Minutes 1970-01-13 213 CI'~°I~' ~OUN~~I~ JANUAl2~' 13 0 13~0 A~RDYO G~NDE o C~,I~IF'OI2NIA '~h,e ~o~,ncil n~,~~, ~n reg~lar s~s~i~r~ oai~h Ma~o~ '~~,oa~p~on pre~id.~ng, U~on ro? 1 c~ll Co~,n~~~,mera S~h~ec~~la Wood and 'I"~lley r~p~r~ed pr~sen~. Council Le~~in~ s.s abs~n~m PI~DGE 1~,3~I~G~.~NCE ANfI~ ~I~TVO~A'~°~OI~T Mayor °~oa~pson lecl -~h~ pledge ~l~ec~iance our flag and i~uAae~i~~el~ ~~e~°e~f~er Reverend Ck~~.r~~s Craradel~ o£ ~he op~n Bible Ch~rch o~ ~r~ver C~~y„ ~1~livered ~he invo~a~~on. 1~IL~`~E ~P~R~~TAI~ '~e ~?in~~e~ o~ ~he ~egular ~,ee~ing of Dece~er 9, 1969 and the spec~ai a~ee+-ing I~ecember 23 a~969 were ~pproved as prepared. APPRO~TP,I~ WP,R~,I~T"~~ On ~o~~~n of Cou.ra~ilrn~n, Schlegelb ~~~onde~ by ~o~znc~lman Wood and ur~an~s7aou~~~ ~~r~ie~a ~eneral Warr.an~s No. 533 ~k~ro~.gkn No. 647, in ~k~~ ~o~~~ a~n~u~~ af $167, 886. Q~; Pa~rroll War~any~ No. 872 -~~rougl-~.. No. lt?~3o i~~ ~~e ~o~al ~moun~k of $25., 887. 77; and 'I°rust and .Agency Warran ~~s No ~ 9~a5 ~k~ro~gh No m 993 o in ~he ~~~~a~ ~z~o~.n~ of ~ 10 561.18, vaere ~~p1 ~v~~ ~r~d oacd~~°ec~ paid. ~RC7C~AI~'~?O~T - J~~.'~E~ TnPEE~ - J~,NLT~~ZY ~_8-240 1970 I~Iayor "l~°!~i~~.p~~n proclai~aed ~anuar~ 1~ ~.k~rougYs. 24~ 1970 "Jaycee W~e~ AB i~ ~Y~e C~ o~ A~r.o~~ Grande ~ a~ r~~~~.es~ed by ~he Fiv~ Ci~ies Jayc~~~, ~L~W~'1CA"~.~OI~T P~12'~I~~PA"~.°~ ~N PISMO L~3'.~.ACH C:I~ANd ~~S'I°~~TAL PAR~,DE - 2-7-70 ~o~°r~sponden~~ vaas re~~ived f.ros~ ~~e Pisraao Beach Cha~ber of Com~mer~~ ~nvi~ina ~~e ~ouncil ~o par~icipa-~~ in -~1~~ Ann~~l Clam ~'estiv~l ~arad~~ ~,a~i.~~> wall be he1.d ~n ~'e3ar~.ary 7,, 197QR a~ 10:00 AmMa Af~~~° Co~n~i.l ~i~cu~,ssion~ A~mi.nis~ra~ar ~u.~c~ vaas ins~ru~c~ed to notify ~1~e Pi~s~r,o ~ea~~; ~Yaanzb~r of Cor.zm~x°~:e ~ha~. -~h~ ~o~an~:il woa~ld a~k~nd the p~ra~~o =~r~~~. r~~n~r s~,~a~:~~ers k~eyng pr~~en-~ poss~bl.e. 'I°REASU~13 REF0~2'~ ~'OR 'IaHE' MON'IBH OF DECEMBERa 1969 'I~hh~ °~'~~~s~.re~ ° s Repor~ for tY~e mon~Ya of Decer~bera 1969 wa~ reeeiv~d 1~~ ~he Co~n~il, revievaed and ordered filed. I.~EPA~Z'I°M~N'a°P.L R~~~R'J~ FOR 'I°HE MON~°H OF ]~~C~NiBEl~, 19h9 '~°rae ~~~a~r.~~en~al Repor~ for ~l~e m.on-~h ~f D~ce~:}aerP 1969 was rec~ived b~ ~~.e Co~ncile ~iscu~sed and ~rdered fi7~ed~ CQL~L~T~II~MAN L~V~ItTE JO~~TEIJ 'I°I~ ~QU~T~~~ A'~ 704~ PoMo AIT~°I-~Oi3~~~I~ -~'EES ~'~~3 PI,nAAN CI~~~ O~T 12ES~D~N'I°IAL COLoTS"~`RLJC°~.'IOI~ ~o~r,~icil cliscu.ss~d ~?~r~ ma~i~ex° of ch~rc~ing Plan CYaeGk F'ees in ~~n~~n~~~on sa~.~~ ~ssuing ~ b~,ild~ng p~rmi~ ~or all re~iden~ial s~ru~~~ax~~so a~ prov~d~d by ~h~ Unifc~rm Bui.ldi.ng ~ode, On Mo-~i~n of Goun~a~~~.r~ '~°alle~po s~~on~l~d by Co~.n~~~~c~n ~ewin~: ~nd ~c~.rri.Adp tk~~ ~~aild.inc~ Dep~r~r~en~. was au~.