Minutes 1970-05-26 . a~ `~J CITY COUNCIL M~Y 26, 1970 9RROY0 GRANDE, CALIFORI~IA The City Council met in, regular session with Mayor L~vf~e presidinge Upon roll call Council Members Schlegela Thompsc~m; ~i~d Ta~.l~~ x~ported preserat. Councilman Wood was absent, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND IIVVOCATIOl~ Mayvr Levin.e lead the Pledge of Allegianee to our Flag; arrd immediately thereafter, Couneilmax~ Schlegel delivered the invoc~.tio~, APPROVAL OF MII~i'UTES The minutes of the regular meeting of May 12, 1970, ar.d the adjourned regular meetings of May 13, 1970 and May 18, 1970, were approved as prepared, APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, General Warrants Noe 1061 through No< 1094, in the total amount of $19,647a89; Payroll Warrants No, 1668 through Noa1724, in the total amount of $11,463,95; and Trust and Agency Warrants N~e 1i18 through Noe 1133, in the total amount of $327.86, were ~pprc~ved ar~d ordered paid. AP~ROVED JOIIVT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR LOPEZ CONTINUATION HIGH SCHOOL SITE Administrator But~h reviewed the proposed agreemer~t between the City and the Lucia Mar Unified Schaol District for the location on City awned property of Lopez C~ntin.uatiaxq High Schnol and pres~nted a map showing ~he proposed locatic~n ~f th~ schdol buflding and proposed improvements to the property, as requir~d wher~ the site locatic~n was approved~ and in addition to the requirements the S~hoal District has included in the buildin.g plans, two additional rest raoHn~, wft~ exterior entrances c~n~y, for the primary use of the public in cor~juriction with the City's recreation. progx°amse Mro Miles Wemp, Principal of the Lopez Continuation High S~ho~1, was present, and advised that th~ time loclcs for the exterior entrance rest rooYns would be added to the plan~, w~th no forseeable problems to the District, Admini- strator Butch also reviewed a letter dated May 26, 1970, from Henry Ae Wacht~arcn, Dir~ctor ~f Business Services of the S~hool District, requesting certain items be delet~d ar~d r.ertain items be added tc~ the proposed agreemento The Council discu~sed az~d agreed the changes requested by the School District be incorporated in the join.t powers agreement. On motion of CQUncilman Talley, secomded by Gouncilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, the Joint Powers L~ase Agreement between the City and the Lucia Mar Unified School District was approved, whereby the City wi11 allow the District to develop a site tor the Lopez Continuation High Schcaol structure adjacent to the Elm Street Park ox~ the sc~utheasterly side of the City owned property on Ash and Elm Streets and whereb~ the Bistrict will allow the City certain use of the site and buildfng for recreational purposes, and the Mayor and City'C1erk were authorized ~.