Minutes 1970-02-24 2~--~' CITY COUNCIIa ~EBRLTAE2Y 24, 1970 , ~::^ARROYC?. G12ANDE o CAIda~'OR1~T~A 'I'he Ci~y Co~nc~l n~e~ ~,n rec~~lar ses~~.on va~t~~n Mayo~ '~or,~pson presiding. Upon ~°o~ll call ~~~anc~lr~en Lev~n~, VJood and '~°~lley repoxted presento Cou.ncilman Sch.lec~el is absenta PLEDGE OF ALI.~~IANCE ANI~ ~N~OCA'~~OI~T Mayor 'I'Y~o~pson led ~~e pledge of all~g~~n~e ~o ~~.r flag; and im~ediately thereaf~~r Revererad W~ ~liaa~ Bla~lc of ~~ye Un~~ed Me~k~odis~ Church of Arroyo Grande, d~l~verecl ~Y~e inv~ca~~~r~o MINUTTE APPROVAL 'I"he minu.~e~ of ~he regular ~aee~ing of ~'ebr~ar~a 10~ 1970 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF' 4VARRAN'.~S On ~otion of Councilz~an Levineo seconded by Councilman Ta11ey and ~nanimously carr~eda General Warrants I~Too 744 ~l~~~ug~ No. 774a in the total amount of $190373.24; Payroll ~rtlarrants Noe 1144 through No. 1231, in ~he ~o~al amount of $130727.35; ancl 'I'rust and Agenc~ Warrants No. 1042 ~hrough No. 1076, in tYn.e ~o~al arab~u~at of $915m05, were approved and o.rdered paida T~ET'I'~R EROM ANI~RI~AN ?~EGa~N P~S'~° 136 - k'E~ EXENdP'b° F~REWOFtKS L~CENSE Adminis~ra~or Bu~c~a advis~d ~ha~ a le~~er l~as 3aeen received from the An~erican Legion Arro~o Grande Fos ~ 1.36 reqt~es~inq ~ fee exen~pt busines~ licea~se ~e~ sell ~afe and sane firevaorks. Af~er Council discussiono ~m a~ao~:ion of Co~n~~la~an Wood, se~onded by Councilr~an Levine and ~.nanimo~.sly carr~.eda approval ~as grantecl ~o the A.merican Leqion Arroyo Gran.de.Post 136 for a fee exemp~ busines.s license ~or fireworks sales a~~ 1069 Grand Avenueo s~abjec-~ -~o all Fire Depar~?xien~ req~irernAen~s . PROCLAMATION "VOTER REGIS°b°RA"a'°ION WEEK'° - MARCH 1- 7, 1970 Mayor 'fi~ompson pr~~lai~ed March 1~~i~ougY~ 7, 1970 as "Voter Regis~ra-kion Week" in ~.~e Ci~v of Arroyo Grandeo as requested by the Five Ci~ies Jaycees, RECEIPT lJ~ SCHEDULE O~ AC'~°~VI'I°gES OF 'b'HE A~G.VILLAGE MERCHAN~S ASSOC. A lis~ of the ~cheduled activit~ies planned by the Village Merchants Associa~~on fror~ March 3; 1970 ~h~ou.gh Februar~ 27, 1971, was received by ~he Co~ncil. ' REPOR'I° FROM CAI,~FoIoEGISoCOM.ON ~NSURANCE - FEDERAL FLOOD INSoPROGRAM Aclniinis~rator Bu~cYn advise~ ~~a~t a repor~ l~as been received from the California Leg~sla~iv~ Co~zunit~ee on InS~arance, indicating ~hat ~he Federal Govexnnnen-~ ~nas es~ablished a fecleral flood insurance programo as ~ temporary pro~r~~ao ~.n~il s~ach tim~ as ~the perr~aanen~ HUD ins~.xance prograrz~. w~ll bec~me ~pera~ional and if ~he Ci~.y is interested in this program ~he ~o~.ncil n~u~t~ ad~p~ a resolu~ion so indi~a~ing. Af~er Council di~c~assion Ad~inis~ra~~r Bu~c~a. was ins~ructed to obtain ~ adclitional ~~~erial regardirzg ~his n~a~~er. I,EGISInATIVE BULIaE'I'I1~T FROM d~AC~UE ~F