Minutes 1970-10-13 3 ~ CITY COUNCIL OCTOB~R 13, 1970 ARROYO GRAl~1DE, CALI~ORI~IA The Citgr Ccsun~il met ~n re~ular ~~~~ir~~ with Mayc~~ L~vine pre~idirngo Uporc roll call, C~un~il Members Sch~~gel, Th~m~p~~>n~ Wfl~d a~rd Ta11ey ~°ep~~°ted pr~~~~t, PLEDGE OF ALL~GIAN~~ A~17 II~IVOCATION Mayor Levine led the Pled~~ of A1Z~~~a~~~ t~ our F1aga arnd i~ned~atel~ thereafter Rever~nd Joh~ G~rma~~ae th~ Be~h~l Baptis~ Chux°~h of Arx°oy~ Gr~~de delivered th~ invocat~~~o MINUTE APPROVAL The miriut~s of the regula~ ~e~tir~~ r~~ Sept~znber 22, 19708 were app~oved as preparede APPROVAL OF WARRA~TS On moti~~a. o~ C~u~~~lma~s S~h.1~g~1, se~~~d~d b~ ~ou~~~lw~~an Th~~pso~ and unanimously carr~Ede G~r~~ra1 W~~~~.r~ts 1~c~o 2~2 th~~a~gh I~o, 3349 in the t~~al amount of $67a1~~o7~; a~d P~.yr~l,l W~rr~~t~ ~c~a ~09 ~hr~u~~ Nc~a 6~48 ~.r~ the total amo~xr~t of $2'7,5~3a9.~, we~~ sppr,~v~c3 a~d ~~dered p~idm LETTER OF THANKS F°ROM U1VIO~I CTVICA Y CULTURAI, M~~ICA~3A~COUIVCIZ PART. I~ PAIZADE Admir~i~trat~r Bu~ch advi~ed ~~~.t a~ett~x° ha~ i~ee~ r~~~iv~cl fr~gn the Civ~ca Y Cultural Mexiea~~a Coz~am~ttee, thanki~~ th~ C~~a~a~~l fmx° its p~rt~.~ipatio~ in the Mexican I~ciependen~e Day Parade he1c~ Septe~b~r l3, 1970. LETTER FROM CENTRAL GALIFo COMo CORP, ~ATV ~ERVe I~TITTAT~D F`1ZOM ADD, RELAY SITE Administ~°ator But~h reported ~hat ~ lett~r h~~ b~e~ receiv~d frotn Art Hapgood, Manager of the C~ntraY ~alit~r~ia C~~reur~i~at~~~~ Corporatio~., advis~ng that s~rvi,~~ from ~l~e ~ew addi.~ion~.l. mi~row~.v~ r~l~;y~ ~~te was inf tiat~d orx September 4, 1970~ an.d it i~ an,t~~~p~~~cl th~t ~.ft~x° a sh~x~t "t~a~r~m~~." p~rioda ~able television re~eptio~ i~ th~~ ar~a wi~l ~e ~reatly impr~ve~, LETTER F1tOM CALIF, FOR CL~A~I WATER R~s SiIPPORT STATE FROPOSITION 19 11~3m70 EL~~o Ad~ninistrator But~h x~ev~,~wed a letter re~~~ved from Be~jamia~ Fo Biaggini, Chairma~ of C~.l~~ornians tor C1ea~ W~.ter~ r~qu~~t~.r~g C~u~.c~l support ~f ~tate P~'op~~itfo~. l, th~ $2~0 milli~~ C1~ax~ Water B~x~d ineasur~ o~ the 1Vovember la~.llot, ~,rhich wi11 p~°ov~de fund~ to h~1p 1oca1 ~~~uxs~~i~~ atceet the ~c~sts of irnpx~ovi~n~ ~ass.t~ wa~er tr~atment ar~~ ~ewa~e fa~ilit~.e~o After Counci~ di~cu~s~~n, City Attorney Shipsey read the t~tie ~f ~ r~~~luti~~ ~av~rf~.g State P~°op~~i~i~n 18 thereafter a motion ~ra~ mad~ b~ Cour~~~~lma~ Schleg~l~ seconded by Co~r~~ilwc~man Th~mpsmn and u~an~anou~l~ ~a~ried, to ~~~p~re~~ w~th readin~ ti~e balan~e of th~s resoluti~ne 1t~SOL~JTIO~ 1VOa ~95 A R~~OLL~TION 0~' TH~ CITY COUI~~CIL OF' THE CITX OF ARROYO GRAr7DE SU~PORTIlVTG PRO~O~ITTO~T 19 ON THE ~OV~MBER 3~ 1970 ELECTI.OI~ BALLOTo On motaon of Cau~~~lw~ma~. T~omp~~~, ~~~~rad~c~ ~y Coun~zl~a~ W~nd a~d ~n the followin.g r~ll ~a11 vc~te, to ~rx~: AYESa C~~~~~il Me~b~rs S~h.l~~~l, Th~Yrcps~~~, W~od~ T~lley ~.~.d Ma~mr Levi~ee - NOES o I~Tc~n.~. ABS~NT: ~`iocn~o the f~x°~goir~g re~~lutica~ wa~ pa,s~~d a~d ad~pt~d thf~ ~.3th day of O~tca~ere ~970, TREASiJRER" S R~PORT FOR THE MO~TTH 0~` A~IGTFST, 1970 ' The T~easurere~ Rep~rt f~r the m~nth ~f Augu~t~ 19~08 wa~ received by the C~uncilyreview~d ar~d o~d~~ecl f~~.eclo D~PARTME~TTAL R~PORT FOR TH~ MO~VTH. OF S~~'TEM~ERA 19~0 Th~ Dep~.~°tme~xtal R~port fca~ t~h~e ax~~~~.h Seg~~mber~ 1970, raa~ rece~.ved by the Caun~il~ ~eview~d and order~d f~,1.ed. SUPPORT EoOoC, RE a FOR LIMITEl~ TIt~A,.~SPORTATIOIV S~I~VIG~ ~OR S~~IOR CITIZEI~~. Jame~ Thainp~~r~a Go~~~~.1 repre~entat~.