~a,orizecl ~Q charge a plan c~eck fee, , in c~nj~,n~~~~n wi~k~ issuing a bu~ilding p~ra~ai~te on ~all ~esiden.~ial ~~ns~~~~i~i~ana ~s provi~.ed. and regulated k~~ t~e U~.~fornn Building Codeo a~ a~.op~ed b~r -~h~ Ci~y of Arroyo G~and~ . ~ NO~"~CE ~'ROIuI P o~ o& E o 2 7, 300 '~O'~°AL P,I,I~~~A"a"ION E'OR iYNDERGROUNG m UTILITIES A~ir~i~~ra~ox° .B~a~ch. r~p~r~~d ~tk~~a~ a]~e~ter has b~en received ~ros~a ga~i~i~ Ga~ and ~lec~ri~ Cor~pany advising ~h.~~: ~he 1970 al1o- ~a~ior~ f~xz~.~ f~r ~ne C.ii~~ of Arroyo Grande for ~h.e un~le~grounding of ui~ili~~.es propos~d project~ on ~rancY~ St~~°eet i~ $90 800 and ~Y~e ~o~al ~o .i.~ $27, 3Q0. ~1P~~t7PS ~'~QM '.~°H~ IaE,A~iJE ~F ~.F,~~~'ORN~A ~~'~~E~S Ads~,in~si~ra~b~r B~~~h revi~`aed sev~ral repor~s uahich ~vere received ~r~m ~~~c~~~ Calif~rn~~ ~~~i~sB reg~r~ling Pol:lu~iona Social Issue~o ~~aildiz~g ~nd ~on~~r.u~~ion Educ~~~ion and Disclosure of Assets, and adv~s~~ ~h~~ -~Ya~~e repo~~s ~,a~~l,d b~ ~z~ fil.~ at C~.~y H[all. R]EPOR'b° ~~OO~.~RA"]~~~ ~~d~~HASIN~ OF G~.~,SOIa~N~ B~.' PTJBLIC Ei~T~"37C'IES l~d~~n~s~~a~~r ~~t~k~ ~~vie~e~l ~ J~in~ Agreer~n.en~ Con~rac~ Pe~roleum - Pro~.~,~~~ r~por~ re~~iv~d fr~a~ ~~ae ~~~n~~:y Pur.chasiz~q Ag~r~e ~,ahi~h li.s~:s ~kae ,~~,~~~s~fa~.l b~dder,s resu~~i~ng ~ro~ ~he ~c~~n~~°s invi~.~a~ion ~o bid 319-70o as ~~r~~ains ~o ~~~ye fo'~lova~e CI~ ~~~~~~Ta e~Pl~~a~~ 1.~ e 1,970 ~ ARROYO GRP,N3~~ o CA~~F'ORNIl~ P1~,C$E ~ Reg~lar Gasoline .205 per gallon L~nior~ ~~1 ~os~pany Pr~r~i~an~ Ga~ol~ne .23 ~er ~allon LJ~ni~n Oil ~~r~pany Die~el Fuel .~~65 per gallon A~Ian-~ic R~chfield Mo~or 0~1. , : ~]Ca~_55 Galm Drums~ ,50 Union O~l ~o~pan~ Motr~r Oil _ ~Casesa 24 Q~s.) 4.2C Unian Oil Ce~~pany PLdBI~k~~ F3~~-1RI~TC -~ROFOSED STo NAME CH1~.NGE -~11ROL Pldo &~~,FtN1EI~LA I~Ito I~~inis~ra~or ~u~ch reviewed ~ha~ ~.l~e Planning Con~~ission had held a pu~a~ic hearirag ~o renanle Carol Place and Carrnella Drive ~o Carol Ci~~~e;and ~o give ghe s~reef~ conformi~y as fa~ as h~use nuxr~bering ~s coracerneda have reco~uxaended ~ha~ ~kae ~i~y Council offi- cally cka.ange -~kne s~ree~ n~mes ~o Carol Ci.rcle. Upon b~~nc~ assur~d by Ci~y Clerk Miller ~h~~ all requiremen~s as pr~vided 1~~ law had been d~ne e M~yor ~o~.np~on de~lared ~e ~ae~~ring open ~md al.l persons i~r or agains~ the proposed.s~re~~ name ~hange `aot~ld n~w l~e ll~..