Minutes 1970-06-23 2~~ CITY COUNCIL JUNE 16, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 4:00 P.M. The City Council met in special session with Mayor Levine presiding, Upon roll call, Council Members Sehlegel, Thompson and Wood reported present. Councilman Talley was absent, ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR PERSONNEL MATTERS On motion of Couneilman Schlegel, seconded by Couneilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, the Council adjourned to executive session to discuss personnel matters. REGONVENMENT The Gouncil reconvened at 7:10 P.M> with all members present as shown on roll call. A press release statement was presented to members of the press who were present and Administrator Butch was instructed to forward copies of said re- lease to the newspapers serving this areae ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilma.n Wood and unani- mously carried, the meeting adjourned at 7:15 P.M. f , _ - - ~ ~ 1 , ; ~ . ~ .y.. : ~ ~c,,.,"` ATTESTs'.._ 1` ~ , f, h.-~z.~~~~---_.,,~"~~...--_..._.~. DEPUTY CITY CLERK YOR CITY COUNCIL JUNE,23, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Pro-Tem Schlegel presiding. Ugon roll call, Council Members Thompson.and Wood reported present. Councilman Talle~ and Mayor Levine were absent. ~ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Pro-Tem Schlegel lead the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; and immediately thereafter, Councilwoman Thompson delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MiNUTES The minutea of the regular adjourned meetings of May 28, 1970 and June 8, 19~0 and the regular meeting of June 9, 1970 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilwoman Thompeon, aeconded by Councilman Wood and unanimously carried, General Warranta No. 1153 through No. 1191, in.the total amount of $160,342,02; Payroll Warrants No. 1804 through No. 1872, in the total amour~t of $12,460.93; and Trust and Agency Warranta No. 1134 through No. 1147, in the total amount of $1,951.98 were approved and ordered paid. NOTICE-STUDY FOR CONSOLIDATION OF POLICE SERVICES ON POLICE TASK FORCE AGENDA Adminietrator Butch reported that notice has been received from the California Council on Criminal Juatice that this City's request for a atudy for consolidation of police eervicea in the eouth county has been asaigr~ed to and will be placed on the Police Servicea Task Force agenda. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON BRIDGE ST,BRIDGE LOAD CAPACITY,6-25-70 DIV. OF H/W Administrator Butch reported that the State IIiviaion of Highways caill hold a public hearing on June 25, 1970, at 10;00 A.M. in the Arroyo Grande City Hall Council Chambera, regarding load limit for safe carrying;capacity croseing the Bridge Street bridge. The Council authorized e atate inapection of all City bridgea and from this investigation it has been determined that the Bridge St. bridge safe load carrying caparity ehould be ad~usted. LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN FROM.LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Administrator Butch reviewed the lateat legislative bulletins received from the League of California Citiea. After Council discussion, Administrator Butch was instructed to write to Senator Grun~key opposing the adoption of any proposed or current legislation imposing mandatory requirements on local governments regarding retirement and benefits for pc~licemen. ~0 4J ~ CITY COUNCIL JUNE 23, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 APPROVED MORRIS & DEE INSa AGENCY PROPOSAL-PACKAGE IN~, COVERAGE - 3 YR. POLICY Administrator Butch advised that two package insurance coverage px°oposals were received and opened at 2v00 P.Me, June 22, 1970 as follows: Morris & Dee Inso Agen~cy The Keen Agency PaO. Box 489 P.O. Box 888 Arroyo GrandeaCalife Grover City, Calif. 