Minutes 1969-11-10 CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 10, 1959 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The Cit~~ Gouncil met irL r~gular ad~a~xn~d sess~.on with Ma:ye~r Thompson presiding, Upox~ ro11 call Ca~z~~ilm~n S~hlegel, Levi~.e, Wood amd Taliey rem ~ ported pre~ent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIA~TCE AND I~IVOCATZQN Mayor Thampson led th~ PlPdge of Alleg~ance to our fiag; and i*.mnediately thereafter, Councilma~. Sehlegel delfver~d the xnvocationo APPROVAL OF MI~lUTES The minutes Qf the regular meeting of O~tober 28, 1969, were approved ~.s pr~pared. APPROVAL OF WA1tRA:.~VTS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, ~ecanded by Co~ncilman Levine and unanimously carried, Ger~eral Warrants No, 375 through No~ 432, in the total amount of $28,297.66; Pay~roll Warrants DToe 6/~2 through No~ 718, in t'ne tetal amount of $13,120,71, were approved a~d ordered pafdo , RECEIPT OF "BEAUTIrICATION AWARD" FROM AaGa CHAM~ER OF COMM,BEAUTIF, COMMITTEE Myron R. An.dersor_, Chairman of the Arroyo Grande Chamber c~f Commerce Beautification Comm~ttee, presented a"Beuatifieation. Award" certificate of Special H~~ors of' the mcsnth ta the City of Arroyc~ Grande and a letter of commer.- datic~n to Mayar Thc~:~pso~., fr_+r ~utst~.nding improvement in beau.tificatian aehieved by the ~fty cf Arro~>~ Grande, Mayor TtaoLrapson redd the letter and thanked Mro ~raders~n, ~n ~eha~f of the City, for the award. LETTER OF TH[A.NKS FROM LEQ CpTTLE~ HARVEST FESTIVAL BOOTH CHAIRI~.AN Administrator Butch read a letter frem Leo Cottle9 Booth Chairman for the Harvest Festival C~nunitt~e9 thank~~r~g the City and the City Employees for the - c~oaperat? on ar~d help giver~ him befare, during and after the ax~nual Narvest Festi- val activities. LETTER FROM M~P, GALLAGHER JR. - ESTABLISHING ~ITY PARK FOR TRACT N0, 186 Adm~nistrator Bufich r~ad a letter from Matthew 1'. Gallagher, Jrg, re- questing that a City Park be estab'lished adja~ent to Tract No, 186 to serve t' the residents of the 105 homes located within this tract. After Council dis- ~ cussion9 Administratar Butch was instructed to forward this letter to the Parks and Re~reation Commission for their review and recemmendation. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE M0~?TH OF OCTOBER, 1969. The Treasurer's Rep~rt far the month of Octaber, 1969, wa~ received by the Cc~uneil, dis~u~s~d and ordered fi~edo - DEPARTMENT.AL REPORT F'OR. THE MQlVTH OF OCTOBElt, 1969 The Departmental Reportfor the manth of O~tober, 1969, was seceived by the Cou~.~il, discussed axad ordered filed> y MOBIL: OIL COo R.EQI3EST CITY VACATIO!~ OF A PTN<, OF 18TH STREET Adxninistrator B~.tch reviewed a letter from J< H. Huntsberry, Real Estate R~presentative for Mobil Oil Corporation, ar~d a report frcm Director of Public • Work:~ Anderson., dated O.taber 28, 1969, regarding the vacation of a portion of 18th Stx~et, up6n which M~?