~arc1. Admin~s~r~~~~ ~a~~c~ advi~ed ~h~°~ ~ pe~~~ion ~r,as been ~°~c~ivedB s~~nec1 by 100/ of -~kne residen~s ~f ~arol ~?lac~ ~nd ~arr~s~ll~ Driv~ o~c~~ins~ ~3~anging ~Y~e raa~~s of ~k~~se s~ree~s . David Jm 5~~~~:x°~i~r~a 508 ~a~ol ~laee and Evel~n 'a°al,lr~anv 532 ~arol Placeo spoke agains~ chan~ing ~he n~~s of Carol Place and Cargnella Drive. Geralc~ Moss, Plann~,nc~ Coa~?ission repr~sen~a~a~ve t~~ ~e Co~.ncila spoke in f~~~r of ~~aese s~~cee~ nan~es ~Yaange . ~ere }aeing no fur~~aer dis- ~ussimn for or ag~.irast ~he propo~ed s~ree-~ naaal~s chang~a Mayor 'I°~a.oa~pson de~l~red ~he hearing closed. Af~er Council disc~xssion, on mo~ion of Co~~nci~,man Woodo secondscl ~~r Council~~n Sc~alegel ancl unani- a~ously carriedo ~3~a~ s~reet naxnes in Tr~c~. l~o. 283 a~°e ~o re?x~ain a~ Ca~ol Placc and Ca~°m~lla Drivem ~ F'Ul~'~°HER I~ISC o OL~T DISPOSAI~ OF ~URPLUS PROP~R'a°X OI~T W~S'IB BRAI~TCH S'a"o '~'kais a~a~~~r was req~ested and approved ~o be Yaeld over un~il tl~e n~~~ regular mee~ing~ of ~he Council. GOo Bl~o OF SUP~RVISORS AP~ROVED CVPC AMENDED JOINT PQWERS AGREEMENT Ad~in~~~~a~or ~u~ech repor~ed ~ha~ no~ice Y~as been receiv~d`~rom tl~e C~un~y ~f San Luis Obispoo advi~ing ~ha~ ~he Board o€ 5e~pervisors has appr~ved ~~e a~ended ~7oin~ Power~ Agreement for ~h~ Coa~~al , Valley Plar~ning ~ouncil a~ah~ch ~gree!c~en°~ has now been _approved 'and signecl ~y ~~l e~~i~ies of ~kae Coa~si~a~. Valley 1?lanning Council. RECEIP'~° OF Nd~NLI7f,°ES O~' '~°°HE CO,AS'~AL VALLEY PLANN3NG COUNCIL ME~~°ING 12-1-69 '~e minu~es ~f ~~e Cmas~al Valley Planning Co~~z~il mee~ing of Decen~ber 1B 1969 were received by ~he Council and order~d filede ~SOI~o ~2EQ~o BI)o OF SUPERVISORS TO PER.MIT SERVaC~S RE: MUNICIPAI~ ELECTION Ci~y A~feorney Skaipsey read tYne ~itle of a res~lu~ion reques~ing ~Y~ne San Luis Obisp~ C~un~y Board ~t S~pervi:sors ~o permi~ ~Yne Co~znty Clerk ~o render sp~c~fiecl services rela°~ing ~o ~he General Municipal Elec~~on~ ~Ynereafter ~ ix?otion was aa~ade by Councilman Levine, seconded by Cow.ncila~an Schlegel0 and unanimousl~ carried, ~o dispense wi~.h reacling ~he bal~nce of ~Ybis resolution. RESC?IsU°I°~ON NOa 850 11 ~~~I~Ld'~301V OF 'I°HE Ca'I°Y COUNCIL OF 'I°HE ~~'~Y OF ARROYO GRANDE RE~2Lb]~S°°~°°IN(z ~°H~ ~OAl~I~ OF S~JPERVISORS O~' 'b°I3~ COUN'I°Y. O~' SAN LbJIS 0~3SP~ 'lL°~D P~1~Nd~'IA '~H~ ~OUN'~Y CLERK OP' SP,~D COtJN'I°3~ '~O' REN]~ER S:~E C aF D SE ~tV ICJE S'l~°O '~HE C I'b'~ OF' ARl~OI,'O ~RAN]~E , R~ L~'~INCs TO TE-i.E COI~'I~Ld~~ OF' A CEN~RAL MUN~CaPP,Ia E~C~ION TO BE HEI~D IN SAID. ~I"~~' ~~T APR~L 14 0 19'~0 . Or~ ~~o~i~n o~ Councilman S~hlegel, se~on~led by ~~~ancilai~an Lev~ne and on ~~.e foll~~iing ro11 c~ll vo~e, ~o ~vi~: AYES:, ~o~an~i~a~en Scl~legel, Levineo Wo~da '`~a11~y and ' Ndayor ']~Ya.