Minutes 1969-09-23 _ _ CI'I'Y COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 23, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA . The City Council me~ in reg~xl~~ s~ss~ora with Mayor '1'hompson presidingo Upon roll call Counc~.~,ax~~r~ Schlegele L~vine and Wood reported presentm The vacancy create~l lay ~he cleath of Wel,ls Co Sax~ith has not yet been filledo PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOC~1'I°ION Mayor Thompson led the Pledge of A~legian~e ~o our flag; and im~ediately thereaftero Reverer~d Dan McHugh of sto Barnabas Episcopal Church of Arroyo Grande, deliv~red tYae invoca~iono . APPROVAL OF MINUTES ~ The minutes of the regular meeting of September 10, 1969 were ~pp~oved as preparedo APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On rnotion of Councilman Levin.e, ~econded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, General Warran~s Noo 227 through Noe 271,in " the total amount o~ $35,428o~h and F~.yr~ll Warrants Noo 348 through Noo 424, in the total amount c~f $1~,~99098 vaere approved and ordered paido APPOINTMENT OF COUNCILMAN - DONAA,I~ L '3°ALL~Y Mayor 'I'hompson reported that ~he Counca.l had reviewed appli- cations submitted to fill the vacaracy on ~Yae Council created by the dea~h of Wells Co Smith, and reco~ended Donald La Talley be appointed to the City Councilo On motion of Gou.xacilman Levine, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimously ca~r~~d, Donald Lo Talley, 844 Virginia D~'1V~e Arroyo Grande, California, was apgointed to fill the unexpired term of office of Wells C. Smitho C~ty Clerk:Miller aclniinistere~l th~ Oath o£ Office to Donald L. Talleyo who then took hi~ place w~.th th~ Gouncil. LETTER FROM AoVAWTER & LoANDREWS - BUSo LICo REa ASTROLOGY Administrator Butch reported ~that a let~er has been received from L~nda Lo Andrews and Antoinette Va~,vter, requesting Council con- sideratioa~. in amending the Business License Ordinance regarding the fees required for the practice of Astrology and that Astrology be reclassi~ied outside of the fortune telling ca~~egory. City Attorney Shipsey advised that the Municipal Cod~ would have to be amended to provid~ any change of fee or cla~sifica~ion and said amendment would take ~ram ~5 to ~O days. Mrse Antoi~aette Vawter.~aas present and s~tated that the owner of the offbce ~~s Bra.nch ~treet~- wl~ich they want to rent, possibly could not hol.d ~he office for them for 45 to 60 days. After Council discussion Administrator Butch was instructed to request inforr~aa~ion regarding clas~if.icat~.on and ~ees for astrology from the League of California Citieso LETTER FROM FLORENCE & ED COLWEt,L ACCLAIMING CITY BEAUTIFICATION PROGRAM A~ministrator Butch read a let~er from Florer~ce & Ed Colwell, 440 Beech Sto, acclaiming the development and upkeep of the City park areas and commending Planning and Parks Director Gallop for his dire- ction in the development of th~se gark arease ' REPORT ON PROPOSED CURB. GUTTER & DRIVEWA.Y APRON I1~TSTALL. ON LE POINT ST~ Aclni,inistrator Bu~ch reviewed a r~p~rt from Director of Public Works And~rson, on letters received from Mrs. Helen Sharps, 535 Le Po~.nt Sto and Mrso Rae Gardner, 551 Le Po~nt Sto, regarding curb, gutter and driveway apron installa~ion and s~treet work, stating Mrs. Sharps request that the street be low~xed adjacent to her property at the time the Lopez Wat~r Distribu~~.on Line is installed would ~r~ate ~onsiderable ~x~obl.ezzis wkaich ~an be avoided if the street work is done by the City Crew;after the cors?pl~tion of the water line and ~the installation of curb, gut~exs and dxi.vevaay apronso Mrs. Gardner's inquiry regaxding the installation of ~a cc~nczete drive~,vay apron adja- cent to her property' :on Le Point Sto , whsx°e concrsite ~ur.