Minutes 1969-12-09 ~o~g CITY COU~'GIL ?~~EMBER 9thy 1969 AR.ROYO GRAI~4I2E, GALIFOR.~~IA Th~ City C~~nc;il ~net regula~ ~e~~~.e~~~~ w~t~ May~r Thc~znpsor~~ presidixaga Upo~. roll ~;all~ Gouncilgner~ L~v~r~~, T~o~d a-rzd T~11~~ ~eported p~°~s~~to Gour~~~1m ma~. S~hlegel is ab~~r~to PLEDG~ OF ALLE~IA~~~E t~'~L~ I?~`VOC~?.TIO~' Mayn~ Thomp~or~ led th~ Pl~dg~ ~~f ~1~eg~~,z4e~.~ t~ ~ux° fl~g; a~c: ~?~:~di~tel~ tThereafter~ Reve~~r~d R~~~1d B~'en~l~~ r.r~ ~h~ H'~i~~t Bapt~.~,t ~'hu~°~~ Arra~~ Grande, ~elivered tF~~; ~in~rc~~a.~ic~~~o APPR.OVAL OF MII~'~TT~~ The ~i~ut~s ~f the ~egular m~~tin~ ~s~ ~i~v~~u~~~ 25y 19699 ~~r~ ~.pprov~d as prepar~de APPROVAL 0~ WAR~TS On motior~ ~c;~zn~:zlrt~~.a~ Le~~~,~, :~~~,~~~~e~ ~y~ ~c~:ra~il~ar~ Talle~, and una::imsa:zsly ~~~rr~ec~~ Ger~.er~l W~r°ra.~.t~ ?~7, 4a~ thrr~;x~h N~, 532, in the total amouz~t of $43 9 6~5 0 42, P~~r~ 11 W~.rr~~cRt~ 1~'~ n a~ a thrd~~agl~ ~c~. 871 y in t~h~ ~ t~tal ~.m~ux~t ~f $13 ~ ~OF3 0 51 ~ w~:~~~ ~,pp~c~~~d ~~d~~~~d p,~id, PROCLAMATIOt~'o DE~ET"l~E~ A~ "A MO?'~TH Of' HOPE F'OR TH.E PEOPLE OF BIAFIiA" Ma~~+~~ Th~anp~~rc pr.~~as~T~i~~cl t~:~ ~~r>rgttY c;f T~~~:~~~~~~ 19C9~ a~ "A M~~th af Hope f.~r t~~ ~~c~p1~ c,~~ Ei~~x~.", ~~~c! qz~~acl~y~ ~e~;E~r~~~~:~ 2l9 19~Z9a as "A Day r~~ ~~~y~'~ fc~~ tT~~ ~~~pl~ B~~.~ra" thr~ ~;it~ uf A~~rr~a Gr~.nde. TREASURERe REFOI~T F'OR TI~E 1`?IO~iITH 01+" ,`4'0~7~"NIT~I~+'I~ a 1R~9 Th~ Tr~~sur~x K~~c~rt ~c~Y~ ~i~~ ;~:~r~t-~~~ ~ Tt F.~r~~r, 19Fse~ ~,*as r~ceivEC3 b~ t~~ G~u~.~.~~ ~~ev~ew~d a~~c~ c~r°~~~~e~. f.'Y.~E~o DEPARTME,I~aTAL REPORT ~OIZ THE M01VTH OF :~"~O/EMBER9_ 1~69 Th~ Dep~rt~ne~tal I~~port fc~ ~1~~ ar~;s~~~th ~f lv'~~~m~er,, 19699 ~ras received t~y tY~e Caur~~~,lg d~:a~as~ed ~.ryr~ d~d~z~d t~~~d.o DTSCUSSIO~?' ° F"EES FOI~ tLA'V GH.E~K 0'~ RE'~~I?~~RTIAL GOy~~~TRUCTI01~ Adniini~trato~ B~.t~h cli~tr~~ut~~ t~+ th~ L~u~i~i1, ~opies of ~ report dated December 1969~ frcn~ th~ Bu~1~in~ D~part~ne~t9 augmen.ting an earlier requ~st of this department for ~.uthc~riza.tior~ ta ~harge plan check fees on all residen.ta.~.l stru~ture~ p~~videc~ ~y tkc~ iit~.