Minutes 1970-07-28 2g~ CITY COUNCIL J(JLY 28, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Counciy met in regular session with M,ayar Levi~e presiding, Upon roll call Council Members Schlegel, Tho~mpson, Wood and Ta11ey x°eported presenta PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Levine led the Pledge of Allegia.nce to our Flag; and immediately there- after Reverend. James Wiclcstrom of the First Presby~erian Church of Arroyo Grande, delivered the invoca~fon, MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meeting of J~xly 14, 19~0 and the special mee~ing of July 21, 1970 were approved as pxeparedo . APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On mo~ion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, General Warr.ants No, 80 through No, 115, in the total ainount of $33,289e96; Payroll Warrants Na, 110 through Noa 187, in the total amount of '$14,114s06; and Trust and t~gency Warrants No. 1186 through No, 1196, in the total amount of $412,98, were appro~ed and ordered paid. APPROVAL OF JOURNAL VOUCHERS TRANSFER On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, Journal Vouchers No, 1 and No, 2 were approved and ordered transferrede RE_Q,OF STANLEY GRIEB & RESOL,APPLI,TO LA.FCo - PROPOSED ANNEX.HALCYON RD.NO. 1(GRIEB) Administrator B~.tch re~.d a letter received from Lois and Stanley Grieb, requesting that the three acres of propexty owned by them, located on the southerly side of South Haleyon Road, be annexed to the City of Arroyo Grande, Mr, Jerry Osbarn, representing Mr. & Mrsa Grieb, was present and advised that annexation to the City would enable the best development of the prope~tyo After Council dis- cussion, City Attorney Ships~y ~°ead the title of a resolutinn making application to the Loca1 Ageney Formation Commission relative to annexing territory to the City, thereafter a inotion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Council- woman Thompson and unanimously earx°ied, to dispense caith reading the balance of this resolution, RESOLUTION N0. 885 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION BY THE CITY OF ARROYQ GRANDE TO THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION RELATIV~ TO A PROPOSAL TO ANNEX TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE On motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilma.n Wood and on the follow- ing roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood, Ta11ey and Mayor Levine NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 28th day of July, 1970, On motion of Councilman Ta11ey, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimously carried., the request frclm Lois and Stanley Grieb for annexation of their property to the City of Arroyo Grande, was referred to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation, INVITATION TO PA~RTICIPATE IN MEXICAN INDEPENDENCE DAY PARADE & FTESTA 9-13-70 Administrator Butch read a letter from the Union Civica y Cultural Mexicanna, inviting the Council to participate in the Mexican Independence Day Parade and Fiesta to be held in Grover City, Sepfiember 13, 1970, After Council discuss3.on, Administrator Butch was ~.nstructed to advise the Mexican Civic and Cultural Union that all Council Members possible will participate in this event, RECEIPT OF PETITION FROM A,G.VTLLAGE MERCHANTS RE: PARKING & BUS,TMPR,ASSESS,DISTR, Administrator Butch advised that a petition, signed by the owners of 51% of the businesses in the Centra.l Business District, has been received, requesting that the Council establish an improvement district for off street parking, etc, under the Parking and Business Im}~rovement Area Law of 1965e Mrso Peggy Porter and Mre Laird Smi~h, representing the Merchants Assoc, were present and discussed with the Council the proposed procedu.re of billing and collecting the assessments i.n conjunction with the issuance of business licenses. Administrator Butch reported that he has been in contact with 0'Melveny and Myers, Bond Cauns,~lors,,and"~t1i'is firm is forwarding information regarding procedures under this Act. After Council a~~:~~w, CITY COUNCIL JUZY 28, 19~0 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORI~IIA PAGE 2 discussion, it was agreecl this mattex° be held over until additional information is receiveda TREA5URE1~" S REPORT FOR THE MOI~TTH OF JU1VE , 1970 The Treasurer°s Repo~t for the mon~h. of June, 1970 w~.s received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filedo NOTICE OF EXT.AREA TELEPHONE SERV.BETWEEI~ S.L 0, & A G HAS BEEN AUTHORIZED Administrator Butc1~ reported that notice has been received from the Public Utilities Cnmmission, advising that the application of Pacific Telephone Co, to provide extended service betiaeen San L~is Obispo and. Arroyo Grande has been approvecl and authorized to become operative within 24 months. RESOL.AUTHORaPURCHASE OF POLICE VEHICLE THROUGH STATE PROCUREMENT OFFICE Administrator Buteh repo~ted that the State Office of Purchasing has advised that the State Procurement Office is preparing to call for bids fo~ vehicles for fiscal year 1970-71 and if the City wishes to participate in the State program, information regarding proposed vehicle purchases has to be forwarded to the State prior to August 24, 19~0; and that due to limited funds Police Chief Richardson has requested that