~ax~pson NOE~ z None ABSEN'~: 13one 215, CIZ°Y COUNCIL J~NU~,RY 13 0 1,97d P,RROYO GR~NI~E a CAI~I~'ORNIA PA~~ 3 the forego~ng resolution was pass~d and adop~ed. ~his l~~h. da~ of Januar~a 19~0~ AU'I'HORI~D E.XCHANGE OF PROFER'I°Y - CI~,"Y ~12~1NCH S'I°o- Y~3i~NG G~I~TI~ AVEoLO'~S Adrninistra~or Butch advised. ~ha~ the deeds daere n~w re~dy to finalize ~k~e Council approved proper~~ ~xch~nqe be~`~u~~n ~h~ Ci~y ~nd Mr. L. ~'o~ng. A~~er Council discussaon, ora ~s~~a ~n of Co~n~al~~n Levine, se~onded by Councilman Talley and ~naniinously carriedo -~he Mayor and Ci~y Clerk were au~horized ~nd ins~.ruc~ed sigr~ a~leedo conveying ~i~le ~o a por~ion of Lot No. 53 of Eo Wa S~~ele°s Re- subdivision of a par~ of the Ranchos Corral de Piedrao Pismo ar~d Bol.sa de Ck~emisal, loca-te~. on the southerly sid~ of ~as~ Br~nch S°tree~, to Lavvrence ~,'~a~ng and Ru~,h Minnig Young. On moti~n of Co~ancil.~?an Wood, seconded b~ Councilznan Levine and unanimously carx°ied, ~h.e Grant Deed from Lawrence ~oung and Ru~h Minnig Yaung,. uaas accep~ed, for a 50° wide by 645°.deep parcel of proper~y on ~h.e so~~k~erl~ side of Grand Ave, be-~ween ,~~niper S~. ~nd the Wes~k City ~,irni~.~ bei.ng a portion of Blocks 86 and 114 of tk~e ~~wn of Grover; and a par~el of proper°~y 67. 27 ° by 74 ° lay 50' by 119 the `ves~erly end of Poplar S~. and ~he westerly side of ~T~anipe~ 5~., b~ing a por~ion of Lo~ 3 of J. F. ~eckett°s Grand Avenue Trac°~~ ~nd ~he Ma~or and Ci~ty Cl~rk w~re a~~~o~°ized ~o sign ~h.e Cer~ifica~e of Accep~ancem 1~T0°b°ICE O~' PA~ a'I'ET~ PHONE ILING G~TI'~H P e U o C o FOR A m G o 1~~A EXT o SERVIC~ ~,dnnini~~ra~or Bu~ch repor~ed ~ha~ a no~i~e ~Ynas been received advising ~Y~a~ ~ll~,e Pacific Teleph~ne Company has applied ~he Public iJ~ili~ies Coanmission for extended service -~o -~k~~ Arroyo Grande telephone service area fronl San Luis Obispa. ~ APPOIN'I°o OF' PL;ANo COMMISS~ONER SToD~NIS T0 COAS'~°AL VA~LIsE~' PLANaCOUNCIL On ~aotion o~ Councilbnan Levine, seaonded by ~ouncilman Wood and unanin~ously carried, Planning Combmissioner Roger ~S~. Denis c~as appointed to serve on ~khe Coa~~al V~lley Planning Council as this Ci~y°s repre- sentative as reco~mended by Mayor Thompson. NU'][°1~C~ OF' RESIGNATION - PLANNING COMMISSIONER BOWLES Adminis~ra~o~° ~utch repor~ed tha~ a notice of resignati~on has been re~eived ~~o~n ~~aarles Bowles, advising tha~ due otYaer ~ommit- ments Yae could no longer serve on ~he Pl.anning Cozn~a?ission, On. r~:otion of Cot~ncil~an Levine, seconded by Councilman 'a°alley and unani.mously carriedo ~he resignation of Cl~arles Bowles from ~'k~e Planning Commission, effec~ive January,6, 1970 was accepted; and Adrnimis~ra~or Butch was ins~ru~~ed wri~e a let~~r.of ~hanks and appreciati~n ito Mr. Bowles for his