~ and gutter has already been installedo tY~~ r~g~ar~.stat~d t~~t at the time curbs were in.stalled in this area of Le Po~.n~: Stree~k ~oncrete driveway apron~ were not required. S~z~sequen~ to ~his installation it has b~~n found that by omitting clrivew~y aprons many problems are created by vaater en°~~ring properti~s at ~h~~e poin~s and •therefore driveway apron~ are now required with any curb openingo It is proposed that T I~ ~'i~ CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 23, 1969 ARROYO GRP,L~TDE, CALIFORNgA PA.GE 2 at a la~~r da°te drivew~y ~~~o~,~ wr~,~1~ bnstalled ~;xa conjuction va~.tl~ sidewalks or ~mprovean~n°~~ oa~ °~~ic~~e~ ~~e~~v~dual driveways ~n this area where curbs and gutter~ ~x~~ ~~.~ce o LE'~'~ER FROM MRo & MRSo A7~BE~.~° ~°~°`~,°~~]E~ ~ AP~EAIdING REQoOF F'REES°I'P,NDoSICN Admiraistrator Bu~ch adv~s~~ ~,~i~~ ~~e~°~er has laeen re~~ived ~r~m Mr o& Mrs o Alb~r~ Cat~~~aca ~~5~~~ ~~~c~ ~~c~~~.re~xients of a conditional u~e permit~~establ~shed by °~Yne ~~~a~~n~x~~ ~c~m~~~~iono Acln~inistrator Butch read the recommendat~on o~ ~k~~ P~~~~a~~,~ C~~~.ssion, da~.ed Sep°ternber 19, 1969, s~ating the co~~.~~~,~~ ~~~roved the relocation of the sign, as reques~ed by M~o Ca~~~.~~~ ~t~~ ~kn~ Commission did not feel that it was witha.n the~r p~~+a~r v~~~ tk~~ curb, gutter and siclevaaalk specifications tl~rough tYne Us~ ~~ra~~,~ p~~~eclure and therefore recorn- mended °that Mre Cattoir fi~~ ~ v~~°~am~~~ f~c~m the conditions or appeal to the City Council for a va~°.~~~^~~~ ~~c~r~ °~e s~andard City specifica- tions o After Council dis~~s~i~~a m~~1t.~~n of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Schlege7. aa~d ~xaaa~~gsa~~~~~ carried, the relocation of the ins~al~.ation of a freestand~a~~ ~~,c~~ ~0~. 'a'raffic Way ~aas approved, and the requiremen~ for t~e ~ras~~,~l~.~a~~n of curb, gutter and sidewalk was waived until the pro~alemca~ o~ ~b~~~~rra~ent and alignment can be resolvedo PUBIaIC HE.ARING - IN'a'ENT~OI~T '~O 5~~~ ~]E° R-0-W ON SOo TRAFFIC WAY Administra°~or But~Ya ~°~v~~~a~~, ~~S~f~aar~~r action of the Council regarding antent~on ~o ~~1~ ~~a~~~~~~ ~~~p~r~y on South Traffic Way no longer ne~essary fo~ ~,~z~~~c~:~~;~ o Mayor Thompson declared ~the hearing now open ~o coa~~~,~.~~ c~c~~n~~l ° s Intention to Sell a pc~ ~tion ,of right of way o~a S~~u~~ Way, which hearing was duly publ,~shed as required ~ay ~,~~+a0 ~~r~ons for or agains°t the sale of property would nova b~ ~ka~a~~ o ~~~~~~~°~~ca~or Butch read a letter frosn Mro and Mrs. Alber~ Co ~~~~~~tang that the bids on the property be Y~e.ld over ~nt~l ~;~~~~.~~res regarding proposed impro- vemen~s could be reso~vedm C:~~y A~f~~~~~y Sh~.psey advised that as pro- vided by Resolution I~Too 837a ~f a~~.~~° ~h~ hearing, the Council decides to sale the paxcels of real p~°~~~~~~o ~aill thereupon issue a ca11 for bids, which bids shal~ be r~~~:~~n~~l~ not less than five days after the date of hearingo Mrs o A~b~~°~ ~~t~°~~.~r, 401 Traffic Way, stated' that unless the prob]~m~ ~ega~°da~a~c~ ~.a~a~?rc~vemen.~ ~,to ~the--,pxop~.~.~y could be , resolved they w~~n.~d r~~~ b~ to use the property therd~re they do not wish to subm~.°~ ~ b~~ a~ ~~a~~ time e There being no fur~ther di.~:cussion for or agains~. th~ ~s~ sell real property, Mayar Thompson declared the ~e~.~°~rag ~~a~~do Af~er Courzcil discussion it ~aas agre~d that the City Adm~nas~~~~~~°o I~~.~~ctor of Public Works and the Council m~e~ zaith Mre & M~°s o A~~~~°~: ~~~~~~r at 401 Traffic Way to visu- ! ally rev~ew the ~ond.~~g~ra~ e~.,i~~.~.z~g ~~~~rcling curb, gutter and side- walk irastal].at~ora, ora Frid~yo ~~p~~~na~~ac 26, 1969 a~ 1Q:00 AoMo PROCLAMA°I°IONm °'FIRE PREVEL~T°1(°]CON Tnl~~~0° ~ OC7L°OBER 5 THROUGH 11, 1969 , Mayor 'a°hompson pro~l~~a~ed G~~~ak~~r ~~hrough 11, 1969 as '°Fire Prevent~on WeekeB, in ~he Gb~~ A~r~°~~P~a ~~ande, as requested by the Arroyo Grancle Fire Depar~en°~ a PROCLAMATIONa "ACHIEVENI~I~TT HOLdS~ ~ OCTOBER 5 TfilzQt~GH: ,1~, 1969 May,or Thompson proc~.~a~s~a~d ~~°~~k~~~° ~~hrough 11, ~.969 as °'A.chievement House Week'° in ~the Cbty o~ A~°x~~~r~ ~:~~~n~~, as requested by Achievem~nt House, Inc e of San L~ab~ ODaisp~ o LE'Ia'~'ER FROM AoGoVILLAGE I~I2C]H~ ~~oO~T~ 3l~to~XTo UNDERGROUNG.UTI~o BRADTCH STo Adm~a~~stra~tor Bu~~h x°~ad ~rc~Yx? Laird Smith, S~cret~ry .:of the Arroyo Grande Village Ni~~°~~.