~il Oil Coo wishes to locate a service stationm City A~torney 5hipsey recc~mmended the securing of a title report on this property prior to any further a~tion being taken by the Council~ After Council discussion, on motion of Coun~.ilman Levine, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanirnously , carried, that a title report be obtafned ~overing that portion of 18th Street reque.sted to be v~.cated and any expenses for said report to be born by Mobil Oil Ccrporationo SECOND ANNUAL COOPERATIVE PARCHASING OF GASOLINE WITH SLO COUNTY Administrator Butch advised that notice has been received from the County Pur~hasing Agent that the Cotxz~ty B~ard of S:zpervisors have again authorized C~operative Purchasir~g ~f g~.soline by P~blir. Entities, and if the City wishes to contirue with this pragram far the purchase of gasoline th~e County must be sa notified by De~ember l, 1969, fc+r the c~lendar year 1970 contractn After Coun~il disc~xssicrr~, City Atto.rney Shipsey* read the title of a Resolution re~- garding the e~operative p~.rc:ha~ir.g ~f ~asolane between the City of Arroyo Grande and the County o£ San Luis 0'~ispa, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, se~.onded ~Sy Cauncilma~. L~~ine, and unanimously carried9 to dispense with reading the l~alance of this resc~lutione 1 _~.,~:(Y7 c~TY cou~vc~L ~7ov~~~x l09 i969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PA~E 2 IZE~OLU~I01~ :~0, A R~SOLUTIO~T 0~ THE; ~~fi'~' ~0~'•~~;IL 0~ T'HE ~;I~'Y 0~' AR1~0~0 GR.A1~T~~ AGC~PTI~i~ Ti~~ TERMS A1VD COl~'DITIOZV~ OF 'THE ~Aiv L°G'IS OL~ISPO G0~!'~TTY BOARD 0~ ~T~PEIZ~I~ORS ° R.E~OLI~'~IO~' N0, 59~~1~ 1tE~_GA[~DI~3G El~"TERI?~`~ I~TO COOPERATIVE P~3R~I3~IST~G AGR.E~~1VT WITH T"HE CO~:J~TTS~ OF SA~T LUIS OBZ~~Oa On motion ~f Coazrr°ilinan. Le~~m~ 9 see~o~s~~d b~ C~u~r.~ilmax~ S~hlegel ~ ax~d o~. the f~llowing r~ll ~all vote, t~ w~to AYESs C~un~ilm~n S~hle~~l9 Levi.~e, Wo~d, Talle~ ar~d Mayor Thomp~on. NOESo ~~ne, ABSEI~TT; IV~ne, . the faregoi~g Res~lutics~. wa.s passed aa~~d ad~pted this lOth day ~f Novemtsere 19690 „ LEGISLATTVE NEWS LETTER F'ROM THE I,EAGd3E OF ~AI,IFORNIA CITIES Administratr~x° ~~at~h reported that Legislative 1Vews Lett~x° has been re~ ceived from the L~ague ~f Californ~a Citie~, advfsir~g ~f s~hed~aled gubli~ hear- ings i~. vari~us a.~eas of t~e St~.t~ reg~.rding :~urrex~t legisla~ive m~.tterso PUBLIC HEARI~T~~APPEAL OF ~S~ P~RMIT CASE~ ~;OS, 69~148~149~1~0~151~RYAN OUT.,ADV, City Cler~k M~.1I~r a~s,ur~d Ma~c~r ~~~c~a~~p~~~ that Mra ,~~-~e~ K. Odum9 Coast Divf~ion Manager f.~r RS~ax~ Outclao~ Aclvertis~.ngy I~.~., ar~d gr~perty awners within three hundred feet tfie prapert~ affected by the filzr~g of the appeals of _ the Planning Go~nzni~~i~n de~ials c~f Use P~ranit Ca~~.s ~Toso ~9~148a 69~149, 69- 150 and 69~151 ~br ~dx~~tru~ticn c~f' four ~epara.te dcu~le-fa~ed pc~ster pa~eZs had been motified by m~,il ~ ea~h ~.ppeal Y~x~d been gublished ar~~ each of the property locations postede a~ required by law, Ad~r~ir~istrat~r But~h reviewed the report of the Planni~g Gc~ar~ission prepa.red by Plar~:r~i~g Director Gallop~ dated October 179 1969~ whi~h li.