~.d invtructed to sign the agreement on behalf of the Citye PROCLAMATION m"CLASSIF'I.ED SCHOOL EMPLOYEES WEEK" - MAY 24~30, 1970 Mayor Levine proclafined the week of May 24 thruugh 30, 1970 as "Classi~ ffed School Employe~~ WeeYc" in. the City of Arroyo Grande, as requested by the California Sc:hool Ernplayees Associatione RESOI,UTION ADOPTION m ENDORSING HEALTH SCIENCES CONSTR. BOND ACT PROP.1.. 6~2~-70 Mayor Levine aclvised that Jack Pence, local Optometrist, has requested that the Cou~.c~l support and endorse Proposition l, the Health Sciences Construction Bond A~t on. the June 2, 1970 ballot, which if passed, will pro~ vide a$24603 milli~n bond issue to be used for construction of health science training facilities at the various bra~.ches of the University of California< After Cs~ux~cil discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolutio~ endorsixig Proposition l, thereaftsr, a mot~on was made by Councilman Schlegel9 s~c6nded by Councilman Tal,ley, and unanim~usly carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolutiono RESOLUTION N0. 878 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ENDORSING PROPOSITION 1~~ THE HEALTH S~IENCES CONSTRUCTION BOND ACT m- ON THE , JUI~`E 2, 1970 BALLOT. On motion of Ca~neilw~max~ Tfiompson, seconded by Cour:cilrnan Schlegel and on the followin.g roll c~.ll vote, to wit: ~ ~ CITY COUDTCIL M~Y 269 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALI~OR~'IA PAGE 2 AYESo G~un~il Mear~ber~ S~hlegel9 Th~~rp~or~~, T~Y1~~ ~,.~d Ma~mr Levinee ~i0E5 a ?~one. ABSENTe C~aar~~;ilYrn.~n Wa~od th~ foregoir~g res~luti~rl was p~.~s~c~ a~,d adopted th~~ 2C~h d~y mf Ma~~9 19~0, INVITATION TO A?~~UAL ELK°S PAR~IDE A.,~D RODEO m JUI~E 69 1970 Administreatar But~h ~°epo~ted th~t a lettex° has be~r~ r~c~ived fr~m th~ E1k' ~ Loclge ir~ Santa M~:x°iag i~v~.ti~.g ~he C~u~c~~l to part~c~ipate i~, the ~7th Anr~ual Elk~ s Pa~°acle ~r~d Rc~d.~~ o~. June 69 1970e After C~u~~sil dis~~ussic~x~.~ Administr~t~r But~h w~~ i.~~tr~~.ted ~o advise ~he Elk°s P~rade ch~i~na~ that the Council plax~~ to p~.~ti~ipate irH. this evente S0. C0. PUBLISHIIVG ~0, RE UEST FOR AGENDAS AND NOTICE OF MEETI~VGS Ad~ir~istrat~r B~t~h adv~sed that a letter ha~ b~e~. x°~~eive~t from Dick Blar~ke~.burg, Edit~ar c~f the ~c~uth Count~ Publi~hir~g C~~?pa~.yg ~fficially requestiz~~, a~ requ~red ~g~~ law9 pre~n.~t~~c~ c~f C~iun~zl ~~et~r:.g~ a~~d agExac~a~ and e~pressing the Pu}~l~.~hi~°~g C~~pax~~'s thar~~k~ a~.d appr~ec~~ati~n to the C~.ty Council a~~d Staff for the c~operati~n, they hav~ ~~n.~~yed ra~.~~a tl~e C~t~r over the past 10 ye~.~~a A> Ga CHAMBER OF COMM, RE: C~TY OPPOSE ACA 38 - DIV~RSI01~~ OF GAS TAX R.EV, Administrato~° liut~h r~pa~9rted t~at a letter ha~ lbee~ r~¢:efv~d from the Arro~o Gra~.de G~aa~~~~ c~f C~~n~~~~ reque~t~.ng that tY~~ Gi~y opp~~e A~A 38, diversi~n ~f Highw~.y U~ers T~.~ Revenue for vther t~~.n C~.t~, Cwum~.