Minutes 1970-01-27 CITY COUNCIL JAL~T'f7ARY 27, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CAd.~IFORNIA The C~.~.y Cour~cil ms~~ in regt~lar session wi.th Mayor 'I°Y~~ompson presiding. Upon roll. cal~. Co~.~.ncilm~n S~~al~gel, Levine and Tal? ey reported pre~ent~. Coun~ila~~~n W~~od is akaaen~o PLEDGE OF ALL~U~ADTC~ A~Tl~ INVOC,A'.I°~~ON Mayor ~ompson. l~d the p3.~c~g~ of allegiance to o~;r. £lag; and immedzately ~thereafter Re~er~nd ~:Fohn Mil~on of ~Yae Firs~ Assembly of God ~hurch of ArrQ~o Grands, d.~liv~red ~hs invaca~ian. MINUTE Al?FROG'AL 'l.'he min~ates o~ ~he regular i~eetin~ of ~'anuary 13, 19?0 were approved as prepared. APFR~VAL OF W.AR.RAN~'S On mr~tion o.f Councilman Sch~.~~el, s~conded by Gouncilman Levine and unanimoaAS~.y carried„ ~en.~r~.l Warr~.n~s N~~ 64~ ~hrc~ugh 1~0. 689, in the to~:al am~un~. o~ $1.8, ,522r~3; Payr.~ll Warran.~s No. 1.024 through No . 1081, in ~he ~.~ta,l ~m,c~u~rat raf ~ 11, ~ 3 7 a Q 5; an~ Tr~.zs ~ and AgencX Warrarz~~ No. 99~ t.:h,.ro~~gh Nc~~ 1~J41~ .~n t~a~~~. ~s~,~~xn~: of $£i70.00, were approved an.~. ordered p~~.d. LET7CER FR~JM S o~~ AN~~L~I~ R1~ ~~'~NS~R. ~QF FENC°~ ~I)J.'~O H.IS PROPERTY A lat~.e.r was r.Pc~ave~ frc~rr~ Mr.. ~tev~ D~ Anae.].i~~ 622 So. Hal~yan Ro~d, r~g~rding ~l~e cc~n~~.r,ac~i.~n of a f~nc~~, ~n c~~njt~nctican with the co~stru~tion of a house, on ~.he 1,~~~' a~.jac~n~: to h~i5 r~s~.den~~, whiGh hP fePls is de~.ri~en~:al ~o ]~a.i.~ prop~r~,y. Adminis~.r~~az~ Bu~.~h advisecl tha~ this mat,:t~r Yi~c k~c~~n r~Nol.v~c~, a~ ~h~ cnn~.r.acto.r o:~E ~h~ n.ew str~c~tur~ has agreed tr~ r~ma~ve t:.h~ pres~n~: ~~n~~ an~. cc~nstruc~. a more desirablP fen~A ~h~ ~ra~s l~v~l parior ~h~ deve.lopznen•~ of the lot. NOTICE O~ I,~AGUE ~U;~ GAI~~F. C'IT~:~S QR']~L~.'.N~E~T~.NG - S.AN~'A, MARIA 2-6-70 Notice has b~~~n .re~°Piv~~. frc~~r~, th~ ~l~ia~.n.el ~:r~un~ies Divisi.on of the LF~agu~ e~~ Galifprnia ~~.~.i~~ ~.ha~ ~`~hP q~~ar~~rl,~r z~~~~.i.rzg will b~ held in San~:~ M~x°i.~o Fek~.ruar,y 6, 1~70, . NOTICE FROM W~JOI~' S ANIMAL SHEL7'ER IMFROV~D S~RVICE~ & T'~S COST Admini.s#:rat~or ~ut~h a~:vzsec~ tha~: a notice h.as been received from Wooc~"s Az~ir.rial Shel~.er r~c~ar~.~.z~g cos~ for impx~ved servic~s. Mayor Thompsan advised th-at thP z~aat~fi:er of animal cc,n.tro'1 thoughout the County is on tY~e ~.g~n~.a far f~art~aer discu.~sir~n at ~.he Ma,yor~ Meeti.ncr, which wil.l k~e held ~Tanuar~y 28, 1970, at wk~i~:h k.i.me ~he recoxnmen~.ations from ~.h.e Connm,i.