CAI~I~'ORNIA CI'.i'IES ~1c-inainistrator B~x~cYa repor~~d ~.h~t AB 51 has been approved by tlae Legis~a~tu.x'e and signed in~o ~acv by ~he G~vernor, which extends until Aprs.l 6a 1970 the tim~e tivi~hin vahich candida~es may file a financial s~atemen~ required b~r Sec~ion 3700 of ~he Government Code` and will now allow addi~ional ~~me ~t~ consider AB 430, wh~..ch will clarify cer~ain po~~ions of ~he Dis~las~are of Assets law. Admini- strator Bu~ch, also, bri~~ly rev~.ewed ~he pr~posed PU~ Order regard- ing loca-tion of n~w u~iliky genera~ing ~acili~ies and~~ransmission lines. CITIZ~NS COMMUNI'I'Y CLEAN UP ~OMMI'~°~°EE ~ ARGT~TMEN'~' FOR MUNI.CODE AMEND. Mayor '1'hompson repor~ed ~ha~ Ernes~ ~'~s~ora~, Chairman of ~he Community Clean-Up-Cornmit~e~ Ya~~ submit~~d for Council review a proposed Argument in favor of ~he ado~~iora of ~he ordin~nce regarding garbage and refuse, ~ahick~ `aill be vo~ed on a-~ ,the Genera~. Municipal Elec~ion to be held Apri1 14, 1~70. CITY COUNGII~ ~'E~RL~~1~~' 24, 1970 ARROYO GRANDEB GALIFORNIA P~~~ ~ RESOLU'IBION A]~OP~ m- ANIENI~ o SE~ 0 2 OF ]~SOL o NO o 851~Nl~~Sil13~ "I°O B~ ~O'~EI, ON City Attorney Shipse~ r~por~.~~ ~Y~a~ ~h~ C~,~y B s e~e~ti~n s~.p- pliers have advised ~Y~a~. ~Y?e ~ror~ing ~f ~~.e r~ae~s~r~ t~~ be vo~ecl on at the April 14B 19~0 Gener~l l~~ni~ipal E~e~-~ion sh~~ld lae ~~aang~cl to include certain addi~ional ~aord~ °~2~ more precisely me~~ -~11~~ requirements of the Elec~ions ~~de o~ ~~e 5~~~~ Cal~f~~rz~a regarding submission of nneasures ~Ya.~ v~~~rs ~ Afi~er Counc~l di~- ~ussiong G~~y A.~~orney Ship~~~ r~~c1 th~ ~i~le ~f ~~°es~l~,~~on amend- ing ,.See~ion 2 of Resolut~on No, ~51 rela~ing a~~r~ai~a r~easure to be voted on, ~hereaf~er a mc~~~~n ~~as ~aade Co~r~~il?~ar~ I~~vine, s.~conded by Counciln~an Wood ~nd ~,naniarously ~arried, ~o disperzse with reading tYae bal~anc~ o~ ~k~is r~solution. RESOd~~7'L'~QN NOo 860 A RE S OI~U'~I ON OF' '~.°HE C I'~°~' C OLdNC ~~G OF ~HE C~~"~' OF ARROYO GRANDE AI~NDING S~C'I°IOL~T 2 O~' R.ESOI~~J'~°~ON NOa 851 RE7~A'I°ING TO A~ER'I'AIN Nl~A~LTRE 'I'O B~ VOTED ON AT THE GEI~TERAI~ N~LTI~~~I~'AL ~IsEG'~°ION TO BE HELD II~T SAID C~'~~' ON 'T'UE~SD1~~' '~°I~E 14'3°H DAX OF APRIIa, 19 Z 0. On mo~tion of Co~ancil~ran Wo~d, seconded by Coun~il~an I~evine and on the following roll ca11 vo~e, vai~: AYES: Co~ncilm.en L~ev.i.rre, Woodo Tall~~T and Mayor 'I°Yaompson NOES: None ABSEN'~°: Co~.nc~lman S~kz~eae~ the foregoing resolution ~aas pass~d and adop~:ed ~.his 24~h. day of February, 19700 ~'URTHER DISG.ON D3SPOSAL O~' SLT~tPI_^t~S PROPER~"X ON WEST BRA~TCH S'~o '~`his ~atter was reques~ed and again appro4ed yae ka~e1~1 over un~til a later meeting of ~he Co~ncil~ REPORT BY COUNCI~MAN 'I'ALI~E~ O~~f AREA PLP,NNaNG COORDINA'I'~NG COUNCIL MEETTNG - Councilman Tall.ey gave an oral rep~r~ on"~he .recen~,meeting of the County and Cities Area Plann~ng Coordinating Coun~ila sta~ing that i~ was bx°ough~. ~.o the at~:en~ion ~.f -~he ~ouncil ~12at ~he County Board of Supervisors have ~~ae au~.hori~~ ~o ad~p~. ~ re~olu~ian on pollution con~rol whi~h will be gov~xrzing ~k~ro~,ghou~ -~l~e full county including the incorpora ~.ed ci ~ies tiai~a in -~he ~oun~~ and ~ha~ a Committee has been formedo Gai~ho~~ ~~~y represen~ation, to .investiga~e air, ground and c~a~er pollu~aon Q~~.rougk~ou~t ~l~e coun~~. Af~er Council discussion, Adminis-~rator B~.~.~ka `aas ~nst~°1~~ted ~o `vri te ~o the County Board of Supervisors reque~ting Ci~y repre~en~a~ion ~n the pollution eontrol co~uni~tee . ' PUBL3C HEAR~NG - PUBLTC SERVICES & F'ACIL~'~TES ANI~NDED P~AN ADOPTED Adminis~rator Butcl~. reva.ewed the Public Servs.ces anc~ F~cilities Elemen-~ of the General. Plano as ~annendeda and reported that ~h:e Plan- ning Commission h~d Y~eld a pu~b~i~ ~kaearinc~ on ~his element of k~e plan and by resolu~ion rec~n~a~.end~d i~s adop~ion ~o ~he ~~uncil, Mayor '1'17.ompson de~lared ~he Yaearing no`a ogened ~o consider ~he Public Services and Facili~ies Elemen~ ~f ~he ~eneral P1anB whic~ k~earing was duly published as required b~ law„ and all per~ons £or or against ~his element of 1~he plan wo~al.~ now be he~rd. "~her~ being n.o discus- sion for or against the Public S~rvi~es and ~acili~~ie~ Elemen~ of ~he General Plan Mayor '~'hompson dec~.~~~d ~1~~ hearing closed. Af~ter Council discussion, City Attorney Sl~ipsey read thae title of a r~solu~tion adopt- ing the amended Public Servi~es ~x~d Faci3.i~ies Elemen~ o~ ~he General Plan, thereafter a motion wa~ made by ~ouncilznan Levine, se~onded by Councilman Talley and unanim~usly carried, ~o disp~nse wi~.h rea~ding the balance of ~his resol~a~.~.on. RESOI~UTION NOo 861 A RESOLUTION OF 'I'HE CI`I'Y COUN~TI~ ~F THE ~I'~'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE AI~QP°~ING 'THE AMENIaED PUBI~IG SERVaCES AND FACILITIES EIaEI~EN'~ OF ~'HE GEL~TERAL PI~N On motion of Cou.ncilrnan Levine, seconded b~ Gouncilman Wood anc~ on the following roll ~all vo-~e~ ~o wi~: ~ CITY COUNCIL ~'~~RL'ARY 240 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALI~'ORNIA PP,~E 3 AYES: Coux~c~~~a~n Levir~eo Woo~, ~°alley ~r~~ M~y~r '~o~pson NOES : rTorie ABSENT: C~~,~nci.~..r~.an 5~~~.,~c~el, the foregoing resolu~ion ~~s p~ssed ~nd ~d~p~°~ ~~~s 2~~Y~~ da~ ~f Februarya 1970m PUBLIC HEAR~NG - AN1~I~TDEI~ CIR~L~L,A'~~ON ~5~~~'~" & I~~G~'W,~.~?'y PI~AAN ~1I~OF'I'ED Adminis~ra~.or ~u~:.l-~ rev~~w~d ~Ya,e ar?,end.ed. ~.ir~t~]~ ~ion Elertaen~ of the General Plana an~ repo~i"e~. t~~~~ ~h~ Planninc~r ~o~.?