service ~o ~he City. ` APFOaN'.T'NlEN'I° O~' PLANNING COMMISSION~R JOHN Jo KANE Mayor '~"Y~ompson recommended ~Y~.at John J. Kane be appointed ~o the Planning Co~ission ~o fill ~he vacancy crea~ed b~ ~he resigna~~on of Charles Bo`vles. On si~~tion ~f ~ouncilm~n L~vine, seconded by Council~- man '~°alley and unanimously carrieda John J. Kaneo 1371 Nevapor~ Avenue, `a~s' appoin~ed ~o s~rve as a commissioner on ~he Arro~o Grande Planning Commission, ~aai~h his ~erm of office ~ermin~~ing on Ju.ne 30, 1972. J~IN',~ STUDY SESS~ON WITH PLANI~TING COMMISSION - STREE~' NOo IN SOo COUNTY ~°he Counc.il agreed ~ko meet in joint study session wi~h ~he Planning Commission on February 30 1970 to discuss proposais from the Coas~al Valley Planning Council in regard to Stree~ Numbering in ~kne So.._.~ounty. SE'I' PUBLo3C H~ARING FOR REZONII~TG ON CIoARENCE AVEo (MIJRRAI') CASE NOo 69-35 'fikae Ci~y ~ouncil received a resolution of the Ci~y of Arroyo Grande Planning Comm~assion recommending to ~he City Council an ~mendment to ~he M~nicipal Code by re~oning a portion of Lo~.s 17 and 18 of S~eele°s Restxbdivision of part of the Ranchos C~rral de Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de Chamisalo on Clarence Avenue frorrb R-A-B-1 to R-2, as requested by the appl.i~~~ion submi~ted by 1~Irs . D. L. Murra~r. " Af~er Go~ncil discussion, on ncsotion of Co~ancilman Levine, seconded by Counc~lrn~n S~hl.egel and u.nanimously carriedo a public hearing was se~ for 8:00 PoMo Jan~ary 27, I970, on the rezoni.ng applac~tion sub- mit~ed k~y M~s, D. L. Murray, CITY COUNCIL ~~,N~d~,R~ 13 e 1970 AR120Y0 GRP,I~TDE a CALIF'ORNIP, Pa`~(~E 4 P~tOGR~SS RE~OR'I° - FP,~R ~~,I~~S A~E o EX'~"~LtT~IO1~T ~i1~TI~ ~~t~~~~ Adm~inis~ra~or But~ch repor~ed. ~~a~ da~e ~7 s~~~ ~f Pl~n~ and . Specifica~~ons for ~he cons~r~~~~on of ~ bridc~~ ~~ro~~ Arr~y~ Grande Creek a~ ~'a~.r Oaks Ave. Y~av~ been r~q~~s~e~ a~d ~aal~d i~~ ~~nt~r~c~ors and con~rac°~or ° s represen~a~ive~ ~ and re~ninded ~~e Co~nc~~ ~k~~~ ..~~.e bid opening date will be Jani~ar~ 200 1970 ~ m 00 PoNdo in ~~e Cmtancil Chambers of Ci~y Hall. CON'I°~tAC'I° AWARD - F'OR IN~'LA'~°ABIoE ~0~12 ~SER~PO~~t 1VOa 1- P~20JE~'~ N0m60-69-2 A~iinis~rator Butch ~epor-~ed ~k~~-~ t~a~ ~ids vae~e x°eceived and oper~ed at 2:00 PoMo, Jan~aary 7, 1970 for ~n infla~aJ~le ~ov~r c~n E~is~- ing Domes~ic Wa~er Reservoire Proj~~~ I~To. 6Q-69-~o as follovas: E. M. Penn Cons~ruction Co. $16a621.00 Globe Linings, Inc. $~~0129.