~k:~.eP~ forrr~ed by th~ May~rs to study uniform.ity of Anim~al Orc~inan~:~s wi~hin the Gaun~y, wi.l.l be considered. The Coun~::il agreed •to ka.old th.is ma~~~r over until. ad~i~i,ona,l informa- ~ion has b~en rec~iv~ed from tk~.e Mayors Meeting and Waoc~' ~ Ani.mal S~he l~te r . ' ORAL REPORT FROM ~~TIZEN~' RtJ~B~SF~ G~OMMITTEE Err~~s~ Fiss~r.ie Ghairman of ~he Gi~izen:~ ° R,~.~k~bisY~ Committee, gave an oral repar~ on t:he meP#:,i.ng hel.d by ~h.is c:ommittee January 26, ~,970, stat~ing 4:h~at ~k~e ~~mm:i,t~tee un~nirzio~asl~ x~~ommend~ that th~ City Gauncil place a measi~,r.e an ~the balloi~ ~:o be ~*At~ed at: ~~he general Municip~l Electiora. on April 1~4, 1970~ rega,rding r~qu.i.r~d c~nnmuna.ty- wide gark~age s~rvic~ ~nd pr.c~vi.r~inq f.or 1~_he gr~.n~ing of a franchise to provi.de this s~rvice. Mr. Bernard Landsrrtian req~a~ster~ ~n~. ~,h~ Council approved th~t ~:~e na~e o.f t~rc~ Gom~mi~:~:.e~ be knawn as ~he "Ci ~:i.zens Communit~ Clean tTp ~omm.it•t~~~ . T~;~p C~un~il ~iscuused and agre~d tY~at this ma#~tQr b~ p~a~~d on tl~~ b~llc~~ for k.he fc~r~thco~in.c~ m~.ni.cipal election. "~h,e Coma~~.~~tee a~viae~ t.h~.~k: ~ m~~tinq ~~r. d~_scussion parti- cipatioz~ wi~~a ~1~.e g~n.~ral p~a~ili~ reg~.rding r~quzr~s~, qarbage s~rvic~ is sched~~l.ed for a:3"Q P.M. ~'ek~ruarF~ 4~ 1.97~?, at M~rq~ret. Harloe ScYaool~ ara.d ~~1 intAres~~d r~si.den~s ~re ~ne~ux~~q~ed ~Q af:~,~nd. GALLTNG MUN~~~F'A]C, E~L,F~'~~f~1~T ~Q A~R~~::G 19~Q City A~.t~rn~~ Shipsey read ~:he ~:i.t,:.lp of a r~s~ala:~~.ion callinc~ for a Muni~ipal. ~lec~.ian t~ Ue ka.Pld on Apri..l 14, 1970, t~hc:r~upan a motion was m.ad~ by Co~.~n,cilman. Levin~, s~~~onded. b~r ~o~anci].man Schleg~l and unani.mo~.zsl~? ~~rxi~ed, ~a disp~ns~~ ~ai.tYx r.~ading ~.kae ~alancP ~,f thi.s resoluti,~n. ~1~ CITX COUN~~~ ~~~~ARX 27, 197~ ARROY~ GRA~DEo ~A~I~ORN~A ~~C~ 2 RE~~L~.~'~:~~1~~ N~o ~SI. A I21~SQLUZ°I'~N QF "1.°°I~ ~~°aL°`~'' ~~i.Bl~~~~ O~' 'b°E°3~ ~~°1L°`~' O~' A,RR.C.~YO (~RAND~ a ~.A~~~'C~RI~?:~.Ao ~~~I~~N~ ~ANd~ ~~~7~L~T~ I~T07C',~~E ~°I~ I-~;~Ti~D~:'N~ ~J~' A Ca~N~~tA~ MbJL~T~C~~'A~ ~~,~G`.'~°ION B,l~ ~~A ~1~T 51~,~.I~ ~~C`.~X ~L~' ~'~T]~~D~~', "u°'~ 1.4~°~' D~+aY A~RJ"C~a 1.9'~o e 3'' OR, °g°I~ ~°~~C~I~ O~ CE~3°~°°~~I~ C~1F~E'.~~E~S 43~° S~,II~ C~T~ ~1S ~~t~~~L' B~ ~HE PR.~OV~:S~I')NS OF' I~[n1;S OF '~°°I3~ S'~~°~:~ C)~ ~A&~~~~N~A ~L4AT~N~ 7C'~~ ~~N~~ZAL ~A.T~7 ~~°~°I]~S ANL~ F~~ ']~I-~ SE.8BM7~~S~OL~T 'aI°~~ 4~dP,~,T.a~C1'~~I~ ~~~~~~RS SA~I) G3'~'"~' C~' .~1 ~:~R'~°A~Nf (2~CT~',S'77~~ON, FR~7~Q~~'~~O~T MEASLTRE ~L'~I~"]~~t~T~ '~~U ~I~I~Ia~N'~ '~I~ AR~.~~'~ C~1R.~,Nf~'~ M~'f~T~:~~~'A~ CC.)t~~ '~°C,A F1Et~°>~P~I~F J~~JJR. FUTURE AMENDMENTS - BY CITY COUNCIL ACTION WITHOUT NECESSITY FOR SUBMITTING TF3E MEASURE TO THE VOTERS . ~n. r~~~~..~an o~ ~~~.~r~r~a.l~a~z~ L~~aa.~r.~, ~ecor~~.~d ~~a~u~.c~a~~.