~r~ to t~ae E~~n~ani~ Opp~x°t~nity Go~~ mi~~io~~ wa~ px°~~e~t ~nd ~ave a~n e~~°a1 r~p~rt o~ th~ ~~rnmiss~or~~ proposed prom gram ~o ~nitiat~ a feasib~lity stucly t~ d~tex~r~€i~e the ~eed to p~°avide trans- portation services fo~° ~~rcic~r ~~tize~~~ who h~v~ ~o ~mea~~ c~f t~ar~~pox°tatiora t~ obtain physical need~; ~nd ~ecac~an~~ad~d that t~n~ Cour~.~il supp~rt this ~tudya After Council discussion 9 Adzni~.i~trat~r Butc1~ was ixa~t~uct~~ to writ~ a 1~tt~~ to the Eeonomi~ Oppo~°~uni~~ Commis~io~ ~xpressi~^~$ tTi~~ C~un~il's support ~f thi~ f~asibil~.ty study, CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER.13, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORDTIA PAGE 2 APPROVAL WORK STUDY PROGRAM AGREEME~T ° CU~STA JR. COLLEGE & CITY m 1970~.71 Administrator Butch advised that th~. federally financed wor~C study,program, admin.istered by Cuest~ C~lleg~, has again been funded and reque~ted C~urn.cil authoriz~.tion for the City to agaixa.partic~pate in ~hi~ program, After Coun~il discussion, on motior~ of Coun~ilmax~ Wo~d, seconded by Council~an Ta11ey and unanimously carried, the Work St~ady Px°ogram A~x'eem~x~t for the Fisc~l Yeax° 1970m 71 between Cuesta C~lle~e ~.nd the City of Ax°royc~ Grande w~s approv~d and the M~yor and City Cl~~k w~re auth~rized t~ ~i~n t~e ~greexnent ~n beh~.l~ of the ~itye NOTIFICATION FROM LAF'Go HALCYON RD, 1~0. . 1 A.~~Xa AFPROVED-AI~BNEXo O~D. FIRST ItEAD, Administrator Butch x°eported that offi~fal notificatf~n has bee~ xeceiv~d from the Lo~al Ag~~cy Fo~natiox~ Co~is~io~, advising that the Gity ~f Arroyo Grande is authorized to complete Halcyon Road Ne~. 1 Arix~exati~n ~afthout further notice, hearing or election pur~uant to Se~tio~. 54797,1 of the G~vex°nanent Code. Afte~° Council dis~ussion, Cit~ Attorne~ Shipse~ read~ fo~° it~ first r~adi~g9 the title of am ordin~.n.c~ to coffiplete p~°oceeding of Hal~yon Road Noo l A~.nex~ ation, thereafter, a motion was made by C~ux~~ilman Schl~gel, sec~nded by Gou~.cil- woman Thompson and unanim~au~ly carried,to di~pen~e with re~din.g the la~,lan~~ of this ordinance. LEAGUE OF CALIFe CITIES REPOIZT ON STATE WIDE GEN. ELECTm ~ M[JIVICZPAL REV. 1~EEDS. Administratox° Butch re~i~wed a report re~eived froan the League of California Cities, regarding state wide General Ele~ti~r~ - Munieipal Revemv.e Needs; an.d suggested that C~ty representatives ~ontact axsd di~cu~s with ~~ndidates ru~ning for the State Assembly a~d Sercate ~~d for Congress9 the critica.l ~eve~.ue needs of ef tiesa REPORT ON ST, SWEEP. PROBLEMS - BUS. DIST, OI~~ST. PARKIIVG 0~ CARS BETWEEN 4~6 A.M. Administrator Butch r~viewed a report, dated September 2~, 1970~ from Director of Public Work~ Anderson, regardfng street sweepi~g probletns in the Business Df~trict of the City due to o~.~stx°eet parking of vehicle~ between the hours of 4:00 and 6a00 AoMea Police Chief Richardson will cox~t~~t the tenants living above the inusf~ store a~ad request that they parlc thei~° vehi~les in the . Car Corral, rather that~_on the street; an.d that the street ~weeper operator rai11 reschedule sweepin.g.in the a~ea of Arcle~ Fa~~ so that thi~ area can be swept. prior to the vehieles arriving at 4D00 AaMo to begin ~sork; ~red x°e~om~~nded the foregoing solution be appr~ved rather th~xx est~blishing restricted parking ~.t this timea The C~un~il discus~ed and a~reecl to thfs propmsed solution a~.d in~ structed Admixai~trator But~h to have a pr~gx°ess report on this m~.tter ~t th.e Coun.cil meeting of l~ove~ntaer lOth, 1970. RECEIPT 0~ MINUTES ~ROM THE A. G, PARKING COMMISSION MEETII~G~-9-3-70,1Om1-70, Copies of th~ minutes fr~an th~ Arr~y~ Grande Parking C~s~issi~rn meetings of September 3rd ~nd October 1st, 1970~ were x°e~~ived by the Coun~il, reviewed and ordered fflede PARKIDTG COMMo REGOMM, RE: PROPOS~D BUSI~T~SS & PARKII~G AR,EA IMPROVo DISTRIGTo Administrator But~h review~d the re~o~en.dati~~. from the Parking Gommission regarding the establishment o~ ~.n impx°ove~e~.t di~trict to.p~~vid~ !