~ ~o~m~ Builciing Code which the City has adoptedo The Cour~cil ~i~~,uv~ed a~d ag~°Eed to hold this matter over until th~ x,~xt regular ~~eti~~~ ~f~ th~ C~ur~~~l t~ allow tiEne for further ~tudy as th~ ~°ep~~t caa~ ~~st re€~~iv~~ a I~TOTICE FROM STAT~ bTSASTE;R OF'F'TC;E~TOT[~L VAI,~7~ OF' SU'I'PLIES FIVE YEAIt P~RIOD Adani~istrat~r B~at~h rep~~ted~ ~r~~~??~~trc~~c~. ~nly9 a r~oti~e has beex~ reLeiv~d f~~f;~ the St~t~ I~~~a~ter Of~i.~~ t.~~at i.:~~ t~e la~t fiv~ year~ the C~ty , c~f Arro~Yc~ Gr~r~d~ ha~ r~~eive.c~ a tc~~~l c~~ ~~0~.00 w~~th ~f surplus property a~.d ~qu~pme~t E~°~~+ th~ D~~~~te~ Of~icti~, ~~prES~a:~t~~g ~ppra~i~ately fifty per ~ent of th~ tot~l ~e~;~i~ed ~y a1l ~~v~rr~::re~r~t~l a~~r.~cie~ cafthin ax~d ir~cluding the Cc?u~kt~ ~f S~r~ L~a.~~ Ob~~p~, APPOI~TMEIVT 0~ CITIZE~ti~ COI~iMITTEE ° TO ~TU~Y RE~'L~SE PROBLEMS WITHIIV THE CITY Ma~%ar Thomp~o~ r~po~t~~ that ~ev~xal ~.it~~e~~~ hav~ xndi~ated an interest in ~~r~i~g tl~e C~.t~~~;n~ Gc~r~nitt~~ tr ~fiueT~ ~°efu~~ problems withixa the . Cit~y ~f A~res~:-~ Gr~~d.~ a~xd pre~e~dted tY~~:f~ ~.a~ne~ f~r Gc~ux~~il approval and re~ cma~rnerid~e~ that th~ A~a~~y~ Gr~.r~de ~G~a~a~c?~e~ ot Cos~rer~e arnd the Beautification Committe~ should r~~t~ be r~pre~ent~ted a~. this Cc~manittee. After Gouncil _ disc~u~s~or~~9 0~. mc~ti~~ ~f Caaxr~.cilm~x~ Wc~od~ ~e~c~~ded 1~~ C~uri~ilman Levine9 arad unarcimou~lg~ ~a~ri~cl, the Citi~~rx~ C~~m~r?~tte~ to Study Refuse Pro~lems c~rithi~. the Crty ~f Arr~~~+;a G~'~~de ~a~~ a.ppoi_4..teci a~° f~ll~ws; Mrs. B°Ann Sm~.th, 1.~7 Pea~w~oci D~~ve; Err~e~t ~'~s~c~~iW ~10 L~~d~~° Street; Bernard Lansman, 5~9 Newmax~. Driv~; s~~.~ rEpre~~r~t~.tiv~ c~~ ttz~ Ax~~flyo Gr~.r~de Ghamb~r of Commerce • and one ~epresea~t~ti~e nf tY°:~ A~'~'c~~~ G~°~r~de Be~utifb~ati~r~ Committee, DISCUSSION OIrT BILLBO[~RDS I~ VIOLATIOS~ OE' M'U;~'iT~:T~AL CODE S~C, ~-9e03 PAR. (f). AdYnfni~trator Butcl~ rev~e~ed th~ p~~rsr a~ti~~ ~f th~ Couneil regarding ~ the four rem~irrin~ ~ill~~ard~ ~n vicsla~iai~ c~~ Mur:ii.~t~ipal G~de Section 8m9o03, . paragr~ph (f) arcd x°~que~teci f~a.rther ei~re~;txor~, .