~~~d th~ ~~tiom reg~rdi~g the ~T~e Permit Cases Nose 69-148, 69-149, 69~150 ar,~ 69c151~ ~rh~~h were der~i~d b~ the Plann.ing CQ~nissi~r~, ~ ~ ~ Mag~~r Th~mgson. d~clared the heax~ing ope~e and that all persons for or ° against the appe.al af i~~~ Permit Cas~ NQ. 69~1/~8, filed by Mro James K. Odum, w~uld now be hea~de Mr~ J~mes K, Oduan~ ~~ast Divisirra Ma~.ager, Ryan Outdt~or Advertising, Inc. gave a~ overa.ll mral presemtatior~ ira fawc,r c~f allowing th~ construction of drauble~fa~ed po~ter pa~ael~ and r~ferx~ed t~ studies r~garding accidents and ' . billbc~ard ~igns~ c~n~ dated Julye 196~y ~ Traffi~ Safety Report by Dr, E. Blonk, . May, 19639 and the Tra~;Ei~ Safety~ Co, report, N~vem~~r9 1965 and it was the ~axaclu~i~n s~f Ea~h ~~~d~ that ~he~E was very l.ittle or n.c~ relation b~tween aLCidents and bill~c~~rcl sign~„ NI~o Od~m prESer~ted a sinall replica ~f proposed poster panel ~tr~c~:tta~e$ and a 1'~~:t ~~;~~~es~es direetly benefiting from Ryan OutdQOr Advertz~irag in, ti~~~ area. Mr. Oduan c:omclu~~d by requesting that the appeals be review~d and ~~n~~der~d the basi~ of the requirements of the Zoning Ordi~an~ea Mr. Od~am st~t~d that the 1~catio~ af the proposed poster ganel structure applied fo~° by Use Permit Case Nc~. 69~1~8 i~ adj~.~e~nt t~ a ser~riCe ~ntrance to an auta rep~ir fun~t~.oxn on the northwesterl~ ~ide of Grand Avenue at Halcyon Road a~.d w~uld ~reate no ob~tr~x~tion to exi~ti~g usese _ Wm, Bla~ke 1300 B~°ighton; Paul Vincent9 251 Lar~hmont; Ellen Johnson, ~ 163 So. E1m St<y Jo~eph Nargie~ 605 Woodland Dre; Mrs~ Newell Strother, 270. Larchmont Dr„ ~ Ger~.lcl IrSos~ 9~1~ Willo~a L~.ne; Robert Garing, 141 So, Elm St. ; Matthew Gallagl~e~°9 Jrd, 520 Leanna Ave, and Leray Berr~, 1351 Grand Ave, all spoke agairn~t all~wi~r~g the iristallat~on of poster pax°xel~ at this la~~.tion or any lo~ation within the Cit~~ There being r~c~ fu~ther dis~u~sir~n for or agai~st the appeal to grant Use Pe~mit C,a~e No~ 69~1~89 Mayor Thomp~on declared the hearing closed;. Upom ~k~e ad~r~.~e ~f C~t~ Attorn~y Shipsey the C~un~~il agreed to pro~eed with th~ retnaini~g three h~ar~x~gs of appeals pric~r to their dis~u~sion ancl final a~t~~n~ - 199 CITY COUNCIL NOVEM~ER 10~ 196~ ARR.OYO GRAND~, CALIFORIVIA PAGE 3 Mayor Thmmpson d.e~lared the hea~~~~ ~,,p~r~ a~.d th~.t all pezsons w~uld xaow be heard for ar again~t the appe~.l tc~ ~r~~~.~ Pe~~ait ~o0 65'~149 t~r th~ construction of a pm~ter pane~ ~~r~a~~~xx~e th~ ~~rth~re~terl~ ~~d~ c~f Hal~~c~ra Rd, near Gra.m,d Avea 9 filed ~g~ ~7~.m~s K~ O~~mo Alice Ro~.~~~ T33 lVoa H~.l~y~~ 1t~~c1.~ [~~l~~~m ~1a~k~ ~a~tor o~ the M~th~di~t ~ Church lo~ated Ha1~g~on R~ad; Pa~.1 ~~r~~e~t~ 2~1 I~a~c~hmc~.t Dro_;~ Mrsa N~we11 Stroth~r, 270 Larchan~n~ Dr, ~ ax~~ C~~~ ~I~Lea~~ 155 F~.ir Vi~;w Dr~ve, a11 spake against allowing t~~ c~can~tx°~xct~.on o~ p~~ter p~.