~ff ~tr~et parkin.g an the southerly side of Bx°an~h Str~~t, under the provision~ of the Business & Parking Area Act of 1965, that the cost-mf the propo~ed improvemexat be ascertained and with the forrnation of the di~tri~et, assess~n~nt ~harges be levied based on. a percentage fox°rnula of e~~h business'~ business licen~e fee, , for a mox°e equitable divisfon. of ~ostse The Council di~~ussed and agreed this matter raill be considered at the meeting ~f October 21st~.19700 DISC.°REQUEST OF A.V. JOHNSON RE: ACQUISITION -0F CITY OWIVED PARC~L -0l~ TALLY HO RA. The Council approved the request th~.t this ite4n be h~ld ~ver as th~ additonal infoz°mation, requested by the G~un~il was,r~~t completed at this tiffieo PUBLIC HEARING ° ABANDQNME~iT OF A PTiV OF Wo BRAI~CH ST. ~ AUTHOR, BY RESOL,ADOPT, Administrator But~h revie~red that with the reali~nment mf Br~~h St, and Grand Ave, that p~rtion of ~treet located o~, the xxc~rthe~°ly side of West Branch Street, between the present locatiora of West Brax~ch Street and Wesley Avenue,was now no.lQnger needed for street pur~po~es. Upc~n bein.g assured by ~ity Clerk Miller that all requireme~.ts $s providecl by law h~.ve been complied with~ Mayor Levine de~lared the he~ring.opext and all per~o~.s for or ag~in~t the intention to vacate a portfon of West Bran:ch Street would now lae he~~d. There being no . discussion for or ag~.in.st the intention to va~ate a p~rtion of West Branch Street, Mayor Levine declared the hearing;cl~sedo After Coun~il cli~cus~ion9 City Attorney Shipsey read the title of ~ resolution orderin.g the vacati~n of ~~ertain_portion of Braneh Street, thereafter, a m~tion was ~ra$cle by Councilm~n Schlegel, se~onded ~~3 , . CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER..13,,1970 ARROYO GRAI3DE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 Councilwc~rnan T'hompson and unanianously carried, to dispense with readi~ag the bal- ance of this resolution. RESOLUTION I~O, 896 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COiTNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ORDERING THE VACATIOI~ OF A CERTAIN PORTIO~T OF BRANCH STREET, AI~I ARROYO GRANDE CITY STREET, UNDER PROVISIOI~S OF SECTION 8322 OF THE GALIFORNIA STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE. On motion c~f Coun.cilman Wcsod, se~~~.ded by C~uncilrnan Ta~.ley, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Coun~il Members Sehlegela Th~t~ep~o~.9 Wo~d, Talley and Mayor Levine, NOES. None. ABSENT; None~ the foregoing;resolution was passed an.d aeiopted this 13th day of Oetober,.19~00 PUBLIC HEARING - FRO~TTAGE RD, ST. :~AME CHANiGE ° REFERRED BACK TO C.VaP,C, Administrator Butch reviewed ~hat the Plannixag Co~ission. had held a public hearing to change the name of Frontage Road, between Barr~ett Street and Halcyon Road, and h~ve reeoscmiended that the stre~t be re~ed E1 ~aaQi~.o Realo Upon bein.g assured by City Clerk M~.11er that a11 requirements ~s provided by,law h~ve been complied tafth, Mayor Levine deelared th~ hearixng;~pened, and a11 persons for - or against the proposed street name ~hange would