Minutes 1970-02-10 CITY COUNC~L F'EBRLTAI2X 1(}, 1,370 ARROYO GRANDE, GALIFORNIA '1'h.e City Council, r~et in regular sessi~n vai~h Mayor 'I°~oa~ps~n presiding. Upon roll call Councilr~en Sck~.legel, Levineo Wood ~r~d Talley reported present. PLEDGE O~' Alad.~GIANCE AND INVOCA'I'aOI~T Mayor 'I'Yaompson lecl -tY~.e pZedge of allegiance to our ~lag; and irr~mediately ~herea~~er Councilman Schlegel delivexed the invocation. MINU'I'E APPRO~dAI~ 'I"Ybe ~inu~es o~ ~he reg~alar m,ee~ing o~ Jan~a~y 27, 1970 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRAN'I'S On mo~ion of Councilm~an Schlegel, s~conded by Councilman Levine and u.nanimously carried, General Warrants No. 690 tknroug'h No. 743, in , ~he total amount of $21~113.88; and. Payroll Warran~s No. 1082 ~Ynrough No. 1143, in ~l~.e ~o-~al amoun~ of $11, 599,40, were approved and ordered paid. LETTER FROM AoGoVILLA~E N~RCHa A5SOCo REm IMPROV.DIS'I'RoFOR OFF-STREET PARKo A lette~ was received from the Arroyo Grande V~llage Mexchan:s Associawione reques~ing assis~.ance in ~Y~~ establishment of an improve- ment dis~ric~ ~o develop of~'-street parking in ~he Br.ancYn Street B~as- ines~ area of ~1-a..~ ~it~. Ad~inis~ra~or Bu~ch advised he had reviewed ~his req~es-~ with OBMelveny and Myers, bond counsellors on assessmen~ di,s~ric~~o a~d :he~ advised ~1~.~~ ~Yr~ere are se~eral acts which provide var~ous ~a~~l~ods for establishing vehicle p~rking dis-~ric~s and Adminis~rator ~u~~~ reviewed several provisi~ns of ~:hes~ ac~s. Jack Pence and Andr~w David were presen~ and spoke on be~a~l.f of ~he Merchants Associa~ion reg~rd~ng ~he pr~posed o~je~~ives of projec~. After Council discuss~on Adminis~ra~or Butch wa~ ins~r~ac~ed ~eq~.es~ ~hat O° Melv~ny & My~r~ scYaedule a rneeting ~aaith ~Yae City Coun~il and th~ MerGhan~s Associa~~.mn, a~ whicY~ a representative ?~ro~a '~Yae~r firm would be in a~te~dan~e ~o f~~k~er di s~ta~ s 1~he va~ ious improveza~en~ ac~s and recommend an ac~ or acts tha~ will bes~ serve the needs f~r this project. TREASURER ° S REPOR'I° FOR '~F3E MON'I'H OF JANUAR~', 1970 The Treasurer°s Report for the month of January, 1970 was receivec~` by the Councile reviewed and ordered filed. DEPARTMEN'I°.A3.o R~POR°I° FOR 'I'HE MONTH OF : JANUARY, 1970 'I'~ae Dep~rtmental Report for the rtion~h of Janttarya a970 was received by the Council, discus~ed ~nd orderecl filed. MUNICZPAL CODE P,MENDMEN'~ - R~~ONII~TG ON CLARENCE AVE o(Mr.JRRAY) ~ Ca~y A~~~rney Shipsey read ~he ~i~le of an ordinance rezoning~ cert~in property adja~ent t~ Claren~~ Avenue, Stanley Avenue and Huasna Road from R-A-B-1 to R-2, ~hereafter a motion was made by Councilrcu~n Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Levine ancl tznanimously carried to dispense wi~:h read~ng ~he balance of this ordinance. ORD~I~TANCE NO o 31 C. S. AN ORD3I~T11NCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING A POR'~ION OF ~°HE ~ONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ARRQYO GRANDE REFERRED TO IN SECTION .302 OF TITL~ 9 CHAPTER 4 OF '~F3E MidNICIPAIa CODE SO AS TO REZONE CER°I"~IN PROPER~°Y IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE o On mo~ion of Couracils~an Levine, seconded by Councilm.an Talley and on ~he follo~aing roll call vote, ~o wit: AYESo Councilmen S~hlegel, Levine, [nlood, ~alley and Mayor 'I`~a.ompson NQES: None ABSEN'~: None the foregoing ordinanc~ was passed and adop~ed thi~ 10~r. day o~ February, 1970. . ~25 CITY COUNCIL F'EB~tLPP,R3t 100 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CAI~IFORNIA P1~C~~ 2 NOTICE R:E : P a G o& E a APPL o'~O C01~TSTR a BARC~E IoANDIN~ ;~'ACIIy~"b°°X A~' HARBOE2 Administra~or Bu~ch re~or°~ed tha~ notice Ya~s been rec~~ve~ ~ha°~ Pacific Gas ~nd El•ec~ric Co. }-aas made appl.ica~ion for ~ pe~r~a~~ ~o c~ns~rucfi a barge l~nding facili~y in Por~ San L~.i~ ~3arbo~°o ~v~i~~a will be ~.sed to br~.ng in ma~er~als for ~he Di~blo ~~nyon Fro~~c~a Upon inquiry by Councilman ~~hlegela Nevvell S~ro~hero P~r~ ~an ~~a~s Harbor Commissionera gave an oral report mn tYne px~opo~~d ~ons~r~c~ion of the barge landing and. i~s b~ne~i~ ~o tl~e Harbore a~d s~~~~~~ °~he original plann~d iznprc~v~n~en~ `vould have b~en ~ grea~er ~in~nc~al ' benefit ~o t'~ae development of ~he Harbor, ka~a~ d~ae ~o r~qu~~°ed chanc~es the barge landing will bet~er serve ~Yre needs of -~h.~ Pa~a~i~ ~a'~ and Electric Co. FURTHER DISCU55ION BILLBOAF2DS _IN VIOLA'T~.ON OF M[Z~1~ o COD~ SEC a~-9. 03 ~ f) City Attorney 5hipsey reported'.~h~~ he had'm~~ with Mrm Ocluma Distric~ Manager and Mr, Head~aano A°~~orney f~r Ryan O~~cl~or A~1ver~ising Co. Inc. and a£~er dis~~.ssion and ~°evie`a of ~he Ma~n~cipal Code pro- visions regarding signs -~l~e represn~a~ives of the siga~ cprRpa~y reques~ed °~hat ~hey be ~llowed t~o r~n.eet wi~h tkae Council t~ f~,r~l~er ' discuss this ma~~er. Af~er Council discussion, Cit~y At~orne~~ SYiip~e~r was instructed advise the representatives of t1~~ Ryan Outtdoor Adver~ising Co. , Inc. tY~a~ ~Y?e Council vvill discuss ~his r~aa-~~~r ~aai~h them at the nex~ rec~?