Minutes 1969-10-22 193 CITY COUNCIL OC'a°OBER 22, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, ~~LIFORNIA 7m00 PoMo The City Caur~cil me~ in adjourned regular sessi~n ~vvi~h Mayor Thompson presiding. Upon rm1,b c~llo ~o~ancilmer~ Schlegelo Levineo _ Wood ancl Talley reported presen~. DSSCUSSION ON FAIR OAKS AVENLDE ~R~D~~ ~ CONS~'RUC'~'ION P7~ANS & SPE~a o Fred Schot~ and Rober~ Will~aa~~~ of the Engineering firm of Wiiliams, Schott, Stevaar~ and Ass~~., `aa~~e presen~ ~nd reviewed vaith the Council copies ~f t~e c~~apl~~ed plans and specific~tion.~ for construction of the proposed b~i~.ge on Fair Oaks Avenue ex-~m JUINT ST'LTDY SESSION WI'I°H PARKS AND RECREA'~ION COMMYSSION BASEBAIaL COMPLEX DEVEI~OPMENT PROGRAM ~VIEW The City Council and 1~he Park~ ~nd Recreation Comm~ssion reviewed the Baseball Complex Deve~~panen~ Program. Ch~ir~an Strother de~ailed -the pro~ed~.re~ n~~a b~ing developed and praised the cooperation and assis-~ance -~1~e n~aa~y people ~ai~hin the Base- ball Associates for the contribu~~ons they are making toward this project. P. & Ro COMMo RE. TO MAKE RECOI~ND~A~~~~IS FOR FUTURE COMMISSION APPOIN'~'o Mayor Thompson reco~nenclecl ~1~~-~ i:~ ~.Y~e Commission members ~aai~shed to assi~t with fu~ure co~snission app~in~r~ents, ~ha~ ~hey req~ae~s~ interested citizens submi~ ~°'Res~rvo~~° of Citizens 00 applic~~ie~na a~ applications are revievaed and ~~ns~d~red by the Ci~y Council prior to vacancies being fi~ledo ( Pm & Ro COMMa REQUEST ~'OR .AD1~I~~C~~TAI~ ~E,RSONNEL & FLdNI~S 1970-71 E~T,~DGE'I' t Discussion was held ~°eg~rdinc~ ~he need f.or ~n addi~ional full time employee in ~he Park Dep-~v `aas recommended by Councilnnan Levine tha-t perhaps ~.his i~em shou.ld kae held over until all 1970-71 Budget proposals a~e subm~i-~~~c1 for Goun~~l considera~.ion. '~`he question of incr~asing ~he ~Parly ~ommittment for Park and Recreation was discussed. Ada~in~s~.ra~.or Butch revie~aed the present fiscal s~kanding of the Ci~.y an.d advised ~hat the Council could establish a separate Park Furad and a separa~e Park Acqu.isition Fund, but by establishing ~hese ~unds i~ wouldo of necessi~ye increase the City°s property tax. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Counci~man Levinea se~onded by Councilman ~cYalegel and unanimously carried, ~he mee-t~ng adjourned at 9:00 PoMo A TTE S T • \ , ~ ~'~~--~~~+`~u5 ~,~~--^~-~1 - ~ „ DE PU'i'Y C I TY C I~ ~tK NdA~