Minutes 1970-08-11 ~~5 CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 11~ 3970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met ixt regular session with Mayor Levine presidirc~o Upon roll eall, Council Members Schlegela Th~mp~c~~i.~ W~od and Talley reported. present, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND II~VOCATION Mayor Levine led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag~ and immediately thereafter, Councilman Schleg~l deliv~red the invocatican.. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regular m~eting c~f July 28, 1970 w~re apprmv~d as pre° pared. APPROVAL OF WAP~RAI~tTS On moti~n of CouneilzYaan Schl~g~l, ~e~onded by Gcaun~ilwc~man Thompson and uxaanimpusly ~:arried, General Warrants Noa 116 ~hr~ugh Noe 160, ix~ the total amount of $49,948a85; Payr~ll W~.rran,t~ Noe l~~ thr~ugh ~tc~. 264, in. the total axnount of $14,110.90; and T.ru~t and Agenc~ Warra~ats I~o. 1148 through No, 11$5, in the total annount of $460.00, were appr~ved and ordered paid. RECETPT OF SLO COU~TY DEVELOPMENT ASSOC QUARTERLY 1VE_WSLETTER ~ap~es of the Quarterly Dev~lcaprne~~t N~wsle~ter of the San Luis Obispo County Developm~nt Association, Inc., dated July 1970, were received by the Council. NOTICE FROM C0, HEALTH DEPT, STRICTER MEASURES ON ANIMALS THAT BITE-EFFe8°7-70 Administrator Butch reportecY th~t notice has beex~ received from James Da Gates, of the County Health Departmer~t, advising that effective August 7, 1970, all animals that bite will tae requfred to be cguarantined for a 10 day period at the Wood"s Animal Shelter; or if the owner of the an.imal chooses, at the place of business of a licensed veterinarian ~r at a veterinary hospital. 'Phis policy has been,adopted to offer mox'e effective prntection to the publico TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JULY, 197n Administrator Butch advis~d that the Treasurer`s Report for the month of July, 1970, was not completed at this time. DEPARTMENTAL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JULY, 1970 The Departmental Report for the month of July, 19709 was received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed. SET PUBLIC HEARING TO ESTABLISH PARKING AIlD BUS. AREA IMPROV. DISTR, 9-8-70 Administrator Butch reported that additional information on the formation of an improvement district under the Parking and Bu~iness Area Law of 1965 has been received and reviewed by City Att~rney Shipsey and that a resolution has been prepared fe~r C~uncil consideration, whi~h will initiate proceedings and sets a public hearing for the establishment ~f this clistrict; and advised that a petition has been received oppc~sing the farmation. of this proposed improvement district, ~igned by 19 ~wr~ers of busines~es within the proposed district. Mrs. B. Wa M~li.s, owner of Malis Duplicating Coe, 115 E, Branch St., was present, and requested that additional information be provided to the merchan.ts a~ there is much confusiom regarding this matter. Mr. Laird Smith, president of the Village Merchants Associ8.tio~ta advised that letters of explanation have been sent to each merchant in the proposed district and that three meetings have been. held regarding this matter, at which attendance was very lowe After Council discu~sion, City Attorn.ey Shipsey read the title of a resolution ~etting a public hearing for Sept~mber 8, 1970 at 8;00 P.M., to consider the formation of an improvexnent district within a specified area on and adjacen.t t~ Branch Street by us~ of the Parking and Busi~.ess Area Law of 1965, thereafter a motian was made by Councilman S~hlegel, sec~nded by Councilwoman Thoznpson and una~.imously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolutione RESOLUTION N0. 