1, Liability $ 4,910000 $ 9,288.00 2. Fire $ 450,00 $ 362.00 3; Bond Money & Seeuriti~s $ 274.00 $ 345.00 4. All Risk Floater ~S 254.00 $ 367.00 COMBINED TOTAL $ 5,888.00 $10,362.00 Bids are for.a three year contract, premiums 2nd and 3rd year subject to auto sudit, After Council discussion, on anotion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimou~ly carried, the low proposal subrnitted by Morris and Dee Insurance Agent for Hartford Insurance Company, for Package Insurance coverage for the City of Arroyo Grande, covering Liability; Fire; Bond, Money and Securities; and All Risk Floater, with the first annual pre- mium of $5,888.00, for a three year contr~ct with the 2nd and 3rd year annual premiums based on annual audit, was approved and accepted as the lowest and best proposal, to be effeetive July 1, 1970. RENEWAL OF ANNUAL LEASE FOR CITY OWNED ACREAGE ADJ, TO ASH ST.-OBAYASHI BROS. Administrator Butch advised that the lease agreement between the City and Obayashi Bros. for annual renewal for approximately 15 acres of City owned land adjacent to Ash St., which is used for the growing of strawberries, has been prepared for Council consideration. Formerly the lease was for approxi- mately 16 acres, but has now been reduced to approximately 15 acres to allow for the site lea~sed to the Lucia Mar Unified School District. After Council discussion, on motion of ~ouncilman Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign the lease befiween the Obayashi Brothers and the City, for approximately 15 acres of City owned land adjacent,to the ~lm Street Park and Ash Street extension to be used for farming purposes, from July 1, 1970 through June 30, 1971. LETTER OF RESIGNATION - PLANNING COMMISSIONER JOHN G. COMBE Administratnr Butch read a letter received from John G. Combe, advising that he could no longer serve as a Planning Commissian member. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilwoman Thompsor~, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimously carried, the reaignation of John G. Combe from the Planning Commission was accepted; and Administrator Butch was instructed to write a letter of tha~ks and apprecia~ion.to Mr. Combe for his service to the City. QUARTERLY REPORT ON SALES AND CIGARETTE TAX REVEIWE Administrator Butch submitted a Progress Report on the lat Quarter of 1970 Sa1ea Tax and Cigarette Tax Revenue. NOTICE OF PREZONING APPEAL FROM DONALD P, BARBER - HEARING 7-14-70 Adminiatrator Butch advised that Donald Po Barber has filed an appeal to the City Council on a prezoning application, which was denied by the Planning Commission, a Public Hearing has been set for 8;00 PeM., July 14, 1970. AUTHORIZED EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY - CITY AND BROWNE - NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD Administrator Butch advised that the deeds are now ready to finalize the Council approved property exchange between the City and A1 Browne, After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, the Mayor an,d City Clerk were authDrized and instructed to sign.a deed conveying title to a portion of the 101 Frontage Road southerly and ad,jacent to the La Belle Tract and easterly of the Gatholic Cemetery, to A. A. Browne, etal; and that the deed from A. A. Browne, etal, was accepted, for a portion of the La Belle Tract ad~acent to 101 Frontage Road and easterly of the Catholic Cemetery, and the Mayor and Gity Clerk were authorized to sign the Certificate of Acceptance. CITY COUNCIL J~E 23, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 DISCUSSION ° PROPOSED UIVIFORM ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE City Attorney Ship~ey advised that the District Attorney is reviewing the County's Animal Control Ordinan~e to determine if it.~aill be possible for Cities within the County to adopt the County Ordin.ance by reference; and requested this m~tter be held over until such time as the District Attorney's opinion is received, PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE N0, 70-37 - 522 E. BRANCH ST. - LOOMIS Administrator Butch reviewed that a resolution has been received from the Planning Commission recommending the rezoning from R~1 to PaMe, a portion of Lot 54 of the Besubdivisions of a part of the Ranchos Corral de Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de Chemisal, more commonly known as 522 Ee Br~nch Street, as requested by the application submitted by David Loomis. Upon being assured by City Clerk Miller that all requirements as provided by law had been complied with, Mayor Pro-Tem Schlegel declared the hearing open, and all persons for or against the proposed rezoning would now be heard. Administrator Buteh advised th~t no written protests had been received, and there being no one present to speak for or ag~inst the proposed zone change, Mayor Pro-Tem 3chlegel declared the hearing closed. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code so as to rezoxae from R-1 to P-M, certain property in the City, known as 522 E. Branch St., as requested by the application submitted by David Loomis, thereafter, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimously carried, to dispen~e with reading the bal- ance af this ordinance. APPROVAL OF FiNAL SUBDiVISION MAP O~T TRA T:ATO, 398.- GOLDEN,WE3T HOMES INC. m rn.~trator ~B~xt~ .rey .a-rep~rt.., rom P,,,~1~ tig .D ~ecto~t Ga op; ewe da.ted J~ine 23,` , 1970`, r~g,arct~n.g th~ F3:na1' ~ub~v~sion Map of Tract ; No; 39$- and ~pre~e~ted~ the ~'inal Subd.iv-i~ian Map for -Counci-i review and consideration, Discussion was held regarding street lighting by use of Town and Country lighting which would require seven lights, versua conventional lighting which would require four or five lights; and deviating from City standard 20' max~.mum driveways to allow 30' wide joint use driveways; and the possible need for fencing Lot 19 which is set aside far use as a ponding ` lot. On motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and carried, the Final Subdivision Map af Tract No. 398 was approved as presented, sub~ect to compliance with all the Subdivi~ion Ordinanee requirements and the following; la Faur (4) conventional standard 175 watt M.V. lighting units be in- atalled or~ Golde~n West P1ace, 2e The driveway standards of a maximum of 20' be deviated from in thia instance to.allow 30' ~oint use driveways as indicated on the final map. 3. As the develope~ has placed cash on deposit with Mid State Bank, rather th~~ posting a bond, to cover entire off site improvements o~n the ~ubdivision, City Attorn~y Shipaey was authorized and in- atructed to prepare an agreement betweeri th~ Developer and the City to the Bar~k providir~g for joint release of said eash bond ea the work progressea, aub~ect to retai~ing 10% to be released upon final inspection and appro~~l of all improvementa, RECEIPT OF MINUTES OF COUNTY & CITIES AREA PLAI~TNING COORDINATING COUNCIL 5/21/70 Copies of the minute~ of the May 21, 1970 m,eeting of the Cour~ty and Cities Area Planning Coordinating Coua~cil were received by the Cour~cil reviewed and ordered filed. PROGRESS REPORT-FAIR OAKS AVENUE EXTEIVSION - AUTHORIZE CALL FOR BIDS-ROADWAY Admini~trator Butch reported that the plane and speci£ications are now completed and requeated authorization to advertise the call for bids. After Council discu~sion, on motion of Councilman Wood, secoaded by Couacilwoman Thompson, and unar~imously carried, approval and authorizativm was granted to advertise the cali for bida for the Conatruction of Street Improvements to Fair Oaks Avenue from Approximately Todd La~ne to Valley Road, Pro,ject No. 90-70~1, for the City of Arroyo Grande, with said bid open,i~g to be at 2:00 P.M., July 22, 1970, in the Council Chambers of the City Hallo ~~3 CTTY COUNCIL JUl3~ 23, 1970 ' AR1t0Y0 GRANDE, CALIFORDIIA PAGE 4 / REPORT ON CURB OPENI~TGS AND GRATE OPENIIVGS FOR DRAI~IAGE INLETS°BICYCLE SAFETY City Engineer Garing reported on his ~indings regardi~g street d~°~.inage inlet frames and grates, and presented a b~°o~hur~ shorai~.g b~~ycle ~afety frames and gr~tes and advised thi~ type ~~°ate is specified for the Faix° Oaks Avenue project and th~t the cost of thi~ typ~ grate f~ app~ox~Ynately o~.emhalf the cost to install curb openingse ORAL RE1'ORT BY COUNGILMAN SCHLEG~L ON R~GENT ZONE 3 ADVISORY ~OMMo MEETII3G Councflman Schlegel gave an o~°al rep~~t o~, the recent Zon~ 3 Advisory Comma.ttee Meeting, which eover~d sta,ti~ti~a1 ~.nforma~ion r~garding water rem tain~d and rele~sed at Lopez Damo DISCUSSION AND 1ST READING 0~° ORD, TO I~VCREASE RATES TO MEET LOPEZ CONT,COSTS The Council revie~ured report submitted by Ad~ni~.istrat~r But~h, dated June 11, 1970, ProJected Cash requirement~ ~ L~p~z Water Fund for the period