~^~r~. ~a~.l,~~ ~ and or~ ~~r.e fc~llo~air~.ct rol.l ~~,].l v~~~,; ~~a.~.: AY~~ s ~~a~.r.xac.-,,?..l.a~:r~~r~ ~~~..~.~c~e ~fl~`ai,na~ p ,~~~r~ l~avc~r ~~.~r~p~~a~, ~Tl~~S ~ ~Te~xae .A]~S~N'~., ~~~Yra~;.~~s~~~ W~~~r~ ~~he fr~reg~ixac~~ z~:s,~~.~,~..3n~~a ~~~~~s p~~~~c~ ~r~~. ~~o~a~~~d ~+~~~.~s 2~7~+~.~ ~,a~' of ~ Jan~~~r.~, 3.9'~(~, AUTHOR~2~I~ L~TQ ~~kZ F.~1[~~N~ ~,ANIa~:1a~.',~^~~ 5~~,7T.~Nd~~7~ - 1,97~J MUN~~.~I,~C~ A~.mi.r~~.~~:ra~~~~ F~Za~~~Z r~~sr~~~a~~. wa~.~:'~~ ~c~r.~:~a.~:~~:r~.,nq M~ni.~ipal El.~c~:z.ona C~n.d,i,~.a~~s ~a~r. ~a~,f.~c~ ~ara prep~.r.~ a~ ~~~~~~~~r~~n~ ~f 150 ~a,~r~s or 1~~~, ~ak~~~.a~ ~o~~.z.~, ~a~d~.~ ~.":~ao ~~~7.~~.~~.~~..~ar, an~; k~~~:~c~.~ra~,a~~, ~ak~icYa ~a.a1,1, b~ ~ail.~d ca,.~'t ~~h.~ ~p~~er,,;, ~;~~..~~:~r. tr:~,~ s~,~c~.1~: k~~,~].~~~;~ an~ ~:?~,a~: ~c~?~ancil has ~h~ vp~:~.~n. ~.~a r~~a„~.r~ pa~a~~n~. ~xc~~~ 'c'h,~ ~:~a.n.~,i~a~e~ ~x~ ha~~e ~ka~ Gity pay ~1~~ co~~. Af~~r ~.ou~a.~,~.1, da~~~~~,~si~~z~, ~n rn~~~i~rn o~ Coun~ilman . Levine, sec°c~nc~~d ,Y.;,y ~ai:zrac.~.lr~an '~~ll~y an,~ ca~r~~~„ i~" w~s apprs,ved. that paymen~ for ~an.di~~~~~ " ~ ~~~erxa.a.~n~.s__of q~t~1,i.~~c~~io~.s £z~r ~khe Munici.pa~ E.lecti.an be Y?~l.d Ap:r.~~..1 14, 1970r w~taZ~ b~ pa.id ~or by the C,i~;~ of A,rrovo Cr~nd~ , PUBLIC ~33EARIN~ ~Z~UN~N~ ON ~~A~N~~ ,A~. (MLT~R,A~'') CA~~ N0. 69-3,5 , Ad.z~inis~~r•~~or. ~~~~h ~~va~we~ a r~sc~l~.a~~i.on k~a~ ~a~en rec~ived from ~r~~ Plannin,g ~cama~a~sio~a rec~mmc~,a~~,iz~g ~h~ .rezo~i~g £rc~m R-A-~-1 ~o R-2 0~ sa,x p~~°~~ls ~f ~:~~~aer~~a ~i~~, f.r~n~acrc~ ~n ~~ar~nc~ Av~., one par~~~ wi~l~ fr~n~~g~e ~r~ ~~~:~~.I.~y Av~. ~n,~ ~~vo parc,~l,~ ~aith f~on1"a'ge on Htizasna Rd. d~.s r.~q~xes~~d ~h~ appli~a~ioa~ s~kar~i~.~Ra~ k~y Mr~. D. L. Murray. ~p~n ~~a.nq ~~s~:~r~c~, b~ ~'.a„i~y Clerk Mil~,~r ~h~t~. ~,~„1 req~xi.rem:~nts as pr~vide~ by la~,r ~.;ad '~.re~n ~.c~ne~ M~a~ror,~ °,~"h~n~pson ~~c,~.ar~d t.~a~ h~earing open an~d all p~rsoras fa~r or ,~gai.n~~: ~:k~e pr~ap~a~~d re;~un3.~g w~~~d n~w be hear~.. Adz~~.n~,at~~°~.t~~r Baa,i~;:r~N ~~vi~e~d ~ha~ n~a ~a.ri.~~:~n pro~~~~~ had been. receivedc anc~, ~Y~~er~ ~e~.nc~ n~a one ,~.r~seni~ ~t~c~ s~~~}~ f~r~ ox~ agai~.st the proposed, zon.e ~h~ang~ M~a~u~r ~~a~~,p~~n. ~~~,T a~~~d ~he he~x~inq ~lo~~d A After Couxaci.l ~~ya~~~~a~ G~.#:~r A~~~+~~r,n~e~r 5~.3.ps~~~r re~dY far. i~ts f,irs~. reading, ~he ~~.,~.1.~; a~ ~.n oxd~~.a~A.a~ ~~rr~a~n~li~,~.ci ~~a,e Muni~ipal ~ode so as ~~o rezon~e fro~: R-A-B-~. ~ra ~-2~ c~r.~~~.n pr,~~~ex~~~~ i,n ~~,e ~Ci~~r, a~l,~acPnt to G1~renc~ Ave., H~aa~.a Rd,m an~ S~an,1~w;~ A~e., a~~ ~e~~ze~~:Qd ~:k~e applica~ion s~bz~ni k:~ed ka;y Mrs m I~. M~~,.r~r~.