Minutes 1970-03-10 CIZ°Y COUNCIL NI~R~1~I IOo 1.970 ARROYO GRANDEB CALIFORN~A The City Council met in regular sess.~~n va~~~ 1~~~ ~or '~^~~a~p~esn p~esiding. Upon roll call Councilmen ScY~leg~~o ~~v~r~~o ~T~c~~l and Talley reported presen~. PLEDGE OF ALLEGaANCE AND INVOCA'I°ION Mayor 'I°hompson led ~he pledge of ~~.l~c~i~ne~ ~o c~~,~ fl~g; and immedia~ely thereafter Reverend Dan McHugka o~ %~o S~a 1~arn~bas Episcopal Church ~f Arroyo Grande, cle~~.vered ~Yr~~y invo~~~ci~nm MINUTE APPR0~7AL T'he nzinu-tes of the regular mee~i.ng of ~'~~~~.~r~ ~4~ 1970 ua~re approved as prepared. APPROi7AI, OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, se~or~ded ~y~ Councilman Levine and unanimously carried, General Warran~s N~, '7~~ ~~h~,~~~c~~ 1~To. ~~3, in the to'~al amoun~ of $26,109.81; and Payroll Warra.r~~~ No. 123~ ~hrough No. 129Q ~ in the ~.~tal az~n..ount of S~ 1 a 731. 86 ~~+aer~ appr~ved and ordered paid. REQUES'~ FOR LIMI~'ED PARKING 700 BLKo GRAN~ AVJ~ o- N~~~RS¢aN ° S ~LEANERS Z'he let~~r of request from Willi~m H. N~~k~~s~r~o fo~ ~ouncil consider~tion of establ~shing limited par]~ing zn f~~n~ af ~is bt;.si- ness at 723 Grand Ave., was ref~rred ~o ~:~e Par]~a,nc~,x Coz~a~~as~sion for s~~.dy and recommendation -to ~he Council. IBET'I'ER ~ROM CHURCH OF LATTER DAX SAIN'.I'S ~~M~'T ~3~1'S a IdI~~I~T~E-FIREWORKS Adminis~rator Butch advised tYaa~ a l~~~er ~:~M b~en receivsd from ~he Church of Jesus Christ of La~~er-Da~ Sa~.r~~~ ~eq~~~~ing a fee exennpt business license ~o sell safe a~~ ~~n~ ~ir~~~a~rksa and that th.e Fire Chief has reviewed and approv~d ~.Ya~° req~:res~: sr>.abje~t to .fire safety conditions. After di~~uss~~nN on ma~~:i~~n Counc~l- man Tall~y, seconded by Councilman Wo~d an~ un~.rx.im~ti;~~.ly~ ~.~.~rae~, approv~al was granted that ~h~ ~k~ur.ch of J~~~~ ~hr~,s~ ~f ~a~.~~r-~Day S~in~~ be issued a fee exemp~ business licens~ ~'r~rr~ ~~.r~~ 29 tYa.rough July 5, 1970a for safe and sane fireworks s~l.es a~ Giant ~'ood Parking Lot subject to all Fire I~epartmen~. requirements. LET'Y'ER FROM HARVEST FESTIVAL COMMIT~EE RE a US~ OF C~'3'Y STREE`I°S & FA~ILI"~I~S & ~EE EXEMPT BUSo LIC. Adminis~trator Butch reviewed a let~er ~rom Rus~ell rniilson, ` President 1970 Harves~ Festival Commi~~e~, reques~i.ng ~he c.l,osing of Branch Street and several o~her str~e~~~ dtzring ~he Harvest Festival Parade, ~the assistance of th~ Police I~~pa~~en~ in directinq traffic on the day of the parade, tY~e assist~n~e of the Publ.ic Works Depar~ent and ~he use of the Civic Cen~~r p~rki~.g lcat and a po~tion of the ~i~y Hall for Festival activities on ~c~ober ~~hrougY~ 11, 1970; and granting of a fee exe~pt business lacen~~ ico ~:he H~rvest ~'estival Cornn~ittee to sponsor six kiddie rides, ~rom Willis E. Smith Sho~as of Santa Barbara, in the "gay way°' areae Mro Russell. Wi].son was present and orally outlined the prop~sed con+r~c~ be~~r~~en ~he Festival Committee and Willis E. Smi~h. Shows, s~ating ~~a~ic for ~hi~ even~ ~he City and the Committee will be named pn ~1~~ I~iabil.~~y Tns~arance Pol~.