Minutes 1970-07-14 ~Cl~_ C~ T3~ ~OUN~ I L ~Ti~~Y ~4 a 19 7 0 AF2~3OY0 GRAN]3Ea ~AIaI~'~~T~I~ ~ 0 0~ FoMo 'I°he ~i,~y ~o~anc~~ axae~ ~n ~pe~~al, ~~~s~,~a~ `a~~~. Nd~~~r ~~vine p~°em sidingo i~p~n r~1~. ca~l Coa~~c~l M~aTMa~~x°~ ScYa~ec~ela ']~~~ps~~a W~~~ ancl 'I°~lley reported presen~o AI~JOU12NNt~I~TT ~°O E~CId'IB1~.~ SE~~~~N Or~ a~o~~on ~f C~~.~ac~~~a~ra W~md~ ~e~~~d~d C~~n~~~~ar~ ScYa~~c~eb and unanirno~nsly carr~,e~ ~k~~ m~e~~,~g adj~ura~ed ~xeca~~~v~ s~ss~~rrn 7o0~ PoMo for g~ersonnel ~a~~erso ~COi~1VENN~NT 'I`Yae C~~rac~.l r~conver~~d a~ ~ 0 25 Poi~Io o vaa~~~n all axa~a~abers beinc~ pre- sen-~ as sho~vn on r~ll cal~ o ADJ'OURNNdEN'~ On. ~a~~~or~ ~f Counc~lr~~n S~Ya~,ege~a sec~nded by Counc~la~an Talley and unaniax~o~s~y ~arriedo ~Y~e ~ee~~ng adjo~arned at 7m26 PoMo . A~~s~m ~ , ~ ~ . , ~:.~-...w.~- , " c~ cr~~c r~YOR ~ C~~ coUNCZL~ ~4s i97o A12EZOY0 G~2AI~Td~E a CAL~F'ORN~1~ ~ae C~~y Counc~l ~et in rec~~a~ar session `aith Mayor Lev~,ne pre~ sa~d~ngo Up~n x°ol~ cab~ Co~n~~.l Niercabers Sch~.egelo ~oaaipsonB Wood aa~d Talley reported presento PI~I~GE O~' AI~I~G~ANCE ~TD ~NVOC~.'~IOI~I Mayor Lev~ne led -tYae P~.edge o.f Allegiance ~o our Flaga and ~maxaediatel~ ~h~re~ft~er Reverernd R~cY~~rd 5c~arn o~ ~he Ch~rch of the Nazarene of Grover C~~yo dela.vered ~he ~nvoca~iono MINfLJ'a°E APPI20VAIo '~e m~.nu~es of tk~e spec~~l ~ee~ing of June 16, 1970o the regular meeting of June 23, 1.970 and ~he ~peca~al a~?eeta.ng of June 29, 1970, ~aere a~proved as prep~red.m APP~tOVAI~ OF' W.ARRI~N°~~ On mot~,on of Councilan~n Sch~egel, seconded by Council%aoman 'I°YY~ompson and ~,nar~~mously carr~eda Gene~°a;L W~rrants Noo 1192 through Noa 1203, in ithe total amo~n~ of $3a724m60s General Warrants Noo 1 ~hrough No 0 79 a~n ~he ~o~al aaa~o~an~ of $ 59, 704 0 39 o and Fayroll Warr- an°ts No 0 1 t~nro~.c~k~ ~To 0 1090 ~n tkne total amou.nt of $16, 255 0 23, were approved a~d ~rderecl p~icle RESOLoESTABoLo~Nd~TE1~ I~AR~CING ON WoCEiER.RY' AVEeAI~J'o'~O O~tGHARD S'I'o SCHOOL L+irector of Publ.~c Works Aa~~;~~°~c~~. ~dvised ~~.a~ a~.et~~r has b~en r~~e ~ved ~ro~ ~~~~g~~ O°~~x~ner, ~ 3.~ Velo Ch~erry Ave 4, requ~s t~.~ig ~~a~, parlcir~g b~ ~albovaa~~3 o~n ~kae so~a°~1~ s~de o£ tYae 300 Block o~ Wes~ Che~°ry Avern~e wh~n scYapol ~s no~ ~ess.~ona and tha~ ~kae Pol~ce and Publ~,c Works Depts o Yaave rev~ewed t~n~s req~aes~ and reco~end ~hat no par]c~.ng be allowed be~.~aaeen ~he h~~zrs vf 8a00 AoMo and ~000 PoMo Mornday ~hr~~ngh Fridayo bus load~rag ex~epted, as ~his a~ea is ~x~~ded for park~ng for after ~~h~~1, ka~~ars ac°~~vi~~e~ o A~~er Coura~i~ discussion, Ca~ty A~torney SY~ipsey x°ead °~he ~~~~,e o~ a~es~].