~ission h~d helcl a public hear~ng on -~h..is eL~~en~ of ~Ya6~ plan and b~ resolu.tion recom- mended its adop~ion ~o -~Ya.e ~~unc~l. M~yor '~or~pson d~cl.ared ~1-ae hearing novv opened ~o c~n~i~d~~ ~he Carc~la~i~n QS~.r~e~ & Highway) Element o~ ~he General ~lan, wk~.~~h Yae~r~.ng ~as duly published as required b~ law, and all p~~°s~r~s ~or ~r aga~n~ ~~~i~ ~l~~en~ of the plan would now be 17.eardo `~a.~re l~ein~ no di~~uss.~on ~or or agai:ns~ the Cir~ula~:ion ~S~:ree~ &~~ghs~+a~~T~ ~~~*~;?er.~m of ~;~e Gen~ral Plan, Mayor 'I'hompson decl~red ~he Y~.earinc~ ~losed. Af~.Pr ~o~ncil d~s~ussion, City Attorney 5Yzipsey read ~?~e ~;~t~l.e of a r~sol~~~i.~n ~dop~i~a ~;he amended Circula-~ion (S-~ree~. & Hig~s~aay) E.l~r~en~ ~,~:e Genpral F7'L~.n, ~1~ereaf~~r a motion was m~de by Co~ncilm~n T~lley~ ~econded. b~~ ~oa~nc:~Iman Z~evine and unanimou.sly carrier~P d.ispen~e ~rai*~h r~ad.inq ~~e ~al,ance o:~ -~his resolu~ions J~:~~C)~~'~'~~~ NOo $6~ A RE S OLU'I".~ ON O~' ~I~ G~ G O~JN~ O]~' `~°N~ C.I'~°Y OF ARROXO GR~1NI?E 1~I)O~`~°~NG '~°I-~ AM.~NI~~~ ~~R~iILoA~ION (S'~'~2EE`~°° P,ND H~~I~4VA~'~ ]EI~ENI~N'~' O~' '~'I-~~ C"=EI~~A~o ~7~ANo On mo~ion af Council~aan L~etiin~n ~ec~nd~d ~y G~~nc~a?:^ An Woo~ and on ~he follovaing rol~. call. vo~e B~~ vai AY~S: Caur~c~l~ m~~n L~ev~ ne, Woo~.~ ~alle~- ~nd Ma~or 'I`Y~ompson NOESo None ABSEN`~°a G~uncilr~?an Schlegel the foregoing resol~a~ion vva~ pass~d ~n~. ad~p*.:~ed t~k~.~s 24~h day of February, 1970. SE'I° PUBLIC HEARINGS - TO Al~~~~° ~API'I°AIo ~MPROV~I~dEN'I'Q HOLT;ING AND AMENDED L~A~33I.) i.~~~ Eb~'N.~N'I~°S O~ '~°H~ ~EL~~1La PL,AN 3-10-7,0 Adminis~ra~or Bu~ck~ r~vievve~ ~;ha-~v ~~~e Pl~nning Comsni.ssion will hold ~ublgc hearings on ~ka~ ~d.op~.ion o~ *~l~se Capi~al, Impr~v~men~ ~lezzient, the Housing El~ment and ~.Y?,~ ar~~ncled I~~nd t~se El~m~n~ of ~h.e General Plan on Marcl~. 3 a 1970 ~~~n~ as al.l. of ~~e e.lem~n~s of ~.he General Plan must be reviewed and upda.~.ed -~o ~:~e~t~ cer~.ain federal re~uiremen~s by Mar~h 15, 1970, i~: is x°ecoa~?s~.~nd.ed tha~ ~Yae C~ty Co~.ncil set~. i~he public hearings for ~he nex-tn requl~r meet.~ng of ~ne Council, a~ whi.c.h time, ~he Council can review -~.hese e~~m~en~s of ta~.e Genera.l F~an~ if approved and recommended by ~:he Planni.nq ~o%miss.i.on. After Council disc~.ssion~ on mo~ian of ~ouncilr-~an Levine, seconded by Councilman Wood and ~~nanirno~sly c~rried,; a puk~lin heari.ng on ~he adoption of the amended. I~and T~se E~ement of t1~e C~en.era~ Plan was set for March 10, 1970 a~, 8:00 P~Ma On motion of Coun~ilman ~,evine, sec~nded k~y ~oun~ilm.~an Talle~r and unanimously carried; A~ ~uka~~.~ hear~nc~ on ~:h~ ad~p~;ior_ of ~.he Capi~al Improvemen-~ Elen~en+~ o~ ~.h~ General Plan `va~ s~~ :for Mar~h 10, 1970.at 8:00 P~Mo On motion of Coun~~lznan Tal.~.ey~ s~conded by ~oun~^ilm.an ~evine and unanimously carried~ a publ..i.