~~~ ~Yaer~af~:~r. ~ z~o~ti~ar~ wae made h~r Co~.~cilnr,±~xz Sa~hl,~ect~l p~~r_~nd~~1 by Gauncilr~~~. L~vin~:a and un~a~i- z~co~s~.~ carri~~a ~1i~p~n~e wi~~'~. ,r~~a~inc~~~.hp ~aal,a~ac~ ~:~ai~ o~°da.nance. RESOLeAU'.~'HOR. PUlRG~TA a~ AL~'~.'ta .p,S~I~SS e"I"I-~R~U~~f~"aH S?°A'~.'F FRQ~"~.ER~MENT (~k'k'TCF Admin3.s~ra~.~r.~ ~~S;rh rQ~r~~~:e~, ~.~at 5~~.~~ 0~,~~.~e ~af Purch~~ing haa advised ~tha#:. ~:he ~~~.t~ Pra~~.rem~,~n~i~ ~~fic~~ ,i~ prep~r~,ng ~o cal,l for ~i~.s f~x Oa...l. Fi.lt;.~~r~q B~~~.~r~e~ an~. S~~r~ F'~.u~~~, ~nd. a~~ ~ka~ ~~~y wishe:a ~o pa~fiMi~:ip~~.p .a.,n, ~iL-~,~ 5~:~~.~ pr~q~~~a ~n;,~'ors~.~.~~.i,ox~ r~c~arding propa~~cl au~:~a ~.ssess~~~~,»~ pu~e:h~s~~ hav~ ~:o ~ie f~r~a~r~ec~ ~.~P S°~~t~ prior Fek~r.~~.ar~T 1^ ~9~Q. A~~~r ~o~~,n.~~~ c~a~ec~~s~ion, ~~.~k,~ A~:~c~rne~* Shipsey re~~ ~~,p ~:i~.1.c; a~f a r~~~ol~~~.~ion, ~~a~~~sc.~~i~;inq ~~a~ S~~~e Uep~rt- men~ af ~eraer~~l S~.t~vic~~ ~:u ~~aru~ka.~.s~ c~r~.,~~.n ~t~~.~ a~~~~sc~ri,es on behal;f of ~~e C~.~y c~f Ar~~~t~ G~r~n~.p d~:.k~,~r~~~~e;~° r~~~~.~x~ ~~r~.s rn~d~ by 2~C~ C I TY C OUNC I L JANUARY 2 7, 19 7' C7 ARROYO GRANDE, GALIFORNIA PAGE 3 Co~zn~~lsnan Levin~, sec~r~dPc~ b~T Goux~cilmaxa Tall~y ar~d unan:~~ously carri~ds °k~a di,sp~nse wa.~h reading t~ae balance of ~?-iis r~~~l.u~:bon. RESOLLb~.'ION NOo 852 A RE S O I~tJ''~' I ON (~F '~HE C 2'~Y C OUNC I L OF TI3E C~°a'Y OF ARROXO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE DEPAR'3°N1EN'I' OF GENERAL SER.VICE~S OF '~HE S'~A~'E OF CAI~a~ORNIA '7['~ PURCHASE CE~2."~°AIN I'~EMS On motion of Co~.ncilman Levin~, seconded }ay Counc~.l~aan Schlegel and on the follo~aing roll ^all vo~e, to wit: AYESa- Gouncilmen Schlegel, Levine, Talley and ~ MayQr 'I*.~^om~psox~ _ . ; , . , NOES: None ' ` . _ , ~ : ABSEN'T: Gouncilman Wood the forec~oing resoliA~ion was passed and adop~ecl ~~.is 27t~ day of January, 1970. FURTHER D3~C o ON IaI:SPOSAL ~OF SURPLUS PROPERTY ON 4+TE~~° BRP,I~TCH S'I'o This xna~t~er ~aas reques~~d an.d. again approved ~o b~e ~Zeld ov~r ~.nt.il ~he n~x~ rec,rular mee~ing o.f the Council. A~'I'HOR~ZEI~ EXGI~ANGE O~ PROPERTY - CITY AND O~H -"~ALTaY HO RIa. Ac~iinistrate~r aa~~cYz ac,~.visPd ~ha~: ~~e dP~ds are no~a x~eady to finaliz~ ~he Gou~n~il ap~rovec~ proper+~y exchange 3~~~~a~en 1~ha Ci,ty and Mr. Rober~ O~Y~.. Af~~r Go~.ncil di.sctizssion, on mot~ion of ~oazncilman S~h.~.ec~~l, .~e~onde~l k~y Coun.cilm~n Levi.ne and un~ni.