~a~bon res°~ri~~~ng parking oza a portion of Wes°~ Cherry Avenueo ~~~reaf~er a a~.ot~on was made by Coun~ila~an Schlegel, seconded by ~~~n~~~a~an Ta].l~y and ~anazaimously c~.rr~~do ~o d~spense dai~~^~ x~adin.c~ '~n~ ~alaa~ce of ~h~s ress~lu~~ono 12ES~LiJ°~ION L~TOo ~8~ A RE S OI~U'~ 7C ~N O~' ~°I-~ ~ I°°]['°~' ~ Oib.dNC I I~ O]E '~HE C~"~YY OF AE3~t0Y~ GRAN]~E ~S°I°R~C°~~CIQCa P~1RIC~N~ OI~T A P0~2°°g'°ION OF W~ST ~I-~RRY AVENLTE o On anotion oiE Cour~~~lrn~an ~°a~~.ey, ~econded ~y Co~ancilman S~kalegel and on ~he ~ol l~va~ng ~°ol l call ~~~e B~~ tiaa~ m A~Sa Co~zxnc~.l M~mbers ~chlege~.a °a°~noaabpsone Wo~do Tabley and Nday~r I~~v~~e NOES m Norbe ABSEL~TT: None the foregoing resobu~ion w~.s p~ssed a~nd ad~p~~d ~hbs ~~th day of Ju].y,~9700 ~ C I'I'~' COLTNC I Ie JLTI~I~' 14 0 19 7 0 A~~~~~ ~~~D~.e'' o ~~I,n~~'' ~~~~~i 2 1.d1a7~lds7s7~~1V c][ d.:Oa~~~a~L1aJ6.SLlo ~d6"' bLd3~ lSd~l'~161oa7 ~ L~~d~~4,°Ld, u7~61dLC ~°"""~~~d.i9~° o~ ds o 'Z~ae Cmunc~..l rev~~vaaed a~epor~ f~~an D~rec~~r of Pub~~c VJoac~s Andersono ~a°ted ~uly 10a 1.9°~0, reg~~d~ng -~~.e pr~p~s~d ~ns~a~.~a~~.~ra of curb and gu~~er on th~ nor~h side ~f Le Po~n~ S~ree~o ou~lining problems. of s~ree~ des~gn in ~his ax°~a and tYne ~~nsern ~f several proper~y owners regardinc~ ~~a~ prra~~~ec~ e~eva~~~xn ~.he ~~x°b~ ~n relatzon ~.o their proper~y and ~hey reques~ed tYaa~ ~h~ s~.ree-~ be lowered so that curbs could be ~nsta~~ec1 xae~~~r ~o ~Yae ~ev~l of their px°oper~y; and a letter vaas rece~ved from ovaners of e~gY~~ the propert~ies on Le Po~n~ Sto reg~a~s~~rag ~o~.nc~~ ~or~~~.dera~~on of thea~r reques~o Several of ~he px°oper~y owners on Le Poin~ 5~0 `aa~re present and ~Ton SYaa~°pse 538 I~e Po~nt Sto o spolce ~~r t~ne gro~~o e~- presss.ng the proper-ty odvners c~nc~rr~ rec~ard~,ng the el~va~a~on of ~~ne curbs in relation ~to the level of ~Yae proper~ies and a1so0 ~°eqtaested that ~he '°Y~~aanpe1 in the s~ree~. b~ rea~aovedo Ci~y Enga~neer Gara~ng pre- sented a pr~f~le map show~,ng the pr~posed level of ~he c~xrla on ~he north and sou~h s~des of Le Po~nt S~o , vahich ~ndicated ~aat ~he c~xrla on the north side will be apprc~x~.a~ately lower -~hen ~Yae canrb on the south side of the streete Mrsa Dora ~arx~anza vvas advised ~at th~ proposed cux°]a on the south of the street w~ll remain as ox°iginally planned, but ~t such time as she wa.aYaes to have curb and gutter installed an approximate two foot cut will be necessary to place the ctnrb at the correct street line ~nd cons~derable grading `aill have to be accoinglbshed vaitY~~n her proper~y ~o conform ~he dr~v~way t~ the corre~t g~~aele, Aftex° Coaari~~l cl~~cuss.~on, ~n ~~~.~on o~ ~Co~anciTman Talley; second~d by Cc~unca,l~an ScYn~.eg~~. ~nd ~nan~mous3.y ~~r~ied, the plans for ~he ins~allation of cur}a and gutter on Le Po~nt St~°eet `vere approved as sYaodan on a map presen°ted by C~ty Engineer Garinga entit3ed °°Plan & Profile Le Po~nt Street, C~ty of Arroyo GrandeBB da~ed April 20, 1963, rev.~sed July 3, 1970s WY11C~1 ~?Y°OV~C~.GS ~OY' an eic~ht to nine inch lovver grade on ~he n~rth side of the street and leaves ~he c~rade on tYae south side of the street as originally pro~a~sedo PUBIsIC H~ARING - AFPEAId OF REZONIi~TG CASE NOo 70-38-D - DONAI~D BARB~R C.