~r~~ the Couracilo After dis- ~u~sion9 the Cnur~a;f1 in~tru~t~ef Git~-- t~tta~~~~- ~h~p~ey to offic~ally n~tify the Ryan Outd~ox° Adv~~ti~i~gy IrW~„ ~f' t~~~ ~r~~tt~r pr~or to f~rther a~tion 1~~ th~ Coun~il, 20~ ~ CITY COUATCIL ' DECEMB~R 9th, 1969 ARROYO GRAIVDE, CALZFORNIA PAGE 2 LETTER OF COIVGRATL~L.ATIOI~ ~ROM CAL o I~OAD~ Il~~; ~OiJ~~IL°~TLLBOARD USE PERMIT DENIAL A~ministrato~ But~:Y~ a.d~i~ed that ~ 1~~t~r h~~ `~e~~ xe~~iv~d ~~cn~tt Mr~a Ralph A~ Reyr~old~~ Pr~~ide~t c~f th~ Ca~i~v~r~~a ~~~.c~~8d~ G~~ar~L~il~ ~~r~gratu~.~.t~~g the Council o~. its wi~d~~e ~r~ d.e~~~~r~.g th~ ~~~.~:::.t ~~111~~~ra. appeal ~roan t~e Pla~?nireg Commission's deci~ifl~ a~ tfiss a~tic~n l~r~~ ~,rit~ the b~st in~cl~~~. trex~ds ir~ community developme~.to RESOL, IN SUPPORT OF PROPOSED 19~0 LEGISo TO CH~~GE GAS_TAX DISTR, FORMULA Administrator But~h advi~ed tha.t a l~tt~r ~a~ b~e~a r~~eiv~d fr~ari Eo Richard Barnes 9 Assemblyxnan, requ~~ti~.g thi~ Cour~c~~~, a~ ~upp~rt ~f prop~~ed 1970 L~gis- lation to ~hange foz°m~ula fear distri~uti~r~ c~f G~.~ T~x Highw~~? Co~.~tru~ti~n F'u~.ds to provide that 60% of ~h~ funds be r~tu~°r~~d t~ tta~ thi~teex~ ~o~th~x~n. Califarx?ia counties instead of the pr~~er~tly ~xi~t~.~ig foxmul~ of 5~%o Aft~r C~uncil dis~ ~ussion9 City Attorr~~y Ship~e~ reac~ the titl~ o~ re~olutic~~. ~uppgyrtirng pro~ posed legislatio~. to revi~~ th~ M~~o~Br~~d F~~'~u1~. f~x° d~~tr~b~atio:s of Gas Tax Highway Con~tx°~acti~n Furri~~ t1~~~ea~t~r a~~yti~r? ~aa.~ xrnade €~y~ Gc~r~cila~~n Levi~ae, ti, seconded by Cau~~ilmar. Tallej~, ard ~r~a~,iir~:~u~~jr ~~.r~~,ea~ tm di~gerise with read- ing the balan~~ of this ~esolutic~n, R~SOLUTIOZ~ NOo t~~9 A RESOLUTI.O'.~ 0~ TH~ ~ITY CO'JIvFCIL OF THE LITY OF ARROYO GRA~~T~~ SUPPORTI~~ PFcOFOSE~ 19~0 LE~ISLH.TION TO CHA:NG~; E'QRMI~LA FOR ~I~sTRT'.~~ITIdN OF GA~ TAX HIGH° WAY G0~`a~T~,L't;TIQl~ FU~V1~S, On mcatis~r~ ~f Cournci.l~an L~vine ~~~~~~~c~~~ ~y C~u~.~ilxn~:~ Talley a:~d on th~ foll~wir~g rc~11 call v~t~9 to wito AYES : C~un~iltn~z~. T~~vir~~., W~t~cl ~ T~lle~ ~.~.e~ Mayar Thompson. 1VOE S o ~ l~s~r~e o ABSE~Tm ~~u~~~~lman 5~1~1eg~lo the fo~eg~ing x~~~lutio:~~ w~.~ pa~~e~. a~d adc~pte~. this 9th da~ of D~cember, 1969. CAROL PLa & CARMELL~ DRa~ANFE GHAIVGE TO GA~OL GIR..~PUB, HEARING 1~13~70 Adainin.