~y carried by Willis E. Smith Shows. After Council discussion, on motion of ~o~ncil.r~an Schlegel, seconded by,Councilman Wood and unanimously c~rrie~, the reques~s for City assistance and use of Ci~ty facil~.~i~s was gr~n~~d for the Harvest Festival activities from Oc~ober 8~hrouqk~ 11a 1970 as fol~.o~as: 1, 'Ighe use of the Civic Center Parking Lo~ ~n~ ~ ps~r~~.on o~ the City Hall. 2. Closing of Branch Ste and other s~re~~s ar~~. r~o parking areas subject ~ko Police Depar~kmen~ req~airern~en~~p Lai~:Y? ~a~rmission to be obtained from ~the Sta~e Divasion of HigY~ways to close effected streets in the Ci~y `vi~nin ~th~ S~:?~~: Hzghvaay system. 3. Publie Works Department assist wi~h Y~~ngirag s~.r~e~ ~anners, placing barricades and no parking Mi.gns alor..g ~he parade rout~, and placing a dump tr~.ck in ~.Ya.e "qa~r wa~"' ar~a ~e~r collecicion of rubbish. CI~"3Z COUN~~~ 1t~13CH l0a 1970 ARROY~ CiZANDE o ~a`~Io~]E'~RN~A ~ 4o Po.lice l~~pa~°~men~ ~~sis~ ir~ ~,i~°e~~ing ~~°a~fi~m 5. A~'ee ex~mp°~ busira~ss ~~~ense ~o b~ ~~~~,~~~1 ~.~e I3~~~es~ ~'~s~av~l Commi~~e~~ a~ ~p~nsor for si~ ]~id~i~ ~ic~es fror~ Willis E, S~i~k~ S~~~da~ ~f San~~ ~~rb~~~o ~~~~e~~ t~k~,e Ci~y A~~orney°~ a~~r~val ~f ~.~~b~~i~~ ir~su~~n~~ cover~g~ fully pr~~~c~inc~ ~}a.e Ca~y ~n~ ~k~e H~~°s~~~ ~~'es~ival Commi~~~e e RE P013'b' ~N Lo~MBA12D0 PROF~R'~°Z'. F' I~OOI~~i~TG 17 5&:181 S~ a E~M o Adminis~ra~or Bu~c'~ advised ~~a-~ a l~-~~~r 1-~~~s b~~n ~e~eived - frarn E~zc~ene Fin and Jeane~~~ Mm Lombar~~~ 175 Soo E1~ S~.o ~ regarding flooding ~~ndi~ions ~o ~heir proper~i~~ a~ 1,75 ~n~ ~81 5om E1m St~ ~'his problern has been revievaaed by ~he P~bl ~..c W~~°k~ Depar~~n~ ~nd as ~~is c~ndi~i~n ~~pears be ca~sed ~y ~rd~~°groua~d d~a~,nage facila~y ~a~r,ickn ~err~ina~es a r~es~rf~canc~ ~k?~ ~ra~;n~c~~ tiva~er on ~ne nor~~~rl~ si.d,e of ~Y~e s~ree~ ~as~erl~r ~f ~~ae ~~r~~~.~do prop~r~yB and during l~.e~vy ~ain~B ~~~;ch a~ ~c~~r~~~ M~a~ch 4a 197~a ~~e s~.rface drainage fac~li~y canno~ c~rr~ all of ~r~~~r a:?~ ~:~e ~~.ree~ be- coa~es flo~ded and. as ~he L,~r~}~ardo prope~°;~~ is ?~~~vver. -~~an -~he s~re~~, the `va~er r~rns on~.o ~heir pr~per~~e i~ r~~~a~~n~~d ~ha~ ~he sYnou.lder o~ ~~,e s~~e~~o in fron~ of ~~~~~~~:~a~~l~ ~a~r~~r~~, be x~ised to be~ter c:mn~~in s~~rm wa~ers ~~~~in p~bl~i~ ~°~,g'~~ ~f way. Mre Lo~aardo wa~ ~r~sen~ and or~ll~ re~o~°~~d o~ ~r~° dr~~.~r~~ge ~~nditions regarcling l~is pr~p~r~,y and inqu~re~. ~s ~h~ ~al~~ ~f h~,s pr~per~y beir~g e~~Ee~*~e~, ]ay rai~ing ~Yae ~h~uld~r ~~°e~ and. also i~ `aould he addi~ion~l ~xpense to loc~-~e ~~ae se~a~~° 1~.~~r~1 wh~n 1~.e vais~es ~o connec~ ~~e h~o~se a~ 181 S~. ~~a~ S~e ~p y~e ~evae~ s~~t~e~a. 'I°?5e _ Counc~l dis~~s~s~d and agr~ed ~?~a~ drain~g~ probZe~^~ cox°rec~ed by ~~e Public Work~ D~par~men~;~ as i,nd.ica~ed ~n ~he map presen~a~ion and ~~a~ ~1~e sew~r la~eral l~ca~i~n b~ de~~r~ir~~d ~~d vi~~a:l_ly marked pri~r ~o ~h~e shoulder of ~~.e s~~°e~~ b~~ng f~~~~d. ~N~'~°.~°?~'~~~~T "~O F~R°IB~~IPP,'~C':~ ~i~T ~ F'~ES°~~ P~RAD~ ~N 539~ - 5-~~-70 _ An invi~a~~on s;aas ~°ec~i~.ed fxo~ ~~^~e I~a ~aa~~~~ Par~d~ Cor~if~~ee r~~~.