nmw be hearde Ad~inistrator Butch read a letter ree~iv~d from Th~~e F, M~Kell~re 411 Front~ge Road, ob- ~eeting to changing the r~:ame of the streetm Jam~e~ Thompsona representing;the Arroyo Gra~.de Cemetery District~ 895 Fron.tage Road, sp~ke ~g~inst ehanging the name of the street. There being no further discus~ion for or again5t the pro- posed street name ch~nge, Mayor Levine deelared. the hearing;elo~ed. After Couneil discu~sion, on m~tion of Cou~.cilman Ta11ey, s~c~nded by Gou~ncilwoman Thompson and unarnimously carried, the pr~po~a1 to change Frontage Road street name to El Caaiino Real was referred back to the Coastal Va11ey Planning Courncil for review and recoumaen.dation of inore approp•riate street'~.ame, PUBLIC HEARING - PTI~', STATE'RTE. 227 ST. NAME APPROVED - PRINTZ,ROADe Administrator Butch reviewed that the Pla~.ning Commission had held a public hearing to consider n~ming a portion of State Route Noa 227, between , Printz Road and Corbett Canyon Road, Printz Road, as directionally this portion of street is a continu~.tion of the present street named Printz Road. Upon being assured by City Glerk Miller that all requirements as provided by:law have _ been complied with, Mayor Levine decl~red the he~rin.g now open and all persons for or agafnst the proposed street n~e would naw be heard, There being no ` correspondence received nor any one present speaking for or ag~.inst the prca- posed street name, Mayor Levine deel~.red the hearing:closed.' After Council diseussion., City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution changing the n.ame of that portion of road from the northerly city,limits southerly to Corbett Canyon Road, to Printz Road, thereafter, a motion was made by Council~an Schlegel, seconded by Counezlwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading,the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 897 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUDTCIL -0F THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CHANGING THE NAME OF THAT PORTION OF ROAD WHICH IS AN EXTENSION OF PRII~TTZ ROAD FROM THE NORTHERLY CITY LIMITS SOUTHERLY TO GORB~TT CANYON ROAD, TO PRINTZ ROAD. On motion of Councilma~ Wood, seconded lay Couxncilm~n Talley and on the following roll call vote, to wit; AYES: Council Members Schlegel, Thornpson, Wood, T~lley and Mayor ~,evineo NOES: None. ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was p~.ssed and adopted this 13th day of October, 1970. CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER.13, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 PUBLIC HEARING - PTN STATE RTE. 227 ST. NAME APPROVED - CORBETT CANYON ROADe Administrator Butch reviewed that the P1ann.ing Commission had held a public hearing to-consider naming a portio~n of St~.te Route Noe 227, between Corbett Canyon Road and Huasna Road, Corbett Ganyon Road, as directionally this portion of street-is a continuation_of tfie present street nagned Corbett Canyon Roado Upon.being assux°ed by City C1erk Miller that ~11 requirements as provided by law have been complied with, Mayor Levine declared th~ hearing now mpen and all persons for or against the proposed street name would now be heardo There being no correspondence received nor any one present speaking for or against the proposed s~reet name, Mayor Levine declared the hearing;closed, After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution ehang~ ing.the name of that portion of road from the easterly city limits raest and southerly to a five street intersection, to Corbett Ganyon Road; thereafter~ a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoma~ Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolutm ione RESOLUTION N0. 