~.str~tor Bute;h reported that th~ Plax~.n.ing Commission has held a public heari~g a~ad det~rx~i~ed that the rerb~xni~g ~f Car~l Place and Carmella Drive to Carc~1 ~ir~le w~uld ~~rv~ th.~ t~est intere~t of tt~e public and have ~ recommerrd~d that th~ City Cdaxs~~~,l ~~~c~eed with the official name change of these stre~tso After Gou~~iY. df~~u~~i~~.~ o~L moti~~a mf G~un~ilman Wood, second- ed by (:oun~ilma~. Levinee afLCl ~~~ax~is~~a~Zy ~a~ried9 a pul~1~~ hearing was scheduled for 8:00 PoM~~ Ja~.u~.~~ 13t~i~ 19~0, f~r th~ pu-rg~s~ of c~nsidering the renaming of Carol P1a~E ~.nd C~.rmella~ U~~v~e PLANo COMM, REGOMME:N'D~ 9 17ISFOSAL 0~ SL~R.~LTJS PR01'ERTY Q~' W, BRA,.'VGH STREET Administrat~r But~h advised that a: l~t~er h~.d bee~. received from the law firn~ ~f I9avid as~d Gould9 re~ue~tir~.~ that th~ Cc~~urz~:il dispose of the property on the north ~ide of We~t Bra~~h StreEt, recently a~~~f.red by the City fream Carl La.nger~~ae~ko The P1a~.zhi~.g Commnis~i~an. ha~ reviewed thi~ request and de- clared thA~ property is ~.~t ne~~s~ar~ for street purposes and have recomme~.ded the di~po~al of sam~o After C~un~i1 di~~ussiori, City Attorney Shipsey was authorizecl to advise the law fi~n of David & Gould that the Council is agree- able to r~egatiate for the d.isposal ~f thi.s prcrperty and he was also instructed to review a~.d m~1ce a rea:c~m~n~ndatian ~n this matter a~ the final deed for the . exchange of propert~ was not ~o~.~umrnat~d prio~ t~ t1~e death of Mr> Langen4~eck. DISCUSSIOI~T O1V PROPOSED LOPEZ LAKE ESTATES DEVELOPME~T ADJACENT TO LOPEZ LAKE Admi~istrator But~h briefly review~ci irxforanatics~. received on the proposed Lopez Lak~ E~tate~ dev~lopane~t adja~exbt t~ Lopez Lak~9 a~ this m~.tter now stands before the C~unty ~f ~ar~ Lui~ Obfspo Pl~~.ning Com~.issiox., stati~g that a public heari~g or~ the ~c~n~~pt of thi~ pr~po~al i~ s~:heelul~d. before the Cc~urety Planning ~ Commission on De~eanber 109 1969 a~~~1 tl~~at at th~ last ~eetf~g of the City Plan- ning Coznm~.~sion thi~ it~a~~ w~.~ di~~;us~~d ~.r~d the Co~nis~ion re~oanmended to the Council that any~ final d~t~rmYr~~ti~~ ~y the Coa~nty PY~.