~ae1 a~ this 1~~~.ti~rco James Ke Odu~n sgok~ in f=avar of allc~win.g thi~ ~onstr~xction, There being no furthe~ dis~us~ion for or agaix~st the appeal to grant Use Permit Case No, 69~1499 Mayox° Thognpson de~lared th~: hearirag clc~sed.o . Mayor Thompsc~r~ declared the h~a~ing open a~d that a11 persan~ would now be heard for or ~ga~.nst the app~al to grant Use Permit Case Noo 69m150 for the construction of a poster panel str~ct~re on the northerly side of Brisco Road, filed by James K. Odum, Mr. H~bbard9 161 ~ri~~o Rda 9 W~lliazn ~la~k.~ 1300 ~ri~tat~n; Mrs. I~ewell Strothe~g 270 L.a~°~hm~n.t Dre 9~lle~. .7n~~.~~r~~ l.F~l So, Elm St, ~.nd Paul Vim~ent, 251 Lar~h~nont T~r.9 ~.11. spake aga~.r~~t all~w~.~~g the ~~rg~t~a~r~t~,o~ ~f a pc~ster panel stru~t~r~ ~.t thi~ 1~~~.ticaa~a James Ke Odu~, spdke in t~v~r c~~ all.ow~~~ this ~on~tru~tion.a There bei~.g n~ furth~r dis~~s~focr fc~r or ~.ga~.nst the agpeal to gr~nt Use Permit Case No. 69m1.~0~ M~.~or Tl~c~mp~E~s:a d~clared th~ h~arir~g ~1: ~ede Ma~ror' Th~~p~o~ de~lar~d the Y~earing op~~. ~~~ci that a:L1 pe~soa~s w~~zld now be heard for o~ agaicqst the app~al t~ gra~t ~~e Permit G~se I~oo 69~1.~1 for the constru~tic~n postEr pa~el str~ct~.re on the s~uth s~de of Grar~d Avenue between Juniper Str~ek a~.d l~th Street~ .f~led. t~y Jazraes Ko Odaarno ' Emery Welker~ 14Q Jun.iper S~~, read a~.d submitted a letter signe~ by 20 residents of the Cit~e aga~.~a~t allowing the canstru~tian mf poster panels within th~e City, Mrs, IVewell Str~th~r~ 270 Larchmont Dr,~ submitted a petition signed by 16 ~e~ide~t~ c~f the Git~~ ag~.ix~st allowing the construction of poster pan.el stru~tures w~thix~ the Cit~~ Ler~y ~~rr~r, 1355 Grand Avea subrr?itted a petition sig~ed 95 re~idents of the City~ ~.gairest allowing the ~orestru~tion of poster par~el stiu~tur~~ within the C~,ty. Willi~.m ~la~k§ 1300 Brighton Ave,; Myron Anderson~ 308 L~d~a Pl~~e; ~.~.d Ell~n J~hn~on~ 161 S~e Elm St, all spoke ~ against allcswing the ~an~truvtion c9f ~ po~t~r panel structure at this loeatian. Jame~ Kn Odum spolce in favc~r ca~ al~.e~w~.ng this const~u~tiono There beir~g no further dis~us~ion for or against the appeal to grant Use Permit Case No. 69-151~ May~or Th~mpson de~lared the hearing closed> City Attor~ieg~ Shipseg~ advised the ordinance procedure wh~~h the Council must follow ~nd advised th~.t the ~~tizens testimo~:y regardirng this matter could be ~onsidered by the Coaan~il rn rendering the decisiona The Gour~c~il discu~sed and agreed that by ~nanim~us respon~e of the citizens present, ag~inst a1.lo~air~g poster par~el ~tructures within the Gity, that possible change~ i~ the Z~ning Ordi~~.n~e ~h~uld be considered. On motion of Coun~ilma~n Wc~od9 ~e~c~n~~~l ~y Coazn~ilYnan Ta11ey arad unani- mously ~arried~ the appeal fox° appr~~a1 c~f LT~e Permit Case Noa 69~148.9 filed by James Kn Odum, G~ast Divisxor~ I~Iar~ager for Ryan Outdoor Advertisix~g~ In~9, was den.ied3 and the d~c:ision caf the Pla~ning Camami~si~~~ was upheld~ On mot~.