~.~~~ A~~~~~.ation, reques~ing tha~ the Ci~y negotiate with ~h~ S~a°~~ D~.~;~~~;~~.~~~ m~ Highways to se~ the date for reconstruction of Bran~h S~~°~~~ ~~~1~ ~~a~ year to fiscal 1972-73, ~i~ich woul:cl enable al]. agen~a~~ ~rn~~~.w~~, ~~~~er coordinate the redevelop- merat of the street a~ ~~a~ p~°~p~~~d p,~~~e~~ for undergroundi,ng o£ utili- ~ies on Branch S~ree~ kaas b~~~a r~~~~~d~~~d for the 1972-73 f~scal yearo Afi~er Gouncil discus~~.on A~msb.~.a~~~~~°~~a~~° B~a~~~n was ins~ructed to ne~roti~te ~ai~h tl~e State Divis~.~n a~~ I~~c~~n~~~~ ,~°~~c~edule the x~construc~~:on of Bx°anch S°tree~ p~^oject ~.~7~m73 f~.scal year to enable all agencies i~avolved to be~t~~° ~~~~~d.~.~~~:~ ~he redevelopmen~ of Branch Stree~, wYnich vaill res~al~ a~ca~•~ ~~~~p~able fin~shed projecte ~ ~ CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMB~R 23,- 1~6.9 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 REPORT ON COST & RESULTS - CI'I°IES COLdN2°Y AGREEMEL~TT FOR MOSQUITO ABATEMENT Administrator Butch reviewed a repor~ from James D. Gates, Dire- ctor, Division of Environmental Heatth, 5an Luis Obispo County Health Department; regarding the cos~ and results of the Ci~ies-County Joint Powers Agreement for Mosqu~to Abatement in the south county area ~this past summer. The cost to each o£ ~he three cities for this special project is appro.~imately $83e10e ~t~~e particiapation .in tfiis project lowered the cost. 'I°h.e Cheanical ~re~~ient, while not permanent, gave immediate results but must be continuecl indefini~ely or as required, therefore it is recommended that non-~hemical procedures, being ot long- range nature, should be consi,d~red if permanent relief is to be expected and that the control of mosquitoes should be considered either through Zone 3 of the County Flood Control D~strict or ~he formation of a Mosquito Abatement Dis~rict and un~i1 some permanent organiza~ion can be created to handle the task of mosquito control it is suggested th~t a similar_special project be repeated vahen needed. After Council discussion, Administrator Bu~ch w as ins~ructed to write to the County Board of Supervisors and the County:Health Dept. expressing the City°s appreciation for their efforts in ~he successful completion of this project and suggest possible yearly assistance of this type for mosquito control. REPORT OL~T N1~E'I"ING TO BE SCHEDULED 'I'O DaSCUSS RUBBI~H DISPOSAL Administr~.tor Butch reported that Pismo Beach and Grover City are interested in z~.eeting informally to discuss possible ~olutions for the disposal of rubbish within ~he south county area. After Council discussion Mayor Thompson appointed Councilman Schlegel, as Council representative ~o a~t~end a rciee~ing with representatives from Grover City and Pismo Beach ~o discuss ~he rubbish disposal needs of this area, on Oc~tober 16, 1969. Admi.nistrator Butch was requested to attend this meeting and request the County Board of Supervisors have -County representa~ion a~ this mee~ing. RECE~PT O~' MINUTES OF THE COASTAL VAL.LEY PLANNiNG GOUNCIL Z"he,.minu~es of the Coastal Valley Planning Council were received by the Council and ordered filed. The Coastal Va11ey Planning Council's request to hoTd all meetings of ~he Council in the Arroyo Grande Council Chamber~ was approved. LEGISLA'I°IVE BULLETIN FROM THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Ar~aYainistrator Butch reviewed copies of the latest l~gislative Bulletins received from ~he League of California Cities. QUAR~.'ERLY REP012T ON SAI~S. AND CIGARE'I'TE TAX REVENUE Administrator Butch subrnit~ed a Progress Report on the 2nd Quarter of 1969 Sales Tax and Cigare~te Tax Revenue. PLoANoCOMo RECOMo - SERVo STA'I'~ON DEVELo AT 18TH ST:. & FRONTAGE RDe Aclniinistrator Butch reported tha~ the firm of Ho1m, Tait & Assoc., representing a major oil company, have requested consideration of the disposal of surplus right of way r~o~ necesSary for street purposes at the southwest corner of Frontage Road