~.r~ing Coarr~nissio~. be held off until su~h time a~ the L~pez W~.ter ~~x:trau:ting ager~~i~~ have ar~ opportunity to review th~s pr~po~ala Aft~:r Cc~~xr~~~b ci~~~u~~i~~.a c~~. azcdti~n b~r C~u~.cilman Levine9 se~ond.ed bq Coun~iitna~. W~c~d9 a9~~1 u~.~.~.~?~~usly ~arried~ Admini~trator Butch wa~ instrrx~ted ta fc~rca~,~d t~~ ti~~°~ ~Cc~unty Pl~~.r?ir~~g Cc~~nissi~n the Cc~u~.cil . re~ommendation th~t th~ Sa~. Luis O~~~p~ ~~~~.ty Plar~~~~g Ces~nis~ion meet with ' CITY GOUNCIL DEC~'MBER 9th9 1~69 ARROYO GRA.IQDE, CALIFOR.NIA PAGE 3 all of. the L~pez Wat~~ ~a~tra~ting gr~~r t~ m~~lcz,?~~~ ~ f~n~.l de~i~~om on approval or d.isapp~oval ~f Lop~~ Lalc~~ E~t~~e~a LETTER OF RES~GI~ATIO~V m PLAi~TI~G COMMISSTO~E;R. A~L~,'~~ SAWY~1~ Ad~~ir:i~t~atox° But~h read ~ l~tt~r~ ~e~~~~~t~c~:~ ~r~m Alan Sa~ayer~ ~,d~ vising that due to business co~n~tmen,t~ ~e ~c~ule~. l~r~g~r ef~ectively ~erve on the Plan~~.ng Commi~si,~n, A~ter ~~~~.~y.l ~~~~~z~~ion9 ~n~tion c~f Gou~cilman ° Levine, se~onded by Caun~ilman W~od~ a~.ci ~zr~~,~~~ra~u~~y ~arriect~ the resignatic~n. of Alan Sawyer from the Plannin.g Co~mnis~~,~~;~.,,e~f~~tiv~ De~:embe~° 9~ 1959, was ac~epted, an.d Admi~.f~tx°ator But~h wa~ 2.~~t~u~:t~d to ~rrite Mra Sawyer a letter ~f thanks and appre~fatio~n fox~ his se~~ric~~ t~ the Citye APPOI~TTMElVT OF PLAZ~I~TI~iG COMMISSIONER JOHI~ G, COt~]:~E Mayc~r Th~mps~n ~ecmmmen.decl that John. Go C~~~e b~ ~pp~a~.nted tm the Plar~ning Gc~xmni~~i~r^.. tn f~.11 th~ va~ax~~~~ ~~°eat~:~ t~.~. r~~~~~i~t~.c~r~ ~f Alan Saw~er. Ox^s motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Cdu~~.~~tre~.rk Ta11ey, ar~~ unanimously carri~d, John Ge Com~~9 31~ Sc~m Ma~or~ St4 ~ w~a~ app~s~~~t~d to ~erve as a commi's- sion~r on the Arx°oyo GrancYe PYan~ing Go~~.~°~~~,n.~ u~ifih hi~ term of offi~e t~r-- anix~atirig on June 30 a 19710 CONTRIBUTI0I~T FROM AMERICAI~T LEGIO?~ POST 1~0, 1.`3~ FOR~ I~RI~'T~I1~G FOII~1TAIlV°CIVIC CE~V. Ad~i~.istr~.tor But~'l~ advisec~ that tY-~~ 1'~~~C~, R~~~'~atim~. eomac~i~si~re at ~ts last regular me~tirxgq a~:c~pt~d f~~x~e th~ [~xc~~~,~~;~n~ I,e~i~sn P~~t No. 13Fi of Arx°oyo Grande9 a dcsn~ti~n of $85~00 tc~ b~ t~~ i,n~t~.~l a drink~ng four~tain at th.~ ~n.~~.i~p~.rk adj~~~~t t~ the Sta~~~gi~:.g Br~,c~~~ P~~-;~. ,~~~t Str~et, Administrator But~h w~.s i,~~tru~~ed t~ :~~rca~rd 1€~tte~ t~ tt~~ Aa~.