~lar raie~~inc~ ot ~he Council on ~'ebru~x°y 2~0 1970 v CI'I'Y O~' CARMEL RE:SLJPFO~t"~° & A5S~Sa~'O~'t LEGAL AG"~~°ON DISCL~~LFR~ ASSETS Ac3n?inistr~tor' ~u~ch advised tha~ ~ le~°~er has ~~en rece~ved froan the City o~ Carrnelo req~es~ing ~his C.i~~°s supp~r-~ ~n~. fin~n~ial assistance.far legal action to challenge the discl~u~~r~ ass~~s law, enacted by AB 325; a5 °~~.ey feel t~is law will res~.ra~n ci~iz~r~s from accep~ing,-5eeking or ret~ining pu.blic office. Af~er Council disc~as- siona it vvas. agreed tha~ this ma~ter be tabled at ~~.is ~ir€ieo as there are two maj~r bills. introduced a~ ~he curren!~ session of ~h~ Legislature which will clari~y c~r~ain portions of AB 32.5 if pas~~~. RECEYI~'~' OF SOoCOoGa°~S COo AFPLIoFOR ~ROPOSED MERC~R W~'I"H S~oCALIFo~AS COo Administr~~or Bu~ch x'eported that.a co~y of the appl~.cation for propos~d merger of SrSU.~hern Countie~ Ga:s Cornpany and Sou~kaern California Gas Gompar~y has been received ai~d n,o~ed that upon appro~~al by_ the Publi~ Utilitie~ Corn~issit~n of ~h.~ merger the comp~ny w~.l~. k~e known as SoutY~ern Ca-~.ifarnia Gas Cr~mpany: RECEI~?T OF MINUT~S OF Tf~ CUA5'~'A~ CJALL~Y Pt.,~1I~NIN~' COi~I~1'CIL Nl~E'~ING 1-5-70 '~'he minutes' c~f the ~o~s~~l V~11e.y P~annirag Co~,ncil m~eting ~f January 5; 1970 were receiv~d by ~he Council and ardered ~iledo RECETPT. OF POI~IC~ D]EpART.M~LVT FIRST ANNUAL REPOR']C - 1969 The Coun~il: re~eived copies o~ the po}.ice Depar~rrtaen°~ ° s Ann~z~l , Et~por~ for ~he year 1969, which was xevi.~wed and order~d filed. REC~IP'3° O]E FIRE D~PAR~MEN'I° ANNUAL 12EPOR'I' - 1969 '~'he Council: ~e~eitred copies of th~ Fire Depar~nien~' ~ Annu~~ Repor~ for the year 1569;~ which was reviet~red and.ordered filed. REPOFtT ON MA~,'QRS ° M~E'T'ING REe C~'~Y=-Cb.tkNTY UN~FORM AN~MAL REGLJIoAT20NS Administr~tor Hut~h ~~por~~d tha~ at the Mayors°,Mee~ing of January 28, 1970 ~Y~e~ma~ter of a uniform City-Coun~y Animal Regula~ion Ordinance ~aas discussed and i~' was, gen~~ally agreed bgr a1Z agen~ies in at~endance ~ha~ th;~ recommenda~ion o~ ~he Technical Cor~i~~ee on the es~ablishanen~ t~~ uniform ~ees and procedures sYiould be incorporated by all agen.cies w.f~hin ~kt,e .Courz~y- o~ San ~uis Obispo and °~k~a~: ~l~e ~a•tanty Adminis~r~tive O~f:ice wil~ px~pare arad forward a p~oposed uniform ordinance fa~. cans~,de~~~i~n and ac°~on by each agen~y. RESOLUTION AD~OP'I°o ~t~L~,U~:CON CONTROL AS RECOMoBY C3'I'yI ~AS~J 1ZJBI~S Acl~ninis~r~.