~ Yae~ring on t~r~~ ~doptsion of ~he Housing Elemen~ of ~he ~eneral P.lan was set fc~r. MarcYz 10, 1.970 at 8:00 P.Me NOTICE OF ANNUZ~L ASII.,OMAR PI~ANNTN~ CON~'~R~N~E ON i~1ARCI~ 7„ 1970 Administrator Bla.i~c~. adv.~.sp~. ~ha~ notive has k~een re~eived of the Annual Asilomar Planning ~onf.erexx~~f svhickr. ~,vill be h~I.d in Asilomar on March 7~ 1970~ PROGRESS REPORT -~'AIR OAI~S AVEIQIJE EX'I9EL~TSION City At~orney Shipsey advised -~ha~ Ya.e has tiled ~or ~he necessary condemna~ion proce~ings for acqu.isi~ion of ~he pr~per~~ necessary for ` ~33 CITY COUNCIIa ~ F'~BR~71~~Y 240 1970 ARROYO GRANDE a GALI~'O1~~TIA P~~E 4 ~he righ~. of way f~r ~'a~r Oa~s Ex~ensi~rn. PROGRESS REPOR'I" - IoOPEZ 4~1A°~~R SUP~~~ A Progress Repor~ ~n Z,op~:~ Wa~er S~~~l~ for ~~e a~aor~~,xr,~ o~ December, 1969 and ~Tarauaryo ~970 were received i~roa~i -~l~:e San I~~is Obispo County Flood Con~.r~.1 and T~a~cer Conserva,bi.on ]~is~~i~~, ~ak~icl~ `vere reviewed and orde~°ed filedv PRO~RESS REPOR~" - ARI30~~3 GRANDE S~WER ASS~~S1~N'~ ]~~5~°RIC'~" Ac1~€inistrator Bu~c~. repor~ed ~YY~..a1~ h.e h~c~ spok~a~ v~i~~Z P~e~er powns of the HL7D office reg~rdinc~ ~~e Ci~y ° s appli~at~on for a c~rara~, and was advised that if ~he appiica~i~n i~ r~ceived b~ N1~rcYn 16a 1970 ~h.e Gity would p~ssilal~ be ~z~ a~osi~ion -~o be co~asidered ~or a gran~ in the April, 1970 appor~i~nm.en-~s . PROGRESS REPOR,~' - SOU'~Fi S~N LLd~S OBIuFO GOt~N'~°Y SANITA~~OI~T I)IS'~°RIC~ Administrator Bu.~c1~ ad~ised tha~. ~here were no ne~aa d~velop~a~r~s to report at this ~imea ~ FUR'I°HER DISCUSSION -$~IsIo~OARDS IN VTOLA~~ON O~' MLd~TI o CODE SEC a 8-9 . 03 ( f) Ci~y A~torney Shipsey repor~ed.~h~~ he ~rill again con~ac~ ~~.e represen-tatives of ~he R~an ~~~dc~~r Adver~isirig ~oe, ]Cr~c. and request that they be in ~.ttenda~c.e for ~a~r#~~,.~r ~is,~us~ion of ~his a~a~~er at the nex~ regular mee~.ing ~~a.e Coun~i~ m~. ENGILVE~~2INGr WEEK I,974 -~`~~RLJ~1~Y' 2~~~~a 19'70 , Robert 3. Garing., C~n~u,~~ini~ ~ri~ine~ra ~epor~ed ~h~~k week of February 22. tYi~o~ag;h 2$~ ~970 1^~~s l~~en designa-~~d as Engineering Week and ~he ac-tivi~ies p]~anned wi;ll be helcl C~.li.fo~nia. ~ta~e Polytechnic College ~~v~~°ing Environz~ental C'~ntx~ol. ADJOURNNIEN'I' Z°O EXECU'~.I~ SESS~ON ' ` : On mo~ion of Coun~il,~an ~evin~o,~e~~irrde~ by.Councilman Wood and unanimously carried; ~,l~e ~aee~ing adjourne~ °to ~n ~xecutive session to di~cuss personnel ma~~ers a~ 8a39 PoMo RECQNVENMENT QF' ~.(,~UNCTL : ' , _ Th~ Co~tricil ~`eCC~riv~r~ed ,a~, 8: ~.m~Io ~~;ai,~h al.l members being present a~ 5hown on r~ll, callm ADJOURNMEN'I' On rn.otion of Gauncilinan Levira~, seconded ,by' Couneilman Wood and ux~anir~,ously carr~ed~ ~k~e m.~~~~rig ~djQUrried a~: 9:OQ Pa~Mo ATTE S T : a ' ; . ~ CT~.RK MA~'~R , ~ . , , , _ ~ .