Minutes 1970-07-21 CI°~Y COUNC~~ JU~x 140 1970 AIZROYO GRANDE, CAI~~FORN~~, PAGE ~ FEE EXENdP°I° ~~CENSE & ALd°°~°°FiORo SO~~~g~° °~O PA~N°~° HOLbSE NOo O1~T CibRBmId3~S CEit.T~H C~~y Clerlc M~~.ler r~~.d a le°~°~ex° fro~a °~Y~~ ~k~~ux°c1~ ~f ~~sus ~1~rbst of La~~e~°~Day Sa~n~so requ~~s°~ing a~u~h~x°~za°~i~n arad ~ fee exe~ap°~ b~usaness license ~m paan~ addr~ss na~a~be~°s on ~Yae curb in,fr~nt of res~clence~ in the C~~y of Arroy~ Grande f~r a d~na°~.~~n ~f $1000 per Yno~se n~bero to be pa,~d by tYae a~n°~horizing a~~k~~~ity ~f ~k~e h~~iseY~~ldo Af~er Gouncil discussiono on ~xa~~~on of Couracil~an Schlege,lo sec~a~ded by C~~nc~,~,aa~an Talley and unanirLLa~usly carx°iedo a~~h~rbza~~~n and a fee exemp~ b~zs~ness licex~se was gran~ed ~he ~Ya~arc~a of ~es~as Ckaris~ ~f I~~~~.er~Day Sain~s to pa~nt house nuan~aers mn ~he c~x°3~so ~p~a~ ~~,e~r ~b-~a~n.~nc~ apProval f~o~ ~Yne occupant of ~he ~ouse ~nc1 any fee or c~n~~°~1~~~~~~n for ~h~s service to }ae paid by tY~e o~c~p~r~~ o~ tY~e house o LEA~UE O~' CP,I,IFoCI~'IES - CI~I~TL~L CO~bI~T'~IES D~VIS~OI~T N1EE~II~TG 7~31~70 Mayor I~ev.~ne advised ~hat ~he ne~t n~ee~ing of the Leag~e of California Ci~ies Channel Coun~ies Div~s~on vaill be held in San Lu~s Obispo at the E~ks Club ~n J~ly 31.n 1970o witYa ~Ya.e workshop ~,ee~ing starting a-~ 4m00 PmMo REPORT ON RECEi~T'I° MAY'QRS °~E'I°ING B~' MA~'OR I~V~NE Mayor Levine gave an oral rep~rt on the recent Mayors° Meeting, sta~ing the en~ire meeting covered the procedure of ~he Cap~tal Improve- ment Plan of tYae Ci~y of San ~u~s ObispoB `vhich `aas very a.nteresting and informa°~ive and Yne ~aould cover the matter in greater detail during a study sessi~n of ~.he ~~~ancilo ADJ'03~RNNIEN'~ ~'O E~Cid°b°I~ SESSTON On mo°~ion of Counc:~lvvor~~n TYaompsona seeonded by Councilrcban Wood and unanimously carriedo ~Yae nneeting adjourned to an executive session at 9 s 57 PeM. ~mr personnel anatte~°s o RECON~IENMEN"b'° OF COUNCIId 'I°Y~e Counc~l rec~nviened a~ 1Qa29 PoMo with a11 members being' presen~ as sho`an on r~ll callo ADJOURN.NlEN'I° On mmtion of C~~uncils~an W~odo ~econded by Councilman Schlege~ ' and unanin~ous~y carra~ed ~he a~ee~ing adjourned at ].Oo30 P.Mo . . . f..r : . ~°~~~s ,l~' ~ AT'I°E S Z° ~ - ~ ~~c~~ C I IaE RK . MA OR CITY COUNCIL JULY 21, 1970 ARROYO GRANDEo CAIoIFORN~A 7m00 PeMo 'I'he Ci~y Goun~il me~ in speeial session wi~th Mayar Levine presidingo Upon roll call Council Men~er~ ScYalegelo Thompsona Wood and Tal~ey reported presen~o ADJOUI3NMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSIOI~T On mo~imn of C~unc~la~an S~hl~gel, seconded by Cotancildaornan 'I'hompson and unaimo~sly carried ~he a~eeting adjourned to execu~ive session at '~m01 PaMo for p~rsonnel matterso ~ECONV~NMEN~° OF COUI~IC~~ ~e Council rec~nv~.~raed a~ 7a55 PoMo witka all a~embers being presen°k as shown on ro].l call o ADJOURNNl~L~T'~ On s~otion ~f C~un~i].n~an Woodo se~onded by Co~nncilm~n Tal].ey and unanimously ~arr~ed ~he meeting adjourned to a~~in°t s~udy sess~.on with the Planning C~~ission at 8000 PaMa d • ~ ' • ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ATTES`I°m .~-f ~.~,z-„~-~-•..~~,~."G~L . ,~t----~-.__., ~ I °I°Y IoE RFC ~ MAYOR