~n of ~~un~.ilmax~ Sehlegel.9 ~e~~~.ci~d t~y C~un~2lar~~.~ Levirxe a~id unani- m~usly carri~d, the appeal for ~.pproval o.f U~e Permit Case No. 69m149~ filed by James K. Odu~rn9 C~ast Division Max~~,ger for R~an Outdoor Advertising, In~~, was denied, and the deci~i.on o~ the ~lar~x~i~ag Com~i~~i~~ was upheld~ On motion of Coux~~ilman I,~v~r~~9 ~econded ~y~ Cov~.g~ilman S~hlegel and unani= mously carried, the appeal far ~~p~~v~.l. of Us~^ Pc~Y"~n.it Gase N~b 69~1509 filed by Mrs James K. Odum9 Coast Dit~isi~n Manager fwr R'~ar~ Outdo~ar Advertisin.g9 Inc., was deni~d9 and the de~i~i~n c~f the Pl~nning Cc~~ni~~i~r~ ~ras upheld„ ~d~~ CITY GOUNC~L NOV~M~ER 10, 1969 ARROYO GRANI3E, CALIFORNIA PAGE On motfon. of Co~xn~ilman Ta11~~, ~ec~~x~ded by Coa~n~il~rca~. Wood, amd unanitr mously c~.rried~ the appeal for appr~~~l. e~~ L~e Pe~it ~a~e ~To, 69-1~1s f~.1ed by James K> Odum~ C~a~t Divisio~. Mamag~x° R~~~ Outdoox~ Advertising9 I~n~,, was den.iecl an.d the de~isi~an. o~ the Pl~r~r~ ~~g ~o~i~~i~~ wa~ u heldQ MAYOR THOMPSOI~ DECLARED A R~G~SS AT 9 e 36 P,M TIiE GOL7I~~IL 1tE~ONGTElVED AT 9 a 41 P,M WITH ALL GOt71VCIL NI~MBER~ B~II~G ~K~SE~TT AS SHOW~T ON ROLL ~ALL PUB~IC H~ARING°IIVSTALLa GC~R~s~UTT~R~I9E€IV~WAY~ ~ GRAA~~IID AVE, (POLIN~ Adminfstrat~r ~ut~h rev ewed th~ pr~p~s~d areas ~r ~~ur~, g~tters ~.nd . driveway apro~.s on the ~outh ~id~ caf Gr~.~d A~e~.~e betw~erc Alp~~ae St, and the Freewag~ on~ramp~ tc~ h~ installed. l~~ -~~e c~~ the 1911 Imp~ov~an~nt A~t (Short Form) > After taei.tg ~.~~ured by City ~1e~le Mi11er that the p~operty ~wraers had bee~ notified and tY~e prdpex°tgr pc~sted a~ r~q~aired b~ ~,aw.~ Ma~~r Thomp~soxa de- clared the hearf~g cap~n a~.d a,ny per~~~ ~or against the instaliati~n as proposed would xtow ~Se h~ard, There l~~ix~~ r~~ clis~u~si~n ~~r ~r against the proposed installatio~i, Mag~~r Tho~nps~n de~la~~d the hearin~ ~1~~eda After Council disc~ssion, City Att~rrn_ey Shipsey read the title of a re~ol~ation in- strueting the Superin~e~:d.~nt of Streets t~ pro~eed w~th the ordering of said . construetion9 ther~after a motion caas m~,de bg~ Councilman S~hlegel, se~onded by Councilman Levixne and urcar,ia~~a~sly cax~ried.9 to dispense with readfng the balance of this resolut~on~ RESOLUTION lVOo 845 A RESOL~TIOI~ OF' THE CITY CO~~~Z OF TH~ C~'TY OF ARROYO GRAI~I2~ I~3~TRL~(~TING TT3.~ 5UPERIIVTEI~D~I~~ 0~ STR:~~'~S '~d ORDEIt THE CO~TS~It~CTION OF CONCR~TE ~~TRBS, G~~TT~I~~ A1.~T~ T31tIVEWAY APROI~S A1~D IMPROVE° MENTS ~'OR TH~ PROP~R ~°dd1V~`~IOI~ING OF THE IN~TALL~D Ci7RBS ~ G~JTTE~~ AIV'I~ : ~3R.IV~A`~ APROl~S ~ On motion of C~un~~.l~~,~~ L~vir~~H ~~~c~~rieci by Cou~a~ilm~.