~s~inc~ ~'~a~ ~~ae Ci.~~ ~~~.nci1 p~r ~i~~p~~~ ~n paradle ~o be helcl on May 23, 1970, in San L~ais Ok~ispo ~nd Adminis~ra~~r Bu~ch `vas req~~s~ed t~ no-~ify th.e Pax°ade Corcu~~.~~~~ ~~~t ~he Council would par~icipa~e in the parade. PLlBI~IC HEARING A1~NDED IoAND USE EI~EI~IE~T'I° OL° '~I~ ~ENERAI~ PLAN - ADOPTED Adminis~.ra~or Bu~ch revievaed that ~Y~e Land Use Elem~n~ of ~he General Plan, as amendecl, and rep~r~.ed ~ha~ ~he Planninq Co~ission had held a public hearing on ~his eles~ent of t~.e plan and by resolution rec~rnn~encled i~~ adc~p~~on t~ ~he Counci~ . N3~yor °l~,on~~son c~eclared ~h:e hearing n~va opened -~o c~n~ider tl~.e arnea~.d~d ~and Use El~~aen~ of the Gener~l PlanB ~a~ai~h. ~.earing ~~s c1~.1y pul~lisY~ed as req~air~d b~ law, and all per~ons for or ac~~~.n~~ ~~ais elem~n~ of ~~.e plan would now be heardm '~~re being no di~cussi~n f~r ~r ~c~ains~ ~ll~ae Land Use E~lement of ~ne C~eneral Plan Ma~~r. ~°ra~mpson c1e~l~.~~~. *~k~~ ?~~axi;ng closed. After C~~ncil dis~u~s~or~p ~~~y A~~orney Shigsey re~~l ~~e ~i~le of a resolution adopting ~he a.r~~nded Land Use El,e~~n°~ ~f ~Y~e Gener~l Plan; ~hereafter a mo-~ion w~~ a~ade by Cou.ncilman S~hl~gelo ~ec~ncl~d by Counc~~man Levine .-and un~ni~o~a~ly carx°ieda d~spense wi~h rea~ding i~he balance of °~Yais , resolt~~ion. RE S OI~Lb'b° a ON N~ 0 8 6 3 A R~ S OLU'I° I ON OF Z°HE C~'~Y C Oi7N~ T'HE C I"~~' OF ARRO~'O C~RANDE ADOP~IN~ ~"I~ P,Nl~I~T.]~~1~ LAND L~S~ EI~ENI~N7[° O~' "~HE GENERAL PLAN ~ ~n motion of Counc~lman Levine, seconded by Coun~ilanan Schl,egel and on tk~.e foll~wing roll ca.ll vo~e, ~a,~.~: AXES: Cou.ncil~en S~~^uleg~la Lev~neo Woodo °~al.~ey ~nd M~yor '~.on~ps~n I~T~~S : I~T~ne A~SEN`~°: N~n,e ~he ~~rec~oirg resolu~ion was passecl ~nd~ ad~~~ed ~;~is 10~h day of MarcY~, 1970 m ~I'~Y ~~uNC~~ I~~R~H 10 0 19?0 A~2~t0~'O ~RAI~TDEo ~AI~.~~'ORN~.~, ~ PLd~I~~~ I~AR~NG - ~API"~'11~ ~1~~~C)VEN1~N°~ ~~l~i~~° '~J~ ~=~I~~,I, P~1~T - A]~OP~'o Adaai.~,ni.s~ra~~r ~~r~~YY~„ revi~~~d ~h~ ~~.pi 7~?~?~:~~r~~~=~?~~~n~ Ele~~n~ of ~he G~ner~l Pl,an, ~nc1 r~p~r~ed *~~e Pl~r~ni_~c~ ~ar~issiora 1~ad h,eld public ~,e~ring mn ~~i~ elerraen~ of ~k~~ ~~~.r. a~~ ~~~~lu~ion recomix~ended i~s adop~ion -~o -~~ae ~~~.nc~.l o °~o~p~oa~ dec~ared ~~e he~ring novaa open~d -~o c~nsider ~~e ~~~i~~~ ~r~.~x: ~ve~en~ El~~en~ of ~h~ Gem~ral Plan, wha ch 1-a,ear~n~ vaa~ d~l,~ ~a~r l~ ~~aed ~s ~°equired by la~ao ~nd ~11 ~ person~ fo~ or ~gaira~~ ~~~s el~~~~~ ~f ~he pl~ra ~ would noGa be hea~do `2~~re: beinc~ da~~~.~s~~n or ~g~~r?~~ ~1?~e Capi~al ~z~.p~°over~~~~ El~rnen~ o~E ~~e ~~r~~~°~~, ~1~.~ ~d:~~~ar '~k~a~pson d~clarec~ ~he Xa~arirag closed, A~~.~r ~oa~r~c~il ~,~~~^~s~~¢~n~ C~~~ A~~orne~ Sk~ipse~ read ~Y~~~ ~i~le ~ r~so1~~~~ra ~dop~~ng ~~.p~~~.1 Imp~°oven~en~ Eler~~n-~ of ~tY~e General Pl~no ~?~~re~f~er ~~ro~i~n a~ade la~ Co~;ncilrzan ScYalegelo ~econded~ Co~n~:ilm~n Levin~ ~~.d ~,~~~~r,~~~~~ carrie~o ~o dis,pense w~°~h readir~g ~1~~ balance of ~°~~~~,~~,~ionm ~SOL~"~~ON I~T~o ~6~ ~1 RESOLLT'~~OI~T OF' '~°HE C~"I~Y ~O~,~Iy~.