~0 and since ~he ti~x?e of ~Y~e bid ogening, ~ 1e~~er was received from E. M. Penn Constr. Co. questioninc~ if ~he con~rac~~rs license held by Gl.obe Linings, In~. allows ~hem do ~his ~yp~ ~~ns~ri~~~i~ne Direc~or of Public Works Ander~orn k~a~ ~vri~~en t~o ~he S~a~e Cpn~rac~ing Board .for ~heir deterrsbina~ion of ~~is mat~~er arid pend~ing ~hei~c reply , recorr~mended th.at the Council avaa~d con~ra~~ ~o Gl~~~ Linings, Inc. , subjec~ ~o ~heir con~rac~ors l~~c~nse ~~ing valid for ~his ~ype projec~. Af~~r Council discussaono on mo~i~n ~f C~i~n~ilnnan Sc?Z,l~gel, secondecl by Councilman Levine and ~anani~~~,sly carriedo ~he low bid in the amount of $120129.00, for an Infla~akale Cover ~n Exis~ing UQ~~s~.~~~ ~nla~er Reservoira Projec-~ No. 60-69-20 `vas accep~ed and the contr~ct awarded to Globe Lininc~~a Inc, o f~r t~e lo~a~s~ and ?~es~ bid, subjec~ ~o ~.he S~ate Con~rac~ors ~oard advising ~l~r.a~ ~he c~ntrac~ors license held by Globe Liningsa I~,c. is vali.cl ~or ~t~Y~is ~ype ~roject. REGIsIP~° OF MINUTES - COUN'IeY WA'~ER 12~SOURCES ?~DV]CSORX CONiM~7~~E~ Copies of the minu~es of the las~ Coun~y Wa~er Resources Advisory Committee meeting have been received by ~he Ci~y and placed c~n fiieo _ _ The Commi~~tee held ~ speci~l ~a~~~ing +~n ~anuary ~0 19700 ~o di~:cuss a repor°~ prepared by Leeds, ~ Hill ~nd ~ewett, en~a~~:ed `°~oa~r,para~son of Sys~ems for Delivery of Supplen~r~~n~al Wa~~r", whicY~ is a~~mpa~%son, of cost for transmi,ssion of Nacimien~o wa~~r versus 1auiJ~dinr~ a~acil-ity e~f~ ~a~~~ ~a~~ J~~k k~esex'voir. ~ PROGRESS REPOR~' - i,OP~Z 4VA~~2 SUPPI~~' A Progress Repor~ on'Lop~z Wa~er Supply for ~he mon~h of November, 1969 vaas received from ~he San Luis Ob~spo Coun~y ~'~ood Con~rol and Wa~er Conservation District, `vY~,ich was r~vievaed and ordered. ~z`led. AU'I'HORIZE 2ND SEMI-ANNUAL LOP~Z lniA'I'ER COI~T'I'RAC'I' PP,YNdL~"N"b° On motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilanan Wood and unaninnously carried, the second ~se~i-annual Lopez Water Con~ract payment in the amoun~. of $115a 421.97, vaas a~ath~ariz~d fbr payment. DISCjISSION - INCREASE IN I00REZ WATER. CON'~RAC'~ PAYNIEN°'B.'S The Council reviewed a report dated January 13a k970, on various methods and proposals to meet the Ci~y°~ Lopez [nlater Con~ract charges, prepared by City Administra~or Butcho ou~lining met~hods by which addi- tional revenue could be appropriaf~ed t~ meet ~he ~ost~ of Main~enance ~ and Operation expenses and Bondi~~~re~~ paymen~s which are much greater then originally projec~ed ~or all con~rac~irag agenc~es, by the County Flood Control and Water Corrs~xva°~ion Dis~ri~~ represen~a~ives. After discussion, Administr~a~or B~.~ch was ins~r~.