~~ a°k~d State Rc~ad Syst~are~o Ait~~ ~~~r~~il di~~u~sior~, ik was agree3 r~~ a~t~c~n Y~~ takerc at tnis tia~e9 ~.s the ~°~qaxe~ted repc~r.°t rega~~°di~.g thf~ matt~r ha~ r?t~t yet b~en. r~~eiv~cl ~rc~~ th~ L~ague of Cala,f~r~.fa Citi~~o SLO COUNTY DEVELOPMEIVT AS~OGIATION, I1~3~,, BUDGET REQUEST Admi~istrator B~tc~h advised receipt of a~opy ~f th~ Dev~iopment Assn's: proposed l~udget for 1970~-~1 ~.nd a letter r~questir~g th~.t th~ C~un~il budget $1,500 f~r this Cit~°~ ~~ntrihut~or~ for supp~~t c~f the San Luis Obi~po Couraty Deve~~p:nent A~s~~iati~r, Ir~ce f~r 1970~~1 fiscal y~ea~o A£t~x° Council discu~sic~n9 Admi~i~tratdr L~u+t~fi was ~nstru~ted t~ advis~ tl~~ As~ea~iatir~xx that their r~a~~a~~t ~e~~ Y~~laxdecT fn the 19i0-~1 Mu~.icipa~ Budgeto BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE REQUEST TO PLACE PLAIVTER BOXES ATOP BRIDGE ST. BRTDGE Admixxistrator Butch s~eported that a.repart has ~been received from the Beautificati~n Comn~it~eE of Arro~o Grande, requesting Coun~il approval to allow:the installati~r~ of twelve pla~ter b~xes to be pl~,~ed atop the Bridge Street bridge at no co~t to the City for the ir~itfal ix~~tallati~n and plant- ing, but that perp~tu~l ~are be provided by the City°~ Park Departanent, Mrse Virgir~fa Stx°cather, ~n~mb~r es~ th~ Beau~i€ica~ion C~mmittee, was present a~d or~lly rep~r~ed that the irL~tia1 ~osts would be t~c~rra~ by the Beautificati~n Committee thrcaugh c~nt~°ibuti~~~s e The Council discusse~ a~.d agreed that this project wa~ satisfacto~y~ w~th th~m ar~d r~ferred the requ~st to the Parks and R.ecreatio~. Cc~arrm~~~io~ f~r fxral approval9 subje~t t~ meetir~g a1T require~ ments af the Di~e~t~r ~f Pu~l~.c W~rks for said installatic~no COU~JCIL DISCo & API'ROVAL OF REZ01~TI1VG CASE I~Qe 69m36 ~ GOLDEI~' WEST HOMES, INC. The Coux~.cig ~or~tir~u~c~ dis~ussion from the public h~arin.g on the appeal of Co L, Marting Agent for Go1de~. West Homes~ Ince9 of the Pla~rnning Commiss- fon dexnxal of Rez~r~i~g Case Nn. 69~36, for rezor~ix~g fr~an R~A-B°3 to R~1 and PmD, ~ex°t~~n prapert~ west af Ga~nfair Terrace, rk~rtherly of The Pike and easterly ~f Elm Stre~t. Coumcil~nan Schlegel subm~tted report c~averfng his dis~ussi~~. with c~fficial~ i~. Watsonvill~ regarding the Bay Village Planned Development ir~ that City, which in.d~cated that the develc~pmernt t~as been ver~ we11 ac~epted in t1~at area. Oth~~° memb~rs of the C~ur~~cil also made ircquiries arad ~epe~rted Plann.~d Developm~~.ts we~~ beirig well a~r~epted in ~ther Cities; Mre Her~r~ I~u~~s9 989 Mag~~lia Driv~ was pres~nt axad re~ quested that if the developm~r~t i.s all~wed, th~.t th~ plan.s b~ cl~anged so that Magnolia Dri~e would r~mt contirn.ue thr~ugh the tra~t, Mro Ne~aell Strother, member at th~ Subdivi~i~r~ R~view Board, was prese~t a~.d ~~p~rted that ~t was not a require~ri~x~t ~f the B~ard that Ma.gn~l~a Drive be ~~sntixna~c~~~, but had been requ~ste~ by Fire Chief M~rsalek. Th~ Cc~un~il ag~e~d that a m~re direct route for fire prote~ti~n Tao~ald b~ by u~e of M~.