~°~y Clerk Miller assured Mayor Lev~ne that the notice of hear~.ng had been mailed to Dona~d Barber and proper°~y owners within ~hree hundred fee~ of ~he property effec~ed by the filing of the appeal of the P1.anning Coanr~issi,on ° s denial of Frezoning, Case Noo 70-38-D, for prezoning from Co~anty designated R-1 to City designation R-3, aapon annexation to the Ci~yo certain property located in the County corata,g- uau~ to ~he eas~erl,y City Limit, on Huasna Road adja~ent to properties on the east side of Pearwood Avenue, and that the notice of Yaearing of appeal had been published and ~t~Yae property posted, as required by law. Direc~or of Public Works Anderson reviewed the ac~ion of the Planning Commission from its minutes of June 3, 1970, at whicYn the prezoning applica~ion Case Noo 70-38-D was den~ede Mayor Levine declared the hearing open and a3b persons for or agains~ the appeal of Prezoni~ng Case Noe 70~3~-D, ~~~led by Donald Barber, ~ao~.ld now be heardv Tony Azevado, Rto 1, Box 567a representing ~is fa°ther, who is a property own~r in the area; Wa1~er Mansel]., ].].2 Rosew~od Lane~ ~nd Mrso ~ames Dow~lla 118 Rosewood Lane, abb spoke aga~.nst allow~.ng ~he prezoninge ~Terry Metrall, represen~ing Donald Barber, spoke in. favor of allo`ving the prezon~ng for the development of a Mobile Hoz~ae Parkm '~here being no fur~her d~scussion for or against tYne ap~aeal for Prezon~.ng Case Noo 70~38~D, Mayor Lev~ne dec~ared the hearing ~].osedo After Council disc~assbon a mo~ion was made by Councilman Talley, that the appeal £or approval of Prezoning Case Noo 70-38-D, filed by Donald Barbero be denied, and tYae decisiora of t~a.e Planning Cornmission be upYa.elde °rkbe mo~~~n died for lack of a secondo Af~er fur~her dis- cussiona a motion was mad~ by Councilman Talleyo seconded by Mayor Levine, tha~ the appeal for approval of Prezoning Case Noo 70-38-D, filed by Donald Barber, be denied, and the decision of ~Yae Planxa~.ng Comm~iss~on be upheld. The m~tion did n~t carry on tYae f~].l~wing roll call votem AYES: Councibman Talley and Mayor Levine NOES: CounCil Members S~la.lege~.a 'I`hompson and Tnlood ABSENTs 1~Ton.~ • I CITY COLINCIL ~LTL~.' 14a 1970 ARROYO GRANDE o~P,~~F~~~A PA~~ 3 Ci~y A~~~rney S~~p~ey adv~~e~1 ~,n ~a~s ~p~a~~~~a z~n~~c~ ~~u~~,~l not be c~nd~~i~necl ansl ~~~ex° f~~~~~r ~,~~~~~~~~~a ~y ~he C~~.a~c~~o re~ gax°d.~ng p~ssible e~eve~o~r~~~n'~s ~~~1~~ a~n R-~ z~~~ ~~~~s~.f~~a~~.~no `a~~Ynm out restr~~~~~ns and ~~n~l.~~i~ns or~ t~~a~ prez~r~~.~ga gener~~~y ~gr~ed that in the la~s~ in~~re~~ ~f ~k~e ~~~y ~~~p~r~~ sYr~m~a~c~ be annexed to the Ci~y pr~mr c~ns~c~e~°~,ng a~~ne ~k~angea O~ z~~~~,oa~ ~f C~~ancil- man Woodo sec~nc~ed ~~r ~~~.nci1`a~a~ar~ '~~r[aps~~ao D~r~c~mr ~f P~~a~~~ Tn1~~°2~s Anderson vaas ~ns~r~a~~~d t~ a~vi~~ ~Y~~ San ~b~,sp~ C~u~~~.y Pl~n~~ng Gommiss~on tha~ ~ha~~ ~~~nc~l has r~~ o~~e~~~~ns ~ll~~a~.a~c~ ~ l~~b~le Horn~e Park in ~~e ~rea pr~posecl~ a~u~~~~n ~ar~~e~ ~m ~k~~ f~~~o~aing roll call v~~eo A~Sa ~~~nca~l l~d~a~~er~ ScY~lec~elo °]~aa~r.