~o~° Bu~eh repor~ed t~aa~ corresponclenc~ Y~as been received from ~he Ci~,y of Pasd Ro~lese commending the County Board of Supervisors on its ~~~i,on taken on pollu~ion and reques~ing ~his Ci~y°s ~a~pport. After Ctiuncil discu~sionB Ci°~y At~orney Shipsey read ~~e ~ci.~le of a resolution regarding pollution control, ~h.~rea~+er a s~o~ion was an,ade by Councilman LevineB seconded.by Coun~ilman Schlege~, and unanimously CITY COUNCIL F'EB~tLdAR,Y 10, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 carried, ~o dispense wa~ka re~d~ng ~he balance of ~l~~s ~°es~~~a~iono RESOLU~30N N~o ~55 A RE S OLi7'I'I ON OF 'I'HE C I'I'Y' C OU1~TC I I~ OF '~HE C I'I°3I OF ARR04'O GRAND~ REGARI~ING POI~d~TJ'~~ON CQI~T'I°ROL On r~otion of Cou.ncil~aan Levine, seconded b~r ~o~;ncilnn~n Sc~~egel and on ~he follovving roll call vote~ `v~ta AY~Sa Co~ancilmen Schlegel, Levin~e Woodo ~°al~e~ ~n~ Mayor '~on~pson L~TOlE5: No:ae ABSENTo None the foregoing resol~x~ion was passed axad adop~ed t~his 1.O~t~s da~ of February, 1970. NOTICE OF LAS'.~° D1~1~.' TO F~IsE ARGUN~N'~S ON GI'~' ME~ISLTR~ - 2-27-70 Febru~ry 270 1970 h~s been se-t by ~Yne Ci~y Clerk ~s y~.e ~inal d.ate for filinc~ a~°g~r~en~s for or agains±~ a Ci*~y rneas~r~ be vo~~d on at the Muni~ipal ]~lec*~ion ~o be held April 14a 1970. Ci~,y A~~o~ne~ S~ipsey x~~d -~he pr~p~sed orc~ina~ce ~~o ~:~~n~ ~he M~anicipal Cade rec~arding gar~age arzd r~fu~ea wk~i~h F~aill 3a~ ~ai~.~d wi°~h the sample ballots and will b~ vo~ed ~n a~ ~ka.e ~Pn~r~l I~~ni~ipal Election on Apri1 l4, 1970. SET PUBLIC HEAR~NG FOR REI~DOPT°ION OF PUBLIC SER~7o &]E'AC~I~~'~I~S EIoEMo 2-24-70 Adminis~ra~or Bi~~ch reviewed ~k~a~ ~l~e Planning Cor~aa3ssi~n has held a public hearing on ~~e reado~~t~~n ot the Public Serv~~es ~nd Facili~ies Element of ~he Gerier~i. Plan ~rid ~.~s by resol~~.~ion re~or~ended i~~s re-, adoption ~o ~k~e Council. Af~er Council di~cuss~ono ~n a~o~ie~n o,f Council- ~aan Levine, ~~cond~d }ay Co~.ncilman Sc~,l,~c~el. and unan.i.m.o~~.~l~ c~~°ried, a public hearing on t~e r~adoption o~ the P~blic Services and ~'acilities Element of the GeneraT Plan.was set for February 24, 1970 at $:OO PoMo SET PUBLIC H~ARZNG F012 R~ADOP'~ION OF ANIENDED CIRCUIoA7C30N ELEMENT 2-24-70 Adminis.tra~or Butch ~evievaa~c~ ~hat ~he Planning Cornrnission ~as held a public hearing on ~he rea~dop~i~n of ~~e amended Circula~ian Elemen~ of the General plan