~,q~zsl.y ~,arried, ~he Mayor and Gity C.l~rk vaere ~u~hori~ed and ins~ruc~ed ~o sign a deed ~onveying ti~..le t~o a portion o~ I~ot ~ o.f ~he Va~h~l,l. T.rac~:, loca~ed adjacen°~ ~.o ~l~.e ~ou~`aPS~k~rl.v side of S1~~~~ Rou~e No. 227 and the nor~herly ~ide of Talle~ H~ Road, ~o R~b~rt S. and A~n~a Och. On motion of Council~an Levine, seconded by Counci.lman S~hlegel and unaniznously carried, ~the Grani~ Deed from Rober~t S. Och, waa accepted, for a portion of Lots 21, 22 and 23 of the Vachell Trac~, located adjacent ito the southwesterl.~r sid~: of State Route No. 227 and Tal3.ey Ho Road; and the Mayor and Ci,ty Clerk tiaere authorized to sigrn ~he Cer~ifical~e o.f Accep~tance. ACCEPTA~TC~ OF DEEDS FOR ROAD PURPOSES COURTLAND ST.EXT.-WOOD & HEERSEMA Ad.minis~ra~or Bu~ch reported tha~ ~he Planning Commission approved Use Permi~ Case No. 69-1.53, subjPc~ ~ko certain road improveznents and ~he granting ~o ~h~ Ci~y ~he propsrty necessary for the ex~en~sion of Cour~land S~ree~, from its p.resent :term.inLxs i~o Grand Ave. ; and that the de~ds for such s~,ree~ ex~ension have been received and are rea~ly .for Council action. After COU'G21Gi1 D~.~CUSSj.Oxle on motion of Cot~ncilman Levi~xae, seconded by Councilnnan ~al.ley and unanimolasly carried, the Gran~ De~d from Philip H. Heersema and ~he Corpo.rati,on Grant Deed from Lee R. Lavett and Addison B. ~i+lood~ were accep~:~d f~ar a 60' Gaide by approximately 670.60° long section of property ~o be used for road purposea for ` Cour~land Street ex~ension tca Grar~d Avenue; and ~he M~,yor and Gity Cler~ ~zere ins~ru~te~ and au~horized ~:o sign the Ce"r.tifi~ca~e of Acceptance. READOP'TION OF '3°F~ CEN"~'RAL BUSTNESS DISTRTC"I" ELEMEN7C OF ~.'HE GENER.AI~ PLALJ Adminis~~ra•kor Bu~ch advised ~khat the Planning Commission ha~ reviewed ~he Cen~ral, Business Dis~triC°k El,ement of ~he General Plan and ha~, by rssolu~~on, recommended tha~k ~he Gouncil r.eview and readopt ithis elemen~. of the Gera~ral Plan. Af~er Council diacussi.on, Gi~ky Attorney S~,ips~y r,ead ~k~e °ki~le of a rescalution readopiting ~khe C~ntral Busines~ Dis~rick Element of ~khe General. Plan, ~hereaf~er a motion was made by Gouncil.man Schl~gel, second.ed by Gouncilman Levine and unani- mously c~arried, to dispense ~vith readir~g the balance of ~his resol~ution. RE~SOLU7CION NO. ~5~ A R~SOLU~°ION OF THE CITX COUNC~L OF THE CI"1'S[ OF ARROXC~ GRANDE READOPTING THE CENTRAL BTJSII~ESS IaISTR~CT EI,EMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN ~21 ca~ co~aNC~,~ ~~uA~a~ 2aa ~9~0 ARROYO ~RAI~TI~E o CAI~IF'ORN~CA PA~E 4 On r~o~ion o£ ~o~n~iln~~.r~ L~van~, sec~an~~d ~~a ~~~a~~a~,man '~alley and on ~he follow~ng ro11 ~~.~7L v~~~o ~o ~ai~to A~~,S: ~o~xnci.lr~r~~,n S~h.lec~elo Levine~~ '~°~ll~~r ~nc~ M~yor °~Yr~rr~p~~n ATOE~ m nT~az~ A~SEN~°~ Co~.~~ila~an. ~I~od ~he fo~e~oing res~l~.