~sor~ and W~~d NOES s ~o~an~~~~r,~n Ta~~ey and l~ay~~ ~~v?~n~ A~SEIaT'~°a L~T~rae IaE'I°°I°E12 F'ROM CEN'I°~,Id C~~~:E'.Cf~NdmCO~Po - S~1i3 AI~T°~°OL~I~ 1~°~°oP~:20~OSEI~ 12E7~A~?' SITE May~r T~evirne r~p~r~~d t~a°~ a 1e~~er ~as }aeen re~eived fr~a~a Art HapgOOdo V~ce-~Presi,d~rb~ o~ ~~e Ce3~~ra~, ~al~fora~~a Co~~ri~.~a~~oa~as Corpa , adv~sing ~~at ~he coa~par~y noua propo~e~ to e~~~~~,~sh an ~m~er~ediate microvaave relay s~a~ion on S~r~ An-~on~.o M~un~ain, and upon approval by the San~a ~ax°b~ra ~o~a~a~y Pl~xr~ni~c~ ~oa~aa~~ss~~no c~ns~r~action ~aa~ll s~a~~ arouz~c~ ~he n~icldl~ ~f ~~.l~o T970 a ~°R~ASUxEit ° s R~POR'~ L~~R °°~'°z~ MoI~°~x o~ ~JITNE, .~970 6xelc~ ove~) ~~ty Cierk M~l~er advised °~hat ~.he Treas~rer ° s Rep~r°t for ~YY~.e l~o~th of ~une, 1970 `aa~s no~ co~,ple~ed °~~n~ ~°~ia~~ o DEPAI2°1°MENTAI~ 1~POR'~° F'OR 'I°I~ MOL~T°°~°°H OF' J'~I~TEB ~970 °I°Ybe Degar~en~~l R~p~r~ f~~° ~Ya~ NlmntYn ~f ~'~ne, ~970 wa~ received by ~he Counc~l, rev~~vaed arad ~rd~recl tb~edo I~GISLATI~ BLdLI~°I°II~T ~'R~M 'I°I~ ~EAC~ Ok' CAI~~~'ORNIA ~]C'b°IES City Attorney Shbps~y rev~.e`aed the ba~es~ leg~~].ative bul~et~.ns received f~°oa~ ~he ~~ag~ze of C~,l~f~rn~a C~~~es m LE'I°°1~R FROM SENP,'~°OR COI~I~IE12 ~ m APPOS e I~~~S ~ E'OR d)I~EF~. OF' GAS 'I°AX FUNDS ~ Mayor 7~evine rev~ewed a].et~er a~ad repor~ received from State Sen~~or Ranclolph Co~l~~r, rec~ard~a~g proposed ~eg~sla~ion ~o d~vert highway funds for ed~n~~~~~~ ~~~arposes o C~~ncil dis~~nssed and agreed no ac~ion be ~a]c~n ~.nta.~. th~.~ aa~~.t~er i~ ~~por°~~ec~ on by the ~eague of Cala.fornia C~ties o RESIGNA'I°TON F1ZOM PA~SS 1~1~d~ ~2EC~P.'~IO1~T ~ONdM~SS~ON - VIRC~~NYA S'b°ROB°HER Mayor ~ev~ne ~eac~ a le°~te~° £roa~ V~rginia S°~~°other., aclv~.sing tYaat sh~ could no ~onger s~rve t~~ Park~ and Recreatb~n Con~rn~~ssiono On zno~~on of Coua~ci~w~man Tl~osa~ps~no se~oxaded ~y C~~nncila~ara ~nTood and unaniax~~usly carriedo ~Ya~ r~signa~i~n o~ V~rgin~a S~ro~kaer £.rorn the Parks and Rec~°ea~~~n Coa~aas~~s~ior~, was accep~ecl ancl a be~~er of ~hanks and apprec~a~ion f~r h~r ~erv~~~ ~o t~ne C~.~~ was authora.zed t~ be sant to Mrs . S~r~~k~.er e APPOIN'~MEN°~ O~' PA~S & RE~REA°°.g'°I~L~T ~OMM~SS~ONER ~A1~S Ro BELL~'~° Maymr Levan~ r~~oa~end~d ~ha~ ~ames Ro ~el3.ot be ap~oi~n~ed t~ the Parlks and Recrea~~on Coa~ua~a~ssic~n ~m £i].1 tYne vacancy crea~ed by the resigna~i~n ~f Virg~,nia S~r~~~aero On ~ao~~on of Co~nnc~lwomara 'I°l~nompsono sec~ncled by C~~nrncil~an ~°alley and ~ananimo~asly carr~ed, James Ro Bellota 210 Soo Mas~n Stx°ee°~, wa~ app~in~~d to serv~ as a coax~a~is- sioner on Arroy~ Gx°ande ~~~°]cs an~ l~ecrea~i~n Co~a~.ssi~n, wath his °teran of ~ffi.ce tera~in~~inc~ ora J~arne 3~o b973 0 APFOINT.M~NT O~' PLA1~T~gI~T~ COL~Nd7CSS~~I~1R I~N~.t~' P. NLdNES Mayor Lev~ne recoasai~end~d °~ka~~ H~nry Po ~T~xae~ b2 apgo:~n~ed ~o the Planning Co~ission t~ :E~.l]. ~k~e vac~mcy ~rea~ed by th~ resigna~ion of John Go ~omhe o On ~o~~~n of ~~~an~~~`a~ac~~n °~kn~a¢~p~or~, sec~z~ded by Councilrnan °a°alley ~nd ~.n~rn~r~s~~.