~ Talle~ and on the foll~wing roll ~a11 v~t~g t~ wito AY'ES> C~un~ilme~: S~hleg~ln Levir~~~ W~c~c19 T~lley and May~r Thompson., ~ ~dO~S : ~Tor~e ~ ABSENT ° ~T~ne , the foregoing x°esolut~,~~:wa~ pas~ed and ad~pt~d thi~ lOth day o£ Novemb~r,a.i969. NOTIGE FROM STAT~ ~ i~~, tt~5~ R„0,'4J~ SO TRAFFIG WAY T!0 CITY Ad~x~i~tx~at~r B~i~h ~~p~.~t~d n~aCi~~ ha~ ~reen received from the State , Div~s~.on of Hightaa~s t~t~t ~~as~~edi~.g~ hav~ ~e~n eampleted for relinquishm~nt to the City~,. that p~~Ci~; of South T~~ffi~ Wa~r formerly wi~hin the Stat~ H~ghw~y Systema REGEIPT OF MI T~S' ~ C(~ASTAL VALLEY PL I1~G COUNGXL The rninu~e~~ a'f~~h~ ~~~~t~l Valle~p Planning G~umcil meetircg t~f Oatober 6, 1969 were re~eiv~ci t~i~;, ~~~sn~il ax~.d €~x°dered filed, CEIt'~TFTCAT~ FO ~ ~ ~'I~I~I~ IIQSPE~'~IOI~ ~$UILDING II~SP CTOR I~ICKLAS '~Adm~:m~,sts°a~:~~.8'~:~~h•:ac~vi~ed that J~anes R. Ni~~1a~y; B`u~,lding In.spector, has e~i:plet~d~ ~,r~~h :~i~~,o~°~ a a C~ux~s~ : in ~'iC~:l:d Inspe~C`io~Y, tihrcaugh the. Untversi~y af N'eks~aslca~, ,w1i~t~h ;a 'Ctac?' ~vea~° corre~p~ntie~~e c~otx~'~~~ ~e~otmnended bq th~ S,ntEr~ 'riational Con£~:~~~~ ~f ~~iirdf.rcg Off~.~ia1s~„ ~ ~ ~ The Gra~~~~•~: r~~q~i+~s~~t~ that Adt~inL~t~stt~~ ~rx~~h fta.rwax'd thei'r ~aY~~~at'u~at- ~ions tio B'ui.~.di,ng Insps~to.~ ~"~,~kla~ ~ for hi.~ ~utst~.t~di~g a~hi~vemexit ~M the , . . compl,eti,on o~ this. ~m~~,se.,; SLi7 COUNTY I~~VE,~,OP~,.ASSO~'~. ~C_,~UAIt~~~.L'wl I~W'S~.ETT~R ~ , Copies of the Quar~~~~.~ Dev'elap~~nt ~ewsletter of t~he S~.n Luts Ob~.spo Count~ Devel~p~ane~nt P~~~c~~i:~t~.can,~, In~, g dated O~t~ber; 1969a were received by the Coun~il, . R.EQUEST FOR ASSISTA2~GE 71~ _~L~ARII~G TALLY Ht7 G~tE~R , Admini~tratr~r' Li~,t~h rep~~'ted that Dir~~tor .~f Fv.bli~ Works Anderson and himself had discus~~c~.~h,~ p~oblems of :~~ee~C ~leax°i~g with Mr~ Pinze9 a resident on San Luis itoad;~ .w~;c~~~ prcrp~~ty abu~~ Ta11~ H~ Creek,~ It was requested that something ~e done ~o i~~~°the~ 1~n P~.xn~e~s e:ffox°ts t~ protect his and adjacent properties fram, £'~a~td~t~~,~ ' 2~i C ITY COUi~T~ IL 1VOV~~~1~ 10 a 19f~ 9 ARROYO ~R1~TD~, GALIFOltI~IA 1'AG~ 5 Ad~inist~at~~ Fi~t~~ ~,I~~ pr~~~~t~c~ ~ t~,oP~ ~f 0~'di~~~~~ whi~h w~~ very ~re~en.tl~ ad~pt~d t~~ C~t~ a~f 0~~:~g~ ~~a~i~~ pr~~~d~s r~ra~~da~re to abate obstx~~~~ti~r~~ i~ c1~a~,~a~~ ~~~~.x~~l~ a pa~~li~ ~~.is~,~~~e9 ~,~d t1~e ~b~= structfon i~ ~~at~d bg~ the Gi~g~ ~T~.~ c~~~t uf r~zr~~v~.1 ~h~.:~l ~~e ~r.~c~~ a~pe~fal asse~~m~rcti ~ag~~,~.~t the ~~~,c~.~~rr~~d ~r~pe~~~ ~~~~p~rt~~~~ Af~~r ~~~~?~s,1 d~~~~~m sion.9 Citg~ Attorney Ship~eg~ x~ead f~~ t~~ ~~~~t reading9 the titl~ a~da~ nanc.e ab~t~.n.g ~&~~t~~tiorc~ zr~ dr~.i~.ag~ c~t~~.b~:~~~ ~ a~ a p~~l~c~ ~~~i~a~~e~ th.~r~~ aftex° a inc~tion w~~ macl~ l~y ~~un.~ilm~n Tn~~~~~ ~~~~~d~d. ~~~~~il~;a~.x~ S~;1~1.~g~1 a~~ unanirn~usly c~ar~~ed~ tc~ clisper~~~ with ~~~cl~.