Minutes 1969-08-12 CITY COUNCIL AUGUS'I` 12B 1969 ARROYO GRANDEa CAIaIFORNIA ~ The City Council met in rec~ula~ session with Mayor Thompson presiding. Upon roll call Couracilmen S~hl~egel and Smith reported present. Coun~il~a~n Levine and Woc~cl are absentm PLEDGE OF AI~LEGIANCE 1~ND INVO~ATION Mayor TYgompson led t~e Pled~e of Allegiance ~o our fla~a and immediately tY~ereaftero ~ax~~s Mason ~f ~Y~e First Asser~obly of God Ck~urc~a of Arro~o Gr~nd~ cl~liver~d ~.~e ~nvoca~ione APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of t1~e rec~ular r~ee~ing of J~nly -22, 1969 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilrnan L~~ai~ne, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously cax°rieda Gene~°al Warran~s No. ~1 , through No. 136, in ~he to~al aixioun~. of $39, 782 a 90 and Payroll Tnlarrants No. 91 tr~ough Nc~o 19~, in ~he total ~naount~ ~rf ~,553e~6, were approved and ordered ~aido INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN MEXICAN INDEF~EI~NCE F~AIIE&~ST~.9-14-69 Adniin:~;stra~or Bu~:ch read a 1~~~.er frorn ~he Union Civica y Cul~ural Mexicanna, iravi~ing tY~e C~~.n~~l to par~icipa~e in the M~xican Independence Pa~°ade a~c1 F~~~~a be held ~n Grover City, September 14, 1969. Af~er Council discussion Ac~a~ain~.s~ra~or Butch ~was instructed ~.o advise ~he Mexzcan Civic and G~.l~a~ral Union that all Council rnembers possi~~e will partic~,pa~e in ~his event~ LETTER F.ROM A„G.CHAMBEF2 t~F' ~OMo ,REQUESTING BUDGE'I'ED FUNDS Adminis~tra~tor Bu.~cl~. read a' l.e~~er fror~ Del C~xe Manager of the Arroyo Grande CY~az~er af Coatamerce, reques~ing remi~tance . of the funds budgeted by -~l~e Ci~~ for assis~.ance wi~h ~Yne opera- tional expenses of the Chas~~r for ~iscal 1969-70o After Council discussion, on motion of Councilr~an Smith, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carriedQ ~e reques~ of ~he Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce for x°e~ai~tance of 1969-70 budgeted funds in ~he amount of $2,500.fl0, ~.o be used for opera~ional pur- po,s.es, was.approved. De1 Cox was present and thanked ~he Council for their favorable respcn.sP ~o the Char~laer ° s request. LETTER FROM COA6TAL VALLE~' PLANrTING COUNCIL REQUESTING BUDGETED FUNDS Administra~or Bu~ch read a le-~~er from Gene Mintz, Chairman of the Coas~al Valley Planning Council, reqia.esting remi~tance of the funds budge~.ed by ~he G~~y for assis~ance with -~Yae opera- tional expenses of the Planning Go~ancil for fiscal 1969-70. After Council discussion, ~n anot~on of Coun~s~lr~an Sc~nlegel, seconded by Councilman Smith a.