~1~ ~a~rr,~edo H~~.~°y ~o N~m~:s, 9~9 Magnoli~ D~°:; `aas ~pp~~r~°~e~1 s~rv~ a~ a~~atta~~.~~~.~ne~° a~~ ~e A~~~yo Grande Flannzng C~aa~a~u~~siono `aii~h Y~~.~ ~er~a of ~~~E~.~e exp~ring on J~nne 3 0 0 19 71. o AI~OPTION OF OI21~. TO ~NfCREAS]E d2A'b°ES °I°~ N1EE°b° LOPE~ ~~NTRAC~ COS~S °I'l~ne Council d~sc~ass~d ~~e ~r~p~s~d ~rcl~narace w~nickn ~a~lb ~°a~se certain rates f~~° wat~r ~.sac~e ~nd ~~p~z Wa~er Coa~~rac~ c~narges necessary t~ a~~e~ ~Yae ~a~~r~ase ~~s~s ~ka~ ~~~y' ~ I~opez V~la~er C I TY COUNC I L J'UdaY 14 B 19 7~7 ' ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFO1zNaA EAGE 4 Contrac~e It ~vas generally agreed ~hat ~~e ordinanceaas ~repared and read for a.~s £irs°~ reading on ~'~azae 23 0 1970, be adop~ed and ~hat a st~ady sess~on be scheduled ~o de°~ermine ~he ~ax ra~te nec- essary to mee~ the balance of ~he ~rn~reas~d co~tso and if °~~ne ~ax rate is less °~hen reflec~ed by the increases in °~Y~~s ordinance an amended ordinarace, .~..:~werin.g ~he ra~es w~ll be providedo City Attorney Shipsey re~d the ~~°~le of an ordbnan~e providing f~r cYaanges in the water service charges arad Lopez Water Contract Charges, tYnere- after a motion `vas made by Co~anc~laYaan ScYnlege~.a seconded by Counc~.l- `voman 'I°Yiompson and unan~.rraously carr~ed to dispense with reading the balance of this o~a~nanceo oa~Dan~A~c~ ~o 0 3 3 c. s. AN ORDINANCE OF ~°HE CI'~Y OF ARROYO GRANDE AMEI~TDING SEC'~ION 6-7 0 01 AI~TD SEC'I'ION 6~7 e 0~. (g) OF TI~E ~ MUNICIPAIo CODE TO FROVIDE CHANGES IN °I°HE WA'a°ER SERVICE CHARGES AND LOFEZ WATER CONTRACT CHARGES On motion of Councilwor~an 'a°~nompson, seconded by Councilman Ta11ey and on the following roll call votea to wi~: AYES: Council Members Schlegela Thoanpson, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levine NOES: None ABSENT: None the forego~.ng ordinance was passed and adop~ted ~tYais 14~h day of July, 1970a PROPOSED UNI~'ORM ANIMAL CON~ROL ORDINANCE ~(Held Over) City A~~to~ney SYaipsey advised that he has not received the nec- . essary informa~ion froa~ ~he D~s~ric~ At~orney°s Office and requested this matter be held ove~ until the next regular meeting of the Councila RECEIPT OF M~NUTES OF '~HE COASTAI~ ~IALLEY PLANNING COUNCIL MEETING 6-1-70 '~he minu~es of ~he Coas~al Valley Planning Council meeting of June l, 1970 were received by ~he Council and ordered filedo ORDINANCE ADOPTION - REZONING CASE NO. 70-37 - I~OOMa5 City Attorney Sh.ipsey read the ti~le of an o~dinance rezoning certain property located a~ 522 Em Branch Sto, thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Sch].egel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried ~o dispense with reading the balance of