and 18th.Stre et. The Planning ~ommission revie`ved this reque~t at its regular meeting of September 16d 1969 and recommend that the Council declare intention to dispose o~' said pxoperty contingent upon ~he developer aequiring surplus right of ~aay from the City of Grover Ci~y and the purchase of private proper- ties necessary for the station devel~pmsnto After Council dis~ussion on motion of Gouncilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Levine and unanimousTy carried, Admin~s~trator Butch was authorized and instruated to advise the firm of Holmo Tait arad Associa~es that the City Council is agreeable to negotiate for"~he di.s~posal of excess right of way on ~ 18th street for the developmen~ of a service station, as recommended by the Planning Commission. PROGRESS REPORT - AUTHORa ENGRa DESIGL~T FOR TWO LANE ROAD - FAIR OAKS AVEo Administrat~r Butch re~orted tha~ Director of Public Works Anderson is reques~ting au~horization for engineering for the`final design and specifica~ions of the ~wo lane road for Fair 0aks Avenue extension. After Council discussion on motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by ~ Council~man Talley and unanimously carried, Garing, Taylor and Assoc. were authorized to prepare the final design and specfications for the constru~tion of a two lane road on Fair Oaks Avenue extension. 1 ~'7 CITY COUNCII~ SEPTEMBER 23, 1969 ARROYO GRANDEo CAIa~FORNIA PAGE 4 R~FORT ON ZONE 3 NIEE'I°~NG BX COLTNCILMAN LEVINE / Councilman Levine gave an oral report on the Zone 3 Advi~~ry Committee meeting held on Sep~ember l10 1969, advising that this Comniit°~ee has forwarded ~wo reco~nnenda~ions to the County Board of.Supervisors. 1. 'i'hat a~~;~~dy be made of drainage problems in the Arroyo Grande and Pismo Bea~h ar~as. 2o That a program for' clearing of rta.b]aisYa and dead grow~k~ ~rom ~he Arroyo Grande Creek be established. PROGRESS REPOR'I° - ARROYO GRANDE SETiV.~R P,SSESSMENT DIS'T'RI.CT Administrator Butch reported ~ha~ ~he revised Engineering Con~ra~t has been received and is being reviewed, and that a resolution of the County Board of Supervisors opposing county-wide planning requirements for HUD gran-~sB has been received with a request that this Council adopt a similar resolution. Af~er C~tzncil discussion City Attorney Sh.ipsey read the title of a resolu~~.on opposing county~wide planning requirements for gran.ts fronn the Depar~ment of Housing and Urban Development, thereafter a motion ~aas nlade by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Levine and unanimously carried, to dispense wi~th reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NOo 839 A RE S OLLTT I ON OF THE C I'I'Y G OUNC I L OF THE C I TY OF ARROYO GRANDE OFPOSING COUN'I'Y-WIDE PLANNING REQUIRENIEN'I°S FOR GRANTS FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMEI~TT On motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and on tne following roll call votea to wit: AYES: Councilmer~ Schlegel, Levine, Wood, Talley and Mayar Thompson NOES: None ABSENT• None the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 23rd day of Sep'~ember, 1969. PROGRESS REPOR'I° - SpUTH_SAN LUIS O~~SPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Copies of the adopted budget ~or fiscal 1969-70 fqr the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District were received by the Council. REPORfi ON INFORMAL BIDS FOR ROAD MA'i'ERIALS Administrator Butch reported that the Cities of Pismo Beach and Grover City have expressed interes~t in a three city combined needs for road ~aterials bids. When estimated.,quantities of materials are xeceived from ea.Gh City a full report will be prepared for Council consideration and action. RECEIP'I° OF BIDS - 1970 VEI~ICLE FOR POLICE ,DEPT. - BUDGETED ITEM AcZniinis~rator Bu~ch advised tha~ bids have been received for a police vehicle as follows: Maury Brennan Ford $3,294.52 na trade - Christianson Chevrole~ $3,330.60 no trade After Council discussion on mation of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Levine