the new vehicle for the Police Depte be purchased through the State. After Council discussfon, City A~torney Shipsey read the title of a resolu- tion authorizing the State Depar ~nent of General Services to include in the State Call for Bids for the purchase of one California Highway Patrol Class "A" Special Service Vehicle for the City of Arroyo Grande, thereafter a motion was ma.de by Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilma.n Wood and unanimotzsly carried, to dispense with reading the balance of th~.s resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 886 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GR.ANDE AUTHORIZING THE DEPAR'I'MEI~IT OF GENERAL SERVICES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO PURCHASE CERTAIN ITEMS. On motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Talley and on the follow- ing roll call vote, to `ait: AYES: Council Members Thompson, Wood, Talley and Ma.yor Levine NOES: Councilman Schlegel ABSENT: None the foregoing resolutfon was passed and adopted this 28th day of July, 1970, LETTER FROM SENATOR COLLIER RE° SUPPORT OPPOSITION TO LEGIS FOR DIVER OF GAS TAX FUNDS Administrator Butch reviewed a letter received from State Senator Randolph Collier, again requesting that this Council support opposition to legislation to divert highway funds for other then maintenance and construction of street and highway systems, After Council discussion, it was agreed no action be taken on this matter until additional information is received from the League of Calif. Cities. PROPOSED UNIFORM ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE City Attorney Shipsey advised that there are certain problenYS involved, which are not readi;ly resolvable, if the City should adopt the San:~~itis Obispo County Anima.l Control Ordinance by reference, and therefore would recommend that the City proceed with the adoption of its own Animal Control Ordinance. After Council diseussion City A~torney Shipsey wa.s instructed to prepare the Animal Control Ordinance in final form for adoption. COA3TAZ VALLEY PLA.NN'ING COUNCIL SCHEDULED PLANNING SEMINAR - GROVER CITY - 8-2-70 Administrator Butch advised that notice has been received from the Coastal ' Valley Planning Council, inviting the Council and a11 interested persons to attend the Planning Seminar to be held in the Grover City Council Chambers, August 2, 1970, from 9:00 A,M, to 2:30 P,Me LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN FROM THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Administrator Butch reviewed the latest legislative bulletins received from the League of California Citieso APPROVAL TO DISPOSE OF CTTY OWNED SURPLUS MATERIAL Administrator Butch reported that the various City Departments have submitted lists of ma.terial, tools and sup.plies owned by the City but no longer necessary for City use and requested this material be disposed of. After Council discussion, on motion of Council~ma.n SGhlegel, seconded by Councilwoanan Thompson and unanimously carried, the following ma.terial, tools and stxpplies were declared as surplus and to be sold b~ public bid ~.t 11:00 A.M„ August 15, 1970: ~~3 CITY COUNCIL JULY 28, 19`~0 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 1. Aix° Compx°essox° - complege caith tank ~nd ~ Ho el~ct~ic ~notora 2. 1951 m 6 cylinder Z~an Chevrolet pickup, 4 X 6~ fte step side box. (minimuan bid $l~Qo00) 3. 1958 - 6 cylind.er 2 ton Chevrclet with 4 speed ~ran~m3.s~ion, 4 X 6a ft, ste.p side box, heav~ daztg~ ~ax'ap ax'o~.ncl b~nmpere ( Miniama.m bid $250,00) 4. 2" Worthington paxmp tia~,~h ~~anges, checlcs, flex couplings and 2- 2-H single phase Zelan~ electric mc~~orsa 5. 2 tons miscellaneo~zs pipe fi~tings 3 to 8 inche 6, 5 tons miscellaneo~s cast ix~on p~pe 6 and 8 inch, from Reser~oir No, le ' 7. 2 tons scrap iron, ste~l, galvanized and wrought. 8. 4 - lavatories, standard. 9. 4 - toilet bowls. l0e 3- toilet bo;al tanks. with said anaterial to be on ~.isplay ~t the City Corporation Yard. PLANNING COMMISSTON RE UEST - CURB GUTTER & SIDEWALK BE INSTALLED ON GRAND AVE. AT NNIPER Administrator Butch reported that the Planning Commission has requested that the City Council initiate proceed~ngs by use of the 1911 Improvemeitt'Act (short form) for the installat~on of curb, gutter and sidewalk for the remaining unimproved por- tion of property on the south ~ide of Gr~.nd. Avenixe between E1m and Juniper Streets. After Council discussion, Adminis~rator Butch was instructed to advise the Planning Commission, that ~he Council agreed t~.at th.e installation of curbs, gutters and sidewalks are not necess~ry at this ti.me and at the time Grand Avenue roadway is fully improved in t1~~s area th~se improveare nts will again be considered. PLANNING COMMISSION REQUEST POLICY CZARIFI.CATION RE• NOT REQ.QFF-SITE IMPR BRISCO HILL Administrator Butch reported that the Plann~.ng Commisslon has requested clarificatfon of the policy established regarding not requiring improvements of curb, gutter and sfdewalks on Bra.sco Hill; and reviewed a report from Director of Public Works Anderson, dated July 22, 19~0, which reviewed prior action of the Council, at the time the ord~nance requiring installa~tion of off-site improvements was adopted, and outlined drainage probl.eans which wauld be created if off-site improvements were installed in this area. After Council discussion, Administrator Butch was instructed to forward this repart to the Planning Comanissione PROGRESS REPORT ° FAIR Ot~KS AVEI~IUE EX.TENSION AND BRIDGE Administrator Bv.tch r~viewed a report from Director of Public Works Anderson, ~..