~~e~ ~c~ schedule a meeting bet`veen the Council ~nd Robert Born, for f~.r~1~a..ex° discussion of this ma~ter, as reques~ed by Mr. Borno Ac~ins~ra~or B~~ch `vas fur°~Yner ins~.ruc~.ed repre~en~ ~.his ~i~y befor~ ~he Ci~y ~ouncils ~of Grover City a~d Pismo Beacha t~ discu~~ ~his ~a~°~~r va~~h ~hem and re- quest tha~ a meeting be scheduled for ~oin~ discuss~,~n of ~his mutual problem, 'I`he Council instrueted C,~t~ A~~orn~y S~ipsey ~o inve~~:i~~~e the procedure by which the Ci~y can impose a charge in ~ho~e areas no°~ now receiving water serv~.ce fro~a ~he ~i~y and repor°~ back to the Council at an early date. 2 C~~'Y DUNL' I L eTa~I~[IAI2Y 1. 3 s 19 7 V ARR4Y0 GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 RECSIPT 0~' MINUTE`S - ZOL~IE 3 p,7~V~SORY' COMMI'~T~~ NIEE"~°IL~TG ~.1-13-Fa9 Copie'~ of minutes" of ~~e Z~ne 3 Advisory Cmmmi~~e~ zcte~°~ing of November 13~ 1969 have been received by ~he ~i~y ancl placed on file, PROGRESS REPt~RT - AI2ROY0 GRANDE': S~Tn'l~Ft ASS~9SNIEN°~ -I~~S°~°RIC7° Administrator Butch reported ~~a~ a Sch~dul~ ~f Engine~r~ng far ~he sewerage facili~ies for ~h.e Ci~y has been s~bazbi~~ed by ~orle Peterson and AssociatesB Engineers ~~r ~YYa.is grojec~o indica~ing that preliminary plans and specif~c~~~ons vaaill be coae?ple~ed by June 1, 1970. _ . PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUN'I°5.' SANI'1[°A'~ION DI$'~RICT Copies of the Chief Pl~n~ Opex°at~r°s Repo~~ for ~he ~on~ of December, Y969 and the Quarterly F'inancial Repor~ for the District were received by the Council, reviewed and ordered.£iled, AUTHORIZE PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT -~U~Ia PROpER°b°Y - Wo. ~RAND 1~VE o Administrator Butch repor~ed that Ndr. Cauvel has advised that his mother wishes to sell a parcel ot property'141.3~''wide by 322.5' deep with a 14° wide by 322.5° long s~rip of land ~o ~he w~st side of Grand Ave., between Juniper St. and the Wes~ Ci~y Li~?ita owned by S. R. & M. E. Cauvel, etal, `vhich ~ould possibly be ~sed by the City for drainage purposes. Mr. Cauvel s~ated that ~,he value of ~he land is unknown and if tize City is in~erest~d in ptzrchasing s~~e he would be willing.to pay 50/ of the cost for ~n appraisal of ~he praperty. After Council"discussion, on motion of Counciiman ~alley, seconded by Councilman Levine and unanimously carrieda Administ.ra~a~r Butch was instructed and authorized ~o hire Ieee Love~~ ~o do an appraisal of the S. R. & M. E. Cauvel, etal, p~~per~y, laca~e~' on ~he sou:th side of Grand Ave: between Jun~per Street ancl the Wes~ City Lir~ito ADJOURNMENT ~ On mo~ion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilmari Schlegei and unanimously carried, th~ m~e~ing adjourned at 9:54 PmMo ~ ' c. • ATTEST:~ . C CLE~.2K .YOR" _ ~