this ordinanceo ORD3NANCE NOo 34 CeS. AN ORDINANCE OF THE Ca'a°Y OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING A PORTION OF THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REFERRED 'I°O IN ~EC'a'ION o 302 OF TITIsE 9 CHAPTER 4 O~' 'I°HE MTJN3CaPAI, CODE SO AS TO REZONE CERTAIN FRUPERTY aN THE C3'~Y' OF ARROXO GRANDE On motion of Councblman Woocl, seconded by Councilman Talley and on the following roll call vo~e, to wita AYES: C~iuraca.~. Member;~ Sch,legel, Tho~pson; ~ Waod, ~'alley and Mayor Levine NOES: None ABSENTo None the foregoing ordin~nce was passed and adopted this 14th day of July, 19 PLANNING COMMISSION REQLIEST J'OIN'b° NIEETII~TG WITH COUNCIL - JULY 21, 1970 The Council agreed to meet in joint session as reques~ed~by ~he Planning Cos~m?ission, at the ~.ex~ regular mee~ing of the Commission at 7e30 P.Me July 2~a 1970e APPOaNTMENT O~' P~ANI~T~L~TG COMMaSSIONER B04JLES 'I°O COAS~'AL VALIoEY PLANeCOUNC:~L On motion of Counc~lman Schlege]., seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried, Flanning Commissioner Charles Bowles was appointed to serve on ~he Coas~al Valley Flanning Council as ~his City's representative, as recommended by the Planning Commissione CI'I°~ CO~N~I~ ~~~Y 140 1970 ARROYO G~d~E B ~A~~~`~~T~A ~AG~ 5 , PRO~SS ~~OR°~ ~ ~°AI12 ~~,~b~ A~L~TLT~~ E~7~~L~~~~b3 A~~ ~I3~i~~E D~rec~~r ~f P~abl~c Wo~ks Ander~~r~ c~ave ~~~p~r~ ~a~ -~k~e pr~gre~~ of ~he E'air ~aks Aven~~ ~~°~dc~~ ~~ns~~~~°~~~no a~~ adv~s~d ~YYa~a~ ~aa~rk a~s progress~ng ~at~sfac~~r~l.yo REPOR'I" ON BRId~GE S`~°o~R~D~~ Ia~AI~ ~,P~1~7~'~ S~ I~L)~~°~°v~~' S'~°d~'~°~ ~~~MNl~LQI)1~'~°ION Direc~or ~f P~bl~~ TnT~~°ks Anders~~ ~ep~r~ed ~k~a~ a~ a re~~al~ ~f ~he publ~c hear~r~g on ~oad Capac~!~y ~n ~1~e ~~~dge S~o ~r~~lgeo `~~ld on June 15 0 1970 o by ~Y~~ Da~v~s~~r~ H~~h~a~~~ o an ~rder h~s ~~exa , received froz~a ~k~e D~v~si~n of I~~c~Yava~y~ ~°ev~~~.r~g ~1~e l,~a~. ~~a~i~ f~.ve ~ons gross l~~da ~nd re~~~azx~e~~,~d ~Y~a~ C~~nc~l a~prove, ~~aa~s order and clirec~ ~va~ ~~gns be e~°e~~~d ~r~d~c~~~ng -~1~~ new ~ae~.c~h~ ~~a~~to After ~~unc~l d~~c~as~~~no ~a~ r~a~~.~~~, ~~~!r~~~l~.~n ~°a~3~yo seconcl~d by Counc~l~an Schlege.~ ~nd ~~aan~~~~s~~ ~~~r~ed, ~l~e ~r~dge S~ree-~ br~dge weigh~. capaci~y ~x°der re~~~ved fro~rn ~k~e ~~a~e D~,vis~~n ~f H~,g~h`aays vaas accep~ed ancl ~ppr~v~d ~nd ~~blic 6V~rks D~~ar~aen~ vaas au~k~orized and ir~stru~tecl ~o p~ar~k~~se ~~a~a s~gns .~~~1~,ca~~r~c~ ~Ya~ 10~~1 capac~ty limit ~o be ~~.~re ~5) ~c~a~s gr~ss ~vve~gka~o 12ECEIP'~ OF MINi~°~E~ ~ COi~~T'~ tiVA'I`~R R.ES~T7RCE~ Ai~V~ ,~R~,' ~ONNbMM~'I°°I°~E Cap~es of tYne a~~.n~a~~s ~f tY~e la~~ C~~n~y Wate~° k~eso~arce~ Advisory Committee r[aee~~ng have been receivecl by ~he C~~y and pla~ed ora f~le o cA~z~ ~°oR ~~~s oN ~~~~°~~~r vaA~~a a~~~s ~ 6xe~,a over~ iTpon advase fro~ D~rec~or P~ab~i~; 4Jorks Anders~n ~hat °~he Plans ~ and Specif~~at~ons vaere r~o~ y~~ ~mmplete call for bid~ on certain ' water l~nes, ~he Co~ancil agr~~d. th..