Minutes 1970-11-17 ~ ~ ~ , CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER _16, , 197E? ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. The City Couneil met in regular adjourned session with the Arroyo Grand~ Planning Com~aission. Upon roll ca1l,Council-Members Schlegel, Thompson, Woo~, Ta11ey and Mayor Levine reported present. STUDY SESSION - MOBILE HOME PARKS The City Council and Planni~g Com~.is~ion reviewed and discu~sed various reports compiled by the Planning Department and City Administrator, relating to Mobile Home Parks proposed or located throughout Califarnia. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Schlegel,lseconded by Gouncilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, the meeting ~djourned at 10,30 P.M. until 7:30 P.M., November 17, 1970. , , ~ ~ ` i ATTES'T`; . ~ r" f ' ,,.~.-2~~~~~~ w ~ ` EPUTY CITY CLERK ~7 MAYOR CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER.17, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7;30 P.M. The City Council met in regular adjourned session with the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission. Upon.roLl call, Council Members Schlegel, Wood, , Talley and Mayor Levine reported present. Councilwoman Thompson is absen:t. I STUDY SESSION.- MOBILE HOME PARKS The City CounGil and PlanniMg Co~mnission held further discussidrn regarc~ing Mobile Home'~arks and reviewed a report subtnitted by residents of the Valley Garden Homes area of the City, who are in apposition to the proposed develo~M ment of a Mobiie Home Park southerly of Va11ey Road. Guidelines and restrictions regarding Mobile Hdme Parks were discussed with no act3.on taken at this time. ` , Mayar Levine ad~ised residents in the audience that the Coun~il wi11 take action on the rezoning application and proposed development of a Mobile Home Park at the regular meeting of the Council on November 24,.1970. ADJOURNMENT _On motion- of 'Coun~i.].man. .Ta11ey,: seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unani~ously ~rried, the meeting adjourned at.9:3U P.M. - ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ATTESTf `~-~?~'~~`~'c.~ , e,~~~..c;~;~~-e-C---, ~ --~-.,---t~ i t~--~--.... DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR _ gr _ ,