and h~s b~ reso3.u~.ion, recommended i~~ readoption to the Council. After Coun~il discussion, . on mpi~ion of Gouncil.m~n Talley,seconded by Councilman Levine,and unani,mously carried, a public hearing on ~he readoption o~ the aa~ended Circulation Element of ~he General Plan `vas se~ fo~ Fehr~nary 240 1970 at 8:00 PoMa READOPTION THE 1~LTT~I~IC BUILDINGS ELEMEN~° OF THE GENERAI~ PT~AL~T Admi~is~rator ~tztckn advised th.at tk~e Planning Commission has re- viewed the Public Buildings Element of the General Plan and has, by resolution recommendecl ~h~t ~he ~QUncil revie`a and readop~ this element of the . Gener~l Plaa~e A.f~~r ~:~un~i~. disc~z~sion, Ci~y A~°~orney Sh.ipsey read °~Y:e ti~le of a res.olu~tion readopting ~.he Public Buil.dings Elemen~ of the General Plane t~aereaf~er a mo~.i~n was ~~d~ by C~uncilman Levine, second~d by Councilman Wobd and unanimausly carriedo ~o dispense with read3ng ~he balan~e of ~his reso,lution. RESOLU~~oN Nao 856 ~ A RESOIoII~°ION OF THE CITY COUNCIIs tOF 'd'HE CI'I'S.' OF ARROYO GRANDE READOP'~°ING °~HE PtJBLIC B3JILDINGS ELEMEN'I° O~' ']~HE GEI~TERAL P7~ANo On mo~ion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by C~un~.i.lman Levine and on the following roll call~ vo~e, to wi~: AYES: Council~?en S~hlegel.o Lev~.neo Wood, ~alYey and Mayo~ 'I°h.on3pson l~TOES o Non~ ABSENT: L~Tone ~ tYae foregoing res~lu~ion was passed and ~dop~ed ~~is lO~Ya d~y ~f Februaryo 19700 ~27 C I TY COUNC I L ~F L~2LaAl~~ 10 , 1.9 2 0 ARROYO GRANDEB CALIFORN~A PA~~ ~ READOP'I°ION OF 'I°Ei~ PARIKS AND ~~R~A'~':~ON EI~~MEI4T~' O~ "~'F~ ~~.NERA~~ PI~AN ~ Aclmini.s~:.rat~:or ~~z~".cYa ~:?.vise~ ~.h~.~a *~.r.~ ~1.~~nni.ng ~om~~~,ssi~~n ra~~ reviewed t~.e Parks ~.nc~. Recre~~"i~n E~.~~en"~ `u?~e Gen~~~l P1.an. ~.n~~~ ?masa ~y resolu~ion x-e~ommended ~~a~+~. ~-.he ~~~.rac~.l revi,ew ~rzd re~ado~i~ ~Y~a.~ elemen~ of ~l~a.~ ~eneral Pl.~n. Af~ver ~otxn^i?. c~i~c~s~inn~. ~;i«.~ 1~~'~~r~e~ Shipsey read ~h~ ~.~.t1e of a res~l~.*~ion re~;3op~anc~ P~r~a ~n~1 Recrea~ion El.emen~ of ~he Gener~l P~.an, ~~~aer~af ~er ~ r^~~+~ion vaa~ m~de by Councilman Schl.egel~ sec~n~?ed b~r Co2zn~~lm~n I~ev~n:~ and ~_;~,n~n.i.m~~~~:~1~ carried, to dispense ~ai~k~ reading ~~~e b~a1~.n~e ~f ~I~~s r~s~~~.~:~~~~n. ~ ~ ~ RE S OLi~'aC I ON NO o 8~ 7 A RESOI~~J''~~ON OF THE ~I'Z'~.' GO'~?~~~,I~ O~' '~HE ~~'~V ARROYO GRANDE READOP"~"ING THE F~RKS AND R~~RE.A"I'~DI~T ELEMEN'I' OF '~°HE 'GENERAIa PI~ANo On mo~ion of Co~;nc~lman ~'al.le~, sec~and~~. k~~a ~~~_~,n~i ~!