~~ tY~~ b~la~~~e ~f th~~ €~~°di~~~a~eo PLANN, COMM~ 1ZE~OMa CO~~~T~ It~~O~i~~~~. E~~Qu~~~I~T(~ ~~1~~,At~~~`TT~R~~ ET~a~CO~LI~IER J~II~IPER A1~TD ~RAl~D AVE a Administrat~r B~z~h ~~p~x°t~d. th~.t the P1ar~a~ing C~~ai~~~:o~a~ at ft°s last regular me~tf.r~~~ ~e~~~n~~ded that the Ci~~ ~~u~~i1 x~~~or~~ider requirix~~ ~urb, gutter and s3d~walk~ at t~e s~~theasterl~ ~~~ne~ nf Jaxr~ip~r Sta and G~and Ave,, The Coun~il di~~ussed artd ~~~~d t~~t ~h~~ d.id ~a~t f~~l it w~rr~.ntedq at this time~ to x°equire ir~~t~.~.l.ati~~ c~f ~3:de~~.l~e~ aa~d d.rivezaa~ ap~°~s~~ a.r~.d in~tructed Adininistr~tor But~1~ to r~it~ as~d ~eq~~~t the proper~y or,a~e~° p~~ i~. ~.~x~b and gutter c~~il~ aC t~.~~ tim~9 a~d ~ep~~t ~~~k t~ th~ ~~ur~~;il~ AUTHORIZED I~.O~BIG ~ KOE'~IG E~YG~S~ ~ PLA~S & SPE~;S ~OR l~~EI~V0I1Z N0~ 1 ROOF A~miz~istratc~~ Bu~t~Y~ re~rie~r~d a~°ep~~t ~~~m Dire~tmx~ ~f ~~bli~ Wo~ks Anders~rz$ d~ted O~tw~~r 2~~, 19~~~ x°e~~~~a~d~.rag th~t th~ ~~~~~r°k~~rir~g ~irm of Kme~b~~ ar~d K~~L~~,~ ~~t~in.~~ p~~pa~e p~~.~.~~ ~pe~i~i~~.~~.c~r~~ and provide peri~di~ i~2~g~~t~.~r~ ~c*r ir~~~al~la~~~;.~ ~f ~r~ in~'1at~d r~~f c~overing f~r ~ R~serv~~.r 140~ 1, A~t~'~ ~~~i~~~;1 c~~~~~a~s~.~rc~ ~a~tic~~. ~f C~~n~ilm~r€ W~od,, se~oncled b~ ~o~r~~~,~.~a~ L~vi~.~~ ~.~~d ~.n~~i~~aas~~~ ~arr~ed~ the E~gime~ri~ag k'irm of Ko~~ig ~.nd KF.~~~i.~ w~~ auth~~~,~~~ tc~ pr~pa~~ pl~a~~ ar^xd ~p~~if~:~~.tions for the instal.lation c~f ~a~ ir~.~lat~c~ ~°~~f ~.c~~rex~i~g f~r ~~,te~ wat~r R~servc~~r I~~a 1~ at a tot`al fee ~f $1~250a00~ ~nd th~t t~ey~ prs~~ide peri~di~ ~.x~x~pe~t~~~ during the ~ ~in,stallatior~ the ~~caf a,~ ~:~~i~a~C~d ~~~t ~f $600a00~ ~ ~ , PROGItES5 REPOIZ,T ~ LOP~Z, WAT~~ 5~~~I,Y Copies c4~ l~tte~°~ ~~ozn R~~ert B~x'~.~ C~~x~t;~ H~~.rauli~ ~xa:~i~.~~r and from the C~it~y `~~ov~~ ~it~g d3~~:c t~d t~ ~h~ ~;~u~t~ ~cs~rd ~f S~.per~`i~ars ~ fn r~- spon.se to elimi.nat~,on c~f the fen~i.~:g ar~axn.d Lopez L~ke and R~~reation Area coveri~xg est~mat~d a~cl~,tit~x~~l ~r~~t~ ~n~ ~ontra:ct ~h~:nges whi~h ca~uld have to be made if fen~.in~ 5~~ ~at d'on~~ wer~ re~eived b~ the Coun~il, RECEI~T~ 0~ MI~1[JT~~ ~OIJ~. I~IA,'~~w~1~S0URC~S AD'V.ISORY_ _GOI~NIITTBE Copie~ ~f the mit~~a.t:~s csf ~h~ ~~~~.ty Watex° Resour~es ~~~nattee in~etin.g held O~t~+be~ 19. 19~9g la~.~~ `b~~~ r~~:~ivecl a~cl placed ~n f~1eo PROGRESS REI.'ORT ~ F'ATR OAKS,: AC~~~3E. ~XT~~~IO1V AdYnir~Yi~tx~at~~ B~t~Ti x°ep~rt~d th~~ D~~~.~t~r ~f Publi~ Wo~ks And~rson and himsel£ had a~t w~th a~~~al r~p~°~~~~~~.~a.v~ fax th~ Grie~ in.terest a~n.d it was agxeed a c~e~i~i~a~. ~eg~~d3r~~ ~l~~t pc~ri~io~~ a~ r~ght~ofmway ne~e~sary for Fair Oaks Ave~ ~~it~~a~i~~. ta'~,11 ~~a~hed the Courr~~,l meeti~.g ~f Nov~mbex' 25,1969:. AUTHOR~~AL7~ ~OIt ~I.1?~ ~ B~~~TTT~R, SI~~WALRS ~RAI~D9 RE1~A 9~TD..:LE _POINT ~ Adm~r~i~trate~r ~v.~.~Y~ ~~p~rt~d tYi~t the 60 day< peri~d of time has _now ex~ pi~ed £or the px~ap~rt°~ ~c~aers Co h~:v~ instal.led curb., gutteri9 sxdewalks arid drivewa~r apx°on~ ~n pc~rti.c~~s ~f ~~arad Av'~-~ ~ R~n~. St~; ancl Le .Point. St~ b~ use of the 1911 Ix~r,pro~r~m~x~t A~t CSh~rt ~o~) anc~ ~2qu~sted ~.uthorizat~;on: be granted to ca11 far birYs fo~ ~u~'h :~.r~~talla.ti~n~ Aft~x° Cou~:~il dis~u~~~:on9 on motion of Councilm~~z S~hl~g~l~ se~o~d~d b~ ~c~~x~.