~~~g~a~a Legiox~ Post, e~pre~sing the Ccau~~~.il's appr.~~~ati~s~. for th~~ ~rg~ri,~~tf~~e°:s ~s~~~t~.a~ce ir~ the effort~ of City Be~.ut~~icati~;~m COlVTRIBUTION FROM ELKS' LODGE THROUGFI ROl~EO QI?E~i~s :~A..~33IDATE VICKIE BRAGKEN Admir~i~tx~ator. Bu~~h ~.civi~ed that t~irs~~,,~~1~ effc~rt~ ~f Vi~lcie Braa~ken, Elk~ a 26th Anr~~~a.l R~dec~ Q~eer~ C~rsdidat~ 9 t1~~ E~.~.~ ° L~~.~~ h~s ~~~atributed $216.3II to the City ~f Arx°oyc~ Gr~nde ~'o~ ~°~~~~a~~c~z~al a~tiv~~ties. Adminis~ trat~~ But~h was anstruc.ted t~ :~orcaar.d ~ 1~~ter tcs Mis~ Vickie Bra~lcen and the Elk~' Lodge i~ Santa Mar3a9 e~pr~s~i~g th~ Cc°~~+~~.c~ila~ appr~ciation for this ~c~ntri~ution, APPROVAL°ELIMII~ATIOl~V OF G01V1~ECTII~G RDa ° UPPE.R l~.'~~T2 LOWER NEWPORT AVE. Admir~istrate~r But~h r~vi~wed a report froan ~Ji~ector of Public Works Ar~.de~son9 dat~d Novem~er 259 19699 reg~rd~~g ~~e ~onnecting road between upper ~n~ 1~wer Newport Ave., ea~te~l.y of G~ux°t1~~.d Streeta and recommending, du~ t~ p~ssibl~ traffi~ h~zard az~d. c~rain~.ge pro3~le~a~, that this connection be el~.gnxa~~.ted a~d that t1~e entf~e ar~~ betw~er~ upp~~ ar~d lo~aer Newpcsrt Avenue be 1ast~dsc~ape~a Coua~c;ilman Wo~d ~,t~~tair~~~ f~~~ d~.~~ussion and action dcze to a personal intere~t in this matt~r, Aft.E~° G~un~il da.~~:us~ion, on motion of Courc~ilma~ Talley9 seco~.d~d Cour~~,~lma~ Levi~.~ aaid. ~~.rried eliminat~on of the c~~n~~ti~.g ro~d betweer~ ~pp~r axxcl l~we~ Newp~rt Aven.~a.e, easterly of Court- land Str~et~ ~a~~ approvede RECEIPT OF 1~OTICE FROM STATE ~ FEDERAL TOPICS PROGRAM (TRAFFIC SAFETY) ~ Admi~?istrator Butch report~d9 as ~n~~r~i~.tion o~ly9 that a n~tice has been r~~eivecl froan the State Departmen.t of ~'ubl~~ Wor~CS regarding the ~.ew Federal traf~i~ safety pr~gram e~.t~tlecl "TOPIC~L9~ ad~risir~g that the State.has passecl 1egi~latioxx9 whi~h enables thi~ ~~d~ral ~u~r~cled pr.ogram to becoane effect- ive ira ~ur State and may at a later dat~ r~~ue~t Git~ representation to a superviso~ com~ni~tteeo PROGRESS REPORT~FAIR OAKS AVE. EXTEZ~TS.a°AUTHORo ~ALL BID FOR BRIUGE,l-20-70 Admi~.i~trator Butch advi~ed th~.t t1~~ p1a~~ ar~ek ~p~~ifi~ation.s for the brid~~ for Fair Oaks Av~nue e~t~n~i~~. nc~w r~a~~o Mr, Fred Schott of the Engir~eEx°ir~g FirTn of W~11~.