~or Str~et~, xoee ~ Halcy~r~ Road to The Pik~ ax~d i~.to tY~e t~act bg~ w~y~ caf [~r,it~. Pla~e; ancY tl~at Mag~.olia Drive should ter~ninate ix~ ~u1~de~sac~ and by the developer ad~ir~g ad~ ditfonal Rml lots amd with thi~ change, this pr~po~ed d~velc~pmen.t would be a better s~1f cc~ntair^~~d Planned Develapment subdivi~iona ~ ~ CITY GOUN'CIL MAY 26s 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 Fallowi~.g further d~~~u~~iti~r~, ~r~ m~ti~n. ot C~uur~~l~~,s~z 5~.h1egel, se~and~d by C~un~ilwoman Th~~nps~n a~~d c~a~ri~d9 th~ ~v.~t~rar~ a~~.d.~ ~n ~I~ry ~.29 19~0, which was tai~led until thi~ meetir~g e~f the ~c~sx.r~~l~ w~,~ aga~r~ asm~~~.~~d ~s f~llcsw~: the appeal of C, L. M~rt~.r~, Ag~rzt for G~1d~~ We~t H~~n~s~ Ir~~o a~xc-m~ the , decision of the Plax~~rr~.~ Gc~~ri~si~~ fnx R~zea~.~~r~g ~a~e ?~~o E~9~36 was upfie2c~ and the prczp~rty i~e rez~r~~ed R~l ~,nc~ Po Do a~ ~ikd~.~~ted ~z~ t~~t~.tive ~uW~ division map labl~d ~y Adrniri~trator But~h Map "A" dat~d M~.y 26, 1970. City Attor~.ey Shipse~ read for its first read~r~~, tYc~ ~ftl~ of ar~ Ordinance rezoning cer~:ai~_ prnperty d.rithiaz th~ Cit~ c~f .A~'r~yo Gx'~rn.de f~om R-A~B-3 to R°1 a~d Pe Do 9 the~°e~.fter a ar~c~tiat~ was n~ade ~S}~ Cc~nxn.~il~nan S~hlegel, seconded by Coun~il~~xr~ Ta11e~, ar~d ur.a~~.m~~.~ly ~~rrfEd tc~ ~s~spex~.~e with read~ ing the bal~.nce of this c~rdzx~.anc~e e REPORT F'ROM G, & E, ITEo TA~TIOiti OF MU~TICIFAL ELEL'TR.TC UTILITY REVE?lTUE Th~ C~uncil revietireci a~~. in.f.'wrmatis~rxal r~pe~rt re~e~ved fx~azn Chu~k Richmond, represezxtative r~f F'~~~fi~~ Ga~ ~.rt.d F~e~trf~ G~;~, , r~g~'~'clir:g AB 908, TaxatioY~ of M~.r~i~ipaY Utili~y R~verue5e r~~e D~x~~?.~:~^~~y r'~prc~se~t~~ive of Pacffic Gas a~nd Ele~tr~~ C~o 9~a~~ pr~~e~a.fi and r~view~~ the re~so~~ why AB. 908 should be ~pprc~ved, a~ ~z~s mpf:ti~~x, thi~ ~Sill ~~u1d equ~lize dasv tribution ~f schc~ol taxeso The Coazrx~il cl~s~~s~ec~ ~.r:.~ agreed th~.t it wc~~.ld take no positic~;~. or a~:ti~:ti: ~~z thi~ pr"~posed leg~~l~.tic~~, LEGISLATIVE BULLETI~ F'ROM TH~ ZEAGt7E OF CALIFOR~'IA CITIES Administratc~r B~xt~h r~.vxe~r~~. ~he late~t 1ega~Iati~re i~ulletii~:s re~eived from th~ League of C~litc~r~ria Citi~~ ~ a~d. ~:~~~~~cl that th~ Ba~rak c~f Ameri~a has g~ne ai~. r~cord oppe~s~.z~g AB 9Q8, T~.xat~c~d~ oi Mur~icip~.~ U~il.ity Revei~ues, as f t i~ thei~ opir~ian. tl~iat thi;~ tax9 if i~e~as~ci ~ tirc~~ld tezj.d t~ weak~n the credit rating of lca~~1 ager~.~ie~ wn~x~ n~arketiz3s their rblz.~a,t~c~r~~, thv.s creasing b~rrowimg ~.e~st~o RECEIPT OF MII~UTES ALdT~ RECO~~..~iDAT70i~I~ OF PARKI?~G GOMMTSSIO~ MEETING 5~6°70 The Coun~.il receivesi a~~~d revi~w~d the ~irxutc~s csf the Par?