~;~ ~F ~'H~~ c~~°~"~' O~° AR12~S''O ~~3AN'I~E AI~~P'~C'~N~ "I°~ ~,~~~"~°~~J ~C~9~'~.~ti°'~~,I~°~ ]~L~M~I~T°~° OF' "~I~~ ~EN~~tAI~ Pl~i~o On n~~~~on of Co~n~~lr~~n ~ev~.ne, ~e~.~n~~~, ~~o~~n~.;~l.it~~r~ "~°~ll~y an~7. Gn ~Yr~ follo~nr~,ng rol~ ~all vo~~B ~o vai~m AYES o ~o~nc~ lm~n ~ck~.lec~el o~~~v~n~ o G~~c~c~ ~'~~~l~v ~n~ 1~Ia~~r '3"~a,or~,p~on l~i~~ -^~,n o No~3~ AB~~N`~"m Non~ ~h~ f~r~going ~°esol.ution vaas p~ssed ~.n~~~~c1op~~~~1 -~?~-~a~~ ~,0~:~ ~.~y of Ma~~xa.o 1970 0 PIdBI~~~ I~AI~~1V~ E-i~iJS~NG ~'I~I~i~T~° '~I-~ ~J~~~.~, ~]C~~~ A~O~'3°ED . Adm~nist~ra~or ~~.~cl~ re~i~vae~ tk~e Hp~,sirz~ ~~~a~~n~ af General ~ Plano and rep~r-ked ~1~~-~ ~he Pl~nning ~o~i~s~on nac~ '~eld a public Y~.earing on ~l~~s eler,r~en~ a~ t~ie plan an.d by resolu~ion re~ommended its ad~p~ion i~o ~h~ Council. Ma~~ir ~.'Y~~a~ap~on de~l~.r~d ~l~e Y~e~ring now opened ~onsider ~he H~.tasirig'~lemen~ of Gener.al Plan, wYni~Ya hearing was duly publi+shed ~s requirecl b~ 1~vv, and ~11 persons for or ~gains~ ~his elemen~ of ~l~A pl~n ~aould n~va be ?~aearclm 'I~ere being n~ diseussion ~or or ~~~ins~ ~Y~e Ho~~ina ~l~m.~n~ ~of ~he General Plan Mayor '~°hmmps~n declar~d ~Yne hea~inc~ Cl~~e~~ Af~~r C~auncil disctas~ion, C~~y ~~k~~rney Sh.ipsey read ~~e ~i~le o~ ~ re~r~l~~ion adop~~nc~ -~Y~e I-~ou~s~ng er~~~~~ of ~~~e Genera.~ Pl~n, ~~rs~°r~~~~~r ~ r~o~.i~n was ~ade ~y C~~.nc~~as^~n ~~h~.e~~~, se~~~n~.~d b~ Co~~n~;~lr~~n L~~ia~~ ~.a~d ~r.~~n~r~no~sly ~arri~~do ~o dis~en~~ wi~~ ~°~a~~rzg t'~'~~ ~~~~m~~ ~~~:s r~sol~.~ion. R:~S~~,LT~~~~T N~a 8C5 A R~SOI~i~'~°~ON O~' ~°HE C~~X ~Oi.~I~T~~~ ~1~ °Ji°~ ~~"b°~ A1~R0~0 ~RAI~TDE AI~OP'~IL~TG °]~I-~ I-~~?Y~~~]~~T(.~ ~:~N3~L~'.][° O]E' °Lf°F~ ~ENERATa F7~AN O~~ ~o~ion ~f ~a~un~:ilm~~~n Levine, s~c~n~,~d by C~~,z~cilman Talley ~rad or~ ~he fol.lo~ainc~ roll calZ ~o~efl ^~~a ~z.~~: AX]~Sm C~~ancila~~n S~knlegel, I~~ev~r~e„ Wo~~,, '~~1.~~~ and M.~~ror `~.'hoa~.psor~. NOESe I~on~ ABS~N'~: I~T~ne ~k~~ ~or~gc~~ng ~e~~l~-~~on. ~aas pa~sed aa~.c~ ~dap~~~ ~~,i~~ ~O~tka cl~y of Mar~~a 1970. 'g°~P.SL~~tER' S RE~0~2'~° FO~ '~°I~.E MO1~T'~°H 0~' ~'E~1~3~.A~Et~o ~.97d ~~e ~reas~rer ° s R~por~ for -~1-r..e a~~n~.~ ~'~~rT.;~~;~~0 19~0 w~s recei~~c1 ~he C~u~ncilo revieda~d a~nd o~d~r~~, ~~l~da D~~AR°l~M]EN']~,~3~ ~POR'a~° F0~.3 ~E3.~ lu&ON";~H ~J~' J~':~.BRL~~A,~`~~ ~.970 '~h.~ D~~par~en~al ~~por~ ~Eo~ ~ka~ ~.~n~~ ~'~~x°u~r~a 197~J was ~ece~ved. :b~ ~~~e C~~~~i.lo x°~~zi~~aee1 ~n~, ~r~~r~~d ~~1.~~,0 ~39 CITY COUNCIL MARCH 10, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 ~'URTHER DISCUSSION - BILLBOARDS IN VIOLATION OF MUl~fgaCODE SECo8-9~~~ tf) Mr. Odum, District Manager for Ryan Ou~door Advertising Co., Inc. was presen~ and ~he Council approved his reques~ ~hat ~his ana~ter be held over until the ne~t regular meeting of tche Council so t~a~ the sign company's legal counsel co~ald be pre~~n~o LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN FROM ~°HE LEAGUE OF ~ALIk'O~.ZNIA CITIES Administrator Butch reviewed lates~ lec~islative bulletins from the League of California Cities and af~ter Co~.ncil disc~ission, Administrator Butch was instructed