~~,on was pa~~~c1 and a~~p~~d ~~ais 27~1~ day of Janviaryo ~9700 PROGRESS R~FOR~° - F'A ~IR ~AISS P,VEN~JE EX`~N~~ON & BR~DCE -~R~I22aE ~IDS Ad~in.istxa~c~~° Bu-tcY~ x°epor,~~d ~ha~ ni.rae b.i.ds were received and opened January ~Oo 197QQ fox° ~~ke ~onstr~c~~on of a bridge ac~°oss Arroyo Grande ~r~~k a~k Fa,~,r Oaks Avenue o and ~kaa~ ~17.e bids are now being revievaed k.y ~.~.e. ~ngineerirzg Dep~~. arz~1 ~i,.~.l, be pr~~~r~~~d t~e Council f.~r ~a~ns~.i~er~~ion ~.nd a~~ion a~ *~h~ M~~ch 1.Oa ,197Q .r~ne~~ing. REPOR`'~° O~T S'I°°R~~'7C' ~CMFRO~MEN°.~° PRO~'~~'~° ON1 P~R`~~UNS C~F' ~'~IR Q1~I~GS & FARROLI~ Adnninis~r~a~or ~u,~~h r~;~~or~ed #:~a~~: ~k~..~ Pu'bl,ic [nlorks Depa~~.ent has s~.~r ~ed grac~~n.g and widen.ing p~r ~ions ~f Faa.r Oa~s and F'~rro11 Avenue:s; arad ~ha~ ~l~e ircipre~veme~.~~ are be~nq r~~eiv~d sa~.i~fac~o.ri.l.y by res iden~s of ~l~e ~rea Pve r~a ~ f~c~r~. w~s ~~d~ in~~rr~ ~.Yae res i- den~s ak~a~.~ ~Y~i,~ p:r~je~:~ prio~° ~o s~ar~.ing ~ka.e raad~aa~~r va~rkm Fi,TR~°HER D1~SCTJSS~OD1 - IN~R~~.A~E ~l~T L~Ok~EZ W.A"~~I~2 ~~L~T'~RAG~ PAS~Ni~N°g°S Adm,in~s~ra~~r B~a~ck~ ~~v~sAd t.~a.~.~ ~Ga~ 1~~~.ers hav~ been received .from E*~~~1 M, & A~it~aur M. S~~lya ~0~5 N. Al,pine S~, ~n.~1 Mr. & Mrs. Henry ~'errari, 31.0 So> Hal,c,ya~. ~td~ d expr~ssing ~~aeir fe~ling~ ac~~ins°t increas- inc~ ~;~.e presen°~ Lopez Wa~.er C~n~r~c~. ~h~rges ~to r~.as~ ~he additional revenue need~d ~k~ mee~ ~he incr~ase in ~Yne con~ra~~ pa~~arn~n~a 'l~he Council discussed ~k~~ r~.~'~°~~~~ ~he .i.n~.reas~d Lop~z Wa~:~r Con~;~•a~°~ Obligation and thereaf~~r on r~o~i.~n of ~~un~il.~an Schleg~la sec~nded bgt Gouncil- m~an. "~allev ~nd c~r~ri.ed, ~one 3 Advis~r~r Gommi~~e~ vaas req~a~s~~d ~o consider, a~ ~l~ei,~~ ~ee~ing nf February 12a 1970a this Cour~~i,l ° s recommendation tha~ ~Yne funcls necessary for main°ten~nce ~nd operation of ~he I~opez Wa~er '~°x°e~~mea~~t k~lant and Distrilaution Lin~s be raised by proper~y ~axation throughout the to~al Dis~ric~ of Zone 3, to become effec~ive July l~ 1970. ~ On m,otion of Counciln~an '~alley, se~onded by Council~an Schlegel and ~arrisde ~ha~k ~h~ Zone 3 Advi~ory Conuni~te~ be reques~ed ~o inve~~igate fin~ncinc~ a p~r~.ion o£ ~he L~p~z Wa~er Projec~ with Federal Fundsa which cou,ld p~ssi.bl.y be ~btai.n~d on a loan b~si~. Adminis~tra~or Bu~~~a was ins~ruc~.ed to wri.~e the ~i~ies of Pismo Be~ch and Grover Ci~y req~ue~~.ing ~ha~ t~.ey at~end ~kre February 126 1970 mee~i.rag of Zorae 3 Advis~ry Gommi~~~~, which ~aaill be held at 8:00 PoNd.o i~ ~he Grover Ci~y Council Chaax~!]aer~. PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRA1~T.~E P,SS~S~Ni~N'~° DIS'~RI~'~ Admini~~tra~or Bu~ch r.egor~~r~ thai~ all phases ~f the City°s General. Pl.