Minutes 1970-03-17 ~ 4~~ I'~Y C OUNC I L MARCI~ 1, 7 0 19 7~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALa3FORNIA PAGE accepted wi~th ~he cos~ to ~he Ci~y for mat~rials fmr ~his projec~ no` to exceed $600 0 00 and °the Public Works Depar~~en°~ vaas au~hor~zed ~o assis~ with ~his project a"s needed. Mayor Thompson and ~he Council. thanked l~re H~as~~n for his in~eres~ and very genero~.s con~ribu~ion to Ci~~r. ADJOURNNdENT On motion of Councilman Levinea seconded by C~un.~il,r~an S~hlegel and unanimously carried, the mee~ing ~djourned 5:11 PoMo P,TTEST ~ ~ , I~"Y CLERI~ MAYO , ; , , _ . ~ ' , ~ , , _