to write ~o tk~e appropriate Legislator as indicated by the bill, opposing the ado~tion of AB 98, which pertains to Binding Orbitration reg~rdinc~ Polic~~en and Firemen; and Qpposing proposed legis~ation regarding Salaries and Fri~qe Benefits for Local Policemen and Firernen. NOTICE OF LoAoFqCo HEARING - GROVER QTY PROPOSED ANNEXoOF SUBoI,7~NDS 3-12-70 No~ice has been received from ~k~e Z,ocal Ag~ncy ~'ora~raation Connmission that a public hearing will be held MarcYF. 12~ 197Q a~ 10000 AoM4 in the County Courthouse, to.consider the appli.~a~i.on £rom ~~e City of Grover City to annex submerged land ~o ~l~e Gi~~ of Grover C3ty. - RUS'I' LO~' SPLIT NOo69-102 TALLY H~,1 ROP,D AREA - P~tOP~R°I'Y '~ED3CA~°ION Ad.rninis~rator Bu~.ch reviewed tk~at in con.ja~.n~~.~on ~nri~.h approval of Lot Split No. 69-102, reques~,ed by Williar~ Rtas~, in ~.he Tally. Ho Road area, property lying between "Ja~es Way" and "Canyon Lane°', Mr. R~.~t was required ~to dedica~e ~o tl~e Ci~~~, £or ~'~.~tz~'e road, p~arpoSes, portions of his land and sign a covenan~ rec~ar~i~.g c~~.rb, g~.~ter and road i~provemen~s . After Counci.l dis~ussion, a a~aotion w~as rnade by Councilman Levine, seconded by Coune~lman Tall~y ~nd uraanbmously carried, ~he Grant Deed for those portions of Lots 21 and 22 of ~he Hilliker and Woodbury ~ract for future road purposes frorn Wi~li~ R~.st and Caro1 5. Rust, was accep~ed by the City and ~he ~ovenant f~r futaare ~onstruction' of curb, gu~ter and road improve~ents, signed by Wil~i~m Rust and Caxol S. Rust, was accepted; and t7a.e Mayor and C~~~ Clerk Gv~re aut~oxized ~o sign the Certificat~ of Acc~ptance on behalf. of ~he City. '~HEI~MA SEE USE PERMIT CASE N0.69-144 1210.FARROLL_AVEQ - PROPERTY DEDICAZ'ION Administrator Butch reviewed that in conjunction with approval of Use Permit Case`No. 69-144, requested by Mrs. Thelma See, for certain improvements at 12IO ~arroll Avenue, she was required ~o dedicate a strip of land 15' wide adjacent to Farrol}: Avenue, ~o the City for future road purposes. After.Couricil di~~uss~on, on motion of Cd~ncil- man Levineo seconded by Councilman Sch~~gel and'uananimr~usly ca~ried, the Grant Deed from J.B. Wya~tt and Florine E. Wyatt; A>O. Ray and Irene G, Ray; and Z"helma G. See, fa~r a porition of Lot 23 of Pismo Beach, Gardens, dedicated to the City for future road purg~ses, was`accep~ted; and ~he Mayor and City Clerk were authori~ed to sign the Certif~:cate of Acceptance on behalf of ~the City. Administratar Bu~ch. was ins~.ructed to_ advisF~ Mrs.o. See af ~he'-. City' s,~ policy r,egar;ding s~zrvey of property, ~ha~ ~h~. Ci-ty force's will survey..;~.nd ~.et the, stxeet 1,.