898 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COi.TNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CHANGING THE NAME OF THAT ROAD WHICH IS A CONTINUATION OF CORBETT CAI~TYON ROAD FROM THE EASTERLY CITY LIMITS WEST AND SOUTHERLY TO A FIVE STREET INTERSEGTION, TO CORBETT CANYON ROADa On motion of Coun~ilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Wood, and on the following roll call vote, to rait: AYES: Coun~il Me~nbers Scl~legel' Thomlpsoxl' Wood, Talley and Mayor Levineo NOES: Noneo ABSENT: Noneo the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 13th day of October, 1970. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING CASE NOo 70-39 - APPROX.55 AC.SLY. OF VALLEY RD.(KLIEWER) Administrator Butch reviewed that a resolution has been received from the Planning Commission recommending the rezoning from R-A-B-3 to R-3 approximately 55 acres of property adjacent to a present CsN zone, located on the southerly side of Valley Road, as requested by the application submitted by Mr. Victor Kliewer. Upon being assured by City Clerk Miller that all requirements as pro- vided by law have been complied with, Mayor Levine declared the hearing open and all persons for or against the proposed rezoning wauld now be hearde Matt Gallagher, 520 Leanna Drive, submitted a petftion against the proposed rezoning, and subsequent mobile home p~.rk development, sfgned by 73 residents of the City. Victor Kliewer, applicant and developer of the proposed mobile home park, and Charles Bagwell, real estate broker for the developer, spoke in favor of the rezoning and developmento Robert Payne, 408 Leanna Drive; Walt Gallagher, 520 Leanna Drive; Marvix~ Swaim, ~49 Pearl Drive; Delbert We11s, 502 Leanna Drive; Charles Cabassi, 383 Alder St.; Bob Goulart, 801 Opal Drive; John Davis, 731 Paul P1ace; Sandra Cabassi, 383 Alder St.; Walter Manzel, 112 Rosewood Lane; Paul Snyder, 1392 Paul Place; C~.rolyn Padgett, 820 Turquoise Driv~;Jo Vard Loomis, 980 Huasna Road; Tom Runels, 586 Valley Road; were present and spoke against allowing the rezoning and mobile home park developnenta Gordon Bennett, 415 Al1en St., was advised that this proposed rezoning and mobile home park development was unanimously approved by the Planning Commission.. There being no further discussion for or agafnst the rezoning, Mayor Levine declared the hearing closed. Administrator Butch reviewed a report prepared by the Planning Director of the Gity of Corona regarding revenue derived and ex- penditures incurred by the entity of jurisdiction for mobile home parks versus standard subdivisions. The Council df~cussed the need for additional hmusimg and the growing popu- Iarity of mobile horne parks and agreed additfon.al information ~nd study would be necessary prior to making a decision on this rezoning requeste A~tudy session was tentatively scheduled for 7:30 P<Ms, November:16,.1970. Admin.is- trator Butch was instructed to rec~nest that the Planning Commission meet with the Council on November 16, 1970, fox° a joimt study session on mobile home park developments. Mayor Levine advised that study sessions are open meetings and any and all citizens are welcome to attend but that items under study are not open to general audience participation, and that no