~ing Ca~r~.ission meetiigg ~f May 7A 1970 ar~d d.i~~a~sed its r~~~~a~aerkd~.ti~~rf~ r~gardir~g denial of req~xests far l~~nited pa~l~im.~ ~.~ci ~mpl~asizis-:g the r~~c~ r"c;r tYee dev~lc~p~- ment ~f ~ff~street park~.r:g a?ra Br~,~~h St~eet, On tn~~ic~x~. c~f C~uzY~ilwomax~ Thompson, seconded by Co~ar.cilm~.~ Ta11~~ ~.x~d um~r~im~~.sly ~arx~~ed, the recom- mendatiaras from the Park~x~g C~a~~miissic~~~, as n~t~d. ir~ ~ts min~tES af May 7, 1970, were ace.epted ~.nd approvedo City AttorL~ey Shipsey ~ead the title of res:~lut~or~ establishing a Boulevard Stc~p Sign axa.d~ a i~~ P~rk:~~g Zr~ne, ~her~aftere mc~tic~n was made by Councflman T~1Ley~ secc~z~d~d ~y C~?ux~~ilman S~hle~el ar~d un.~~inaovsly carried, to dispense with r~adir.~ t1~e b~l~,xb:~e c~~ thi~ re~calutic~x~e RESOL~TTI0~3 IVO o £3 ~ 9 A RESOLiYTIOTd OF' THE CITY COU~TCIL OF THE (:ITY OF ARROYO GRA.~DE A'~TAORIZII~IG ESTABLISHNTET~T OF A BOULEVARLI ~STOF SIGP~ A?~T~ L~ ~v0 ~ARKT~G ZONE o On m~vt~.on c~f Gc~un~ilanar: St~il~g~1, sea~~~~~s.ded Ysy Co~~~~ilw~nrcan Tnompsnn, and orc th~ followi~g rc~ll ~all vc~t~, t~ wit, AYESa Cc~un~:il Me~r~er~ S~hl~g~1, Th~anps~r~k9 Talley a~d May~r Levine. I1~OES : I~Tor~ie o ABSE~:VT: Council~nan Wc~oda the foregc~ing ~es~"lutiax~ ra~.s passe~ a,~.d adopted th~~ 26th da~ mf M~y, 1970. RECEIPT OF SLO CO~TNTY REGREATIOI~ PLAsd OF GE~`~ERAL PLAN Admin.istratc~r Bus~~h advised tha.t ~~apy ~f the Sar: Lufs Oi~ispo Cc~un.ty Recreation P1an c~~ the Gem~ral Plan has beer: re~~iv~di ar.d is on file at Gity Halla HOLD OVER ~ PROPOSED ORD~ F'OR. CITY~nCOAiti~TY U1V'IFORM AidrIMAL REGULATI0~3~ AdmirYistratnr But~h r~~~~.~~~c~, ~r~d th~ C:^ur~~il agreeda t~ h~xld over the first readi~.g c~f ~he ptop~secl u~ife~rm a.r~.x~eal r~g~.1~.t~~~. c~r~.ina~~e as additica~al ~h~,~.~ge~ h~.ve ~bee~ ~ugg~sted fcrr ~c~~.sid~r~t~~~~ae ~~e~ CITY COIJI~CTL MAY. 25,. 1970 ARROYO GRA~~3DE, CALIFO1tNIA PAGE 4 NOTICE OF EXPIRA.TIO~ OF T~RMS 0~' OF~FI(:E Ol~__CITY COI~"II~SIOI~~S Admin.istrator B~.~~h ~.dv~~ed9 ~s x~.faz°ma~i~rn or~~g~ ~ t~ha~ s~ver~l C~z~a@ missi~ners ° tex~~~ w~'fi~e i.~, Pl~x~nin~, P~r1c~.r~g ~r~c~ Paxics a~d Re~re~ ation Commiss~o~~s wi11 e~p~.re J~.x~~ 309 19~0,, PROGRESS REPORT ° FATR OAKS AV~IVvtJ~ EXT~':~~5'IO:~ A~D ~RTi3G~ Aclmix~istrat~r But~Yx ~dvz~~ci that there w~~e n~ r~~~r d.~v~l~pment~ to re° port at this tinie. RECEIPT OF MII~TUTES 0 ZOI~E 3 ADVISORY (,OMMITTEE ME~TT~G ~°14~70 Copies of the gn~~~.te~ of the May 149 19`~0 ~ra~eting ~f the Zpne 3 Ad° visory Co~unittee were r~~e i v ed b y t~e Cc~un~il9 review~d a~~d ~rd~r~d filed. Administratcsr But~h repUrted that the City ~~~c~r~~ed re~eivixag water from the Lopez Water Project on May~ 15, 1970. FURTHER DISCUSSTOIV ° I~fELL 15RILLI?:3U COD;TROL~a WITfiI`~ t~ITY IINiI.'T`.~' The Council discussed. tl~e iaeecl f~~° e~t~.~ilisl~~.~~g ~°~xl~s ~.ncl dir~~tives to provide the C~.t~ wit~ ~,~i~~t~c~l~ v~~ ~~'~l~i~'.