~.ne, adjacer~.t to her proper~y, but notrt property lines, as this is the property owners re~ponsibility. : SEMI-ANNUAL J.OZ~T r MEETING:. -~QUNCIL & PARKS &-ItECFt~EATION 'COMo4-~~'2-70 ~e _~ouncii agreed to meet'in join~ sessian wit~ the P~rk~s a~d Recreation Commis~ion,:.as.they reques~ted, a~ 8:00 PoM<, April 22, 1970. PROGRESS REPORT - FAIR OAKS AVENUE EXTENSION AND BRIDGE 'i°he Council agreed that the awarding of the contrac~ for the construction of the bridge a~ Fair Oaks A~venue be he],d over to an adjourned meeting of the Council on March 17, 1970. REPC7RT RECOMMENDATION ON REPAIRS T0 THE BRIDGE ON BRIDG7E STRLET Administrator Butch repor~ted on the recen~ closing of Bridge Street, between Branch and Nelson Streets, d~ie ~o ~ailure of the south end deck of the bridge, which was of sufficient magnitude to close the bridge to vehicular ~raffic. '~'he b~idge has been inspECted by representatives from the S~ate D~partanent of Public Works and Director of Public Works Anderson has prepared a repo~c~ and recom- mendation, dated March 6, 1970, on tYne repairs necessary, :5vhich outlined that it wi11 take approximately 22 days to repair the bridge, 238 ~~'~."Y ~OUN~3L N1A13GI~ l00 19?t~ A~tROX+O ~~tANDE e CALIk'0~3NIA ~,AG~ 5 a~ ~n e~°~.~~~.~~d c~s~ o~ ~2~ 500o Af~~r ~~~.xz~il ~li~~¶~s~ion~ on ~o~~.~n of Co~.n~il~~n S~~1~gelB s~cor~~~d }ay Co~.n~iZa~n~n L~va,~.~ ar~d ~.n~n~~o~~ly ~arr.iedo ~~he ~~~y P~blic Works Depar~~r.d~ ~a~ ~~~~~ro~a~~d ~nd ~r~~~r~ac~ed ~o p~°~~e~d iams~~dia~ely vai°~?~ ~~.e n~cessa~°~ ~ep~i:rs ~c~ *~~e r~~~1g~ vn Briclge S~r~~~e so ~Y~a~ ~Y~is ~~r~e ~ car~ ~e re~~.r~~d v~~~~~~l~r ~raffic ~ervi~e ~.n ~~.e nuos~ e~ped~,~rn~ ~i~~ ~o~sal~~~~ ORAIa 1~POR'b° - ZOI~TE 3 AI)~I~SORY ~O.MN~t~'~"'~°~~ ~~t7I~~ SES~I~I~ C~~.nc~~.n~~n L,evine g~.v~ an oral rep~r~ o~. ~1~~ r~ce~~~ Zora~ 3~ Adv~sor~ ~o~r~a.~~ee S~~~.d~ S~ssi~n ~r~ ~,~pez Wa~~~° S~p~al~ ~~n~ra~~ Ck~~ax°c~es, s~a~ing ~Y~a~ ~?~ne ~pa~rn~i~°~~e aa~emb~~s presen~ c~~~~~°~lly agreed -~k~~~ for a r~~re ~q~i~able di~~rib~~~~n ~f ~k?~ ~n1~~,~r S~~apply cos~s an addi~i~nal ~mo~.n~ ~hauld be ~3.~~~c~ on -~~~e p~e~p~r~~ ~a~es of ~~e ~o~al ~~ne 3, ~nd ~k~,~~ ~hi~ x~~a~~~~° wi~~, be ~~~c~.~~~^d fur~Y~~e~° -~he reg~l~r rc~ee~.ing of t~k~e Zone ~~om~.i~~~e on Mar~~ a 197d m PROGR~'~S REP~~'~' - A1~120~'~J ~RA~DE S~W~~t A~~.'~,~°~~M~N"~" ]~I~ ~~3~~"~'' .Admin~.s~~°a~~r B~a~~h r~por~ed ~~a~ ~aaa. ~l~e ~ia~al ~.dc~p~~.i~n by the Coun~il of -~h~ las~. t~ree elemen~~ ~~z~ ~~r~.~.~~~1 ~~,ar~~ ~he ~~~y is nmw i~~ ~a p~si~ion ~o s~.b~~~ i~s ~ppii~~t~~,on ~'~r. F'e~~r~l. Gran'~ ~o HLdD ~y Mar~~ 13 a 1970 m PROGR,~S~ REPOlZ~° S~~~x"~H SAN ~L1~IS OB~SP~ ~~~~LV7C'~ SAI~T~"~~1'~"~~I~ d~~~°][°~~~~' ~op~es o~ t~~ ~~.ief Plan~ Op~ra~b~"~ Ite,~o~c~ ~:or~~~ ~f, Febra~~~~ra 1970 ~a~re r~ceived by ~~;.e ~~?un~~..l„ ~~vi~~a~~ a~i~ ~r~~r~d f~~~~m INf'a'ROI~'~t~°~`'~ON ~F' ~UES'~S S'I"CbI~~I~'~~ LF'1~~M ~'b° o~'~~~~~ FA1~~3~~a~.~,L, SCHFJ~?I~ ~o~nci~l~~n S~~lecrel in~~o~a~~~~ ?~ui~ n~~e~~o S~~~r~ ~r~hl~~g~~ o va~:~o tYa,en in~~°od~c~d o~~ex° r~ein?~ers of ~h~ ~er.i~r ~~~.ss ~x°c~m S~o ~oseph ° s ~ ~~rm~Y~i~l S~Ya~o~lo ~r~.~ ~re~re a.n, ~~.~erzd~r~~e~ ~t~ ~k?i~s m~~~.~n~ ~~.e ~ouncil. ~TO'~°I~~ O~' NIEE`'~~N~ - P~~~?~S~D ~6~oA~~t ~QI.,~,~T'~°~!~N ~ON'T'FtoD~~'~kto 3-12-70 Notice ka~s be~ra re~~iv~c~ t?~~ ~~n M~x~'~ l~ 0 1970 a a*~ . 1"0 3~ P oMo a t~~~ Goun~~ ° s A~,r ~~ll~~.