final actiorc will be taken on the rezoning request prior to the regular Council meeting of November 24th,,1970. e~~~ CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER:13,,197D ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 ACC~PTANCE OF COVE1~ADdT FROM CLAWSON - LOT SPLIT CASE N0, 70~110 Administrator Butch repo~°ted that the covenant r~quired.in.conjun~tion with approval of Lot Split Cas~ Noe "70~110, Will.ard Go & Mary Lo C1aTason, is now ready for Courn,cil ae~~pt~.n.cee The C~un~il di~~u~sed the Lot Split Gommittee's sour~e of auth~rity to r~qufre sicl~w~.lks in residenti.~.l a~°eas of the City and agreed thi~ matter sho~ld be revieraedo l~ftex' Cou1`~~il di~~u~siox~.' on motion of Coun,cilwoman Th~mpsor~, ~e~~nd~d by ~~un~il~nan Schlegel and un~ni- mously carriede the ~ovenant for future con~tru~tio~ of ~idewalks signed by Willard Go Clawson and Mary Za Claw~,ona was accepted; and the Mayor ~nd ~ity Clerk.were authoriz~d to sig~. th~ Certificate af A~~ept~n.ce on behalf of the ~ity, RECEIPT OF MI1~T[JTES OF THE ~OA,~TAL VALLEY PLAlV~Te ~OCTNCIL MEETS. 8=3,a~d 9-23,1970, The minutes of the Coa~tal Va11ey Plann.ing Coun~il meeting af August.3, 1970 ~nd September 23' 1970a we~e re~~ived by the Cc~uracil ~nd ordered filed, SET PUBLIC HEARING - RAILROAD AVEIQU~ STREET I~11~ME GHAI~'GE - 11~10-70, Administrator Butch reported th~t the Planning Commission has h~ld a public hearing on the propo~ed re~.aming of Railroad Avenue~ be~~aeer~ Cherry Avenue and Allen St,, and the Comini~sion recomm~nds that the Caty Council proceed to offici~ a11y change the street naxne. After ~ounci.l discu~siora, on moti~n of Couneilman Schlegel, seconded by G~un~ilman Wood a~.d u~.~.rcimdusly c~rried, a public hearing was seheduled for 8:00 PeMo, November 10, 1970, for the purpose of cansidering renaming of Railroad Avenue, PARKS & REC COMM REQUEST SEMImAN1VUAL JOINT MEETING WITH GOUNCIL.11-18°70, Administrator Butch advised t~~t the Park~ and Recreation Commi~sion has requested that the Semi-Annual Joint Meeti~.g betraeeza the City Coun~il and the. Commission be held on Novea~ber 18, 1970, whi~h is ~ r.egular meeting d~.te for the Commis~ion. The Couneil di~cuss~d a po~~ible prior commitment on this date and agreed to schedule the joint mee~ing up~~ receipt of a confirming date of the San Luis Obispo County Development Association installation of officers dinner meeting, PROGRESS REPORT - FAIR OAKS AVEIQUE EXTENSION AND BRIDGE Administrator Butch reported that the final report on the constructi~rn of Fair Oaks Avenue extension and bridge was nmt completed at this time; and further advised that with the opening of th~ new ro~dway~unanticipated traffic problems have become apparent and as reco~ended by the Police and Public Warks Departments, requested Cour~cil suthorization to.:install additimnal traffic con- trols on Fair Oaks Avenue, between Woodland Driv~ and Traffic Way. After Council diseussion., City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution re- stricting parking on Fair Oaks Avenue a~d establishing boulevard stops at Va11ey Road;,thereafter, a motion was ~ade by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION 1~T0. 