and unanimously carried, the low bid of Maury Brennan Ford in the amount of $3,294.52, for a 1970 Ford was accepted. Administra~or Butch revievaed ~hat the 1968 Ford vehicle now being used by the-Police Dep~. will be transferred to the Fir.e Dept. as reflected in the 1969-70 Budgetm PROGRESS >REPOR'~° - STREET SEAL~NG PROJECT NO. 90-69-2 Adsi~inistrator Bu~ch revievved a report from Director of Public Works Andersora, dated Septe.mber 190 1969, covering S~reet Sealing Project No. 90-69-2o stating tha~ due to over estimating an quantity of screenings and to the amount used ~o cover the ail, it was possible to extend the stree~ s~aling-program to include approximately 47% more S°treets at an increase of total project cost of $2,371.86 for the additional oil needed. ~ ~ CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 23, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 ~"REASUI2ER' S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 1969 The Treasurer°s Report for the xnonth of August, 19b9 was rece- ived by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed. AUDIT FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1969 - DIEHL, EVANS AND COa: 7,'he annual audit report from the City's independent auditing firm of I~iehla Evans and Cornpany was received by the Coun~i~, reviewed and ordered filed. STATE DIVoOF HWAYS NOTICE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY FOR SALE-ADJaTO BRANCH STo Adminis~rator Butch advised that a nbtiee,;of ~ntention to sell surplus property has been received from the State Division of Highways. ~'his parcel of property was created with the realignment of Branch St., Traffic Way and Grand Ave, and lies between Branch Street and property owned by Cer~ified Freigh~t Lines. The Council discussed and agreed that the City has no need for nor interest in purchasing this property a~t this time. ' ADJOURNMEN'~ On mo~ion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Cauncilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. until 10:00 A.M. September 26, 1969. - A'I°'I'E S T • CI CLE ~ R CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 26, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNTA 10:00 A.M. 'I°he City Council met in regular adjourned 5ession with Mayor Thompson presiding. Upon roll ca11 Councilmen Schlegel, Levine, w Wood and Talley reported present. ~ S'I°UDY OF CIJRB& GUTTER INSTLLo SE CORNER AI~,LEN 5T.& TRAFFIC WAY - CATTOIR Director of Public Works Anderson reviewed for the Council the ~ City standards and requirements for curb, gutter, sidewalks and drive- way :.installations. The Council then r~quested Mr. Albert Cattoir to review his request for driveway approaches and sidewalks. ~ After Council discussion on motion of Councilman Wood, aecon,ded ~ by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, the improvements at ~ ~the south east corner of Al1en St. and Traffic Way were approved to' be installed as follows: l. Curb and gutter be placed as required . by Ci~ty S~andards. 2. Sidewalks be five feet (5') wide adjacent to ~he cur3~, rather than eigh~t feet (8' ) as requ~.red by City Standards . 3. The driveway apron on Allen Street be extended into the curb radius . a dis~tance of ten feet six inches (10' 6") to end of normal curb, rather than as required by City Standards. 4. Al1 driveway aprons extend to property line as required by City Standards. 5. Proposed ~ property line be set at forty feet (40') from construction center l;ine as shown on Record of Survey recorded in Book 17, Page 1, records of County of San Luis Obispo Recorder. 6. Any major improvements to the present structure will require that the five foot (5') sidewalk permitted in item 2 above and the driveway apron extension into the curb radi~zs permitted in item 3 above to be reconstructed to conform t~o City S~andards. ADJOURNMENT ~ On motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, the meeti~g adjourned at 11:00 A.M. ~ ~ f , ~ ~ ~ ATTEST: c4, ~1~, ~ ~.s } DEPUTY CITY CLERK ~ OR