~ns and Maps are now being upda~~d °~o mee~ the r~c~uixements for filing a Feder~l Gran~,Applica~ian with ~IPDe PROGR~SS REPOR'~ - SOU°'B'°H SA1~T IaUIS O~ISFO COUN'IeY SANI'I°AZ°~ON DISTRICT Adminis°~rator Butch reported ~ha~t over the vaeekend ~af January 24~h a"break-in" had occurred at tY~,e plant, bu~ i~k~ere va~e no apparen~ dam~c~e or loss a~ ~he facili~y. CONTRACTOR I~~~aP,PFRoBY S'~A~°E GON'I°RoBDoJFOR ~ROJaN0o60-69-2 RESE~tV.R00F Adminis°~r.a~or B~~ch r~por~ed ~ha°~ a~ 1,e~t~er has been re'ceived from ~he ~ontra~tor°s S~~~e Li.cens~ Board, in an~wer ~o ou~ ~.nquiry, regarding ~lobe Linings, Ixa~, o w~a~h advised, in p~r~, °"Tt i~s our administra~ive de~err~in~.~,ion ~k~a*: ~lob~ I~a.nings, Tnc. is qt~~li~ied ~o bid and/or per~~rm ~he wark of ins~~llin,g ~he ~:nfla°~~lale Gover on Exi~~inc~ 8f?' ~ 1OQ'. d~o~~s°k,i~ Wa~er Reservoi.r Projec°~ No. 60-69-2". ~ ~ C I TY COUNC I I~ JANUARY 2 7, 7 0 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 RESOIaU'~ION - AMENDING LJ'I°II~~TY AGREEeNOo181.0011 REI~OCoU'I'ILaBRANCH STd Adminis~ra~or Bu±ch reviewed ~ha~ in conjunc~ion vaith ~he realign- ment of the Bran~h Stre~~d Traffic Way and Grand Avev in~ersec~ion, it was necessa~°~r ~o r.elo~ca~e existing utiliti~s and an agreement was approved f.or -~his wor7c.~ due to certain changes requested by the S~ate and recommended by -~he Ci~y Public Wox°ks Department, ~he agreed upon reimbu.rsable amoun~t was far exceeded and so th~~ tY~e State can approve the paymen~ ~he ~~ty in ~he larger am~,ount an amendmen~ to the origin.al agreement is required. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipse~ read the i~i~1e of a resolution authorizing the executi~n of amendment to util.it~r agreement No. 181.0.11, tYa.ereafter, a mo+ion was mad~: by Councilrnan Srhlegel, second~d by Councilman Levine and unanimously carried, ~o dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 854 A RESOLLJ'~ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY O~' A~RrJYU GRAND~ AL]'I'H0~2I Z I NG THE MAYOR AND C I TY ~LERI{ TO EX~CU~°E AMENDMENT TO U'z'ILITY AGREEMENT NO. 181..0. ]~1 , On mo~:ian of. Gounc~l.man Levine, secanded by Counci.lm~n Schlegel and on ~Ya.e .~ollovaa.ng roll call vote, to wifie AYES ~ Gouncilmen Schlegel, Levine, Z°al.ley and Mayor Thompson NO~S; None .ABSE~l~T'~: ~ouncilman Wood the foregoing resol.ution was passed and adopted this 27th day of ,Tanuary, 1~70. LETTER F~~QM GEI~T~RAL CALIF.