899 A RESOLUTION 0~° THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RESTRICTTNG PARKING 01V A PORTION OF FAIR OAKS AVENUE AND ESTABLISHII~TG BOULEVARD STOPS O1V FAIR OAKS AVENUE AT VALLEY ROAD. On motion of Councilman. Wood, seconded by Councilman Talley and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYESe Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levirie. NOES: None. ABSENT t No~.e m the foregoing resolution was p~ssed and. adopt~d thi~ 13th day of October, 1970. DISC, RE: NEED FOR ST. WIDENING WITHIN PRESENT Rm0-W ON'BRISCO HI~,L AREA. Councilman Wood requested ~h~t the Public Work~ Depart~tent review the need for street grading to widen, within th~ present right~-~f-w~y, streets.;l~cated _in the Brisco Hill area of the City, he h~s noted that there is ~.ot sufficient area to park out of the traveled way on many of these street~. CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER.13, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 LETTER FROM Ba T, MARQUIS 'RE: STREAM BED OBSTRUGTION AT FAIR OAKS AVE. BRIDGE Administrator But~h read ~ letter received from Bo T. Marquis, 411 Woodland Drive, expressfng his complaint regardir~g the a~aouxat of dirt left ancl the un.~ sightly eondition of the stream bed withi~. the constructi~n area caf the Fair O,aks Avenue bridge an.d requesting th~~ the pre~e~.t stre~ be retux°ned to.its channel prior to co~nzner~~ement of e~ns~kru~tic~nm A report from Direcfor° of Puhlic Works Anderson, d~ted October ~a 1970 a~d a report from Fred He Sehott, E~gimeex° for the bridge pr~je~t, dated Octobe~ 99 1970, wer~ ~eceived by~ the Coun~il, which outlined the reason for the conditi~n of the stre~m bed at Fair Oak~ Aveo bridge, and it was ~he general opinion of both that th~ stream bed will retu~n to a more sightly ~c~r~ditiorx a~.d the ~tx°ea~ ~aill r~vex°t t~ its natural ~hannel after the win.tex° rai~s. Mr, M~.rquis was pres~~t and ~°eiterat~d his feelin.g on the condition of the ~treaan bed and the possi~flity of the stre~m erodimg the stream bank on his property. Mr. Sch.ott was pre~ent ~~d suggest~d that the eontractor could be ~ontacted and requ~sted to x°eview this c~ndition ~nd pro~' vide a satisfactor~l~ soluti~nm The C~uncil dis~ussed and instructeel Mro Schott and Dir~ct~r of Publi~ Works Andex°son, to contact the Contractor so that a soluti~n satisfactory to Mr. Marquis9 the Gity and the Contr~.ctor snight be worked out. AWARD OF CONTRACT~INSTALL~ OF WATER LINES°SAI~T LUIS & FROl~TAGE RDS,PROJ.N0.60-70-2 Administrator Bute1~ repox°ted th~.t six bids were received an.d opened at 2s00 P.M. , October 7, 1970, fox° th~ fnsitallation ~f water icrai~.s in varfous areas adja~ cent to and in t~e City, Pr~o~ect No, 60-70-2, as follows: McKnight Constro C~rpo9 $ 76,563.17 1253 Coast Village Rdm, Sar~t~ Barbara, ~~a Blois & Cardazaa $ 58,078.80 P, Oo Bo~ 117, Goleta, Caa Paul Em M~(:ollum' Sz°. $ 54a860e50 829 8th Ave<, Yuana, Arizon~ W. Mo Lyles Co, $ 53,013.06 P. 0. Box 4327, Fresno, Cao Graven Engineering Constr. (Corrected Bid) $ 52,580.92 P.Oa Box G, Arroyo Grande, Ca. West Coast Construction. Co. $ 50,931002 P. 0. Box 1142, San Luis ~bispo9 Ca. After Council discu~sion, on motfon ~f Councilman Talleyy seconded by Councilman Wood, and una~fmously ~arried, the bid in the ~mount of $50,931002 for installati~n of Water Mains in ancl adjacent to the Gity of Arroyo Grande, approximately 4015 feet of 12" Diameter water ~aix~ on Edna Road and Front~ge Road and approximately 2425 feet of 6" water mafn on Chilton Street, Sierra Drive and Robles Road, Project I~o. 60~70-2, was accepted and th~ contract awarded to West Coa~t Construction Company, who subznitted the lawest an.d best bid; and the Mayor and City Clerk were authori~ed to sign the c~ntract dmcument on behalf of the City~. RECEIPT