°ep~°~~~~v~~~uaees ~f ~B~e Coucaty of San L~a o~ Ob a~p~ a o~~ ~B~ e~~a~~~~a° a PUBL e C HEAR ~ NG m REZOI~ 9 I~G ON H~9~~NA, Fa~, ~~9 ~~A~~ ~~~E N~ 0 6.~m~3 Ad~an~s~r~~k~r B~t~9~ ~°~~raewed th~~ ~~°~~~~~~a~~ ~a~d bee~ ce~eeved f~°~~n ~9~e P i~c~ea e ng ~06@'B61't 9~~ 6~~ c°~c~¢n~~r~d a c~~ ~8~~ ~ez~~ u~~ ~~°~~n ~~;4mBm 1~o Rm3 ~f ~°ox a m m~~el~ five ~c~°e~ ~f ~c°~~~~~~ ows~e~ C~~°o ~~~u~ ~9oc~~~ ~,dj~~e~t fH~o~~~~ ~do w~aach he w~she~ tca d~vet~~ a~~~ ~ a~~~a~~ ~~°~o~~~' YJ~~~ bee~~ ~~sa~~°~d !ay Cbty ~le~°1c M~~~~~°` ~@~~~ ~°~c~~a8~e~~~~~ ~~~o~ad~d b~r ~~~r h~v~~ beea~ ~e~9 M~~~r Thompso~ decl~~°ed ~he B~eaa-gs~~ o~~va ~~ad ~~l ~er~o~as f~e ~r ~E~e pr~m posed rezoc~3c~g w~~~~ ~~~s b~ ~e~~°do I~~~ ~~~°9 ~~9~ F9aa~s~~ R~ad w~~ po°~~e~a~ and spoke agaan~~ th~ p~°~~ose~ c~~~~o~e Eo~ fel~ ~8~~ c~e~el~garn~~~ ~f ~ mobs~e ~c~as~e~° ~~k ~~u~~ l~w~e~° ~r~p~~°~~ .~~~~a~~ o~ t@~~~ ~a°~~o Mro ~~b~~°~ S~aiwe~la 734 ~t~+a°~te ~~o v~~~ ~~~u~~~ ~8~~~ ~ ~sau~ u~ ~~~e~~tl~ ~~~~~lled wethar~ ~he ~i~s~sc~~ 9~~~s1 ~ag8~~~~fm~ra~q w~ae~&~ ~~a~ ~~r~e ~@~~~ ~9e~ce~~pcne~v~o ~°here bebng ra~ f~o~°~6~~~° d°u~~~~~~~~ f~~° ~a° ~~~6~~~ ~8~~ ~°~z~~~~g~. N~~y~o° ~B~~a~gasor~ dem clared the hea,roa~g ~~~~ed, A~~~~ ~c~a~rt~~~~ ~a~~~~s~~~9 Cit~r ~e~to~°~aey ~~~epse~ read9 fior ~ts f~~°st c~e~di~age the t~~~~ ~~F ~ro ~~°dinas~~e a~nendo°r~g t9~e B~~~od~apa1 _ Gode sc~ as re~~~~e ~e~°t~a~ ~~°~p~~°~~~ o~ ~f~~ ~6~~ ~f ~~°a~~~e~ ~~°~~defl ad~~~erat to Huasna Road f~°~~n ~mA~~m~ t~ ~m3 ~`~q~es~ed by ~he ~~g~~ ~~a~~oc~ ~a~~mne~~ed by D~°e Elva~ ~'ac~~ 9 ther~af~es~ ~~~~~~a ~r~~ m~d~ by ~~~c~~e l~n~~a W~~d9 ~e~o¢~ded by Cou~ac~~ma~a S~n~~k8~ ~~sd aar~~~oa~~~~1~ c~~~~a~dq ~as~ae~ase wo~~ re~d~~ag ~8~e b~,1~ ance of thd~ ~~do~~o~ceo RECE @ P°~ OF B~ 9 Nl9°~~ES ON ~Q~N°~~ ~J~°~°~~ ~d~~~~~,~~~ ~~1Y 9~~Rl~ C~~1~19 ~i ~'EE ~tEE°G 8 NG~ Mar~~~~~ of ~~ae C~~a~~~ ~J~~er 6~~~~c~~°~~~ ~,d~e~~~~°y ~~~n~natte~°s ~a~~ sev~~°~1 mee~ o¢~gs vae~°e rece °s ved a~°e~e s ew~~ ~~ad ~~dea°e~ u 1~d o Ad~'119 ~1 8 S~ ~c~~~ ~'~a~~h ad- v s sed th~~ ~o~ 6 f e ca~ ~ ora ~~~~a ~e~~ ~~~~9 ~9~~~ ~vex~ ~me~~ u a~~ ~f ~bu C~~m