887 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARR.OYO GRANDE DECLARII~tG ITS INTEI~TION TO ESTABLISH A PARKING AND IMPROVEMEI~IT AREA, TO PROVIDE FOR THE LEVY OF AI~t ADDITIONAL BUSINESS LICEIVSE TAX AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING TO CONSIDER ESTABLISHMENT OF SUCH AREA, . CITY COUNCIL AIdGUST 11, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 On motion of Councilman Talleya second.~d by C~u~.~il~arn. Wood and ~n the following roll call vot~, tm wito AYESe C~unc~.l Member~ Schlegel9 Th~;np~~r~9 W~~cY9 Tall~y and Ma.yor Levin~o NOES o ~'cax~e o ABSENT: I~onee the foregoing resolut~o~. was pa~sed and adopted thi~ llth d~,y ~f Aaxgust, 1970, AUTHOKe TO SIGN AGR~Eo TO PROVIDE AeG. CITY BUILDo I~TSPo SERVo TO PISMO BEACH Administrato~° Butcl~ ~epc~rtecl ~hat Cit~ Atto~ney Ship~~y ha~ pr~pared the propa~ed agreement b~tr~eex~ the ~~.ty of Arroyo Gran~e and the City ~f Pismo Be~ch for specific buildi~g insp~~tio~ ~ex°vi~e~ ~o be provided by this City and h.as been ~pproved by the City of Pi~~?o B~~.~h, After C~un~il discus~ sion., on moti9n af Couxx~ilwnman Thoxnp~on~ ~e~onded b~ C~uncil~am Sehlegel and unanimously carried, that the NTayor and Git~ Gl~r~. wex~e instructed and author- ized to sign th~ ag~eem~nt on behal£ of the City, tay whfeh the City of Arroyo Grande will prc~vide specific building fnspection ~ervices to the City of Pismo Beae.h on the basis of ~ fee schedul~ as ~on.tained in the agre~ment. MUNICIPAL CODE AME1~D. - AI~TIMAL COI~ITROL ORD, ~ FIRST READING City Attorney Shipsey advised that the propo~ed Animal Control Ordinance has been prepared in fixaal form and i~ now read:y for C~uncil ~on~ideration an.d recom~ended that the ordinarace be given its fix~st reading again as con~ siderable time has elapsed sirece the prior fir~t readin.ga After Cou~.cil dis- cussion, City Attox°n.ey Shfpsey r~ad9 for its first r~ading, an ordinan.ce amen.ding ~he Municipal Code r~lating to Axx~.iznal C~ntrols9 thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, ~econded by Cour~cilwoanan Th~Ynpson and un~ni~ mously carried, to di~pense with reading the balan~e of thi~ ordinance. REPORT FROM SANTA CRUZ COa ON MEET, OF CITIES & COU~TIES R~GIONAL PLANN.DIS,No.7 Administrator Butch reviewed a report ~.nd letter x°~ceived from Do Dan Forbus, Ch~irman of the B~ard of Supervisors of the C~u~ty of Santa Cruz, covering informal not~s taken at the meeting held on Jun.e 25, 1970, to ex- plore the possibility of formiing a regional cleax°i~.ghouse agency in the fourm county region of San Lui~ Obispo, Monterey, San Benito, ancl Santa Gruz Countfes; and inquiring ~s to each entities interest ir~ holding future meet~ ings. After Council discu~sion.~ Adininistrator Butch was instructed to obtain additional info~cnation x°egarding the need for an additional clearinghouse from the San Luis O~bispo County and Cities Ar~a Planning Gouncil and from the County of Santa Cruz, RECEIPT OF MI1~tUTES OF THE COASTAL VALLEY PLANI~TING COUI\TCIL MEETING 7-6-70 The aninutes of the Coastal Valley Pla~.nir~g ~ouncil Y?xeeting of July 6, 1970, were received by the Courccil a~d orderecl filed. LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN FROM THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Administrat~r Butch reviewed the late~t le~islatfve bulletins received from the League of California Cities and repor~ed th~.t he had been advised that State Senator Grunsky, who was origin~.lly opposed to the proposed legis- lation regarding police and firem~n setirement at age 50, has now voted_in f~vor of this bill... After Couneil di~cussion, Administrator Butch was in~ structed to contact Senator Grunsky expressing this Coun~il'~ oppositimn to this legislatfon and also write Senator Grun~ky and As~emblyinen MacGilveray and Ketchum opposing pa~sage of AB2182, regarding Capital Financing, Vote Required on Leaseback or Lease~Purcn$se~e REPORT BY