~.tect J'uly 22, 1970, o~:tl.ining ~t~aa4: the .construction of the bridge is progressing satisfactorily and that the pre-stress~d girders are scheduled to be delivered Ju1y 30, 1970a and that Mra JoFan Rich.e~°son is removing the walnut trees witliin the road right of way for the wood, at no add~.ti.onal cost to the City; and has orally agreed to remove the tree stumps at a cost of $500,00 and if he can find a market for the stumps he will refund ~.p to the $500,00 to the City; and it is recomanended that the City ~nter into a formal agreement with Mr. Richerson regarding the walnut tree stumps. A£ter Council disc~.ssion, on xnotion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanisno~sly carried, the agreement betvaeen the City and John Richerson, for the remova.l of walnut tree stumps within the Fair Oaks Ave. extension right of way~ was app~ov~d, wY~ereby Mre Richerson will remove the tree stumps at a cost to the City of $500.00, said worlc to be completed by August 14, 1970; and if the tree stumps are mark.etable Mr, Ri,cherson wi11 refund to the City up to $500°00, if sqld within six anon~hsfram.date of agreement; and the Mayor and City Clerk were authori~ed and instructed to sign the agreement on belaalf of the City. RECEIPT OF BIDS - FAIR QAKS .4.VENUE EXTENSION - ROADWAY Administrator Butch report~d that eight (8) bids were received and opened July 22, 1970, for the cons~ruction o£ Fair O~.ks Avenue roa dway - Pr o j e c t N o. 9 0- 7 0-1, and that the bids are now being rev~.ewed by the Engineering Dept. and will be Fresented to the Council for consideration and actian at the August 11, 1970 meeting. PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRANDE ASSESSMENT DISTRTCT Administrator Butch reportecl th~t he has been in contact with representatives of HUD r~arding ~he City°s appZication for a federal grant to assist with the assess- CITY COUNCIL JULY 28, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 ment district, and wa~ inforaned that ~~e Governmen~ has not appx°oved additional funds as yet and until such time as ftznds are provided the Citg~"s applieation does not indic~.te ne~d for priority approval. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUfiH SAI~T LUIS OBISPO COZbNTY SAI~IITATION DZSTRICT Capies a~ th~ 1~6~=7Q Fisc~.T ~ear Iteven.~ae"and Expenditure Report we~e received by the Council, reviewed and ordex°ed. fileda AGREEMENT AUTHORIZATIOlV TO PRQVIDE A G CITY Bt7ILDIIVG INSPECTION TO PISMO BEACH Administrator Butck~ repo~°ted that the Cit~ of Pismo Beach has contacted this City requesting that certa~n building inspection ser~ices be px°ovided to the City of Pismo Beach by the City of A~royo G~ande Building D~partment on a contract basis. The Bu.ildi.ng Departmen~ has reviewed this request and advised that specific services can be provided. by tk~e Depa~tm~nt ~ntil s~ch time as construction increases consider- ably in either Ci~y. The generally ~greed ~pen contracted costs wauld be 75% of the permit fees for actual inspection time and $9.00 per hour for related services. The Council discussed and agx~~ed as long as no additional personnel will be needed, this service can be provided tm the City of Pismo Beach; and City A~torney Shipsey was authorized and instruc~ed to prepa~e the contract between the City of Arroyo Grande and the City of Pismo Beach, tc~ cover specific building inspection services for the City of Pismo Beach, ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unan- imously earried, the ~eeting adjourned to an executive session ~t 8055 P.M. to discuss possible litigation. RECONVENMENT OF COt1NCIL The Cotxncil recony~ened at 10:00 PaMo with all members being present as shown on roll call. DISCUSSION - PROP Tt~X RA'TE TO PROVIDE GENERAL FUND CONTR TO LOPEZ WATER'CONTRPiCT COSTS Adm$nistrator Butch reviewed a report, dated July 28, 1970, on projected cash requirements for Lngez W~.ter Contract funding~ based on the City's assessed valuation and projecting revenue to be derived from a 65~ tax rate and a 50~ tax rate, indi- cating the projected time period each rate would provide sufficient funds to meet the Lopez Contract obligation, as the Council had previously agreed that General Fund reventte would be necessary to meet this contract. The Council diseussed and agreed that the 65~ tax rate would be necessary this year to provide sufficient funds, and to avoid a greater i~crease in the near future; and each year the tax rate will be reviewed very carefully and will be lowered a.s projected revenue ~ndieates such is possible. City A~torney Shipsey was irbstructed to prepare the resolution necessar~ to set the tax rate for the City of Arroyo Grande, incorporating the following: TAX RATE General City l~perations $1,530 Employee Retirement ~205 Street Lighting .190 Recreation ,D50 TOTAL TAX RATE $1.980 ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilm.an Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimov.sly carried, the meeting ad,journed at 10:20 P.M. ~ . ~ I ATTEST: ~ -ti.~~- ` ~ ~ CITY RK ` MAY R