OF MINUTES & AGENDA °~OUI~TTY WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Copies of the minutes of th~ last Cou~.ty Wate~r Resources Advisory Com- mittee meeting have been received by the City ancl placed on fileo Council- woman Thompson advised that the next s~heduled meeting has been p~stponed until Oetober 14, 1970. RECEIPT OF' WATER SUPPLY PERMIT NOo 70-041 ~ STATE AUTHORIZATION TO USE LOPEZ WATER FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES, Administrator Butch advised that Water Supply Pe~reit No. 70-041 dated September 18, 1970, has been re~eived from the State of California Department of Public Health, which authorizes the City of Arroyo Grande to supply Lopez water for domestic purposes to serve Arroy~ Grandee The permit was issued sub- ject to two conclitions regarding nitrate con~en~ration amd blended water supply, with monthly sampling tested and reporteci to the State Department of Public Health, which is in relation to usfng the City's present wells in co~junction with the Lopez Water suppl~r; and that the~e requirements are being eheeked further by Administrat~~ Butch and Di~ector of Public Works Anderson, PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRANDE SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Administrator Buteh requested and the C~un~il agr~ed9 due to the lateness of the hour, that the E~agineers report be held over until the meeting of October 21, 1970. 3~.~` CITY COUNCIL OC'TOBER 13Q:1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Copies of the Chief Plant Operator's Report for the month of September, 1970, were received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed. DISC. - CITY REPRESENTATIVE QN OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Councilwoman Thompson reported th~.t Mre Dick Willett, representativ~ on the Open Space Advisory Co~ittee, had contacted her and advised that he felt the cities within San Luis Obispo County shoul~ be represented on this advisary coc~un.ittee as recommendations of this committee will ultimately effect ea~h citq and suggested that_if the Council agrees, a letter to this effect should be forwarded to the County Board of Supervisors, After ~oun~il discussiox~, Administrator Butch was instructed to write to the San Luis Obi~po Cvunty Board of Supervisors, requesting that this City and each City raithin the County have representatfon on the Open Space Advisory Committeea DISC. - EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER 911 Councilman Schlegel reported that Pacific Telephone ~o~pany has made available an emergency telephone number of 911, which has been set aside by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company for all United States Cities that want to use same, for instant police, fire or ambulance service for residents within its jurisdictione The Council discussed and directed Admin- istrator Butch to investigate the possibility mf using:this emergency number in the City of Arroyo Grande, or pex°haps the five cities area. REQUEST OF COUNCILMAN WOOD FOR PERMISSION TO BE OUT OF STATE On motion_of Couneilma.n Talley, seconded by Councilman Wood and unani~ mously carried,the request of Councilman Woocl for permissio~ to be..out af the State of California from October 15, 1970 througtx October 25, 1970 was approved. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourn.ed at 11:25 P.M. until 7:30 P.M. October 21, 1970. . ~ ATTEST: .~--~>-r~~~-~~_~ " --''E°:, >c.--°-°-~,.._ CITY RK MAYOR