~~r~ ~~ee~~:~i.v~ ~.a~~z: ~aa,?.1. ~e~ ~ ~~re C~ur~l~ou.se Anne~e 12o~rn. ~a ~'or ~ brie~'ing on ~rot~re~~ of t~ae Coun~y ° ~ Air ~o1:li~~io,n ~Ex~c~x~iv~ Com~~~~ee ~~d„ ~~Se .pr~p~se~l Cou~n~ty Air Pollu~ion, ~d~i~r~~: ;I3i~t.~3~~0 ~i~d, ~~q~.es~ed: °~~~t ~ re~~~sen~~~ive fx°om ~h~ Coun~i~ k~,~ ,in ~.~~e'ridar~c~ . A~CEP°°]['°A~TCE 0~' ~~LO~~~`t'I°Y; 3DED~~A'~°~ON -'p.A~i ~(7L7k'd°{ RY~f~".g' OF' T~A~.' Adm.i:~a.s_~~~~o~ ~~u~~~ ze~~x~~d. t~a~ a~l d~. '~~e~'~rap~Y~~~ owners or~ Palra~ ,~~u~~ ~.ave .n~~ subi~i~-~ed ,.~1~ei:r ~.e~~~ ~nd ~i~~e ~~id :f'or ~alm Cour~ rigYa~ af w~y improve~xaer~~s ~'az~d ~~a~ .D~'re~°~~~ of ` P~.~lic .Tnfiorks Ander~~n ~~s re~~r~n~r~c~~cl ~,~re d~ed~ k~~ ~ac~~p~~~~ 'by ~~a~ Ci~y ar~d ~~.a{~ Pal~r. Cou~°t~ be ~ccep~~d in"~ts` ~k°z~~ S~re~~ S~s~eax~ ;for m~inten~anee. Af~~.r ~~~.nc~l d~~~us.sis~r~, ,..on iaao~iora o~. C~t~n~alrtiars W~~odo;' ,s~~orieled b~ Co~an~il,rr~~n ~ev~nea an~ ~.ri~n•s~c~.~~~y,, ~~,r.,r~.~~o , ~Ya~_ Qi~-a.~.~l~i;m ~e,ed.s from ~ ~.he pro~~r~y ~wn~rs on Pal~; Co~r~ ~g,~'~n~ii~g; ~a~. . ~i~y 'a ~i;~~~ fo~~ rigka~t o~ "vuay for ro~d ~ purp~;s~~ 'w~r~: ~ a:~~~~~~~1 ~~roa~ ~1~a~ fo116vving: ' De~a~~r a~a~. ~~.ara ~l~~p~~;~d~a ~~~e~L ~7. ~and Nd~r~~a~ B@' Be~~r~r~; Nlil~on C, ~nd ~ve1~~ P. ~'a~ik~.~u~~r~, ~'ra~k b ~d ;~`~;a~a~eS ~~,~'t~c~ri'P ~r.ec~ C?, and Ve 1~~. N1c~T~;i10 ' ~t~tvar~~ ~ ~d<;~Ci ~dr~.d ~~;~31~~,~s v 1~'~YY~a~:'d Germaia~~ H. Ba~h~ an~,' ~~u~~ ~ 'aY~d..'~~~~°~~~~,~. C~.~'~~~.~ `.~rld ,~~~ri~ ~~,y4;~ and Ci~y Cle~l~ we,r~ :au~~ao~°~,~~c~ , ~c~ ~S~g~~ ~,~f~e'~~~~'~i.fi~a~~~~ .~~~~~~~~ri~e - for saa~ deecls on,. bel~~lf .~Yi~ ~~~y,e :anc~ ~~e "'~:~:x;~e~ ~a~s~: a„~Cep°~~.t1 in~o ~he Ci~y S~re~~ ~}~s~~m , ~or. m~i~n~~rnam~e m . _ , ; I~~SC3J'SS~ON ~~I) FOl~ ~'~°R~iY'~'T~ STGT~IA~~~-, $RANCI~ ~'~°e S~ ~°~tPiF'F]C~ ''WA1' ~~T'i'~Ra Af~er Coun~il disc~ssi~n .~c~iinis~~~~~~' ~a~~c~n~w~s i'n~~~tac~~d ~o reque~~ ~Yaai~ tl~e 5~at~ Divisi,on c~f Fiig~.wa~~ ~~~ie~nr •~1~~ ri~~d f~r `~raffic sign~l~ a~ t~kae '~raffi~ Way, G~~sl~y Av~. and ~~raa~~ka ~~m in~.ersection. + ADaTOLdRNM~N'~ '~O ~~CLT'~~~TE S~SSI~,l~T ~ , On mo~ion of ~t~i~ncilm~n 5ch~egeY, ~e~~r~ded by Cou,ncilmari Levine and ~nanir~ou.sly C~r~iedQ ~he `mee~ing a~.j~urned .a~; 9031 ~al~io ~o an execu~ive session ~o dis~~.s~ p~ndinc~ la~~g~i~:i.ona RECONVENMEN"~° OF COUi~TC3I~ , '~ae Council reconvenecl atc 10:28 PaMm w~~~a al3 ,z~~a~~~~~ being presen~ as sY~~`an on roll call. r; r~~~~ ~o~ ~~ao 2~~ c I'7CX ~ oLIl~T~ ~ I~ AR12QY0 ~RAI~TAE ~ CAI~~F'OFtN~A PP,G~ 6 ADJOt~RNN1EN'I' On nrlo~iorn of Coun~il~an Lev~n~, se~~o~~~d ~~~.~~~~~~n W~od and ~zn~ni~o~.~l~ ~arrieda ~he mee-~~ng ~d~~~ra~ed. ~~m30 ~ol~o ~ar~.'~il 4:30 PoMo h 17, 19 0. . AT'~00~S'~°o G~ZC . %5-cr'--_ ~ M,~~,'~R ~I ~I~E12I~ ~ ~'I°~' COtJNC ~ ~ MA1~~H ~ 0 1.9 7 ~ ARROYO ~FtANDE o CALI~'ORN IA 4: 3 0 ~ a t~ o '~e C~~y Co~n~il a~e~ in ad~ou~ra~ed reaul~r sess~~n ~a~~~ Ma~or 'I`hor~pson pres~dir~g. Upon roll c~ll Co~.n~~lra~a~ ~cY~~l~gel~ Levine ~nd Talle~r repor~ecl presen~, Councila~a~n Wood i~ ~b~~r?±~• AWARD OF' CONTRA~'IB - FA~R OAI~S AVEI~TLTE EX'~EN~~ON ~R~l~~'~]E Adar~inis~ra~or Bu~cl~ revie~a~d ~~a~ n~.ne bs~1~ ~~:ave ~e~n re~~ived a and opened a~ 2:00 PoMo ~~nuary 20a 19?0 f~r ~o~~~~r~C~~~n of a Bridge Across Arroyu Grande Greek a~ ~ka.e Ex~°nsion af F'a~~' Oa?