~.d unanimously carried, -~ae re- quest of the Coastal Valley P1ann~a~g Co~ncil for remit~an¢e of 1969-70 budgeted funds in -~h~ aa~o~arat o~ $250 0 00 for opera~ional expenses, was approvedo PETITION FROM RESIDEN'I'S ON FAIR VIEW DRIVE - CROSSWAI~K ON GRAND AVE. Adminis~rator Butch repor~ed ~ha~. a pe~i~.ion for a cross- walk on Grand Averiu~ a~ Fair V~eca Driwe, signed by 33 residents of ~~e su.rrouriding a~~, has been r~cei~aedo 'I`Yae pe~i~io~.ed crosswalk area has been reviewed 3~y Dir~c:~csr P~zblic Works Anderson and Chief of Police Richardson and ~~ey fe.~t ~hera is a need for a crossw~lk in this area and tha~ ~or pr~per f~nctioz~ir~g of ~he crosswalk, sidewalks sl~a..o~xld also b~ ~onstr~cted. P,fter Council discussion, C.i~y At~or~ae~ S~ips~~ read ~.he ti~le of a resol~z~ion establishing a crosswalk on Grand Aven~ae at Fair V~etiv Drive, thereafter a znotion was z~ade ~ay C~~.n~cilman Schlegel., second~d by Councilman Sr~titl~ and unani~a~~sly c~rried,: ~.o dispea~se with reading the balance of ~~ais ~~s~l~~iono RESOLU'a°30L~7 N~. ~32 ' A RESOLUTION OF '~H~ ~~'~I°5~ COUNCII~ O~' 'I°I3E CI'b'~.' OF P~,RROYO GRANDEa CA~IF'ORNIP,, DESIGNA'Y'TNG AND ToOCATING A PEDES~'12IAN CROSSTn1ALK OAT GRAND AVEL~TUE ~1T '~HE EAS'b'ERL~.' SIDE O~' F'AIR VIEW DRIVE . , . . . L... . ~ ~ . . ~ . . ~ . . . ~ ~ . ~ , t` CITY COUNCIL AUGUS°I' 12, ~969 ARROYO GRANDE o CALIF'ORNIA PAGE 2 On motion of Cournc~ln~an S~knl.eg~la ~e~~raded 3~y Co~ncilanan Smi~h and on °the followir~c~ r~ll ca1~l v~~~ a~o wi°~: AYES : Councilr~aen Scl~lea~e]~, San~,~~ ~r~d Mayor '~aoanpson NOE9: None ABSENT: Councilr~aen Lev~a~.~ and Wood the foregoing resolu~ion was passed aa~d adop~ed -~k~is 12°~k~ day of Augus~B '1969 a CURB & GUTTE R INS ~°AIBId a BY ~MPROV o AC'~° OF' 19 l. b~ GRAND AVE o& LE POIN'I' S T o Adminis~r~~o~° Bu~ck~: reviewed a rep~r~ fr~m b~~ec~.or of Public Works A.ndersono ~°egard~ng ~~e need fo~ ~urba gtn~~er and sidewalks on ~he sau~Ya s~d~ of Gr~xad Aven~e fc~r pedes°~~ian safety in conjur~etion wi~h ~.Y~e c~ossca~lk on ~raa~d Avenu~e at Fair V~ew Drive o As more ~han 50/ o~ c~.x°~a c~~.~~~rs a d~~veway aprons and sidewalks have alread~r been ~c~r~~f~x•~c:~ed on ~k~~ so~n~.la s~de of Grand Avenue be~ween Elrn S~reet a~c1 ~T~x~~.per Ste and o~i ~Yie north s~de of Grand Avenue between E1~€a S~~°~e~ ax~d F'air View Dx°~ve; and ~o include a por~ion of Le~o,~r~~. S~~°~~~ s,n ~kne sa~e proceedings a that more than 50/ o£ coxacx°e~e curbo g~~~er and driveway aprons have been installed or are p~~b~~or~ed be ins~alled on the north side of LePoira~ S~ree~ ~e~~v~~n McK~nley S~ree~ and Crown Terra~ea these improver~ents co~nld k~e ~ccompl.