~~ ~~er~a be ~aeld over un°t~l ~he next regular mee~inga PROGRES3 REPOl~°~ - I~OPEZ TnT.~°~Et SL~P~I~~' A P~°ogress R~p~x°~ ~n T~mpez Wa~er Su.pply for ~Yae month. ~f May, 1970 was rece~ved fro~a ~k~e San Lu~s Ob~spo County ~'l~~d Control and Water Conserva~.~on Da.str~c~B ~a~~ch tiaas ~°evbewed an~ ordered f~ledo C~uncilman Schb~q~l `aas dir~~~ed °t~ request an audit report on the recx°eational fa~i~~~.~~s a~ i~~pez Lake at °the next a~rnee~ing of the Zone 3 Advisory Coa~a~~,~~~e a SAF'E'I'~.' AWARD - F'120N3 ANd~1~~CAN W~,°~°ElZ WORIZS ASSOCIA°I'I01~T 'I°O WATER DEP'~. 'I°h.e Wa°~er l~epar~~n~ `vas p~°~sen~ed arn Award of Meri~ in recogni- tion of an E~cell,ent ~~fetcy Rec~rd i~ ~kae Tn7at~r Work~ ~ndus~ry fron~ the A~xaer~can Watex° W~~°ks Assoc.~~~ican for their outstanding record of safe~y for ~he ~ast year, ~m~un~ib congra~ulat~d ~.he City Water Depar~en~ f~r aga~.n receiv~ra.g ~~~s Award of Mer~~m RECEIP°~ OF MINLd'I°ES ~ 2~L~E ~ Ai~~7~SORY ~~NNbM~~°°b°EE NdE~°I'ING 6-11-'~0 Copie~ of °~he m~n~a~es of ~T~ane 11, 1970 rn~eetiz~g of th~ Zone 3 Adv~s~ry Coaa~i~°~ee `ae~°e received by ~he C~~nc~.~., rev~~wed and ordered filedo PROGRESS ~PORT - ARR~XO GRAI~TDE S~TiVER ASSES s1~N°I° DISTRICT °a°Ynere `aere n~ neva dev~l~pa~ernt~ repor~ at ~h~s tim?~ m P120GRESS REPO~t°~ - SOU°~H SAN LUIS OBgSP~ C~UN'I~X SAN~TA'I°ION D~STRICT Copies ~f °~kne Ch~e~ Fl~n~ ~,per~~or ° s Re,pox°°t for ~he Ymonth of June, 1970 were received by ~;~~nc~.la rev~evaaed ~nd ~rdered fileda AU'I°HOR.NEGOTII~TIOI~T IoAM~MAL~T &~1SSOCm~'OR I3EV. T~PICS S'.~°UDS'.' & 1~LAN D~.rec~~r ~f E~.b~ic Wo~°ks Anclerson report~d ~hat w~.~k~n th~ ~s~ablish- ment of ~he °3°~P~~S P~ogr~a a TOPICS S~~s~y and Ov'ex°a~.1 Plan kaas ~o be completed pr~.~r e~p~~ad~~~~°e of "~OPa~S f~aa~ds f~r prsa j e~ts a~nd ~Yaa~t the County of San Lu~~ Obis~a~ ~nas ~~s~~s.~x~ized ~he R~ad Coa~mi~s~oner to negot~ate an agree~en~ `vi~~ the f~ra~ m.£ L~mpm~n & A~soco ~s~ c1~ the _ required st~dy ancl devel~~ a pY,an f~~ ~h~ ~~a~n°~y ~nd req~aes~ed C~uracil au~l~.oriza~~~n neg~~~~~~ a~ ~gr~~axaen~ vv~~kn ~~p~an & Assoca to con- duc~ a s°~udy amd dev~~.~p ~~O~I~S Fl~ar~ ~h~ ~a.~y of Arroyo Grande, and th.~t a po~~~.on o~ ~~e cos~ ~~n~ s~~n~1y ~nd plaa~ ~~an ~e pa~.d tias.th. TOPI~S funds ancl ~he l~a~.~n~ce wi°~~ °°in ka~ndB° serv~~~so Afer Couraci~. dis~ussion, on n~o~i~n ~f C~uz~ci~.~~n ~°all~yo s~~~nded by ~~~~.~ilsa~~n Wood and unani- nbously earr~edo D~rec~or Pu~].a.~ Works And,ers~a~ ~aas au~l~orized to negotiate an agreea~ea~~ w~.°~YY~n ~~ae F~ra~ of Laa~pa~arn aa~d As~m~iates for ~he developmen~ of ~.n a~vera~l °~OP~~S 1~~.