~°arr Wo~s~ ~n~l on ~he foll.owing rol.l call vo ~e ~~o ~ai~ e A~'ES: G~U,ncil.n~en ~~1~1.Agel.,. L~~~in.~, V+Toad9 ~"~1.1::e~ ~nd Ma~~r '~~omp~on NOESm None ABSEN'.I`e NonP ~he foregoina resol.u~ion was pa~sed ~nd ~~,bg se~ ~.i:s 10;~~~° d~~? ~f Februaryo 1970. READOP'I'ION OF 'I'HE BEAL~'~'~F~rA'I°~OI~T ~L,~MEi~T'~ '.~F~ C~I~?~R~1~d ~7~AN Adminis+ara~or Bu~ch ~dvise~ ~~ha~: Pl~:~nirg ~~~mr~.~.~~siu~ Y~y~s reviewed ~he B~au~;.ifica°~ion E~emen'~ ~.f. ;~'~:e ~enar~.l P~.~n ~n~. h~~~o ~a'~ resolution re~ommen~Pd ~hat~ ~he ~na~~.ncil r.e~i ~w ~nr~ :r,e~.~~~~ :~~~is elernen~ o~ ~he ~ener~l Plan. Af-~~~ ~Go~n.~~l ~.~s~~.~ssi~nu C~.~~V~ A~~orne~ ~ Shipsey read ~he ~i~le of a r~sol.~~~.z.on, re~~~.~p*~i.~c~ *,he Be~lz~ai.fiua~ion Elem~n* of ~~e Gene.ra~ Pl~n, ~;l~ereaf } ~r ~.~`~i.r~n w~s m~~e ~v ~ouncil- man Schlegel, seconded k~y Councilman Z,e~sine and unana~nn~u;~l~ c~arried to dispense with .read~ng -~he balance of ~~?~.i~ resol~~.~ion. RESOLUTION NOo 8.5~ A RE 5 OL~U'I°I ON OF '~'HE C I TY G Oi~TNG I L O~' 'Z°H~ G I'~°I' O~ A~2ROY0 GRANDE READOP'~°ING ""~"HE .B~~L3'~`~F~~~'°I`30L~T ~L~MEN`~ OF' 'I°H~ ~~NERAL PI~ANo On mot~ion of Council.nnan Levine~ se~or~e~ b~` Go~.;ncilrr~,az~. Ta.~1.ey and on the follo~ving r~ll ~all v~~e~ ~a~ wi~od AYESm ~o~~,ncilmen S~hl.egel, I~,evi.ned ~n1~~d,, '~a1,1€:y an~ Mayor ~xomp:~on NOESa Non~ ABSEN7~: None ~he foregoing resolu~ion was passed ~nd adop~:~d ~:~i:~ 10*~~^. d~~ af February, 1970. ANGEL LOT SPL~`~ CASE NOo 69-100 - WOOD PI.~1~E - PR.OPEkZ`~Y DE111ICA'~°ION Adminis~ra~or Buf~ch reviewed in ~onj~znc~i.or~. Lv~~kk3 appr~val of Lot Spli~ Case No. 69-100~. on V,lood. ~?1~dr~ ex~ensiond reques~ed by L~le M. Angelashe was required to ~~dica*~e t~o -~he Ci.ty ~ por~ion o~ her property for fu~urP road p;~.rpose~~ Af~~r Goan~il di.~cussion, on motion of Councilman Schl.egela sec.on~~d ~o~.ncil~~ar~ I~evin~ an~ unanimously c~r.rieds 1~he Gran~~ Deed fror~. M. Angel, for a portion of Lo~ 3 of ~~e ~'olsom '~ra~~, dedica*~ec1 `::o ~:~.e ~i~y for f~~~~~.re ro~d purposes, w~s a~cep*~:ed, and ~,;~Ze Ma.~ror ~nd Ci~~,~,~ G~erk Gae.r~ au!~Yx.ori~ed to sign ~he Cerk.if~cate o.f Ac~e~a~~~~e on. k~~k~alf ~y~~~ ~i`.v, APPOINTMENT OF PLaANNING COMMTSS IO~TER ~OI-~N KAN~ '~O G~AS7CAId G'A~~EY PLAN o COtJNCIb„ On m~~ion of Goun~ilman Lev ~n~, se~:~ncl«~>d b~r Co~.xa.~ilm~n ~'all~y and unanimousl~ c~rried~ Planning Comm~~si~ner. ~o~n I~a~~ ~as ~p~~.za~~e~. ~;o serve on ~he Goas~al Valley P.lanning Co~~~.