~sl-~ed l~y tnse of the Improvement Ac~ of 1911 (s~no~~ ~ora~) a Af~er ~ouncil dis~,. cussion, City A~~orney Sl~aipse~ ~°ead ~k~e ~.~~l.e of a resol~t~ion' in~~,ru.cting ~h.e Superintend~~a~ ~f S°~~ee~s °~o proceed witYa °~he ordering of said cons~x°t~c~~on, ~~.~reaf~er a aaao~.~on was ~ade by Councilman Schlegel, seconded Coranc~lman Sa~i~h aa~d unanimausly carried, ~to dispense wi~h read,~ng ~1~e balance ¢~f °~kais resolt~~ion. RESOI~U'~IOII~T NOo 833 A RE S OLU'~I OI~ OF 'I'HE C~'~°~,' C OUNC I L: OF '~FiE C I TY OF i~RROYO GRANDE INS'~RLTCTING '~'HE SUPERIN~'EI~TDEI~T'I' OF ~ STREETS '~O ORDER "~'°HE ~ONS'~RUCTION OF CONGRE'I'E CURBS, GUB"I°ERS, DRIVEW~,Y APRONS AND S:IDEViTP,LKS AND TO ORDER TI3E COATS°PRUC~°IOl\T OF CONCRETE CU~tBS' ' ~UTTERS AND DRIVEWAY APRONS AND IMPROVEMENTS FC7R THE PROPER FUNC'I'IONING OF TI~E INS'I'ALLED CURBS, GUTTERS AND DR~VEWAY APFQNS AND ~;IDEWAI~Sa On motion o~ Council~an Sa~~~~a, seconded,by Couneilman Schlegel and on the ~ollo`ving rol~, c~11 vo-~e,Q =~o ~wi~: . AYES: Councilmen Scl~.legela Sgna~~h and Mayor Thos~pson . _ NOES: None ABSENT: Councilr~a~ra L~v~ne and Wood the foregoing resol~a.~ion was passed and ad~p~ed; ~h.i5 12~~i day ot Auc~ust, 1969 v On mo~ion of Councila~ara S~l~~eg~le seconded by Co~ciln~aal ` Smith and unan~.~ously carr~,edo a publ~.c hear~ng was scheduied ~ for Wednesday, Sep~teanber 10~ 1969, a~ 8m00 PoNio., ~.n ~he Council Ch.ambers of ~he Ci~y Halla for ~~e purpose o~ 1~.~~ring pro~es~s to the construction of c~rbsa g~a~~erso dx°ivevvay~.aprons and side- walks c~n ~ertair~ por~ions of Grand Aven~ae and Le~oim~ S~ree~m ~ TREASURER'S REPOR'I' FOR THE MON~°H C~~' JULY,. 1969 The Treasurer ° s Repor~ for ~~,e a,~;aon~h of aI`ulya 1969 was received by the Counc~lo reva~wecl ar~d ox°d~red filede ~ DEPARTMENTAL REPOR'~ ~'OR 'I°I-~ 1~dON'.~°~d O~'. ~~TI~Y, ~969 The Depar~men~al Re~~~°~ ~~~c r~on~h o~ J~tly, 19~i'S was received by.~he Counc~lg reviewed.a~.d ordered ~ileds PROGRESS REPOR'~ ~ MU~.'UAL AID AG~2EEoFOf2 MOSQiJ~~°O ABA°~"Ea:m COoCONTRoSERVo P,c7xninis~ra~or ' Bu~Ch rep~s~~.~d -~kaa°~ ~~ae S~a~~ Vec~or Con~rc~l _ Division has as~ade ~a hel~~~g~~r ~~a~°v~y and a~a~ped var~.ou~ po~d~ngs of wa~er wliich will be s~rayed ~r~~ ~ime a~ S~a°~e exg~er~se and that he-: is ~r~'irng to cor~~ac~ proper a~°~~or~~y it~ a11ow ~Yie Ci~ies and Co~:n~y ~he use ~f °~~e Hel.~.cop~er ar~d S~a~e ~ersonnel, which could lower, ~~e c~s~. of t~e s~~x~~al aid agx°eea~en~ for` ~~squ- ito abatemen~ for al~ en~itb~s ernv~lvedm 1~~' CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 1969 ARROYO GRANDE e CAL~F'ORNI~, P~GE 3 RESOLoAUTHORo PLTRCE~ASE OE' ~H~C~ i°~H120i~GH S'I~°~'3"~ P~20CLT~EMEN'~ OFFo Administrator B~.