~.~ ~lverzuee ~as foll~~vs o • M. ~o N~r~reck~ Po~oBo~ 217a N].1~~IT1C)P Califm ~124~ 965 ~.H. Haske~.l Go~ , PocJoB~:~ 41~3, San~~ ~~~~a~r~d ~al~ f. $~.37a 547 Arnold ~o~,nya 1920 Broa~. S-~. ~ San I~~z~ h~poo ~ali~m ~~_~ZF 600 Allied Cons~r., Pa~oBox 141.5e ~I~n~t~r~~.,, ~.alif. $152Y 035 A.J. Diani Cons~r.Comd PoOoB~x 636a~an~~ M~ri.aN~~l.~~• $~.~70800 We~,~s & I~oBoWPl~.s ~~ans-~rm,PoOoBox 13~.~.o~is~Ziaa~~li~o $15~,000 MadOnn~ ~'onS~r.Coo o PoOoBox ~10o Sari L~~~ O:k~a~..sp~A ~~lif~. $1~i9, 1$~i IC.S. Mi~i~ry ~on~~ra~o.,$t.1oB~x 2945oA~~,e~'~one~~l.if, $170a665 '~or~as ~o~s~r.G~aa Po~OoB.Qx. 1547,~re~.~io,;~~l.i~o ~~870600 ~y-~er_ ~p~,~.c~l ~iF ~~a~sic~n, on n,r~~:~~n C~~~.~n.~~l;i~,~.n ~c~nle~rPl.d s~c~n.ded by ~o~ncilm~r~ .L~vine; and unanir~o~asly '~a~rr~.?da 1~k~~e ~id in ~he amo~n~ of S124a 965.00 for Ct~~s~r~u:~i~ioxa of ~ B~~i,~.ge Acr~ss Arr~yo Grande ~ree~. a~ ~he Ex~~n.sion of ~air Qaks A~,9enta~; ira ~h.P Ci.~ty of Arr~~o Grar~de;, ~,aas acc~p~ed, and tra.e cc~n~r~~-~ ava~r~~d ~.o~M.~~ Her~areck, who ~u.bmi~.~~d -~h~ lo`aa~~~ and }aes~ bido ~nd ~.~e Ma~or and ~i~y Clerk were aaa:~h.ori~ed ~p sign ~.he eontrac~ doc~;~~n~ on ~er,alf of ~ck~e Ci~y. Fp,~~ pp,I~~ ~1~~I~IE ~X~°E~TS~ON - ALF"'~HOR~:Z o~~E~AR~'a'~~N ROAI~WAY PIaANS & SPECS A~:~ina.~~ra~or ~B~a~c~. reviewed a repor~P d~~ed ,Nbar~'h :~78 1.9700. from Di~~c~or o~ P~bl~~ Wor7~s Anderson, req~xes~ing a~z~l~oriz~~ior~ t~ proceed wi~Y~ Plan~ ~nd S~ec~f:~ca~ions for ~l~.e c~ns~r~~~ion ~f a~wvo lan~ road ~n Fai.r Oak~ Avenue ~x~.en~ion. Gi~y Eng~neer Gar.ina~ ax~d Direc~or of Pu.blic Works Anderson vaer.e p~°esen~ and revievaed ~~h.e prep~ared preliminary a pZans for ~1~e r~ad~a~. Af~ex° ~ouncil dis~~assion~ ~n mo~~.on° of Council- man Schlegela seconded by Coui~cilr~a~ Le~~in~ and ~ananir!~o~sl~ c~rried, ~he Ci~y ~ngineer and P~.bl.i~ Works De~ar~:!~.~n~ vae~e aui~~?or'i~ed and in~~r~~~ecl ~o proceed w~~.h. ~~h.e Plaa~:~ and ~p~c~..f.i~a~:ions f~r~ ~Ya.e Con~ . str~ac~i~n of ~~wc~ lane road ~n Fair Oaks A~en~z~ .~x~en~ion ~n.d upon cor~aple~ion ~e s~abmi~t~ed ~0 lthe Gou.ncil. ~~TM ~~,r~:~zer ac+~ion. GONT~~FU'~°IOIQ B~' BLdR~ HUS'~ON O~' EQUI~'NdEN'I° & LABOR '~'O .REFATN~ ~3RIDG~ STaB Bur~ Hus~~n, loc~l pain-ting ~ncl ~and ~]~as*~inc~ cc~n~rac~t~r, was pre~ent ~nd orally ~~a~ed ~ha~ Y~e would con~ribu ~e :~?i~ ~;:.'r~e ~nd equip- men'~ ~o cazi~xnerci.a.l~~ sancl ~a1.~G L:anc1 p~~n*~ ~;~?~e b'radge ~n ~r:~d.ge S*:~ , if ~he Ci~~ vaould f~~nisY? ~YY~.e n~.a~:erial~ ~rd a~ssi.s~ance a Ira. k~is ~pinion -~~e ~o ~al c.os~ ~o ~Y:e ~s.~.~ vaill r~~~ ~xc~~d $6~0 m QO m Af ~ex Cot~nci l dis- cussionB on r~ao~~;on of ~ounciln~an ~"all~yo seconded b~ Co~mcilmaa~ I~evine and ~nani~~~sly c~rx°iecl, ~k~e offer from B~x~i~ I~~,~s~con ~a ~~x~.~~°ib~.~~ labor and ~q~xipment ~o sand l~last and gaint~, wi~:~~ one ~r ~.~t~ p~'i.~~ cOa~~ and ~~ao finisk~. coa~~o *~he sur°£a~e a.~eas o.f f~~.e bridc~~ ~n l~ri.dae S~reet, was