July l, 1970 through June 30, 1976s which will ~ai~e suffi~ient revenue to meet the Lopez Water Contract oblrgation, Projection A will m~et the ~ost until J~n.uary l, 1974 and Projection B will sneet the cost u~.til January 1, 1972e After Couneil discussion, ~n motion of Counc~lwom~n Thornpson, seconded by Councilman. Wood and unanimously carried~ Projection A, Items 1,3,4 and 5 were approved, subject to establishment of Item 2, tax rateo City Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reacling, the title of an Ordinance amending the Municipal Code regardi~ag water rate eharges and eer- tain Lopez Water Contract charges, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, ta dispense with reading the balance of this ordin~nee, HELD OVER - CALL FOR BIDS ON CERTAIN WATER LI1VE8 Upon advice from Administrator Butch that the plans ~nd specifications were not yet complete to ~all for bids on certain wa~er l~nes, the Council agreed this item be held over until the next ~egular meetinga PROGRESS REPORT = ARROYO GRANDE SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Admini~trator Butch stated that a letter ha~ been received from the Committe~ on Scenic Highways, expre~sing it$ concern, from reviewing the plans for the sewer as~essmez~t dist~i~t, c~f a proposed pump lift station along Highway 101 and that he has advised this eommittee that this li,ft station will be subm~rged and will not in any way detract ~rom the "Scenic Highway!', PROGRESS REPORT ~ SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTX SANITATION DISTRICT Admini~trator Butch advised that ther~ were no new developments to re- pc~rt at this ~imeo CITIZEN°S FURTHER IN UIRX RE: ADVERSE PUBLICITX 0~ ALLEGED CHTLD BEATING A],~~~ Ca~a~ was pr~~~nt a~,d again inquired a~ tn the C~uncil's in- ter~tio~n~ r~garding r~~ex~t publiei~y of Po1.i~e D~partz~~nt alleged negligence ir~.~nve~~igati~n of an alleg~d ~hil.d beating ca~~, a~d r~qu~~ted that the Coun~~l appof.~t ax~ ~.~depend~nt bAdy to i~.v~~ti~~te thi~ matt~r~ Mayor Pra~ Tem S~hle~e.1 ~dvised that thi~ ~?atter is still undex° Gou~cil i~vestigatioa and i~ the Coun~il ~hould det~rmine tha~ ~~~i~tan~e ne~ded tl~e Cour~eil wi11 at tha~ ti~e requeat a~sist~:~c~ by an out~id~ ~gex~~y~o NOTICE FROM STATE APPROVING ADD'ITIONAL ONE XEAR EXTARECQNSTR, OF BRANCH ST. Admi~istrator Buteh repor~~d that the S~~te D~.v~~ion Af Highraa~ys has info~med th~ City that it is again ad~us~in,g th~ plannin.g p~ogram on Brarich Street re~on.~t~uction a~ additional y~a~ tca 1973-74 fi~~al year, reque~ted thrau~h the City for the Arr~yo Gra.z~de Vil,lage M~~ch~nt~ As~o~iatiane NOTICE OF FORMA,TION OF A BEACHES &~ARKS ADVISORY CONIMITTEEm1ST MEET,6B30-~70 Admi~,istrator Butch read a 1~tt~r r~~eiv~d fronn A1v3n MA Baughmax~,.in- viting the Coun~il ~o attend th~ fatrst meeting fox th~ proposed formation of a Bea~hes a~d Parks Advisory Cos~nnittee< Th~ Advisory Commi,ttees main task will be to assiat the C~1i~~rnia Re~ou~~es Ag~ney D3,st~i~t H~adquarters with plann~ng and development of the P~~~no/O~ear~o Sta~e B~acho ~'h~ meeting ~.s scheduled fo~ 7:30 PoMa, Jun~ 30a 1970a at the Sh~riffs 3ub-station i,r~ Oceana9 After Coun~.il discussion, this item was r~ferred to ~he F~rk~ ax~d Recreation Comm~ssion, reeomznendir~g th~t a repr~s~~tativ~ ta ~hie c~~znfttee be appointed from this Co~cniss~on.A ~~4 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 23, 1970 PAGE 5 ADJOURNMENT Mayor Pro-Tem Schlegel adjourned the meeting at 9e34 P,M. • ATTEST ' . `CI CLERK - ~~0 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA JUNE 29, 1970 7:00 P,M, The City Council met in special session with Mayor Levine presiding, Upon ro11 call Couneil Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood and Tailey reported present. ADJOURNMENT TO EXEGUTIVE SESSION FOR PERSONNE~ MATTERS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Gouncilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, the Council adjourned to executive session to discuss personnel matters. RECONVENMENT The Council reconvened at 8:28 P.M. with a11 members present as shown on ro11 ca11. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M, ~ ATTEST: ~ ' ~*'1..~ ~_E' . . C I C LERK MAYOR