P, & R. COM. POPE o BEACHES & PARKS ADVISORY COMM, MEET, 8-4-70 Parks and 8ecreation Commissfoner Pope gave axx oral report on the Beaches and P~.rks Advisory Committee meetin~ of Augu~t 4, 1970; and r~quested direct- ion from the Couneil regarding his active participation in this co~r¢nittee, as this City has nm beach frontage, The Council discussed and agreed that this City's representative to this Coamnittee should take an active part within this committee regardi~sg improvement an.d development of Be~.ches and Parks; and report such activities to the Coun~il for its direction an.d approval, prfor to ~.ny commitme~st~ being made by its represent~tive. The next meeting of this committee is scheduled to be held in the Oceano Grammer School, at 7:30 P.M. September l, 1970. ( CITY COU~CIL AU~UST lla 1970 ARROYO GRADIDE, ~ALIFORNIA PAG~ 3 RESOLUTION ADOPT. ESTABLTSHING 1970~71 ML~ICIPAL TAX RATE Administrator Butch reviewed that the C~ty Cou~cil ~u~t adopt a res~lution each year establi~hi~g the tax rate nec~~sary to d~rive general fund~ for the various operatio~s of the Citya Aft~r Coun~il dis~us~~~~, City Attiorney Shipsey read the t~tle of a r~~~lu~i~n fi~ing th~ r~t~s of taxes for the 1970m 71 fiscal year, at $1,53 for Ge~e~al ~overnme~t Op~rat~a~~; $0,205 for Employee Retfrement; $Oo190 for St~e~t Li~htin~; a~d $O,OS~ ~or R~~~eat~on~ f~r a total tax rate of $1m98 per ea~h $100000 of a~se~sed valuatf~n~ thereafte~ a motion was mad~ by Coun~ilman. S~hl~gel~ ~ec~~d~d by Cou~cilw~man Th~~p~on ~~d unan~m mously carried, to dispe~se w~th ~eadin~ the bala~~e ~f ~his resolutione RESOLUTIO~ ~Oo 8$8 A RESOI,UTION OF TH~ CITY COU~CIL OF TH~ CITY OF ARROYO GRATIDE, GAVIFORI~IA, FIXING THE AMOiJNT OF MOI~TEY IVECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATI0IV F`OR THE CURRENT FTSCAL Y~AR BEGII~ITTI~'G JULY 1, 1970, Al~D FIXI~?G TH~ RATES OF TAXES FOR SUCH FISCAL YEAR, On motion of Coun~~,lmar~ Talley, ~~co~d~d b~ I~I~yor Levirae and on the following roll call v~tey wito AYESo Coux~~il Mex~be~~ ~chZe~eY~ Thomps~n, Ta11e~ and Mayor Levine. NOES: Goun~ilma~ W~ocl ABSENT: I~Tone the foregoing resoluti~n c~ras pas~ed ~~d adopt~d this lltfi day of August, 1970, PLANNII~G COMMISSIOI~ RECONiME~T~ATIOI~ R~e PROPOSED A~EXd HALCYON RDa I~O, 1(Grieb) Administrator But~h rep~rted that at the Pla~x~ing Co~issi~n meeting of A~gust 49 19`10~ the request of Mro and Mrs. Stanley Grieb tc~ an.~.~x ~o the City theix° property9 locat~d c~n South Halcyon Road~ was reviewed. and d~s~ussed by the Commiss~on and tha~ it r~commended that this property be annex~d to th~ Citya ,i PROC~RESS REPORT ~ FAIR OAKS AVEI~TUE EXTEIlSIO~ AIVD__ BRIDGE , Administrator But~h reported that the prestressecl girders have arrived and ~re in place on th~ brfd~e amd it is estimated th~t th~ bridge will be compl,eted in approximat~ly ~ou~° or five raeek~a AWARD OF COIVTRACT m FATR OAKS AVE~TUE EXTENSIOIv ROADWAY dmini~trator Butch reviewed that eight bids hav~ bee~ re~eived and opened at 2:00 PaM,, July 22, 1970, f~x° constru~tion of Fair Oaks Av~nue Roadway, Project No,90~70~-1, as f~llowse A. J. Diani Cora~to $34856~050 PeO. B~~ 636~ Santa Mariae Cao93454 Mo J. He~nreck, Inc. $298901a41 PaO~ Box 217, Nipczano, Caa 93444 xi-Wa~ Contracto~°s9 In~o $378473n20 PoOo Box 4268 Santa Maria~ Cao 93454 Madonna ~onst. Cao $409500.50 Ps O° Box 910, San Lu~~ Obispo9 Cao 93401 Harold D. Peters¢~n $34,980.60 Pe 0. Box 366~ Ata~~ader~~ Ca. 93422 Co Sanchez & Son, Irx~o $298659e89 1230 Mission Drive~ Solva~.g, 93463 To~y Sanchez~ In~a ($32,383022) Pa Oo Box 204~ Sa~ta Ynez, Ca, 93460 $32a381.22 Wesl~y Go Watk~.n~ ($389158,00) Pe 0. Box 2007, Paso Robles, Cav 93446 $3~a158o20 After Coun~il discussfon~ on mo~ion ~f Councilm~n S~hlegel9 s~con.ded by Councilwoman. Thomp§ona and unanimously ~arri~d.9 ~he laid in the amount of $29,659.89 