mattee ws 11 be F~eld Se~~esnl~~e ~a ~9690 PROGRESS I~EPOR~° ~ C 8 TYW & DE SEW~~ ~~~°~R & C~° Admar~est~°ator Bu~ch ~a~~a~ed t8~~~ ~e~~~~~c~y cGc~c~~ne~ts 8~~ve beer~ rem ce ived f~°om ~9~e Bo~d a o~g At~o~°~oe~s ~~r ~6~e C°s ~y~ a~~ ~eave~° Asse~smera~ D s's~~° e c~ and thas rn~tte~ w~~ o~a ~9~e 8~~~°d ~~p~c°~u~~r~° ~ge~d~ ~1o~d~~9 ~ul~ 79 19699 and had bee~ held over, PROGRESS E~EPORT ~ SO~~°~ SAN L;U ~ S OB 8~~'~ ~~~N~'~f ~~N ~~°~4°C 9 dN D@~°~R @ C°~ - CopOes of the ChAef Pl~~a~ Ope~°~to~°~ f~~p~r~ for the mo~ath of ~aane, ~969s were rece i ved by ~he ~~~a~ac i 1 9 o°ees e~v~~ed ~o~d ~~°dered f i l ed, CHAR~ES 4JEEKS ~ NQU.~ RY ~E o 5~°A~°US ~~F 8~ 1~~~~~`~ fl~E°~°GER 0~? H B S~MPLYa 7'~RM 0" N~1°~ 0 ~N Mayor °Cho¢~~sora ad~ e sed Ch~ rl e~ ~leek~ e~sB~~a was p~°eserat 9~h~t h a s l ettec° re- gardlrag hes ~erms~a~~~o~ fr~~n em~sloytne~t v~a~t~ ~8~~ Csty ~i~s beec~ ~aker~ ~rader ~d~ viseme~a~ arad ~~~t C9~~ Ad~nu~est~°~~~~° ~~t~E~ ~a~a~old be 9~~nd1;6r~g ~hes m~tte~° ~nd wo~al d~,caswer h o s ~~aqaa e r e es w a~@~ a~~ f~w o PRO~RE~S REPOI~`~ ~ MOSQl~~TO ~~~°~EM~N~° m~~~?`~k~,~°~ ~~RVBCE fiH6~0~9~~i GO~N~°Y Ad~ a~°s str~tos° B~~ch ~°e~~r~ed ~R~~~ B~~d c~~e~ ws ~B~ J am Gates s~oa~~~y S~a~it~ra~~9 a re~re~e~~a~sve c~t' ~h~ Cc~~u~~~ Ag~~~~a~~~~°e Depart¢ne~t ~cad ~ reryre- sec~~~tove ~f ~Fae ~~~~e 1de~t~rt° ~~~u~~'~~ ~ery~~~~re~~ ~rod a~ was dete~°~nar~ed t@~~t a p6lo~ p~ogra~ c~~~~ ~re st~~°~~d b~ ~~g~~~ ~9 ~9~g~ by se~°vice cc~rv~c°act ~go°eemerot w s~h tl~e ~~~a~e~y c~f S~~u ~.a~ o s Ob a~~~ e~» u~n~~ed fee ~aot ~o ~xceed $1 e.000e 0~ as~ tot~la ~'E~e fiee ~r~aald ~oa<ea~ ~os~s f~~° ~:ao~i~s ~B~e~na~a1~ ~c~d eqaaopmec~~ foo- th~°ee chema~al appl ac~~e~a~s b~ ~~el' ae~~~~r da°~p ~~er ~~°~as ~f 't~gr~~~e w~,~er~ ~t fioaa~°m teen day eca~er~~tso A~Ete~° C~~~~at ~a~~~s~°s~ca9 ~a~ ~n~~a~c~ ~~E G~~oc~~~l~nat~ Y~e~~ai~9 seco~ded b~r Go~sc~c a~'~n~~ Sc~al e~el ~a~~ ~o~~~ d~~a~~ ly e ed.9 ~t~~ho~° a z~~ o~r~ w~~ appro~ed that the Ca~y of A~°~°~y~ ~~a~de ~~~~o~.a~~~e w~t~a the C~tses of G~°ov~o° C a ty ~nd P e smo B~ach b~ se~°v a~e ¢~oo~t r~~t ~g ~°~emer~t ~ s t9~ tB~e C~~~~y ~f S~~ L~ a s ~b i sp~ fo~° ~tae ~b~,~e~ne~~ of ~~~cg~ ~ ~~s a ~ ~E~e ~~~~@~ C~~~a~y ~ w~ ~h ~~ae c~s~ t~ the ~0~y ~f Aa°~°~°~~ G~°~r~de ~o~ ~o e~~~~d ~~50oQ0, REP01~T ON 9 N~`~AL~.A1f 9 0~i OF ~TEt~E°~ @~ ~63~~`~ ~ 3,~ ~~18.