°~~~ ~°ep~r~~d ~I°~a~ ~k1~e S~a~e Off~~~ of Purchasing has advised ~~a~ ~~ae S-~a~e Pr~cu~°~r~~a~~ O~fa~c~ ~.s preparing ~o call f~~ b~c1s f~~° ~efl~a,~~~~ ~dr f~sc.al 1969m a0 and if tYae Ci~y w~s~ed ~o pa~°~~c~pai~~ ~r~ ~.~a,e S~ate pr~c~ram informa~.ion regard~ng prog~s~d ~~~~~~~e ~~rck~a~es Yaad ~e forwarded to tYY~.e S~ate pr~or 250 7L9~9m A~~~r C~~~,r,cil ~.iscussi~an, ~~t~ ,~~t~:ene~ , S~i.~s~~: ~ead ~l~e ~~~.1~ o~ a resolution authoriz~r~c~ Sr~~~e D~~a~°~nen~ o~ ~er~e~°al Serv~ces to incltade in ~Y~e S~ate Call ~~r ~~ds for tl~e ~~rc~ase of ane 4 door sedan and two 3/4 ~o~a ~~.~k~!~ ~ra~cks for ~l~e C~.~~r of Arroyo GrandeB ~hereaf~er a r~~~~o~ was maade C~~nc~lman Smith, seconded by Cotancil.~an S~hleg~~ a~d ~a~an~axbc~~sl~ carr~edg to dis- pense with reading tl~e b~la~~~ o~ ~~~.s res~~,~a~i~xao RE S OLU'Y° I ON NO o~ 3 4 A RESOLU'I'ION O~' '~HE C~7.'~' COiJNC~L OF' 'I'I~E CI'I'S' OF ARROYO GRALQI~E ALT"a"f30RIZ~~~ '~H~ DE~ARTMEN°~' O~' GENERAL SEI2VICES O~° ']CHE ~°b°°P,"~E OF' ~AI~IF'ORNIA ~O PURCHASE CER'~AIN I~MS On motion of Co~.nci~,r~~n S~~~~o se~o~cle~1 ~y C~~nc~l~ar~ Schlegel and on tl~e folldwir~g r~~Y, caZ.~ vo~eo -~o Gv~~o AYES: C~unc~~,nc~en Sc~legebo S~r,~~~: and May~r '~,"knoaar.~son NOES: None ABSENT: Coun.cilnrn,er~ ~~w~~.e ~~d Wo~d the foregoing resolu~~on was pas~~d. a~d ad~p~ed ~~a~s 12~.k~ day of August, 19690 ESTABLISHING 1969-70 MUNICIPP,~ '~°AX RA~°E Admini~~.rator Bu~cY~. rev~~w~d ~l~e C~~y Couraci~. anus~ adop~ a resolu~ion ea~~? yea~ ec~~.~lishing ~l~e ~ax ra~e neeessary to derive general funds for ~h~ opera~~ons of ~he City, and that the resolu~ion is then forward~d ~o ~he Co~~a~,y Audi~or in order for the Coun~y to pr~ceed ~ai~Ya ~e ct~rren~ ~ax co1~~c~ions. on . behalf of ~he Ci~y. Af~er Counc~l disc~,ssior~? C~°~y At~orney _ Shipsey read ~he title of a resol~at.ion fixia-r.g the ra~es of taxe,s for the 1969-70 fiscal year at $1033 per e'ach $100.00 of assessed valuation, thereaf~.er a mo~ioa~ was ~ade by Co~nnciln~an Schlegel~ secondecl by Councilman SmitYa and ~anarsiaraously carried, ~o: clispense . with reading ~he balance of ~1~.is resolu~.ion. RESOLLT'T'IOieT NOo ~35 A RESOLUTION OF 'I'HE CI°~~.' COUNCIId OF '~E~E CITY OF ARROYO GRANDEa CAL~F'ORN~.Ao F~XIN~ "I°HE AMOiJNT OF MONEY NE~ESSAR~' '~O ~E RA~SED ~~l °b'I~XA~°ION ~'OR THE CURREN'I' FISCAI~ Y~A12 ~EGINNTNG JilI~Y 1Q 19Fi9D AL~TD - FIXING 'b°HE RA'I'ES QF '~~~5 ~'~JR SLdCH ~'ISCAIa YEARo On:~r~aotion of Ca~anc~lman Sc~le~e~a seconded by Counci~.man Smith; and ~n t~e followinc~ ~~11 cal,~ wo~~Q ~.o wi~o . AYES: Counc~la~aen Sc~].,~gelo Sa~~~~ ~nd Ma~or Tkaoz~pson NOES: None ABSENT: C~uncilan~~ Lev~ne a~?d Womd the foregoing resolu~iox~ was passed and a+~op~ed ~h~s 12~h day of Augus~, 1969m LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN FROM TI~E LEAC~LTE OF GAI~I~'ORN~A C2'~IES Adminis~ra~~r Bax~ch re~r~~wed c~p~.es o~ ~k~e la~~s~ Legi- slative Bulle~ins rece~v~d fr¢~~ ~.