~i:i., ~.s ~:rwis ~:b.~:~~ represen+~- a~ive, as reco~unended by ~Y~e P~.~nning ~osr~:miss~.~ra, . CITY COUN~3I~ ~'EB12LT~~t~' l00 197fl ARROYO GRANDE o~7~I~~FORN~A PA~~ 5 APPOIN'~MEN'~° FARKCS AND ~~R.EA"1~°~~N C~M.Nd]~SS7CON~2 '~d~D~'~ '~o l~TA~bAM~Lb3A Mayor 'b'Ykoa~pson r~~~nnrt~raded ~~n~~ Eds~~~ Naka~.~~~ l~e appoi~°~~d ~o the Parks ~nd Recrea~,~~n Coax~~iss~.L~ ~o fi1.1~. ~.h~ v~~~,n~y ~re~a~~d by ~h.e resi,gnat.ion ~f Rick L~em 0~ .Nd~~~or~ ~f ~o~;~c~l.r~~~~ Levin~o seconded by Co~n~~.lman Sc~sleg~l a~~ ~,¶,n~n~a~~^~~~~ c~r~°~~d~ E~die Nakamura,e 1173 1~a~r Oal~~ AvQv o`a~s ap~,m~ra~~~, ~c~ serve ~^oa*amissioner on tYae Arroyo Grande P~rks ~nd ~2ec~°~~~i~~, ~~~.rr?.~s~ior~o w~ ~~-a '~is ~~rm of office ~err~in~~ing on Ja~ne 30A 19~10 RESOLoADOP°I°oDI~~'~'~NG ~'II~~N~ O~' ~~I~lI~ENIL~T~,'~~OI~T ~C~°~ON FA~1~ OAI~S AT~EoEX°l~°o Ci~y A~~r~rney Shipsey ad~~s~~. ~?~,a~ ~n o~~1er pro~perly f~.le condemn~~~on ac~i~n for s~re~~ pu~°p~ses fo.r ~a.~~ 0~1~s A~~~ o E~~. Y~e recommend~d ~h~ adop~~.on of ~n ~c1J~~i~ra~l r~sol~~ion w~~~~, m~o~°e speci- fically ou~l,ined ~Y~e nece~si~y ~f ~.his ~~~i~nm A~~~~ Co~~n~i.l dis- cussiori, Ci~y A~~~rne~ Sk~ipse~r re~d ~ res~~ ~~a~on ~o ~~e ~r~per~y descrip~ions; t1~~re~~~er a~a~~i~n ~+a~s n~ad~ Co~~n~.~~~~~, l.e~o seconded by Councilm~an Wood ~nd ~nan~rs~.o~~.s~,~~ ~~rr~ed, ~.o ~;~.~:.p~r~se ~vith reading ~kze b~lar~c~ ~h~~ resolaz~i~~~ 1~~OL~~,?'.~°~~I~T L~~o 859 A E~S~LT~°~.°IOIQ 9F TE~ C~'~"`~ O~' A~R~~~ ~RANDE a~'~A'.'~]~ ~T' CAI~~F0121~T~A D~12~G'1~°°~I~T~ ~I~E ~'~.L~~I~ ~~J~TD~Mi~f~'°~'°~~N AC'T°~ON k'012 S`I''~~`'~ ~F,~R~~~~~ Or~ mo~a~~, ~f Co~.~c~lax~~n Schl~g~l,; s~~:on~~~ ~y ~o~,n~il:~a~n ~evine and on ~he ~~.~l~~ing ro~l ~~~1 ~i~o ~A~'ES: ~o~.a~c~lr~~r~ S~~u~egel, ~,e~~ri~o W~c~do ~a~~.e~ ar~d M~~~ac "~k~dn~ps~n. NC~S: N~n~ ' ABSEN`~°, I~TotZ~ ~1~e foregoi.nc~ r~~o~~~~a~'~n i~as p,~~~~d ~r~~ ~.~~p~e~ ~~,~s ~~i d~~ ~f February, ~97Oo C~'1'~'.: AP~OI~'~°~ON~D $ 9 0 15 7 L~'~?]~~~t ~'~D]~RA3~ '~°OP~~S PRO~R..z~M . Adminis~.ra~tox B~a.~c~~ ~ repo,r:~~~d ~~.h~~ no~a.ce :~haS be~n re~~~,-~d ~rom the 5ta~~ cif C~'1.if~rnia T~pa~~en~ '~i~ P~~~ W~.rks', ~~^lia°~ t~n~, ~~~g~ has be~n ~ppor~i~ne~. $90 1;~7 i~nd~r ~~~e ~~ed~ral, ~O&~7C~S p~oc~r'a~aa far . ~~ansp~r°~~~ion.,~a~~~~.. px~c~.~r~~as r^,ee~ ~~r~~~x?, r~q~.~~f°ernei~~s aricl : establish prog~'arns ~°~g~~,red ~,a ~ec~i~>e ~l~e,~~ f~.~~s; Adr~nin~s~ra~c~r Bu~c~ is worl~iaxg wi~Ya , r~pre~~n~a~.a~e~ of S~~~c~ o~ ~al:i~ornia Department of~ ,P~blic Work~ o , ~~vi~ ~ ~n ~d~cT~`v~.