~~~W PG~RK~. Adms n s stt~ator B~t~h re~or~.sd t9~~~ o°~s a de~t~ ~f V s.;rg 6 c~ a~ ~ ve ~a~ve a11 paid t~ae ~~nd~ ~ece~s~~y ~o ~~°~~od~ f~s~° ~h~ °sc~s~~~ 1~~,.~~~ of ~r~e~~~ne~v~a1 ° street'_1 agh~~s ba~~ to d~t~ ~@~e re~ a~~c~~s ~da ~ ~~~r Lacae h~~e ~~a~ j~~rt,oci~~te~ ` one hu~adred pes°cec~~ ~e~g~a e~ed a ~f~e'r G~as~u~ p~ d s se:a~~s a~ra fl Ad~u ~v u str~t~r Butch w~s ar~str~~~ec6 tm pe~~e~d ~vA~h 9~~e~a~~ ~~°~~m~~~al ~t~°ee~ ~ ag~~~ sa~st~l~ed ~r~ V a rg a ~ s a Q ~ a ~re ~cid ~9~e ~ o ~y ~°k ~~o~ a g~ .~~~~t9~~:~ ~ ~~ae ~°es $ m den~s oo~ W a 1 1¢~~v L~~e o`ega ~°d ~ c~g ~9~e C~~~c~ a~ s~~~ o~r~ ~~d a nfo~`~n o a~g ,th~an ~E~~t staradard st~°ee~ 1 AgB~~s ~va ~ 1 ~e sr~~~~l ~~d ~o~ ~o ~ l~~r L;'~~e ~Yt~~es~ ~cue '6h~~adred pereent p~~~a~~~aa~a~~ ~f £~i~ds f~~° ~o~~a~~me~t~,? st~eet ~ a~9~~s es ~°e~e~~e~ by t:he C s~y a ra ~~ae ~ae~~ f~a~aa~°e, ~ C&TY COUNCBL JULY 8°~H9 1969 ARROYO GRANDE9 CAL~FORNBA PAGE 4 REQUEST OF COUNC 8 L~N SM @°~W F013 PER~19 ~S ~~N BE 0~`~ OF STA°~~ On mofi~ora ~f Couc~ci~~n~~o S~hlegel9 sec~~a~led by C~~o~acil¢na~ Le~~c~~a ~r~d urran8mously c~~°rbed9 the req~ue~t of C~~or~~8lm~ra S~na~~a for perrnis~o~ca to be ou~ of the St~~e ~f C~1 eforn~~ fa°~~ 9~6~ ~h~°oa~gh ~B~e ~3~~ag 1969~ w~s appr°aveda , DJOURNMENT ~°0 EXEC `G VE S ~N ` t~~ o~~'~~s'~ C~~a~ '1~ra~':~.~~~e~eg se~~r~ded ~y Ca~i~~i~ilmaa~ ~c@~legel9 ~eud ~¢r~~a.imotASl~r ~~t°T°~edg the ~n~~~o~ag ~v~s ~djoa~~°~ues~ ~t ~0~7 PaMe to ao~ eace~~tove , ~ P..S. ~ t ~ ~ n ~ . ~ . . . ~ . . . . . RECONVENMEN~° OF ~OUNC~L The C~~.~u.c$1 t°eccya~ver~ed 8;57 PaMo f~°o~n exec¢~~ive sessaoc~ with ~11 membet°s belc~g pr.eseet~ ~s s~imwr~ or~ u°~~ 1 ca11 a ADJOURNh1EN1° On cno~s~ra o~E Co~raca lman Le~orae9 ~~6~~ded by Coa~~a~i ~m~ca Schlegel arad un~nicnously ca~°raed9 the me~t~s~~ ~dj~~u~°~ed 9000 Pahte A°fT E ST ` ~ C 9 CLERBC NIAYOE2 ~r ~ - - _