~~~~ 5~1~~tt9 ~te~aa~t ~,r,d Asso~:iates, presented cdpie~ of tne plar~~ and ~pecifi~~t~~r~ f~r ~~a~~~l ~~viewo After Coun~il di~eu~sio~ 9 can ~otioa~ of G~~a~cilx~~.n W~~d ~~~~~zr~d~d by ~ou~.~ilm~.n Levine 9 and unanixriou~ly ~arried, appr~val a~d auth~ri~~,t~c~~. ya~s ~ra~t~c~ to call f~r bicls for th:e ~onstru~tic~rc of a~r~.dg~ ac~c~~s Arr.~yc~ Gr~~9de ~r~eYc at th~ Extension of Fair Oaks Avenue in the ~Yt}~ q~ Arrmyo Gx'~.xacley wit~ ~aid bids to be opened J~nuary 20, 1970 at 2;00 Pol~o tl~~ c;c~u~~iY C"h~~~~r~ c~~ the Arr~y~ Grar~de City Hall. 211 CITY COUt~CIL I~ECEI~ER 9th, -1969 ARROYO GR.A.~SDE, CALI~OR~?IA PAGE 4 CONTRACT AWARD ~ CURB 9 Gt~TTEI~ ,~T~ o T?~OJ ,'_~i0~ , 900 6~~ 1, m3 ~~~.d . Adzrai~istrat~r Butc'h repo~ted t~~,t th~~.~ '~id~ werr~ rec~ive~ an~. caper~~c~ at - 2:00 P.M, g I3~~ena~er 4, 1969~ t~ fa~~ca~~~ ir~stall ~.u~b~~ ~utters, driveways and sidewalYc.~ at vari~las la~atio~s ur~t~°~r~ tk~~, City of Arx~y=m Gra~de, fol~ laws; - Eo & 0o C~r~~t~~~;ti~sra Gc~o $7a632~62 19~ Pear~r~s~d I~r~v~: ~ Ar~~~o Gr~ms~~ m Madc~~~a C~~.~ t~u...° ti~~ C~. ~~64, 00 PeOo B~x 9109 S~.r~ L~is Ols~~p~,~~.l~~a Oliver F~gle $5,491.20 PoO. Box 3259 Ocea.~.c~~~~~~~~ After Cour~~:i1 cl~~~~~,~~cs~~ arc~t~ ;4, r~t ~~~~~~~~.~1~~r~ W~~cl, ~~~o~d.ed by Gc~un~ilma~. T~li~y, a~d aza~~a~°~~~m2~~~ly t~~ ~,z~ t1~e a~c?~un.t of $6,49i.20, to furnish ~.nd ir.st~ll ~u~~~, g~~t~r~, ~~~°i•~~~~y~v a.~~c: sidewalk~ at various l~catio~.s ~aith~~ t1~e Ci~y c~f A~:~~a ~~~~~d~~ p~~~~~:t ~~~snb~~~ 90s69m1990-69m3 ar~d ~30~69-~!~a w~~ ~~~~.pt~~ th~. ~~:>~at~^6;~~t ~,~:~r~ec~ t~ OlY~~r ~'~gle9 ~or th~ locaest a~~. ~~~t ~e~d.A ~.r~ri t~.~ M~3~;~~ ~;i~y G'?~r,ic ca~~~ ~.as~.h~rized to ~i~n the coz.tra~:t d.~~.um.~nt ~r~. ~,~ta~~f ~f ~r~~ Gxtyo RECETPT OF I~I?4YUTE;S ~~'~~T~~i~'Y W~TER 1~.E~O~~~r,E ~ A.Z~7ISOItY GOMMITTEE C~p~~~ ~f t~e 1~.~~ ~,~~~~~t~ Wat~.~:~ R~~~~;~.~~ A~~~~~°~~~~ C~~~ittee ~~eeting have ~ie~~ r~c~~iv~d C~:~~ p:1~~~~ fi~.~, AUTHORI~~ C`~AI,L F"OR ~I]~i ° R~SE~VOTR l~'Oo 1 R.O~~ (I~7m%'f~) Ad~~~.