~-~ . INF1I7[°A'~30N A~°~°~I~1]~ ~~BO~ ~(~~T N]~GHf'][°'0 ;E°~~T~T,dA1~X 2~ ~ 19 ~.0 A. l~t~er o~ ~r~vi~~,~.ion 4aas r~~;e~~~~ f~~~~ ~Y~e S~n, ~us~ Ob~spo Coian~y Flo~d;'Con~r~csl, ~nd V~~~~er c~ora~~rv~~iora Ds,s~rs.~~o ~~iairn.~~~ee fo~; Bab Born Nigh~a invi~ix~c~ ~1h.e ~i~t~ ~o~~,n~;g,~ ~nd ~~?~:er Ci~y Off~cials ~o ~t~end a ~`ar~well. ~ar~~r '~~r ?~ob ~~rn ~e~~:u~r~ 2~a 1970v . R~CE~CP'~ dF M~I~U'~~~5 ~aU~iT°]~'`~ ~A~~R ~E50UR~~~ AT~V~SO~tX ~O1~dM~`7C`~~~ . , Copi~s o~~ ~.Yn~ rcb.inu~es ~f ~~n~° ,'ba~~ ~c~~r~.~~ Wa°~er, ~e~ource~ Ac~vi.sory Cammit~e~ mee~ing'1n~+~~ ~~,~rx ~°~~~a.v~cl b~ *~~e ~i~,Ra ~n~ pl~ced on,;~ile. 1~ober~ Bor~., ~ou~a~~y ~.~ydr~ulic ~nc~i.r~~ere ~~p~r-~~ ~ ~ra~. ~~'~~.~r~l'~ ~ Governmen~ 1~~~ gran~e'd ~n ~~~en~ion .fro~ 2~~~~be~` l, 1969; ~an°~i1 Oc~ober 1, l~'70 for~ planY~ing: area~ ~;e~~ ~equ~~r~rr,en~~ ~nab~e ~~~in ~o app1Y, fc~r fed.er~i g~~~~~ f.~r ~~~~~i.n ~.a~pr~~e~~ri~a ar~~ ~t~~~ ~~a~ Cnunty is a~~emp~ing ~o d~ve~~p ~oun~y-R~r~d~ ~~rr~p~°~~.~rasiv~ i,~~°~er and' Sewer P~.ans. PROGR.ESS ~pOR"~ A~~CJ~O C]~13D~ SI~Ti,~~2 A~~~~SSNL'~N°g° ~~:~'$B~27C~"~° . ~+idminis~r~~or ~~a~.~~ ,~c~.~~~.s~d ~~a~`~ ~~ne~~, '~i~r.~ a~~~a d~v~e~.opit~e~.~s to r~port ~~.i s ,~.irn~.. ; . ~ p~20GR~5S Ft~~'0~2"~° = SC"~YT'~°I-~ ~~1IrT L~~S Q~B~S~'(y_ ~~37N"d°~ S.AN~~".]CC~°7~7~O1~T I~~3"JI°12~C°a° ~opi~s of" ~h~ ~hi~~ ' ~~l~n~ O~r~~~~° ° s ~~pa~~ ~1~~ ~~n~~a o~ Janu~r~, 1970 ,~er~ r~cei~red, ~y ~~~,e ~~u~nc~~, reviewv~c~ ~~s~ ~r.~.P~~a ~~i~a. 22a CITY COUNCIL ~'~~~~~`~1~4' ~~0 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORI~TIP. ~ NOTICE FROM CENTRAL CAIdIF o COMo COl~~ o-~ Administrator Bu~ch repo~~~d ~~~i~ n~~~i~;~ ~a;~ Central Califorriia Coann~unica~ions G~~po~°a~i~r~e adv,is~~r~c~ ~~.a~ Ma,~.~°~va~ve Transmission Corp~ra~ion 1-~.~.s ~i~ed ~n appl~c~~ion v~~i~?~ ~'~~~r~~ ~ Communications Commission for p~~~i~s:~~n loc~.~~ i~~~~ra~~~~~~~ microwave relay st~tion on M~ L,osp~o STATE COl~TmROLLaER ° S ANNUAL REPOR~" ~'~I~TA~~~~I~ '~`'RAN~~~,~'~':~~?L~~ ~ S'1~°1~~'~~ &~01~17~ Administrator ~~tCh repo~~~d ~'k~a~ a~ A~~~~~ ~~p~r~ ~f Financial Transactions concer~inq S~r~~~~ ~~?cl R~~~s Counties of Cali~ornia -h~ve been ~~~:~.i~r~°~ and ~~.~c~d c~r' .1~ ~ ADJOURNMENT On motion ~of Ct~uncil~an S~°k~l,eg~3.~ s~~~~~e~ k~~ ~~~a-~~i~r~~~. Lev~a~~ and unanimousl,y c~rri~c~, ~~e m.ee'~ia~q a~a ~~x..rn.~d 9 0 09 PoMo ~ ~ ATTEST° ~ CI CLERI~ I~`~'`~~ ; ~