~OM..GORP. RE: CABLE T.V. TRANSMTSSION Administrator Butch reported that a letter has been received from Ar~.hur J. Hapgood, Vice-President, Central California Communi- cations Corpora~ion, advising that Microwave Transmission Corpora- tion has had some difficulty in obtaining the lease necessary to local~e an in~ermediate micrawav~ relay on Solomon Mountain and that Lospe Mountain is now u~nder consideration and upon the Federal Cor~muni.ca~ions Commission approving the application for tk~is site,~ it is estimated that improved microwave transmission will b~ in service by May ~.fl 1,970, ~,vhich will eliminate mi.crowav~ fade e~peri- enced in the past~. STATE. PROPER'~°Y AIaaJ'. TO BRANCH ST. NOT CONSIDERED NON-OPERA'I'IONAL R/W Ac~ministrator Butch reported tha~t notice has been received from the St~~e, advisinc~ tha~ the parcel of property, owned by t~.e State,• lying l~etween the nor#:h freeway on ramp and the 101 freeway north bound l~.nes, ~anna~t b~ considered as a non-operational parcel of freeway rights of way land for development by local agencies, with State participati.on, for parks and re~reat~,onal purposes. This parcel of land is consid~r.ed by ~the State to be surplus property, not neces- sary for the proper .functioning of the freeway system. After Council discussion, Adr~inis~.rator Butch was instruc~ted to contac~t the State ~to ascertain i~ts intentions regarding this parcel of property. LETTER OF RESTGNATTON - PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIONER LEE .Administra~tpr Bix~ch read a letter of resigna~ior~ from Richard Lee, adv.ising i~ha~ as he is announcing candidacy for City Council, he does not feel he sYaould be serving on a City Commiss~on dux~ing the ensuing ca~paign. Af~.er Council disGUSSion, on rzaotion of Gouncilman Levine, seconded by Counci.lman Schl.egel and unanimously carried, the resi~nation of Richard I~e~ from the Parks and Recrea~kion Commission, effec~ive ~'anuary 29, 1970, was accepi~ed and Administrator Bu~ch was instruct~d to write Mr. Lee a let~er of thanks and apprecia~ion for his service ~o ~.he Ci.~y. CITY COUNC:~L JANUARY 27, 197U ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORN~A PAGE 6 FURTFiER DISCUSSION - BILLBOARD~ IN VIOIoA'I°ION OF I~UNa o CODE SEC o 8-9 . 03 (f ) Ci~y Attorn~y S~ipse~r repc~rted tha~ he has been in con~ac~ with -and is awai~ing~fu~i~her communica~ions from ~he A~~~rney representing the Ryan Outdoor Advertisinga ~nc. , th.e o~rners of ~.Y~e four existing billboards in the Ci~ya ~ha~ a~e in viola~ion o~ Muni~ipal Code Section 8-9 . 03 , paragrapYn ( f). ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Schlegela seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously ~arri~do the nneeting adjourned at 9:23 PoMo A T'I'E S T : ~ CI CIaE MAYOR