for construction of Fair Oa1cs Av~a~~e Roadwaye Project Nm. 90a70-1, CTTY CDUNCIL AUGUST lls 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 in the City of Arroyo Grande, was accepted and the ~ontract awarded to Ca Sanchez & Son, Inco, raho submitted the l~west and be~t bid; ~.nd the Mayor and Citq Clerk were authorized to sign the ~o~tr~~t do~u~reer~t on Uehalf ~f the Citya ORAL REPORT ~ ZOI~TE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETII~IG 8m6m70 Councilman Schlegel gave an oral report on the Zo~.e 3 Advi~ory C~~nittee meeting of August 6, 1970, covering ~ost factox°s of possible floridatioxa of the Lopez Water Supply; an.d advised that he ha~ been informed that ~ rev~nue and expenditure report covering the Lopez Lake Recreatfonal operations i~ nearly completed and ecapies should be received by the next regular meeting of the Council, CALL FOR BIDS ON CERTAIN WATER LINES m(Held Over) Upon advice from Administrator Butch th~.t the nec~ssary encroachment permits for the installation of certain. water lines within Counfiy and State jurfsdictions have not yet been received, the Council agreed this item be held overe PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRAI~TDE SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Administrator Buteh reported that he has again been in contact with several representatives of HUD regarding the City's application for a federal grant to assist with the proposed sewer assessment district, and has ascertained that the City's application is being remevaluated following the several area inspections conducted by three different representatives of HUD; and that the project fs now being considered more favorably by this agencye After Council discussion, Administrator Butch was in~tructed to write to Congressman Talcott and advise him of the CityBs efforts regarding this pro~ ject and request h~s support and assistance in thi~ mattera PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Copies of the Chief Plant Operator's Report for the month of July, 1970, were received by the Councilq reviewed and ordered filed, CONSULTING ENGINEER REPORT INCREASE IN FEES FOR SURVEY PARTY Aclministrator Butch advised that notice has been received from the City's Consulting Engineering Firm of Garing, Taylor and Assoc, that effective July 1, there will be a 10% increase in fees for survey parties; this increase reflects negoti$ted mandatory union contract increaseso INVITATION TO BEACH CITY LITTLE LEAGUE BALL PLAYERS PICNIC 8-16~70 Administrator Butch advised that the Council has been invited to attend the Beach Cit~ Little League Ball Players Picnfc to be held Sunday, August 16, 1970 between the hours of one and four at the Grover City County Parko IN~I3TATIOI~I TO ATTEND "LYLE CARPENTER NIGHT" 9~24m70 A letter of invitation was received from the Committee for "Lyle Garpenter Night" fnviting the Council and other City Offi~ials to attend a commendation dinner to be given in honor of retiring County Board of Super~ visor Lyle Carpenter, on September 24, 1970, at the Elks Lodge in San Lufs Obispoe After Council discussiona on motion of Councilwoinan Thompson, seconded by Councilm~.n Wood and unanimously carried, Gity Attorney Shipsey was in- structed to prepare a resolution in commendati~n of Supervfsor Carpentero ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Talley, and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourn.ed to an executive session at 8:42 Po Mo to dis~uss personnel matter~o RECOI~TVENME1~tT OF COUNCIL The Council reconvened at 9:45 P,M, with a11 members being present as shown on roll calle ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Wood.~ seconded by Councilwom~.n Thompson and unanimously carried~ the meeting adjourned at 9e46 P, Mo , ~ ATTEST ~`S-~~!~ ~,2-,.wt,f..~.~~~k~ G~~~ ITY CLERK MAYOR