~e I~eag~ne o~ Califor~a~a Cities, noting that AB 325, D~sc~.osux°~ 11sse~;s by P~ab~~~ O~ficers, has been approved b~ ~he Ass~~n~a~s~ arncl Sena~~ ~~d ~en~ °~o ~kne - Governor for l~is sa.gna~a~~~ m °I°L~~ ~~a~~e~~~ o~°~l~xa~~ ~k~e p~ssa~ble difficul~ies ci~~.es may have ira at~~.x°ac~ing qtaal~f~ed publ~.c official~ to n~unic~.pa~ se~°v~~e sk~o~.ld °~kr,~s ~~,11, be sigx~ed ~nto law. Also AB 6Fa, Hol~da~s o G~v~rr~o~ ~rc~~~ar~~~.i~r~~ vaoaxlcl ~end the Government Code ~o prov~de ~kZa~ ~~licla~rs proc~~~nled k~y the Pr.esident or Govera~~r will ne~~ ~~p1.~ ~o ci~~esa e~ce un.less expressly n~ade appl~ca~.~~ by ~~f~c,~al ~.c~~~~ m~ ~.~~e governing ]aody of the en°~i~°~yo Af~~r C~~.~~~~ sliscu~s,~~n ~ldming,s~ra~or Butch was .~nstr~ac~e~ ~c~ ~,vrit~ G~ver.no~° ~pposi~.g AB ~25 CITY C0~3NCIL ALJG~JS°~° 12 a 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CAL~FORNII~ PAGE ~ _ . and write ~o o~.r S~a~e S~na~~r ar~d Asse~l~a~~n u~~por~~rag P,~ ~6 0 PUBLIC HEARING - REZON~I~TG OF ~~OCI~ ~ 4VES°~ERN 1~DDI'g`ION R~1 'I°O F~S Administrator Butc~n rev~ew~c1 ~YYr,e area of ~~e p~°~p~sed zoning change by z~ap presenta~i~raP s~~t~~~t~ -~k~a~ ~k~~s r~zoning has been approved ax~d ~°ecoa~.ea~ded P~a~a~ia~~ Corsr~~ssaono Mayor 'I'Y~.or€ipsoxa r~.~~xnq~.~sk~~d c1~~~r l~~s~~r Pr~ 'I'ex~ Schlegel and left ~he ~~~.rac.~l Ckn~~bers s~at~~ng ~~a~ s~ne Yr.as a Y possible conflict of ~r~~eres~ ~r~ ~~.~s proposed rez~~~ngo Upon being ass~red b~ Ci~~ ~~e~k M~~ler ~~ba~ al~ req~nire~ ments as provided by 1~w have ~~exa ~eto Ma~~r Pr~ 'I°ea~? Schlegel declared ~Yne ~ear~~c~ ~~a~n a~n~ a~.~ p~~°sons f~r or ac~aa~ns~ ~Y~e proposed rezon~ng vao~ld r~ow k~~~r~.e A~.~~r~e~r Sh~p~ey adv.~sed that the P~xblic Heari~.g sl~~~~d ~~ld ~ver ~~~a~l ~ f~a.ll qu~r~ ; of the Council would b~ pres~z~t~ Ke~~e~h Berr~~aille an owner : of proper~y at ~~e co~rae~° of ~e~r~e~~ aa7,d Oak S~ree~.s o spoke agai.nst thE rezoningo as h~ fel.~ FmS ~c~r~~ng ~s no~ cond~c~ve adjacent R-1 zoni~go Ma~ro~° Fro Te~ Schlegel con~i~?~,ed the hearing until 8000 PoN~oa Auc~~ns~ 2~a 196~o Ca~y At~orney Shipsey ` advised ~Yiat addit~onal not~.f ~c~.~~~n would rn~~ pr~v~deda and that ~he hearing w~~tld be res~~~~l ~YY~,e ~t~me and da~e above stated. Mayor 'I'ho~apson ~ejo~ne~ ~1,~~ C~~nc~.l and resur~,e.d t~!