~il:iran Lev'ine and ux~animou~ly earriefl; approval and at~thor~,~at~~n was g~anted t~ ea11. ~ar bids for the ~.nstallation~. where_appli~able, of ~o~~x°ete ~urb9 gutt~r~ sidewal~s ax~d d~°ivEway aprons on those portion~ Gx`a~.d A~temgSov.tn R~~.a 5~~.~ a~.d Le Point S~reet~ with s'afd - bid~ to be op~x~ed Ue:~~~~r 4.9 1969 ~t 2 ~ 00 P~M~ ~:n the Cc~un.~il Chambers of the Ar~o~ro Grar~de ~i G~ H~.11 ~ PROG~ESS REPORT ~ ARRO`It~ CYR~i1TT~~ .S~tn1~R A~S~SSMENZ' _DISTRT~T _ Adm:Cr~i~.tr~.t~r ~txt~~~ r~poxt~d t~~t ~p~~. the ~cl~rice c~f th~ Distri~t~s fina~n~i,al ~o~x~~lt~n~~~ ~~~ari~ at~d Y~~x~gb~rg~ a meet3:rcg has b~en teratative,ly s~heduled f~r .De~~s~?er 196g.; ir~ ~~r~ F'r~~.~~.,~~o,~ ~rfth repre~e~tative~ from HUD$ to inve~t'~ga~e ~~a~'Ch~x° the pc~~~:~l~il~,t~ o~ re~e~,ving a Federal Grant for this pro~e~t& PROGR;ESS REPORT m SO,t~TH ~ L~1I5 OF~ISFQ COi~TY ~ANfITATION I3ZSTRT~T a...y_...... ,rw~ dvT....e..~,- . ~ Copi~s of the ~hief P1~,nt 0perator`Bs R~pc~rt fnr O~tober$ 1969~ we're reu ~eived by ~he ~~un~i~,~, r~~ie~recl and ~rd~~~d filed, ~ , CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 10, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALTFORATIA PAGE b . LETTER FROM DIV, OF HIGHWA~S RE e R.0~7TI~3~ 0~ HI~HWAY 1 A~lTD 227 Administrator But~;Ya r.~wf~wed a l~tte~ fro~n the l~iv~.s~.~n of Highways regarding the inquix°~ of th~ C~it~ of ~~~~r~~ ~ea~h abc~ut th.e proposed re- routing of Highway 1, ~tat~ng that H~~hwa~ 1 is,ri~t ~ow ~.or has it ever been scheduled for re~routing~ ~,lso that Highw~y ~'~m 22~ ha~ been considered for ~ re-rouzing but this proj~~t h~s now be~~ ~a~le~ at this tir.ie. RECEIPT OF SLO COUNTY G~N~RAL PLAN ° A STATUS REPORT Copies of the County General P1~.n, Sa~ I,uis Obi~po County, ~alifornia, A Status Report~ dated I~oveanber l1, 1y69, wer~ re~Eived ~y the Coun~il, re- viewed and ordered fi.led. DISGUSSIONe A,G.VILLAGE MER(:HoREa ALTERNATE~RT,~.DUItING BRAN~H ST,RE°CONST, Administrator Butch ~~ported th~t the Arroyo Grande Village Mer~hants Association has x°equeste~ th~.t the Council con~id.er ~stablishing an alternate route to be used during Ghe t~me Branch Street will be under x~em~~nstruction, so that the busine~s hou~~s will be able tca ~ontinsza~,sly be available to serve the publi~„ Dis~us~i~~ follow~d regarding l~ridging Le Pc~int Sto by the purchase of a sux°plus ~e•idge fx~om the Cc~unty ~f Sa.n I~~xis Obispo and also the ~ possibility of opening ait~y~ t~~n~na thr~ ~usi~?ess hous~s an the south side of Branch Sto and cocLapleting a b~tter ac~~s~ f~om the Parkirrg Lot to Le Point St. ~n the n~rth ~i~e e~f Br~,n~:h Ste ~rith r~o a~t~c~, being taken at this timea ADJOURNMENT On motic~n of Coun~.ilmar~ L~vinea s~~o~.d~d b~ Cc~~xr~~flman. S~hl~gel and unanimousl.~ e:arri~d, the ~r~eti~g ~djourr.ed at 10034 PaMe ATTEST;~ , ' , CIT LERK MA ~