~~tr~.tar ~i~t~tx ~dtv~.s~;s~ t~aat tl~~ ~S1~c~~ ~~~r~ ~p~~:i~i~atio~°Ys for an in~ flata~le ~cc~~~rer E~i~ti~.g D~r~~~t~~ W~~~~ 1~~~,~r~a~~g Pr~je~t IV~. 60~69-2 are noe~r ~.~~npl~te~., Aft~r C~c:4u~s~~1 ci~~~a~~i~r.~ c~7~~ ~~t~,~t~ ef ~ou~.~3.lma~. Levine, se~d~~.~;d ~,y C~ur~~~l~«~? War~d ~,~c~. ar€~.r;~~~~~.~~y m~a~ri~d ~.pproval ~ir.d authorization w~.~ gr~~~t~~ to ~.atl fa~~c ~~,el~ f~~ I~~.~l~t.~~,~~ G~~%~~' ~r~ E~isti~.~ 80' x 100° D~~n~~ti.~ W~t~~ R.e~~r~~a~~ ~o ~p~~G~~ J~~~~.~.~°y ~p 19dQ ~t 2a00 P,M. irc the C~un~°i1 Cha~~~~~ ~f t7~~ ~A~~~~y~v G:~~n~~ ~ C;:~.t~~: ~1~1~. A PROGRESS RE~OR.T c LOPEZ WAT~R Si.FPPI,Y A Prog~e~s Rep~~°t f~r th~ rnc~r~th s~~ pc~tca~~~ra 1969 was received from the ~ San Luis Ot~i~p~ Ge~u~.ty F1~~~ G~x°bt~~1 ~r~~~ Wa~e~ Car~~e~vati~~ Distri~t, which was r.~v~.~ca~~ a~~ ~rdlered ~ilec~o PROGRESS REPORT ~RROYO GFiAA.~?B~ SEWE;R AS~F'~~M~~?T DISTRICT M~?~c~r Th~m.ps~~~ ~eview~d r€~p~rt De~~~be~ 9, 1969, prepared by Admir i~t~°~,t~~ Bu~%~h c~utZir?~r~g ~e~zY1t~ t~~ ~~~t~ra~ rait~ HUD ~ffi~ials, held ir San Fr~.~.~i~~~ ~r~ ~e~,er~~~r ~~a 19~~~~ ~t~t~.~~ t~~~t HUD caffi~i~.ls suggest that th~ City ~~a~a~it ~~~vi~~~. app~~.~~ti~r~ i~~ Apx°il g~ 1~r 0 for p~ssible further ~~r~~i~erati~~r: ?~y~ th~ D~p~~t~i~~~t I~~~.~ir~~g ~.~6d Ur~~.r~ Development. PROGRESS R.EI'ORT m SOUTH SA~„~ LUIS O~ISFO CO1~~TY SA::~~ITATION DISTRICT Gap~e~ of th~ ~;1~ief P~,aY~~ Op~r~kc~~: NI:~r~atY~Y~ R~~aox°t for N~vember, 1969 ~ere re~~eiv~d ka~ th~ G~~~^~~i1~ re~ri~~a~~ a,r~d c~~de~~d f~.led, PARKILV'G GOMMI5SI0~ REPORT Admir~~strator But~h repc~rt~d t~C~t t~e F~rkir~g G~~nmi~s~on had met but had ta~Cen r~:cr ~~t~or c~~ ~he zt~atte~ c~f li~ite~. p~.~~.i~g o~. Bx'~.n~h Street as this Gommissi~~. ~e~.t m~~e th~r~u~gh stue~y~ i~ rhee~ed. Adr_ainistrator But~h furtrs~r ~d~:~~~d t:~at th~ park~ng spaces in the Car Corr~.l on Bra~.~h Stree~ wilY be rem~.rked ~es that ir~gre~s and egress could be made at t~~ p~rki~xg l~t frdnc Brar~h St, ~ tr~al. bas~i~, as suggested by the Parki~ag C;~nu-~i~sic~r~o ADJOURIVME~i T ~ Or~ zr~~t~~~ ~f C~~r~~~1~r~~~ 'P~1~~~~, ~e~~~~e~. by Co~~.~ilz~~~ I,evine, and ~ unamitnra~u~~y ~~rried~ th~ ~~~t~,r-~~ ~,dj~~~ri~~ ~.t 900$ k'oM. ATTEST< G?~~~ y CITY R~ ~ ~ M~1YOR