Minutes 1969-08-28 17~ CTTY COUIVCYL AUGUST 28, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE , CAI~IFORNIA 4 0 3 0 P o M o The City Council rraet in acl~~~~n~cY ~°eg~~.a~ ~ession wsth Mayor Thompson pr~sidingo Upon ~ol.l calla Co~ancr~~~an Sch~eg~l, Levine, Wot~d, and Sm~th ~~ported presento ~~SCTTSSION ON FATR OAKS AV~N~7E ~~.~L~~E The Co~xncil ~e~v~.ewed anc~ di~c~~~~d t~~ p~eliminary engineering design of a f~11 br~dge over Ar~°~yo Gramd~ C~~Pk o D~ scussion was held on a half bridge vs o a full br~.dge o ancl tl~e availab~3~~.~~ of f~znds o The City Administrator ad- vis~d the City Co~anc~Y thaf ~~~on cYaec~~ng w~th local Banks, the City could obtabn a low-intea-est rat~ to b~~°o~ $5~ a ~~Q o WYl1CY1 iS enough to cover the addit~.on of a full b~~dge , a tvvo-lane ~e~~c~ , and nece ~ sary right-of-way o A gr~at deal of d~scuss~.~n f~~l~w~c~ ~n ~he building of a full bridge at this time o On mot~on of Cca~anc~.lman Sm~tl~, ,~c~nd~d by Councilman Levine, and car~~.ed; a full bradg~ ~~kruct~.~°~ ~~~1~ 6~ f.o~~ ~~a~~ t~-curb paving, prestressed cancrete beams, clear span b~~.cige w~~h. c~~°c~ul.ar ta~bing railing, be authorized, and that the Engane~~ing F~~ of W~.~l~.arr-~~ a Sch~tt, and Stewart be authorized ~r~ groc~~d with d~s~.gn ot a f~l~. b~°:~d~~ nca~tedo ADTOUR~TMENT There be~.ng no fu~the~° bu~bn~s~, May~~ Thompson adjouxned th~ meeting at 5030 P, M o J _ r` ATTEST ~~I. I,~~''~:`~~~ ~ `~,-t_____. I3EPUTY CITY CI~~R.K MAYOR 1