~ne c~air. CONTRACT AWARD - STRIPING OF VAFtIOUS CI'~' S'I°REE'.~°S Administra~or B~~cY~ x°~po~~ed ~l~a~. two ~.a~fors~,~l bids were received and opened a~ 2:00 PoNtoa A~gus~ 7a 1969 ~or S~riping' of Various Ci~y S~tre~~s, as fo.~.l~ws o Clean Sweep, PoOo~ox 357, A~roy~ Grande, Cali~o $1,36503~ Safety Striping Service, PoOaBox Fa3Fo ~'illmore, Cals,f. $1a487.91 Af~er Counc~.l d~,scussion~ ~n n~~~ion o~ Council:anan ScYil.e.gel, seconded ]~y Council~an Smith and un~n~~ously car~~ed~ ~Yte :i.nformal bid in the amo~.nt of $10365o30a fea~° Str~ping of Va~ious City Streets, was accepted and ~.he con~.rac~k awarded to Clean Sweep, as the lowes~ and best bido and ~h.~ May~r and C~~.y Clerk. were authori'- zed to sign ~he contrac~ docur~~a~~ on bekbalf ~f ~he City. CONTRACT AWARD - S'~REE~'I' SEAL'Ti~TG PRO~7'EC'I' L~Oo ~0-69-2 Adn~.~n~s~rator ~~a~.ck~ adv~sed ~.~a~ ~knree b~.ds were rece~ved and opened at 2:00 Pol~o; A~ac~us~ 7a . 19Fa9 ~or S~re€~~ Sealing, Projec~. No. 90-69-2, as ~~ll~wsm Madonna Cons~r,Coao PoOo~~x ~~,~o San Luis O~ispo, Calm $24,230000 Wesley O. Wa~kinso Coa~s-~ro, Po~oB~x 200'~; Pa~o R~bles` Cal. 7~5s00 Haro~cl De Pe~ersoa~, PoOo~o.~ 3~Co _ 1~~~5~aderc~a Calo $12~ 252.54 Af~er Co~nc~l discuss~onQ oa~ ~r.~~i~n of Co~anc~l~an Smith, seconded by Cot~nc~la~aan S~h~.~c~e~ aa~c1 ~nnan~~o~asly carried, the' bid in the amount of $12o252v54Q for S~r~e~ Seal~nc~a Projec~ Noo90-69-2, was accep~ed and ~he cora~~ac~ award~cl ~o Har~lcl Do Petersoras for the lovves~ and 3aes~ b~da a~d Ma~ror and Ci~y Clerk were au~kn~- 'rized to sign the con~rac~ doc~~;a~n~ on ~el~alf ~f Ci°~ym ' PROGRESS REPORT - ~OPEZ WA~R ~LT~P~S~ A Progress Repmr~ on ~~a~ L~pez V,1a~er Sa~pply Projec~ for the month of Juneo 1969, was rece~~aed ~r~~ ~Y~~ San L~is Obispo County Flood Corn~.ro~ and Wa~er ~~~~~~vati~~ I~is~ric~a wYa.~ch was reviewed and ordered ~~leda RECEII'T OF MINUTES ON ZO~ 3 1~I~~7~~~~2~' COMNZI'I°'I°EE MEE"I°ING Copies of ~~e ~~n~~es o~ ~~ie ~,a~~ ~one 3 Advisory Gon~ittee meeting were rece~ved by C~~a~,cil, ~ev~ew~d and ord~red fileda PROGRESS REPOR"I" - C~°J~~'WIDE SETn7~R I~:~~°~'RL ~HNf~o~~7 :AoGoAS~M°'~oDIS°]rRo . Adminis~ra°~or ~u~cl~ r~p~x~~~c~ ~~~a~ ~.kne ~~rm~~.~.oxn o~ ~:~e C~ty- wide Sewer Assess~en~ Da~~°~r~c~ ~1z.resauc~k~ th~ ~o~n~y ~eeaxaed be progressing sa~i~fac~~ri~.y a~,d per ~3~e Agre~a~ent kae~ween the Ci~y and °~he C~~~ty of San ~~¶s O~~spc~ c~~rec~ designa- ~ion for ~h~s prog~~~d da~~~~°i~°~ ~e Arx°~~o Grande .Asse~s- men~t D~stric°~m 1 `73 CITY COUNCIL ~1LJGLTS'I` 1~, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALI~'ORN~A, PAGE ~ York Peterson, Eng~.neer for ~~ae dis~ric~a was pres~n~ ancl advised tha~ tl~ae County requir~men~s ~~r ~Yn~ ~oa~~~ of insuran~e for engineering errors and ~~a~~simras was gre~te~° ~~era 1~e k~ad ever encountered prior and he Y~ad ara~ica.pa~ed ~he cos~ for this additianal. coverage at ~~e ~i~e l~e su~~z~~~~~d ~is erag~neer- ing proposal for this proyec~e '~'he Co~tncil d~,scussecl ar~d agreed to study this matter, PROGRESS REPORT - SOiJTH SAN IeUI~ O~ISPO CO~IN'I°Y ~ANI°I°A'~°°~ON DIS~°RICT Copies of ~he Chief Plan$. O~~ra~ors Mo~n~~ly ~eport for the montl~ of July, 1969 were re~~ivecl b~r ~1~e Co~nc~! 1, reviewed and ordered filedv REPORT ON COMPLAINTS - WOODS AN~MAL SHEL'I°ER Mr o Tidwell, represe~.~~n~ Tn7o~d ° s Anira?al S~ielt~~, was present and reported ~ha~ t~he S~elter was x~ak~zsg an e~~~rt to better entorce -the provisions of t~e Shelter°s agreement with the City regarding dog control and tk~a~ ~kr,~re has been a c~ange in driver personnel in this" area, wl~~ch Y~~ fel~ w~~1d improve publ~c rela- tions. Also, as thEre is a shc~r~age of t~°~.cks and personnela only one tr.uck is available to `ao~•k ~Yn~ South County a~e~., ~here- fore a time loss has to be conside~°~d betweer~ ~he time cal.ls are received at the Shelter. ar~d t~a~ ~r~.c~k reach~s the area of the • call, for these reasons ci~.izens ar~ reques~ed ~.o ~o1d ~tk~e stray animals, by locking in their garac~ea etca, so t~aa~ ~~.e shelter representa~.ive ean pick up t~2~ ~nia~..al. Mrs m Ava~la, 1231 Russ Ct~ ; was present and reques~ed tkaat ~~ue ~-~~5~? laGV be ~ae~~er expla~.ned to the citizens and that ~he law be enfax°cedo 'd.°he Council dis- cussed and agreed that the S1~elter was aware ~f tha.s problem and were ~rying to resolv~ s~m,e and ~~-aa~. the ~gty wo~ald work wi~h the Shelter however gossiblem INVITATION TO INSPECT NEW SEWAGE 'i°REA'~'MEN'~ QI~~3NT - AVILA SANI . DISTR. Administra~.or Butch advised that the Avila Sani~ary District has invited the Council to in.spect the new sewage treatm~nt facilities ],oca~ted a~ San Migue~ and Avila Rds. in Avila Beach, at 11:00 A.M., Saturday, August 23, 1969. REQUEST.: FRQM SLO~. C(?a DEVELCaP. AS~OC. FOR~?;BTJDGETED _ k'UNDS: A xnot3~~ia .was made by Cota.n~ilanar~ Schler~el, sec~nded h~r Counciilman Smi~h and unanimously carried, ~hat t~he San Luis Obispo Coun~ty Developn!ie~.t Assoc~a~ion be p~id $1., 500.Q0 as approved i.n the 1969-70 Budge~, for operat~onal purposes. ADJOURNME NT On motion of Coiancilrnaa~ Sckn~.ec~~l, ~~comded by Gouncilman Smith and unanimously carr.ied, ~~e meeting adjou.rned at 8:43 PoMo . ~ ATTE S T :~.`~./oY . ~ C ' Clerk Mayor~-