~ ``'~~~-a ~ wi.thin the City and inst~u~t~d Ad.~irz~~t~atc~r B~u~V°h ~c~ p~'~p~~'e f~~ Cc.;~z~~~l ~L~r:sid~ration, a proposed ardinar~~~ ixs,.~ulud~.~.~ vari:~us prcruis:~c~~h~~ d.~~ign.at~3., fros~a ordinance~ ~f other cit~~~e PROGRESS REFORT ARROYO GRA"~DE SEWE,R AS`~~`F,SSMF:~iT I~~STAI~T May~r Levine r~p~rted th~t the Gi~.;~ C~~z=~y P~-~~.~ir.ir~~~ Cc~~rd~~:~atir~g , Cc~uncil has apprc~ved the Cit~xB~ appl.i~ati~r~ ~'or fed.er~.l gr~.~r t~ assist financially ~a~.th the px°aps~~~d Ar~~~y~ Gr~.x~d~ S~~'~~ A~~~SS~~.'t~t Di.strict and that this Coun~il.s' appre~v~l ha~ ~~~'=a fc~x~~~rd~d ~:o HUDo PROGRESS REPORT m SOUTH SA~F LL1IS OBI~~'0 GOFJ~TY S~LL~~TTATIO~' DTSTRICT Adm~.nistrator Bu~s:h ac7vi.~~d. r~~.~ ~he~~ ~~r~ ~?~r^' ~ev~elapxnents to repa~rt at this tim~o ACCEPTAI~CE _ OF COVE~AAI`~TS F'RONi I~ILLAH.A A~iD WORK ° LOT 5~'L~T ~Q~ e~0--10. 4,105 Admini~tratcar B~a~~h r~pur~ed that t~~ ~,:avenan~s ~°~q~ir~d i~g s:~~.junction with approval at L~t ~plit Ga~~~ N~. ~0-104, Margar~t Re W~r1e ~.~.d NU. 70-105, John and Louise Dillaha, ~.re x~~w ready~ fc~r Cov~z~.~il ~.~c~ptar.~e. In each case the ~ovenant req~xire~ tl~~ i~stallatinn of s~.dewallcs up~~. the creation of an. Assessment Di~tri~t ar t~hen 51% cr mmre of th~ properties within the block have installed ~idew~.l~Z~> After C~~a~E~i~ ~~s~u~~~-~~'L, °~'L 's~otion of Cour~cilwoma~. Thomps~r~, ~e~~~~~d ~y Co~:~cilm~.rn S~hlegel and unanimously r~ ~ carried, the c~ve~.arr.ts f~r f~xture c~n~tructic~n ~f sidewallcs s~gned by Margaret Ro Work; a~ad Jah~. R. ~.rLd Lc?ui~e E. Dillaha, w~re a~cepted; and the Mayor a~.d City G1erk ta~r~ auth~.rizedl ta sign the C~rtifi~ates of Accept- ance on behalf of th~ Gitya REQUEST OF COU.~T~ILMEIN TAZLEY FQR P~RMISSION TO BE OUT OF STATE 6~10-30/70 On motic~n of Coun~ils8~~ S~hl.egel, secq~.ded by Courx~ilwoman Thompson. and unanimc,~usly carried., th~: reqvest af Cou~~t~ciTman T~.l~.ey f~r permission to be out of the State ~f G~.lifoi~ia fr~n~ Jun.e 10 through 30, 1970, was approveda REQUEST OF MAYOR LFVI~E FOR PERMISSIO~V TO BE OUT OF STATE 6/23~26/70 On motioa~ af Coun~iYanaia Talley 9 s~~onded b~ Counc~.lwa~nar~ Thompson and unanimously ~arried, t~ie request cst Mayc~r Lev~ne fQ~° permissiwn to be out of the St~.te ot Galif~rr.~a fro~ Juav.e 23 thro~gh 26, 1970, was approved. REPORT ON PRELTMINARY RES~LTS OF 197~0 FEDERAL CENS'iIa Administratc+r B~tch r~partezl that k~e ha~ b~en. ad~rised that the un- official 1970 F~deral Ce~~us iT~di~ates th~ p~Pulatbon of the C~ty of Arroyo Grande is 7,.575 ax~d caff~ci~a~ figur~s wi11 nc~t L~e ava~.la~rle until later in the year. ' ADJOURNMENT On motian at Coun~ilm~~r~ Sc~1~geT, ~ec~:~x~~.ed by Coa~r..~~lma~. Ta11ey and unanimou~ly carri~d~ the meetir~g adjz~urned ~t 10;00 ~.M. un.til 7~30 P.M. May 2$ 9 . 1970. l' ' s~~...<_-.r-~----c ¢,;:~L'~,`"7 ATTEST : CI. LERK • 1~AYOR