~n, ~a~d S~~ndy ~or 'th~ Ci~y of Arrvyo Grande in c~nj~an~~ic~r~ vaa~°~k~ t~a~ix° vv~rk for °~~a~ C~~a~~y San Laais Obaspoe CI"a'°Y COUNCI~ ~T~dLY 140 1970 ARROYO GRANDE a CAI~~FORN~A ~AGE 6 ~°EE EXENd.P°~° I~~CENSE & ALd"~°°HORm SO~~~~'~° 'I°O PA~N°~° HOLbSE NOa Oi~T CLdRB-~DS CHtI%~H C~~y C1erk. M~bler r~~d a le~°~er froa~a °~Y~~ ~kn~rckn ~f ~'~sus ~k~x°~.st of La°~~e~°~Dagr Sa~n~so req~es°~ing a~°~k~ox°iza°~~~n ar~c1 ~ f~e exe~a~~ ]a~nsa~raess license °~m pa~n~ address n~a~ers mn ~k~e curb infr~ra~ of res~clence~ in the Ci~y of Arroy~ Grande f~r a~.~na~i~n of $1 o QO per l~o~nse nuanbero to be pa~d by the a~n°~horizing a~~Y~o~ity ~f ~Y~e Y~~~seY~~ldo Af~er Co~.ncil d~.scu~siona on ~ot~~ra of Coun~ilsxaan Sch.legelo sec~ncled by C~~.nc~~a~aan Talley and unan~r~musly carx°ie~o au~h~r~.z~ti~n and ~ fee exe~p~ business ~ic~nse was granf~ed ~he ~kn~arch of aI'e~~ns Ck~r~s~ ~f La~~er~Day Sa~n~s ~o gain~ house numbers on ~l~e ~ux~}~so up~n ~.Y~e.~r ~b~ai,n~ng apProval £ronn tYae occupant of ~he h~~se ~rad any fee ~x° c~r~°~r~~~a~~on for ~ha~s service to be paid by th.e ~cc~p~n~ o£ th~ h~useo LEA~UE O~' C.~I~I~'aCI°I°ZES - CFi~,NL~b~ COiJL~TIES D~VIS~ON MEE'I°ING 7~31~70 May~r ~ev~ne advised that ~he next n~ee~ing of the League of Californ~a Cit~es CY~..annel Co~n~~es Division va~ll be held an San Luis Obispo at the E~ks C~.ub ~n July 310 19700 ~a~tYa ~he va~rkshop meeting starta,ng at 4m00 PmMo REPOR'I' OL~T RECENT MAYORS °~E'IBING NIA~.'OR I~V~NE Mayor Levine gave an oral report on the re~ent Mayors° Me~~ing, s~atang th,e en~s.re mee-t~.ng covered the procedure of °~he Capital Improve- ment Plan of the Ci~y of San Luzs Obispo, wYnich `aas very bnteres~ing and informative and he `vould cover the matter in greater de~ail during a study sessimn of ~h.e C~~ancila ADJ'OLYI2NM~I~T'I° 'I°O E.~CLd°b°IV~ SE~SION On mo°~~on of Councilwon~an °I'hompsona seconded by Councilanan Wood and unanin~o~.sly carriedo ~Yae ~eeting adjourned to an execu°~ive session at 9m57 PaMo ~~r personnel ax~atte~°se RECONF~ENMENT OF" COUNCIL ~kae Council rec~nvi~ned a~ 1Qe29 PoMo with all members being presen~ as shown on r~l]. cal.l ~ ADJOIdRNMENZ° On motion of Cm~ancils~an W~oda ~econded by Councila~?an Schlege]. ' and unani~ously carra~ed the ~eeting adjourned at 10030 P.M. ~ . ~ ~ , AT'I°ES'1' o `~r2:.-z..-P ,-~-~`~-,~'~=~~~t- .r,%~ - C I 7~E RK r MA OR CITY COUNCIL JULY 21, 1970 ~RRO~IO GRANDE o CAI~IF'ORNI.~, 7 0 00 P e Mo The Ci~y Counc~l anet in special session with MayQr Levine presidingo LTpon r~ll call Council Mem~er~ Sckalegela Thompsono Wood and Ta~.].ey reported presento ADJOUI2NMEN°~ ~°O EXECUTIVE SESS~ON On m~tion of Cmunc~lman Sch~.egel, se~onded by Councilwoman Thompson and unaimo~sly carried ~he meeting adjourned to execu~ive session at 7m01 FoMo for personnel matterso 1~ECONV~NMENT OF COTJI~TCId~ °°~hhe Council rec~nv~ened a~ 7055 PoMo with alb ~esnbers being presen~ as shooan on roll ealle ADJOURNMEN'I° On ~otion ~f Councilman Wooda seconded by Co~.ncilm~n Tal].ey and unanimously ~a~°r~ed ~~ae meeting adjourned ~to a joint study session with tYne Planning Co~~ssion at 8000 PaMe ~ A'~TES~'I°o ~ ~.,,,~~,,~c'~-.~._ ~ _ C I'd~3.' I~ RI~C ' MAYOR